Tuesday, 2013-10-01

vipulI don't know if / how we express that in the temaplate00:00
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hub_capgood call... wheres SpamapS when u need him00:01
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hub_capvipul: no noticable difference between the old and new configs00:13
hub_capim going to merge this later today when the robots +1 it, so +2 it if you like me00:13
vipuljust one comment, can you change the .sample to reflect the defaults?00:14
vipulso at least they are used in tests, etc00:14
hub_capim fine w/ smaller sample confs00:14
hub_capcuz a test env may be different ( and for failures u might want lower timeouts)00:14
hub_captheres possiubly a "test this timeout" reason for why its that way in the sample confs00:15
* hub_cap isint sure00:15
vipulfair enough..00:15
vipuli'm good with it otherwise00:15
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hub_capvipul: robots say its a-ok https://review.openstack.org/#/c/4908901:06
vipulok merging it01:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/trove: Volume timeout is set too low  https://review.openstack.org/4908901:21
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SlickNikhub_cap / vipul: Just got on after travelling. Thanks for taking care of the volume timeout issues.02:47
hub_cap:) welcome back SlickNik02:48
SlickNikmy turn to travel today. :P02:48
vipulSlickNik: you survived - how was The Game02:48
SlickNikWas pretty awesome.02:48
vipulwhere'd you place?02:48
SlickNikYah we survived and caused a revolution in the state of Pangram.02:48
SlickNikNot sure yet, they have to tally up the scores.02:49
SlickNikShould be out by next week.02:49
SlickNikAfter everyone catches up on sleep :P02:49
SlickNikAnd starts crunching the numbers.02:50
vipulhub_cap: have you used 'initialize_service_hook' in rpc.service?02:51
vipulhub_cap, SlickNik: what's the proper way to do a looping call that's non-blocking (on a separate thread)02:52
vipulI guess I could just use Looping Call02:54
hub_capreasoning vipul?02:55
hub_capsry that 2 word sentence makes no sense02:56
hub_capcan u give me a scenario02:56
SlickNikyah, oslo common has a LoopingCall function that you can use.02:56
vipulOn start of GuestAgent, i want to do something custom, something that loops and does an operation every 60 seconds..02:56
vipulthis is primarily to complete the Heartbeats in Kombu that was removed out of Oslo02:57
vipulbasically need to send a heartbeat to the amqp connection02:57
SlickNikIt's using greenthreads, so other stuff should run fine while it's not active.02:57
vipulYea, it's just not spawning a thread, so i assume it's running in the main thread?02:58
hub_capvipul: thre is a periodic task decorator you can use02:58
hub_cap@periodic_task or something like that02:58
hub_cap           @periodic_task(spacing=N [, run_immediately=[True|False]])02:59
hub_cap           this will be run on approximately every N seconds. If this number is02:59
SlickNik@periodic_task is correct02:59
hub_capso just create a method, and put @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=60)02:59
vipulI could use that possibly but that would mean creating an inner class that extends periodictask02:59
vipulI want it to be invoked via that02:59
hub_capso this is not in the guest?03:00
vipulThat is.. one sec03:00
hub_capinitialize_service_hook is a mgr call... im not sure if you are trying to do something _in_ the guest or on the mgr03:01
vipulI need to do it in the manager03:01
vipulsince that's where i have a handle to amqp connection03:02
hub_capok so you need to send an amqp event every X seconds?03:02
hub_caphave u looked into what the notification logic does already?03:03
vipulA bit.. i don't want to publish to a queue though03:03
hub_capwait this is 1x per installation? not per instance, ya?03:03
vipulone per instance03:03
hub_capbut u need amqp handle?03:03
SlickNikvipul just to clarify, you mean mysql_mgr on the guest not the taskmgr, right?03:04
hub_capso you dont send a msg, but need to be in the mgr, so periodic_task is out, ya?03:06
vipulI could do something where in the defintion of that initialize_service_hook method, instantiate a new class that extends a periodic task03:08
hub_capthe periodic task stuff needs to be "hooked up"03:08
vipulOh it doens't automatically invoke the tasks on instantiation?03:08
hub_capdo this03:09
vipulI could do that in the init_service_hook method too03:09
hub_capyou can create > 1 services i think in the launcher03:09
vipulI can't03:10
vipulbeacuse a service implies a set of queues03:10
vipuland a set of connections03:10
hub_caponly cuz we make it so03:10
hub_capoverride __init__03:10
hub_capthen just do this03:10
vipulwhat does create() do that's different03:13
hub_capso if you adhere to the service launcher vipul03:14
hub_capit calls like 2 methods03:14
hub_capand just have a start() method that does what u want03:15
hub_capwhich is the same as rpc start method03:15
hub_capu can add it to the binscript03:15
hub_capas another Launcher like i showed u the cinder one03:15
hub_capand it will do parent/child pid stuff for you03:15
hub_capand handle signals and clean itself up etc...03:15
hub_capand be in its own gt03:16
hub_capif u want to go that far03:16
vipulOk i see... that's an option03:16
vipulugh i wish they fixed heartbeats in Oslo03:17
vipulinstead of just removing the partial patch03:17
hub_capim sure there are 10 other ways to do it lol03:17
hub_capbut thats a way that only involves mod'ing the binscript03:17
hub_capand the rest of the code lives outside of the guest itself03:18
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hub_capgmail is analyzing my email and looking for flight data04:19
hub_capi know when my nieces flight is coming in by googling the airport04:19
hub_capjcooley: if you have any flights in your gmail04:32
hub_capgoogle "my flights"04:32
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jcooleyhub_cap: no flight data in gmail.  been using outlook :(04:41
* hub_cap hisses04:41
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openstackgerritPradeep Kumar Chandani proposed a change to openstack/trove: Service Registration using conf file  https://review.openstack.org/4105506:34
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PradeepChandanichange password for User API is now working07:34
