Monday, 2010-11-29

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natiHi! Is anyone here now?04:06
xtoddxnati: i'll be around for a few more minutes04:08
natiDo you know who manages coding standard of Nova?04:08
sandy__nati, pep804:14
natisandy_: Thank you!04:19
natiActually, I would like to know who manages nova standard.04:20
natiI would like to propose some change for i18n.04:20
sandy__nati, perhaps your best bet is to start with dendrobates. He should be able to aim you from there.04:21
natiThank you again. Would you tell me how to reach dendrobates?04:21
natiDo you know email address or twitter ID of dendrobates?04:22
natiThank you!04:23
natiOh. I have not know dendrobates is Mr.Rick. :)04:24
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natiI'm trying to use euca-bundle-vol. But it do'nt work. muu07:27
natiI can't found keys which described in novarc.07:28
natieuca-bundle-vol needs cert and public key07:28
natiWhat I'm doing is to upload customized image for nova.07:28
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natiFirst, I tried nova-import-canonical-imagestore.07:29
natiImporting new images was OK. But When I boot the image,I got a error.07:30
natitune2fs Bad magic number in super-block...07:30
natiSecond, I try to create a image by euca-bundle-vol.07:31
natiBut I'm not sure whether it works or not.07:31
natiI found I can use nova-manage project zipfile command.07:34
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natieuca-bundle-image seems works.07:35
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sassynhi all08:38
sassyngood morning08:38
sassyngood afternoon08:39
sassyngood evening where ever u r08:39
sassyncan someone drop a comment what is the diff from open nebula to openstack or even delta cloud?08:39
ttxsassyn: i can try08:42
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sassynttx: please - thanks08:42
ttxsassyn: opennebula and openstack are both cloud infrastructure software08:42
sassynAKA IAAS\08:42
ttxsassyn: opennebula is slightly more enterprise-oriented (DC virtualization)08:43
ttxsassyn: openstack is designed to serve all needs (build a public cloud, a private cloud, etc.)08:43
ttxsassyn: opennebula is open core (there is an "Enterprise Edition"08:43
ttxsassyn: openstack is fully open.08:44
ttxsassyn: deltacloud is a different beast. It's just an API08:44
ttxyou write commands in deltacloud speak and it translates to Amazon, Rackspace, or others08:44
sassynttx - I see - can openstack incude driver also to diffrent cloud providers like amazon rackspace gogrid?08:45
ttxsassyn: define "driver" ?08:45
ttxyou mean the possbility to "burst" into other clouds ?08:45
sassynwhere u can provisiong a server into the infrastructure08:46
sassynlike when u can "talk" to Xen Hypervisor08:46
sassynor Vmware / HyperV08:46
sassynso u "talk" to Amazon API08:46
ttxthere are two different things...08:46
sassynCan u explain? please :-)08:47
ttx(we are talking about Nova, the cloud compute component of openstack here)08:47
sassynyes (the code from NASA)08:47
ttxSo you can provision servers on Nova by using the openstack or the EC2 API.08:47
ttxThose can be started using Xen, KVM, HyperV...08:48
ttxAnother function is the possibility to proxy that request to "other" clouds08:48
ttxBursting capacity to Amazon EC2, Rackspace CloudServers...08:48
ttxThat is a planned feature, not yet implemented.08:48
sassynI got it :-)08:49
ttxnp :)08:49
sassynI have one more quick question08:49
sassynif I take a 10 machines - 6 of Xen - 4 of VMWARE08:50
sassynI add one more machine as openstack - to work as the cloud controller08:50
sassynDoes the OPenStack "aware" of how much memory - disck space - i have in the datacenter?08:50
ttxYou would have to have an openstack compute node on the Xen or VMWare hosts08:51
ttxthat component would be aware of the resources.08:51
ttxNote that if you want to mix and match and turn an existing virtualization infrastructure into something more integrated, that's what OpenNebula does (well)08:52
sassynI got it - took me some time to understand08:57
sassynthis is cool08:57
sassynWhat about Eucalyptus  ? Are u aware of this tool?08:58
ttxsassyn: I'm very much aware.08:59
ttxsassyn: I used to integrate it for Ubuntu.08:59
sassynyep it is built in with ubuntu08:59
sassynand use kvm09:00
sassynbut how much is diffrent from openstack?09:00
sassynor open nebula?09:00
ttxsassyn: Eucalyptus has the same goals as Openstack.09:00
sassynthere are too many tools :-)09:00
sassynso why rackspace shipo this project?09:00
ttxsassyn: they have an Enterprise Edition too... that is not open source09:00
sassynI see09:00
sassynok - u know alot :-)09:01
ttxsassyn: scalability and high availability are restricted to the "enterprise" edition09:01
