Monday, 2014-01-20

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openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Remove copyright from empty files
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SnowDusthub_cap :
SnowDusthub_cap :
SnowDustisviridov: plz do the reviews if possible :)07:21
SnowDustikhudoshyn : plz u too :)07:22
SnowDusthaomaiwang : plz ..07:22
SnowDustdmakogon_ : plz ..07:23
SnowDustmordred : plz ..07:23
openstackgerritshivam shukla proposed a change to openstack/trove: Tests for heat based instance workflow
SnowDustseems all away ...07:24
SnowDusthelloooooooo anyone ?07:24
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SnowDusthello krast07:36
krasthello <SnowDust>07:36
krastI am new guy07:36
SnowDustwelcome .. and be with us we need u ..07:37
SnowDustlet us know how we can be of help07:37
krastmy pleasure.07:38
krastI use redstack to install trove07:39
SnowDustok ..07:39
krastbut the trove-client always has bug07:39
krastcan't create a db07:39
SnowDustcan u be specific with errors ..07:40
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
SnowDustor .. just give a  flow of your installation to understand it better07:40
krastnow , I do not have the environment, next time I will show you.   the env in my home pc07:41
SnowDustsure .. welcome .. u can show it to anybody :) who ever is online07:42
SnowDusttrust me. . learning is both ways07:42
krastyou are nice guy07:42
SnowDusttrovesters are in general :D07:42
SnowDustplz keep visiting us ..and do let us know if we can help you anyway with DBAAS07:43
SnowDustwhich operating system u were installing it on ?07:44
krastSUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Service Pack 207:44
SnowDusthmm ..  we just have fedora/ubuntu tested at present07:45
krastSpecial Linux07:45
SnowDustbut .. if u are clever enough it should be running .. there as well ( fedora - suse are kind of similar)07:45
krastI install all openstack on it07:45
krastwork well07:45
SnowDustand .. guess what .. do your value contribution by bring trove on suse ( tightly binded ) :)07:46
krastI like it~   It's one of my work list07:48
krastI use some OpenStack components(nova cinder glance keystone ), but not very familiar trove07:50
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SnowDustok krast lets collaborate ..08:01
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openstackgerritshivam shukla proposed a change to openstack/trove: Tests for heat based instance workflow
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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Removes assertThat usage with testtools.matchers
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
denis_makogonSushilKM, ping11:38
SushilKMdenis_makogon, pong11:39
denis_makogonSushilKM, about that11:39
SushilKMyes plz11:39
denis_makogonSushilKM, please read meeting notes and ask before submitting such patch11:39
denis_makogonSushilKM, i've already posted comment11:40
SushilKM63636 is exception handling11:40
denis_makogonSushilKM,  i meant
SushilKMcan u help me wid when was this discussed, because, i want to go ahead with this, and wanted to know what are the  -ves against this change11:41
denis_makogonone of the Dec. meeting11:42
denis_makogontrove bugs space already have such bug, same as you reported11:43
SushilKMso, was it you who raised that bug11:43
denis_makogonwe've discussed it, and marked the bug as Incomplete, because it's not a bug at all11:44
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
SushilKMi was going for H302 pep811:45
SushilKMand found that if we use this one then the lines grow uselessly long11:45
SushilKMwhich could be very well undone if discourage the use of testtools.matchers11:46
denis_makogonno need to change code from assertThat to assert*11:47
denis_makogonjust use correct indents11:47
SushilKMbut, why to make things complex when we have a simple world11:48
denis_makogontesttools uses matcher at low level11:49
denis_makogonso they would never gone away11:49
denis_makogonif you want to fix PEP8 rules - do it, but do not fall into side-changes11:51
SushilKMi have updated that exceptions patchset11:51
denis_makogoni saw11:51
SushilKMplease look into that one11:51
openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed a change to openstack/trove: Datastores improvements
openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Datastores improvements
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
SnowDusthey denis_makogon :
SnowDustneed to understand your comments there12:02
SnowDustcan u elaborate12:02
denis_makogonSnowDust, yes, of course, but it's lunch time, ping me in 1h12:11
SnowDust1h ..12:12
SnowDustok sir12:12
openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Datastores improvements
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denis_makogonSnowDust, ping12:53
SnowDusthello : denis_makogon12:53
denis_makogonSnowDust, i mean that if you want to cherry pick any commits from oslo, you should add description of each to your patchset12:54
SnowDustok ..12:54
SnowDustand .. what is the first comment ?12:54
denis_makogonSnowDust, something  like " Commint b6924ec423d "Make the log capture in tests more configurable" "12:55
