Tuesday, 2011-03-08

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mtaylorjaypipes: talk to me about what you want installed and from where?00:07
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mtaylorjaypipes: is swift 1.2.0-0ubuntu1~maverick0 good enough?00:10
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jaypipesmtaylor: yep, thx!00:13
mtaylorjaypipes: done00:13
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jaypipesmtaylor: u rock. thx man.00:16
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Code_Bleui added floating ips...now i cant run my instance...it says "connection refused".  Im looking at logs now, but any ideas why?00:34
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Code_Bleunevermind, nova-api wasnt running00:40
vishyCode_Bleu: if you have ips you don't want to add, just manually remove them from the database00:42
Code_Bleuvishy: thats what i ended up doing ;-)00:43
vishyCode_Bleu: or you can just add them all individually00:43
Code_Bleuvishy: how do you add them individually?00:43
vishyfor floating ips the cidr is a convenience00:43
vishynova-manage floating create <host>
Code_Bleuvishy: when i run an instance...how does it know to get a fixed or floating ip ?00:44
vishyactually you can use floating delete to remove individual ones too00:44
vishyit always gets a fixed00:44
Code_Bleuvishy: confused....so how can i assign a public ip to my instance then?00:44
vishyfloating ips are controlled by euca-allocate-address and euca-associate-address00:45
vishyjust like elastic ips on amazon00:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #731010 in nova "nova.sh project zipfile fails on first run" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73101000:46
Code_Bleuvishy: i associated an address to an instance but when i try to ssh it doesnt automatically login with "ubuntu" like it did before...its prompting for a password now00:47
vishywhere are you logging in from?00:47
Code_Bleuvishy: and i cant access it outside of the server00:47
vishyis it in the same subnet as the ip of your host?00:48
Code_Bleuvishy: first attempt was from the OpenStack server00:48
Code_Bleuvishy: yes00:48
vishydid you euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 default00:48
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Code_Bleuvishy: yes...it worked whenever i was using a fixed ip00:50
vishyfixed_ips don't need to be authorized00:51
vishysounds like ip forwarding is having trouble00:52
Code_Bleuvishy: well i just did what the manual said...i guess it assumed i was using floating00:52
vishycat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward00:52
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vishyCode_Bleu: nope floating is just if you allocate associate00:52
Code_Bleuvishy: its set to 000:53
vishythat needs to be one00:53
vishyecho 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward00:54
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Code_Bleuvishy: ok, i can ping now from another machine00:55
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Code_Bleuvishy: ok, i had the command wrong... i had ssh -i mykey...not ssh -i mykey.priv  it works00:56
vishygood deal00:56
Code_Bleuvishy: yesterday whenever i got the fixed ip version working..I was trying another instance of another image, and it did the metadata error thing...am trying again now00:57
Code_Bleuvishy: maybe its a image thing..i dont know00:57
vishyis the other image a desktop image?00:59
Code_Bleuvishy: i see..i guess when you do floating it just redirects to the fixed ip?  describe instances now shows '<public ip> <private ip>'00:59
Code_Bleuvishy: yes00:59
vishyok for desktop images00:59
vishyyou need to do:00:59
Code_Bleuvishy: i got the ubuntu 10.10 64 bit desktop image from the ubuntu euc01:00
vishyip addr add scope link dev br10001:00
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vishyit actually needs to have the ip assigned for desktop images to work01:00
vishybecause they send out an arp packet01:00
vishythen the desktop one should boot properly01:00
Code_Bleuvishy: only desktop images do this?01:01
vishywell it is actually any image that has certain networking setup01:01
vishythe desktop images have a local route set up inside the instance so it tries to arp first instead of just sending out the http packet through the default gateway01:01
vishyin any case, nova-network should probably just automatically add the address, but I'm not sure that is totally safe in all situations so it is manual right now01:02
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mtaylorjaypipes: ping01:05
Code_Bleuvishy: still getting: DataSourceEc2.py[WARNING]: waiting for metadata service at http:\/\/\/2009-04-04\/meta-data\/instance-id01:05
Code_Bleuvishy: should it be a scope global? instead of the scope link when i add the ip addr?01:06
vishyCode_Bleu: no but it probably got put first in the list01:06
vishyso you probably need to remove and rea-dd the address01:06
Code_Bleuvishy: yes, it is listed first01:07
Code_Bleuvishy: ok01:07
vishyso you need to do an ip addr del <paste info between inet and br100 for 10.3 address> dev br10001:07
vishythen ip addr add ^^01:08
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Code_Bleuvishy: i did: ip addr del brd scope global dev br10001:09
Code_Bleuvish: then replaced del with add, still listed second01:10
vishydid you sudo?01:10
Code_Bleuvishy: im root01:10
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vishydo an ip addr between01:11
vishysee if it actually disappears01:11
vishyyou might have to killall dnsmasq to actaully get it to go away since it is listening on that ip01:12
Code_Bleuvishy: yes, it disappears...i even restarted networking in between too...still second01:12
vishyhmm you might have to remove the 169 and add it as global01:13
vishymaybe it lists the locals first?01:13
Code_Bleuvishy: that worked with global01:14
vishyyou could probably also just stick it on another bridge by itself, but I've never tried that method01:15
Code_Bleuvishy: run starts and instance, terminate kills the instance...is there a stop or shutdown...that keeps the same instance there, but just not on?01:16
vishybut you can do a shutdown -h now from inside the instance01:16
vishyand then a euca-reboot-instances to restart it01:16
vishy(it will still show as running in the instance list at the moment)01:17
Code_Bleuvishy: i havent been successful with the reboot.  It hangs the instance with a status of shutdown and i have to just do another run instance and terminate the previous one01:19
vishyCode_Bleu: really? euca-reboot-instances is broken?  sounds like you should make a bug report01:20
Code_Bleuvishy: i could be wrong...i would have to try again...but i do remember instances getting hung in shutdown01:20
vishyhmm i just tried on my build and it works01:20
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Code_Bleuvishy: so if i want to rdp or vnc into the desktop image, do i have to run euca-authorize the ports for each?01:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #731030 in glance "test_db_sync_downgrade_then_upgrade fails with mysql and drizzle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73103001:36
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Code_Bleuvishy: so what if i wanted rdp allowed for, but not  if i do the -P tcp -p 3389 default..thats for all instances on my floating ip range? correct?01:38
vishyyou need to create a new security group01:39
vishystart the instance in that security group01:39
vishythen you can control the rules individually01:39
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vishyeuca-add-group desktop01:39
vishyeuca authorize -P tcp -p 3389 desktop01:40
Code_Bleuvishy: this is a stupid ?, but when you terminate an instance, you basically delete everything?  so if i set passwords, install apps..etc...its all gone when i do a terminate?01:40
vishyeuca-run-instances -g desktop01:40
vishyCode_Bleu: correct01:40
Code_Bleuvishy: ok, cool...thanks01:40
vishyCode_Bleu: you can euca-bundle-image to create a new base image from your instance01:40
Code_Bleuvishy: i will be writing OpenStack code before you know it ;-)01:41
vishysorry euca-bundle-vol that is01:41
vishygood deal01:41
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Code_Bleuvishy: now i just need to run 3 instances within my current OpenStack install, and create an OpenStack install on those 3 instances...so i can learn more about multiple hosts...im sure that will probably get hairy01:43
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vishyheh yes01:50
vishyit will01:50
