Friday, 2015-02-27

flwang1flaper87: yep00:16
flwang1flaper87: around?00:17
flaper87flwang1: ish00:21
flwang1flaper87: I saw your comments00:21
flwang1flaper87: as for this
flwang1which method you're taking about?   "This method is not implemented for the redis.DataDriver, therefore this jobs keep failing."00:22
flaper87flwang1: no, the subscription one00:24
flaper87for the redis.DataDriver00:24
flaper87it raises a NotImplemented error00:25
flwang1so you mean in redis driver, it can't get self._storage.subscription_controller, right?00:25
flwang1it makes more sense00:26
flwang1i'm thinking if there is anyway to workaround it00:27
flwang1how did you see that?00:28
flwang1since you told me you can pass the ./stack.sh00:28
flwang1besides, the rest api patch maybe the similar reason
flaper87flwang1: I think I wasn't testing your patch correctly00:31
flaper87I think the best way to do it right now is how shaifali is doing in her patch00:31
flaper87that is, to have a set of builtin stages that we always load00:31
flwang1ok, I will review it. but for patch  i still run into the redis issue, so how did you test it?00:32
flaper87just install your patch, install redis and enable redis00:34
flaper87that should trigger the issue00:34
flwang1flaper87: got it, I will git a try00:38
flwang1thanks for the info00:38
flwang1so i will review shaifali's patch and see what i can do00:39
kragniz./win 5700:52
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flwang1flaper87: still around?01:41
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exploreshaifaligooooooood morning!!!09:19
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openstackgerritShaifali Agrawal proposed openstack/zaqar: Removing QueueController from data to control plane
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, still we are unable to access "queue_databases"14:10
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exploreshaifaliFile "zaqar/storage/mongodb/", line 888, in __init__14:10
exploreshaifali2015-02-27 06:09:57.843 57461 TRACE stevedore.extension     self._collection = self.control_driver.queues_database.queues14:10
exploreshaifali2015-02-27 06:09:57.843 57461 TRACE stevedore.extension AttributeError: 'ControlDriver' object has no attribute 'queues_database'14:10
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exploreshaifalivkmc, \o14:33
exploreshaifalikragniz, \o14:33
kragnizexploreshaifali: \o!14:34
exploreshaifalikragniz, congrats for glance core!!14:34
kragnizexploreshaifali: thanks!14:34
vkmcexploreshaifali, o/14:37
vkmckragniz, congratz for joining the coredom kragniz!14:37
kragnizI'm not in the groups yet!14:38
exploreshaifalivkmc, he is in nominations right now14:38
vkmckragniz, exploreshaifali, ohhh14:39
vkmcwell, crossing fingers then :)14:39
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, ping ting ding16:45
flaper87exploreshaifali: hey :)16:46
flaper87sorry, I'm heads down on something I must finish today16:46
flaper87exploreshaifali: what's up?16:47
flaper87how are you doing?16:47
exploreshaifaliflaper87, okay16:47
exploreshaifaliflaper87, I am super gooooooood16:47
exploreshaifaliflaper87, but not the patch :(16:47
exploreshaifaliflaper87, it is still unable to access queue_databses16:47
flaper87exploreshaifali: aweee :( what's wrong with it?16:47
flaper87lemme check16:47
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flaper87exploreshaifali: def __init__(self, conf, storage, control_driver=None) <- control driver should not be a keyword argument16:49
flaper87that's just a nit, though16:50
* flaper87 keeps reading16:50
exploreshaifaliflaper87, above one is for pipeline.DataDriver?16:52
flaper87exploreshaifali: yes16:53
flaper87exploreshaifali: in mongodb/ L888, I believe it's getting the wrong control_driver, Could you please put a print there (or break point) to know what the actual control driver it is getting is ?16:57
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, okay....... doing!16:57
flaper87exploreshaifali: run it locally16:59
flaper87lets see what happens16:59
exploreshaifalihhahaha yes16:59
exploreshaifaliflaper87, so here is control_derver --> < object at 0x7fcbd9a08ad0>17:05
exploreshaifalithen I printed "control_driver.__dict__" --> {'sqlalchemy_conf': <oslo_config.cfg.GroupAttr object at 0x7fcbd9a7a6d0>, 'cache': <zaqar.openstack.common.cache._backends.memory.MemoryBackend object at 0x7fcbd9a08a10>, 'conf': <oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts object at 0x7fcbd9ab6910>}17:06
exploreshaifalibut after it I also tried to print "control_driver.queues_database" it is not printing17:06
