Tuesday, 2015-09-15

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openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix duplicated queues on multi pools  https://review.openstack.org/22114204:34
openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack/zaqar: Rename pool to pool_group for flavor  https://review.openstack.org/22087604:46
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mdnadeemHello Team, I am very new to open stack, face some error while starting the Zaqar server05:39
mdnadeemI have follow the below link for installing zaqar: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/zaqar/development-environment.html05:40
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zigoflaper87: jasondotstar: I still have the issue that I can't run unit tests of Zaqar, as setting the port for mongodb through system env doesn't work for me.07:17
zigoFix that, and then I can upload Zaqar *now*.l07:17
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mdnadeemAny Idea friends, regarding error : http://paste.openstack.org/show/462427/07:28
mdnadeem^^ ?07:28
thervemdnadeem, Try setting pooling to False in the configuration07:34
mdnadeemtherve: Thank you for reply07:37
mdnadeemHere is my zakar.conf file: http://paste.openstack.org/show/462501/07:37
mdnadeemtherve: Please have a look07:38
mdnadeemI think pooling is by default set to False07:40
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therveAh you're right, it should be "unreliable" that you need to set to False07:44
mdnadeemtherve:I have doubt that on installation of mongodb,07:47
mdnadeemwhen i run command sudo service mongod status --> output shows mongod running07:47
mdnadeemhowever when i execute command sudo service mongodb status --> output shows mongod stop/waiting07:48
mdnadeemany idea? about mongod and mongodb processes?07:49
therveonly mongod matters07:50
mdnadeemok, that means it installed successfully.07:51
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flaper87zigo: mmh, weird. I thought therve had implemented that08:24
therveI did08:28
therveI thought last time we looked unit tests didn't work at all for zigo08:29
therveWe never got into the real issues08:29
therveAlso it was kilo08:29
zigoIt didn't indeed.08:29
zigoI had a look in Liberty, same problem.08:29
zigoIt can't connect to Mongo.08:29
exploreshaifaliflaper87, I am trying to implement "flavor update" cli08:31
exploreshaifalibut for that first I will need to fetch the flavor which needs to be updated08:31
exploreshaifalican you help in that08:32
thervezigo, If you have some time to debug it we can look at it08:32
therveIt did work when I committed the patch08:32
zigotherve: How may I help? Do you need the build log?08:34
flaper87therve: zigo it'd be really cool if you can figure this out sooner rather than later :D08:34
flaper87thanks to both08:34
thervezigo, Sure that'd be a start08:34
flaper87exploreshaifali: fetching the flavor is actually quite simple, just create an instance of flavor.Flavor()08:35
zigoThere you are.08:35
exploreshaifaliflaper87, does glance or heat does not use "cliff" library to implement cl commands?08:36
zigoThe thing is, it does connect...08:36
exploreshaifaliI tried to look at their clients08:36
zigoIt says "connection closed" not "connection refused">08:36
thervezigo, What's pymongo version?08:37
zigotherve: 3.0.3-108:38
zigo(the latest in Sid)08:38
thervezigo, And mongodb?08:38
zigoCould it be that I didn't create the db prior starting the tests?08:39
zigoOr does the testing framework do it for me?08:39
therveIt should create it08:39
therve2.4 is a bit on the old side08:39
flaper87exploreshaifali: glance doesn't use python-openstackclient so no, they don't use cliff08:40
zigoRight, it should be at least one week old, so therefore, old ... :P08:40
therveWe do have some regressions since I made the patch though08:40
flaper87we use cliff becasue we use python-openstackclient08:40
flaper87zigo: therve I haven't read the backlog but I wanted to say we should merge whatever fix will make building the package possible08:40
thervezigo, Our builds use 2.6 I believe08:40
exploreshaifaliflaper87, okay! Thanks :)08:40
flaper87just wanted to say it's also high-prio08:40
flaper87and let me know if I can help08:41
therveAnd last release is 3.008:41
* flaper87 goes back to emails08:41
therveSo yeah old08:41
