Friday, 2010-10-15

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kevnfxvishy: cool ... much appreciated ...00:47
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vishythey aren't in trunk but you can grab the branch if you want00:49
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sorenvishy: Still around?07:08
sorenvishy: Do you guys actually /use/ the default_kernel and default_ramdisk flags?07:08
sorenvishy: I'm thinking about getting rid of them.07:08
sorenvishy: So, for instance, the images Ubuntu publishes for EC2 don't have a ramdisk.07:08
sorenvishy: EC2 and Eucalyptus both support booting without a ramdisk.07:09
sorenvishy: ...but because Nova uses a default one in the absence of an explicitly requested one, that doesn't work.07:09
vishysoren: i think we still have some images that don't have it specified07:09
vishysoren: but just legacy07:10
sorenvishy: for the default kernel, I'm considering getting rid of it as an alternate means for implementing Justin's raw disk thing.07:10
vishysoren: i think that seems fine07:10
sorenvishy: His raw-disk think makes you specify an explicit, magic kernel id that makes it do things differently. It seems like The Right Thing to simply do those things if no kernel is specified.07:11
vishysoren: images have ramdisk specfied if they have one or none if they are whole disk booted07:11
sorenvishy: The only problem is that it's hard to discover if your image actually does need a kernel, but you just forgot to specify one.07:11
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vishysoren: do you use flat networking mode?07:23
sorenvishy: I believe I do, yes.07:26
vishyjust wondering if anyone has tried the new flatdhcp version07:27
sorenOdd sort of answer, I suppose.07:27
sorenI haven't, no. Not yet. Not had a chance.07:27
sorenI'm hoping to do so today, though.07:27
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zykes-alekibango: around ?07:45
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zykes-what's UML ?08:06
sorenUser Mode Linux.08:08
zykes-which does ?08:11
sorenRuns linux.08:13
sorenIn userspace.08:13
sorenIt's a sort of a hypervisor08:13
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zykes-so let's you test stuff then i guess without needing a phys. host08:19
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alekibangozykes-: ?08:57
zykes-so turbogears ?09:00
alekibangozykes-: why not that objectiveJ one? :)09:00
alekibangobtw i have seen author on irc yesterday (greenisus)09:00
zykes-alekibango: thought a python one was wanted but ok09:01
alekibangozykes-: imho some system which would include some accounting would be nice... and one with adaptable billing method...09:01
alekibangoand imho tg is good for that09:01
zykes-doesn't accounting and billing allready exist in nova ?09:02
alekibangomost companies will want own billing system09:02
alekibangoown set of SLAs09:02
alekibangozykes-: no, accounting which will suit generic SLAs is not there09:03
alekibangoi think making generic one would be a hit09:03
alekibangobut 'generic' is hard to define right now09:04
zykes-what to start making first then ?09:04
jonwoodalekibango: Do you personally have a need for billing and SLAs?09:05
alekibangojonwood: not right now, but i will be09:06
jonwoodWait until you have that need before implementing it then.09:06
alekibangothats it :)09:06
jonwoodThere's not such thing as a generic SLA.09:06
alekibangoheh, thats why i said hard to define09:06
alekibangoas it must be in correlation with scheduler in nova09:07
alekibango(which i might need to change first)09:07
jonwoodThe schdeuler wouldn't be enough I don't think. You need monitoring infrastructure to do SLAs in any useful way.09:07
alekibangoyes, yes09:07
zykes-but doing a webui in turbogears is ok ?09:10
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jonwoodzykes-: There's one already being built, so unless there's a definite advantage to using Turbogears, I don't think there's much point duplicating effort.09:12
zykes-so much for wanting to do that :p09:12
jonwoodContribute to the existing one. Even if it's just because Cappucino is fun to work with.09:13
zykes-don't want to have to learn another new language as well so09:13
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zykes-enough learning python for the time being09:15
jonwoodFair enough.09:15
zykes-are there any simpler tasks that can be helped with ?09:17
jonwoodI'm sure there's plenty to be done in the bug tracker.09:17
jonwoodI'm assuming that's the list of bugs that are quick/easy fixes.09:18
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zykes-but the objective-c one, doesn't seem to have been updated jonwood since august ?09:36
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jonwoodIt may still be being worked on. You'd have to ask the author.09:42
alekibangozykes-: for me, turbogears is really rapid development which is allowing you to have freedom. its not pressing too many 'framework' methods on you09:55
alekibangozykes-: tg is just bunch of very good libraries packed together to provide you powerfull methods to deal with the problem...09:56
alekibangobut,  i must say that  it might be better to help existing one, as jonwood says09:57
alekibangozykes-: what we need most now is to write nova manuals09:58
alekibangoif you can help with this, you will also learn a lot09:58
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zykes-alekibango: but i don't know a squat of objectiveJ and not wanting to either due to little time availability. But I could help with manuals / wiki10:01
zykes-any overview of the process ?10:01
alekibangozykes-: spector*  is working on one10:01
alekibangoeh, on overview of nova architecture10:01
alekibangodoc process - see wiki recent  changes   or you might look how it started on
zulsoren: get rid of the default kernel and ramdisks imho10:05
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zykes-alekibango: won't learn python there though :p10:13
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alekibangozykes-: :) how long are u with python?10:27
alekibangozykes-: one of learning methods is "reading code and understanding it"10:28
zykes-been reading the pep once and doing some tutorial stuff10:28
alekibangoand its also good method to make docs :)10:28
alekibangozykes-: good. now u know python :)10:29
zykes-not that much :p10:29
zykes-the basics at least10:29
