Tuesday, 2010-11-16

dragondmHas anyone got a "nova-in-a-box"  dev env up and running  (launching UML instances or some such? ) so far?00:00
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sorendubsquared1: If you use modprobe rather than insmod, you don't need to worry about the ordering.00:04
soren...and with that, I bid you all a good night.00:05
dubsquared1gtk, thanks00:05
dragondmyah, iscsi_tcp loads fine on the slices, (was already loaded when I looked w/ lsmod)  so that should be good. it's just the target mod that's missing and I suspect that  only nova-volume cares abt that.00:07
dubsquared1i believe that one of the latest seed releases added a lot of the iscsi mods, but there are still some missing00:09
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dragondmI'm going to guess  the answer to my previous question about a nova-in-a-box dev  system is 'no'00:26
vishydragondm: yup00:29
vishysee the novascript00:29
vishymost of the devs run nova in a vm00:29
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edaysoren, dendrobates: making things work without a scheduler process is on the todo as part of the 'distributed data store' spec...indirectly. the idea is to have the scheduler classes, with the default not needing a worker (API->compute api->scheduler->compute worker)01:28
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edayannegentle: you should push to lp:~annegentle/nova/branch_name instead of +junk, +junk doesn't let you used the shared nova repo when pushing01:35
edayannegentle: plus I don't think merge props will work :)01:35
zulumm....when are specs due again?01:36
edayzul: Subject: Bexar specs submission deadline, Nov 1801:38
zuleday: thanks01:39
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jaypipesholy Philly Eagles batman.02:35
dubsquaredVick is putting up mad fantasy points...02:53
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ttxGoooood morning07:27
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sorenttx: 'morning.09:05
ttxsoren: yo09:06
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CnCcan anyone assist with the current API documentation for openstack compute?09:51
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sandywalshhmm, I've created a nova-volumes volume group, but volume manager still complains that it doesn't exist13:04
sandywalsh(I'm not terribly concerned, because I know I don't need VG, but still)13:04
sandywalshvgdisplay shows the volume group13:05
gundlachsandywalsh: what command did you use to create the volume group?  does it need to be added to "nova.sh install"?13:05
sandywalshgundlach, I followed the steps in the docs (dd, losetup, vgcreate)13:06
gundlachah, ok, i'm trying to use nova.sh and poke holes in it.13:06
sandywalshvgcreate nova-volumes /dev/loop0 (in my case)13:06
JordanRinkesandywalsh: nova checks for /dev/nova-volumes13:07
JordanRinkesee if that exists, i have heard you may need to put data in it / make a volume before the OS willl create that folder13:07
sandywalshJordanRinke, thx <looking>13:07
sandywalshso the command should have been vgcreate /dev/nova-volumes ... ?13:08
JordanRinkeno, the vgcreate is going to end up making a /dev/nova-volumes13:08
JordanRinkeno matter where you pointed it to, it will put the name under /dev13:09
sandywalshhmm, didn't13:09
JordanRinkeyou just need to create a volume in nova-volumes for the OS to populate the folder13:09
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JordanRinkelvcreate -L 1G --name test nova-volumes13:10
JordanRinketry that and see if the folder exists13:10
sandywalshshouldn't the vgcreate have connected that to the dd file created previously?13:11
sandywalshand then associated that via /dev/loop0?13:11
JordanRinkeeven mounted as a loop back device, AFAIK the OS will create a /dev/nova-volumes when you make the VG13:12
JordanRinkeor more specifically when you create a volume in the VG13:12
JordanRinketry that command I gave you and see if ti makes a /dev/nova-volumes13:13
sandywalshyup, that did it. it created the directory and the test dev ... the size had to be within the size of the dd file created earlier13:13
sandywalshcool ... thanks JR!13:13
sandywalshI'll send a note to annegentle on the docs13:14
JordanRinkeprops to vish on that, discovered it in the installfest at the summit last week13:15
sandywalshyup, it's happy now ... thanks again!13:20
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[CnC]anyone have link to the docs for hte openstack compute API?13:28
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sandywalsh[CnC], this? http://nova.openstack.org/13:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #676007 in nova "Getting a 404 Not Found on Developer Guide at http://nova.openstack.org/devref/index.html" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67600713:31