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HugoKuohow to arange my network , If I use Two machine for playing nova?02:45
HugoKuotwo NIC on each machine ?02:46
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Code_Bleuwhat do i do after i run euca-bundle-vol -u <#> <instance id> --no-inherit?03:09
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HugoKuothen register03:14
HugoKuothe last step is run it03:14
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Code_Bleuim doing the euca-bundle-vol on a running instance...so i need to terminate, then upload, register, then run?03:16
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Code_Bleuran bundle-vol and ...no hd activity light on my server anymore either and my screen is still sitting at: This filesystem will be automatically checked every 38 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override03:21
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Code_Bleuhow can i change the path to where my images and instances are?03:38
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HugoKuosorry , I were in Lab03:48
HugoKuoI have no idea for your last question :<03:49
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Code_Bleuhow can i change the default path to where images and instances are created?  I ran my / partition out of space...i have another partition with a lot of space in it..and i would like to have my images and instances in there03:49
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Code_BleuWhat do i need to check: im getting this error now: AMQP server on localhost:5672 is unreachable04:44
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Code_Bleui just symlinked /var/lib/nova  my / partition ran out of space.  I created a new logical volume and moved the nova folder there and just symlinked to it.  Now im getting the AMQP error04:45
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vishyrestart amqp?06:16
vishy. /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server restart06:18
vishyprobably the db is corrupted if you ran out of space, so you might need to rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia06:18
vishythen do a start06:18
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eikkein swift, is it normal test.unit.container.test_updater.TestContainerUpdater.test_run_once takes a very long time to run, or is something broken on my system? (hangs in a poll() call which is restarted every minute)08:45
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HugoKuoshould I install nova-compute in CC?09:22
HugoKuomy archi is two machine one is CC another is compute-node09:23
dinuhello all. Just a simple question. Any success with having nova working with XenAPI per this documentation ? http://wiki.openstack.org/XenServerDevelopment09:26
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zykes-hmm, in amqp has a over the wire messaging format no?10:31
CloudChrisHi guys ... a question about the communication between the components when a new image is spawned:10:43
CloudChrisIf a user uses EC2 over nova-api to spawn an image - does then nova-api contact the nova-scheduler via AMQP to get the right NODE where to talk (again via AMQP) to nova-network,compute,volume OR does the scheduler do alle the communication to compute,network,volume?10:43
HugoKuohow come my 2 core machine can run up over 6 m1.tiny instance @_@  it's cool10:46
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sorenCloudChris: The latter.11:54
sorenCloudChris: The api server basically sends a "this is what I want. Make it happen. kthxbai" to the scheduler.11:54
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CloudChrissoren: thanks :)12:19
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sorenoh, ffs.12:40
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HugoKuogot a question12:56
HugoKuomy CC can run 9 m1.tiny instances@_@12:56
HugoKuothere's only 2 cores on that machine12:56
HugoKuothat's cool...12:56
HugoKuobut how come12:56
HugoKuobtw , bcz I use eucalyptus before ....one core can just run up one instance12:57
jaypipesmtaylor: pong12:57
HugoKuois there any cmd can show me that how many resources I have in my pool ?12:58
HugoKuosuch as euca-describe-avalibility-zone verbose12:58
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sorenYou can try using  euca-describe-avalibility-zone verbose13:01
HugoKuothanks I did that and it show me13:11
HugoKuowhich service is work on which machine13:11
jaypipessoren: morning.13:11
HugoKuois that normal that I can run 9 instances on a compute nodes @@?13:12
HugoKuoit has only 2 cores13:12
ttxjaypipes: good morning to you !13:12
ttxjaypipes: done with jury duty ?13:13
jaypipesttx: ah, morning :)13:13
sorenHugoKuo: It's not unexpected.13:13
jaypipesttx: yes, as of Thursday last week. thus the uptick in getting things done from my end ;)13:13
ttxjaypipes: I'd need some status update on Glance specs; whenever you have 5 min.13:13
HugoKuoooh thanks soren13:13
jaypipesttx: they are all up-to-date.13:14
CloudChrisI have an understanding problem with the term "cloud controller".13:14
CloudChrisIt is used in Laurent Luce's Blog http://www.laurentluce.com/?p=227&cpage=113:14
CloudChrisand also in the OpenSTack Wiki  http://nova.openstack.org/service.architecture.html13:14
CloudChrisLaurent writes:13:15
CloudChris"Cloud controller: handles the communication between the compute nodes, the networking controllers, the API server and the scheduler."13:15
CloudChrisOn the Wiki it says:13:15
CloudChris"Communication to and from the cloud controller is by HTTP requests through multiple API endpoints."13:15
CloudChrisSo where is this Cloud Controller piece, or what is it exactly?13:15
sorenI have no clue.13:16
ttxjaypipes: right, I had a few extra questions. Like do you have a branch for the checksumming stuff (marked "started"), can I mark image-conversion deferred...13:16
sorenIn the diagram on http://www.laurentluce.com/?p=227&cpage=1 the thing called cloud controller can only really be the amqp server.13:17
CloudChristhat was exactly what I thought should be there ..13:17
sorenWho is this Laurent person anyway?13:17
jaypipesttx: yes, I do. actually, was just merging it with trunk locally. be psuhing it to LP shortly.13:17
ttxjaypipes: + except from image-conversion is everything still a target, or is support-ssl also probably deferred ?13:17
jaypipesttx: and yes on deferring conversion.13:17
jaypipesttx: support-ssl will be fine.13:18
ttxjaypipes: ok, thanks13:18
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HugoKuowell after two days work .... already can ssh and ping a instance ......network mode is FlatManage.......but I found that the instance did not have correct dns server in resolve.conf13:23
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HugoKuoso I try to change the mode into FlatDHCPManage mode........but instance still not get the correct DNS-nameserver in resolve.conf .....13:24
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HugoKuois there any flag for dhcp configuration ?13:26
sorenHugoKuo: Whether it will do injection or use dhcp is defined in the database when you create the network.13:26
sorenIf you change the networkmanager later on, it'll still do what it was told to do to begin with.13:26
openstackHugoKuo: Error: "!!!!" is not a valid command.13:26
HugoKuooh !!!! thanks13:27
HugoKuoso I should clean up the network table , then restart all service to make the change work ?13:29
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uvirtbot`New bug: #731304 in glance "Missing full functional tests" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73130413:46
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sorenuvirtbot`: nick uvirtbot13:49
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nerensHi guys, where can I get the ami-cloudpipe image from?13:52
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patri0tsoren: can we have several scheduler services/nodes in a deployment? like compute controller, ...14:17
pvopatri0t: sure14:20
pvoshould be able to14:21
patri0tpvo: it's not mentioned here: http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-compute/admin/content/ch02s03.html14:22
patri0tpvo: second para14:23
pvoit kinda does, but you are right. it isn't very clear.14:24
pvoby it being message based, any node should be able to pull messages off its queue and process.14:25
pvosome may have race conditions at the moment14:25
dabopatri0t: this blueprint spec may clear that up: http://wiki.openstack.org/MultiClusterZones14:25
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patri0tpvo: great, that's really useful14:26