openstackDebian bug 748490 in mongodb "mongodb: New upstream version is available (2.6.1)" [Normal,Open]08:41
zigoNo answer from Laszlo, the package maintainer.08:42
zigoIMO, Laszlo does a way too many things in Debian, so he can't take care of it well enough.08:42
* zigo sends a ping in the bug report08:42
mdnadeemtherve: Now i was trying to install zaqar using devstack, it shows me error :  "Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145". Any Idea sir?08:43
zigoAnyway, supporting mongodb 2.4 would be nice, so we don't have to rely on a backport.08:44
thervemdnadeem, Not really. Verify mongo is running properly, check listening port08:44
zigoAnd also, I don't think that's the issue we're having here.08:44
thervezigo, Possibly not08:44
flaper87zigo: supporting mongodb 2.4 might be possible except that probably the version of pymongo we use can't talk to it (but I'm prob wrong about this)08:45
flaper87the thing we care about is ttl collections and we have those in mongodb 2.408:46
mdnadeemtherve: ok, Thanks08:46
zigoOk, so what's the way forward?08:48
zigoWhat can I do / test?08:48
zigoFYI, I'm doing this to launch tests: PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR) PYTHON=python$$i bash -x ./debian/setup-test-env-mongodb.sh testr-python$$PYMAJOR run --subunit08:49
zigoand the wrapper is here: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/openstack/zaqar.git/tree/debian/setup-test-env-mongodb.sh?h=debian/liberty08:49
zigoThe wrapper basically starts mongo on a non-standard port, and do export ZAQAR_TEST_MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost:${MONGO_PORT}08:50
thervezigo, We do have a regression08:52
therveSo... wait for the fix I guess08:52
therveflaper87, We need to have a test build setting the URL08:55
flaper87therve: as in the setUp phase ?09:01
therveflaper87, As in jenkins09:01
flaper87therve: mmh, devkstack is pointing to localhost, isn't it ?09:02
therveflaper87, devstack is always using the standard 27017 port. We should change mongo port so that it doesn't break every other patch09:03
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flaper87therve: mmh, I'm a bit lost, tbh.09:06
flaper87What's the current issue?09:06
flaper87is 2017 causing issues?09:06
therveflaper87, If mongodb is not running on that port, yes09:08
flaper87therve: but why wouldnt mongodb be running on that port?09:11
flaper87does the gate change it?09:11
therveflaper87, Debian builds do09:11
therveThat's the whole problem :)09:11
flaper87ah yeah but you said that we needed to do it in Jenkins and I thought you were talking about Zaqar's gate09:11
* flaper87 confused09:11
flaper87or you want to use the env var in the gate to make sure it works09:12
flaper87sorry, I feel dumb09:12
therveflaper87, Yes, that one09:12
therveI want to use the env var in the gate09:12
flaper87therve: coolio, now I got it09:13
flaper87sounds great to me09:13
flaper87I guess you can just hack gate_hook.sh to set it09:13
flaper87and the devstack plugin09:13
therveFixing the tests first09:15
* flaper87 gives therve a morning beer09:16
therveNot sure it'll do me any good :)09:17
therveThat would be less painful if the timeout was so long09:17
zigoflaper87: therve: I'd suggest that you copy my wrapper script to start mongodb on a non-standard port. That's what Ceilometer does (even before I started doing so in the packages).09:26
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therveI don't know what I fixed last time but I couldn't possibly left that many tests over :/09:39
therveflaper87, https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/master/zaqar/tests/unit/storage/test_pool_catalog.py#L52 Good lord what can I do with that09:39
flaper87therve: replace it with whatever the value of the env var is09:43
flaper87one thing to keep in mind is that you can't create 2 pools w/ the same URL09:43
therveflaper87, The localhost/ hack is particularly nasty09:44
therveAlso it doesn't work when try to do that09:44
flaper87therve: :D09:46
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flaper87It's nasty and it's part of the technical debt we have in Zaqar's unittests09:47
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flwang1vkmc: ping10:40
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flaper87flwang1:morning :D10:47
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flwang1flaper87: https://review.openstack.org/221122 need your bless10:48