ttxsassyn: NASA used to run Eucalyptus, but it didn't scale.09:01
ttxsassyn: so they wrote their own.09:01
sassynI understand09:02
ttxsassyn: and that's what has now become Nova.09:02
sassynwhich is now part of openstack09:02
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sassynI think delta cloud can be part of openstack09:02
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sassynwe could use it for proxy other cloud providers09:03
sassynand only need to intergatre with delta cloud front end09:03
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ttxI'm not sure we need yet another API.09:03
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sassyni have go gorid /ec2 / rackspace / slicehost09:04
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sassyneveryone with the mangement interface09:04
sassynI would like to have one !09:04
ttxsassyn: right, but you don't have to use a Z to proxy to A B and C09:04
ttxYou could use one of A be and C...09:05
ttxAdding another API just for the sake or proxying...09:05
ttxI'm not really convinced yet.09:05
sassynbut then u have to intergrate each cloud provider api into openstack09:06
sassynwhere with dela cloud they allready did that for u09:07
sassynso if u will write a tool that talk with delta cloud api - u get all cloud provider delta cloud support09:07
sassynwhen say u - i mean general - not talk about u specific09:08
ttxThere is some value in the cloud abstraction they provide, I agree. I'm just unconvinced that they should publicize an API from it.09:08
sassynso u think that it is better to have open stack to support API from gorgrid/ rackspace / etc...?09:09
ttxsassyn: rackspace will move to openstack early next year, so that solves one of your concerns.09:10
sassyndo u know about they also seem to have a similar tool09:10
ttxI don't know as well as I know Eucalyptus or OpenNebula :)09:11
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sassynwell u help me a lot to understand - what is going on09:11
sassynthank for your help09:11
sassynand time - it is very kind of u09:12
sassynI will check to see if XCP (Xen Cloud Platfrom) will support openstack09:13
* ttx grabs some coffee09:14
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sorenCan someone please review ?12:15
sandywalshsoren, where is $state_path defined?12:25
sandywalshnm, found it12:27
sandywalshsoren, with gflags doesn't the code have to imported before the flag comes to life? How does nova-* --help know to import all the places where flags might be defined?12:33
sandywalshor is there something I'm missing?12:33
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sorensandywalsh: It doesn't.12:54
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sandywalshsoren, sure? The python-gflags source comments suggest otherwise. Or is it simply that gflags isn't intended to provide the list of options available to --help?13:10
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sorensandywalsh: Sorry, perhaps I'm not grokking your question correctly.13:20
sorensandywalsh: We do a lot of conditional imports. Stuff that isn't imported won't have its help stuff included in --help.13:20
sorensandywalsh: What exactly suggests otherwise?13:20
sandywalshsoren, ok, we're saying the same thing. Unless the defining module is imported, the flag won't appear to --help.13:24
sandywalshsoren, the reason I ask was thinking about the potential for tight coupling of the code when everything is dependent on nova/flags.py13:25
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sorensandywalsh: Jay is working on nuking gflags, though.13:31
sandywalshsoren, ah, I thought he was just doing some patchwork.13:32
sorensandywalsh: Nope, completely replacing it13:32
sorenWeird. That templated-flags branch seems to not work at all right now.13:33
uvirtbot`New bug: #682658 in nova "xenapi support use empty request context" [Undecided,New]
* soren sobs13:51
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dabohey wayne14:58
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dubsquaredhow goes it this fine day?14:59
dubsquareded, it's getting cold down here, like 30s and 40s15:00
dabojus' sending you some love - cold, bitter love15:01
sorensandywalsh: Mind having another look at that mp?15:04
sandywalshsoren, np15:06
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spectorclanDesign Summit 2010 San Antonio Review Document Available at ; Feel free to provide me more feedback and I can update the document15:16
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sorenspectorclan: Cactus is actually the release coming out just before that summit.15:20
sorenspectorclan: We (at least used to) name the summits after the release following it.15:21