patri0tdabo: takk14:27
naehringhi! is the list of roles (cloudadmin etc.) static or can it be extended by self defined roles? Is there any way like "nova-manage role list" to get all exsiting roles ?14:30
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uvirtbotNew bug: #731341 in nova "nova-manage is missing some core functionality" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73134114:41
pvonaehring: the roles can be defined by an operator.14:43
pvothe end goal is to have these come out of an auth system and not be defined only in nova14:43
naehringah, this is the reasone why the ldap-implementation contains several roles?14:43
naehringare the roles aimed on a project base or "system-wide"?14:44
naehringthis way both should be possible.14:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #731350 in nova "KeyError: 'type' when creating servers with OS API w/ Glance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73135014:56
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winston-dcan somebody help me with a Swift problem?15:03
notmynamewinston-d: I only have a few minutes before a meeting, but I can try15:04
winston-dI got '503 Service Unavailable' error while trying to 'swift-auth-add-user'15:04
notmynamecheck syslog (or wherever you are redirecting it). you are intending to use devauth and not swauth?15:04
winston-dnotmyname: hi, there.  i am following the doc in swift.openstack.org to use devauth.15:05
winston-dnotmyname: syslog said ' proxy-server Account PUT returning 503 for [503, 503, 503] (txn: txdfcbf0f9-74e9-4a0c-a5c3-1e6ea5ef5084)'15:05
notmynamegrep syslog for the txn to see all entries related to that request15:06
winston-dnotmyname: this used to work with previous swift release.15:06
creihtwinston-d: yeah I would grep for that txn on the account servers to see why they 503d15:07
winston-dcreiht: hey, nice to talk to you again.15:07
winston-dhere's the txn info in syslog: http://paste.openstack.org/show/816/15:08
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creihtwinston-d: yeah that is saying that all 3 account servers for trying to PUT to that account returned a 50315:09
creihtso if you grep the logs of your account servers for that transaction, it should give you a more relevant error15:09
winston-dcreiht: i see. let me do that.15:09
winston-dcreiht: it says " Permission denied: '/srv/node/sdb1/accounts'"15:11
creihtsounds like you have a permission issue then :)15:11
winston-dcreiht: am i suppose to chown /srv/node to swift:swift?15:11
creihtmake sure /srv/node/sd* is owned by swift.swift15:11
winston-dcreiht: OK15:11
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notmynamewinston-d: /srv/node should be owned by root:root15:12
notmyname /srv/node/sd* should be swift:swift15:12
winston-dnotmyname: Oh, thanks. it works now.15:13
notmynameif  /srv/node is owned by swift, failure scenarios where the volume is unmounted will still allow the process to write to that location (rather than erroring out and using a handoff node)15:13
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winston-dnotmyname: good point.  What is the difference between devauth and swauth?15:14
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winston-dI remember there was no such thing as swauth back in 1st swift release, at least not seen in documentation15:15
creihtswauth is an implementation of auth that is backended by the swift cluster15:15
creihtthe goal is for it to be more reliable/scalable than the devauth15:16
notmynamedevauth will be is deprecated an will be removed from the release in the future15:17
winston-dcreiht: then I will start to use swauth. :)15:18
creihtit is highly recommended :)15:18
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winston-dcreiht: can devauth and swauth work together ?15:24
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creihtwinston-d: In theory, maybe :)15:26
creihtEach would need to use a different reseller prefix, and a separate auth middleware setup for each15:26
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winston-dcreiht: but the account created by devauth cannot be used by swauth, right?15:27
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winston-dcreiht: or, if i have used swift-auth-add-user to create a root user, and I'd like to switch to swauth, should i use swauth-add-user to create root user again?15:31
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spectorclan_Governance Nominations and Election Process Details - http://www.openstack.org/blog/2011/03/openstack-governance-nominations-and-election-process/15:33
creihtwinston-d: swauth has a helper script that will import your accounts from devauth15:34
winston-dcreiht: i tried 'swauth-add-user' but it hangs there and never return15:35
creihtwinston-d: did you set your configs to use swauth?15:36
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winston-dcreiht: i added [filter:swauth] in proxy-server.conf, but there's still [app:auther-server] section in auth-server.conf15:37
winston-dcreiht: where is the 'switch' for swauth?15:38
creihtwinston-d: the recent docs for both saio and multi-server install have instructions on how to setup swauth15:39
imsplitbitwhat options do you need to set to make nova use mysql?  I set --sql_connection but apparently that isn't it15:42
imsplitbitcause my nova instance is still using sqlite15:42
naehringimsplitbit, did you initialize the db?15:45
winston-dcreiht: i think i followed the instructions in multinode doc, but still swauth-add-user takes forever to return and there's nothing in syslog15:47
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imsplitbitnaehring: yes15:49
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creihtwinston-d: my first guess is maybe a connection is timing out?15:50
creihtgholt: -^ ?15:50
jaypipessandywalsh: hey, so what's the remaining thing that is required to merge zones2?15:50
naehringdo you have the neccessary tables in your database? And what exactly do you mean with "instance is still using sqlite"?15:50
sandywalshjaypipes, novaclient in the ppa and getting some final word on the copyright notices15:51
jaypipessandywalsh: ah, ok.15:51
imsplitbitnaehring: when I do  nova-manage network list it is displaying information from an sqlite file, not the nova database in mysql15:51
sandywalshjaypipes, as per ttx's email15:52
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naehringimsplitbit, did you restart the nova services after switching the datasource?15:54
imsplitbitnaehring: yes15:55
winston-dcreiht: should be proxy-server timed out?15:55
creihtthe script should time out eventually15:56
creihtif that is the case, then it isn't even getting to the proxy15:56
winston-dit's been like almost 10 mintues15:58
gholtAny firewall rules? iptables w/e15:59
imsplitbitglance is using mysql but nova isn't even though my nova.conf has an sql_connection setting15:59
imsplitbitI wonder if it isn't actually parsing the conf file15:59
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gholtwinston-d: swauth-add-user by default tries to connect to I'd try to telnet <ip> <port> and just see if you can connect at all.16:02
winston-dgholt: for iptables, i've flushed all INPUT chain's rule and set default rule to ACCEPT16:03
winston-dgholt: there's connection when telnet to 127.0.01 808016:04
gholtSo where's your proxy configured to run?16:05
winston-dgholt: same place where i ran 'swauth-add-user' command16:06
gholtNo I mean, what ip and port?16:07
gholtCheck your /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf  Is there a bind_ip or bind_port setting?16:07
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winston-dip is, port is 808016:09
winston-dthings like 'default_swift_cluster = local#"16:09
gholtwinston-d: Okay. But there was no bind_ip or bind_port settings?16:11
winston-dgholt: nope16:13
gholtwinston-d: Okay, are you using SSL, are there cert_file and key_file settings in the proxy conf?16:17
winston-dgholt: yes, i'm using SSL. here's my proxy-server config: http://paste.openstack.org/show/818/16:18
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gholtwinston-d: Okay, so you do have a bind_port setting. :P I think the problem is that you're using SSL. Try adding -A to your swauth-add-user command line16:20
winston-dgholt: Oops, yes, i did have bind_port.  let me try.16:22
winston-dgholt: running " swauth-add-user -A -K swauthkey -a system root testpass" and there is error.  "swauth-add-user", line 67, in <module>    parsed.path += '/'AttributeError: can't set attribute16:25
gholtOh, I led you astray bit there, sorry. Change the /v1 to /auth/16:26
