Wednesday, 2014-09-03

openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Make Client-ID a required header
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openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Adds a manual garbage collector script
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openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: First patch and first review docs
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openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: First patch and first review docs
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vkmco/ ttfn01:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Fix Redis message controller getting stuck in while loop
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Imported Translations from Transifex
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ekarlsoflaper87: what backend does zaqar have that's not agpl ?06:35
flaper87ekarlso: redis06:35
ekarlsoflaper87: any clue on why cassandra isn't used yet ?06:35
flaper87ekarlso: no one has written one :D06:36
flaper87ekarlso: Someone came to us proposing it not long ago06:36
flaper87ekarlso: I don't recall who that person is but it'd be interesting06:36
flaper87I'd also like to see elasticsearch in action there. I'm curious06:37
ekarlsowhy ES ?06:37
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flaper87ekarlso: because it's fast enough and has a great, buil-in, replication system.06:42
flaper87Also, playing with indexes will give us different performance results06:42
flaper87I'm not a cassandra expert but I did read somewhere that it's not good for "queueing systems"06:42
flaper87ekarlso: have you heard anything about that?06:43
ekarlsoflaper87: nope :P06:43
flaper87ekarlso: not sure how updated that blog post is, though.06:45
flaper87it's probab;y old and obsolete06:45
ekarlsoPRIL 26, 2013  ;P06:45
flaper87ekarlso: haha, yeah. I mean, unless Cassandra changed the way it stores things, I think the post is still valid. But again, I don't know much about cassandra06:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: First patch and first review docs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Use oslo.utils.encodeutils instead of strutils
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vkmckgriffs, hey :)12:11
vkmcwhy s/sismember/zscore here?
vkmcis claims_set_key an ordered set?12:12
vkmcflaper87, maybe you can clear that out? ^12:13
flaper87vkmc: gooooooooooood morning12:13
vkmcflaper87, heyaaaaaaa12:13
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flaper87vkmc: it's an oredere set12:27
flaper87sorted set*12:28
flaper87sorry, got distracted12:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Implement claim and message expiration logic for Redis
openstackgerritBartosz Fic proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Removing test_duration variable from bench/
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flaper87echevemaster: yo, do you have a BZ for that package rename already?13:43
echevemasterno, I haven't I'm doing the client package, or do you prefer send before the main package? flaper8713:45
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echevemasterif so, I will do today.13:45
flaper87echevemaster: I guess the sooner we send them the better13:49
flaper87so, if you've the server package ready, just send it13:49
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echevemasterno problemo13:52
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earnThisHi all, anyone know of anymore low hanging fruit style bugs that are unreported I might be able to take a crack at. you guys seem busy lately14:07
kgriffsflaper87: o/14:11
kgriffshow are you?14:11
* kgriffs is on a shuttle bus between Rackspace offices14:12
kgriffsmalini: do you know what the oldest version of RHEL/CentOS we need to support for Zaqar?14:19
malinikgriffs: no14:19
kgriffsI'm trying to figure out whether we can depend on redis 2.614:20
kgriffsmalini: what was it they ran in the gate?14:20
kgriffs(what version of centos)14:20
maliniwas checking that :)14:20
kgriffskk, thanks!14:20
malinithey have centos614:21
maliniwonder if openstack has supported OS list somewhere..I cudnt find anything with a quick search14:22
maliniwell..they dont need tht - rt?14:22
kgriffsin my control panel for RAX I can spin up 5.10 and 6x14:22
kgriffsso, I guess our baseline is 6 since that is what's in the gate?14:22
kgriffsmeaning, if we want to gate on Redis, we will be limited to whatever 6x does? Trusty has redis 2.8 btw14:23
maliniwhich other projects have redis?14:26
maliniI think we shud be ok14:26
malinisince we will use redis for tempest tests & they are already on trusty14:26
malinido we need redis for unit tests?14:27
kgriffsperhaps. If we remove the data plane driver for sqla then we will need something14:30
kgriffs#info centos6 installs 2.4 from epel14:31
