Thursday, 2025-01-30

opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher master: Add watcher-no-datasource-tempest job
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher master: [WIP]Enable prometheus and node_exporter from devstack-plugin-prometheus
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher master: [WIP]Enable prometheus and node_exporter from devstack-plugin-prometheus
dviroel#startmeeting watcher12:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan 30 12:00:15 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dviroel. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'watcher'12:00
dviroelhello all o/  who is around today?12:00
marioshello o/12:00
jgilaberhello o/12:00
* dviroel waits a minute12:01
dviroelok, let's start with today's meeting agenda12:01
dviroel#link (Meeting agenda)12:02
dviroelfeel free to add your topics to our agenda12:02
dviroelI already add some of them12:02
dviroeland the first one12:02
dviroel#topic DPL Reset + New DPL model for 2025.212:02
dviroellets update what is happening wrt DPL vs PTL model for watcher12:03
dviroelso in the end, the reset DPL model patch is merged12:03
dviroel#link (Reset the DPL model for Watcher)12:03
dviroelnot all were able to vote -1 on this, since some folks can't continue as liasons12:04
dviroelbut sean-k-mooney proposed 2 new patches12:04
rlandydo we need to vote on
dviroel#link (Adopt DPL model for watcher 2025.2)12:04
mariosi guess that is the followup patch from sean ... i haven't check it yet 12:05
rlandyI mean everyone mentioned as taking a role?12:05
dviroelprobably all liasons should vote there, iirc12:05
* marios just voted12:06
dviroeland there is another patch, also from sean-k-mooney 12:06
dviroel#link (add watcher project update liaison)12:06
sean-k-mooneyam i dont know if its required to vote on them 12:06
sean-k-mooneybut it does not hurt to confirm you agree to be the liason by doing so12:06
mariosdoes that mean you got some response from Ke Chen then sean-k-mooney ? I mean /940168/12:07
sean-k-mooney the reason its 2 patches is we have not heard back form chenker12:07
sean-k-mooneyso since we have not heard back i prepared the pacth and we just wont merge it until they reach out12:07
sean-k-mooneyif we dont hear back by the ptg ill just abandon it12:07
dviroelsean-k-mooney: does this mean that a project_update_onboarding liaison is not mandatory?12:08
sean-k-mooneywe can ad peopel at any time it just opting in to the leadership model that has a strict timelimit12:08
sean-k-mooneydviroel: correct its not12:08
sean-k-mooneydviroel: we need infra, security and release as the minimium12:08
sean-k-mooneytc is recommended12:08
sean-k-mooneythe other roles are all optional12:08
dviroelsean-k-mooney: ack, thanks for the info12:09
dviroeland the DPL model patch needs to merge before PTL elections starts?12:09
* dviroel needs to read more governance docs12:10
dviroelok, so more info in12:11
dviroel#link (Distributed Project Leadership)12:12
sean-k-mooneyat this point its up to the tc to review and merge12:12
sean-k-mooneyso we dont really need to do anything 12:12
sean-k-mooneygmann: ^ for context feel free to correct us if that is not the case12:12
sean-k-mooneyits porbaly a little early for gmann  but they will see that when they come online12:13
dviroel"A project team needs to opt-in to the DPL model again, explicitly before the next cycle PTL election nominations start."12:13
sean-k-mooneyfor now we can move on12:13
dviroelsure sure12:13
dviroelnext topic12:13
dviroel#topic Watcher core team expansion12:13
dviroelfor those that missed this thread, sean-k-mooney sent a email to the ML proposing a core expansion in watcher repos12:13
dviroelsean-k-mooney wrote the reasons for the expansion and why these names were chosen to join the core team at this moment..12:14
dviroelthe tl;dr; is12:15
dviroeladd marios and dviroel to watcher-core and watcher-dashboard-core groups12:15
