Thursday, 2010-10-14

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OrmanHey guys.01:18
OrmanWow it's quit on here. ;)01:19
Ormanalekibango: What's up. :)01:23
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alekibangonot much, getting tired, its 03am01:24
OrmanYeah that's usually the time I go to bed or around 2.01:24
Ormanannegentle: How you doing?01:25
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Ormanannegentle: alekibango had some really good ideas for security.01:31
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annegentle_Orman: fantastic, glad that worked out (I thought he'd have good ideas) :)01:36
OrmanYeah he's making mind think that's for sure.01:37
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OrmanI am trying to learn as much as I can about the security of Swift and Nova. Since I'm new. ;D01:42
notmynameOrman: anything I can help answer about swift?01:43
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Ormanannegentle: I don't think so. I am looking into the Swift parallax. Just looking around.01:46
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OrmanI am looking at the Ec2 group.01:52
* pjz submits a patch via lp that removes 100+ lines of dup'd code from the proxy server01:52
Ormanannegentle: We would need to outline Authentication and see if we can outline more.01:53
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OrmanHey chmouel.01:55
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OrmanVery quiet.02:15
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notmynamepjz: cool. we'll take a look. I suppose you've already run the unit and functional tests against it?02:25
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* pjz hasn't, actually ; I looked for how to do so but didn't see it02:28
creihtpjz: the last part of the saio instructions has how to run the tests, and the settings you need to make sure the functests run alright02:29
pjzah, okay02:30
notmynamecreiht is always so helpful02:30
pjzmight want to put pointers to that in the 'LifeWithBzrAndLaunchpad' and the 'BzrIdealWorkflow' wikipages02:36
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* creiht grins evily03:25
creihtevilly even03:26
notmynamewhat are you up to?03:26
alekibangosomething evil, thats sure :)03:28
alekibangolol today dilbert is pretty funny...03:29
Ormanalekibango: I am looking more into the ec2 group. Trying to understand Auth. :D03:36
alekibangocant help much there...03:37
OrmanI just wanted to let you know since I am going to write security docs.03:39
OrmanYou had some really good ideas about security earlier.03:42
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alekibangoglad to help, Orman03:51
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OrmanI know Auth will have to be documented as well as the idea that you had earlier of virtualization security.03:53
alekibangoyes... there will be few layers of security - having different needs03:54
OrmanI could help design some of those layers or write some sort of docs about them.03:56
alekibangoOrman: do what you can.... :)  your help is welcome03:56
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OrmanOk thanks I appreciate that man. ;)03:59
* creiht grins even more evilly04:01
alekibangocreiht: having 2 monitors?04:01
alekibangocreiht: ?04:03
creihtvery proof of concept, but just wanted to see how easy it would be04:03
creihtS3 middleware for swift04:03
notmynamevery nice04:03
creihtthat above allowed me to get account listings, container listings and download an object from swift with the boto python library04:04
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creihtof course there is no error checking04:04
creihtetc, etc.04:04
alekibangoevil genius04:04
notmynamecreiht: I feel compelled to point out that there are a few lines >80 chars. I'm going to have to reject that patch on pep8 grounds04:04
creihtand there may be some limitations04:04
creihtand yes... the code is very ugly04:05
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creihtThe limitations right now are you have to auth externally to swift, and send account_hash:token as the amazon token04:07
creihtand it will not work (of course) with container names in the domain name04:07
creihtand of course the usual caveats like your computer may catch fire, and the universe may implode so use at your own risk :)04:10
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creihtnow I think I can sleep for a bit :)04:15
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OrmanOrman is becoming tired,but he needs to keep working on learning the OpenStack Architecture. ;D05:00
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Orman1:00AM and I am still up.05:02
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alekibangoand spectorclan is working on a more detailed doc05:03
OrmanOrman gives a thumbs up to alekibango. ;D05:03
alekibangoOrman: i am just trying to understand like you do... for few weeks already05:04
Ormanalekibango: Thanks man.05:04
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OrmanYeah I am trying to develop an overall knowledge of how OpenStack Architecture is and then I can start developing the security docs.05:05
alekibangoyes, we all need to understand that architecture05:05
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alekibangooften see
alekibangoor rss :)05:06
OrmanI am thinking of ObjectStore.05:06
OrmanObjectStore Validation is something I am wondering.05:07
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alekibangoOrman: i would say reading source rulez05:12
OrmanYeah it seems to stick better with me anyways when I see code in docs. ;D05:13
OrmanI hope this isn't to much off topic,but are you on Twitter? Just wondering. :)05:15
alekibangoand dont ask about that facebrick05:17
OrmanI was just wonder05:19
OrmanI found good doc about Auth05:21
alekibangoi tend to agree with Mark Zuckerberg on how smart users of facebrick are05:21
alekibango -->
alekibangoi would use other terms, but still :)05:22
OrmanI get your point. I have was critic of Facebook.05:22
OrmanStill am to an extent.05:22
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OrmanThe signer module looks really cool with it's source05:23
Ormanclass nova.auth.signer.Signer(secret_key)05:23
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OrmanI think for the Auth Doc should include some more details about signer and AuthBase. That's one doc I think would be nice to create.05:35
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OrmanObjectStore should be one of the security docs for sure.05:50
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Guest32181Anyone around to help with install?05:56
Guest32181I am following
Guest32181Stuck on "euca-upload-bundle -m /tmp/kernel.manifest.xml -b mybucket"05:57
Guest32181With error: Traceback (most recent call last):05:58
Guest32181  File "/usr/bin/euca-upload-bundle", line 39, in <module>05:58
Guest32181    from boto.s3 import Connection05:58
Guest32181ImportError: cannot import name Connection05:58
Guest32181Anybody? :-)06:00
OrmanI am knew here so I don't know if I could help you.06:02
OrmanTraceback error06:03
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Guest32181ah, found some bug report, duh!06:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 623888 in nova "euca-upload-bundle -b mybucket -m /tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server.manifest.xml" [Undecided,Invalid]06:11
Guest32181oh, how cute... the bot tells the bug status! :-)06:12
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Ormanclass nova.objectstore.handler.BucketResource(name)06:13
alekibangoGuest32181: i am using source + novascript06:14
OrmanBucketstore should also be in the security docs.06:14
Guest32181ah, except in my case it is 1.9b-1ubuntu3, which should work06:14
alekibangoGuest32181: there happens a lot every day in nova06:15
Guest32181I tried that, but could never connect to the instance; the instances start and shutdown06:15
OrmanBucketStore should include security layers too.06:15