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sandywalsh[CnC], the getting started guide is here: http://nova.openstack.org/getting.started.html13:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #676026 in nova "Nova services do not log to new log file after log rotation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67602613:56
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sandywalshso, yesterday I could run commands like euca-describe-images without issue. Today, in a new bash shell, it fails. EC2_URL Is undefined, but it defaults to the correct endpoint (http://localhost:8773/services/Eucalyptus ). Looking at the api logs, it's mapping my EC2_ACCESS_KEY correctly to my nova user, but complaining 'no project with id <myusername>'. 'nova-manage projects list' shows my project exists14:19
sandywalshcould the username -> project association get lost somehow?14:19
sorensandywalsh: Did you source novarc?14:19
sorenSounds like you didn't.14:19
sandywalshbingo ... thanks14:20
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soren(the euca-* tools default to http://localhost:8773/services/Eucalyptus (and not Amazon EC2), so it's not always obvious that you've forgotten to source it)14:20
pikenok, so I just tested using a rabbit cluster instead of a single rabbit server. There were 6 nodes in the cluster with then behind a transparent nginx proxying web server set to load balance.14:22
pikenWorked perfectly even with killing rabbit nodes.14:23
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pikenNext is to try a multi-master mysql replication setup. I might have to provide a patch to clean up any autogen fields if there are any.14:25
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ttxannegentle: around ?14:31
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ttxannegentle, dendrobates: could one of you allow me to change http://wiki.openstack.org/Release ? The page is protected.14:32
dendrobatesttx: I'll fix it what is your wiki id?14:33
ttxdendrobates: see http://wiki.openstack.org/BexarReleaseSchedule -- I marked it confirmed.14:34
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dendrobatesttx: fyi, very few specs have been submitted for approval14:37
dendrobatesI am a bit frustrated14:38
ttxdendrobates: yes, I've seen that.14:38
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ttxthey should at least be at "drafting" or "Review" at that point14:38
dendrobatesttx: will you be sending out a release meeting reminder?  I did it about half the time14:39
ttxdendrobates: through the ML ?14:39
dendrobatesI did both14:39
dendrobatesat different times14:40
ttxI'll do ML / tweet / IRC reminders14:40
dendrobatesttx soren: let me know when you here from fosdem14:40
ttxdendrobates: ack -- I heard back from UKUUG "Spring" conference, plenary talk accepted there.14:41
sandywalshI'm seeing the 'database is locked' error (as seen here https://lists.launchpad.net/nova/msg00310.html ) ... but my nova.sqlite database has user permissions and I'm running nova as that user.14:41
dendrobatessandywalsh: are you standing on one leg and singing 'Oh Canada'?  It's important to follow the whole process.14:43
sandywalshdendrobates, no, but I sacrificed a goat on the mountaintop at full moonrise ... isn't that sufficient?14:43
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dendrobatesseriously, are there any other nova processes running?  I've seen it then too14:44
sandywalshI'll double check ... sec14:44
dendrobatesit was a long time ago though, I haven't seen it in months14:45
jaypipesxtoddx: around?14:46
sandywalshnope, dnsmasq, rabbit (epmd), libvirtd ... nothing nova specific. I am running api, compute, volume, scheduler, network and objectstore on one vm14:46
sandywalshsadly,  the dev docs aren't working on LP today, I would start there rather than spamming the channel.14:48
sandywalsh(he says, while building the docs locally)14:50
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dendrobatesdev docs on lp?  are you referring to the sphinx docs?15:02
sandywalshyeah, I see someone filed a bug on it this morning15:03
creihtseems to work for me15:05
creihtannegentle: btw, did you see my note yesterday about the swift docs theme merge proposal?15:06
JordanRinkecreiht: click on the Developer Guide15:07
creihtoh heh15:07
creihtyeah that is broken :)15:07
sandywalshare there any notes on required packages to build the docs? even sphinx is failing for me (rough morning, I tell ya)15:10
sandywalshassumed it should just be python-sphinx15:10
creihtsandywalsh: can you paste the error you are getting on paste.openstack.org?15:11
creihtsandywalsh: Some of the docs are built from the source, which in turn can try to import other packages which can cause some issues15:11
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sandywalshcreiht, http://paste.openstack.org/show/122/15:11
creihtI mostly work with swift, so I'm not entirely sure what is required for nova docs15:12
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creihtsandywalsh: I would first try updating sphinx to at least 1.015:12