dviroeladd chandankumar and dviroel and remove kopecmartin from watcher-tempest-core group12:15
dviroeldid I missed something sean-k-mooney?12:16
dviroelany questions or concerns on this proposal? or objections? 12:16
marioswe've discussed this a bit over the last few weeks, including in this meeting (about needing to expand core)12:16
mariosjust as one example my patch for the prometheus datasource had to sit for 2 weeks because we only have one core currently12:16
mariosthere are many patches in the same situation12:17
rlandy+1 moving forward12:17
mariosthanks for the proposal sean-k-mooney 12:17
sean-k-mooneyno thats a good summary12:17
sean-k-mooneyi am on pto tomorrow so if there is no decent ill implement the changes later today12:17
amoralej+1 go go ahead12:17
dviroelmarios: good call, the datasource had lots of non-core approvals for a long time, but we had to wait before sean-k-mooney could merge it12:17
mariosyeah i mean, to be clear we decided to do that intentionally12:18
mariosbecause we only have 1 active core12:18
mariosso we are force to merge with single +212:18
marioshence, the two week period is to allow for any reasonable comment or objections before mergint with single +212:18
dviroelalright, I also don't see any objections in the ML thread at this moment12:19
dviroel#info sean-k-mooney will make the core team changes later today if there is no objections until there12:20
sean-k-mooneyack then ill implemnet it later today12:20
sean-k-mooneyand ill reply to the mailing list once done12:20
dviroelthanks sean-k-mooney12:21
dviroelso moving to the next topic12:21
dviroel#topic Reviews that need attention12:21
dviroelI added this topic, just in case someone want to bring a request12:22
dviroelbut i don't see any :) 12:22
chandankumarand needs reviews12:23
rlandywill review that again12:23
chandankumarthank you rlandy dviroel :-)12:23
dviroelack, thanks chandankumar - I will also finish my review on these12:24
rlandyI think jgilaber also looked at those at one point12:25
mariosi have reviewed those again today lgtm12:25
jgilaberI reviewed the job one, will take another look later today12:25
mariosjust minor comment on the choice for timeout but i don't think it needs an update 12:26
dviroelok, we can move the discussion to the change itself12:27
dviroelif we don't have any other, lets move to the next12:27
dviroelok, before going to the bug triage, which should take longer12:27
dviroel#topic responded to for watcher12:28
marioso/ hey just fyi i responded to that for the ptg (it was sent to the mailnig list last week)12:28
rlandythank you marios 12:28
mariosI don't know if anyone else also reponded (i think only one is needed ) but it shouldn't matter12:28
mariosjust to signal out intentino to hold a ptg for watcher 12:29
mariosour not out12:29
dviroelmarios: nice, thanks for that12:30
mariosi think we can move on dviroel it was mostly informational and in case anyone else missed it12:30
dviroel#topic Bug Triage12:30
rlandymalinga had that one but I don't see malinga on the channel atm12:31
* dviroel is trying to find malinga's nick12:31
rlandyit looks like there are a few proposed to look at - so perhaps we can start there12:32
mariosso we discussed this a bit in the bug triage meeting12:32
mariosthe idea was to have this item in our agenda and try to triage a couple of bugs each week now that we are down to reasonable numbers12:32
mariosso lets go with the triage and malinga added a few in the agenda12:32
dviroelmtembo: o/12:32
dviroelfirst one12:33
rlandydviroel: this one is fix committed12:33
mariosthis looks like fix committed12:33
dviroelnext one12:33
rlandyso can it move to fix released at this point?12:33
rlandyso it comes off the list?12:34
rlandyfix was committed in 202012:34
* dviroel read fix release instead - lol12:34
marios+1 sounds good ... but i wonder... perhaps there were no releases ? is that possible .. i mean if no-one cut the release for the project? 12:34
mariossean-k-mooney: do you know? I haven't checked were there any releases since 2020? 12:34