flaper87HOLY MOLY17:07
flaper87do you see what the problem is ?17:07
exploreshaifalialso after it I tried to print simple string but it is also got printing17:07
exploreshaifaliwhat I think is queues_database is not coming from drivers.ControlDriver17:08
exploreshaifalibut I have defined queues_database inside it17:08
flaper87so, you defined queues_database in the *mongodb* control driver17:08
flaper87and you're receiving sqlalchemy's17:08
flaper87which is perfectly fine17:09
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flaper87I don't think you should rely on the queues_database thing17:09
flaper87oh wait, one more thing17:10
exploreshaifaliokay so I need to modify all other datastores too17:10
flaper87wno no17:10
flaper87you shouldn't have queues_database17:10
flaper87btw, you're adding the MessageQueueHandler to all the pipelines17:10
flaper87you shouldn't17:10
flaper87you just need it for the Queue's one17:10
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* exploreshaifali not getting anything17:12
flaper87exploreshaifali: hehehe, sorry, I was looking up some links17:12
flaper87I'm back17:12
flaper87exploreshaifali: so, We need to "replace" the usage of message_controller in the queue_controller17:13
exploreshaifaliflaper87, yes17:13
flaper87cool, we need to get rid of things like:
exploreshaifaliflaper87, yup!17:13
flaper87To do that, we need to add something to the "queue"'s pipeline so that it'll be called whenever `_delete` is called17:13
flaper87right ?17:13
exploreshaifaliyes yes17:14
exploreshaifaliwe need to add it in queues pipeline and I am adding them in DataDriver pipeline17:14
exploreshaifaliso it is the mistake?17:14
flaper87exploreshaifali: you are adding it in all the pipelines but you need to do that *just* for the queue one17:15
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flaper87After you do that, you need to make sure the `MessageQueueHandler` implementation interacts *just* with the DataDriver controllers and not its internals17:16
flaper87for example, it shouldn't access queues_databases at all17:16
flaper87It needs self.driver.message_controller.delete()17:16
flaper87or something like that17:16
flaper87is that clearer?17:16
exploreshaifaliflaper87, as per I understand I we need to call "_get_builtin_entry_points(self._storage, self.control_driver)" only in queues_controller17:17
exploreshaifaliof pipeline.DataDriver17:18
exploreshaifalibut MessegeQueueHandler will need to interact with queues_database17:20
exploreshaifalisince it need self.collection=self.driver.queues_database.queues17:21
exploreshaifalior self.collection=self."control_driver".queues_database.queues17:21
exploreshaifalibecause now we are shifting queues_database inside ControlDriver17:21
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exploreshaifalihas flaper87 again went in his dream world?17:27
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vkmcexploreshaifali, he is quite busy lately17:29
vkmclemme check17:29
exploreshaifalivkmc, okay :D17:30
vkmcfor what I understood, you have to abstract for using DataDriver attributes17:31
vkmcand access them from the interface17:31
* vkmc reads exploreshaifali's latest ps17:33
exploreshaifalivkmc, I don't know exactly what he mean, but we need to access queues_database which is now in ControlDriver17:35
exploreshaifalinot in DataDriver17:35
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vkmcexploreshaifali, you need queues_database for stats and delete17:38
exploreshaifalivkmc, yes17:39
exploreshaifalivkmc, only for delete17:39
vkmcwhat we want to do is... for the first case, exists, tell if the message exists in the queue17:40
exploreshaifalino s/exists/stats17:40
vkmcno, the other way round, I want to say that you need it for the _exists method17:40
exploreshaifalioh yes, sorry17:40
vkmc:) no worries17:41
vkmcso, instead of getting the queues_database17:41
vkmcflaper suggested that you use the message controller17:41
vkmcthat you already have17:41
vkmcso you call, self.message_controller.delete()17:42
vkmcdoes that make sense?17:42
exploreshaifalivkmc, here at L888 what should I replace?17:43
exploreshaifaliself._collection = self.control_driver.queues_database.queues17:43
vkmcyeah, remove that17:44
vkmcwith this approach we will manage to remove all the messages17:44
vkmcbut... the queue will remain there17:44
vkmcmaybe we could implement some kind of garbage collector?17:45
exploreshaifalivkmc, if I will remove it than what will we do at L904?17:46
vkmcexploreshaifali, you remove it as well17:47