alekibangobut its enough to READ code10:29
alekibangoand change it here and there10:29
alekibangoit takes some time to learn about some advanced stuff, but most of it is about using libraries10:30
alekibangoand about style10:30
alekibango(how to do logging, tests, etc)10:30
zykes-import logging10:31
alekibangozykes-: there are something like config files you know :) - thats that style  i mean -- configure logging in .conf files10:32
alekibangolol messed the sentence but you can dig it i hope10:32
alekibangoand using config files....10:33
alekibangousing decorators10:33
alekibangozykes-: try some coding with decorators10:33
alekibangoi once implemented smart caching with those, it was lots of fun, having pretty statistics10:34
jonwoodzykes-: Do you know any other programming languages?10:34
alekibangozykes-: it takes some time before you will find out those little tricks.  -- and its best done by reading good code10:36
zykes-jonwood: Perl..10:36
jonwoodOk. Just checking you're not learning programming from scratch, rather then just a new language10:36
alekibangoi also did perl in the past :)10:37
alekibangowas fun intil the code scaled up to thousands lines10:37
zykes-js also, though a scripting language10:37
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zykes-but again alekibango, writing technical documentation how does that help on python skills ? not sure where to star.t.10:49
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alekibangozykes-: try to install nova on 4 servers :)10:50
alekibangotry to understand the architecture - how it works10:50
alekibangoand describe what you will find on wiki10:50
zykes-document the install process10:51
zykes-i guess ?10:51
alekibangoand the architecture10:52
alekibangoand limits10:52
alekibangoand potential security threats10:52
coolhandlukehi.. we are trying to do a multi node nova installation but its failing with the following error :10:52
coolhandlukeFile "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/db/sqlalchemy/", line 1296, in user_get10:52
coolhandluke2010-10-15 16:15:10+0530 [-] raise exception.NotFound('No user for id %s' % id)10:52
coolhandluke2010-10-15 16:15:10+0530 [-] NotFound: No user for id admin10:52
zykes-i'll try it when i get to my other job then, no access to play with stuff here10:52
alekibangocoolhandluke: please paste longer texts on http://paste.openstack.org10:53
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jonwoodcoolhandluke: Have you created a new user using nava-admin?10:53
alekibangonova-manage you mean?10:53
coolhandlukealekibango: noted.10:53
jonwoodYes, nova-manage10:53
coolhandlukewe've already done that. nova-manage user admin admin10:53
alekibangocoolhandluke: if you can write some short tutor about that, it would be great10:54
alekibangouser create ?10:54
jonwoodcoolhandluke: Have you configured everything to use the right database?10:55
coolhandlukealekibango: will do. as soon as i get this to work :) . I've verified that the user was created by doing nova-manage user list10:55
jonwoodThe default is to use SQLite on the current node, which won't work for multi-node installs.10:55
coolhandlukejonwood: right10:55
alekibangocoolhandluke: please do, it should be part of nova Deployment manual10:55
coolhandlukejonwood: we've setup myssql as suggested by you yesterday10:55
alekibangoare the nodes configured to connect to it?10:56
jonwoodWhen you verified that the user was created, were you doing so from the same node that's throwing that error?10:56
coolhandlukealekibango: yes. I've set the connection param in sql_connection.. only problem is that there are no records in the 'users' table in nova database. and the api seems to be expecting a user record there10:57
coolhandlukejonwood : yes10:58
alekibangothat seems to be teh problem10:58
alekibangocreating user using nova-manage will not make him in db?10:58
coolhandlukealekibango: thats what I thought. it should create the user in the db as well. but it seems the user is being registered only in ldap.11:00
jonwoodcoolhandluke: One second.11:00
jonwoodI think you have the wrong auth driver activated.11:00
coolhandlukeinterstingly, at the end of the stack trace I also see this error:
jonwoodcoolhandluke: Try setting --auth_driver=nova.auth.dbdriver.DbDriver11:03
jonwoodIf I'm right that'll set it to do all authentication against the database, rather then LDAP.11:03
jonwoodIf I'm wrong, I'm out of ideas I'm afraid.11:03
coolhandlukeok. I'll give that a go and report back11:03
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alekibangocoolhandluke: you are using ldap?11:44
alekibangoah, jonwood, maybe the user is in redis11:44
alekibangotry monitoring network (wireshark) when you add user11:44
coolhandlukequick update.. jonwood: your suggestion helped. we have now got the node running fine. there were some issues with enabling KVM in bios. we've sorted out those now. currently thinking why we're not able to ssh into the VM.. perhaps it needs NAT + masquerading11:45
jonwoodcoolhandluke: Excellent.11:46
jonwoodAnd it probably is an iptables issue. Do you specifically need your VMs on private IPs?11:46
jonwoodI think you can set nova-network to use bridging instead, which entirely bypasses NAT problems.11:47
coolhandlukeI'll try that. do you know how to configure nova-network.. does it also have a corresponding .conf flagfile11:48
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jonwoodProbably... I've not done anything with it.11:49
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jonwoodcoolhandluke: It's not the friendliest --help interface, but running 'ack "flags." in the root of a nova checkout will give you all the command line flags defined.11:51
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coolhandlukejonwood: thanks. I couldnt figure that out simply by looking at the nova-network script. I'll try the flags thing11:54
jonwoodIt looks like you need to set the network manager to FlatManager, but I'm not sure how you go about doing that.11:55
jonwoodAha... might work.11:55
jonwoodSorry, --network-manager11:55
coolhandlukeawesome :) trying that now11:55
jonwoodLet me know how it goes - it's an educated guess ;)11:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #661159 in nova "Does not allow booting without a ramdisk" [Undecided,New]
dendrobates morning12:06
dendrobateser afternoon to some12:06
coolhandluke, and evening to another few :))12:08
