Wednesday, 2011-01-26

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vishyJordanRinke: it is possible that the cache stuff should move all the way into glance, but I'm not sure if there are issues with how many images you can back to one cow2 image00:05
rluciohey all... i've been a bit out of the loop lately, but now that i am back on HOL i am getting errors about config section headers for nova-api.  does it use a special format now?  the ppa repo doesn't seem to be changed so i have to imagine others have bumped into this00:05
rlucioby 'it' i mean the nova-api configuration file00:06
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #460: SUCCESS in 1 min 31 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fix for LP Bug #69965400:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 699654 in nova "i18n  - Terminating instance with invalid instance id causes error in the response" [Medium,Fix committed]
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #179: SUCCESS in 30 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: container-updater: temporary account update suppression on errors00:16
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JordanRinkevishy: I would think you would run out of cpu/memory before the number of relations to a cow image would be an issue00:16
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vishynova-api.conf should be the same, but there was a point where it wasn't included in the packages00:17
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JordanRinkevishy: unless using actual volume storage with some type of SAN.. at that point it is a dif game00:19
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rluciovishy: the nova-api.conf file I use just contains '--flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf'00:24
rlucioand i get this error: ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.00:24
rluciofile: /etc/nova/nova-api.conf, line: 100:24
vishyyes you need /etc/nova/nova-api.conf00:25
vishyit is the paste deploy config for nova api00:25
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rlucioright... i don't see note about formatting though..00:28
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rluciovishy: so does the nova-api process no longer need any reference to the gflags config options?00:51
vishyit still needs nova.conf00:51
vishyas well00:51
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rluciovishy: thanks for the info, i have things working now01:15
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #461: SUCCESS in 1 min 32 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Add DescribeInstanceTypes to admin api.  This lets the dashboard know what sizes can be launched (using the -t flag in euca-run-instances, for example) and what resources they provide.01:22
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prewarmoneyA quick question about authentication for any devs out there... I've got two users; one a projectmanager with a bucket full of images, and the other some dude who wants to run the images01:34
prewarmoneyI've added the second user to the first's project, and given him the developer role both globally and w/in the project01:34
prewarmoneyI can euca-describe the images w/in the bucket, but recv a 401 when attempting to publish to the bucket or run any of the images01:35
prewarmoneyhas anyone here come across this before?01:36
vishyprewarmoney: that is odd01:36
vishyare the images registered?01:37
vishyusually you upload the image and then register01:37
prewarmoneyah that's probably what I'm forgetting01:37
prewarmoneythanks :)01:37
vishyand are you sure you are using the right credentials for the other user01:38
vishymeaning that he is accessing the proper project01:38
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prewarmoneythat I'm sure of01:38
prewarmoneyvishy: no, that wasn't it01:40
prewarmoneyare there any bucket-specific permissions I have to set01:41
prewarmoneyrunning as the secondary user with 'euca-run-instances ami-410p7006 -k mykey -t m1.tiny'01:46
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prewarmoneyare there any other steps that have to be taken when running an image from a bucket you're not the projectmanager of?01:47
prewarmoneythere is euca-modify-image-attribute, but it just seems to complain that ''user or group not specified01:50
prewarmoneyeuca-modify-image-attribute ami-410p7006 --launch-permission --add second_user01:50
xtoddxprewarmoney: i think by default the image is visible to your project, and you can use modify-image to set it to public, which means everyone can see it01:55
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prewarmoneyyeah, it's private at the moment, and the secondary user can see it with euca-describe...01:58
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prewarmoneywould he have to set it to public to run it, even though he's a member of the project?01:59
xtoddxprewarmoney: if it shows up in euca-describe-images, then it should launch01:59
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prewarmoneyhmm.  how would I go about tracing the authentication then?02:02
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prewarmoneyI'm seeing this in the nova-api logs:02:05
prewarmoney[SK8Y1F9KX063PKQ6CMKL USER PROJECT] Unauthorized request for controller=CloudController and action=RunInstances02:05
prewarmoney[SK8Y1F9KX063PKQ6CMKL USER PROJECT] 0.18225s POST / None:None 401 [Boto/1.9b (linux2)] application/x-www-form-urlencoded text/html02:05
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prewarmoneythat 'None:None' makes me think there'e something I missed when I set up the user02:06
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kpeppledevcamcar: thx for the nova patch, it fixed my /projects/IRT/images error from earlier today. one question: what does "nebula images" mean on that page ?02:21
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prewarmoneyok, here's how I am creating a new user and attaching it to an existing project: "nova-manage user create USER" -> "nova-manage project add PROJECT USER" -> "nova-manage role add USER developer" -> "nova-manage role add USER developer PROJECT" -> "nova-manage project zipfile PROJECT USER" -> "su - USER" -> source novarc and euca-add-keypair... -> done02:22
prewarmoneyis this how it's done or am I missing a step02:22
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prewarmoneybtw I'm running the stock maverick packages; should I be running the debs from ppa:nova-core/trunk instead?02:28
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kpeppleprewarmoney: the stock packages are Austin based (i think) … there are many, many bugfixes in the ppa02:45
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vishyprewarmoney: you don't really need to su to a different user.  The stock packages are really old yes03:32
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vishysoren: I have a very odd networking problem if you happen to get up early. I could use some insight07:35
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ttxwow 199 bugmail email in 10 hours08:00
thimblehello. I knew, I saw this some days ago but I can´t find it: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/..//CA'. Any hint? This occurs when I want to create project zipfile.08:03
ttxthimble: see
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 683137 in nova "CA code doesn't get installed by " install"" [Medium,Triaged]08:04
ttxworkaround in last comment08:04
ttx(just adapt the instructions to your deploy directory)08:04
thimblettx: could be so easy. Thank you! I´ll give it a try.08:04
ttx(copy the CA dir from tarball to the plave where it looks for it)08:05
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sorenvishy: Sure, what's up?08:09
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vishysoren: might take me a bit to explain08:10
vishylet me start with a pastie08:10
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sorenvishy: I've got all day :)08:10
vishyso I'm trying to get nova working on two virtualbox vms in vlan mode08:11
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vishythere is some very weird stuff happening when an instance tries to hit metadata08:12