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spectorclansoren: yes, I used the naming convention for wiki pages that was already in place on the /Summit pages. I put the review document with the upcoming event as we will use that feedback for planning. Thanks15:21
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sorenvishy: You mentioned something about getting rid of intermediate certificates. What's the status of that?15:39
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dendrobatesspectorclan: soren is right it is named incorrectly.15:47
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spectorclandendroboates: Thoughts on page name? Didn't want to overwrite all the text on the current Summit Page15:48
spectorclanttx: perhaps I should overwrite the current Summit page as all its text is old for last summit, not sure what is best at this point15:50
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ttxspectorclan: May 17-20 or May 24-27 ? I wonder what we are supposed to do between April 14 (Cactus release) and May 16.15:50
spectorclanttx: hmm, we can look in April, have to check the event calendar. Anyone else think we should go earlier in April?15:51
ttxdendrobates: ^15:52
dendrobatesspectorclan: let's discuss this internally first15:52
spectorclandendrobates: No problem. Will come back to folks with date options. Thanks for input15:52
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ttxspectorclan: did you see my private messages ?15:56
sandywalshdendrobates, not sure if you saw the dialog, but nati was looking for you yesterday re: i18n suggestions.15:58
dendrobatessandywalsh: I missed it thanks15:59
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xtoddxsoren: ping16:20
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ttxLooks like we might get lp API access to blueprints soon.16:54
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dendrobatesjaypipes: around17:02
dendrobateseday: around?17:02
jaypipesdendrobates: ping17:03
jaypipesdendrobates: crap, coming....17:03
edaydendrobates: yeah17:04
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uvirtbot`New bug: #682749 in swift "container_info & account_info methods don't cache 404's" [Medium,New]
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sorenxtoddx: Yes?20:02
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xtoddxsoren: your flags merge you requested feedback on: any reason you from string import Template instead of import string and then call string.Template, which seems to be the standard in nova?20:03
sorenxtoddx: Not at all. You're right, I should do that instead.20:04
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xtoddxcool, let me know and i'll review again / approve20:05
sorenxtoddx: done.20:05
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* soren reluctantly draws attention to again21:08
sorenxtoddx: if you please? ^21:08
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gundlachany idea why i'd get "Authentication Failure: No user for access key admin" after running " run" and verifying with sqlite3 that I've got an admin user in the "users" table?21:10
gundlach(i get this error upon e.g. euca-add-keypair)21:10
xtoddxsoren: sure, should I review: approve, or just reapprove the request so it merges?21:12
sorenxtoddx: Whatever you're comfortable with. The delta since last approval is small, so I doubt it's a big deal.21:12
xtoddxsoren: approved the branch21:12
sorenxtoddx: ta21:12
* soren curses about the dual test suite thing some more.21:13
sandywalshgundlach, did you chmod 600 on nova_key?21:13
sandywalshgundlach, (key could be too open)21:14
gundlachsandywalsh: following wiki install instructions, i typed 'euca-add-keypair test > test.pem'  -- and that request causes the above error (before i get around to chmod'ing test.pem to 600)21:15
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gundlachfunny, this worked a week ago, but maybe something changed in trunk or rotted on my lab box21:15
sandywalshwhat's the permission on test21:15
gundlachsandywalsh: test isn't a file.  i'm not sure what euca-add-keypair does, but i assume test is a passphrase or the like.21:16
sandywalshsomewhere in, it does an ssh-keygen and chmod's it, then add-keypair gets the private key21:17
sandywalshhmm, doesn't do it21:19
gundlachyeah, that's what i've gathered21:19
openstackhudsonProject nova build #267: SUCCESS in 1 min 11 sec:
sandywalshLook at (the Launch an Image section)21:20
vishygundlach: yes update nova.sh21:20
gundlachvishy: hm, i grabbed it from trunk/contrib a couple hours ago, does it need updating again?21:20
gundlachk :)  recent bug fix?21:20
vishythe one from github isn't in contrib yet21:21
vishyyes, soren moved the default flagfile21:21
vishyi'll propose a merge of the new one21:21