Guest32181something about nova-100.conf permissions06:15
Guest32181I believe it does, alekibango06:16
Ormanc = S3.AWSAuthConnection("", "", server="localhost", port=8888,                          is_secure=False) c.create_bucket("mybucket") c.put("mybucket", "mykey", "a value") print c.get("mybucket", "mykey").body06:16
Guest32181Orman: is this for me?06:16
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alekibangoGuest32181: imho no :)06:17
alekibangoGuest32181: what is your problem?06:17
alekibangothe same as the bug you linked?06:17
alekibango-> upgrade boto06:17
Guest32181yes, but my boto version is the one Soren tested06:18
Ormanalekibango: No, it's just for anyone really. I am just making a mental note of what might need to be documented or what might need some more security development. ;)06:18
alekibangoGuest32181: i cant really say, but maybe you should try asking in few hours again, when soren or others will be up06:18
alekibangoOrman: etherpad is great for such notes06:18
Guest32181I will be asleep ;-) I hope they check the daily chat logs06:19
Ormanalekibango: I thought they closed?06:19
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alekibangoor another name of your choice06:19
OrmanOrman laughs06:19
alekibangoOrman:   i cant say, i use debian and source06:19
alekibangouh, that was to Guest32181 :)06:20
alekibangothe last line06:20
OrmanI was wondering.06:20
alekibangoOrman:  by making it etherpad you might get laughed at (it has history)06:20
alekibangobut it helps you to cooperate on teh text in really online way06:21
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OrmanYeah and anyone can see it.06:21
OrmanI was just adding earlier just a list of things for security docs or new design ideas.06:22
OrmanI also wanted people to see it.06:22
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alekibangoOrman: we did that for nova manuals (etherpad) and it worked well...06:22
OrmanOh ok.06:22
OrmanWell, You and I might want to collab on this at some point.06:23
alekibangojust mention it few times here during the work hours.... and it will get noticed06:23
alekibangoi will try, but dont count on it06:23
Guest32181anyone will see these logs, too06:23
OrmanI know.06:23
alekibangoGuest32181: yes, and google knows who your friends are and where you are going to be next morning06:24
Guest32181it does?! sh***06:24
alekibangothey can recognize that better than you can06:24
Guest32181they should tell me then, i lost track long time ago06:25
zykes-any plans to when a webgui is coming up ?06:25
alekibangozykes-: did you see the code?06:26
zykes-a bit of it yes06:26
zykes-or which code you mean, nova ? then yes06:27
alekibangothe dir is still pretty empty heh06:28
zykes-is mike here or ?06:28
alekibangono, not now06:28
alekibangohe is not here often06:28
alekibangohis name is greenisus or something like that06:28
alekibangohmm, there is some useable code, maybe06:30
Ormanalekibango: Do you know when anne will be back on?06:30
alekibangoi would think in cca 6-7 hours06:32
OrmanIt's 2:34AM here.06:32
alekibangogood morning i would say06:32
Orman:) I live in Florida.06:32
alekibango08:33 here06:32
alekibangoyou have wrong time :)06:33
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alekibango2 minutes ahead06:33
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alekibangothats bad for security06:33
OrmanGood one. ;)06:33
alekibangoits important to have logs you can trust06:34
Guest32181where in FL?06:34
zykes-wondering if i could help contribute to the gui part06:35
OrmanClose to New Port Richey.06:35
OrmanStill far away from their though.06:35
alekibangozykes-: if that devel environment will feel bad for you06:35
alekibangomaybe you can talk me to make turbogears one :)06:36
zykes-turbogears ?06:36
Guest32181ah, west coast here06:36
zykes-hmms, kind of like catalyst for perl then i guess06:37
OrmanIt looks like a nice web framework.06:37
alekibangoit *is*06:37
alekibangobut its somewhat slowed down, especially documentation...06:37
zykes-seems so yes06:38
alekibangodjango is ahead in docs and community. but SQLAlchemy alone makes turbogears interesting06:38
OrmanI like Django more.06:38
OrmanBoth are good. I am not a web developer,but it's interesting.06:38
alekibangoi tried both, and i more like the tg way of working. django is too frameworkish06:38
alekibango(not as much as plone,... )06:39
zykes-zope ? plone ?06:39
OrmanI didn't like Plone. The UI was not my style.06:39
Guest32181I'm outta here.. have a good one.. perhaps Soren will be on when I come back06:39
OrmanYeah hopefully06:40
Ormangod bless06:40
OrmanDjango is like steroids I have to admit.06:40
alekibangoplone is good, if you do CMS.06:40
OrmanI used to use Drupal.06:40
alekibangoTG is very free to do what you want, in your way06:41
OrmanPlone just didn't do something for me and I forgot what it was.06:41
alekibangoplone is *very* hard to learn06:41
alekibangotook me few years06:41
OrmanThat's cool.06:41
alekibangobut i now use tg anyway06:41
zykes-alekibango: i could help with layouts / js stuff.. python is not my big thing though yet06:41
alekibangozykes-: please do try learning python06:41
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alekibangoone night and you know python enough to code06:42
OrmanYeah which makes me know why I gaveup on Plone within a week or so.06:42
zykes-heh, i've got PEP atm that i'm reading06:42
OrmanIf you look at Python enough you start to get it. ;)06:43
alekibangozykes-: if that web console for  openstack nova will be good, i will rather use it06:43
alekibangoPython is easy - tooks 2-10 hours to learn it06:43
alekibangomy 7yo son is coding in python now06:43
alekibango5yo will follow very soon06:43
OrmanThat's awesome.06:43
alekibango(but he rather plays openttd)06:44
zykes-what i love about python contra perl, is the indent stuff, it's sooo much easier to just to indents instead of sub {}06:44
OrmanI like Ruby a lot.06:44
alekibangozykes-: try writing interactive programs in postscript... and debug them06:44
alekibangothen you will love even that perl06:44
zykes-what was the pages again you gaveme for python ?06:45
alekibangoyes i mean that hackity hack gfxboot :)06:45
alekibangobut tutorial works for msot people well06:47
OrmanCool link.06:47
OrmanTommorrow I hope I can get a chance to start security docs.06:47
alekibangoOrman: i posted it here for 3 times already hehe :)06:47
OrmanMust not have seen it.06:48
alekibangozykes-: also diveintopython is good...06:48
alekibangoand for kids - inventwithpython06:48
alekibangojust google those terms to get books06:48
alekibangomy son is doing games along the inventwithpython book06:48
OrmanFuture Dev.06:48
alekibango[read online free]06:49
alekibangobut problem - this book considers python 3.106:49
alekibangoit makes sense to work on 2.x for most people06:49
zykes-i guess you don't need to do too much in the web app06:50
zykes-since alot of the "data" is allready done by nova ?06:50
OrmanWell I hope anne gets on soon. I need to ask some stuff.06:50
alekibangozykes-: you only need to call api06:50
alekibangoand to make NICE GUI06:50
alekibangowhich si hardest part06:50
OrmanTrying think of new ObjectStore Security06:50
alekibangozykes-: maybe it would be fun to use  as  environment  ;)06:51
alekibangoif you do not know that one,  go see, its FUN06:51
alekibango <- demo06:51
alekibangojust do new user06:52
alekibangowould be fun to have servers as icons on 'desktop' like this :)06:53
OrmanWell I should be hitting the sack.06:53
alekibangodotn get hoodwinked06:54
OrmanAlmost 3:00AM06:54
alekibangohave nice dreams, Orman06:54
OrmanSee ya man06:54
OrmanGod bless06:54
alekibangoand try hard to live your best dreams. they are worth it06:54
OrmanI'll see ya tomorrow or should I saw later today, ;)06:54
zykes-seems really nice06:55
OrmanThanks alekibango.06:55
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zykes-should we fire up eyeOS then ?06:56
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zykes-so any preferences of what to do the gui part in ?07:04