vishydhcp seems to work fine08:12
vishybut the arp traffic does not make any sense to me08:12
* soren looks08:12
vishyit appears that the network host is attempting to make an arp who-has to a mac address instead of broadcast08:13
vishywhich i didn't think was possible08:13
vishythe first set of arps gets a reply, but the second set doesn't...and the destination of the second set of requests is an actual mac address...08:14
vishyi have no idea what the ipv6 reqs are either08:15
vishyso I'm trying to figure out if this is a nova problem or a multilayered vifrtualization + vlan problem08:15
sorenOk, looking at the kernel code now.08:18
sorenTrying to work out the conditions under which it would send a who-has to a specific mac.08:18
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sorenvishy: Hm... So far, all I can say is that it seems valid.08:27
vishysoren: so there is a situation where that can occur?08:27
sorenvishy: I don't understand its purpose yet, but I'm wokring on it.08:27
sorenvishy: Yeah.08:28
sorenvishy: So it's not necessarily getting mangled somewhere along the way..08:28
vishysoren: it could be something else that is eating the response then08:28
vishyi'm not totally sure why it needs to arp in the first place08:29
vishyit has the mac of that ip in the arp cache on the network host08:29
vishy(which i guess is obvious from the fact that it is sending the packet to that mac)08:29
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vishysomething that may help: if i set the default gateway of both the compute and network host to (which is the ip that the network host has on br100, it works08:34
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sorenvishy: Ok, let's ignore the arp thing for a little bit. I think it's too early for me to be reading kernel networking code and RFC's. :)08:34
vishybut i don't see any arp packets, metadata just connects directly without issue08:34
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vishysoren: word.  I've been getting smacked around by this for a few hours08:35
vishysoren: frustrating because it is so close to working08:35
sorenSo the problem is reaching the meta data service from a VM. You're saying this VM is running inside a VM itself?08:35
vishysoren: yes08:35
sorenQEMu inside VirtualBox?08:36
vishyworks fine in single host mode08:36
sorenRight, ok.08:36
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sorenWhich component is supposed to be doing the DNAT'ing?08:37
sorenI forget.08:37
sorenSo the packets for has to get there somehow.08:38
soren(Just talking to myself)08:38
vishyand the dnatting works from compute host if i give it a route08:38
sorenA route?08:39
vishyfor example route add -net gw
sorenI see.08:39
vishybut the default gateway for the vm should be, so the route shouldn't be necessary08:39
sorenCan you pastebin the output of "ip addr list" on the compute node as well as in the guest?08:40
sorenvishy: Depends.08:40
vishythe guest is hard to get into because i have to wait for metadata to fail08:40
sorenvishy: Oh, and "ip route list", too.08:40
sorenvishy: Oh, right. Crap.08:40
sorenvishy: Well, a tcpdump fromthe compute node should do ok, I suppose.08:41
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sorenvishy: tcpdump -i <interface of guest>08:41
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sorenvishy: "route add -net gw" does actually make a difference compared to just leaving it to the default route.08:41
sorenvishy: ...becuase it takes precedent over implicit routes (such as those that defined based on the addresses of your network interfaces).08:42
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sorenYeah, "precedence".08:42
vishyfirst pastie08:43
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sorenvishy: Could you include macs in that tcpdump, please? I can sort of guess what they're going to say based on the arp traffic, but I'd like to be sure.08:46
vishylooks like no ack coming back08:46
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sorenvishy: And is what? The network node?08:50
vishybr100 on the network node08:50
sorenAnd br100 (on the compute node) is made up of which interfaces?08:53
vishyvlan100 and vnet008:53
sorenI assume "tcpdump -i any host" on the network host doesn't say anything at all?08:54
vishyi will try it (btw i just noticed the network host has a huge amount of traffic on lo08:55
vishy163.3 MB, more than eth1 even, which seems a little odd08:55
sorenYeah, that does sound a bit out of the ordinary. :)08:56
* vishy wonders if vlan tags are getting stripped off of some packets08:57
* soren has no clue about VirtualBox networking.08:57
sorenThere be dragons, for all I know.08:57
* vishy makes a kvm version of vagrant08:58
sorenI think I've solved the nbd lockup problem from last night.08:58
sorens/last night/~10 hours ago/g (for more TZ clarity)08:59
vishyhad to run another instance because the first timed out08:59
vishyah yes08:59
vishyand no i'm seeing nothing from that tcpdump08:59
vishyso it appears the packets are not getting there at all...hmmm09:01
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vishysoren: if you have any more ideas of things to check, let me know09:08
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sorenvishy: If you could reproduce this on real hardware, I'd be more than happy to help you debug it. Right now, my inclination is to blame virtualbox.09:13
vishyfair enough09:13
vishysoren: I suppose i should at least isolate it to that09:13
vishysoren: 02:16:3e:17:9f:99 > 08:00:27:ba:c9:54, ARP, length 42: Reply is-at 02:16:3e:17:9f:99, length 2809:14
vishyarp reply! but it isn't making it out to the host so it must be taking the wrong route out09:15
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vishysoren: there isn't anything in nwfilter rules that could be blocking the outgoing arp packet is there?09:19
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sorenvishy: Sure.09:29
sorenvishy: But how would nwfilter factor into this?09:29
sorenvishy: It's virtualbox?09:29
vishyi meant on the compute host with firewall rules09:30
sorenIt shouldn't, no.09:31
sorenWhat you can do, though, is dump the output of iptables, ebtables with counters and everything. Wait a bit, and see which counters have increased. Maybe that can give you a hint about where traffic is going to.09:32
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vishysoren: i found a workaround, although i don't know why it makes a difference09:42
vishysoren: nor do i know how to make it work with multiple hosts09:43
vishys/hosts projects09:43
vishyif i add this route on compute host: sudo route add gw it works09:43
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Adri2000devcamcar: hi, I'm trying dashboard trunk right now, and get a traceback when trying to access a project; want to see it?09:45
vishysoren: i suppose that is good enough for now, but i'd really like to understand why it needs that explicit route, and how i can make it work with all of the bridges09:52
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Adri2000reading about your network problems... I have some too :) so maybe you can help: I'm using, and it seems that the compute node doesn't get correctly configured, at least the br100 interface doesn't get an ip address...any idea?10:00
sorenvishy: That is odd indeed.10:00
sorenvishy: Especially considering:10:01
soren02:16:3e:43:ec:23 > 08:00:27:ba:c9:54, IPv4, length 74: > tcp 010:01
soren08:00:27:ba:c9:54 is it's already forwarding those packets to the gateway.10:01
vishyyeah but it doesn't seem to make it out over the vlan10:01
vishywithout the route in they don't show up on vlan10010:02
sorenvishy: Can you show me "ip route list" now?10:02
vishy169.254.169.254 via dev br10010:03
vishyonly addition10:03
sorenCan you show me the actual line?10:03
sorenIs that it?10:04
sorenI'm just surprised at the lack of scope (and potentially other stuff)10:05
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vishyyes that was the line10:05
sorenvishy: Ok, just for giggles:10:06
sorenCan you show me "ip route get" before and after you add the explicit route?10:07