PradeepChandaniI am using command : ~/trove-integration/scripts/redstack rd-client user change_password --id <ID> --name <UserName> --password <NewUserPassword> --databases <DatabaseName>07:35
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openstackgerritIllia Khudoshyn proposed a change to openstack/trove: Extract generic part of GA code from MySQL specific modules  https://review.openstack.org/4843509:41
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openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Support service types  https://review.openstack.org/4793609:59
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dmakogonPradeepChandani: around ?11:11
dmakogonPradeepChandani: ho11:14
dmakogoni'm wondering about your review11:15
dmakogonPradeepChandani: could you explain me what exactly you've done in https://review.openstack.org/41055 ?11:16
dmakogonPradeepChandani: please, it would be great11:17
PradeepChandanifor any service type first of all it will search in code using dict11:17
PradeepChandaniif not found it there it would try to find it from config file11:17
PradeepChandaniotherwise raise exception saying that No manager found11:17
dmakogonPradeepChandani: where dict is specified ?11:18
dmakogonPradeepChandani: guestagent conf ?11:18
PradeepChandaniand dict is in trove.guestagent.dbaas11:20
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dmakogonPradeepChandani: why in review there is no changes in  trove.guestagent.dbaas and guestagent.conf ?11:21
dmakogonPradeepChandani: it would be great if you write example and comment it with #11:21
PradeepChandanino changes in trove.guestagent.dbaas because dict is already there for service types11:22
dmakogonok with dbaas11:22
PradeepChandaniand any one want to add new service type he just need to add in guestagent.conf11:22
dmakogonbut config - still should be updates, am i wrong ?11:23
PradeepChandanino update required11:23
PradeepChandaniif any body want to add new service type which is not in dict he can add it in config file11:23
dmakogonformat ?11:24
dmakogoncould you update your review with current format11:25
dmakogonformat which specifies new service entry in config11:25
PradeepChandaniformat will be <service_type>+_guestagent_impl11:27
dmakogoncould you type full format, with keyword11:28
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PradeepChandaniyou mean I need to add amend comment section for specify format of entry in config file11:29
PradeepChandaniok will do that11:30
dmakogoni'll +1 it after that, if it means something 2 u :)11:31
PradeepChandaniI will update11:31
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PradeepChandaniHi Damkogon11:37
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PradeepChandaniif I specigy path like this : <service_type>_guestagent_impl = <path of Manager>11:37
PradeepChandaniis it fine ?11:37
openstackgerritPradeep Kumar Chandani proposed a change to openstack/trove: Service Registration using conf file  https://review.openstack.org/4105511:43
dmakogonPradeepChandani: i'll take a look11:47
dmakogonPradeepChandani: what about adding this hint to config ?11:48
isviridovPradeepChandani, what is deploying flow for such extention?11:52
PradeepChandanihi Isviridov..are you talking for 41055 change set11:53
isviridovYeap, is it expected that guest agent implementation can be out of trove package?11:55
PradeepChandaniit can be11:57
isviridovWe are working on plugubility and extensibility in code. But what about  deployment, looks like in one environment we can have several implementation installed into the system separately11:59
PradeepChandanithe change is made if Manager not found in dbaas dict then it will look for trove.guestagent config file if not there it will raise exception12:03
PradeepChandaniif any one want to add new service type he need to add Manager entry in config file12:04
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PradeepChandanican anyone look into https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/123315213:12
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dmakogonPradeepChandani: ok13:15
dmakogonPradeepChandani: is it failing only in redstack ?13:20
PradeepChandaniI have checked it in redstack only13:22
PradeepChandaniwhere else can we check this ?13:22
dmakogonfully-deployed OS13:25
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hub_capim not sure it would matter PradeepChandani dmakogon between redstack and fully deployed OS15:02
hub_capits just talking to the trove-api, and failing :)15:02
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SnowDusthub_cap : whats the word about PradeepChandani  i missed the conversation15:22
hub_capi think hes still having issues SnowDust15:23
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dmakogonhub_cap: is this bug confirmed ?15:24
hub_capbut good news. there are some people at HP looking at heat integration so i think it will make the heat implementation better, and faster15:24
hub_capdmakogon: what bug? do u have a link?15:24
dmakogonhub_cap:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/123315215:24
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hub_capi have nto confirmed it15:24
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dmakogonhub_cap: i've got news about DNS, floating IPs15:26
dmakogonhub_cap: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/designate-resource15:26
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hub_capwhat does the heat resource have to do w/ our dns impl?15:27
dmakogonheat gonna implement Designate support, and we gonna re-use it15:27
SnowDusthub_cap: a heated LOL15:27
dmakogonSnowDust: lol15:27
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dmakogonhub_cap: what are our plans for deep heat integration ?15:28
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hub_capwe will eventually use heat15:31
datsun180baww here i was hoping we'd have another rename vote and run the risk of becoming Pony15:32
hub_capLOL datsun180b15:32
dmakogonhub_cap: what about re-implementing everything with heat ?15:33
hub_cap dmakogon: that is the plan15:33
dmakogonhub_cap: and getting rid of nova-brutal-stuff15:33
SnowDustdmakogon: why re-implement if everything works .. just template hardwired15:33
hub_capbut there are issues w/ the integration right now15:33
dmakogonhub_cap: what kind ?15:33
hub_capso if u want to abandon your change to dns, we can wait until we use heat to do floating ips15:34