gholtAnd there's a known bug with the trailing slash, be sure to include it.16:26
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winston-dgholt: hmm, instantly returned. 'Account creation failed: 401'.16:28
gholtAh good, we're getting somewhere. :)16:28
gholtDid you include a -K <yourswauthkey> ?16:29
winston-dgholt: yes, i did16:29
winston-dgholt: and I checked the key is correct (the same as the on in proxy-server.conf)16:29
gholtDo the proxy logs (syslog) give any clues?16:30
winston-dgholt: proxy logs, no.  but the account server has a 40416:31
gholtAh, [smacks head], you probably haven't run swauth-prep succesfully yet.16:32
gholtTry a swauth-prep -A -K <key>16:32
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winston-dgholt: err.. 'Auth subsystem prep failed: 401'16:34
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gholtThat part's weird. And the multi node docs are missing the prep call, I'll submit a patch for that.16:35
* gholt wishes he could just tail the proxy logs from here. :)16:36
winston-dgholt: is CloudFile API supports swauth?16:36
gholtAnything in those logs from the swauth prep that gives a clue?16:36
winston-dgholt: there's only one line for swauth prep.  POST /auth/v2/.prep HTTP/1.0 401 - - - - - - tx06c5962d-4865-4450-9a6f-e2cfa13e9a7a16:37
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gholtwinston-d: Hmm. It should have tried to make a AUTH_.auth account, a few containers in that account, and maybe some other stuff too. Did the -K <key> match super_admin_key in proxy conf this time? :)16:39
winston-dgholt: hmm. i think i located the root cause.  it's my proxy-server.conf lacks of swauth in [pipeline:main] part.16:41
gholtAh, didn't even notice that myself. Hehe16:41
winston-dgholt: swauth-prep works now.  and in multinodes doc, swauth is _not_ in[pipeline].  I check AIO doc and found that.16:42
winston-dgholt: maybe you can also update that part of multi node doc16:42
gholtYes, the setup docs all assume devauth still. There's a sample swauth pipeline in the docs though16:42
jaypipesdubs: mind re-reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~jaypipes/glance/glance-cli-tool/+merge/51322? I updated to fix your review comments...16:44
jaypipessirp: also, a review from you on https://code.launchpad.net/~jaypipes/glance/glance-cli-tool/+merge/51322 would be great :)16:45
winston-dgholt: swauth-add-user now has 500, because object-server timed out.16:45
sirpjaypipes: sure, blocked at the moment on api+disk_format issues, but once those are fixed up, ill move on to that16:46
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jaypipessirp: blocked on stuff in Glance, or Nova?16:47
openstackhudsonProject nova build #603: SUCCESS in 1 min 51 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/603/16:48
openstackhudsonTarmac: This fix is an updated version of Todd's lp720157. Adds SignatureVersion checking for Amazon EC2 API requests, and resolves bug #720157.16:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 720157 in nova "Nova returns HTTP 400 for SignatureVersion=1 requests" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72015716:48
winston-dgholt: here's proxy log for 'swauth-add-user'16:48
sirpjaypipes: the chain is something like,   1) add related_images, which needs 2) api_disk_format to work, 3) which needs migrations to work, which would be better if 3) glance-manage respected the config file16:48
jaypipessirp: gotcha. anything I can assist with?16:49
jaypipessirp: need me to take bugs off you or anything?16:49
sirpjaypipes: dubs and i are going to have a skype call to compare notes on what we're having issues with16:49
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jaypipessirp: k. lemme know the result and if I can help.16:51
sirpjaypipes:  cool, thx16:51
gholtwinston-d: Did you miss a link to the proxy log?16:52
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winston-dgholt: sorry, :) http://paste.openstack.org/show/819/16:54
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gholtwinston-d: Ah okay, and you're sure the object servers are running out at and and do their logs give any clues?16:57
openstackhudsonProject nova build #604: SUCCESS in 1 min 51 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/604/16:58
openstackhudsonTarmac: refactored up nova/virt/xenapi/vmops _get_vm_opaque_ref()16:58
openstackhudsonno longer inspects the param to check to see if it is an opaque ref16:58
openstackhudsonworks better for unittests16:58
gholtwinston-d: I'm going to be out for lunch for a little while...17:01
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winston-dgholt: yes, object servers are running on 5.57 and 5.58. but the log only contains container/account server to that txn .17:02
winston-dgholt: OK, thanks for your help.  I've to leave for sleep. it's already 1:00 in the morning.17:03
winston-dgholt: have a nice day~17:03
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uvirtbotNew bug: #731448 in nova "Image Format Instability" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73144817:12
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btorchanyone here has had issues ssh into lucid-server-uec-amd64 image .. keep getting access denied due to key .. I have tried several keys already17:23
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sirpjaypipes: dubs and i just ran all of the tests with the disk_format migration, they all passed; not sure how why they broke before17:25
sirpjaypipes: if they pass for you, maybe we should just go ahead and add 003 to trunk17:26
jaypipessirp: k, I'll push a branch with it... not sure why it was failing before.17:28
mtaylorjaypipes: ok - I got all of the glance test stuff sorted out17:30
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mtaylorjaypipes: only issue I'm having from perfection right now is that the migration test uses os.unlink rather than drop_all to clear out the database17:31
mtaylorjaypipes: but the test suite is a few steps of abstration away from having access to a sqlalchemy context - any ideas?17:31
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jaypipessirp: any ideas on mtaylor's query above ^^?17:33
sirpmtaylor: why is unlink causing a problem?17:35
mtaylorsirp: if you run the test-cases with not-sqlite17:35
mtaylorsirp: unlink doesn't so much get rid of anything :)17:36
sirpmtaylor: oh is see, didn't know we were using anything besides sqlite for testing...17:36
mtaylorsirp: well, we weren't17:36
mtaylorsirp: I just made a patch which allows one to pick a different DB URI for the test suite so we can ensure things do work with other backends (they do, btw, yay sqlalchemy)17:37
mtaylorso it works - but running the test suite twice at the moment involves a manual drop/create schema17:37
sirpmtaylor: oh right, i follow...17:37
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sirpmtaylor: can we replace `unlink` with something like from glance.registry.db import api ;   api.unregister_models()  ?17:40
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mtaylorsirp: lemme try17:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #731470 in nova "Nova should use disk_format and container_format" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73147017:42
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MotoMilindHi!  My "euca-describe-instances" command takes a long time, and then only returns an error as follows:17:51
MotoMilindroot@openstack01:~# euca-describe-instances17:51
MotoMilind[Errno 111] Connection refused17:51
MotoMilindWhere do I start to look for some debug information?17:51
kpeppleMotoMilind: /var/log/nova/nova-api.log17:52
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kpeppleMotoMilind: chances are that you have that port blocked by your firewall or nova-api isn't running17:53
mtaylorsirp: oh - ok, yes. slightly more hoop jumping - but it now works17:54
mtaylorjaypipes, sirp: https://code.launchpad.net/~mordred/glance/alternate-test-dburi/+merge/52587 ... all works for me now17:55
jaypipesmtaylor: cheers17:56
MotoMilindHmm, the log file has today's date (5 hour old timestamp), but it is empty17:58
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MotoMilindmust be that nova-api is not running17:58
kpeppleMotoMilind: is nova-api running ? also, make sure you have --verbose in your /etc/nova/nova.conf file17:58
MotoMilindYep, you called it17:58
kpeppleMotoMilind: np17:59
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ramdHello Have issues running nova-network in RHEL 6.018:03
ramdIt wouldn't start18:03
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ramdHere is the trace :18:03