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sandywalshok, I just did an apt-get, so that's the default ... will try newer15:12
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ttxdendrobates: Please review http://wiki.openstack.org/SpecsSubmissionDeadline -- in particular the "Exception procedure" section15:14
sandywalshcreiht, that was it ... thanks. You should be dipped in bronze and placed in the front of the rackspace offices.15:14
creihtIf I had a dollar for each time I heard that ;)15:14
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dendrobatesttx: looks good, but doesn't sound nearly as painful as I would like.15:16
ttxdendrobates: feel free to add more details into what you would like to see as a justification on the SDE...15:17
ttxdendrobates: it's a bit difficult, since you always have the power to accept or refuse them, be it before SD or after SD.15:18
dendrobatestrue, but if no one submits their spec I am in a difficult position.15:19
dendrobatesand very angry.  God help the rackers that cannot follow the process.15:20
creihtYay... more process15:20
creihtthe problem is that rackers already have more process than needed as is15:21
johnpurdendrobates: we don't want to see the angry Hulk! Are you looking for specific docs from RAX or was that a general statement?15:22
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dendrobatesjohnpur: the deadline for submitting specs for approval is Thursday.15:23
dendrobatesjohnpur: so far 3/5015:23
dendrobatesthe process was documented in an email from Thierry and on the wiki15:23
edaydendrobates: just FYI, I've been working on one that consumes about 3 blueprints... should have it ready today. trying to find the best way to break it down into smaller steps :)15:24
creihtSo if I don't submit a spec, then I don't have to do any work... score! :)15:24
edaycreiht: no, then you get assigned work you really don't want to do :)15:25
dendrobateseday: I was not too worried about you. :)15:25
ttxdendrobates: you should clean up https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/bexar so that it's accurate15:25
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dubsquaredmorning, #openstack!15:26
ttxdendrobates: i'm not sure if all those "deferred" specs are still current15:26
dendrobatesttx: it was my opinion that targeting came after submission, do you disagree?15:26
dendrobatesI can see the benefit15:27
ttxdendrobates: ideally people would propose blueprints for a given series, and you would accept them in the series15:27
dendrobatesah, I agree15:28
ttxdendrobates: not too sure how LP shows the difference between "proposed for bexar" and "accepted for bexar" though15:28
ttxthat allows them to have a spec ready, but target it to cactus15:28
ttxdendrobates: as a "driver", can you switch from "accepted for bexar" to "proposed for bexar" or is it linked to the spec "accepted" status ?15:30
ttxAll those on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/bexar seem to be "accepted for bexar"15:31
dendrobatesttx: I can decline it15:31
dendrobatesand I think it can be reproposed15:31
johnpurdendrobates: looking to get more effort assigned15:32
johnpuri will cc you15:32
xtoddxjaypipes: were you looking for me?15:32
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jaypipesxtoddx: not yet, sorry. :)15:38
patri0they all, I tried to change the the singleNode installation to mutliServer, but Now I have a mess with authorization problem :D15:39
xtoddxpatri0t: are they both pointing to the same database?15:39
patri0twhen I try to run new instance even in the CLC, I got the not found error15:40
xtoddxdoes 'nova-manage user list' show the user/15:41
dubsquareddid you authorize the correct user to the correct project?15:41
patri0tthe error is Not Found "No user for access key 35e05541-26b3-4db6-8895-18906c93249a'"15:42
dubsquaredand thats the key that is in mysql?15:42
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xtoddxmtaylor: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/67600715:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 676007 in nova "Getting a 404 Not Found on Developer Guide at http://nova.openstack.org/devref/index.html" [Undecided,New]15:44
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sandywalshso, any other thoughts on this database lock issue? :)15:54
sandywalshor suggestions for getting started on debugging it?15:55
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vishypiken: awesome news on the rabbit cluster, setup instructions would be awesome16:09
JordanRinkevishy: so, once that ramdisk "issue" got worked out, that centos image load?16:10
vishysandywalsh: i get occasional database lock errors when running multiple services on update16:10
vishyJordanRinke: yeah i had to hack up the eth device a bit and there are a couple weird log messages but it seems to work16:11
JordanRinkedid you have to modify the ramdisk at all with the --with calls, or did it work out of the box?16:11