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hub_capconfirm resize is one15:34
hub_capheat trusts integration is another15:34
hub_capto me, if u need floating IP support / dns support, we should add it to trove15:34
hub_capit will be easier to move the implementation after we fully integrate heat15:35
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dmakogonhub_cap: cat i propose another service registry mechanism instead of https://review.openstack.org/41055 ?15:35
dmakogonhub_cap: agreed15:36
SnowDustLOL !15:36
hub_capdmakogon: sure. it has to allow for external services (ones not defined in the upstream code)15:37
dmakogonhub_cap: ok, thanks15:38
dmakogongit status15:38
dmakogonlol, missed console))15:38
hub_capnothing to commit, working directory clean15:38
SnowDustbut hub_cap / dmakogon i surely suggest the re implementation of trove/common/template.HeatTemplate15:38
hub_capyes plz SnowDust15:38
hub_capit can be done better15:39
dmakogonSnowDust: i thinks yes, it should be super-mega flexible)))15:39
hub_capheat is a work in progress, so dont think it cant be changed15:39
hub_capit should be changed, and made better15:39
SnowDustso that it can handle multiple runtime templates .. yeah .. thats what i meant dmakogon15:39
hub_capok must run to the grocery store, cu guys in a while15:39
dmakogonSnowDust: do not forget about HHDSL15:39
dmakogonhub_cap: cu15:40
SnowDustlet me learn that first ..15:40
SnowDustdmakogon: so whats it15:40
dmakogonSnowDust: yes, it's future feature)15:40
SnowDustbt what ?15:41
hub_capi think he means http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/hot_guide.html15:41
SnowDustHeat orchestration template ?15:41
hub_capok cu guys15:41
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redthruxhub_cap: i just saw yur ping15:44
openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: GA refactoring  https://review.openstack.org/4917615:44
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: GA refactoring  https://review.openstack.org/4917615:46
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dmakogonguys, please, take a look and +/- 1/215:49
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dmakogonkevinconway: around ?16:10
kevinconwaydmakogon: yeah, what's up?16:11
dmakogonkevinconway: i have answered to your question16:11
dmakogonkevinconway: supposing answer is clear)16:12
kevinconwayare you sure that those tests aren't the same?16:12
kevinconwaywhat I mean is, the second one looks like it does all that the first does16:12
kevinconwayplus some extra16:12
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/4920516:15
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/trove: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/4920716:15
kevinconwaydmakogon: I didn't -1 because I don't think it's wrong. I was curious if the first test ever even ran because it gets overwritten by the second.16:16
kevinconwaymay be possible just to remove the first test16:16
dmakogonkevinconway: oh, i'm not telling that you -1 it, just notifying that i answered you16:17
dmakogonkevinconway: about tests run process - all tests are executing no matter if there another test with same name16:18
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kevinconwaydmakogon: are you sure? How can the test runner collect something that is overwritten?16:25
dmakogonkevinconway: let's say - it's magic ;)16:25
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datsun180bI figure they're two different tests that unfortunately had the same name, so the first one never got a fair shot when the second one came around16:26
kevinconwaydmakogon: I'm not sure about that. I don't think it runs. Anyway, this conversation is too long for 6 lines of code and it isn't worth a -1.16:31
dmakogonkevinconway: lol, yes16:32
dmakogondatsun180b: but tox in jenkins logs telling that all tests are completed16:33
datsun180bi'm already on your side, we had both tests written, might as well give them different names16:33
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dmakogonkevinconway: +1 my review)))16:39
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openstackgerritEd Cranford proposed a change to openstack/trove: Trove-conductor.  https://review.openstack.org/4511616:41
dmakogoncan anyone retrigger this build ?16:42
datsun180bI've got to fix my devstack changes before that thing flies right though16:42
hub_capwhat build dmakogon?16:43
dmakogonhub_cap: https://rdjenkins.dyndns.org/job/Trove-Gate/112016:43
dmakogonhub_cap: i don't  understand how it is failed ...16:45
hub_caprestore failed dmakogon... thats all i know16:46
datsun180bfyi the conductor deal is probably going to fail since conductor doesn't have its configs yet, devstack pull request pending16:47
hub_capmakes sense... can u put the link on your conductor review once the devstack pull is up16:50
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datsun180bonce i submit it anyway. making sure the instance goes active in my env here16:53
hub_capfor sure16:55
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harlowjaso whats the rename going to be hub_cap  :-P17:03
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hub_capthatll teach em'17:08
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harlowjaya, always namespace :-P17:08
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datsun180bso then will we be openstack-openstack-trove when we get packaged17:13
harlowjamore openstack!17:13
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yogeshmehradmakogon: this is on the change - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/41055/17:26
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datsun180bblargh, i'm missing more than i thought from that config17:35
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hub_capdmakogon: how come you -1'd that without giving a reason? (see msg from yogeshmehra above)17:39
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yogeshmehrahub_cap: i'll catch up with dmakogon...he missed writing the other approach he was talkin bout...17:44
hub_capyes i think so yogeshmehra :)17:45
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hub_capholy moly my hat is the github unicorn17:54
hub_capgrr is github down?!17:55
hub_cap17:43 UTCWe are continuing to investigate errors loading GitHub.com and reports of git failures.17:55
datsun180bwell that would explain "cloning into /opt/stack/cinder" taking forever17:56