ramdnova.root): TRACE: Stderr: '\ndnsmasq: cannot run lease-init script /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge: No such file or directory\n'18:04
ramd(nova.root): TRACE:18:04
kpeppleramd: just paste your trace at paste.openstack.org and provide a link18:04
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ramdIf I try just nova-bridge it gives me error - IndesError list index out of range18:04
ramd[root@c3l-openstack5 creds]# nova-dhcpbridge18:05
ramd2011-03-08 10:00:09,338 CRITICAL nova.root [-] list index out of range18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):18:05
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ramd(nova.root): TRACE:   File "/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge", line 131, in <module>18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE:     main()18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE:   File "/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge", line 118, in main18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE:     action = argv[1]18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE: IndexError: list index out of range18:05
ramd(nova.root): TRACE:18:05
kpeppleramd: are you running from trunk (via bzr branch lp:nova) or using the RHEL 6 packages ?18:05
ramdHelp, please18:05
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ramdoops.Sorry. Sure. will do.18:09
ramdUsing packages from GridDynamics repo18:09
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ramdTrace is at http://paste.openstack.org/show/820/18:11
MotoMilindAah, so nova-api won't run, with the following error in the log file:18:12
MotoMilind(nova.root): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/api/ec2/cloud.py", line 116, in setup18:12
MotoMilind(nova.root): TRACE:     os.chdir(FLAGS.ca_path)18:12
MotoMilind(nova.root): TRACE: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root/src/nova/trunk/CA'18:12
MotoMilindHowever, if I try that on Python interepreter, I can indeed os.chdir just fine18:12
MotoMilindLet me double-check my ca_path value18:13
kpeppleramd: does /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge exist ?18:14
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ramdkpepple: yes. It is available in /usr/bin18:15
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ramdwhen I execute nova-dhcpbridge it errors out18:16
MotoMilindHmm, I remember I had to set the value in /etc/nova/nova.conf specifically for "nova-manage vpn create <myproject>"18:16
kpeppleramd: can you paste you /etc/nova/nova.conf file into paste.openstack.org ? i think you are missing a flag for --dhcpbridge_flagfile=18:16
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MotoMilindI see.  When I remove that config, it starts nova-api just fine18:17
MotoMilindNow let me check if I can start cloudpipe as well, without the two settings18:18
ramdkpepple: here it is http://paste.openstack.org/show/821/ ; I do see the dhcpbridge_flagfile pointing to /etc/nova/nova.conf18:19
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kpeppleramd: run "$ /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --networks_path=/var/lib/nova/networks --verbose" and see what it says18:23
kpeppleramd: you may need to run this as root18:23
kpeppleramd: sorry, mean "$ /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf"18:23
ramdkpepple: It errors out with "no such table: networks....Trace is at http://paste.openstack.org/show/822/18:26
kpeppleramd: no, run "/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf" ... you have some extra characters in there18:28
kpeppleramd: also, have you sync'd the db ?18:28
mtayloranybody know of the top of their head how to get from a sqlalchemy Session object to its corresponding metadata object?18:28
mtaylorjaypipes: ^^ ?18:28
sirpmtaylor: just a guess, but does session -> engine -> metadata work?18:31
ramdkpepple: I did nova-manage db sync and ran the command with single underscore..still the same error trace is at http://paste.openstack.org/show/823/18:31
mtaylorsirp: not that I can tell...18:32
mtaylorsirp: I think i can see a path ... lemme try someting18:32
kpeppleramd: no, you need to type it exactly as i have it with two dashes before the dhcpbridge_flagfile. copy and paste this:18:33
kpeppleramd:  /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf18:33
ramdOops sorry. Now back to the old error http://paste.openstack.org/show/824/18:35
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lucas_I was wondering: what is the largest know openstack deployment?18:39
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* kpepple looks thru nova-dhcpbridge code18:41
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kpeppleramd: do you have a br0 interface ?18:42
ramdno I don't have one. I've the VLANManager and it did create vlan100 and br10018:44
ramdalso do I need sqlite? I;m using mysql and defined in the nova.conf18:45
kpeppleramd: no, you shouldn't need sqlite if you have mysql configured18:46
jarrodwhen im booting my xen instance, it sticks at busybox v1.13.3 (initramfs)18:47
jarrodanyone have an idea of where i went wrong?18:47
jarrodbefore that it's "Gave up waiting for root device"18:48
kpeppleramd: i don't have the exact same version of code that you do (i'm not on RHEL so not using those packages) but linux_net.py seems to be breaking on creating your bridge file or pid file. can you make sure that the user that you are using to run nova-network has permissions for both of those directories ?18:50
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ramdkpepple: yes it does..I'm starting the nova-network as root18:56
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kpeppleramd: do you already have a dnsmasq running ? check ps -ef19:00
kpeppleramd: if not, what happens when you run "sudo -E dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --conf-file= --pid-file=/var/lib/nova/networks/nova-br100.pid --listen-address= --except-interface=lo --dhcp-range=,static,120s --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/nova/networks/nova-br100.conf --dhcp-script=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --leasefile-ro" ?19:00
jarrodMy Xen instance stops after "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...\nDone." -- any ideas how I can move past this?19:01
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MotoMilindOk, so I believe I can summarize my current issue succinctly now.  On Ubuntu, I installed bexar.  The release didn't have certain files, such as bootstrap.template for cloudpipe and geninter.sh.  Downloading nova/trunk found those files.   To point to those, I need to set —use_project_ca=True and —ca_path to the location of nova trunk.  But having those configs prevents nova-api from starting.  As a workaround, I start nova-api without the configs19:02
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jarrodi guess xen support is out the window19:16
sirpjaypipes: think you'll have migration 003-in-trunk mergeprop'd soon?19:17
jaypipessirp: yes, within an hour. sorry, had some lunch.19:17
sirpjaypipes: oh no worries19:19
ramdkpepple: tried it...same kind of "no table error" wondering anything on DB side http://paste.openstack.org/show/825/19:19
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kpeppleramd: yes, there is definitely that. log into your mysql database and make sure you have a network table ("select * from networks"). you probably do ... not sure why it's not finding your correct db ...19:29
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jaypipesdubs: still getting this error when running the migrate script from that bug: http://paste.openstack.org/show/826/ :(19:40
ramdkpepple: Something goofy on the netmask...I remember doing nova-manage network create ...but here it shows as /25  http://paste.openstack.org/show/82719:42
sirp_jaypipes: hmm, i thought dubs was running it without problems, did that just crop up? what changed?19:42
jaypipessirp_: that's always been the error I get from running the test suite with that migrate script in the migrate repo. That's the reason I did not include the migrate script in the orig merge prop in the first place. :)19:43
ramdkpepple: is there anyway I can delete these networks and create new one19:43
kpeppleramd: nova-manage network delete ?19:44
sirp_jaypipes: right, but dubs and i have been running the tests w/o issue lately? i'm wondering what suddenly changed to cause that problem for him and i19:45
jaypipessirp_: I didn't say it caused problems for you. I said *I* was seeing the errror...19:45