dendrobatescoolhandluke: where are you located?12:09
jonwoodafternoon :)12:09
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coolhandlukejonwood: i tried setting , on the compute node as well as the controller.. on the controller I got an error "FlatManager has no attribute allocate_network"12:11
jonwoodHmmm. I wonder if something is trying to create a private network for the project.12:12
coolhandlukejonwood: probably. I'll report back with findings soon. on a related note, our team will start creating documentation for the multi node install starting monday. Whats the best way to share that with everyone?12:15
jonwoodPut it on the wiki.12:15
zykes-can i test stuff without requiring hypervisor enabled nodes ?12:15
coolhandlukejonwood: ok. I'll do that and notify you. thanks as usual for your help.12:16
jonwoodYup. There's a test driver for just that purpose.12:16
zykes-the uml jonwood ?12:16
jonwoodNo, not even that.12:17
jonwoodIt just pretends things worked or didn't, depending on what you've set it to.12:17
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jonwoodSo databases and things like that get updated, but no actual VMs get started.12:17
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jonwoodzykes-: --connection=fake12:19
dendrobatesuml works great. it's very  fast12:19
sorendendrobates: So, about bug 66115912:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 661159 in nova "Does not allow booting without a ramdisk" [Medium,In progress]
sorendendrobates: Ubuntu's images don't have a ramdisk.12:20
sorendendrobates: It just seems silly not to support Ubuntu's images.12:20
alekibangojonwood: ack flags? ???12:20
dendrobatessoren: we couldn't create a fake ramdisk?12:21
sorendendrobates: Dunno.12:21
jonwoodalekibango: Yes, it uses ack to find all instances of "flags." in or below the current directory.12:21
alekibangoi do not have command ack :)12:21
jonwoodThen you may need to install it first.12:21
alekibangokanji convertor?12:22
dendrobatesbasically, a workaround seems less risky at this point12:22
jonwoodalekibango: What?12:22
alekibangojonwood: where did you get your ack?12:23
jonwoodTry ack-grep12:23
jonwoodbrew install ack12:23
alekibangoah, ic12:23
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jonwoodBut then I'm using mac os12:23
sorendendrobates: I can't argue against that.12:25
alekibangojonwood: so then its ack-grep command for me, but rgrep would work  on most systems12:25
alekibangobut i must say nice colors12:25
dendrobatessoren: or better yet let's let ubuntu make an image for us.  I know the guy who wrote their virt-builder app. :)12:27
sorendendrobates: It's the sort of argument that can't be beaten, really. I can only go: "Bah, I don't think it'll break anything," and if it does I'm an idiot. If it doesn't it's just meh.12:27
sorenI want to be a release manager when I grow up. Then I'll replace myself with a shell script that just says no. :)12:28
alekibangosoren: ;-)12:28
dendrobatesI don;t want to be a release manager.12:28
sorendendrobates: These are the kernel images, I'm afraid :) vmbuilder doesn't factor into it.12:29
alekibangoi think running disk only images  (without kernel etc) would be sweet also12:29
dendrobateswell we still know the guy who builds them12:29
arthurcyou are talking about ramdisks.. are the nodes can boot and run diskless ?12:29
sorendendrobates: ...but they're not going to travel back in time and change this for Maverick.12:31
alekibangoarthurc:  nodes?  i would not do that yet...12:31
sorendendrobates: This stuff is pretty fundamental.  As such, it seems to me, that if it breaks something, it'll be quite obvious, quite quickly.12:32
alekibangoit can be done but i requires some sort of unionfs or some sort of network fs or some sort of hackity hacks...12:32
alekibangoand none of them is very safe for your health, arthurc12:32
sorendendrobates: I'm going to test it in a little bit. Right now, it's only been unit tested (you'll notice I didn't file an mp for it yet, for that very reason).12:32
dendrobatessoren: I'd rather have you testing and fixing release critical bugs.12:33
arthurcyep. I used to manage my cloud without installing or configuring my nodes, just rack a lame, plug wires and I've got my new node (conf is managed centrally)12:33
alekibangoarthurc: for start, it will work much better if you have such install method (fai or foreman or whatever) and configuration management tools12:34
sorendendrobates: Do you have a list of those?12:34
alekibangoas network can get 100% used and then you are in all sorts of problems with your servers12:34
alekibango(when using nfs like system)12:34
dendrobatesI keep trying, but people are fixing them as they report them.  :)12:34
alekibangoor your unionfs will find some nice bugs (like it does)12:34
sorendendrobates: Fire them.12:34
sorendendrobates: :)12:34
alekibangoor your unflexible images will get old12:34
dendrobatesthat makes an up to date list difficult to make12:34
arthurccobbler does the job for me alekibango12:35
jonwoodalekibango: In the nicest possible way, what are you talking about?12:35
alekibangoarthurc: i have seen cobbler... didnt like it much  :)12:35
sorendendrobates: I have an rc bug. Maybe. I need to make sure it exists before I file it. If it does, I'll be a good boy and file it before I start working on it.12:35
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alekibangojonwood: trying to answer arthurc -- he is talking about diskless nodes12:35
alekibangobut i think its too risky or unflexible12:36
jonwoodWhy? It's been done in production since the 80s12:36
arthurcit's very practical to be able to do that12:36
alekibangowell might be, but risky :)12:36
arthurcwhy ?12:36
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alekibangowill u use some sort of unionfs or aufs ?12:37
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alekibangowill you use network disks?12:37
dendrobatesdiskless vm's would require a ramdisk and in multi-tenant cloud environments memory is a scarce resource12:37
alekibangonetwork bandwidth etc12:37
alekibangodendrobates: or network drive, and that is also scarce12:37
alekibangonetwork WILL get used much12:38
jonwoodalekibango: There's not a great shortage of bandwidth within a well run data centre.12:38
arthurcalekibango: vms use iscsi storage12:38
alekibangoarthurc: price and complexity will go up, not down :)12:38
arthurcwe hosts hundred of vms for a year with this system12:40