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arthurcHello, I read most of the wiki and I still have questions. I'd like to know the way to deploy nodes on openstack.09:24
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arthurcand I'm also curious about the communication between nova and nodes. Does libvirt is managed by rabbitMQ or libvirt-rpc ?09:27
sorenarthurc: We talk to libvirt using libvirt :)09:39
sorenvishy: Still around?09:39
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sorenvishy: I'm reviewing and in nova/bin-dhcpbridge you still pass context in the rpc args, but in most (all?) other places you remove that. Is that intentional?09:40
sorenI'm 20% through the patch, and that's the only gripe I have so far, so just wanted to clear that up before you left so that I could approve if I don't find anything else.09:41
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arthurcsoren: :), I meant about the protocol between server and nodes. I know there is a libvirt interface with AMQP but there is no one for rabbitMQ. I thought maybe openstack developped is own interface... I'll look into the code09:52
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sorenarthurc: libvirt has an amqp interface? That's news to me.09:53
sorenImagine that.09:57
sorenOh, well.09:57
sorenNo, we don't use that. We use libvirt's own communication protocol.09:57
arthurcthat's why I'm interesting if any libvirt-rabbitmq exists :)09:57
sorenlibvirt is both a deamon and library to talk to said daemon.09:57
soren(and to talk to other stuff, really)09:57
sorenWe just use libvirt.09:57
arthurcyep, I think it's the best way to use it09:58
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sorenIt's be silly for us to use amqp. We have software running on each node, so why go back through a message broker?09:59
arthurcdunno. I am a user of oVirt and this design with libvirt-qpid is a real pain, it introduces a new layer and new bugs10:03
zykes-soren: does nova use libvirt to talk to things ?10:08
sorenzykes-: Yes.10:09
zykes-towards the hypervisors ?10:10
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tsharjuhi all, is the swift.common.middleware.auth supposed to work with the auth server? I get "forbidden" from the proxy all the time if I enable that. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong here. ;)10:21
jonwoodtsharju: Not with the Nova auth server.10:21
tsharjujonwood: i'm using swift's auth server with it. The documentation is talking something about devauth server... what's that?10:22
jonwoodI believe it's the default authorisation option, which uses Nova's database to store credentials.10:26
tsharjujonwood: oh... ok.. thanks... maybe I just leave it out for now then :)10:30
jonwoodI think Nova also supports LDAP authentication, but I've not tried using it.10:31
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zykes-alekibango: should we use eyeos ?12:40
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jonwoodPlease, no. That looks horrible to use :P12:45
zykes-oh ?12:46
jonwoodAny web application that needs a system monitor to kill dead processes has lost at the start ;)12:46
jonwoodIt seems to want to do everything, averagely, rather then a wiki really well.12:46
zykes-turbogears ?12:47
zykes-suggestions ?12:47
jonwoodI'm not entirely sure why we need a new wiki at all myself.12:47
jonwoodMoinMoin may not be the prettiest thing ever, but it works for publishing content, and it's already there.12:48
sorenFor what?12:48
zykes-jonwood: i was meaning for a UI for Nova12:48
* jonwood facepalms12:48
jonwoodI'll shut up then :P12:48
jonwoodA Web UI I assume?12:48
zykes-then eyeOS actually looked nice12:48
zykes-jonwood: yeh12:48
jonwoodNo, eyeOS still looks like overkill ;)12:48
zykes-i could go catalyst but that's perl :p12:49
jonwoodAssuming Python is a requirement, then turbogears looks quite neat. I've had good experiences with Django as well.12:50
zykes-is django heavy to learn ?12:51
sorenNot at all.12:51
jonwoodProbably a bit more then Turbogears, but not horribly so.12:51
* soren likes Django12:51
jonwoodAnd it's really powerful.12:51
zykes-is it mvc like or ?12:52
jonwoodWhat web framework isn't these days?12:52
zykes-ah ok12:52
zykes-how does it work when definied URIs ?12:52
zykes-catalyst in perl is horribly simple with that..12:52
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jonwoodIt's got some routing built in. You provide a list of regexps that match to actions.12:53
jonwoodHave a look at the tutorial to get an idea. It's been a while since I did anything with it.12:53
zykes-first i'll read PEP again12:54
jonwoodI'm more of a Ruby person myself, but only for the practicality of already knowing it.12:54
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jonwoodzykes-: Which PEP is that, I wouldn't mind having a look myself.13:03
zykes-got from alekibango13:05
jonwoodOh, that one.13:06
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jonwoodIs the web ui discussion being put somewhere online?13:10
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jonwoodalekibango: I think I asked this while you were disconnected.13:17
jonwood14:10 < jonwood> Is the web ui discussion being put somewhere online?13:17
alekibangojonwood: my integ GPU crashed :(13:17
alekibangothey do it worse and worse every 1/4 year13:17
alekibangothose drivers...13:18
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alekibangothere is a blueprint for it13:18
alekibangojonwood: ^13:18
alekibangoother that that, i dont know13:18
arthurcI presume there is no web UI in nova ?13:19
jonwoodarthurc: Not at the moment13:19
alekibangoarthurc: there is some developed13:19
alekibangoweb console -see blueprints and related code13:19
alekibangobut author is not coming on irc often13:19
jonwoodalekibango: The web based serial console is different I think.13:19
arthurcI'm reading swift doc right now, I'll eat nova's soon13:20
alekibangoah, its serial console only?13:20
jonwoodYeah, not a full web UI.13:21
alekibangoi seen some screenshots somewhere13:21
alekibangojonwood: i see only serial console in blueprints now13:21
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alekibangosee openstack-web-control-panel13:23
alekibangothats the right name13:23
jonwoodGot it13:24
alekibangoplease someone make mike mayo come here on irc  daily13:24
jonwoodWow... it's in ObjectiveJ13:25
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alekibangoi would love to have pythonic one :)13:25
alekibangoif there will be more people like me we can do it using turbogears or django13:26
jonwoodOh, sweet. Cappuccino and Sinatra.13:26
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alekibangothose make my head spin :)13:28
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alekibangogood morning jdarcy13:30
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jonwoodalekibango: It might not be in Python, but this web UI definitely works.13:43
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alekibangobtw is it i18n enabled? can we translate it?13:45
jonwoodI doubt it. It looks very early in development, but Capuccino probably supports i18n.13:47
alekibangoi would like to have it localized...13:47
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alekibangojonwood:  see
alekibangoandroid and iphone apps13:49
jonwoodYeah, they're based on the Rackspace Cloud ones.13:49
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alekibangohi kevnfx, how is your multiserver install going?14:03
alekibangokevnfx: please help improving nova manuals if you will learn something you can share14:05
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kevnfxalekibango: it's been quite frustrating.  Everytime I pull down and integrate something new breaks.  I saw that jonwood mentioned he's putting together a document.  Should I coordinate with him?  Or is that something else?14:09
annegentleDoes anyone know the feature freeze date for Bexar, the next release after Austin? I don't want to guess but want to update the wiki14:09
alekibangokevnfx: we all shall cooperate14:10
alekibangoif you have problems like that, please start etherpad page --