ramdkpepple: delete is not there ...delete doesn't match any options19:46
sirp_jaypipes: gotcha, thought you said dubs was seeing the problem, nm19:47
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kpeppleramd: you'll have to pull them from db bu19:50
kpeppleramd: by hand19:50
dubsjaypipes: i haven't been able to reproduce that.  it just works for me (not often that this is said by the person who *didn't* write the code)19:52
jaypipessirp_: and you can't reproduce the issue either, right?19:53
jaypipesdubs, sirp_: what version of sqlalchemy-migrate and sqlalchemy are you on, btw?19:53
dweimerWhen using swauth whats the best way to get a list mapping the swauth account names and their corresponding swift AUTH_... account identifieers?19:54
sirp_jaypipes: i *was* able to reproduce it originally, but haven't been able to lately19:54
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gholtdweimer: There is not a cool tool for that atm. You can use swift-list to get to that info though.19:58
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gholtdweimer: If you'd like to write a tool to do the mapping, I can explain what would need to be done. Not sure if you're asking for a one time need or something longer term.19:59
dubsjaypipes: ubuntu maverick packages of python-migrate, 0.6-220:00
sirp_jaypipes: running under ubuntu, i just reproduced a error again (different than the one ref by jaypipes above); mac os x seems to pass20:01
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btorchdo I need euca2ools installed on a compute node box ? I have that on the cloud-controller node which also happens to be a compute-node on this test environment I got .. adding a compute node now20:02
jaypipesdubs: hmm, I'm on 0.6-1...20:02
jaypipessirp_: what's the other error?20:02
jaypipessirp_: and is there a version diff between ubuntu and your mac?20:03
sirp_this beauty: http://paste.openstack.org/show/828/20:03
sirp_checking now20:03
sirp_darn, no __version__20:04
ramdkpepple: I'm confused...I deleted it and recreated using nova-manage....Still it creates it with /25 netmask20:05
jaypipessirp_: I'm jealous of your merge proposals to Glance going so smoothly. :P20:05
sirp_jaypipes: heh20:06
edaysandywalsh: do you have any q's regarding the licensing stuff still?20:06
jaypipessirp_: that should be easily fixed. Put a "useexisting=True" kwargs in the Table constructor in the 001 migrate script.20:06
sirp_jaypipes: will do; i didn't do that when i was first creating the migrate stuff b/c i thought that was papering-over a fundamental mis-understanding of how things worked20:07
jaypipessirp_: though technically, in the test, the database should *not* exist before running the upgrade to 001... did you remove that os.unlink()? ;)20:07
jaypipessirp_: s/database/table20:08
sandywalsheday, yes, what do we do with jacobians old non-marked files20:08
sandywalsheday, should we add a BSD copyright for him20:08
sandywalsheday, or just add ours (where appropriate)20:08
sandywalsheday, currently, his files are untouched and we have our copyright on new/heavily altered files20:08
jaypipessirp_, dubs: BTW, if you feel the checksum branch is good to go, feel free to set it to Approved.20:08
ttxsandywalsh: also there is no mention of BSD anymore, I think, in the current tarballs20:09
sirp_jaypipes: one of the reasons i used that "define_table_blah" pattern was to avoid the useexisting stuff; by not defining that in the module scope, i thought we could avoid that messiness20:09
sandywalshttx no, in license I have both20:09
ttxsandywalsh: oh, ok20:10
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sandywalshttx https://github.com/rackspace/python-novaclient/blob/master/LICENSE20:10
sandywalshttx scroll to bottom20:10
ttxsandywalsh: haven't seen the latest :)20:10
jaypipessirp_: yeah, I understand. I used that technique in my migrate script, too, btw. I'm no SA wizard, though, so some of this stuff is just too "magical" especially considering the horrific state of the migrate documentation regarding anything more than "here, add a little table".20:11
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sirp_jaypipes: oh yeah, having major regrets with SA migrate20:12
edaysandywalsh: we should add his name+bsd license for all old files20:12
sirp_jaypipes: unfortunately, not sure of a better path, so guess fix-up-for-now is the only way forward20:12
edaysandywalsh: only add ours+apache to new or heavily modified (which you already did)20:12
sandywalsheday, ok, I'll go back and fix up ... thx20:13
jaypipessirp_: ya20:13
edaysandywalsh: cool :) wanted t make sure we get this fixed so you branch can land soon!20:13
sandywalsheday, ha, no kidding20:13
ttxeday, sandywalsh: setup.py only mentions Apache as a license, is that an issue ?20:13
edayttx: ahh, should probably mention both20:14
sandywalshttx, eday ... hmm, good question. I don't think PyPi will take dual licenses20:14
edayif we only get one, I'd use apache since it's more restrictive20:14
ttxTeam meeting in 45 minutes in #openstack-meeting20:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #731558 in glance "Empty fields get turned in to "None" when passing over http. " [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73155820:17
jaypipesvishy: thx for taking the time to fix bugs in Glance, man. Appreciate it.20:17
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jaypipessirp_: ever figure out the version difference between your ubuntu and mac boxen for sqlalchemy and sqlalchemy-migrate?20:18
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vishyjaypipes no prob jay20:18
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sirp_jaypipes: so, unless i'm missing something, `migrate` doesn't embed any version metadata in the source code20:20
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jaypipessirp_: no way to find out the package installed on a mac?20:23
dubssirp_: how did you install it?20:23
sirp_jaypipes: dubs: on my mac i'm using sqlalchemy_migrate-0.6-py2.6.egg20:24
dweimergholt: I would be willing to write a tool to do it. This would be a longer term need for us as we are hoping to use it for account billing purposes.20:25
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dweimergholt: In trying to see how the swauth middleware does it, I think I can get the information from AUTH_.auth. I'm still trying trying to figure out exactly how that would work though.20:27
jaypipessirp_: k. mine is sqlalchemy_migrate-0.6.1-py2.6.egg...20:27
jaypipessirp_: your mac works fine, right. seems that 0.6-1 is the culprit. I'm going to pull 0.6-2 (the one dubs has) and see if that fixes things.20:28
sirp_jaypipes: cool20:28
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #213: SUCCESS in 27 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/213/20:31
openstackhudsonTarmac: change internal proxy to make calls to handle_request with a copy of the request rather than the request itself20:31
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sirp_jaypipes: found some wonkiness; my migrate_version is set to 0, when it should be 320:44
sirp_jaypipes: that explains why it was trying to upgrade a table that was already there *grumble*20:45
jaypipessirp_: grumble grumble. :)20:45
sirp_jaypipes: well that fixed it20:47
sirp_jaypipes: not sure how they got out of sync20:47
sirp_jaypipes: thought upgrades were atomic, but maybe an exception caused it to upgrade without writing the version variable20:48
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jaypipessirp_: interesting...20:49
sirp_jaypipes: so from my perspective, i guess all is well, no errors...20:50
sirp_jaypipes: so we're just waiitng to if your upgrade fixes the shennanigans20:50
gholtdweimer: See if this helps: http://paste.openstack.org/show/830/20:52
jaypipessirp_: I can't seem to get pip-requires to respect the sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.6.1 (b/c they used a dash -1 instead of a .1)... grr this shit makes my head hurt.20:53
sirp_jaypipes: maybe just grab from google-code trunk?20:53
jaypipessirp_: yeah (dealing with 5 things up in the air right now...) I'll try that20:54
gholtdweimer: There isn't a mapping back the other way though, which is what you probably really need now that I think about it.20:55
sirp_jaypipes: cool, since i've got glance working for the moment, im gonna start work on getting Nova to respect the disk_format + container_format stuff20:55
ttxTeam meeting in 5 min. in #openstack-meeting20:55
gholtdweimer: There has been some talk on mappings (user/group mostly, but this would be the same) in swauth. Swauth is pretty young so it hasn't (well... I haven't) got that far yet.20:56