alekibangoarthurc: can you draw the schema of the system for me please?12:40
alekibangoah, ty12:42
alekibangoi have been reading about ovirt in the past12:42
arthurcwell, I'm a maintainer of the project12:42
arthurcbut I'm not from RH12:43
alekibangothe link looks inspirational. we need similar images for nova12:43
arthurcyep, I looked for them but I the best schema I found is there
alekibangothere are 2 more links to see about arch12:45
alekibangoarthurc: how fast your storage netwrok is?12:50
arthurcgigabyte network and vms with virtio12:51
arthurcvirtual machines12:52
alekibangoVAX/VMS? :)12:52
alekibangois that gigabyte network enough?12:52
alekibangodo you somehow limit CPU or network or disk access for guests?12:52
arthurcwell, we don't need extrem performances but we recently had to use virtio and we like to use jumbo frames but it needs some hacks12:53
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alekibangovirtio is good12:54
arthurcwe allocate ram and cpu as we want12:54
alekibangonever was into jumbos12:54
alekibangoarthurc: as we want? what that means?12:54
alekibangoas user wants?12:54
arthurcnop, as the admin want, as the client pays :)12:55
alekibangoso no limits for disk or netwrok?12:56
alekibango(not talking about quota,. but about bandwidth)12:56
arthurcit's much more the work of kvm than ovirt the ressources allocation. storage is set up externally and network is not limited12:56
arthurcI don't known if kvm manage this feature12:57
alekibangokvm didnt even limit cpu power :)12:57
alekibangoyou must use normal linux tools for that12:57
alekibangothis certainly is doable.... but methods differ12:58
alekibangoyou can limit network per user, and having cgroups + maybe some patches you can limit also disk access per user or process12:58
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alekibangoarthurc: i propose to move this talk into time after the release. i will try to help with this, but now most devels are busy with fixing and merging, and we should do docs13:00
alekibangoafter release there will be call for blueprints13:01
alekibangoso we could come up with some systems to build bootable images of diskless nodes...   be it debian or fedora system13:03
alekibangoor others13:03
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jonwoodalekibango: Why? There's already cobbler, and several other things, which do that quite happily.13:04
alekibangothere is also debian live :) and others13:04
alekibangojonwood:  it would be nice to document even more ways of doing it13:05
alekibangohaving common architecture13:05
arthurcalekibango: no problem, I don't have the time neither to test openstack but I'll bench the product soon13:06
alekibangowe all will try ;)13:07
arthurcBut it's a pleasure to see how you're all enthusiastic, it's a good sign :)13:08
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uvirtbotNew bug: #661214 in nova "When a node dies, its instances should be marked !running" [Undecided,New]
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dendrobatessoren: re: bug #661214  should they be marked unknown instead of !running?13:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 661214 in nova "When a node dies, its instances should be marked !running" [Undecided,New]
dendrobatesjaypipes: around?13:29
sorendendrobates: unknown is one of the !running states. It sounds like the right one.13:31
dendrobatessoren: where is that code?13:34
sorendendrobates: Eh?13:35
sorenwhich code?13:35
dendrobateswhere the !running states are defined?13:35
sorenOh. Not sure.13:36
sorenI thought you knew when you suggested "unknown" :)13:36
sorenlemme check13:36 perhaps13:37
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dendrobatessoren as you know I am obsessed with state and how/where we keep it.13:41
sorenIt's an interesting problem!13:41
sorenI found a delightful refresher of the CAP theorem the other day.13:42
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* annegentle loves to see the Monday Nova doc plans, we'll be doing something similar for Swift on Tuesday 13:47
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dendrobatesannegentle: where are these plans?13:56
annegentledendrobates: just saw coolhandluke say his team is creating doc starting Monday13:57
dendrobatesoh, cool13:58
dendrobatesI thought  I missed something on the wiki13:58
pikenDoes anyone know of a good api for working with the ec2 services. I am time restricted and don't think I will have time to right an api my self.13:59
pikensomething in php, python, or c++ would work if any one knows one.13:59
jonwoodpiken: libcloud I think is Python.13:59
sorenIt is.13:59
sorenSo is boto.13:59
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dendrobatesannegentle: our nova install instructions are only for the dev snapshot.  I changed the heading to indicate that.14:02
annegentledendrobates: yep, I saw that. Good call.14:04
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pikenhmm, libcloud might work for me. Thanks jon14:08
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dendrobatesannegentle: we should expand the page with sections for installing on different linux distros when we have time.14:17
annegentledendrobates: yeah I put a section at the bottom in anticipation14:17
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zykes-dendrobates: installing on centos etc you mean ?14:26
dendrobatesI mean any distros that we can run on,  probably ubuntu and fedora to start with14:27
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Davieypiken: also look at txAWS14:39
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uvirtbotNew bug: #661260 in nova "nova-compute doesn't notice when a VM crashes" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotNew bug: #661262 in nova "nova-compute doesn't update VM status on start" [Undecided,New]
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uvirtbotNew bug: #661267 in swift "document config options and defaults in sample configs" [Medium,New]
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jaypipesdendrobates: yup.15:06
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jaypipesdendrobates: sorry, getting a late start today :( is there something you needed?15:10
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jaypipesannegentle: may be worth adding Ryan Lucio's answers/question to the docs on Nova networking...