gundlachhah! right then.  i'll review it.21:21
gundlachmaybe we should delete the github repo so improvements happen in trunk?21:21
gundlachas it kind of feels like there are two canonical homes now21:22
vishygundlach: but I can hack up my github repo without code review ;)21:24
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vishyis there a way to propose a merge from the command line?21:25
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jk0vishy: I recall soren saying something about branch-merge or something, but I haven't tried it yet21:25
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vishyyeah i dimly remember something like that21:26
sorenvishy: Yes!21:36
sorenvishy: bzr lp-propose-merge21:36
sorenvishy: Or just lp-propose, I think.21:37
sorenvishy: Or "bzr p" if you set up an alias like the cool kids do.21:37
gundlachvishy: approved21:37
vishygundlach: cool21:37
sorenvishy: Is your cloud pipe image available somewhere or how are people supposed to use it?21:37
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vishysoren: it isn't, but I should make some instructions or something.  It is basically just install openvpn and adding the following to rc.local21:41
vishyI have a change planned to change user data for a revoked cert and a cron job that gets the new crl every so often, but that isn't in yet21:42
sorenCool, thanks.21:42
sorenI should fix up VMBuilder to be able to build these things.21:43
sorenvishy: lp:~vishvananda/nova/project-vpns needs to be refreshed.21:44
vishysoren: but the intermediate certs are gone in that branch21:44
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sorenvishy: Yeah, I saw. Great stuff. That should actually let me finish my python-ca branch.21:44
sorenvishy: If yo sort out that conflict, I'll review tomorrow. It's getting sort of late here.21:45
letterj_mtaylor: I was looking at the swift ppa page.  I don't see any 64 bit packages for swift.   Any thoughts?21:45
sorenletterj_: There are none.21:45
vishysoren: blah21:45
sorenletterj_: It's an arch-all package.21:45
mtaylorletterj_: they should be arch-all21:46
mtaylorletterj_: what soren said21:46
vishysoren: i fixed but i pushed to anso/ project-vpns by accident21:46
vishysoren: just pushed to the right place21:46
sorenletterj_: So it builds on i386, but the binary packages are published on every architcture (because they have no arch-dependent stuff in them).21:46
letterj_ok, thanks for the clarification21:46
sorenSure thing.21:46
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zykes-what kind of vpn22:14
zykes-does it use ?22:14
vishyit just creates an instance for a the user using a specified image and puts the vpn credentials in userdata.  The image needs a startup script to grab the data and start openvpn22:16
sorenvishy: It just does authentication based on whether the client's cert is signed by the CA, right?22:19
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sorenvishy: Is the CA cert passed in that zip file, or how does it work?22:19
vishythe cert is passed in the zip22:19
vishythe vpn cert and the client cert are both signed by the project ca22:19
sorenAh, the project CA.22:20
vishythe vpn cert and pk are passed in22:20
sorenand the project CA is signed by the top level CA?22:20
vishythe project pk only lives on the host22:20
vishysoren no: every project has its own ca22:20
sorenvishy: Sure, but..22:20
sorenvishy: Um..22:20
vishyif you sign the project ca with the top level ca, then every project can access every other project22:21
sorenvishy: So there's a openvpn server per project?22:21
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vishysoren: correct22:21
sorenvishy: Good point.22:21
sorenvishy: So is there a cloudpipe instance per project? Or do you run multiple openvpn servers in the same instance?22:21
uvirtbot`New bug: #682888 in nova "DescribeImages has no unit tests" [Undecided,New]
sorenuvirtbot`: nick uvirtbot22:22
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vishywe do one instance per project22:23
vishythe plan is to use a really small open-wrt image at some point but right now we just use an ubuntu image22:23
sorenvishy: Ok.22:23
vishythere are security concerns with multitenanted vpn instances22:24
vishy+ annoying routing concerns22:24
sorenI was hoping you had solved that :)22:24
sorenMaybe next week.22:24
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vishyi think ultra small instances with dd-wrt and sharing 4-10 to a core22:25
vishyis probably good enough22:26
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sorenvishy: I'm actually not sure why is needed. It seems you passed an explicit --flagfile to everything anyway?22:30
sorenvishy: Oh, right nova-manage.22:30
soren/ignore me22:30