kgriffs(to be exact)14:32
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prashanthr_Good morning ! :)15:18
vkmcmorning prashanthr_!!!15:23
prashanthr_Hello vkmc. How you doing ?15:23
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vkmcgood and you? :)15:30
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prashanthr_vkmc: good as well.15:37
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flaper87vkmc: kgriffs|afk notmyname I'd love to hear your feedback on this (when you have time)
flaper87Planning to send something along those lines before the EOD16:56
flaper87kgriffs|afk: can I mark teh redis bp as implemented?17:01
flaper87is there any essential patch missing?17:01
notmynameflaper87: seems reasonable17:02
flaper87notmyname: awesome, thanks :)17:02
notmynameflaper87: you may want to mention technical reasons you have chosen some nosql storage instead of using database foo (or abstraction bar)17:03
flaper87notmyname: +1 I'll add that17:03
flaper87malini: hey hey! You've been away lately! Glad to see you around!17:04
flaper87malini: if you have a chance, could you take a look at that etherpad I just pasted?17:04
maliniflaper87: yes..checking now17:26
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kgriffsflaper87: we need three patches before we can mark the bp as complete17:31
kgriffsactually, that's it (2 not 3)17:32
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kgriffsflaper87: added some thoughts to that pad17:57
kgriffsidk how much it makes sense to include in the email or whatever, but wanted to put them out there for consideration17:57
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earnThishate to bother you guys but can anyone help me with this error?
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kgriffsearnThis: I can help in a few minutes once I finish this redis patch.18:09
earnThiskgriffs: appreciate it, take your time though18:10
kgriffsearnThis: hmm, looks like for some reason oslo.utils was not installed by tox correctly18:31
kgriffsthat can happen sometimes if there is a conflict between pip install with and without symlinks (the -e option)18:32
kgriffsalso, it can happen if a dependency changed in the latest code - tox isn't great at knowing it needs to recreate an env18:32
kgriffsearnThis: have you tried recreating??18:32
kgriffstox -re py2718:32
earnThiskgriffs, i have not, will do no18:33
kgriffskk, let me know how it goes18:34
earnThiskgriffs: well right off the bat its taking longer than the run when i got the error so that's promising, will keep you posted18:36
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earnThiskgriffs: no luck
kgriffsoh, well that's a different error18:42
kgriffsso you an remove the 'r' flag now that you are past the oslo.utils thing18:43
earnThisrunning now18:45
kgriffsAttributeError: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'driver'18:45
kgriffsthat is really strange18:45
kgriffsbecause in the __init__ for that class, it assigns to self.driver18:45
kgriffsflwang or alcabrera: this could use approval -
earnThiskgriffs: in the patch i am testing the attribute should be '_driver'18:49
* alcabrera clicks18:49
alcabrerakgriffs: it is done - manual GC is approved. :)18:52
earnThiskgriffs: output from tox -e py27
kgriffsalcabrera: thanks!18:52
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Switch Redis driver modules over to oslo.utils.timeutils
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Calculate stats dynamically instead of using side counters
kgriffsalcabrera, flaper87, flwang, malini, vkmc: please review so we can finish the redis bp:
kgriffs(note the comments in the previous patchset)19:01
kgriffsearnThis: hmm, looks like that on_get is blowing up still. you may need to use pdb per the instructions toward the bottom of this wiki page:19:04
earnThiskgriffs: thanks, ill look into that19:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Adds a manual garbage collector script
* flaper87 back19:38
flaper87kgriffs: I think we can close the redis bp even without that patch. Not saying we shouldn't review it but in terms of features it is complete19:38
flaper87am I wrong?19:38
kgriffswithout this patch, stats are incorrect after a GC iirc19:39
kgriffsyou can consider it a bug if you like19:39
kgriffsI have a few more bugs/optimizations I was going to try to submit today, but I don't consider them necessary to be feature complete19:40
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kgriffsno critical bugs left that I know of, other than that patch19:49
kgriffsrest are icing on the cake19:49
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openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: In benchmark observer worker, include claimed messages when listing
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Don't pass pipe when filtering messages in the Redis driver
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