vishy169.254.169.254 via dev eth0  src
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vishyoh whoops i have to add an ip on the bridge to actually get the route to add10:10
vishy169.254.169.254 via dev br100  src
* ttx is testing a two-server setup on bare hardware, fwiw, will see if I hit strange metadata stuff10:12
vishycool ttx thanks10:12
vishythis works perfectly well without giving the compute host an ip and a special route in nebula10:12
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* ttx makes mental note, not using wifi networking between your two hosts speeds up the test10:13
vishysomehow it seems as if the vlan isn't actually working properly10:13
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sorenvishy: Oh..10:14
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vishyperhaps my setup of the vlan on the host that is running virtualbox is missing something, or perhaps the vbox nic drivers aren't handling vlan tagging properly10:14
sorenI wonder if we need to have separate routing tables for guests.10:15
sorenI can see why this fails now.10:15
sorenThe guest only knows about, but the packets for it land on the host and gets routed by the host.10:16
soren...but the host wants to route differently than the guest.10:16
vishysoren: so how come it works in nebula?10:16
ttxvishy: maybe alien autofixing technology.10:16
sorenvishy: I can't say. Maybe your default gateway on compute nodes actually end up either being what the guest expects, too?10:17
sorenvishy: If you don't have an IP defined on br100... Does it work?10:17
sorenI'm not sure how that works, tbh.10:18
vishysoren: no i tried that10:18
vishysoren in nebula, happily routes to the network node10:18
vishyfrom the guests10:18
vishyeven though the host routes over a different interface10:19
ttxI get some "Network is unreachable" errors from guest trying to reach metadata server, investigating10:19
sorenttx: You said they're connected via wifi?10:20
vishyttx: you need a switch with vlans set up on real hardware10:20
sorenttx: briding and wifi => Lots of pain. It very often just doesn't work at all.10:21
sorenvishy: I'm not sure why it works on Nebula. I'd have to investigate. When can I stop by? :)10:21
ttxvishy/soren: let me see if my switch supports that10:21
vishysoren: I'll run it by dean tomorrow, maybe he has some idea how it can be working10:22
sorenvishy: I guess doing policy routing is reasonable. That way, we can even leave the host's "own" routing table completely alone.10:23
vishysoren: i do see these on the vnet interface STP 802.1w, Rapid STP, Flags [Learn, Forward], bridge-id 8c43.00:22:55:79:be:c1.808b, length 4210:24
* vishy has no idea how to do that10:25
sorenvishy: That's expected.10:25
vishysoren: i only see those in nebula though, not in the vbox version10:25
sorenvishy: It's reasonably simple, really.10:25
vishyand i don't see the weird ipv6 packets in nebula either10:25
vishyregardless i really need to sleep10:26
sorenvishy: Sure. Enjoy.10:27
vishyI'll try a couple of real hardware boxes tomorrow and see if i get the same issue10:27
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ttxok, obviously my entry-line crappy Gb switches do not support VLAns ;)10:54
ttxthough I could certainly abuse my DD-WRT setup to do so.10:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #707908 in nova "Cannot restart nova-network under use_ipv6=true and with VlanManager" [Undecided,New]
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sorenttx: <--- This is a big problem for natty.11:53
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czajkowskiAnnouncing the ODFPlugfest UK all communities and developers are welcome to take part, we have space for talks and it is a freeevent to take part in12:01
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DweezahrHello! Next week thursday 3rd of February is the Bexar release, and this is sort of an Beta release as in not for production setup? Cactus is the stable release?13:03
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thimblehello again. we´re trying to use openstack on sles11sp1 and are packaging. while running euca-describe-images the nova-api complains an unknown error. the last line in trace out is "<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'module' object has no attribute 'provider'", the line before is referring to boto. python-boto are we using in v2.03b.  Any ideas? Thanks :)13:08
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flashn /win 2113:09
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ttxthimble: you might have a boto that is too fresh. ISTR we are using 1.913:35
thimblettx: we will try with 1.9. thanks13:36
ttxDweezahr: it's a "featureful" release, so it might have rough edges13:36
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sorenttx: Ok, so dhcp requests are not reaching the network host.13:53
sorenttx: Let's start from the compute node and see how far they get.13:54
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sorenttx: Do you see them in "tcpdump -i vnet0 -vn" (assuming vnet0 is the tap device of the guest, which it probably is)13:54
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ttxI've no vnet0 on the compute node13:55
sorenDo you have a vm?13:56
sorenvirsh list, find the name or id, then virsh dumpxml <id or name>.13:56
sorenTry pastebining that.13:56
ttxI see BOOTP/DHCP stuff on that tcpdump alright13:57
sorenSo you found the right tap interface?13:57
ttxyes, was missig an instance13:57
sorenJust to be sure, there's still nothing interesting on the network hosts' syslog?13:58
ttxnothing more than what you already got13:58
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sorenOk, can you pastebin "brctl show"?13:58
ttxfrom the compute node ?13:59
sorenYeah, that's not going to work.13:59
sorenI'm rather embarassed to say so, but I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.14:00
ttxright, I narrowed it down to the bridges not talking to each other... but my lack of bridging foo started to stall me14:00
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ttxsoren: for kicks I tried to specify a --flat_interface=eth0 but that just seemed to prevent bridge creation.14:01
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sorenvishy: The dhcp_start attribute on Networks is only used as an argument to dnsmasq's dhcp-range, correct?14:04
ttxsoren: what were you expecting in "brctl show" output ?14:07
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sorenttx: If the VM is supposed to be able to get a dhcp response from the network node, they have to either be on the same broadcast domain or we need a dhcp relay agent.14:09
sorenttx: We don't have a dhcp relay agent.14:10
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sorenttx: So they have to be in the same broadcast domain. That means that the bridge at least has to be connected to your physical network interface.14:10
sorenFrom there, there might be more trickery on the network host.14:10
sorenttx: I'm pretty sure that once Vishy turns up again, he's going to something like Flat{,DHCP}Manager and a separate network host doesn't work or something.14:11
ttxsoren: right, i suspect that's what --flat_interface is supposed to do14:11
sorenttx: Yeah.14:12
ttxI'll dig in that direction14:12
sorenYou're probably right.14:12
ttxbut I failed to enable it succesfully so far.14:12
sorenttx: I was trying it earlier, but the subnet I have for VM's is not the same as my hosts's subnet.14:12 I couldn't use it.14:12
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ttxsoren: Is it normal that this is full of virbr0 references: ?14:13
ttxI thought virbr0 wouldn't be used at all14:14
ttxsame for
sorenlibvirt sets it up by default. It shouldn't interfere with anything.14:15
sorenYou see them because I'm also (moreso, even) careful about not destroying existing rules.14:16
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ttxsoren: so I don't think it can work without eth0 being added to the bridge, but if you do so it screws up networking14:21
thimblettx: we downgraded to boto 1.9 now, we need the exakt version of euca2ools you use please.14:22
ttxboto 1.9b, euca2ools 1.214:23