exploreshaifaliflaper also asked me not to use internals that mean exactly what you are saying17:47
vkmcyou shouldn't need to access queues_database from there17:47
vkmclet me check the code of the messagescontroller17:48
exploreshaifalivkmc, okay if I will remove L904 too than how will a message will get deleted from the database/collection?17:48
vkmcmaybe we can do something to wrap the queue removal from there17:48
vkmcexploreshaifali, you ask the messages_controller to do that17:48
vkmcthrough a public method17:48
vkmcin the messagecontroller you have an instance of the controldriver, iirc17:50
vkmcor maybe I'm high in carrots (having lunch)17:50
exploreshaifaliyou mean by this method ?17:51
vkmcexploreshaifali, yeap17:51
exploreshaifalivkmc, yet there are problems, if not for delete but for stats17:52
exploreshaifalimessagecontroller wants
exploreshaifaliwe don't have "self.driver.mongodb_conf.partitions"17:52
vkmcwhy not?17:52
exploreshaifalivkmc, this was not discussed with falper17:52
vkmcok, let's discuss this now :)17:53
vkmcand if we need a little dose of wtf, then we call flaper8717:53
exploreshaifalinot beacause we are initializing messagecontroller at L89017:53
exploreshaifalihere we are not inheriting any class17:54
exploreshaifaliand also not explicitely defining self.mondo_conf17:54
exploreshaifalikinda thing17:54
vkmcoh I see17:55
vkmclet's think this better then17:56
exploreshaifalivkmc, I was thinking can we inherit mongodb.queues.QueueControlle here?17:57
vkmcexploreshaifali, I think we are missing some design details here and that we should stop and think about it before continue coding17:59
exploreshaifalivkmc, yes yes17:59
exploreshaifalilets think more17:59
vkmcit's a bummer when you get stucked with something and the problem keeps growing just because17:59
vkmcmaybe we could do a hangout and chat about the change, and write down how the architecture should look like18:00
vkmcwhat do you think?18:00
exploreshaifalivkmc, yes sure why not18:00
vkmcwhat time is it there? I don't want to start working on this if its too late or you are in school :)18:02
vkmcif you rather do this next monday morning, we can schedule something18:02
exploreshaifalivkmc, no no not on monday........... my college internals will start from 2 to 5 :(18:04
exploreshaifaliso yea its night here18:04
vkmcwell, focus on that18:04
exploreshaifalii am not in good state but we can start18:04
vkmcwe can tackle this later18:04
exploreshaifalivkmc, college stuff is not as much exiciting as this one ;)18:04
vkmcnext week you will be full time with school? or you will be free at afternoons?18:04
vkmcI agree :P been there18:05
exploreshaifalitill 4 march I will not able to focus much here18:05
vkmcok, no worries18:05
vkmcit will give me some time to think about this too18:05
exploreshaifaliif you are not much busy we can start now too18:06
vkmcsure, I need to catch up with what we have right now though18:06
vkmcread backlogs and such18:06
exploreshaifaliokay :)18:07
exploreshaifaliI am here only18:07
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vkmcexploreshaifali, did you discuss with flaper87 the idea of passing a control driver reference to the data driver?19:00
exploreshaifalivkmc, yes19:00
vkmcand what was the outcome of that?19:01
exploreshaifalivkmc, the main task is to shift "queue_controller" and "queues_databases" from data to control plane and access them thorugh control_plane(ControlDriver) instance inside DataDriver wherever needed19:02
vkmcthat's fine19:02
exploreshaifaliso this is the reason why we are passing control driver into data driver19:03
exploreshaifaliit was flaper87's idea to pass control driver refrence to data driver19:03
vkmcI'm trying to remember why we need the message handler19:04
exploreshaifaliokay, so this let us remove "queue_controler" from DataDriver to ControlDriver but queue_controller need message_controller inside _delete() and _stats19:04
exploreshaifalibut queue_controller could not access message_controller now as now it is being instantiated though control driver which does not have message_controller19:05
exploreshaifaliso we decided to use pipelines and let all message_controller and queues stuff to be happpen there in queue's pipelines19:06
vkmcexploreshaifali, and what happens if, for instance19:06
vkmcwe init the datacontroller19:07
vkmcsorry, let's use the name of the class instead19:07
vkmcwe init the datadriverbase19:07
vkmcwithout the controldriverbase19:08
vkmcbecause, as you said, its not yet instantiated19:08
vkmcthen we init the controldriverbase19:08
vkmcwith the datadriverbase19:08