vishyif there is a place i can upload, i'll send it so other people can mess with it / improve it16:11
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JordanRinkeyeah, give me a moment16:12
vishyJordanRinke: not sure, I had already done that, never tested with the out of the box one, but i suspect it might work16:12
vishysandywalsh: if that is what you are seeing it isn't really a big deal.  One sqlite db from multiple threads is dangerous16:13
sandywalshvishy, thanks. Is there a way I can resolve this? Going to be hard to develop against a flaky base.16:13
vishypatri0t: it seems like your api server may be connecting to a different db than nova-manage16:14
vishysandywalsh: does it cause any errors?16:14
vishysandywalsh: easy fix: use mysql instead :)16:14
sandywalshyeah, the create instance fails16:15
sandywalshok ... I'll switch to mysql :)16:15
sandywalshheh ...thanks16:15
patri0tvishy: nope, I checked it before16:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #676128 in nova "vm images are not removed from XenServer storage when euca-terminate-instance is executed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67612816:16
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pikenOk, anyone on that is exp'ed with issues with rabbit and nova. for some reason messages created by api never get to compute and scheduler16:47
pikenI am seeing DEBUG:amqplib:Open OK! known_hosts [] in the amqp debugs. Is that right?16:54
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JordanRinkeI've got nothing.17:05
dubsquaredyou're in trouble now....17:05
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sandywalshpiken, not sure how rabbit queues are routed in a cluster, sorry17:07
pikenThis is not a cluster, this is a single node.17:07
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pikencluster is working fine on a ubuntu system. This is a test system for centos517:07
sandywalshhmm, do you have more than one rabbit running?17:08
pikenI only see on17:09
sandywalshand only one erlang epmd17:10
sandywalshhave you tried the AMQP analyzer (com.rabbitmq.tools.Tracer) ... trying to find link ...17:12
sandywalshI think that will show you what's flowing17:13
sandywalsh(my apologies, my rabbit fu is minimal)17:14
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piken:( no java on those machines17:15
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sandywalshso it's a single node, but the nova services are on different machines, correct?17:17
pikenno, same. Just that set of machines all have the same software. No java at all17:17
edaypiken: run rabbitmqctl list_queues to see what in the queue, if anything17:18
pikenI take it the nunber to the right is a count17:19
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pikenit shows a lot of things let me do a paste.17:19
edaypiken: yup, just name count17:19
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sandywalshso, queues are empty17:20
pikenit is like nothing gets to the queue17:21
sandywalshrabbitmqctl list_connections17:22
sandywalshsee how many services are connected17:22
sandywalshI'm showing 317:23
pikenI started network, api, objectstore, volume, sched, and compute17:24
sandywalshsorry, I'm showing 4 connections. All services, like you: api, objectstore, compute, network, vol, sched17:25
sandywalshyou have 1 additional17:25
pikenhmm, when ever I try to do a run-instance it gets another connection17:25
edaypiken: it will for the temporary return queues17:26
edaypiken: that's something we need to rework to be more efficient17:26
daboI'm showing 6 queues: https://paste.slicehost.com/show/2250/17:26
edaypiken: all the queues named with a UUID are temporary to get results back17:26
pikeneday: only problem is I don't seem to be sending a message out :(17:27
sandywalshMy queues are different again https://paste.slicehost.com/show/2251/17:27
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edaysandywalsh: slicehost paste needs pw :)17:28
daboeuca-run-instances is still creating instances that are hung in 'scheduling', even though nova-scheduler is running17:28
sandywalshwhoops, sorry, habit17:28
dabome too - sorry17:28
pikendabo: that is what is happening to me. It sits there and does nothing.17:28
sandywalshdabo, you don't have a service asking for a password?17:29
pikenhmm, I get a bunch of uuid queues even when the comments are not started.17:29
dabosandywalsh: no, but it looks like nova-network is hosed17:30
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dabohere's what that session shows: http://paste.openstack.org/show/130/17:30
pikenshould each queue be doubled?17:31
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pikenI have volume and volume.domain17:31
sandywalshdid you set your ip address in /etc/nova/nova-manage.conf?17:31
edaypiken: that's so workers can be addressed by service (any worker) or specific host workers17:32
dabosandywalsh: doh!17:32
daboI copied that verbatim from the wiki - didn't see the substitution17:32