thimblettx: thank you14:23
ttxthough in ubuntu euca2ools 1.2 was heavily patched.14:23
thimbleplease don´t say this :(14:23
ttxthimble: s/patched/fixed/14:24
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ttxi.e. we couldn't grow a dep on boto2 but still had to fix issues in boto1.914:24
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sorenI'm taking off for the day.14:27
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uvirtbotNew bug: #708025 in nova "VLAN field in networks table should be constrained" [Undecided,New]
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rcchas glance sphinx dependency fix been merged ? i can't run tests right now :/14:37
ttxrcc: if you mean, it wasn't yet14:39
rccy, that one14:39
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zul_ttx: you mean unbroken14:44
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rcc:( , my pep8 'issue' will have to wait then14:53
rccbtw, whoever wrote that openstack dashboard, it's pretty awesome, kudos14:53
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ianwellerrackerhacker: ping :)14:55
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jaypipesmtaylor: see
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rackerhackerianweller: ttl exceeded ;)15:05
rackerhackerianweller: what's up?15:05
ianwellerrackerhacker: nah, i set the ttl for 900115:06
ianwellerrackerhacker: pm?15:06
rackerhackerianweller: sure ;)15:06
sandywalshAnother core have a sec to approve
ttxif someone can explain to me how traffic is supposed to flow from compute nodes to network node in FlatDHCPManager mode, I'll pay in beer.15:12
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ttxReviews needed on <-- contains several needed ipv6 bugfixes15:20
henrichrubini am using the latest nova branch w/ mysql and ' run.'  i am getting this error on euca-run-instances, even though the users table was created.  any idea?15:29
ttxrcc: you can test by running pep8 nova/volume/api.py15:31
ttxjust removing the extra line works for me.15:32
rccy, but you know...i  wanted to run the tests hudson runs so I don't fall into the same problem with yet another test :p . just trying to cover everything to not bother you again with reviews...15:33
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #462: SUCCESS in 1 min 30 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Simple little changes related to openstack api to work better with glance.16:12
openstackhudsonFixes ImageID missing from Glance and int->string id problem.16:12
Ryan_Lanettx: traffic flows via DNAT and SNAT16:12
Ryan_Lanettx: the network node is the gateway for the instances16:13
Ryan_Lanettx: it gets an IP and the gateway via DHCP from the network node16:13
Ryan_Lanettx: when floating IPs are assigned to the instances, the network node sets the SNAT and DNAT rules16:13
Ryan_Laneso the network node needs ip forwarding enabled16:13
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ttxRyan_Lane: I'm blocked in my test: the DHCP requests from the instance never reach the network node.16:14
Ryan_Laneah. I had this problem the other day16:14
Ryan_Lanethere's a workaround16:14
ttxRyan_Lane: how does that DHCP request reach the network node ?16:15
Ryan_Lanelemme see if I can find it16:15
Ryan_Lanethere's a bug...16:15
ttxI'm confused with how the bridge setup is supposed to make the two communicate with each other.16:15
Ryan_Laneso in flat mode, you make the bridge16:16
Ryan_Lanein flat dhcp mode, you do not16:16
Ryan_Laneyou give it a device, and it makes the bridge16:16
Ryan_Laneon both the network node and the compute nodes16:16
ttxRyan_Lane: precise "you give it a device"16:16
ttxI think that's the part I'm missing, my bridges don't have interfaces linked16:17
Ryan_Lanethat's the bug fix I'm mentioning, in case you missed it16:17
Ryan_Lanegimme a sec though16:17
Ryan_LaneI'll show you my config16:17
Ryan_LaneI'm using that on both compute nodes and network nodes16:18
Ryan_Lanea few of those options are likely unnecessary16:19
ttxRyan_Lane: you have multiple ethX on the machine you use ?16:19
Ryan_LaneI'm using ESXi, so I just add one16:20
Ryan_Lanethat'll be more difficult when I switch to nova :)16:20
ttxRyan_Lane: ah. So the setup supposes two interfaces on each node, connected to each other ?16:20
Ryan_LaneI think you can do it with a single interface too16:21
Ryan_LaneI'd likely set the public_interface to the bridge that'll be created16:21
ttxI only have eth0 and when I use --flat_interface=eth0 it kinda breaks16:21
ttx(maybe an extra config step is required to unbreak the "regular" network)16:21
Ryan_LaneI wonder if it would work with virtual devices16:22
ttxRyan_Lane: my nodes are connected through their eth0, with IPs in When I specify --flat_interface=eth0, it assigns eth0 to the bridge and I lose networking between the nodes16:22
Ryan_Lanemeaning, make a virtual nic from eth0 (like eth0:1), make that the public interface16:23
Ryan_Lanethen use eth0 for flat_interface, and eth0:1 for the public one16:23
ttxIf I don't do --flat_interface, instance traffic just doesn't get from one to the other16:23
sandywalshttx jaypipes sirp- perhaps another quick approve on ... there was a line that got lost on a trunk conflict (sorry)16:24
Ryan_Laneyeah, the flat interface is added to a bridge, that bridge is used for the virtual nics16:24
Ryan_Lanethe instance's virtual nics that is16:25
ttxRyan_Lane: ok, then it looks like we are missing some network topology docs. I was under the impression that I could test multiple nodes using a single interface16:25
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Ryan_Laneyou can16:25
Ryan_LaneI just don't know how :)16:25
Ryan_Lanethough I'd have to imagine that using nic aliases (like eth0:1) would work16:26
ttxand VlanManager needs sharper switches than I have :)16:26
Ryan_Lanevlanmanager is a little too much for my tastes :)16:26
Ryan_Lanegetting my users to use a vpn would not fly. hell, getting my coworkers to use a vpn wouldn't fly16:27
ttxsandywalsh: looks like most of your patch disappeared ?16:27
ttxsandywalsh: or my brain was fried by too much testing ?16:28
sandywalshttx the main part was merged with trunk ... this is just the missing part16:28
ttxsandywalsh: oh!16:28
ttxsandywalsh: go for it16:29
ttx(can't flip the switch, not nova-core)16:29
sandywalshttx thx16:29
* annegentle makes it back to the land of the living16:32
jaypipesannegentle: welcome back :)16:32
ttxannegentle: how was the other side ?16:32
annegentleit's early for the Californians, but does anyone know if django-nova should be local to the database server or local to the cloud controller when you install it?16:33
annegentlethanks - it was foggy :)16:33
ttxannegentle: dunno, but I'd be very surprised if it needed to be local16:33
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annegentlethere's a lotta mention of "local/locally" in the readme at - just not sure what the context is. Local to?16:34
mtaylorjaypipes: I signed the thing a while ago but can't find the email with the results of that16:37
mtaylorjaypipes, ttx, dendrobates, soren: anybody know if there is a master list in which I can look for my signature id?16:38
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dendrobatesmtaylor: sorry, what signature id?16:39
mtaylordendrobates: for signing the CLA16:39
ttxmtaylor: you mean the echosign logs ?16:39
mtaylordendrobates: I'm not in our CLA list on the wiki, but I did sign the fool thing16:39
mtaylorttx: yeah16:39
ttxdendrobates, jbryce: ^16:39
jbrycemtaylor: i think i might be able to find you16:40
mtaylorjbryce: you are awesome16:40
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #463: SUCCESS in 1 min 28 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Simple little changes related to openstack api to work better with glance.16:42
openstackhudsonFixes ImageID missing from Glance and int->string id problem.16:42
jbrycemtaylor: - that think at the end is your echosign id16:42
colinnichGot an odd problem with the swift stats system. The final processed files are in a strange format that most things can't read. Seems to be UTF-32, but with no headers. Haven't really got any experience of working with different encodings, so not sure if I'm doing something silly. The only way I can read the files with all tools is by running iconv -f utf32 -t ascii 75ea619fc096c906407914728e3a2dc9.csv16:44