vkmcand finally we establish the link between the datadriverbase and the controldriverbase, using a method19:08
exploreshaifalifor every instance of DataDriver we will need ControlDriver instance too19:09
vkmcand we only need the controldriver for the messages only19:09
vkmcor what is the downside of that?19:10
exploreshaifaliwe don't need control driver for messages,  controldriver does not have messages(this is the problem)19:10
exploreshaifaliwe need control driver only for queues19:10
exploreshaifaliqueue controller and queues databases19:11
exploreshaifaliand queuecontroller need messages19:12
vkmcaccording to boostrap.py19:12
vkmcwhen storage is executed
vkmcthe data driver is loaded19:12
vkmcand when control is executed
vkmcthe control driver is loaded19:13
vkmcthe queue_controller is within the controldriver controllers19:14
vkmcand for some operations, queue_controller needs to access to messages19:14
vkmcprecisely, the message_controller19:14
vkmcwhich is within datadriver19:14
vkmcok so, now I want to inspect the load_storage_driver method19:15
exploreshaifaliwe have changes bootstarp's storage method -->
vkmcwe pass conf, cache and if whether it is or not a control driver19:15
vkmcok, we always pass the control driver now19:17
exploreshaifaliyes..... all thanks to flaper8719:17
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vkmcaccording to, datadriver is initializated first19:27
vkmcand controldriver follows19:27
vkmcI wonder if its the same instance19:28
exploreshaifalidatadriver's instantialtion will not completer if controldriver is not instantiated19:28
exploreshaifaliinside datadriver's __init__() we are passing controldriver's refrence/instance19:29
vkmcit might complete, in an erroneus way19:30
vkmcis not like you stop the call19:30
vkmcsee my concern?19:30
vkmcthe drivers are instantiated when the transport.listen() method is executed19:32 executes first19:32
vkmcbut you added  storage_driver = storage_utils.load_storage_driver(self.conf, self.cache, control_driver=self.control)19:33
vkmcso, self.control exectues19:33
vkmcso, an instance for control is obtained19:33
vkmctransport.listen() continues19:34
vkmcand self.control is invoqued one more time19:34
mpanettaI don't have self.control :P19:35
vkmcwe know mpanetta, we know19:35
exploreshaifalimpanetta, we are trying to control self.control :P19:35
vkmcself.control is doing nonsense19:35
exploreshaifaliso yea vkmc it will be better to have a local varible holding value of self.control19:36
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kragnizvkmc pls19:37
vkmckragniz, you felt the darkness of my idea and decided to pass by?19:37
kragnizvkmc: what would you say if I told you I have a highlight set for 'global variable'?19:38
vkmckragniz, I would say that the heart has reasons that the reason doesn't understand19:39
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exploreshaifalivkmc, please think how much feassible it will be if we inherit queues.QueueController for MessageQueueHandler19:44
vkmcexploreshaifali, I am thinking why we need the pipelining thing in the first place19:45
vkmcwhy we cannot pass the driver directly, in a more transparent manner19:45
exploreshaifaliwhich driver and where to pass it19:46
vkmcthe datadriver to the controldriver19:46
exploreshaifalior the controldriver to the datadriver :P19:47
vkmcoh yes19:47
exploreshaifaliyea so we don't need pipeling for this case19:47
exploreshaifaliwe need pipeling only for queues19:47
vkmcwhy we need pipelining for queues?19:48
exploreshaifaliso that queues can manage its message control part in the pipeline19:48
vkmcthat's the part I don't like much19:48
exploreshaifaliqueues' _delete and _stat need messagecontroller19:48
vkmcthen, why... we don't pass message_controller to queue_controller19:49
exploreshaifalihow will we do that?19:49
exploreshaifaliare you asking to pass a refrence of messagecontroller inside queuecontroller?19:49
exploreshaifaliif it is the case than we will be in a circular loop19:50
vkmcno, I'm asking to init queue_controller with a reference to message_controller19:50
exploreshaifaliyes this will lead to circular loop19:50
exploreshaifaliwe can access messagecontroller only thorugh DataDriver, which need ControlDriver19:51
exploreshaifaliand controldriver need queuecontroller which need messagecontroller19:51
exploreshaifalimessagecontroller can be accessed via datadriver19:51
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exploreshaifalivkmc, is it possible to directly instantiate messagecontroller without DataDriver?19:52
* exploreshaifali checking __init__ of messagecontroller19:52