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sandywalshpiken, what does your nova-manage.conf look like?17:33
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sandywalshhmm, seems fine17:35
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pikenso it created the response queue for the create, but never showed a request in the queue to start with17:36
pikenI did a list channels and see a 1 in one of the columns, no clue what it means.17:37
sandywalshbindings show all services attached17:41
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sandywalsh(except for api & object store)17:41
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sandywalshwhat's your hosts file look like?17:42
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pikenmine looks diff then yours.17:42
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pikenhosts http://paste.openstack.org/show/136/17:43
sandywalshExchanges? http://paste.openstack.org/show/137/17:43
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sandywalshyou have a public and a private address routing to same name17:44
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sandywalshcould that be the problem?17:44
mtaylorxtoddx: looking in to it17:44
sandywalsh10.241 and 192.168 -> ostacks02.br...17:44
pikenI don't think it would17:45
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sandywalshpiken, I have to run ... sorry I couldn't help. Good luck. Please ping me with solution if you find it!17:46
pikenok, wtf. Now it is working. lol17:46
mtaylorxtoddx: yup. it's a globbing problem in hudson17:47
sandywalshwhat changed?17:47
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pikennothing. But now libvirt is dying. lol17:48
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pikenhmmm error: internal error cannot parse /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm version number in ''17:50
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pikenhttp://paste.openstack.org/show/138/ current libvirt error17:53
pikenanyone have an idea?17:53
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vishypiken: that is a new error to me18:01
pikenI fixed it18:02
pikenqspice was missing18:02
pikennow got a new one though.18:02
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pikenerror: Error while building firewall: Some rules could not be created for interface vnet0.18:03
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gundlachi'm getting a failure when trying to euca-run-instances: nova-compute fails to write to the /tmp/xxx/etc/network/interfaces file because (afaict) this is happening *after* 'rmdir /tmp/xxxx' occurs.18:06
gundlachsound familiar to anybody? http://paste.openstack.org/show/139/18:06
Ryan_Lanegundlach: I have a patch for this18:06
Ryan_Lanegundlach: it is actually that the /etc/network directory doesn't exist18:06
gundlachRyan_Lane: ah, sweet, in a branch yet?  can i review to merge?18:07
Ryan_LaneI think someone reviewed, just no merge18:07
Ryan_Lanelemme find it18:07
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gundlachRyan_Lane: I don't quite understand the debug output, because it looks as if the original 'sudo tee /tmp/xxx/etc/network/interfaces' succeeded, and more commands were run after it -- and only later do a see a stack trace...18:07
Ryan_Lanegundlach: yeah, I thought the same too18:08
Ryan_Lanegundlach: took me a while to trace it out, but finally came down to the directory not existing18:08
vishypiken: have ebtables/iptables/gawk installed?18:09
vishyRyan_Lane: propose for merge?18:10
pikenvishy: yes18:10
Ryan_Lanevishy: proposed18:11
vishypiken: you were having this error before18:11
gundlachRyan_Lane: tyvm, i'll take a look and get it merged18:12
vishypiken: i remember we were going through trying to nwfilterdumpxml18:12
vishyto see if we could figure out which rule is failing18:12
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Ryan_Lanevishy: added another too: https://code.launchpad.net/~rlane/nova/ldapimprovements/+merge/4099318:15
vishyRyan_Lane: you're going to need to merge trunk and fix pep errors on the first one18:17
gundlachRyan_Lane: thanks, that got me past that particular stacktrace, on to another :)  i've reviewed as lgtm -- are you in nova-core or shall i Approve for you?18:17
vishyor it won't merge18:17
vishyi pasted the errors i'm getting into the merge proposal18:18
gundlachvishy: he only changed one file, according to the LP diff -- how could those other pep8 errors be his problem?18:19
vishygundlach: just because he was on an older trunk18:20
Ryan_Laneah. I'll try to take care of those soon. back in a bit18:20
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gundlachbut won't LP just apply his one-file change when merging his branch into trunk?18:20
vishygundlach: he doesn't have to fix the other errors, but if he merges trunk he'll be able to see the one he added.  It is this one nova/compute/disk.py:175:47: E261 at least two spaces before inline comment18:21