alekibango(choose name)14:11
alekibangoand tell others to join your fight14:11
alekibangowe for sure will14:11
annegentlekevnfx: please feel free to update install instructions with details as you go at
alekibangoannegentle: he is doing install on multiple machines14:12
alekibangowhich is differetn from simple single machine install14:13
alekibangobut which should be documetned really well14:13
annegentleah okay, feel free to start a new section on that page then14:13
alekibangoimho bexar is not yet fully decided14:13
alekibangobut iam not 100% sure14:13
alekibangoi have heard 2,3,6 months14:13
annegentlejonwood: I went ahead and added a section for you at the bottom of the NovaInstall wiki page14:14
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alekibangoannegentle: in deployment manual, we have specific sections -14:14
annegentlejonwood: but I fully understand it is early and you're brave :)14:14
alekibangoone for single machine install (testing)14:14
alekibangoone for multiple machines14:14
alekibangoreason for this is 100 differences14:14
alekibangoit should be different docs14:15
annegentlealekibango: I see running multiple instances but not installing in
alekibangorunning and planning, installing  -- is very different thing14:16
annegentlealekibango: yeppers14:16
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jonwoodkevnfx: I'm going to be documenting doing a multi-host install, but not until next week at the earliest.14:21
jonwoodalekibango: As far as I can see it's not massively different doing a multiple-host install.14:22
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alekibangojonwood: it is. You need to have database, you need to run different services on different hosts, you need to plan high availability, security14:29
jonwoodYou need a database and the other services running anyway.14:30
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alekibangojonwood: yes but for single machine install, default which works is sqlite14:30
jonwoodAnd HA is largely the same as HA for any other service as far as I can see.14:30
alekibangoits different when you will put ldap and postgres and HA in the mix14:30
jonwoodProbably easier, because everything is designed to be distributed.14:30
alekibangojonwood: i wish you were right, but kevnfx has other experience:)14:31
* alekibango afks14:31
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creihtannegentle: did you see the comments for yout doc merge?15:15
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annegentlecreiht: ah, yes. got it. Good catch.15:16
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* eday catches up on 5 days of openstack email... been busy!15:25
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dendrobates /me is really impressed with the way the docs are shaping up!15:31
dendrobatesdamn space15:31
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jaypipesmtaylor: around? we're ready to turn on nosetests on the hudson runs.16:14
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jaypipesvishy: "ninja patched it".  I will have to remember that :)16:32
vishyjaypipes: how does one run the nosetests?16:33
edayvishy: just type 'nosetests' in root16:35
edayvishy: need to have it installed, of course16:35
jaypipesvishy: source .nova-env/bin/activate && cd nova/tests/api && nosetests --verbose --logging-clear-handlers16:36
jaypipeseday: cannot do it in root.16:36
edayjaypipes: did you get the existing tests converted over?16:36
edayahh, ok16:36
edayanswers that :)16:36
jaypipeseday: no, in Bexar :)16:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #660632 in swift "Allow logging of ratelimiting with configurable sleep times" [Undecided,New]
jaypipeseday: been busy trying to get Glance done (which it is almost!) :)16:37
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vishyjaypipes i'm not using a venv, does it work without it?16:37
edayjaypipes: awesome! I've been busy on vacation, so trying to catch up on patches the last week :)16:37
edayvishy: it should16:37
jaypipesvishy: yep.16:38
jaypipesvishy: sorry, I don't install all the needed software on my local box...just into a venv...16:38
jaypipesvishy: but if you have installed everything, should work fine.16:38
vishycool! Bug16:39
jaypipesvishy: pastebin?16:39
vishyi've broken it16:40
vishyin my fix-context-deprecation branch16:41
jaypipesvishy: :)16:41
jaypipesvishy: well in that case... I'll let you fix it! ;P16:42
jaypipesvishy: btw, I'm *very* much excited to get that branch merged.  annoying seeing all the warnings :)16:42
vishygundlach: are you here?16:43
mtaylorjaypipes: cool16:43
jaypipesmtaylor: thx mate :)16:44
vishymtaylor: is there a way that we can make tarmac strip eol whitespace on merge?16:45
vishysince apparently not everyone has their editor set up to do it on save16:45
mtaylorvishy: hrm...16:45
mtaylorvishy: let me think about that one...16:45
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vishyok i've now broken everything16:59
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mtaylorjaypipes: I'll get the thing turned on in a bit ...  my internet is behaving _strangely_17:04
jaypipesmtaylor: no worries17:04
mtaylorjaypipes: I can get to but not - and I can get gmail _mail_ but not gmail chat (in the same web browser page, mind you)17:04
* mtaylor is thinking of migrating to a less weird location...17:04
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vishyopenstack api people: i fixed the nosetests in my branch, but I'm not actually sure that the code will run correctly.  Can someone who knows how to actually run using the openstack api test it out?17:07
openstackvishy: Error: "api" is not a valid command.17:07
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vishyopenstack help17:07
openstackvishy: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.17:07
vishy: o17:07
dendrobatescan someone rename that bot?17:08
dendrobatesit is annoying named17:08
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vishybranch is lp:~anso/nova/fix-context-deprecation/17:08
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jc_smithare there thoughts on how save/snapshotting of a VM into an image will happen?17:11
vishyjc_smith: it works using bundling commands on ec2_api side17:12
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jc_smithare there any plans for an out-of-band snapshot that copies the underlying block device after shutting it down?17:20
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zykes-alekibango: i can help out a bit17:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #660668 in nova "OpenStack API Requiring X-Auth-User on all requests" [Critical,New]
kevnfxReinstalled everything from scratch: nova-networks complains about security_groups table already existing, the scheduler complains about auth_tokens ... I can restart them  both (and they apparently are okay the second time around), but I get a "NoMoreNetworks: None" exception from euca-run-instances.  Is this because of the nova-manage network changes?17:37
alekibangozykes-: with what?17:37
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alekibangokevnfx: its moving very fast now. i would say you should wait for release if you use packages -- or try source. but maybe soren can help you sort it out...17:47
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vishyjc_smith: yes snapshotting blueprint is for that17:49
kevnfxalekibango: understood (all too well ;-)) ... I'm trying to recreate the multi-node setup from a clean installation ... perhaps I should wait until things settle down.17:50
alekibangokevnfx: try using sources - look into novascript from vishy for inspiration17:53
vishykevnfx: nova-manage network create 0 3 1617:53
vishyshould get you going17:53
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mordred_anybody know a good way off the top of your head to tell, from python, if you're on linux or not?18:19
mordred_aha! os.sys.platform. :)18:20 too18:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #660702 in swift "Object replicator should hand off replication only on 507" [High,Triaged]