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vkmcno, but its possible to serialize the inits19:53
vkmcso you init datadriver first19:53
vkmcthen you initcontrol driver19:53
vkmcand then you adjust the references19:53
vkmcsomething like 'set_data_driver(driver)'19:53
vkmcand you call it from bootstrap19:54
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exploreshaifaliby set_data_driver(driver) we will serialize datadriver reference ?19:56
exploreshaifaliand then what?19:56
vkmcand then you have the reference to the controller you need19:57
vkmcand you can access to them and do whatever you want to do19:57
exploreshaifaliso you mean by this serialized datadriver's refrence we can access messagecontroller inside queus?19:58
vkmcwith serialize I mean to 'order' in a sequence how we init things19:59
exploreshaifalioh ok20:00
vkmcif we do things in order, we can ensure we have all the references when they need to be20:00
vkmcand if we do so, we can ensure we can access the message_controller inside the queue_controller20:00
vkmclet me chat this with flaper87 and see if he has a point against it20:00
vkmcbut IMO its cleaner20:00
exploreshaifaliok :)20:01
vkmcif there is something not clear, let me know20:01
vkmcI'll write this down20:02
* exploreshaifali thinking20:02
vkmcno need to walk through this now... sometimes its better to rethink things the following day20:02
exploreshaifaliI din't knew before we can serialize instantiation too20:03
vkmcyeah, its a possibility20:03
exploreshaifaliso we can do something like-->  first __init__ of datadriver --> create instance of messagecontroller --> create instance of controldriver --> create instance of queuecontroller to which we can pass messagecontroller refrence20:05
vkmc1. init datadriver (that inits every single thing considered as 'data plane')20:06
vkmc2. init controldriver with the datadriver instance (that inits every single thing considered as 'control plane')20:06
vkmc3. set the controldriver in datadriver (and, if needed, pass the value to the controllers that need it)20:06
exploreshaifaliyes so for this we will need to pass messagecontroller reference to controldriver while instantiating controldriver20:08
vkmcsure, already instantiated datadriver so you have message_controller20:10
vkmcyou can access it and pass it20:10
exploreshaifalithis means we need to change __init__ of controldriver that will lead to make changes in bootstrap.control to pass datadriver.messagecontroller20:11
exploreshaifalihow will it possible?20:12
vkmcyou add a method20:12
vkmcthat receives the message_controller20:12
vkmcand assigns it to self._message_controller20:12
vkmcyou don't put that in init20:12
exploreshaifalihtis method will be added inside bootstrap's control()?20:13
exploreshaifalioh ok not inside control()20:13
vkmclet me see.. hmm20:14
exploreshaifaliwe need to call it from control() with args self and messagecontroller refrence20:14
exploreshaifaliumm no no20:14
* exploreshaifali speaking non sense things20:14
exploreshaifaliin flaper87 's style --> /me slaps herself :P20:15
vkmcoh no, don't copy that from him20:18
vkmcnot advised20:19
vkmcso, add the datadriver param to controldriver20:21
vkmclet's go to the etherpad20:22
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exploreshaifalivkmc, why will we need "self._datadriver = data" insdie controldriverbase ?20:24
exploreshaifaliI think there self.messagecontroller=messagedata will be okay20:25
vkmcsure, we need to polish it20:27
vkmcbut that is my idea20:27
vkmc(first idea)20:27
vkmcwe also have to check if we are not missing something20:28
vkmchey, brb20:28
vkmcleave questions in the etherpad if needed20:28
exploreshaifalivkmc, okay!! Thanks a looooooooot!!! :D20:30
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exploreshaifalivkmc, I have added few questions on etherpad!20:57
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exploreshaifaliyea :)21:08
exploreshaifalivkmc, so the changes are okay?21:09
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vkmclet me see21:16
vkmcyeah, that could work too!21:18
exploreshaifaliso we also don't need " self._datadriver = data" inside base.ControlDriver?21:19
vkmcit was there to make it more consistent21:23
exploreshaifaliokay :)21:28
exploreshaifalivkmc, Thanks!!!21:28
vkmcI'll chat with flaper87 later21:28
vkmcand update him21:28
vkmcand hear his opinion about this21:28
exploreshaifaliokay till than I will make changes in local env and see if something more is needed or not :)21:29
vkmcok :)21:30
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