colinnich'cat' displays them, but pretty much everything else fails16:44
creihtnotmyname: -^ ?16:44
mtaylorjbryce: THANKS!16:46
dendrobatesmtaylor: you should have received an email from echosign16:46
mtaylordendrobates: yeah - but that was forever ago and I don't seem to have it anymore :)16:46
dendrobatesmtaylor: if you can't find it I can look for it.16:46
mtaylordendrobates: jbryce found it for me16:46
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notmynamecolinnich: utf-8 is good, so utf-32 must be 4 times better, right?16:50
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creihtcolinnich: have you checked to see if the raw logs are in the same format?16:52
colinnichcreiht, notmyname: raw logs (/var/log/swift/proxy.log anyway) are fine. more and vi open them fine16:54
colinnichI'm processing them on my ubuntu desktop, but I tried downloading them (with st) on the proxy server and it was the same issue16:55
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notmynameanything odd like the locale on the machine?16:57
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colinnichnotmyname: how do you check (lucid)?16:57
colinnichnotmyname: looks ok -
jk0jaypipes: have a sec to look at ?16:59
colinnichnotmyname: my laptop is the same, but en_GB16:59
notmynamecolinnich: the final uploaded csv should end with ".csv.gz". you mentioned ".csv". did you decompress the file?17:00
colinnichnotmyname: yeah, I'm decompressing it with gunzip17:00
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jaypipesjk0: looking..17:02
notmynamecolinnich: odd. a quick run on my SAIO and everything worked17:04
colinnichnotmyname: just checked my old cluster which is running Austin (I think!) and it's the same17:07
colinnichnotmyname: haven't noticed before as I only ever opened it in OpenOffice which works fine. Now I'm trying to access them programatically...17:07
notmynamecolinnich: do you see only old csvs do this or even ones created now?17:08
creihtcolinnich: what does it say if you run17:09
* ttx calls it a day17:09
creihtfile LOGFILENAME17:09
colinnichcreiht: b42164667b281f9a3ed7b73f7b887f68.csv: data17:11
* creiht is stumped :/17:12
colinnichnotmyname: the one I was looking at was from this morning17:13
creihtcolinnich: Do the logs have sensitive data in them?17:13
colinnichcreiht: nope17:13
creihtcolinnich: could you upload one somewhere where we could download and take a look at?17:14
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creihtwell that is interesting17:17
vvuksankbringard: ping17:23
kbringardvvuksan: ahoy17:24
vvuksani have made progress17:24
kbringardvvuksan: I'm stuck in dependency hell17:24
vvuksancompiled 0.8.7 libvirtd17:24
vishyttx, soren: sent an email to openstack regarding flatdhcp17:24
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notmynamecolinnich: the csv is created by putting the data into a cStringIO.StringIO object, then compressed as it is sent to the swift cluster17:26
vvuksankbringard: let me upload the RPMS17:26
colinnichnotmyname: yeah, I had a look at that earlier to see if I could see anything17:26
kbringardwow, that's a lot of compiling17:27
vvuksankbringard: downloaded RHEL6 libvirtd RPMS, then downloaded 0.8.717:27
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vvuksankbringard: had to tweak the configure to use python26 and couple other changes but it was straight forward after that17:28
vvuksannow i need to debug this17:28
vvuksan(nova.exception): TRACE: Command: qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o cluster_size=2M,backing_file=/opt/nova-state/instances/_base/ami-hvxr8c1j_sm /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000009/disk17:28
vvuksan(nova.exception): TRACE: Stderr: 'qemu-img: invalid option -- o\n'17:28
vvuksanbut things are going in the right direction :-)17:28
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kbringardindeed so, good work sir17:29
kbringardvvuksan: did you remove libvirt 0.6.3?17:33
vvuksanremoved all the remanants17:33
vvuksaneven virt-manager and all the other junkj17:33
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vvuksanthis is just great17:39
kbringardvvuksan: yea, I don't see the -o option in qemu-img on cent, but it's there in the one on debian17:39
vvuksanlooks like libvirtd 0.8.7 has yanked -o from qemu-img17:39
kbringardubuntu rather17:39
vvuksannoticed it myself17:39
kbringardqemu-img-0.10.5-1.el5.2 is what I have installed17:41
vvuksangood point17:41
kbringardon ubuntu it's not a separate package, but qemu is version 0.1217:41
kbringardI'd wager that's the issue17:41
vvuksan# rpm -qf /usr/bin/qemu-img17:41
kbringardyea, I was just noticing that17:42
vvuksantime to download
kbringardindeed :-/ I tried using the kvm-qemu-img instead and it still doesn't support it17:45
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dubsquared — trying to use sqllite but i want to use mysql?18:14
vvuksandubsquared: did you do db sync ?18:16
vvuksandid it give you output :-) ?18:17
dubsquaredyeah :D18:17
vvuksantry rerunning db sync with flagfile18:18
dubsquaredmy mysql tables are populated...18:20
dubsquaredwith network, fixedips, etc18:20
vvuksanwhen do you then get the error ?18:20
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vvuksandubsquared: does the networks table exist ?18:21
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dubsquarednova-network is complaining18:21
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dubsquaredhmm ok got that figured out, now getting another error from api18:26
dubsquaredfelt like i got through all these long ago, now they are all popping up again heh18:27
dubsquaredapi is running and listeing18:28
dubsquarednovarc is sourced18:28
dubsquaredall info in it is correc5t18:28
kpeppledubsquared: what did the nova-api log say ?18:28
kbringardare you sure the novarc you sourced has the correct API key?18:28
kpeppledubsquared: looks like a key problem18:28
kbringardthat happens to me sometimes... I create new projects and source the wrong rc18:28
dubsquared2011-01-26 12:23:03,716 AUDIT nova.api [-] Authentication Failure: No project with id dubproj18:29
dubsquaredi surely made that project18:29
dubsquaredlemme try again18:29
dubsquareddubproj != dubproject18:31
dubsquaredport 22 is now allowed by default?18:33
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vvuksandubsquared: did you find the problem?18:38
kbringardvvuksan: I'm grabbing the qemu source, compiling it, and then I'm going to try to drop in replace qemu-img...18:41
kbringardballsy... stupid... but ballsy18:42
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kbringardlibvirtError: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'19:11
kbringardanyone seen this error before?19:12
kpepplekbringard: are you using Xen ?19:12
kbringardnope, should be using KVM19:12
kbringardthe internets seem to think it means hardware acceleration for VMs is disabled in the bios19:13
kbringardwhich I suppose it could be, but I've run other VMs on this machine before with no problems19:13
ttxvishy: very enlightening, many thanks19:14
kbringardis there a way to disable using hvm?19:16
vvuksankbringard: i think this has to do with libvirt set up19:17
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kpepplekbringard: ubuntu or centos ?19:17
kbringardkpepple: cent19:17
kbringardit works on ubuntu :-)19:17
ttxkbringard: that's the error you get when your compute node doesn't support kvm19:18
ttxkbringard: what os are you on ?19:18
kbringardttc centos 519:18
kpepplekbringard: yeah, that's probably libvirt shennigans … try seeing if you have kvm loaded19:18
ttxmake sure you have VT exensions and they are enabled in BIOS19:19
ttx(should see that in dmesg kernel output)19:19
ttxon Ubuntu kvm-ok does that for you.19:20
kpepplekbringard: check you cpu at cat /proc/cpuinfo and look for vt or vmx in the flags19:21
kbringardI don't see anything about KVM in dmesg, but I do have vmx in my cpuinfo19:21
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kpeppletry to # modprobe kvm19:21