kevinconwaydatsun180b: yeah, i've noticed that if your github endpoint goes down during a clone the process hangs forever17:57
kevinconwayit won't always fail. just run forever.17:57
datsun180blousy halting problem17:57
kevinconwayalso, github coming back up does not change the status. it still keeps going. stuck. in a state of limbo. forever17:58
hub_capdatsun180b: u can change those to the openstack git18:00
datsun180bthey should already be updated18:00
hub_capare they in devstack too?18:00
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datsun180bwell maybe not18:01
datsun180bbut things seem to be chugging along fine right now18:01
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kevinconwayhub_cap: has anyone done any testing to see if openstack git is more stable than github?18:03
kevinconwaybecause i've seen GH errors all the time18:03
hub_capwell its more stable in that its smaller and doesnt do all the extra shit GH does18:04
hub_caplike pretty graphs w/ your code18:04
hub_capits git w/ a ugly web interface18:04
hub_capbut the infra team really pimps it, so id assume its got decent uptime18:04
hub_capi just cloned from it to contiue working18:04
datsun180b"no module named paste". really now18:06
redthruxinstall paste-deploy first18:07
redthrux(that's what i've had to do) but i thought that was resolved18:07
datsun180bwell i'm thinking my vm just fell over during the kickstart18:09
datsun180blucky they're disposable18:09
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datsun180bdid you hear that craig managed to get trove to work with vagrant+vbox18:17
hub_capdatsun180b: i saw18:22
datsun180bhey i'm just making conversation18:24
datsun180bthough depending on how useful craig's changes just made this repo to the project maybe it's a good idea to discuss ownership of this repo18:24
datsun180bi mean i'm all for having my name on it18:25
datsun180band by 'useful' i mean as measured by uptake18:25
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cp16nethub_cap: you know whats weird is i have not recieved that email i sent out to the list yet..18:33
cp16netthats weird18:33
datsun180bI think you're spared as it knows you sent it18:34
kevinconwaycp16net: I haven't seen your email either18:34
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hub_capyo wont18:36
hub_cap*you wont18:36
hub_capyou dont get the emails you send or reply to cp16net18:36
hub_capi got it tho18:36
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cp16netthat makes sense then18:36
cp16neti thought i usually did18:36
* cp16net shruggs18:36
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hub_capraise Exception("Call to " + url + " did not return a body.")18:49
hub_cap^ ^ what, do yall think, is a better exception to throw here?18:49
SnowDusturl was bathing .. body busy ... so just clothes came ... as response ..18:50
SnowDusthttp verb humor !18:51
datsun180bi know we've got responses that are empty, so would it be appropriate to label this as ResponseEmpty or something to mention that a non-empty response was expected?18:51
datsun180bi'm thinking every 202 Accepted we give back for example, or is that not even part of what you're talking about18:52
hub_capwould AttributeError be good for this datsun180b?18:52
vipulExpectationFailed -- may be confused with the Expect header not being met thouhg18:52
hub_capSnowDust: lol18:52
datsun180bif you're looking for response.body then yes18:53
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kevinconwayjust from a string nitpicking standpoint: "Call to %r did not return a body" % (url,) might be better18:53
datsun180bbut if it's present but None I don't think it's appropriate18:53
kevinconwayor %s18:53
hub_capright its checking for None18:54
datsun180bWe do that enough it's probably worth making it its own exception18:54
hub_capyes we do it a ton18:54
datsun180bAttributeError is for when object.attr doesn't exist, so I don't think it's appropriate here18:55
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hub_capmakes sense.. no attr here18:56
hub_capill create a BodyNotFound(NotFound), whaddya think?18:57
hub_capactually datsun180b fwiw, im trying to use these18:57
hub_capValidationError, id think?18:59
datsun180bmaybe. ExpectationError would suggest that an accepted: was violated, but I bet technically the empty string is a valid json document, and maybe a valid xml doc too19:00
datsun180byeah ValidationError seems closest19:01
SnowDustExpectationError is appropriate .. .. when the url is bathing ;) LOL !!19:03
SnowDustotherwise .. standard errors are the best ..19:04
datsun180bhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/49237/ look what i did19:04
hub_caplol SnowDust19:04
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openstackgerritEd Cranford proposed a change to openstack/trove: Trove-conductor.  https://review.openstack.org/4511619:22
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datsun180boh man, that makes sense. on a whim i base64 decoded one of those behemoth auth tokens19:28
datsun180bhadn't realized there was that much info in it19:28
hub_capya dude!19:30
hub_capits got a ton of stuff cached in it19:30
hub_capits not just a ugly token ;)19:30
datsun180boh it's still an ugly token but it's also got the service catalog base64 encoded in there19:31
ashestakovhi guys19:35
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ashestakovdoing resize_instance, i see "Calling start_db_with_conf_changes with timeout 150", but on GA side i see noting happens19:35
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datsun180bashestakov: did mysql start properly? did the guest agent log anything to /tmp/logfile? did apt-get update complete?19:42
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ashestakovdatsun180b: mysql started/stopped properly before restart for resize, after instance started, GA do receiving nothing from mq19:43
datsun180bstrange. anything mentioning a timeout in taskmanager after the restart?19:44
datsun180bwow, devstack has a lot of open reviews on gerrit19:45
datsun180bi added it to my watchlist and suddenly i have four pages of reviews19:46
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hub_capHAH oops19:49
hub_capyou will get notified of your review19:49
ashestakovdatsun180b: Timeout while waiting on RPC response - topic: "guestagent.60ae5b30-3da3-4145-b975-b1533efc637a", RPC method: "start_db_with_conf_changes" info: "<unknown>"19:50