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arthurcquestion about swift : In which way it's superior to a distributed FS like glusterfs ?18:30
creihtarthurc: well first, it isn't a distributed fs18:31
creihtglusterfs gives you a real mountable filesystem18:31
creihtswift is more like S318:31
creihtstore replicated copies of each file18:31
creihtand should scale further than a generic distributed file system18:32
alekibangoarthurc: you might be interested in sheepdog18:32
creihtI don't have direct experience with glusterfs, so I can't give any specific reasons18:32
alekibangothat will come soon18:32
alekibangoglusterfs is like lustre or nfs - but without central server18:32
alekibangonice modularized solution18:32
alekibangobut kinda slow18:33
alekibangoi think ceph will be better, but is not stable yet18:33
alekibangoarthurc: you should see sheepdog, thats what you want18:33
arthurcyep, I read a part of the documentation, the architecture is really sexy. I don't know glusterfs neither but I'm discovering the subject18:33
creihtarthurc: so swift is better for storing static content, backups, images, etc.18:34
alekibangoi do know gluster. its nice.18:34
creihtsomething like glusterfs would be better for things that you would want a live filesystem for18:34
alekibangoarthurc: for live HA solution, there is sheepdog or similar18:34
alekibango(kvm supports sheepdog)18:34
alekibangoglusterfs is something like distributed nfs done without single point of failure18:35
arthurcI'm interesting in openstack and I'm trying to compare with "similar" products to get a better idea18:35
creihtarthurc: swift is very similar to AWS S318:35
alekibangoarthurc: openstack is very scalable, open, adoptable, pythonic,  cool, young18:37
arthurcyep, that's exactly what I'm looking for ;)18:38
alekibangocreiht: imho the first release is like here we are...  see what we do. but the second one will dramaticaly change all, including market prices...18:38
alekibangoah, that should go to arthurc :)18:40
alekibangoarthurc: there is no other project so scalable, so adaptable, so open....18:41
alekibangoand 'so prerelease' atm18:41
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alekibangoarthurc: i hope your research will confirm my words :)18:43
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jaypipesannegentle: vim ftw! :)18:48
alekibangoor gvim18:48
* annegentle snorts at my mad vim skillz18:49
alekibangoannegentle: knowing only 20% of vim features will make you HARDCORE GURU18:49
arthurcI think I'm already convinced, but I like too see what is under the hood18:49
alekibangoarthurc: see source.18:49
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alekibangosee launchpad nova pages18:50
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alekibangoarthurc: use novascript to test it on single machine18:50
arthurcyep, I pulled today sources with bzr but the changelog was pretty old, I might took a wrong branch. And I had work to so I didn't look further18:51
alekibangodo: mkdir -p /srv/cloud; cd /srv/cloud;  ln -s ~/src/novascript/  ./  ;  ./ install  ; ./ branch ; ./ run18:53
alekibangothat should work18:53
alekibangoif your git clone will be in ~/src18:53
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arthurcok. ubuntu 10.04 is recommended ? I saw soren's tutorial with 10.1018:54
alekibangoi do that on debian18:54
alekibango(sid, and squeeze should work too)18:55
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arthurcI'm a fedora user, but I can cheat sometimes18:56
alekibangoheh :)18:56
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alekibangoarthurc: ubuntu maverick is what soren's packages are made for18:56
rlucioannegentle: its ok, not everyone was cut out to be an emacs user18:56
alekibangoemacs is good os18:57
alekibangoi use it to read calendar18:57
alekibango(international ones)18:57
alekibangoin the past, i was emacs user.... but when i learned some 15% of vim's features, there was point of no return18:58
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alekibangoyou know why?18:59
alekibangothere was a shooting between emacs and vim users18:59
alekibangoand that decided it for me18:59
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creihtannegentle: what are you using for editing currently?19:01
alekibangocant find the link. it was some painball match of those 2 groups19:02
alekibangoemacs users were slow. vim users were running and shooting fast. emacsers tried to make some strategy, but they were soon dead...19:03
alekibangoand from the time i use vim :)19:03
glangethat seems like a valid way to choose a text editor :)19:04
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alekibangowell, it resonated with me deeply. emacs with its lisp and stuff is very heavyweight19:05
alekibangovim runs fast and shoots fast19:05
alekibangonot much thinking19:05
alekibangojust job done19:05
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arthurcubuntu seems to be the reference platform of this project, is there a reason ? I know kvm/libvirt are deb compliant but they are developed and tested by RH on fedora/RHEL. I also know there are ubuntu developers here, it should explain this choice.19:07
alekibangoarthurc: dendrobate$  was in ubuntu before19:08
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alekibangoits also distro of most developers,19:09
alekibangomany others use debian19:09
creihtarthurc: We (the swift team) use Ubuntu mainly because it has newer software than RHEL19:09
dendrobatesarthurc: there are ubuntu devs here, and ubuntu is a prevalent cloud platform and has the newest versions of dependencies19:09
alekibangoRPM systems seems to be behind here, but there are also RPM users19:09
creihtand we have several debian guys19:09
dendrobateswe will work with all distros19:09
creihtarthurc: the Fedora team is working on packages for swift as well19:10
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alekibangoarthurc: rpm packages should be done by packagers19:10
dendrobateswe just have devs that can easily push to Ubuntu, making it easy fo rus to fix upstream packages19:10
creihtand other openstack packages19:10
alekibangoits not up to core developers19:10
alekibangoif you can help with rpm packages - please do19:10
dendrobatesyeah the fedora team is on it.  Fedora is a better fit than rhel, just because of freshness.19:11
silassewellI got the swift stuff into Fedora, the nova stuff is going to take a while longer, there are a bunch of deps not in Fedora yet19:11
alekibangoRHEL sells its own cloud platform, right? :)19:11
arthurcI have my answer :) I know how to do rpms but that's not my favourite activity !19:11
alekibangoarthurc: it will come sooner or later, dont be scared19:12
silassewellI spent the last two days converting backporting packages to EL, although it will probably end up being a third party repo I publish19:12
arthurcI'm not scared !19:12
alekibangoeven those ubuntu packages are buggy atm :)19:12
alekibangosilassewell: third party repo is good.19:12
arthurcI started with ubuntu, then debian , mandriva and now fedora :)19:12
alekibangobetter than nothing19:12
alekibangoarthurc: choose one and keep it19:12
alekibangothat way you are more productive19:13
alekibangobut you have to choose well19:13
silassewellYeah, if you look at you can see the number of deps that were required19:13
silassewellIt would take months of work to get all those upstream, just don't have the time19:14
arthurcI worked with a pure fedora project this year (oVirt), it explains my recent love story with fedora/RH19:15
* alekibango will go sleep finally for few hours...19:18
arthurcalekibango : yep, RH sell RHEV, and it might be compatible with EC2 with the deltacloud project but I don't know a lot about this product19:21
alekibangodeltacloud is really nice project19:21
dendrobatesalekibango: we have obviously decided that deltacloud did not meet our needs, or we would not have started openstack19:22
alekibangodendrobates: :)19:22
alekibangodendrobates: i kind of agree but it has different goals19:23