gundlachi mean, yes he's on an old version of trunk, but doesn't fast-forwarding happen or something when he merges into a newer trunk?  (yeah, i see E261 is his fault)18:21
vishygundlach: yes, only that one is required18:21
gundlachvishy: ok, gotcha :)18:21
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gundlachRyan_Lane: as I'm blocking on this, I went ahead with the pep8 fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~gundlach/nova/lp666554/+merge/4099718:34
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gundlachvishy: mind doing a quick review?18:36
vishyway ahead of you18:36
vishynice comments :p18:36
gundlach:)  this is that weird thing we were talking about at cloudkick, where i no longer have the right to review the code since it's my branch of ryan's branch...18:36
gundlachvishy: yeah, i plan to start commenting as best i can, and hopefully the original authors will dislike my hemi-gluteal comments enough to come and correct them behind me :P18:37
vishyyeah, i think it is good...18:37
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vishylol hemi-gluteal, haven't heard that...genius18:37
gundlachvishy: thx, it's my attempt to find a non-cursing synonym for a word that is unparalleled in its nuance18:38
creihtmtaylor: so ummm.... :)18:39
vishyhas the meeting moved by an hour due to daylight savings changes?18:46
gundlachvishy: GMT doesn't do daylight savings, so if you're in a zone that does, then yes.18:46
vishyk, thought so :)18:47
gundlachvishy: in any case, it's at 9pm UTC, and you can doublecheck your local time at http://timeanddate.com/s/1wb2 .18:48
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gundlachmy merge failed because "W293 blank line contains whitespace" -- and then the explanation pasted in says that whitespace is OK as part of a blank line.  seems to me like hudson should allow my blank-line-with-whitespace.18:51
gundlachmtaylor: are you the guy to complain to about this?18:51
vishyi have vim cut all trailing whitespace18:55
vishyi guess we can disable 29318:56
edayor we can just remove the wrhitespace :)18:57
* eday removed a bunch during the pep8 cleanup18:58
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dendrobates whitespace is pretty.  Just like a snowy Christmas day.18:59
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elasticdogare there directions anywhere for setting up openstack in more of a production environment versus the typical dev environment?19:15
vishyelasticdog: not yet, various people are working on them19:16
anotherjesseelasticdog: we've pushed some puppet recipes we use at nasa19:17
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anotherjessenot sure if we doc'd them yet though19:17
elasticdogvishy: awesome...are they up on github?19:18
vishyyes, speaking of which, puppet experts, please hack up / improve the puppet recipes in contrib/puppet19:18
vishyin trunk19:18
elasticdoganotherjesse: thanks19:20
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mtaylorgundlach: yes, I'm the person to complain to, but it's gonna be a bug in the pep8 program. we could certainly patch it... but that would have to be the solution if we wanted to allow that19:40
gundlachmtaylor: no thanks, i assumed there was a pep8rc or build rc that would let us say "don't treat that warning as fatal".  if not, i'll just change my vimrc and be done with it.19:40
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gundlachvishy: do you use the recipe at http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Remove_unwanted_spaces or something more concise?19:42
edayeven if it were possible to disable, I'd vote against allowing unnecessary whitespace :)19:45
* mtaylor keeps his opinion out of things... is merely the enforcer19:45
edaythe warning there referenced the python reference manual (which allows a lot of things obviously), not pep819:45
* anotherjesse thinks mtaylor is smart19:46
edaymtaylor: cmon, get off the fence! :)19:46
* mtaylor notices that he's sitting on a fence ... is confused as to what a fence is doing in a coffee shop...19:46
comstudit's to seperate those that just want a regular cup of coffee from those who want the frou frou drinks.19:51
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comstudapparently you're undecided19:51
comstudi just want a regular cup of coffee.19:52
comstudcream n sugar, plz19:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #676220 in swift "Change st option parse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67622019:56
ttxMeeting in one hour in #openstack-meeting20:01
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creihtmtaylor: so about that hudson...20:17
mtaylorcreiht: yes!20:18
mtaylorcreiht: it's a great idea!20:18
mtaylorcreiht: I should really do it!20:18
creihtmtaylor: :)20:19
mtaylorcreiht: lp:swift/1.1 right?20:19
creihtyes please20:19