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datsun180bso the message got onto the queue, but the GA just didn't pick it up when it was restarted. i wonder what happened19:51
datsun180bmaybe the resized instance took too long to wake up and start the guest agent up, and taskmanager got tired of waiting?19:52
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ashestakovdatsun180b: not sure, but i see on GA start - DEBUG trove.openstack.common.rpc.service [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service guestagent start19:58
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datsun180bbeats me. either restart wore out taskmanager's timeout or the guestagent simply didn't pick that message off the queue20:02
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datsun180byeah i have no idea how to rattle that devstack review. beastly, machinery is in place and i have no idea how to appease it20:06
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ashestakovdatsun180b: checked again, its not timeout problem20:08
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datsun180bi'm out of ideas then20:09
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datsun180bso hub_cap are you running for PTL unopposed? do we still get an election?20:19
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datsun180bi'm imagining the scene from The Dictator where a tank "convinces" people to move to the "Vote for Aladeen" line20:20
hub_capdatsun180b: nope20:20
datsun180bbut that would've been fun20:21
hub_cap<3 sbc20:21
hub_capi dont know how to spell his name20:21
hub_capso sbc20:21
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dmakogon_what's up ?20:29
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dmakogon_hub_cap: around ?20:33
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dmakogon_hub_cap: have you retrigged my review ? =(20:35
hub_caplink plz i forgot earlier20:35
hub_capalso, you -1'd a review, yogeshmehra knows the review #20:36
hub_capbut you left no comment as to why20:36
hub_capor what you disliked about it20:36
hub_capi know u said u were going to propose a different way of doing registry20:36
dmakogon_or, take a look at it, because there is random error occures20:36
hub_capbut you didnt say so20:36
dmakogon_hub_cap: i'm doing it20:36
hub_capsure but at least say someting on the review20:36
dmakogon_hub_cap: this review is another one20:36
hub_cap-1 w/o a reason doesnt make sense to other people, or the person whos code it is20:37
dmakogon_hub_cap: i could describe it20:37
hub_capu can just say20:37
hub_capid like to propose a different way of doing this20:37
hub_capinstead of20:37
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hub_capand nothign else20:37
dmakogon_hub_cap: ii know20:38
dmakogon_hub_cap: wont do that again20:38
yogeshmehradmakogon: can we discuss the otehr approach here...20:38
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hub_capno need to describe it though, if you are doing a gist or a blueprint or somethign else20:38
hub_capyes dmakogon_ yogeshmehra discuss20:39
dmakogon_hub_cap: i just want to freeze it until i propose my own vision20:39
hub_capyes understandable dmakogon_20:39
dmakogon_hub_cap: i'll make a gist quickly now20:39
hub_capdmakogon_ the only requirement is that you can specify an implementation thats not in the codebase (like if you had a proprietary impl of a database)20:40
dmakogon_hub_cap: that is what i'm doing)20:41
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datsun180baugh, i bet those conductor failures won't be gone until the devstack changes happen20:45
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datsun180bthough i have no idea what's up with metaclass __init__ failing20:46
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dmakogon_hub_cap: datsun180b: https://gist.github.com/crazymac/678487120:51
dmakogon_hub_cap: something like that20:51
datsun180boh that makes sense, i that was in my conf.sample but not in the updated devstack poop20:51
hub_capdmakogon_ we had done that a while ago20:52
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datsun180bi think conductor's conf is missing its manager line20:52
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datsun180bi'm so "glad" we moved all that installation business to devstack20:53
dmakogon_hub_cap: so, why is that doesnt merged or at least there is a review20:53
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dmakogon_hub_cap: my main point is that i'm updating service registry instead of looking directly into config file for specific option which is not even dict option but string.20:56
hub_capim not sure that matters really cuz there will only be 1 "special" manager for the impl20:57
dmakogon_hub_cap: if you take a deep look in review which proposed by Pradeep, you will see that he's doing service lookup by string option20:58
hub_capif you were spinning up 3 different special managers in the guest code on a instance, i can see the point20:58
hub_capyou would need a dict20:58
dmakogon_hub_cap: i think GA config should be common without customazing for each of deployments20:59
yogeshmehraor if there are multiple "special" managers you are working on20:59
hub_capok fair enough20:59
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dmakogon_so, hub_cap, yogeshmehra is my propose acceptable ?21:01
hub_capyogeshmehra good with that? go w/ the original approach, but with the difference i asked for originally to not specify "all" of the options in the config (exactly like what dmakogon_ says)21:01
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yogeshmehraplz gimme a minute21:01
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vipulso we're doing exactly what's there + changing the additional opts to dict_opts?21:02
yogeshmehrawhy do we want a dictionary in the config...21:02
dmakogon_vipul: right21:02
dmakogon_yogeshmehra: if we are ok with common guestagent config then yes21:03
hub_capvipul: we are doing what we decided a long wile ago (dict in config)21:03
hub_capbut what i was originally unhappy with was the fact that we specified EVERY mgr in the config21:04
vipulOk i'm fine with that... so now the dict in the config becomes service_registrty_ext21:04
vipulmaybe we should neame the cfg variable that..21:04
hub_capPatch set 7 i commented "My only question is should we remove the service registry in code, or just optionally add it from the config if you want to add non standard modules?"21:04