dendrobatesbtw, I think we have all agreed that NOVA is a backronym for 'No Other Viable Alternative'19:23
alekibango#agreed +10019:23
dendrobatesI have to credit Bret Piatt with that19:24
dendrobatesI bet that will be in wikipedia one day19:25
silassewellI was just curious, I'm sure this has been asked before, but why did Nova originally go with Tornado vs just using the twisted reactor?19:25
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dendrobatesI don't know the NASA guys made that decision and I think they are all busy right now.19:26
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Guest94739is Soren on?19:26
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alekibangowow that was fast question19:27
* alekibango zzzZZzz19:27
sorenjaypipes: We agree that the hyper-v stuff isn't for Austin, right?19:27
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wc_grrh, crappy ubuntu gnome irc client ;-)19:30
creihtsilassewell: I think because tornado already had an s3 like extension, but it ended up not working out so well19:30
jaypipessoren: yes, agreed.19:30
wc_still tring to ask soren a question. is he on?19:30
sorenjaypipes: Cool, just checking.19:31
jaypipessoren: I approve the merge request, but for bexar.19:31
silassewellcreiht: gotcha, thanks19:31
zulsoren: besides i thought you guys were in FF :)19:32
wc_soren: need some installation help regarding the bug
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 623888 in nova "euca-upload-bundle -b mybucket -m /tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server.manifest.xml" [Undecided,Invalid]19:32
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sorenzul: Precisely.19:33
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zulsoren: besides shouldnt be handled like the xenapi as well?19:33
sorenwc_: Where did you try to ask me a question?19:34
wc_trying to here :-)19:34
wc_I get ther euca-upload... error even though my boto is 1.9b and euca tools are 1.219:35
wc_stuck on image upload, while following instructions from your web page19:36
wc_I was looking for answers on this last night as well :-)19:36
wc_would be in last night's log19:37
sorenwc_: I just don't understand your "trying to ask soren a question" comment.19:37
sorenOh, last night?19:37
electroniceagleyou need to cd /var/lib/nova/CA and run ./ then /etc/init.d/nova-objectstore restart19:37
sorenWhen is "night"?19:37
wc_sorry, I was trying to get your attention19:38
sorennova-api should run that for you. It does for me.19:38
electroniceaglewc_: no, i just did a clean ubuntu 10.10 install and it doesn't19:38
sorenwc_: 1) If you want my attention because you want to ask me a question... just ask me a question :)   2) I'm not the only one working on Nova. If you've got questions about nova, ask them. People will answer.19:38
electroniceaglewc_: if you are following the blog "Openstack-nova-in-maverick" do the above19:40
sorenBesides has *nothing* to do with
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 623888 in nova "euca-upload-bundle -b mybucket -m /tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server.manifest.xml" [Undecided,Invalid]19:40
jaypipessirp1, annegentle: pls review my edits on  The full Parallax API is now documented.19:40
sorenwc_: Pastebin the error you're seeing.19:40
wc_working on it :-)19:41
electroniceagleI know this might sound like sacrilege, but anyone able to run this under VmWare Fusion on a mac?19:42
electroniceagleI got as far as libvirt error  "no supported architecture for os type 'hvm' in nova-compute.log using clean ubuntu 10.10 iso install19:44
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wc_ah, will have to be back... my environment is full of garbage variables?! need to reboot19:50
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sorenelectroniceagle: Inside vmware?19:56
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dendrobateselectroniceagle: you cannot use kvm as the hypervisor in Fusion20:00
dendrobatesUML or qemu should work20:00
sirp1creiht:  i'm about to start work on glance ticket which involves using swift.common.client rather than python-cloudfiles for the Teller Swift Backend.  I just wanted to get a second opinion as to whether this is a good idea.20:00
electroniceagleyes,  trying to switch to uml now20:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 653358 in glance "Teller should be using the openstack swift client instead of the python-cloudfiles client." [Medium,Confirmed]20:00
electroniceagleis qemu better?20:01
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notmynamepolvi: grats on the million server mark20:05
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notmynamenow to get some significant percentage of those running openstack ;-)20:07
vishyuml is way faster if you can get it to work20:07
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sorenelectroniceagle: Depends on what you want, really.20:10
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sorenelectroniceagle: If you want to test with something that is virtually (har har) indistinguishable from kvm (except for speed), qemu is what you want.20:11
sorenelectroniceagle: If you want something that might actually be half usable, uml is what you want.20:11
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sorenvishy: Hey.20:16
sorenvishy: I'm wondering about
vishysoren: k20:16
electroniceaglesoren:  I added —libvirt_type=uml to /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf20:16
zykes-alekibango: i'll start reading up on python tomorrow...20:17
electroniceaglebuilt a uml aim using
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zykes-been reading on PEPS today etc20:17
vishysoren: are all the required libvirt packages in maverick? or do you still need packages from the ppa?20:17
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sorenvishy: Still need stuff from the PPA. I think.20:18
sorenvishy: Yeah, still needs stuff from the PPA.20:18
vishysoren: what were you wondering?20:18
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sorenvishy: My last comment on the mp: When you say those things are fixed... where is that? The branch seems to not have been touched for 8 hours.20:20
soren(now 11 hours)20:20
vishysoren: it says 11 hours ago20:20
vishysoren: but there is something wrong with time20:20
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vishysoren: i pushed changes about 2-3 hours ago20:20
vishyand they are in20:20
creihtsirp1: yes it is a good idea20:21
sorenvishy: /me looks20:21
sorenvishy: I think I disagree.20:22
sorenvishy: /me checks again20:23
sorenvishy: ah, no.20:23
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vishydid you see i reproposed?20:23
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sorenYes, but the timestamps confused me.20:24
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sorentimestamp: Thu 2010-10-14 01:46:06 -070020:24
vishyany idea why the timestamps are weird?20:24
sorenThis is your usual dev box?20:24
sorenThose timestamps are set locally by bzr.20:24
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vishyyes, but it has been happening with all my pushes20:25
sorenvishy: You mean commits, right?20:25
vishyroot@ubuntu:~/deploy# date20:25
vishyThu Oct 14 05:01:15 PDT 201020:25
vishyi don't really check the timestamp until i push20:25
vishyand it shows up weird on launchpad20:25
sorenSo your time is way off.20:25
sorenIt's 5 AM for your?20:25
vishythat explains it :)20:26
sorenWhere the heck areyou?20:26
vishyso my bad20:26
vishynah the time is just wrong20:26
sorenOh, it's *not* 5 am.20:26
sorenPhew :)20:26
sorenRight, ok.20:26
vishyntpdate[21482]: step time server offset 29992.387454 sec20:27
sorenvishy: Approved. YAY!20:27
vishyjust a little off :)20:27
sorenvishy: Ever so slightly, yeah )20:27
sorenI hope you don't use it as an alarm clock :)20:27
wc_soren: the error is at the very end; I put the steps I followed before it20:27
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vishywc_: wrong version of boto20:28
sorenwc_: Can you pastebin the output of this: python -v -c "import boto"20:28