rlandyit may just be the series thing?12:35
sean-k-mooneysorrry reading back12:35
marioslike watcher in whatever state would have been released with therest of openstack so yeah must be12:35
amoralejyes, there have been releases, at least since train12:35
amoralejthat i can see12:35
mariosi mean must be the missing series rlandy like release was made but this just didnt get updated , so i think +1 to making it fix released12:35
mariosthanks amoralej 12:36
rlandyok - I'll change the status of the bug and we can move on12:36
sean-k-mooneyso i belive oslo serisistion ahs handling for decimel12:36
mariosquestion is if it should go fix release, it is already fix committed sean-k-mooney 12:36
sean-k-mooneybut wsme may not12:36
sean-k-mooneywsme is not widely used12:36
amoralejthis is what RDO has included in latest releases
sean-k-mooneyfix commited is not used anymore12:37
sean-k-mooneywe always go direct to fix released12:37
sean-k-mooneyso yes it should be marked fix released once its merged12:37
dviroelok, thanks for updating it rlandy12:38
sean-k-mooneyfor context we stopped differenciating between fix commited vs released  about 6-7 years ago12:39
mariosthis is about packaging12:39
sean-k-mooneythat is not a watcher bug so ya close invlaid it a packaging bug12:39
dviroelyeah, this is not about watcher12:39
sean-k-mooneythis is the worng watcher compoient12:39
mariosso as commented on the bug already from licanwei12:39
sean-k-mooneythere is a sperate one for the ubuntu packaging12:39
sean-k-mooneyrocky is also EOL so this is not relevnet anymore12:40
marios+1 this one is closed invalid12:40
sean-k-mooneyubuntu 18.04 is alos eol as is 19.1012:40
rlandydviroel: want me to update the bugs in background so you can work here?12:40
dviroelrlandy: sure, we need only one to actually change things :)  thanks12:41
dviroelnext is12:41
dviroel#link (Actions do not start executing)12:42
mtemboCan i please do it to get used to it (updating)12:42
dviroelthis one is from 2019..12:42
sean-k-mooneyits python 2.712:43
amoralejwhat i can tell is that i didn't find that in my tests ...12:43
sean-k-mooneywas that still even supproted12:44
sean-k-mooneyoh again rocky on 18.0412:44
amoralejI think it's safe to close12:45
sean-k-mooneyi would vote ot say invalid12:45
sean-k-mooneydo we have obsolete as an option12:46
sean-k-mooneyno ok so invalid or wont fix12:46
sean-k-mooneythe release is EOL and it does not happen on master so it must have been fixed12:47
amoralejyep, i miss obsolete12:47
marioslets gooo12:48
dviroeli would say that is won't fix, since is too old to reproduce12:48
dviroel#link (incorrect project name for osloc_config)12:48
amoralej"can't reproduce" would be a good state too :)12:48
mariosthis one was a valid bug at some point but i think it is fix released12:49
mariosat least on master, as linked in the bug12:49
mariosso fix-released? 12:49
amoralejit was merged long ago and backported12:49
dviroelto rocky and stein12:50
sean-k-mooneyya so we can mark it as fix released as marios suggets12:50
sean-k-mooneyby this
mariosnice to have all the context and links12:50
sean-k-mooneygit blame is awsome until you are trying to figure out who intoduced the bug and find out it was younger you12:51
dviroel#link (watcher tempest test failed)12:51
mariossean-k-mooney: :)12:51
mariosdviroel: this one has comment about "12:51
mariosThis issue was fixed in the openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin 1.1.0 release.12:51
sean-k-mooneyi just set it to fix released12:52
mariosso perhaps the status was just not updated12:52
sean-k-mooneywatcher was not creating the serise in launchpad12:53
sean-k-mooneyso the bot was not auto updating them12:53
sean-k-mooneyi have fixed that i think for the current supproted releases12:53
dviroelnext one is12:53
dviroel#link (TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting)12:53
mariosi think same as previous12:54