mtaylorannegentle: do you have any thoughts on how we should arrange/publish/deal with multiple doc versions?20:20
mtaylorannegentle: as in - should we be publishing the 1.1 docs somewhere and also the trunk docs?20:20
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annegentlemtaylor: I think it's a good idea to run two sites if possible - such as: swift.openstack.org/ runs trunk, swift.openstack.org/1.1/ runs the Austin release. Then on each page of the /1.1/ site, put a link to "most recent"20:21
mtaylorannegentle: I think that's a swell idea20:23
annegentlemtaylor: if you look at http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Captivate/4.0/Using/WS8A15042E-DA1E-46de-B622-C19FEAB88E0A.html you see a yellow box in the lower right corner pointing to the other versions20:23
annegentlemtaylor: we can implement something simpler, certainly, but that's the general idea. I can work on the text/presentation and propose a merge (backward one?)20:26
mtaylorannegentle: I'm going to go ahead and publish 1.1 to swift.openstack.org/1.1/ ... (setting up hudson jobs for swift 1.1 right now)20:27
mtaylorcreiht: do you want me to leave the branch owned by swift-release? or make it owned by hudson?20:28
creihtmtaylor: I'm fine with whatever makes sense20:29
mtaylorcreiht: I'm gonna leave it and just add hudson to the release team20:29
annegentlemtaylor: ok, sounds good20:29
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creihtmtaylor: woot thanks!20:33
mtaylorcreiht: tarmac is now hooked up ... as is documentation ... I haven't done all of the others yet20:34
creihtyeah I just saw the one pending merge we had go through :)20:34
mtaylorcreiht, annegentle ^^ magic20:34
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edaydendrobates: are things clear now, or is more needed for the design overview? (distributed scheduler)20:40
annegentlemtaylor: niiiice20:40
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dendrobateseday: haven't had a chance to look again20:40
mtayloreday: I'm sure more is needed20:41
mtayloreday: if it's distributed, it should probably use mongodb... mongodb is web scale20:41
dendrobatesmtaylor: I finally saw that video.  Holy crap it is funny20:42
edaymtaylor: mongodb is an option, if you write the plugin :)20:42
annegentlemtaylor: can you do that for nova.openstack as well?20:42
annegentlemtaylor: the magic? :)20:43
creiht/dev/null is webscale :)20:43
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mtaylorannegentle: yes. but not right now. I'm going to watch people do crazy things with video installations for a few minutes20:44
ttxMeeting in #openstack-meeting in 15 minutes20:45
annegentlemtaylor: ok, no rush :)20:45
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sandywalshwhere is the .sql file to initialize a mysql database? Or is this done via sqlalchemy automagically?21:10
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xtoddxsandywalsh: automagic21:11
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pikenvishy: you arround as you are the man for networking with nova :)21:12
vishypiken: i'm in the openstack-meeting21:12
sandywalshthx xtoddx21:12
vishypiken: but i can bounce back and forth21:12
pikenI am getting an issue still with spawning an instance on centos521:13
pikenerror: Error while building firewall: Some rules could not be created for interface vnet0.21:13
pikenI am lost as bridge br100 is being created with vlan100 for the vm21:14
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sandywalshdoes the output from the apps also get written to a file by default or just stdout? If so, where are they located?21:49
xtoddxsandywalsh: if you run them --nodaemon (except api where that is default) it is just stdout, otherwise nova-process.log in the current directory21:50
xtoddxyou can change with --logfile, --use_syslog, and maybe other flags21:50
sandywalshsuper ... that'll work. Thanks again!21:51
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XenithDoes openstack support volumes (perhaps similar to EBS) yet?21:52
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vishypiken: I'm not really sure how to debug that one, It would be great to figure out which part of building the firewall is failing21:53
sandywalshXenith, I know there is a volume service to handle it, but I don't know how rich it is yet21:54
xtoddxXenith: yes, nova supports aoe and iscsi volumes21:54
sandywalsh^^ what he said :)21:54
uvirtbotsandywalsh: Error: "^" is not a valid command.21:54
gundlachthanks uvirtbot21:55
XenithThat's good news. That's what nova-volume is?21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #676266 in nova "Describe addresses and associate address throw exceptions" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67626621:56
XenithGreat. I'll have to take a look at it. I just finished writing my own iscsi volume system, but perhaps I can integrate them for when I start testing openstack deployment.21:56