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annegentlejaypipes: ah good one, will do15:32
dendrobatesjaypipes: yeah could you or sirp1 write a blog post about glance?  It is looking nice and I want to publicize it.15:39
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jaypipesdendrobates: hmm, yes, I can do that next week?15:47
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annegentleCan someone simply describe how you create flag files for nova? Where are they located/read from, what permissions do they need, etc?15:55
annegentleand if I need one flag for three services, can they be in one file?15:56
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annegentleah, is the flag file nova-network.conf and I just keep adding to that?16:04
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jonwoodannegentle: With a package install, each service gets it's own file. nova-network.conf for nova-network, and so forth.16:04
jonwoodAnd yes, you just add any flags you want used to that file.16:04
annegentlejonwood: got it, thanks!16:05
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kevnfxvishy: tried those changes ... still having same/similar problem ( ... this, while invoking "./nova-manage network create 3 16"16:18
vishykevinfx: ah16:20
vishyone more change missing16:20
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kevnfxvishy: just in nova-manage correct?  Made the change there and it's much better.16:34
vishycreate_networks on 41016:35
vishyNone should be context.get_admin_context()16:35
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vishyi'll put in a patch16:35
vishybut that change should get you going16:35
kevnfxvishy: got it ... now having problems again with virDomainLookupByName ... I'll need to take a look at that (thought that was fixed earlier).16:37
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vishythat should be16:41
vishyperhaps a regression due to my backporting16:41
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jdarcyHow would one get a concise list of the blueprints/topics/whatever being considered for summit?16:45
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kevnfxvishy: well ... I'm seeing an instance created with id 2147483647 (-1) ... are there other instance_id changes "in the works"?16:49
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vishypacking 64 bit number into 32 bits?16:51
vishykevnfx: I haven't really looked at that code, maybe gundlach has an idea what is going on there16:51
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annegentlejdarcy: good question, hopefully dendrobates can answer?16:52
vishykevnfx: i can't track down that bug at the moment, but if no one has tackled it by this evening I'll take a look16:52
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kevnfxvishy: that's cool .... I'll try to dig into it as well (although I'll be considerably slower).16:53
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vishykevnfx: if you come accross any more Exception('die') it is due to an empty context being passed to the db16:54
vishyI turned into a die instead of a deprecation to force us to clean them all up16:55
vishyso let me know if you hit any more16:55
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zaitcev says "Launchpad does not know how OpenStack Object Storage (swift) tracks feature planning or documentation. " -- nice17:06
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jdarcy seems to work and include Swift as a project.17:09
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notmynameI think that's the default "there are no blueprints right now" page17:09
jdarcyStill trying to figure out what Glance and Teller are.17:09
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alekibangojdarcy: (cold) storage and registry of  images for nova in using swift17:11
zaitcevok, I'm going with this, then
sirp1Glance is the super-project, it contains Parallax (the image registry) and Teller (the image delivery service)17:12
alekibangos/ in //  in my line  :)17:13
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alekibangojdarcy: swift is not for live (real-time) disk service, but it can store objects well.17:14
jdarcySounds like Teller (and Glance more generally) do some of the same things as the Image Warehouse (that Pete and I work on).  Might be an opportunity for sharing code/ideas.17:15
alekibangoImage Warehouse, how nice name. sounds like Galery for me :)17:16
dendrobateszaitcev: try it again.  lp must have reset something during the update17:16
zaitcevdendrobates: Oooh, it works, thanks.17:16
jdarcyIt's been through a few names.  It might go through a few more.17:16
alekibangojdarcy: please tell us more...17:16
jdarcyalekibango: Basically image storage with a metadata DB (currently Mongo) plus multiple data back ends (currently filesystem/S3/Swift) with a way to define very flexible replication policies between them.17:19
alekibangosounds interesting to me. but i am not glance dev17:19
jdarcyalekibango: It's why you see me more here than in #gluster nowadays.  ;)17:20
alekibangojdarcy: now you know what i wanted to use glusterfs for :)17:21
dendrobatesjdarcy: how is mongodb working for you?17:21
jdarcydendrobates: OK I guess.  Efficient queries (not just ranges) are pretty important, so that narrows the field a lot.17:22
jdarcydendrobates: In some ways I'd prefer CouchDB, Cassandra, or Riak/EnterpriseDS, but it's easy to change.17:22
dendrobateswe will need to make those same decisions17:23
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jdarcyThat sounds like a good thing to discuss over a beer or three in San Antonio.17:24
alekibangothere is no beer like ours (cz)  sometimes come here to taste it... :)17:24