flwang1and this one https://review.openstack.org/22114210:49
* flaper87 clicks10:49
flwang1we're still called 'Queue service' on http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-projects.html10:56
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flaper87flwang1: that's fixable :d11:02
flaper87flwang1: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221142/2/zaqar/storage/pooling.py,cm11:06
flaper87mmh, not entirely sure that's correct11:06
flwang1any question?11:07
flaper87I don't even think we need that controller at all11:07
flaper87since we don't use pooling for the management plane11:07
flaper87The queue controller is just 1 and it should point to the management storage11:07
flwang1flaper87: yes, i can see your point11:07
flaper87rather than using pooling to store the data11:07
flwang1flaper87: but that's a big change11:07
flwang1flaper87: it would be more safe to do that in M11:08
flwang1how do you think11:08
flaper87sure, although I still think there's something weird there11:08
flaper87why don't you need to go through the whole catalogue ?11:09
flwang1because any queue controller can get the queue list11:10
flwang1if we iterate all pools, and merge the queues list, we will get duplicated queues11:10
flwang1is that your question?11:10
flaper87ish. I'm wondering why that's the case.11:12
flaper87a queue should exist in a single pool11:12
flaper87ah because the queue controller is the same11:13
flaper87mmh, that's just complicated11:13
flaper87could you write a comment there?11:13
flaper87and file a bug11:13
flaper87this needs to be refactored11:14
flwang1you mean add a TODO comment and ref a bug?11:14
flaper87flwang1: here's another idea11:14
flaper87Can we have a `_queue_ctrl` attribute in the _pool_catalog that has the instance of the queue_controller ?11:15
flaper87that way we don't need to query the pool's table to then query the queue's one11:16
flaper87in the Catalog init you coud do: self._queue_ctrl = control.queue_controller11:16
flwang1here https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/master/zaqar/storage/pooling.py#L418 ?11:18
flwang1i think it works11:18
flaper87flwang1: yup11:19
flwang1ok, sounds a good idea. will post a new patch set11:19
flaper87flwang1: thanks11:20
flwang1flaper87: in your non-candidacy mail, you mentioned some items we should focus, cross-project integration, api, more use case11:22
flwang1would you like to discuss it a bit ?11:22
flwang1if you're not really hungry to run for lunch11:23
flaper87flwang1: I already had lunch, lets talk11:31
flwang1flaper87: cool11:31
flwang1for cross project, i think we need to help get the swift middleware in and push websocket of zaqar for horizon, guest agent comm via zaqar for sahara/trove, anything else?11:32
flaper87Those are the main topics we've discussed in the past11:39
flaper87flwang1: However, If I were to choose, I'd focus on helping Sahara and Horizon11:40
flaper87but normally, it comes down to other projects also willing to do the same11:40
flwang1flaper87: what's the current sahara's attitude for the idea?11:40
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flwang1i know sahara and trove have the critical security hole, so it would be nice if we can work it out by zaqar11:41
flaper87flwang1: Sahara is evaluating to move towards a guest-agent approach and if they do, they are willing to use Zaqar11:42
flaper87Trove, on the other hand, is thinking to move away from guest-agent and use ssh (which is what sahara is using now)...11:43
flaper87but I'm not sure where that discussion is going11:43
flwang1flaper87: is there any people from sahara we can contact?11:43
flaper87In vancouver we talked w/ folks from trove and they weren't very happy w/ the idea of using Zaqar11:44
flaper87flwang1: I'm working close to the Sahara team on this, I'm happy to coordinate this work11:44
flaper87What we don't have any holder for is Horizon11:44
flwang1flaper87: it would be nice if you can continually follow the sahara integration11:45
flaper87I will, that's a use-case I'm very excited about11:45
flwang1as for horizon, IIRc, vkmc said she will follow up that, right?11:45
flwang1me too11:45
flwang1ok, let's move on to next topic, API11:46
flaper87flwang1: yup, she said that. You should ping her again to check what her time schedule looks like on that front11:46
flwang1flaper87: ok, i will check with her11:46