kbringardfrom what I read that doesn't necessarily mean it's enabled, but that I should see something about the bios disabling KVM in dmesg if it was disabled19:21
kbringardlsmod shows kvm loaded, but I did a modprobe on it again19:22
vvuksan# dmesg | grep kvm19:22
kbringardvvuksan: nothing19:22
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vvuksanmine says disabled by bios19:23
vvuksanso that sounds good :-)19:23
kbringardI'm going to try rebooting to see if I can catch some KVM stuff...19:24
kbringardnow I see some kvm stuff in dmesg19:27
kbringardkvm: virtualization flags detected on this hardware: vmx tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority19:27
kbringardoaded kvm module (kvm-83-164.el5_5.25)19:27
kbringardso lets try this again...19:27
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jtranhey all.  any guide on the API-Server rest API?19:30
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kpepplevvuksan: OT question - are you using stock centos libvirt (0.6.3) or did you recompile to get to 0.8.7 ?19:30
kbringardkpepple: recompiled19:30
vvuksankpepple: I built RPMS19:31
kbringard0.6.3 segfaults19:31
kbringardor well, causes nova-compute to segfault19:31
kpepplevvuksan: thx19:31
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kbringardok, so rebooting seems to have resolved that hvm issue... weird19:34
vvuksanand ...19:37
vvuksandon't hold us in suspense :-)19:37
kbringardoh, sorry19:37
kbringardgetting a new qemu error19:38
kbringardlibvir: QEMU error : internal error Process exited while reading console log output: qemu: could not open disk image /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000011/disk19:38
kbringardbut the disk is there19:38
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kbringardso I am wondering if I boned something when I upgraded qemu19:38
vvuksankpepple: got qemu-img RPMS ?19:39
kpepplevvuksan: not a new one …19:41
kbringardvvuksan: rpm -qf /usr/bin/qemu-img --> qemu-0.12.4-1.el5.rf19:41
vvuksanis this fromepel ?19:41
kbringardhmmm, maybe not19:42
kbringardone moment19:42
kbringardactually, not likely... because of the .rf19:42
kbringardI didn't yum install it, I grabbed the RPM directly from somehwee19:42
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vishykbringard: cold be app armor19:46
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vishythere are specific exceptions in the debian packaging for files named disk19:47
vishykbringard: might need something like that...easy test is to turn off security in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and restart libvirt-bin and see if it fixes the issue19:49
dubsquaredvvuksan:  sorry stepped away for a meeting, i think it's resolved…project name in novarc19:51
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kbringardvishy: I don't think I'm running SELinux on the host, but I set security_driver = "none" anyway, but I am still seeing the same error19:53
vishypossibly a permissions issue then19:53
vishytry chmodding the disk file and the backing file19:54
vishylibvirt on debian changes ownership of the file to libvirt-qemu, not sure how it works on centos19:54
vvuksanvishy: apparently i have exhausted my instance quota19:55
vvuksanInstanceLimitExceeded: InstanceLimitExceeded: Instance quota exceeded. You can only run 0 more instances of this type.19:55
kbringardvishy: I've been running everything as root to try to avoid permission problems... it looks like it's all owned by root and set to 64419:55
vvuksandue to all the unsuccesful launches19:55
vvuksanhow do I reset that ?19:55
kbringardhave you been terminating them?19:55
vvuksani guess I should :-D19:56
kbringardthat's what I've been doing19:56
kbringardthey just sit in pending, or whatever19:56
vvuksanwhat's the command?19:56
kbringardeuca-terminate-instances $instanceid19:56
vishykbringard: hmm oddd19:56
kbringardis what I've been using19:56
vishyanything interesting in syslog?19:56
dubsquaredany ideas?  UnknownError: An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again.  — from euca-describe-instances19:57
vvuksani got that19:57
vvuksani retry then it works19:57
sorenmtaylor: did you find it yet?19:57
mtaylorsoren: yes. all good19:57
sorenmtaylor: Cool.19:57
sorenvishy: Did you see my lp:~soren/nova/assume-dhcp-start-is-gateway branch?19:58
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soren(I forget if I mentioned it here)19:58
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kbringardthe qemu-kvm that is installed is from kvm-83-164.el5_4.2519:59
kbringardI wonder if that is having problems with the qemu I installed from rpmforge20:00
vishysoren: no20:00
vvuksankbringard: do you have qemu-nbd ?20:00
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kbringardrpm -qf /usr/bin/qemu-nbd20:01
vvuksanoh my20:01
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vishysoren: does that work?20:01
vvuksankbringard: i got farther than you20:02
vvuksanby compiling the qemu by hand20:02
vvuksanthen replacing qemu-img and qemu-nbd in /usr/bin20:02
vvuksanerror I'm getting is this20:03
vvuksan2011-01-26 12:01:38,655 WARNING nova.virt.libvirt_conn [-] instance instance-0000000e: ignoring error injecting data into image ami-hvxr8c1j (nbd device /dev/nbd14 did not show up)20:03
vvuksanlibvir: Domain Config error : internal error invalid domain type %(type)s20:03
kbringardthe injecting data error is normal(ish) I get that on ubuntu20:03
vvuksanif I run libvirtd in verbose mode and foreground20:04
vishyvvuksan modprobe nmd to stop the first error20:04
vvuksanshould I see any activity ?20:04
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vvuksanyou mean nbd20:05
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vishyfunny error message on domain type20:06
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vvuksanthat didn't seem to do the trick :-(20:06
vishywhat is the domain type in xml?20:06
vvuksanwhich file would that be ?20:06
vishylibvirt.xml in the instances dir20:06
sorenvishy: It does for me.20:07
vishysoren: does it fix any particular issue? or is it just a simplification?20:07
sorenvishy: I'm not sure I understand it all well enough to say whether there are situations where it won't work.20:07
vvuksanvishy: i am not sure which directory instances dir is :-(20:08
vvuksanwould that be /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova-2011.1-py2.6.egg/nova/virt/libvirt.xml.template20:08
sorenvishy: I'm not sure, really.20:08
kbringardprobably /var/lib/nova/instances/?20:09
sorenvishy: Do we ever have multiple dnsmasq's?20:09
vishyvvuksan: no the actual file20:09
vishysoren: yes there is one per project in vlan mode20:09
vvuksanit doesn't appear I have the libvirt.xml :-(20:09
sorenvishy: Ok... Why does that work? :)20:09
kbringardvvuksan: once you're in that dir you need to cd to the name of the instance20:10
sorenvishy: I mean... If they all specify the same IP to --dhcp-range.20:10
kbringardso like, /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-0000001420:10
kbringardor whatever20:10
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vvuksanis there a variable that sets the instances dir ?20:11
kbringardnot sure, I don't recall setting something20:11
vishysoren: they don't each network has a different dhcp_start20:11
kbringardbbiab, food20:11
vishysoren: 344             net['dhcp_start'] = str(project_net[2])20:12
vvuksanvishy: I'm unsure which directory is that :-(20:13
vvuksanany hints20:13
vishyvvuksan: it is wherever your instances directory is set to20:14
vvuksanit's not set :-(20:14
vvuksanie. it's not set in nova.conf20:14
sorenvishy: Oh, right. My mind is elsewhere :(20:15
vishythen probably nova/instances20:16
sorenvishy: Oh, that just sets it to gateway+1?20:16
sorenvishy: I'm pretty sure it'll work. The actual IP doesn't seem to matter, as long as it's in the right subnet (because where the leases file).20:17
sorenIt's pretty easy to test, though.20:17
sorenI'm just working on something else right now.. I'll get to it in a little bit.20:17
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dubsquaredrandom question:  using FlatManger, can I use internal IP's that are being NAT'd on a firewall as my CC_ADDR, and pointing to all my services?20:23