jdarcyalekibango: If I ever find an excuse to visit our Brno office, I will.  ;)17:25
jaypipeseday: hmm, looks like lp660818 introduced a bug:
alekibangojdarcy: brq office is biggest, btw17:25
alekibangotell me if you will be here17:25
alekibango :)17:25
jdarcyWill do.17:25
jaypipesjdarcy: where can I see the code for Image Warehouse?17:27
jdarcyBeat me to it.17:28
alekibangojdarcy: i am glad you started replicating  process :)17:29
jdarcyRedundant Array of Inexpensive Engineers17:30
zaitcevSadly I am very expensive.17:30
jdarcyzaitcev: Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that.17:30
alekibangoanyway, i hope you can get enough help to do what is needed17:32
jaypipesjdarcy: you guys work for RedHat?17:32
* jdarcy nods.17:32
jaypipesjdarcy: when did this Image Warehouse project come to be? Recently? /me wondering why you went with C as opposed to Python...17:33
jdarcyA lot of people wonder that.17:33
zaitcevGood question.17:33
* jaypipes also wonders what MHD is....17:33
zaitcevIt's GNU microhttpd17:33
jaypipesah.  hadn't heard of it.17:34
jdarcyI proposed re-doing it in higher-level language (probably Python) a while back when it was still very young, but got a lukewarm response so we went with existing code.17:34
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jdarcyI might do a version in Lua in my spare time, just to annoy *everyone*.17:35
alekibangojdarcy: postscript is more deadly for sure17:35
alekibangodid you know you can program it in? :)17:35
jaypipesjdarcy: is this project just in internal use at RH?17:36
alekibango(dont try)17:36
jdarcyjaypipes: It's part of the Deltacloud project.17:36
zaitcevI think Hail was written in C because 1. "C is faster" fallacy, 2. jgarzik is a kernel graduate so it was faster for him to hack it together in C than to learn Python.17:36
zaitcevBut I was surprised to find that iwhd was in C too17:37
zaitcevThank heavens it's not Ruby at least17:37
jdarcyTo be more precise, "Deltacloud" is now an Apache project, but there are some new higher-level components (Cloud Engine, Image Factory) that are still at Red Hat.  We might need to change names.17:37
jaypipesjdarcy: I'd never heard of DeltaCloud...looking now...17:37
alekibangoits cloud abstracting api17:38
zaitcevI always thought of DeltaCloud as API and a library that implements it, kinda like KDE's Phonon17:38
zaitcevBut it grew into this huge chunk of cloud management everything17:38
jdarcyThe main reason I started with C is that I knew where to find all the libraries I need (e.g. HTTP, S3, parsing) and I couldn't quickly find a framework in a better language that let me do in-memory forking of the data streams.17:39
dendrobatesjaypipes: really?17:39
alekibango.... er ... lang?17:39
jaypipesdendrobates: yep, never heard of it.17:39
jdarcyThe official Deltacloud line (I believe) is that it's not a cloud-management system itself, it's a layer above several cloud-management systems.  Use whatever you want with a single interface.17:39
jaypipesjdarcy: I find it strange that the deltacloud API is GPL and the project is in Apache incubator.17:40
alekibangoso, it can be used to manage nova, right?17:40
alekibangohow good that could be?17:40
jaypipesdendrobates: remember, I come from a rdbms background, not a virt background :)17:41
dendrobatesthe main thing I questioned about deltacloud is the use of condor as a scheduler17:41
jdarcyalekibango: Yep.  Not sure what the status is of supporting Nova as a provider (and probably couldn't say if I did know) but Swift is definitely a supported back end on the warehouse side.17:41
alekibangojdarcy: i am sure nova will be supported soon, as it will be important player :)17:41
jdarcyIn fact, I'm more than half-way inclined to make Swift the *preferred* iwhd back end, but that's a political rather than technical matter.17:41
zaitcevHow's that political?17:42
zaitcevI just don't have a Swift server running anywhere, so it's not very testable.17:42
creihtzaitcev: btw, i started a proof of concept s3 compatibility middleware for swift17:42
jdarcyzaitcev: market/community positioning, which companies/projects we want to align most closely with or avoid offending, all that kind of BS.17:43
alekibangocreiht: yes, give them the link  hehe17:43
jaypipeszaitcev: but it looks like deltacloud *is* Ruby:
jdarcyThe Engine is Ruby.  I think maybe the Factory too, but not sure on that one.17:43
creihtim on my phone right now, but can post later17:43
jdarcyIt might be interesting to think about using iwhd as a Teller back end, or maybe even vice versa.17:45
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jaypipesvishy: dude, awesome writeup about Nova networking. annegentle, did you catch that on the mailing list?17:57
edayjaypipes: yeah, not seeing it locally, and can't imagine how it would cause the failure we see. wondering if hudson machine runs have a stale db or something...17:57
rluciojaypipes: link?17:57
jaypipeseday: not sure. lemme pull your branch and try it17:57
edayjaypipes: yeah, termie's branch hit the same thing17:57
jaypipesrlucio: for the netowrking writeup? :)17:57
rluciojaypipes: ya17:58
jaypipesrlucio: one sec17:58
vishyjaypipes: thanks17:58
edayjaypipes: I'll clean the nhudson workspace and try again17:58
jaypipeseday: sounds good17:58
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annegentlejaypipes: sure did, and I'm totally rolling it in on the wiki.17:59
* annegentle needs to get out some ninja graphics skillz17:59
rluciojaypipes: thanks18:00
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edayjaypipes: hmm, so tarmac must do it's own thing, no files in workspace18:03
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edayjaypipes: you have access to the tarmac machine?18:08