flwang1we have released 3 versions, and i would say v1.1 is the stable one, but we have many exciting features in v211:47
flwang1so what's our recommended api version if there is a potential deployer?11:48
flaper87flwang1: fwiw, v1.1 is "supported" and v2 is "current"11:49
flaper87so, use v211:50
flwang1flaper87: cool11:52
flwang1flaper87: do we have an official place to announce this?11:52
flwang1given we're not on the api-ref site11:53
flaper87flwang1: documentation would be the best place11:53
flaper87Change the README, change devs docs11:53
flaper87Put it in the main page11:53
flaper87and, obviously, have support for it in the client11:53
flaper87which we don't have11:53
flwang1flaper87: hmm... it's shame11:54
flwang1i will pay more effort on client side in M11:54
flaper87flwang1: yup, as I mentioned in the meeting yday. I will as well11:54
flwang1flaper87: awesome11:55
flaper87I'd like to work on extending the functional tests and support for v211:55
flaper87dynarro: did a lot of work there11:55
flaper87and her patches need to be reviewed11:55
flaper87flwang1: dynarro will be in Tokyo11:55
flwang1flaper87: awesome11:55
flwang1i just booked my flights yesterday11:55
flwang1flaper87: should we take microversion into consideration in M?11:56
flaper87flwang1: I'd like us to start discussing it, yes.11:57
flaper87I don't think I understand them well enough11:57
flaper87but it'd be great to be prepared so that whenever we'll need them, we'll be ready to use them11:57
flwang1flaper87: good point11:58
flaper87I don't think we need a new API11:58
flwang1i just read some doc of nova's microversion11:58
flwang1me too11:58
flaper87or at least, I don't think there are required, backwards incompatible, changes to do11:58
flaper87Additions can still be under v211:59
flwang1just ping me when you back12:02
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix usage of mongo test URL  https://review.openstack.org/22355312:03
thervezigo, OK! Sorry about that. The above patch should fix things again, hopefully12:05
flwang1therve: morning12:06
thervehi flwang112:07
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix usage of mongo test URL  https://review.openstack.org/22355312:08
flwang1hah, i'm going to ask why use 27019 ;)12:08
zigotherve: Thanks, trying it now.12:08
flwang1and i saw there is a new patchset12:08
thervezigo, Awesome thanks12:09
flaper87flwang1: back12:10
flwang1flaper87: as for the more user case you mentioned in your mail, what does that mean?12:11
flwang1therve: thanks for the patch, i'm thinking if we should do the same thing for redis12:12
flaper87flwang1: i'll have to re-read that email12:13
therveflwang1, Possibly. I never run them12:14
flwang1therve: ok, i will take a look12:14
flaper87therve: I was hoping that config var would be more like: ZAQAR_STORAGE_URL12:15
zigotherve: http://paste.openstack.org/show/462886/ <=== Not working ... :(12:15
flaper87it can't be because redis doesn't have support for the management plane12:15
therveflaper87, Good I'm here to crush your hopes12:15
zigotherve: Is this because I need trunk?12:15
flaper87therve: :P12:15
thervezigo, Yeah12:16
zigotherve: Ok, will try to do that then.12:16
therveflaper87, I don't know, I'd like to be able to run both mongo and redis tests in one run12:16
therveIf I have a generic var I can't12:17
flwang1flaper87: what's our plan for redis? i mean, is it really necessary to support redis for management plane12:17
flaper87therve: yup and we can't use redis for management, therefore we need a specific var12:17
flaper87flwang1: no no12:17
flaper87flwang1: the lack of proper durability in redis makes it not suitable for the management plane12:18
flwang1flaper87: cool cool12:18
flwang1flaper87: btw, i have a question as for the client12:18
flwang1after install the client, with openstack client, i can only see 'queue' as the sub command12:19
flaper87flwang1: shoot12:19
flwang1am i missing anything?12:19
flaper87flwang1: no, zaqarclient CLI is missing something, code.12:20
flaper87That's another thing we should change: we're currently using `queue` as subcommand but I think we shouldn't12:20
flaper87we should either use messaging or something else12:20
flwang1flaper87: yes12:20
zigoMuch better from trunk indeed... :P12:20
zigoIt seems to be still failing though.12:22
flaper87zigo: does it work?12:22
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flaper87please please, tell me it works12:22