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soren# /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/boto/__init__.pyc matches /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/boto/__init__.py20:32
soren/usr/local/blah <--- Not using boto from the Ubuntu package.20:32
sorenWhy euca2ools upstream doesn't just fix it is beyond me. It's a one-line fix.20:33
dendrobatesvishy:  did you add nova.db.api.NoMoreNetworks?20:33
soren...but I gues to a great extent, my failure to understand euca2ools upstream is why I'm here.20:33
wc_soren: so how do I fixit?20:33
sorenwc_: Remove your locally installed version of boto.20:34
sorenwc_: Sucks, I know.20:34
wc_ok, I am confused. Are you saying remove Ubuntu package (dependencies broken) or yank it from the Python library directory?20:37
sorenThe problem is that you have a version of boto installed other than the one provided by the ubuntu package.20:38
dendrobatessoren we need to replace euca2ools in Bexar.20:38
sorenDoes that explain?20:38
dendrobatesit just feels like alot of work20:38
sorendendrobates: It does.20:38
sorendendrobates: ...and I'm tainted.20:38
wc_soren: yes, but I never installed anything else but through apt-get, so makes me wonder20:39
sorenwc_: You must have.20:39
vishydendro: yes20:39
wc_soren: dpkg tells me it is 1.9b-1ubuntu320:39
sorenwc_: Maybe you ran a script that did it.20:39
wc_soren: ok, will see what I can erase here ;-)20:39
sorenwc_: Maybe you followed some ill informed instruction on a wiki. I think the openstack wiki said to use easy_install boto at some point.20:39
dendrobatesvishy: I am running tests in the rackspace cloud which does not have the 8021q module, so vlans are broken.20:40
wc_soren: ah, could be20:40
vishysoren: we need to create some default-networks in the packaging somehow20:40
dendrobatesI expect to see that when I create an image, but I am also seeing it when I do this:20:40
sorenvishy: Hm?20:40
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dendrobatessudo nova-manage project zipfile rick rick20:41
creihtmordred_: I don't seem to have admin access to lp:swift :/20:42
vishysoren: i mean, networks aren't created automatically, so should we expect users to run nova-manage?  Or should the installation of the package create some networks by default?20:42
vishysoren: just remerged trunk and pushed20:42
sorenvishy: If they don't run nova-manage how are they going to use nova for anything?20:42
sorenvishy: re-approved20:44
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vishysoren: good point20:46
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vishydendrobates: not exactly sure what you mean?20:47
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wc_soren: yep, that fixed it!20:48
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sorenwc_: \o/20:48
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sorenvishy: fix-context-deprecation failed a unit test :(20:50
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wc_soren: not there yet :-(20:53
wc_soren: Warning: failed to parse error message from AWS: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error EC2ResponseError: 404 Not Found 404 Not Found The resource could not be found.20:53
sorenwc_: That could be half a million different things :(20:54
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sorenwc_: Look in the logs.20:54
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vishyi hate unicode :(20:59
sorenIt's not a unicode problem, is it?21:00
sorenAs in a str vs unicode problem.21:00
vishyyes i'm parsing timestamp21:00
vishyif it is a string21:00
sorenOh. Where?21:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #660799 in swift "Fix bare excepts" [Undecided,New]
* soren was looking for something like that. didn't find it.21:01
sorenvishy: Oh, found it.21:02
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wc_soren: the only error I see in a log is nova-network related, sudo iptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
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wc_soren: executing it manually does not do anything for iptables either, so I guess I need to figure this one out first21:04
sorenwc_: I believe there's an environment variable you can set...21:04
vishyforgot to check if it is unicode21:04
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wc_soren: looking21:05
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sorenwc_: /me too21:05
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sorenwc_: Got it.21:08
sorenOk, so in ~/.boto, put this:21:08
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sorendebug = 221:08
soren...and try again.21:09
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wc_soren: euca-register mybucket/kernel.manifest.xml gets me the following error:
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sorenwc_: How are you running nova-api?21:14
wc_soren: not sure what you mean. it is running as a service21:16
wc_soren: I just restarted nova-api with the same outcome21:16
wc_soren: oh, you mean I could run it directly, instead of init script and see the output?21:17
sorenwc_: I'm really just interesting in which flags get passed to nova-api.21:18
sorens/interesting/interested/ of course21:18
wc_soren: /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-api --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova-api.conf --uid 151 --gid 65534 --pidfile /var/run/nova/ restart21:19
vishywhoot merged21:19
wc_soren: --daemonize=121:19
wc_soren: --networks_path=/var/lib/nova/networks21:20
wc_soren: is that it?21:20
sorenYou're missing --FAKE_subdomain=ec221:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #660803 in swift "Update version info to 1.1.0" [High,New]
sorenThat'll fix it.21:21
wc_soren: where do I add it? to init script or which config file?21:22
sorenwc_: Where did you get them from? The ones just above?21:23
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sorenSo put them there.21:24
wc_soren: is that a bug then?21:27
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wc_soren: I mean, should the scripts have created the option?21:28
sorenwc_: It's a packaging bug.21:30
sorenwc_: You're using the ppa packages?21:30
sorenwc_: They might have been lagging a bit. Ubuntu Maverick was released on Sunday, I was pretty focused on that.21:30
sorenwc_: I just synced the ppa packaging code with that of Ubuntu.21:31
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wc_soren: you are awsome! :-) and the most patient OS developer I met21:31
sorenIt'll pass :)21:32
wc_soren: 4 mins in, my instance is still "scheduling". is that normal?21:32
sorenIf you have a compute node, it should be pretty quick.21:33
sorenYou have all of nova-api, nova-objectstore, nova-network, nova-scheduler, and nova-compute running?21:33
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wc_soren: uhm, all but nova-network, it seems21:35
wc_soren: cannot start network, checking errors21:38
rluciohey guys, is there going to be a way (again) to set the gateway for a flat network config?  The --flat_network_gateway flag was removed, and the new way, using nova-manage seems to assume that the 2nd address in an ip range is always the gateway (plz correct me if im wrong)21:38
rlucioi mean, besides manually editing the sql db21:38
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sorenwc_: Without nova-network you're screwed.21:39
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wc_soren: I can tell :-)21:39
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wc_soren: still not sure how to fix that21:40
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sorenwc_: pastebin /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/nova_sudoers, please.21:40
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electroniceaglerlucio: can you point me to the "new way"?  I have created instances, but no route to instance21:44
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sorenwc_: Add this to /etc/sudoers:21:45
rlucioyea, since the flatdhcp update the other day, you have to use nova-manage to create your flat network21:45