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edaymtaylor: it appears test runs are failing with nova tarmac, is there a workspace/tmp files that can be cleaned out?18:26
mtayloreday: jay had me add a nosetest run - lemme look real quick18:27
edaymtaylor: also, you in boston? :) (I'm on the train from NYC to Boston right now)18:27
mtayloreday: can you point me at a link?18:28
mtayloreday: I'm on the plane on my way to boston18:28
mtayloreday: should be there in about 2 hours-ish18:28
edayahh, cool. we get there at 5 or so (Wendy is with me)18:28
edaymtaylor: another unrelated branch by termie failed with the same thing18:29
edayso I'm assuming it's a broken test setup18:29
mtaylorso - I don't know enough about what the test cases do - is there something I should look at cleaning up in /tmp or something? (hudson blows away the branch dir each time)18:30
mtaylorand if there is - that should be fixed18:30
mtayloreday: there area  fuck-ton of test-* and tmp* dirs in /tmp18:30
* mtaylor thinks tests are being ugly and are not cleaning up after themselves18:30
mtaylorand for that matter, honestly shouldn't be making things in /tmp - but /me is a fairly pedantic person18:31
* eday agrees :)18:32
mtayloreday: ok - I deleted the over a thousand temp dirs18:32
mtaylorthere is still a /tmp/pip-QlLJp9-build and a /tmp/nova18:33
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edaymtaylor: I'm guessing there are leftover sqlite files somewhere? not really sure18:36
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mtayloreday: launch another one18:37
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soreneday, mtaylor: What's in Boston?18:45
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mtaylorsoren: opensqlcamp18:47
sorenmtaylor: Ah.18:51
sorenmtaylor, eday: Have fun :)18:51
sorenI'm going to look at the get_console_ouput test case that keeps failing.18:52
edaymtaylor, soren: trying again now18:53
soreneday: Which one?18:53
* soren keeps an eye on it18:53
mtaylorstewart: awake?18:54
eday(lost connection for a while, in middle of nowhere Connecticut)18:54
mtaylorgah. wrong channel18:54
edaymtaylor: he's here too :)18:55
soreneday: failed.18:56
soreneday: I'll look into it.18:56
sorenit's my unit test after all :)18:56
edaysoren: ahh, ok :)18:56
edaysoren: I was about to dig deeper, but it passes fine on my local box, and I don't have tarmac machine access, so can't reproduce18:57
soreneday: I just hope it reproduces easily on there.18:57
dendrobatesis tarmac running on the same server as hudson?18:58
sorenmtaylor: Which directory do the unit tests run in?18:59
mtaylorsoren: /home/hudson/src/nova/hudson18:59
mtaylorsoren: sorry -18:59
soren\o/ reproduced.18:59
* soren starts digging.18:59
mtaylorsoren: ~hudson/src/nova/hudson18:59
sorenmtaylor: Ah. ta.18:59
mtaylor~hudson == /var/lib/hudson :)18:59
sorenmtaylor: Gotcha.19:00
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sorenI have a hideous, wrong patch that totally fixes it :)19:26
edaysoren: why did this start breaking with unrelated changes?19:28
edaycan someone with more LP access switch  to implemented?19:29
jaypipeseday: ya, one sec19:29
jaypipeseday: oops, no I can't...thought I could..but no.19:30
jaypipesdendrobates: see eday's request ^^19:30
jaypipeseday: did monty get that instance id error fixed on hudson?19:30
edayjaypipes: I think soren almost has it fixed19:30
jaypipeseday: ah, k19:31
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soreneday: It's a race.19:37
sorenNot sure how to fix it correctly.19:38
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sorenScrew it, I'll hack it, add a TODO so we can get on with it.19:38
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* soren tries the tests a couple of times to make sure.19:40
edaysoren: ahh. strange it's started showing up more since the last push, hasn't passed since19:41
sorenThere are two problems, as it turns out.19:41
sorenOne is the get_console_output test.19:41
sorenIt's a race.19:41
sorenIt happens 90% of the times, roughly.19:42
sorenThe other thing is due to being removed, but the .pyc file still being there.19:42 a file that imported it still worked until someone cleaned out the .pyc files.19:42
sorenBoth are my fault :)19:42
jaypipessoren: damn you soren :)19:43
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sorenHere I am, trying to give you guys an excuse to call it a week early, but no no :)19:45
edaysoren: about 30 mins left on the train :)19:46
sorenI guess I need to actually fix them both in the same merge proposal..19:46
sorenEven though they're completely unrelated.19:46
sorenbranch and merge proposal coming up.19:50
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soreneday, jaypipes: if you please.19:52
soren(had to lump them together in one branch, otherwise tarmac would reject them due to the other unit test still failing)19:53
jaypipessoren: understood. looking now.19:54
sorenmtaylor: We probably ought to "bzr clean-tree --unknown --ignored --force" to the thing on tarmac.19:54
Ryan_Lane|foodon lucid, nova-manage doesn't seem to have a network option. has that been removed?19:55
sorenRyan_Lane|food: Not been added yet, rather.19:55
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Ryan_Laneshould I be targeting maverick instead?19:55
sorenBoth should be fine.19:55
Ryan_Lanedo I need to add the networks manually for now?19:56
mtaylorsoren: well, tarmac is _supposed_ to be blowing the dir away and starting fresh each time...19:56
mtaylorsoren: lemme check on that19:56
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sorenmtaylor: Oh, really?19:58
edaysoren: ick, I don't like the sleep, but it'll do for now19:58
soreneday: The alternatives are:19:59
soren1) fix eventlet+rpc in unit tests19:59