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dubsquaredi don't see why not…but i am getting random issues here and there20:24
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vishydubsquared: no routing back to the vms will probably fail20:36
phymatacan anyone confirm that the Django based management UI for Nova will be in bexar?  i'm 99% sure it will be given it's status on the openstack blueprints ( but i need to be 100% sure.20:36
vishyphymata it is a separate project20:36
vishyand it already exists20:36
dubsquaredvishy:  damn, i was hoping that was not the case20:36
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phymatavishy: okay.  so is it reasonable to say that it's implemented and will work with the bexar release.20:37
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phymatavishy: sorry.  there should be a ? at the end of my last sentence.20:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #708278 in nova "Prevent duplicated VLAN IDs " [Undecided,New]
vishyphymata: correct20:44
phymatavishy: thanks!20:44
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JordanRinke_awayttx around or can you answer this vishy...20:55
JordanRinke_awaythe current hyperv code and the bugs I am filing/fixing will all be a part of the bexar release correct?20:56
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vishyJordanRinke: bugs can still go in21:00
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vishycurrent hyperv code is in already21:01
JordanRinkeright, and the code I am filing against, is already in.. yeah cool21:01
JordanRinkejust wanted to make sure21:01
JordanRinkesince I am doing hyper-v blueprints for cactus21:01
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dubsquaredsoooo this euca-describe-images thing…here is what i am seeing
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vishyhaven't seen that, are you trying to use glance with euca?21:14
dubsquarednegative, euca w/ objectstore21:15
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dprinceHey guys. I'm hitting this with the latest 623:21:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 708301 in nova " global name '_fix_image_id' is not defined" [Undecided,New]21:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #708301 in nova " global name '_fix_image_id' is not defined" [Undecided,New]
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dubsquareddid you file that vishy?21:17
dubsquaredthat was awesome timing..21:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #708309 in nova "New localized strings with >1 placeholder still being added to trunk not using dict formating" [Undecided,New]
rluciooh im glad someone filed 708301, i was just about to do that (i saw it before lunch(21:33
vvuksananyone have a clue why I would get this error when launching an instance21:34
vvuksanlibvir: QEMU error : internal error Process exited while reading console log output: qemu: could not open disk image /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000016/disk21:34
vvuksanthis is RHEL and SELINUX is not running21:34
JordanRinkein ubuntu there was a problem with the apparmor config that caused a similar issue21:35
JordanRinkebut i think it could access disk and not local21:36
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rlucioout of disk space maybe?21:36
bartondoes anyone know how well ElasticFox will work with Bexar?21:36
vvuksannope plenty of disk21:36
JordanRinkewhat do permissions look like on that file?21:36
vvuksan644 owned by root21:36
vvuksaneverything is running as root21:37
JordanRinkeah ok21:37
vvuksaneven nova-computer21:37
JordanRinkemy apparmor issue presented even as root21:37
vvuksanselinux would too21:37
vvuksanbut i disabled it21:37
JordanRinkecan you manually start that instance now?21:38
vvuksanhow would I manually start it21:38
sandywalshI made a silly mistake on my previous bug fix, dan-prince fixed it up for me. Perhaps a review?
JordanRinkevirsh console21:40
vvuksanJordanRinke: any pointers how to start it from virsh :-)21:41
rluciosandywalsh: i tested & approved the bug21:41
JordanRinkevirsh create libvirt.xml21:41
rlucio... merge proposal, w/e21:41
JordanRinkeor whatever the xml is called21:41
vvuksanJordanRinke: k21:41
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JordanRinkei think there is a verbose option on that virsh create too21:41
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JordanRinkeif the imag you are working on an ubuntu image?21:42
JordanRinkethe instance21:42
vvuksanJordanRinke: same error21:42
JordanRinkeok, well at least you have an easy way to test it now21:42
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kpeppleblueprint question: when i create a blueprint (via launchpad), do i also need to create a corresponding wiki page ?21:43
JordanRinkeyou seem compotent so I will refrain from suggesting standard troubleshooting now :-D21:43
JordanRinkebah i always incorrectly spell competent... the irony21:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #708320 in nova "associate floating ip address to an instance works without allocating address" [Undecided,New]
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annegentledevcamcar: are you around for a question or two about installing the dashboard (Django-nova)?21:46
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kpeppleannegentle: i've got the dashboard running if devcamcar isn't around21:50
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annegentlekpepple: great, thanks! do you know if you'd install it on the database node in a multi-server install? Or always on the cloud controller node?21:52
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kpeppleannegentle: in the localsettings, it has an option for NOVA_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT which takes a URL pointing to nova-api …. so it doesn't need to be collocated with nova-api or nova-compute. It also doesn't have any login for the nova-db, so I don't think it needs to be on the nova database server.21:55
phymataannegentle: interesting timing, i have a couple of questions about the dashboard too.21:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #708329 in nova "DescribeGroups: Groups are not sorted properly" [Undecided,New]
kpeppleannegentle: as such, i don't believe it needs to be either server — but needs to contact the nova-api server via HTTP21:56
phymataannegentle: is development on the dashboard more or less complete and will it work with the bexar release?21:56
kpeppleannegentle: i also have a short wiki page on this (with SCREENSHOTS!) but don't know how to get it up on wiki.openstack.com21:57
annegentlekpepple: ok, thanks. And what is this about "create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID setting" -  I get that when I run the tests21:57
annegentlekpepple: woo! You should be able to create a wiki account, or just email it to me if you like21:57
annegentlekpepple: and I can create the page, attach the screenshots, etc.21:57
phymatakpepple: i'd like to see that wiki page too when it's ready.21:58
kpeppleannegentle: did you create your local sqlite db for the dashboard ?21:58
annegentlekpepple: nope! Ok, how did you know to do that?21:59
kpeppleannegentle: after you have installed the virtualenv with tools/ <path to django-nova/trunk> (to pul in the django-nova libraries), you need to db sync with something like $ tools/ dashboard/ syncdb22:01
kpeppleannegentle: remember to create your local/ file first tho22:01
kpeppleannegentle: with normal settings the sqlite db should be in local/dashboard_openstack  ...22:02
annegentleok, I have gotten confused between django-nova and openstack-dashboard. Whee!22:02
annegentleone is a reference implementation!22:03
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kpeppleannegentle: yeah … it's confusing as they are very tightly coupled22:03
annegentlekpepple: ok, I don't have a tools/ directory. Even though I thought I branched the django-nova project.22:05
vvuksanJordanRinke: it is possible that the disk image got munged somehow22:07
kpeppleannegentle: sorry. the and syncdb commands are to be done in the openstack-dashboard repo.22:07