hub_capim ok with this option21:04
yogeshmehraagain, are we trying to handle the case where there are moe than one "special" managers?21:04
dmakogon_hub_cap: we should keep service registry only for defaults21:05
hub_capyogeshmehra: yes21:05
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hub_capdmakogon_: yes ive said this since the beginning21:06
dmakogon_hub_cap: for other reasons we could use config dict directly21:06
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dmakogon_hub_cap: sorry, missed21:06
hub_capdmakogon_: if you look @ earlier patches it _is_ using DictOpt21:06
yogeshmehralet us go with it...i am ok21:06
vipulWhat woudl be cool is if we merged the two dicts21:06
dmakogon_hub_cap: yes i already looked at all patches21:06
yogeshmehranice extension21:07
dmakogon_vipul: nice joke, dear friend))21:07
vipulso on load of SERVICE_REGISTRY.. it could combine itself with values for 'service_registry_ext' (No joke :))21:07
kevinconwayvipul: itertools.chain21:07
kevinconwayand if we get to py3 you can use ChainDict21:07
vipulthere we go21:08
hub_capkevinconway: why not just a.update(b)21:08
dmakogon_hub_cap: because we are tough guys with super-knoladge of Py321:09
datsun180bchain > update21:09
hub_capcan u tell me why? srsly, im not a python guy so i need schooling21:09
datsun180bit acknowledges a hierarchy21:10
datsun180bmaybe the end result is the same for a lookup but it just feels less clobbery21:10
vipulpreserves order?21:10
datsun180bit's not just for dictionaries either21:11
kevinconwayso for the ChainMap you could ChainMap(dict1, dict2, dict3) and it does lookups in left to right order21:11
hub_cap{a:b}, {a:c}21:11
kevinconwaywithout actually mutating any of the dictionaries21:11
hub_capok that makes sense21:12
hub_capdoes itertools.chain do the same?21:12
kevinconwayno, not exactly21:12
datsun180bi thought we were talking about itertools.chain21:12
datsun180bisn't chainmap out of collections?21:13
hub_capwe are talking about both datsun180b21:13
kevinconwayChainMap is py3 only21:13
hub_capas in, why not do update now, id like to know the diff between chain and update in py221:13
kevinconwaychain takes any number of iterables and produces a generator of all those iterables merged21:13
hub_capok so it behaves the same as ChainDict21:14
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hub_capgives u a ptr to the dict's21:14
hub_capso in that case we'd want itertools.chain(custom_dict, code_dict)21:14
kevinconwayin py2 there's not really a huge benefit to using dict(chain(dict1.iteritems(),…)) over dict1.update(dict2) except that it doesn't mutate dict121:15
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vipulI think it's important to allow the conf values to be looked up first.. that allows someone to load a different manager for 'mysql' as well21:16
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vipulmaybe that won't work too well.. cuz of collision21:17
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datsun180bwell i had fun sandboxing with itertools.chain just now21:17
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kevinconwaydmakogon_: yeah, thats where chain would be good21:18
kevinconwayinstead of doing list(iter1 + iter2)21:18
kevinconwayyou could chain them21:18
dmakogon_z3 = dict(chain(x.iteritems(), y.iteritems()))21:18
kevinconwaythe real benefit comes from getting everything into a generator instead of an list21:19
kevinconwaythen you get some super memory performance21:19
dmakogon_kevinconway: agreed, i'll update my gist21:19
datsun180bab = dict(((k, a.get(k, b.get(k))) for k in set(a.keys() + b.keys())))21:19
datsun180bisn't that the worst21:20
kevinconwaydatsun180b: please no21:20
dmakogon_kevinconway: lol, super memory perfomance and OpenStack - two things that cannot live together)))21:20
datsun180blook at all that (((( and )))), it's beautiful21:20
dmakogon_or at least noone tries)))21:20
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hub_capdatsun180b: lisp?21:22
hub_capin this case i dont think we need chain, fwiw21:22
hub_capwe are clobbering a one time use dict in the binscript thats used to start the app21:22
datsun180bhub_cap: i've marked some time with lisp and clojure21:22
hub_capthats it21:22
hub_capthen we are done w/ it21:22
hub_capdatsun180b: emacs? ;)21:23
datsun180bhub_cap: would you believe it21:23
hub_capi would believe its why u hate it21:23
kevinconwayi think we just need to get the entire openstack community plus the third party dependencies up to py3 compatibility so we can use ChainMap in this one case21:23
datsun180bi don't hate emacs, it just doesn't do what i want the way i want21:24
hub_capkevinconway: +121:24
dmakogon_btw, guys, i've got question about deployments21:25
dmakogon_hub_cap: datsun180b: kevinconway: are we going to support something like puppet/cheff ?21:26
datsun180bdmakogon_: how about vagrant!21:26
hub_capdmakogon_ for what?21:27
hub_caplike deploying trove to a real env?21:27
dmakogon_hub_cap: for databases installing on VMs21:27
hub_caplike configuring an instance?21:27
hub_caphow is the pkg mgr not good enough?21:28
kevinconwayisn't that also part of the HEAT process?21:28
dmakogon_hub_cap: a lot of wheel-inventions ;)21:28
hub_capkevinconway: ill get there ;)21:28
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hub_capheat just uses apt anyway kevinconway, hence the Q21:29
hub_capdmakogon_ im not sure i see apt-get install mysql-server as reinventing the wheel21:29
hub_capif we had 19 packages to set up, and 19 config files to edit, then maybe....21:29
dmakogon_mysql takes all dep's with itself21:30
dmakogon_almosta all NoSQL doesn't grap any of their own dependencies21:30
hub_capsudo apt-get install cassandra21:31
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dmakogon_that wont work21:31
hub_capsudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen21:32
hub_capthats BS dude, it totally works21:32
hub_capif u set up the apt repo21:32
hub_capit works fine21:32
dmakogon_maybe, but it won't work for cassandra21:32
dmakogon_i'll take a look at mongo later21:33
hub_capit depends on what you are doing21:33
hub_capif your talking using yarn to install it then we need to do some instrumenting21:33
hub_capbut thats not going to be solved via a chef server21:33
dmakogon_than puppet21:33
hub_capor puppet scripts21:34
