Friday, 2025-01-24

opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher-dashboard master: Allow cancel audit when it is ongoing or pending
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher-dashboard master: Allow cancel audit when it is ongoing or pending
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher-dashboard master: Allow cancel audit when it is ongoing or pending
mariossean-k-mooney: hello gentle reminder please when you next have time revisit and workflow as we discussed yesterday 12:04
sean-k-mooneyah yep12:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/watcher master: Add prometheus data source for watcher decision engine
mtembo_sean-k-mooney, gmann , chandan  Hello We've got all these +1s, Clean CI. Can this merge? Review number: 93813615:26
sean-k-mooneylet me review and if its tirvial enoguh and blockign other work then i can proceed with it but in general until we expand the core team i want to at least leave the revew for 1-2 weeks after i +2 before single core appoving. with that said gmain has review writes here too so if they agree its ready we can proceed.15:56
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: [WIP] skip metric injection when not needed

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