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nelsonArgh. Why is 'st' giving me a 499 error?  tcpdump says that it's written the full 7168 bytes of the file, but when 'st' tries to recvfrom(), it hits an EAGAIN; it polls; does the recvfrom() again and gets an immediate EOF.20:59
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nelsonThe object server never sees a single byte of data.20:59
dweimergholt: Thanks for the curl example that does help. For the short term we can manage the overall account list elsewhere. I'm interested in looking into it further though. Would adding an account name field to the accounts sqllite database make sense?21:00
kpeppleramd: are you trying to bridge to your own network?21:00
pandemicsynnelson: anything in proxy.error ?21:00
pandemicsynor where ever your logging proxy errors21:00
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nelsonNot that I can see.  It's the object server which isn't reading anything.21:01
gholtdweimer: Well, here's a thing you can do: Use -s <suffix> with your swauth-add-account and you'll know what the AUTH_<suffix> is. If you just use <suffix> = <swauth-account-name> the mapping will just be 'prepend AUTH_'.21:02
nelsonThe code is reacting correctly to the results of the syscalls.21:02
gholtdweimer: In the long term, swauth should manage a back-mapping itself, which means two-phase commits and such. We can't really store it on the account itself without munging the auth/swift separation we want.21:03
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dweimergholt: Thanks, the suffix change should work for us. It would make things like mapping public urls to internal urls a bit easier as well.21:07
gholtdweimer: Cool, the only reason for the crazy mapping actually is just history. :)21:07
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jarrodis someone working on snapshots with kvm & glance?21:33
sirp_jarrod: termie had mentioned something about that, now sure how far along he is21:35
jarrodthat seems to be the only thing kvm is missing21:35
jarrodbecause other than that, it works perfect out of the box21:35
jarrodatleast with openstack21:36
nelsonCRAP. The problem is in my code. WHY DO ALL THE BUGS HAVE TO BE IN my CODE??21:41
jarrodi think "my" was the only thing that really needed to be captialized21:42
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sorenvishy: Fresh qemu-kvm is in the ppa, btw.21:45
j05hnelson: its open source. take heart in the fact that none of the code is yours.  or dismay.  your call.21:48
sorenj05h: You've got it the wrong way around. All the code is yours, not none. :)21:49
j05hnelson: sorry about that bug i put in your code.21:49
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xtoddxsoren: i'm taking Jesse's review day over today.  i'll update the wiki to show the change21:54
xtoddxsoren: do we have docs of the process we should follow on review days?  (ie, prioritize things that come in that day vs. backlog?)21:55
sorenxtoddx: Just do it. No need to inform me :)21:55
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sorenxtoddx: Nothing apart from what's on the ReviewDays page.21:55
vishysoren: thanks21:55
sorenxtoddx: I was hoping we'd fill it in as we went along and learned how to do it best.21:55
vishysoren: LockFailed: failed to create /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/cybera16.Dummy-7-416621:55
vishyi think we need to use a different lockfile dir?21:56
sorenvishy: cybera16.Dummy-7-4166 means nothing to me, but you're supposed to set a lock_path to somewhere writable.21:56
vishysoren: oh didn't realize there was a lock_path flag21:56
sorenvishy: the default follows the same pattern as logdir and instances_path etc.21:57
sorenvishy: It's in the cross-binary-sync branch.21:57
vishysoren: interesting, I wonder why it didn't use my state_path then21:57
sorenvishy: I'm assuming you're testing the iptables stuff?21:57
vishysoren: aye21:57
vishytesting from packages21:57
sorenvishy: Oh, because state_path is something else.21:57
sorenvishy: Lock files don't belong in /var/lib. They belong in /var/lock.21:58
vishyso packages need to create /var/lock/nova/ and set it?21:58
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sorenvishy: FHS says so.21:59
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vishyhmm the other ones are rw by root only21:59
vishyi assume we own these by nova21:59
sorenWhich other ones?22:00
openstackhudsonProject swift build #214: SUCCESS in 28 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/214/22:01
openstackhudsonTarmac: Modifying the multi-node install to fix a bug reported (700894) and to put in changes based on feedback from Russell Nelson.22:01
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vishythe other stuff in /var/lock (lvm and iscsi are in there)22:02
sorenvishy: Oh.22:03
sorenvishy: Yeah, add another dir, make it owned by nova.22:03
vishyand chmod 700?22:03
sorenvishy: I intentionally haven't adjusted the packaging yet.22:03
sorenvishy: Yeah, should be fine.22:03
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vishysoren: sick, just ran 32 m1.smalls on 4 machines in less than 1 minute -- no failures22:08
sorenvishy: That's what I've been trying to say.. :)22:08
sorenIt works, bitches.22:08
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justinsbsandywalsh, dabo: I'd really like to see the distributed scheduler & multi-zone stuff make Cactus.  Anything I can help with?  What's the blocker?22:15
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daboMulti-zone will make cactus. Distributed scheduler has been redefined several times, because of changes to multi-zone.22:18
daboThere are also other structural changes that may force yet another approach22:18
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ericrwyeah, so my point about execvp is that I can polish it up and make a merge request, but it will need a lot more testing than I can personally give it.22:20
nelsonjarrod: when everything is in caps except one or two words, those words are in SUPER-caps.22:21
ericrwbefore it can go into a release22:21
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sandywalshjustinsb, the anso team has proposed we assume a single db across zones. I'm still working through the implications of this change.22:25
westmaas_sandywalsh: like a singledb worldwide?22:26
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justinsbsandywalsh, dabo: What's a zone then?  Is the idea that we'll have a "rackspace-us-south" front end zone, but that this will actually be a front end to "dfw.rackspace-us-south" and "sat.rackspace-us-south"?22:27
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daboa zone is anything you define it to be. It's simply a way of logically organizing services.22:28
sandywalshwestmaas_, that's the assumption22:28
justinsbdabo: OK, but that doesn't really help us figure out what we need to code!22:29
dabowestmaas_: yes, a single db. I'm hoping they select something like cassandra rather than rely on replication22:29
westmaas_yes please :)22:29
sandywalshjustinsb, my definition for it has been 'zone=nova deployment'22:29
sandywalshjustinsb, the value of the single db is twofold:22:30
dabojustinsb: yes, it does. You can't assume anything about zones except: a) they may contain child zones and b) they may contain compute services22:30
edaysandywalsh: wait, when did this happen? I thought we were doing one db/zone?22:30
sandywalshjustinsb, 1. we can do server best match in the db (mostly) which is very efficient22:30
sandywalshjustinsb, 2. we can ask questions like get_all_customer_instances(cust X)22:30
daboeday: yes, it's a very recent rebirth of the idea22:30
sandywalsheday, it's not definitive ... I'm still pondering the implications22:31
justinsbsandywalsh, But didn't you do the magic to assemble answers from sub-zones?  Isn't that what your zones patch is all about?22:31
sandywalshjustinsb, yes22:31
justinsbAny idea what's motivating moving away from that?22:31
justinsbI think the multi-zone stuff is "da bomb"22:31
dabojustinsb: depends on what you mean by 'assemble answers'. The zones can summarize capabilities of child zones/hosts22:32
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westmaas_if a zone can have sub zones...I am confused about what it means for a zone to have its own db22:32
sandywalshjustinsb, some queries are very expensive (like the 'get me all instances for customer X' example above)22:32
westmaas_child zones*22:32
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dabojustinsb: consider the question: give me all the compute nodes that have instances for customer X22:33