zigoIt's going to take like forever to have it to finish to run all tests and give me some results.12:22
flwang1flaper87: is that on dynarro's to-do list?12:22
flaper87flwang1: no, dynarro is working on the v2 code for the library12:23
flaper87flwang1: exploreshaifali is working on the CLI12:23
flaper87flwang1: and diga12:23
flaper87but he's been away lately12:23
flwang1flaper87: ok, cool, i will sync with them12:24
flwang1i know the puppet status, so i'm good now12:24
flaper87man, this patch is driving me crazy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/178955/12:24
flwang1flaper87: thanks for your time, man12:24
flaper87flwang1: w000h00012:24
flaper87flwang1: anytime12:25
flwang1flaper87: more patches on client side will be coming12:25
openstackgerritRyan Brown proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix wrong query for pools when creating queue  https://review.openstack.org/22084912:35
* flaper87 fixed devstack's patch12:41
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/zaqar: Allow running zaqarclient for gate tests  https://review.openstack.org/22106813:20
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/zaqar: Allow running zaqarclient for gate tests  https://review.openstack.org/22106813:20
flaper87ah wait, I know what's happening13:20
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/zaqar: Allow running zaqarclient for gate tests  https://review.openstack.org/22106813:22
therveflwang1, So redis tests seem to be broken13:25
therveAnd some of them because subscriptions are broken I believe13:25
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix usage of mongo test URL  https://review.openstack.org/22355313:27
VenkatHello.. I am trying to configure Redis in Zaqar and test it with basic APIs like create, list, delete13:28
Venkatis there anyone can help me - how to configure Redis in zaqar.conf ?13:28
flaper87Venkat: hey13:30
flaper87Venkat: you need to use redis in for the message_store and sqlalchemy for the management store13:30
flaper87unlike the mongodb storage, redis doesn't have support for the management API13:30
flaper87therve: what tests are broken?13:30
therveflaper87, the subscription ones at least. A bunch of others seem easily fixable13:31
therveThere are not that many anyway13:31
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Venkatcurrently I configured MongoDB and verified13:38
VenkatHow I can configure redis or sqlalchemy as backend in zaqar conf without mongodb13:39
Venkatany inputs ?13:45
therveVenkat, https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/master/devstack/plugin.sh#L156 shows how we configure it in devstack13:54
therveIt ought to work13:54
therveflaper87, I don't know much about redis, but I wonder why we're using sorted sets when the score is always 113:54
ryansbtherve: we are?13:55
therveryansb, That's how I understand it13:55
ryansbfor what, messages?13:56
thervemessages, queues, subscriptions...13:57
ryansbbecause the messages sorted set actually changes the score13:57
ryansbit's how we guarantee fifo, IIRC13:57
therveAdd claims actually13:57
therveryansb, Can you show me where it's done?13:58
* therve tries to understand13:58
therveryansb, Is that the lua script?14:01
ryansbuh, lemme check14:01
therveThat would make sense14:01
ryansbyeah, it's in zaqar/storage/redis/scripts/index_messages.lua14:02
ryansbit gets the counter and sets that as the rank14:02
therveOK that one makes sense14:02
therveNot for the others though14:02
Venkattherve, if redis is enabled as zaqar-backend then why drivers:management_store:sqlalchemy is configured with sqlite:// ?14:05
ryansbhm, not sure then. That's a flavio question.14:05
ryansbVenkat: the reason is because redis is only a datastore backend14:06
therveWhat Ryan said14:06
ryansbsqlalchemy is still used to handle othe bookkeeping (flavor names, etc etc)14:06
VenkatOh ok.. so redis is used as message_store and sqlalchemy for mgmt_store14:07
Venkatthanks therve and ryansb for your inputs here..14:07
VenkatOne more question - which one is best to use with good performance ? MongoDB or Redis-with-SQLAlchemy ?14:10
ryansbI don't know the answer to that one, sorry14:14
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Venkatany zaqar benchmark results available ? just want to know the performance results etc14:16
flaper87Venkat: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/Performance14:16
flaper87but those are a bit old14:16