konetzedsounds like the packages need to be written to have the deps correct21:34
dmakogon_i've already got awesome manifests for cluster-ready cassandra21:34
hub_capi tihink dmakogon_ is saying that w/ cassandra you need to install something like ZK/yarn first, right?21:34
hub_capso there are dependencies21:34
dmakogon_hub_cap: although java21:35
dmakogon_oracle or open21:35
dmakogon_there is different mechanisms for java installing21:35
hub_capi dont care about that, im going to assume java is installed on a base image :)21:35
dmakogon_ppa, wget+tar21:35
konetzeddmakogon_: depends on who you talk to, sysadmin will says package manager is the only way21:35
dmakogon_that was for oracle-jdk21:35
dmakogon_konetzed: excuse me, but this stuff should be installed on instance booting21:36
dmakogon_booting in trove terms21:36
konetzeddmakogon_: sure and use the package manger21:37
hub_caphell thats what puppet is doing :)21:37
hub_capi dont want to incur the cost of having the extra tools dmakogon_21:37
hub_capwe can express them in heat templates21:38
hub_capand if we cant21:38
hub_capthen we can fix heat templates :)21:38
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hub_capconsider heat your puppet dmakogon_21:40
dmakogon_ok =))21:40
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hub_capalso dmakogon_21:41
hub_capdatastax installation http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/install/install_deb21:41
hub_capi was so confused as to why i was looking @ ZK/yarn21:41
hub_capi was looking @ cdh21:41
hub_cap sudo apt-get install python-cql=1.0.10-121:41
hub_capsudo apt-get install dsc=1.0.10 cassandra=1.0.1021:41
dmakogon_i know21:42
dmakogon_i know how to setup cassandra21:42
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dmakogon_let's move on21:43
vipulCan we go back to the service_registry :)21:45
vipuli just thought of a new requirement.. I actually do want to be able to replace the mysql manager21:45
vipulI don't know if service_registry_ext will solve that21:45
vipulSo maybe merging the two isn't the best Idea.. maybe the solution is to look at the Dict in cfg first -- and if you don't find the service_type.manager there, then look in code21:46
dmakogon_vipul: what about validating dict ?21:48
vipulhub_cap: same keys?21:49
dmakogon_if 'mysql' in  service_registry_ext.keys():  service_registry_ext.delete('mysql')21:49
vipulhub_cap: ok good21:50
hub_capsimple enough eh?21:50
hub_capitd work w/ chain too21:50
vipulshould have tried that21:50
vipuldmakogon_: i think what hub_cap said works21:50
hub_capbut depending on which object you "update", itll clobber one of those21:50
dmakogon_hub_cap: ext.update(default)21:51
vipuldmakogon_: That would probably do the opposite of what we want21:52
dmakogon_vipul: idea to update with new impl for default ?21:52
dmakogon_vipul: if it so, then yse21:53
vipulwhat's in ext should override defaults21:53
datsun180bhey i see an "in" over a dict21:53
dmakogon_i get it21:53
datsun180b.keys is needless21:53
hub_capmy gist wins all21:54
hub_capvipul: agrees21:54
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hub_capwhether he does or not, i say he does21:54
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dmakogon_hub_cap: i'll post review tomorrow for service registry21:55
hub_capdmakogon_: plz dont21:57
hub_caplet the author who did it already post the review21:57
hub_captehre is no reason to take it from him ;)21:57
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vipulhub_cap: +121:57
dmakogon_hub_cap: i'm not taking it from him just using his blueprint21:57
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vipuldmakogon_: I think what would be good is to give this feedback to him in the patch21:57
dmakogon_vipul: the reason why i doing it is that original author doesn't agreed with my suggestion21:59
vipuldmakogon_: I still think it's better to come to a comprimise / solution within a single patch instead of pushing competing patches up21:59
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hub_capdmakogon_: vipul is correct22:00
dmakogon_ok, just let his current patch being merged and i'll submit new review for updating it22:00
hub_capput your comment on it22:00
hub_capand we will make sure it gets updated22:01
hub_caphe works for vipul22:01
hub_capso vipul will make it so22:01
hub_capright vipul :)22:01
hub_capin general though, if someone does not agree w/ your comments, you go to the core team and ahve them addressed22:01
vipulhub_cap: sure ;) -- at least what we just talked about now.. we need to make sure that's in place before anything gets merged22:01
hub_capand we make teh decision22:02
hub_capand the author, if he wants to commit the code (my guess is heas paid to do it), updates the code22:02
hub_capif he does not, the review is abandoned and then you can do it, but not before22:02
hub_capits bad form, so to speak22:02
dmakogon_i posted comment on the review, now supposing that he would do that22:02
dmakogon_hub_cap: vipul: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/49176/22:04
vipuldmakogon_: thanks!22:04
hub_cap+1 horray22:04
hub_capthe robot didint complain dmakogon_22:05
dmakogon_hub_cap: i know))22:05
hub_capdmakogon_: andrey is doing some of this work too w/ his change22:06
datsun180bsome of those lines looked longer that 80 chars but i guess not!22:06
dmakogon_all of us doing some work around GA22:06
hub_capok but you are consulting together on it?22:06
hub_capi dont want yall to clobber each others work22:06
hub_capok great22:06
hub_capill consider it independent then22:06
dmakogon_andrey is working on versions/db_engines, i'm working on db_engines22:08
datsun180boh geez, i hadn't even considered that i'd need to write a fake conductor22:08
hub_capand ikhudoshyn is working on somethign else too22:08
dmakogon_hub_cap: yes22:08
hub_capcool can u comment on amcrns question in the review22:08
dmakogon_all of us working on GA refactoring/imporving22:08
hub_capso he knows you guys are working together22:08
dmakogon_ikhudoshyn is sitting in front of me ;)22:09
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dmakogon_and all of us, Andrey, Me and Illya, are working on guestagent22:10
openstackgerritMichael Basnight proposed a change to openstack/trove: fixing symlink attack bug present in the application.  https://review.openstack.org/4927622:11
isviridov_BTW cores, what about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45238/ ? Looks like no objections, but still in the queue22:11