xtoddxxenith: for iscsi you probably want to check out lp:~anso/nova/deploy, i don't think everything is backported to trunk yet21:57
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anotherjesseannegentle / gundlach - auto-generation of docs for APIs would be really really nice21:58
gundlachanne asked me about that at the summit i think; i wasn't sure how to go about autogeneration21:58
gundlachanyway, the documentation needed to learn how to *add* an API method is something like 3 paragraphs and 3 code snippets to point you down the right path.21:59
* gundlach realizes we might as well just talk about this here rather than email21:59
gundlachannegentle, if i've got a little "HOWTO" type documentation -- "how to add a method to the OpenStack API in 3 easy steps" -- where would that live?21:59
anotherjessegundlach: email would be nice - since others can see it21:59
anotherjessegundlach: there is a developer guide22:00
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devcamcardendrobates: there isn't a blueprint for the release of the django ui - i'm creating one now though22:00
annegentlegundlach: add it as an .rst file under nova/doc/source/devguide/ and update the devguide/index.rst to point to it in the HowTo section22:01
gundlachannegentle: ok, and then what command do i run to generate docs and see how it looks?22:01
dendrobatesdevcamcar: cool, thanks.  Does it need a project created?22:01
devcamcardendrobates: yes it will need one, though it will be at least a few weeks before we're ready to drop code22:02
devcamcardepends on schedule stuff22:02
annegentlegundlach: from the nova dir, use python setup.py build_sphinx (ignore the ExtensionError about nova_autodoc) and then look in doc/build/22:02
devcamcarrealistically probably not til late dec or jan, we'll want to create a non nasa themed template and clean stuff up22:02
gundlachannegentle: thank you :)22:03
devcamcardendrobates: so i'm going to drop the blueprint against nova for now just so we have a place to track it22:03
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* ttx goes to bed22:07
vishyxenith: it is22:08
vishyxtoddx: ^^ iscsi is in trunk22:09
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sandywalshhmm, how do specify the disk size with euca-run-instances? is it something with the ramdisk parameter?22:20
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devcamcardendrobates: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/bexar-django-nova-ui22:25
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sandywalshthe default disk size seems to be 4.3G? Is that correct?22:31
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vishysandywalsh: -t22:40
vishyinstance type22:40
sandywalshvishy, and the json file in the image def specs the disk size?22:42
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vishyroot drive is expanded to 10G for everything besides m1.tiny22:44
sandywalshhmm, ok. I'll investigate further ... thanks for the tip!22:45
anotherjessevishy - did that hit trunk?22:45
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vishysecond drive is dependent on type22:46
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vishyanotherjesse: yup22:46
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jaypipesttx: hey Thierry, sorry I missed the meeting. my wife had an emergency and I had to run an extra set of keys to her studio.  did I miss anything important?22:51
vishyjaypipes: you missed everything22:52
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vishyjaypipes: especially creiht's hilarious snarky comments22:53
jaypipesvishy: yes, I know :)22:53
jaypipesvishy: to be expected from that snarky creiht.22:53
jaypipesvicious, he is.22:53
vishyaye, vishus22:53
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annegentleis there a known list of roles intended for nova? I'm not getting anywhere with nova-manage role add username, rolename23:16
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annegentleah, nevermind, found it on http://nova.openstack.org/adminguide/managing.users.html23:18
annegentleyay for doc23:18
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jaypipesalekibango: congrats on your community award, David! :)23:29
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creihtjaypipes: congrats on your well deserved reward :)23:30
jaypipescreiht: :P23:31
jaypipescreiht: I found OpenStack's new auth system: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Thourough-Username-Validation.aspx23:31
jaypipescreiht: I figured you could get that coded up for swift right quick.23:33
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jaypipescreiht: I guess I'll just have to create a blueprint for you to do that, just to increase my karma.23:35
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vishyreviews needed: https://code.launchpad.net/~anso/nova/lp676266/+merge/4102123:47
vishyand two outstanding ones here: https://code.launchpad.net/~vishvananda/nova/23:48
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