soren#includedir /etc/sudoers.d21:45
sorenwc_: Use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers!21:45
wc_soren: I assume I don't need the # prefix?21:46
sorenwc_: You do.21:46
sorenwc_: And make sure you use visudo to edit it!21:46
rlucioelectroniceagle: as i understand it, you need to set your network via --fixed_range --network_size and --network_manager flags when running 'nova-manage network create'21:47
wc_yes, I did and yes, it told me that I do :-)21:48
sorenwc_: That's why one uses visudo. Mess up sudoers, and you're screwed. visudo makes sure you don't mess up sudoers :)21:48
rluciounfortunately it is pretty easy to mess up, and i dont know much sql so i have had to drop the whole nova db and restart a few times when the wrong ip ranges & config was produced21:48
wc_soren: OK, do I need to kill the running instance and restart?21:49
wc_soren: I mean "Scheduled" instance21:49
sorenwc_: Yeah.21:49
sorenwc_: Oh.21:49
sorenwc_: Not sure. You tell me :)21:49
rlucioelectroniceagle: and AFAIK it assumes that the 1st ip address in your range is the network address, and the second ip address is your gateway21:50
rluciowhich btw is the problem i have right now21:50
rluciovishy: you care to comment? maybe i am missing something21:51
wc_soren: interesting. I started another instance without doing anything about the old one (still scheduling) and it came back with this message: "ValueError: String too long"21:51
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electroniceaglerlucio: i'm trying to get up just the bare ubuntu 10.10 package version, under vmware, have a running instance, but can't seem to be able to kill it21:52
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rlucioelectroniceagle: well when did you get the pkgs you are using? there was a problem with euca-terminate-instances that was just fixed a couple days ago21:53
sorenwc_: What's in the log files?21:53
wc_soren: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nova-0.9.1-py2.6.egg/nova/db/sqlalchemy/ DeprecationWarning: Use of empty request context is deprecated\n  DeprecationWarning)\n\ndnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use\n' to caller21:53
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electroniceaglei just downloaded a 10.10 iso image and installed it, did an apt-get update21:53
vishyrlucio: you can edit the settings in the db directly21:54
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vishywc_: killall dnsmasq21:54
[RAD]Traviswith swift, has anybody here run into an ECONNREFUSED exception when doing a swift-stats-populate -d ?21:55
vishythe networks are created by nova-manage, but if you don't like the can hack the db21:55
sorenwc_: ah.21:55
rluciovishy: ok... is that going to be the SOP for now?  or will there eventually be a way to manage network settings (in addition to just creating them)?21:55
sorenwc_: You can get out of that, but the easiest is probably to reboot.21:55
rluciostandard operating procedure btw21:56
vishyrlucio: I've only been really focusing on vlan mode21:57
vishyso I haven't really added any support commands for the flat versions21:57
wc_soren: i will try that. my 3rd instance did not stay on. will be baaaack! ;-)21:58
rluciovishy: fair enough, you've already done quite a bit :) thanks21:58
vishynova-manage commands should be added, perhaps even specifying the gateway on create etc.21:58
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vishyyou can either submit a patch or create a spec for what you think would be useful and someone can implement.  For now, just hack the database and figure out what things users will need to change.21:59
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sorenwc_: I'm about to head to bed. I'm sure other people can help you.22:00
rluciovishy: yea i would like to contribute, but i haven't been approved yet by my employer.. hopefully that will happen soon though.  otherwise i'll probably take a stab at making a spec22:00
electroniceaglebschott@ubuntu:~$ euca-terminate-instances i-10rdrg22:01
electroniceagleTypeError: terminate_instances() takes exactly 3 non-keyword arguments (2 given)22:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #660812 in glance "Bad Unique Constraint on ImageMetadatum" [High,New]
vishyi wonder if boto is refusing the id because it is so short22:03
electroniceagleis there an easy way to clear instances using nova-manage?22:03
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uvirtbotNew bug: #660818 in nova "delete backup_schedule error while running nosetests" [Undecided,New]
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kevnfxvishy: thanks, I tried nova-manage create "5" yesterday and it raised an IndexError ... unfortunately have the same problem using your three arguments ("0" "3" "16").22:16
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wc_soren: after reboot, only nova-api and nova-objecstore services started on their own... had to start others manually22:17
electroniceaglesoren was heading to bed22:18
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wc_finally got one running!22:20
[RAD]Travisis there a multiserver production setup document anywhere for swift, outside of the brief mentions in the swift wiki?22:24
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vishyo rly22:28
vishykevnfx: traceback?22:28
kevnfxTraceback (most recent call last):22:30
kevnfx  File "./nova-manage", line 487, in <module>22:31
kevnfx    main()22:31
kevnfx  File "./nova-manage", line 479, in main22:31
kevnfx    fn(*argv)22:31
kevnfx  File "./nova-manage", line 403, in create22:31
kevnfx    int(vpn_start))22:31
kevnfxsorry ... didn't mean to flood that to the group ...22:31
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kevnfxvishy: actually now I get the following:22:33
kevnfx./nova-manage 0 3 1622:33
kevnfx0 does not match any options:22:33
kevnfxand nova-network just died (sqlalchemy/ line 95) ... let me do a fresh install22:36
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vishynova-manage network create 0 3 1622:40
kevnfxvishy: yea, just noticed that I forgot the initial arguments ... let me try this again.22:41
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vishyoh wait22:45
vishythe zero won't work22:45
vishymy bad22:45
kevnfxvishy: sorry about that ... but unfortunately it's still broken.  nova-network won't startup (keeps raising Exception('die')).  nova.manage network create 0 3 16 returns with AtrributeError:vlan_start22:45
vishyyou need to put in the actual public range there22:45
vishyi thought it would use it by default but it dusen't22:45
vishy10.0.0.0/8 is the default fixed_range i think22:46
kevnfxvishy: so what are the three arguments?22:47
vishynova-manage network create 3 1622:47
vishyi thought if you put a zero in it would come in as null but it comes in as '0'22:48
kevnfxvishy: that was my first guess, but still the same results.  Probably more importantly, nova-network won't startup.22:50
kevnfxFile "/root/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/", line 45, in is_admin_context22:50
kevnfx2010-10-14 15:48:07-0700 [-]     raise Exception('die')22:50
vishysomething is being called without context22:50
vishythat is a bug, i'll take a look at it in a bit...can you pastebin the entire stacktrace for me?22:52
kevnfxvishy: was just preparing that ... here it is:
kevnfxI'll be back in a bit (need to assist a colleague with some english ;-)22:53
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kevnfxvishy: heading home, but will be online from there.23:02
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creiht[RAD]Travis: has some documentation23:28
creihtunfortunatly not something that walks you through a multiserver setup yet23:28
creihtWe should start working on some soon though23:29
creihtand I'm in the process of getting some hardware together to make a base "reference install"23:30
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vishykevnfx: ok i fixed the two bugs you noticed23:49

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