vishy- /ignore soren22:30
sorenCool. I can speak about vishy behind his back now :)22:31
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sorensandywalsh: Did you get python-cloudservers working with nova?22:32
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sorenOr how are people using the openstack API?22:32
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sorenI guess people aren't :)22:39
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #268: SUCCESS in 1 min 12 sec:
gundlachsoren, sandywalsh: i'm working on getting our Cloud Servers firefox extension converted to the OpenStack API, and it's shaking out bugs.  if someone's trying the same, we should work together22:41
rluciojust to verify, is anyone out there running on HOL right now?  I am having problems getting the nova-api process started.  it seems to be barfing right when it daemonizes22:48
rluciothe other daemons are working fine though /shrug22:49
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rlucioand by HOL i mean trunk22:50
sorenrlucio: What's the error messagE?22:54
sorengundlach: So there aren't actually any working clients?22:55
rluciono messages at all unfortunately22:55
gundlachsoren: not that i'm aware of, but i could be wrong22:55
sorenrlucio: Not even in syslog?22:55
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gundlachsoren: i hope this week to have this client working22:56
gundlachso rackspace can pound on test servers22:56
sorengundlach: Alright. What's the difficulty? API skew or auth problems or something?22:56
gundlachsoren: at the moment, it's that part of openstack api expects to be served on https, but i don't think anyone's ever done that.22:57
sandywalshgundlach, agreed. I've been using, but haven't done anything exhaustive yet22:57
gundlachsoren: do the other bin/nova-* s have the capability of running under https?22:57
sorengundlach: They generally don't speak http.22:57
sandywalshgundlach, I did this branch to handle that
sorengundlach: They speak amqp.22:58
gundlachsoren: oh, good point.22:58
gundlachsandywalsh: thanks, i'll grab it22:58
sandywalshI was going to do some integration testing before putting a merge proposal in22:58
sandywalshbut got tied up today on compute guts22:58
rluciosoren: whoops was supposed to show tah the log file was empty22:59
rluciothere we go22:59
gundlachsandywalsh: i don't know how to view the diff in LP without a mergeprop, but if i understand from your branch comments, you're adding a --server-management-url flag22:59
sorenrlucio: syslog.22:59
sorenrlucio: /var/log/syslog22:59
gundlachsandywalsh: though i think the only problem is that nova-api always defaults to https:// for the x-svr-mgmt-url instead of the incoming scheme.  thoughts?23:00
rluciosoren: nothing there either23:01
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sorenrlucio: :(23:02
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sorenrlucio: Which version of nova?23:02
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rluciosoren: trunk, newest packages from trunk ppa23:03
sorenrlucio: Which version? :)23:04
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rluciosoren: 42423:04
sorenrlucio: Hmm.. Works for me.23:05
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rluciosoren: ok, well thats good news at least.  let me switch to the default configuration and see what happens23:06
sorenrlucio: Try: sudo sh -x /etc/init.d/nova-api start23:06
sorenrlucio: Find where it actually runs nova-api, run that command yourself, passing --daemonize=0.23:06
sorenand --debug.23:06
gundlachsandywalsh: in fact, the auth url and the server-management-url are identical in austin -- both served off of <host:port>/v1.0/ .  so we can probably get rid of _get_server_mgmt_url() entirely23:06
rlucioah that did it23:08
rluciolooks like nova-api imports the compute manager now so it requires python-libvirt23:08
rluciointeresting requirements change for the api23:09
sorenIt's a bug.23:09
rluciowell, either way, thanks for the debugging pointers23:10
sorenbug 67753723:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 677537 in nova "Nova-api requires nova-compute templates in order to run." [Medium,Triaged]
sorenIt shoulnd't be too hard to fix. I just haven't gotten to it yet. Feel like hacking a bit of Python?23:10
* soren heads bedwards23:13
sorenG'night all.23:13
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rluciosoren: i'll take a look :)23:13
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sandywalshgundlach, is there an auth url flag currently?23:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #682919 in swift "account reaper need a configurable time delay added" [Undecided,New]

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