vvuksanis there a command line I could use to generate the disk image by hand22:07
vishycheck the permissions of instances/_base/**** as well22:08
annegentlekpepple: no need to apologize :) I finally "get it" why I didn't have a tools dir :)22:08
vvuksanvishy: it may not be a permissions issue. kbringard tells me instance/disk file on his Ubuntu is 22 Mb and on Centos  8 MB22:09
kpeppleannegentle: so the high level plan to build the dashboard is (1) build django-nova (with the README files boostrap script and buildout), (2) change over to the openstack-dashboard repo, (3) do the install_venv, (4) create your local/ file, (5) syncdb and finally run the server22:09
vvuksanthat would imply something funny happens on Centos22:09
vishyivvuksan: it starts out as 8 mb22:10
vvuksanthis is ttylinux22:10
vishyit is copy on write, so it grows once it launches22:10
vvuksani see22:10
vvuksanthere goes that theory22:10
vishytha backing image is in _base so it could be a permission issue to the backing image as well22:11
vvuksani should be able to run kvm with -hda disk -m 512 right ?22:11
vvuksanvishy: permissions look fine :-(22:11
phymataannegentle: so is it safe to say development on the dashboard is more or less complete and will it work with the bexar release?22:12
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vishyperhaps with kvm, but i test with virsh create myself22:12
vvuksanthat is what I tried22:13
vvuksanvirsh bails out22:13
vvuksanI assume it calls kvm22:13
vvuksan# virsh create libvirt.xml22:13
vvuksanerror: Failed to create domain from libvirt.xml22:13
vvuksanerror: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: qemu: could not open disk image /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/disk22:13
vvuksan# file  /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/disk22:14
vvuksan/opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/disk: QEMU Copy-On-Write disk image version 2, size 0 + 2516582422:14
vishyand nothing in syslog about it?22:14
annegentlephymata: yes, that's a safe statement as far as I know :)22:14
vvuksanvishy: nothing but can't access the disk22:15
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vvuksanopen it that is22:15
vishyalso check for any other errrors in /var/log/libvirt/qemu/instance-0000001822:16
vvuksanthis is the beautiful thing that apparently gets executed22:17
vvuksan /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -S -M rhel5.4.0 -m 512 -smp 1 -name instance-00000018 -uuid 610e3e89-040b-5e90-2479-f64f6adf552c -nographic -monitor unix:/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/instance-00000018.monitor,server,nowait -boot c -kernel /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/kernel -initrd /opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/ramdisk -append root=/dev/vda console=ttyS0 -drive file=/opt/nova-state/instances/instance-00000018/disk,if=vir22:17
phymatakpepple: looks good.  thanks!22:17
vvuksanif i try that by hand I get22:17
vvuksanqemu: could not open disk image console=ttyS022:17
vvuksanso that may be it22:17
phymataannegentle: thanks for the info.22:17
vvuksanapparently not22:18
vvuksanstill same thing :-(22:18
vvuksanI straced it22:18
vvuksanit apparently reads first kilobyte in 512 byte chunks22:19
annegentlephymata: I hope to get a wiki page going soon, and I'm trying to write up some "official" docs as well.22:19
vishyprobably reading the image metadata looking for backing image22:19
vvuksanbut one would think it would show up in the strace input22:20
vishytry qemu-img info <img>22:20
vishysee what it shows for the backing image and make sure that it is readable22:20
vishyis it possible that the image was created with an older version of qemu-img that is somehow incompatible?22:21
phymataannegentle: great.  once bexar is released we're going to take it for a spin and try to get the dashboard working with it.  i'll keep an eye out for the wiki page then and contribute if there's anything worthwhile for me to contribute.22:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #708347 in nova "RunInstances: Invalid instance type gives improper error message" [Undecided,New]
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vvuksanvishy: i got qemu-img version 0.12.122:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #708351 in nova "RunInstances: Invalid availability zone doesn't give error message" [Undecided,New]
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vishyvvuksan: I'm stumped...22:34
vvuksani'm stumped too22:36
vvuksani just compiled 0.1322:36
vvuksanstill same problem22:37
vvuksanis there a way to recreate the disk by hand ?22:37
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vvuksani'm sure there is22:37
vvuksanI guess I'll search through source code22:38
aliguorivvuksan, what does qemu-img info show?22:41
vvuksanaliguori: shows this
uvirtbotNew bug: #708360 in nova "xml namespace should match API version" [Undecided,New]
aliguorivvuksan, looks like you've got a corrupt image fwiw22:43
vvuksancould be22:44
aliguoriwhat you see in the strace22:44
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aliguoriwe try to open(O_RDWR), if that fails, we open again O_RDONLY22:44
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aliguoriqcow2_open is failing22:44
vvuksanthis is RHEL522:45
vvuksani compiled qemu-img by hand22:45
aliguorithe format hasn't changed22:45
vvuksanwhereas kvm is the stock22:45
aliguorithere's a bunch of sanity checking in open, one of those is failing22:45
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rluciosandywalsh: hey i found another bug with your _fix_image_id method22:46
rluciosandywalsh: do you just want to fix it in your current branch?22:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #708367 in nova "euca-run-instances fails due to KeyError for imageId" [Undecided,New]
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rluciosandywalsh: yea that's the bug, 708367, i put the patch there22:52
vvuksanaliguori: any clues what to do next ?22:52
aliguorivvuksan, give qemu-img check a try22:53
aliguoriyou may get lucky22:53
vvuksanNo errors were found on the image.22:54
aliguoriotherwise, take the new qemu, and put a printf in qcow_open() at every goto fail22:54
aliguoriand then move the discussion to #qemu on OFTC :-)22:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #708371 in nova "Runinstance : Image available status not checked" [Undecided,New]
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uvirtbotNew bug: #708383 in nova "Terminate instance: disassociates only one floating ip address" [Undecided,New]
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sandywalshrlucio, sure, do you have a patch?23:35
rluciosanywalsh: ya, its in the bug log for bug 70836723:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 708367 in nova "euca-run-instances fails due to KeyError for imageId" [Undecided,New]
dprincesandywalsh: I saw the merge for the image_id_s3 fix failed because I was missing from Authors.23:37
sandywalshrlucio, thx, looking23:37
sandywalshdprince, yup23:37
dprincesandywalsh: I pushed again to that branch with my name added to Authors.23:37
dprinceThat should fix it.23:37
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dprinceAnything I need to do to get that pushed and in?23:37
sandywalshdprince, care to add
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 708367 in nova "euca-run-instances fails due to KeyError for imageId" [Undecided,New]23:38
dprincesandywalsh: sure. You want that in the fix_image_id_s3 branch then?23:39
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dprinceLooks like the request to merge fix_image_id_s3 is getting reapproved. Thanks guys.23:47
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #464: SUCCESS in 1 min 29 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes a stupid mistake I made when I moved this method from a module into a class.23:52
openstackhudsonThanks Dan for spotting it.23:52
sandywalshdprince awesome thx again23:52
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sandywalshrlucio, thx for the fix ... didn't do any s3 testing23:53
rluciosandywalsh: np, glad i could help23:53
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