Wednesday, 2025-01-29

*** marios_ is now known as marios07:49
tkajinamsean-k-mooney, hi do you mind checkin and ?12:25
tkajinamtl;dr I wonder if you can fast-merge these as marios suggested12:25
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: yep i think we can. assumign there are no objections to my core expansion is to add new cores tomorrow12:46
sean-k-mooneyso it should be merged this week one way or another12:46
sean-k-mooneysince both marios and doug are +1 and i was going to add them a score reviewers 12:47
sean-k-mooneyill proxy there votes and upgrade to +2w12:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/watcher master: Remove ceilometer datasource
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: ^ :)14:00

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