SnowDusti do understand cherry pick .. but what is your first comment ?12:56
SnowDustoslo common ?12:56
SnowDustwill include the cherry pick details agreed !12:56
denis_makogonthat one12:57
denis_makogonOslo-incubator its a project12:57
denis_makogoncommit title should be "Sync oslo common code"12:58
SnowDustyeah .. right !12:58
SnowDustthats why i used that name ..12:58
SnowDustoslo common is vague ..12:58
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SnowDustopenstack - common .. makes sense which was its predecessor .. and now its oslo incubatro12:58
denis_makogonSnowDust, before that you need to look at any other commits with sync.'ing oslo code12:58
denis_makogonthere's common best-practice for oslo sync12:59
denis_makogonthere's wiki page dedicated to this topic12:59
SnowDustoh .. just share links ..12:59
SnowDusti just remember the email which was in mailing list ...13:00
SnowDustthis week ..13:00
SnowDustwhere it was discussed if cherry pick is good practice .. and why not the whole incubator sync13:01
denis_makogon - search there13:02
denis_makogonprojects sync.'ing what they are really need from oslo13:02
denis_makogonand Oslo-incubator - it's a stack of libs13:02
denis_makogonsync.'ing all oslo would bring oslo.messaging, oslo.sphinx13:03
SnowDusti am not saying wht to be done .. i said what i saw in mailing list13:09
SnowDustwhat needs to be done has been in my review13:09
SnowDustdenis_makogon> SnowDust, before that you need to look at any other commits with sync.'ing oslo code13:12
SnowDust<denis_makogon> there's common best-practice for oslo sync13:12
SnowDustwhat do u mean ?13:12
SnowDustwhat to be seen there that my current review misses ?13:12
SnowDustlets see ..
denis_makogoni meant that it would be better to look how other commiters code from oslo into other projects13:13
SnowDustwhere i see the last changes to the same files i have touched now13:13
SnowDustshare the link ..13:14
denis_makogonSnowDust, please go through networks at github13:14
SnowDustthats the problem denis_makogon13:14
denis_makogonyou cannot do that ?13:15
denis_makogonit's easy. lol13:15
SnowDustso do the easy thing13:15
SnowDustwrite straight lines ..  and be helpful with direct help ..13:16
SnowDusta reviewer needs to be ..13:16
SnowDustthink the number of reviews you do .. and everyone puzzled like me to understand your intentions .. of asking someone to move around the world before a commit ..13:17
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denis_makogonsomething like that
SnowDustyeah .. this simple sentence was the best .. and would helped me much if u put in the review.13:19
SnowDustthanks denis_makogon13:19
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denis_makogonSnowDust, you're welcome13:27
SnowDustdenis_makogon <313:35
denis_makogonSnowDust, do not make me look like shy one13:36
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SnowDustoh !13:37
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds exception handling to heat code
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SnowDustdenis_makogon : u can blush .. no issues !14:00
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openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack/database-api: Change xml and json files that contain only text to *.txt files
openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack/database-api: Change xml and json files that contain only text to *.txt files
openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack/database-api: Change xml and json files that contain only text to *.txt files
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/database-api: Add list of files to ignore
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/database-api: Add list of files to ignore
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openstackgerritGreg Hill proposed a change to openstack/trove: make datastore_version_id required
jimbobhickvillenothing changed, just renamed the migrate file since another 017 got merged in behind my back16:30
ashestakovjimbobhickville: i have changes for datastores table too. can you put my changes to your file? there is just one fix in one column16:34
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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Removes statements after return from method
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jimbobhickvilleI'd rather not ashestakov - mine is modifying the instances table not datastore_version and the reason for the changes aren't at all related afaict16:46
openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add stack_id for future usage
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cp16netdenis_makogon: you around?17:01
denis_makogoncp16net, 'sup17:01
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cp16netso i'm adding some try/except around the find_by calls in configurations17:02
cp16netyou mention to add them to find_all as well17:02
denis_makogoncp16net, yes, it's a bit significant17:02
cp16neti'm not sure that makes sense because there is always a for loop after17:03
denis_makogonerror handling should be good enough17:03
cp16netto iterate17:03