hub_capim happy w it, ive +2d it22:12
isviridov_Thx hub_cap i know22:12
dmakogon_hub_cap: please, if you mind review mine with GA refactoring22:13
hub_capyes i haave22:14
hub_capjust havent +1d it yet22:15
hub_caphad to deal with22:15
hub_cap https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/115480922:15
hub_capsecurity vulnerability22:15
amcrnhub_cap, you missed a space between the octothorpe and 'signing_dir': -222:15
hub_capalso dmakogon_ plz put a comment to amcrn about the review22:16
hub_capamcrn: +2 for you22:16
hub_capoctothorpe, most people dont know the official name22:16
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amcrnit sounds so classy22:16
hub_capdoesnt it? better than "has"22:16
hub_capor pound22:16
dmakogon_hub_cap: about security groups ?22:17
amcrnI lift my pinky whenever I type octothorpe, just to complete the charade22:17
hub_capLOL amcrn22:17
hub_capyes ive put it on the agenda for tomorrow dmakogon_22:17
hub_capto discuss22:17
datsun180bi just press capital 3, gets the same job done22:17
hub_capbut no pinky flair datsun180b22:18
dmakogon_hub_cap: ok22:18
datsun180bmy pinkies are busy pressing other keys22:18
hub_capdatsun180b: emacs?22:18
datsun180btouch typing man22:18
hub_caplol http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/i/emacs_user_at_work_by_earlcolour.jpg22:19
dmakogon_hub_cap: amcrn: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45723/22:19
datsun180bhub_cap: http://www.octodadgame.com/22:19
datsun180band with that, i'm out22:20
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dmakogon_hub_cap: amcrn: after this one every use cases(degraded networking etc.) would be just a guesses for beer-discuss22:21
dmakogon_if poll_untill causes timeout that mean that task is failed and nothing else22:22
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hub_caphah ya dmakogon_ +1 to beer22:23
amcrndmakogon_: ?22:24
dmakogon_amcr: your complain about removing components in exception block is not soundly22:25
dmakogon_, if we would follow your logic than we would not allow to delete that kind of instances for reason becoming active someday in future life22:25
amcrnmy comment didn't advocate for anything? I'm just pointing out that it's possible with the introduction of that logic, that a database instance is provisioned with all ports open.22:26
amcrnlikely? no. possible? yes22:27
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dmakogon_trove customer doesn't knows anything about VM and opend port on it22:29
dmakogon_for developer - if it fails it's a trash22:29
dmakogon_nothing else22:29
dmakogon_amcrn: noone would spin-up dead(in trove term) VM when it got failed to become active in some reason22:31
amcrni'm not following? using only that review as a guide, it's possible for the guest to initialize as ACTIVE, assuming a scenario in which on cloud-init an "apt-get update" goes extremely slow22:31
dmakogon_customer want a database, he do not give a s#%t about VM22:32
amcrnand for the Security Group to be deleted due to the PollTimeout being exceeded22:32
dmakogon_amcrn: you are suppose to know about that kind of issues with networking they are not predictable, if something went wrong on apt-get or other tasks - instance recieves label FAILED22:35
dmakogon_just increase timeout22:35
dmakogon_you cannot guess what kind of problem happend22:35
dmakogon_think like customer not like developer22:36
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dmakogon_suppose you want a database, and you know that it would take a time for delivering of it, so if time passed and database is not reachable - something went wrongm, report admin22:37
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dmakogon_then you, customer, trying to get another one database and you are getting Quota exceeded22:38
dmakogon_is it ok ?22:38
hub_capdmakogon_ if its failed its still counted against your quota22:39
hub_capor building22:39
hub_caponly if its deleted is it not counted22:39
dmakogon_trove manages quota on instances not on security groups22:39
dmakogon_am i right >22:39
hub_capi was referring to a instance, not a secgrp22:40
dmakogon_in terms of instances, i've submited a review about setting status to FAILED on timeouted instances22:41
dmakogon_if it would be accepted22:41
dmakogon_than customer would be able to delete failed instances with simple delete22:41
dmakogon_not even force delete22:41
dmakogon_but instance componenets should be cleaned up before setting FAILED status22:42
dmakogon_hub_cap: ok with that ?22:42
hub_capsure dmakogon_22:42
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hub_capi cant remember, mayb grapex or redthrux can, but instances go to failed in production22:43
dmakogon_that is why i'm not implementing cleanup for volumes22:43
dmakogon_because volumes are managed by quota22:43
dmakogon_i'm cleaning up everithing that managed with tenant qouta but not trove quota22:44
dmakogon_hub_cap: ok with that ?22:44
hub_capwe will discuss "cleaning" tomorrow22:44
hub_capredthrux: is running a production system and has issues w/ teh cleanup stuff22:45
hub_capso i will let him talk about it22:45
dmakogon_i know, but i'm asking you know))22:45
hub_capand im deferring22:45
dmakogon_you are cunning22:45
dmakogon_https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45723/ - can you take a look at this one22:46
dmakogon_this is not related to cleanup22:46
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dmakogon_hub_cap: and this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/48305/22:47
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hub_capyes in a while. i need to do a little coding22:47
dmakogon_cu, tommorow22:48
dmakogon_going to sleep22:48
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openstackgerritConrad Weidenkeller proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: blueprint redis-base-image  https://review.openstack.org/4928422:59
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hub_capcweid: ^ ^23:03
cweidoh nifty you guys are so fancy...23:04
hub_caphey i ddint post this earlier but its somethig to lol at23:11
hub_caprobot submitted it, robot ran the tests, which failed, and robot commented "I noticed tempest failed, I think you hit bug ..."23:11
hub_capso -infra has built conversations into its gerrit stuff lol23:11
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