justinsbsandywalsh, dabo: Don't I just query each sub-zone, and then combine the answers?22:33
sandywalshwestmaas_, I'm not sure it still would have it's own db22:33
sandywalshjustinsb, that was the assumption I was going under ... it may change22:33
justinsbsandywalsh: Sorry, by I, I meant your "front-end zone" magic.  I see it as a sort of proxy on a bunch of zones22:34
dabothat sort of query has a different way of combining than: can you accommodate a linux instance with 4gb RAM and 500GB disk?22:34
sandywalshright, largely22:34
westmaas_seems like we could do some kind of caching proxy...yeah what you guys are already talking about22:34
* westmaas_ stops typing22:34
edayjustinsb: no, you need to cache subset of info at each zone22:34
sandywalshanyway, it's early yet and it's hard to pin the guys down. I'll post to the group once I can formulate a summary22:35
edaysandywalsh: who is driving this, and why is it not on the ML?22:35
justinsbWell, not to pull the process card (when I hate process), but isn't this agreed for Cactus?22:35
edaysandywalsh: the community has been very involved and these discussions and we should be having backroom design coming out like this22:35
edayerr, shouldn't :)22:35
sandywalsheday, it was a casual conversation, nothing formal. But now that I'm done zone3 it's my focus. The intention is to be open with it.22:36
justinsbI think the 'create instance' query is more fun, but still very doable in a proxy model22:36
daboeday: I was just stating to type up an email to ask about this when we started this irc discussion. :)22:36
justinsbMaybe we should wait for the ML then!22:36
sandywalshyeah, hang tight, I plan on emailing by tomorrow at the latest (deadlines and all :)22:37
justinsbIt seems to me that no change to the plan has been agreed, so we should proceed with the plan as agreed22:37
edayfor the record, I think a shared, global DB cluster (assuming mysql/pg since we're pretty tied to sqlalchemy) is a horrible idea.22:37
justinsbeday: ++22:37
edaygoes against our stated tentets on the wiki, so we'll need to update those if this happens22:38
jaypipesmtaylor, soren: did Swift get uninstalled from the Hudson box, or is this build done on a different machine (and needs Swift installed?) http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65915831/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.glance_2011.2~bzr83-0ubuntu0ppa1~maverick1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:38
justinsbAlthough there are some people out there that can scale relational DBs :-), I think there are a whole bunch of interesting possibilities if we allow looser coupling22:38
edayit's not just about scale22:38
edayit's reliability too22:38
justinsbAnd non-boring stuff as well :-)22:39
justinsbLike cloud-bursting22:39
edayand what happens with zones operated by different orgs, we can't all share a mysql cluster22:39
justinsbeday: Yes - and federation!22:39
mtaylorjaypipes: that's an ubuntu package builder in the ubuntu autobuilders22:39
mtaylorjaypipes: so it means that perhaps swift is missing from the build deps in the debian/control file22:39
edaysandywalsh: looking forward to your email with more details :)22:40
sandywalsheday, I agree fully. I wonder which approach would have the higher performance cost.22:40
sandywalsheday, yup, it's front of mind for me now.22:40
jaypipesmtaylor: can you assist with that?22:42
edaysandywalsh: if we embrace eventual consistency between zones and use active caching, we can perform as much as we need to22:42
jaypipesjustinsb: going through your (many :) ) merge props... fakerabbit sent off to Tarmac.22:42
mtaylorjaypipes: yes - but I'm about to walk out the door for a moment- I'll get it when I get back22:43
justinsbjaypipes: Thanks!  I sent you that overview - I think most of them are actually on-plan22:43
jaypipesjustinsb: going through them one by one :)22:43
jaypipesmtaylor: ya, no worries. appreciate it.22:43
openstackhudsonProject nova build #605: SUCCESS in 1 min 50 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/605/22:48
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fix the bug where fakerabbit is doing a sort of prefix matching on the AMQP routing key22:48
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jaypipesxtoddx, termie: got a chance, a re-review of justinsb's https://code.launchpad.net/~justin-fathomdb/nova/servicify-nova-api/+merge/50857 would be useful. thx. (trying to push through the backlog here...)22:52
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comstudhey all22:53
comstudjohan_ == latest member of rackspace cloud servers dev (ozone) team22:53
jaypipesjohan_: welcome to chaosville.22:53
xtoddxjaypipes: will do22:53
comstudgive him a big welcome.. he'll have questions soon, i'm sure22:53
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jaypipesjustinsb: hey, on https://code.launchpad.net/~justin-fathomdb/nova/justinsb-openstack-api-volumes/+merge/50868 do you have an additional pre-req of your keys branch? I'm seeing Keys code in there, yet don't see any proposed keys branch (though I do remember you submitting one...)22:54
jaypipesjohan_: feel free to ping us if you have any questions on bzr, launchpad, or the code base. we're here to help.22:55
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justinsbjaypipes: The keys and volume branches became intertwined, so they're now one and the same.  Maybe I should change the commit message on the MP?22:55
jaypipesjustinsb: hmm..22:56
johan_jaypipes: thanks. i have nova/glance working on my development hardware now22:56
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jaypipesjustinsb: well, I'd actually prefer to see smaller patches... these large ones are difficult to review... but then again, you've already got a dozen branches proposed ;)22:56
jaypipesjohan_: cool22:57
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justinsbjaypipes: They start off separate, but the longer they're outstanding the more I tend to need to make changes to all of them and they tend to become interconnected22:58
johan_but i did run into a problem that i had to work around (fix?)22:58
justinsbjaypipes: But I'll try harder to keep them clean!22:58
johan_the trunk version of glance doesn't appear to be commpatible with the trunk version of nova22:59
johan_the 'type' key seems to have moved to the 'properties' dict22:59
jaypipesjustinsb: I understand you :)22:59
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johan_i hate to make these two small changes to get the code to work: http://paste.openstack.org/show/832/23:01
jaypipesjohan_: there is a fix already going to hudson: https://code.launchpad.net/~rconradharris/nova/lp731470/+merge/5262023:01
jaypipesjohan_: give it about 15 minutes, then bzr pull your local trunk branch and merge trunk into your topic branch... should be all set.23:01
johan_ahh, thanks23:01
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #215: SUCCESS in 29 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/215/23:03
openstackhudson* Tarmac: Fix for object auditor invalidate hashes location bug23:03
openstackhudson* Tarmac: fix ring hash check fix in obj replicator tests.23:03
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jaypipessirp_, dabo: so, sirp_'s fix for the 'type' => 'disk_format' thing has failed. I think it's because the Hudson box does not have the latest version of Glance? what do you think?23:12
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Dimm_Hi! Can somebody please help with installing swift on RH? The services are dying silently, no errors anywhere...23:15
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uvirtbotNew bug: #731668 in nova "No way to cleanly shut down WSGI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73166823:27
dubsjaypipes: i think even with the latest version of glance it would fail because the migration is not there yet23:36
openstackhudsonProject nova build #606: SUCCESS in 1 min 48 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/606/23:38
openstackhudsonTarmac: Use disk_format and container_format in place of image type.23:38
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #607: SUCCESS in 1 min 50 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/607/23:48
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes lp730960 - mangled instance creation in virt drivers due to improper merge conflict resolution23:48
vishysoren: apparently just adding it the same way as other dirs is a bit bad: E: nova-common: dir-or-file-in-var-lock var/lock/nova/23:50
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