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VenkatThanks flaper14:24
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NeszeHello everyone, I’d have a question. From the API doc: “The size of this body, in characters and including whitespace must be <= 64 KiB (configurable)”. Does configurable means, that there is no upper limit for message size? My use case would be to deal with occasional messages above a few mega bytes (max 16 MB). Can zaqar deal with that?14:32
NeszeEhh, the quote is from the “Set Queue Metadata” section. My question is still valid though : ) .14:33
vkmchi Nesze!14:34
vkmcthat value is configurable14:34
vkmcmetadata_size_uplimit is for metadata, which as you said, the default maximum is 64kib14:34
vkmcmessage_size_uplimit is for messages, the default is 256kib14:35
vkmcthat is for v1 though, let me check if that still holds for v1.1/v2.014:36
Neszethanks vkmc! doh, I wasn’t attentive enough, it’s right in the docs…14:41
vkmcno, it's ok!14:42
vkmcthough seems to have changed... so you did right in asking14:42
vkmcNesze, the configuration for message size is max_messages_post_size14:47
vkmc:) I knew it has changed14:47
vkmcand the default is 256kib as we did in v114:48
vkmclet us know if we can give you a hand with something14:48
exploreshaifaliflaper87, vkmc is there any other openstack component which use "python-openstackclient"?14:58
ryansbheat is working on it14:58
exploreshaifaliso that I can look at example of how to implement update functionality14:58
vkmcehm, IIRC currently most of the openstack components are using the openstackclient14:58
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ryansbkeystone uses openstackclient almost exclusively, I think they're deprecating their CLI soonish14:59
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exploreshaifaliryansb, yes keystone use it but not "cliff"15:00
vkmcah well15:00
exploreshaifalibasically I want example to implement update command using cliff15:00
vkmcyes, we use that library15:00
exploreshaifalifor update flavor I believe I will need to implement two commands:15:00
exploreshaifaliopenstack flavor update --name <old_name> <new_name>15:01
exploreshaifaliand one for pool15:01
exploreshaifaliyes I looked at it15:02
exploreshaifaliand I think  command.Command is something will need for update also15:02
Neszethanks, much appreciated, so it’s configurable, and there is no upper limit. that’s what I was mainly curious about15:02
flaper87exploreshaifali: keystone, nova15:03
flaper87exploreshaifali: there are others15:03
exploreshaifalikeystone does not use cliff15:04
flaper87exploreshaifali: the use python-openstackclient, therefore they use cliff15:05
flaper87thing is the code in their codebase is the old CLI, whereas the new one lives in the python-openstackclient repo15:05
* exploreshaifali searching more15:06
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exploreshaifaliThanks guys :)15:06
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flaper87exploreshaifali: anytime :D15:08
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openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added v1 folder  https://review.openstack.org/21615915:28
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openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added support to claims  https://review.openstack.org/21316515:32
openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added support to notifications  https://review.openstack.org/20923815:32
openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added v1 folder  https://review.openstack.org/21615915:32
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix redis tests  https://review.openstack.org/22365615:41
therveflaper87, ^^^ this seems to fix tests for me15:41
therveAnother builder to add...15:41
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix redis tests  https://review.openstack.org/22365615:53
openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added support to claims  https://review.openstack.org/21316516:17
openstackgerritDoraly Navarro proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added support to v2  https://review.openstack.org/20923816:32
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flwanganybody has the ATC code but can't go Tokyo?21:59
vkmcflwang, pm22:01
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