mariosThis issue was fixed in the openstack/watcher 1.12.0 release.12:54
mtembonot updated it seems 12:54
dviroelalright, so moving to tempest-plugin one12:55
dviroel#link (Audit Template Stuck in Pending State Prevents API Deletion, Causing Test Failur)12:55
sean-k-mooneyyep i agree 12:55
mtemboupdating to fix-released12:56
sean-k-mooneythe next one looks valid to me so we shoudl set it to in progress12:56
dviroelthe tempest-plugin one was reported by mtembo 12:56
sean-k-mooneyoh maybe not12:57
sean-k-mooneythe patch is to repoduce12:57
amoralejthe actual error is being stuck in pending or not being able to delete it?12:57
mtemboI created tests and they all passed 12:57
mtemboso it should be fixed 12:57
mtembocross checked with Chandan12:57
sean-k-mooneyso this could have been related to eventlet and py 3.1212:57
chandankumaramoralej: yes, that is the correct issue12:57
sean-k-mooneybefore my orginal eventlet/3.12 fix that was the behavior12:57
amoralejnote that error when trying to delete a pending audit is expected12:58
sean-k-mooneyit woudl stay in pending indefintly12:58
amoralejyeah ^ that's the real issue, i guess12:58
chandankumarIf we run the failing tempest tests seperately, then it passes. But if the tests as a whole then it comes sometimes12:58
sean-k-mooneyim pretty sure it was "fixed" by
sean-k-mooneychandankumar: did you check the failing time to ensure its not because of a 40-912:59
sean-k-mooney causes intermitent failures12:59
sean-k-mooneyi woudl suggest closing for now13:00
sean-k-mooneyadn we can reopen if we see it reoccur13:01
sean-k-mooneyalthough hum13:01
mariosthat is the first time we did this triage here but imo we should try and limit it next time so we can allow for any other topic and open floor 13:01
sean-k-mooneyit was filed 9 days ago13:01
chandankumarit was not 409 issue13:01
* dviroel checks the clock13:01
chandankumarDetails: {'error_message': '{"faultcode": "Client", "faultstring": "Couldn\'t delete when state is \'PENDING\'.", "debuginfo": null}'}13:01
sean-k-mooneyack ok lets leave this open for next week13:02
dviroeli would say that we need to check if still happens, if yes, we should link/upload some logs to help on debug13:02
sean-k-mooneymarios: perhaps we shoudl do it after open disucsion not before13:02
mariosyeah maybe sean-k-mooney ... to be clear i am glad we did this it was useful but we should just be careful on time and not get carried away13:02
dviroelwe are out of time, lets wrap up for today13:03
dviroelsorry for missing the open discussions topic today 13:03
dviroelthanks mtembo for bringing the bugs to triage13:04
dviroelthank you all for participating13:04
mtemboso what's the status update for  13:04
mtemboAudit Template Stuck in Pending State Prevents API Deletion, Causing Test Failure13:04
rlandywill take note for next meeting13:04
mariosyeah i was going to say 13:04
rlandythanks dviroel 13:04
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan 30 13:04:15 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:04
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
amoralejthanks dviroel !13:04
mariosthanks dviroel o/13:04
sean-k-mooneymtembo: we can retriage it next time13:04
sean-k-mooneyso still new13:04
chandankumarthank you dviroel !13:04
mtemboThank you all13:04
rlandymtembo: there are a few more that have comments about fixes already in:
rlandymaybe you can just notify here and close out?13:05
mtembosure. 13:10
gmannsean-k-mooney: on DPL things, we need dansmith +1 and we can merge that.
gmannsean-k-mooney: you can also self +1 there to easily  count all liaison votes  18:00
dansmithgmann: you need my +1 on that placeholder?18:13
gmanndansmith: yeah18:13
gmanndansmith: sorry not that one18:13
dansmithfor oslo18:13
gmanndansmith: this one
gmannI wrongly pasted oslo change link18:14
dansmithgot it, sorry I hadn't seen this.. been covered up in other stuff all week18:14
gmannthanks. 18:14
sean-k-mooneygmann: done18:47

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