cp16netfind_all would never raise an exception that i recall17:03
cp16neti agree with the find_by it will help17:03
denis_makogoncould you give a link ?17:03
cp16netyou mention it there17:04
denis_makogoni see17:04
cp16netnot sure that the find_all makes sense17:04
cp16netyou know?17:04
denis_makogonif find_all would return empty iterator then fine17:04
cp16netits never going to be an excepption unless there is something else terribly wrong17:05
denis_makogonwhat about Configuration.load_configuration_datastore(context, id) ?17:05
cp16netits calling the other methods17:05
cp16netthat would be wrapped17:06
cp16netthe conf.load would be wraped17:06
denis_makogonah, i see17:06
denis_makogonthen ok17:06
cp16netalright cool :)17:06
denis_makogononly find_by, yes ?17:07
cp16neti'll ignore the find_all calls17:07
cp16netjust want to be on the same page17:07
cp16netwhere that page is #18 :-P17:07
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jimbobhickvilleis the reddwarf gate busted again or am I just lucky?17:32
jimbobhickvillein the "upload image to glance" bit, it gets "trove-manage datastore_update: error: too few arguments"17:33
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jimbobhickvilleI think this is related to the datastore manager change17:33
hub_capjimbobhickville: a change to datstore happend17:33
hub_capis this you locally, or the gate for new features?17:33
hub_capthe gate for new reviews?17:34
jimbobhickvillein the gate17:34
hub_capis the code rebased to "post datastore change"17:34
hub_capcan u link me your review too17:34
jimbobhickvilletrove-manage is expecting 'manager' in datastore_update17:34
jimbobhickvilleI didn't rebase because I didn't modify any existing files so git should just handle it cleanly17:35
hub_capok so u did click the rebase button then jimbobhickville ?17:35
hub_capour job wont rebase that patch on top of trunk jimbobhickville17:36
hub_capit will pull your branch as its own to use17:36
jimbobhickvillethere's a button?17:36
hub_capjimbobhickville: i think in the gerrit ui17:36
hub_cap"Rebase Change"17:36
jimbobhickvilleah, ok, I'll look for it17:36
jimbobhickvilleI might be blind, but I don't see it.  just diff buttons17:37
denis_makogonhub_cap, 'sup, Michael17:38
hub_caphey denis_makogon17:38
denis_makogonhub_cap, any luck with datastores testing ?17:38
hub_capi spun up instances yest aftn, but they failed, so ive spun them up this am17:39
hub_capshould be done in ~20 min17:39
hub_capas long as cassandra comes online and such, and the int-tests pass, ill be ok w/ it17:39
hub_capand then ill look @ the review again too hehe17:39
jimbobhickvillehub_cap: maybe I lack rebase privileges?  I don't see a button anywhere17:40
hub_capis it your review jimbobhickville ?17:40
hub_capso i see17:40
hub_capReviewWork In ProgressDiff All Side-by-SideDiff All Unified17:41
hub_capsorry the spaces didnt work out well17:41
hub_cap[Review][Work In Progress][Diff All Side-by-Side][Diff All Unified]17:41
hub_capthats what i see on your review17:41
hub_capbut if i go to my review17:41
jimbobhickvilleI only see the last two17:41
hub_capi see17:41
hub_cap[ReviewAbandon ChangeWork In ProgressRebase ChangeDiff All Side-by-SideDiff All Unified]17:41
hub_caplog in jimbobhickville ;)17:41
jimbobhickvillehahaha, it logged me out :(17:42
hub_capso yes17:42
hub_capu do lack privs ;)17:42
jimbobhickvillesigh, can we set something so it doesn't log us out automatically?17:42
hub_capwelcome to launchpad17:43
openstackgerritGreg Hill proposed a change to openstack/trove: make datastore_version_id required
hub_capit will log u out every day17:43
hub_capmore than once in a day if it wants17:43
jimbobhickvillerebase successful17:43
jimbobhickvilleman, go out of town for a couple days, boom, 500 emails on openstack-dev17:48
hub_capheh yea17:50
hub_capi honestly use a newsreader to read them... its easier than email17:50
hub_capi use a newsreader to delete runon email conversations ;)17:51
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hub_capsee, now this is how you troll a mailing list...
hub_capdenis_makogon: quick q18:34
hub_capdid u try this diskimage-builder stuff for cassandra? i cant get instances to come onnnline18:35
hub_capwow thats a lot of nnnnn's18:35
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pdmarshub_cap: the one time i break my rule and click on a link i know i shouldn't, i get that, lesson learned, again :)18:36
openstackgerritMichael Basnight proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Migrating trove to entry points
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hub_cappdmars: u _know_ that shiz was funny18:37
hub_capthat was actually posted yest to emacs_devel18:37
pdmarsthe fact it was emacs-devel is why i clicked, mistakenly thought "how bad could it be?"18:38
openstackgerritMichael Basnight proposed a change to openstack/trove: Migrating to entry_points for binscripts
hub_caphehe yea.. it was not spam either.. that guy occasionally posts18:40
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openstackgerritCraig Vyvial proposed a change to openstack/trove: changing the routes for the api to be clear
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