soren2) Ignore the failure to find the instance in the network manager.19:59
soren1) would be ideal, but I'm afraid to do something like that at this point in the cycle.20:00
sorenI'm not sure about 2).20:00
sorenIt was about to say it'd never happen in the real world, but I guess it could.20:00
sorenIf a user starts an instance and terminates it before the network manager gets a chance to assign it an ip, this would happen.20:01
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sorenHe'd have to be pretty darn quick (or have discovered a pattern in the instance id's being handed out).20:01
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dendrobatessoren: hmm it seems like #1 is out.20:03
sorendendrobates: I already spent a whole day trying to do that.20:04
sorendendrobates: last week some time. I have no expectation to get it done today, at least.20:04
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dendrobatesIf this is impossible or rare enough, we can ship with it and fix it in bexar20:05
dendrobatesI don't completely understand yet20:05
sorenIf it were to happen in the real world, it wouldn't matter much.20:05
sorenAn exception would be logged. Nothing else.20:05
sorenIt's not like it's a security vulnerability.20:06
mtaylorsoren: I have made a config change for tarmac20:06
mtaylorsoren: now it should be creating a new tmpdir each time and doing everything in there20:07
dendrobatesthen I say we punt on it.  We should include it as a caveat in the release notes20:07
sorenNoone will ever see it.20:08
sorenIf someone sees it, I'll buy them beer.20:08
* mtaylor sees it20:08
* soren calls mtaylor's bluff20:09
dendrobatesI'll buy you both a beer.20:10
eday(back, damn tunnels)20:11
edaysoren: option 1 is the obivous one, but yes, I agree not for now/austin20:12
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sorenDoes anyone know why nova-api manages to survive starting up without rabbit being around?20:16
edaysoren: probably because it doesn't touch rabbit until it needs to call/cast20:21
soreneday: But it does.20:21
edaysoren: oh? for what?20:21
soreneday: First thing it does it to regist... Oh, hang on.20:21
sorenSo why does everything else fail if rabbit isn't around...20:22
sorenOh, api doesn't have a consumer.20:23
edaysoren: it only has temp consumers for rpc.call20:23
soreneday: Right. That's totally it.20:23
soreneday: Thanks for the hint.20:24
sorenI guess now isn't a good time to replace carrot with txamqp... :)20:26
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edaysoren: txamqp won't work well with eventlet :)20:32
mtaylorwow. I sure did just fly into northeast clouds...20:32
mtaylorand it was pretty out west...20:33
soreneday: I don't see why not, really.20:33
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edaysoren: but plus I'm still not convinced the workers really need the complexities of twisted... but that's a summit discussion :)20:39
edaysoren: perhaps txamqp will, I'm just judging from issues I've seen with event+twisted20:41
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pquernai think you mean, rewrite all the twisted stuff in node.js20:42
edaypquerna: umm, no. that would make even less sense20:42
pquernaprograming language and frameowrk choice is not about "sense" or "logic"20:43
pquernaits about feeling20:43
pquernaand hot damn node.js is sexy, get with it20:43
sorenWe've got our own kool-aid :)20:44
annegentleAlrighty, wrote up step-by-step of Nova on Maverick on Feel free to edit, remix, whatnot, and thank you Soren for the walkthrough on your blog.20:45
sorenannegentle: My pleasure.20:45
edaypquerna: haha20:46
jaypipesannegentle: nice job :)20:48
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sorenbug 661472 <--- Darn it, was hoping to fix this today21:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 661472 in nova "Fails if rabbitmq isn't around or drops connection" [Undecided,New]
pquernasoren: is that using txamqp?21:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #661472 in nova "Fails if rabbitmq isn't around or drops connection" [Undecided,New]
sorenpquerna: No.21:12
sorenpquerna: python-carrot, wrapper in various ways.21:12
pquernasoren: hmm. i need to dig out of my hole and contribute some stuff to openstack;  but cloudkick has a pile of code for both txamqp and carrot to do reconnects/reliable/multi-master stuff against rabbit.21:16
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sorenpquerna: That would be totally awesome.21:28
sorenOk, one more bug for today, then I'm out.21:28
vishyis the build fixed again so we can merge?21:29
sorenvishy: Yes.21:29
vishysoren: rockin21:29
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Ryan_Laneare the packages for maverick more up to date then lucid?21:46
Ryan_Laneand for bug reporting purposes, should I be running something specific?21:47
dendrobates Ryan_Lane : you should be running from trunk21:47
dendrobatesuse vish's script for ease21:47
sorenRyan_Lane: For any reasonable project, daily built packages should be fine. We're not quite that reasonable yet :)21:48
Ryan_LaneI just don't want to report on solved problems :)21:48
dendrobateswe are far less reasonable21:48
Ryan_Laneat some point I am going to need to be running a stable version though.21:48
dendrobatesthat is why I love spinning up cloud instances to test openstack.  It is very quick to blow it away and start over21:49
dendrobateswhich I do 15 times a day21:50
dendrobatesplus it is free for me21:50
sorenRyan_Lane: Sure, we just haven't made a stable release yet. Next week, mate. Next week :)21:50
Ryan_Lanesoren: I'm not rushing you guys ;)21:50
Ryan_Lanejust want to know the proper way to help right now21:50
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