Sunday, 2011-04-17

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mantis88Hey everyone, I have a question about the use of gflags in the nova system.01:58
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mantis88I am using the nova system and want integrate some code into it. I am trying to change the connection_type flag and then call get_connection()02:00
mantis88at runtime, the default value is 'libvirt'02:01
mantis88thank you in advance02:01
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GeorgePapaHi Guys!02:51
GeorgePapaI was wondering if anyone was available to answer some questions.02:56
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alekibangomaybe... but it might be better when americans will wake up... cca 8 hours later02:58
GeorgePapawhat does "OpenStack Cactus: file injection on XenServer means a RightScale green light" that mean02:59
GeorgePapafile injection02:59
alekibangomantis88: and please try asking the question :) you forgot to write one02:59
alekibangoi dont know02:59
GeorgePapadoes it support xenservers livemigration yet via xenapi or only kvm's?03:00
alekibangoinjecting file should mean   putting file into the system... :)03:00
alekibangoGeorgePapa: i dont know, i am not into xen03:00
GeorgePapaThat's what it seems, but .. that means injecting a file into a vm image.. never heard of that before.03:00
mantis88apologies, I firgured it out on my own actually. Thank you!03:00
alekibangoit has to be done for some images and network setups03:00
alekibangoif you do not use dhcp, you need to have network configured for you somehow03:01
alekibangomantis88: :)03:01
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thielmann_There war an update in ppa:nova/release. Now nova won't start up on my system with errors like ""Unknown column 'volumes.provider_location' in 'field list'")". Any idea what happened?10:29
thielmann_Nevermind, it seems a db sync fixed it10:32
alekibangoyes, it was problem with db structure10:45
thielmann_alekibango: Now my old images are gone. I'm able to add new ones, but I'm a bit suspicious: Are there any other problems to be expected?11:00
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thielmann_Ok., now I can't run instances again. Updated ppa:nova/release, did db sync, installed new images (since they're gone) and now all instances stay at "networking" with "Found instance 'instance-0000001b' in DB but no VM." in compute.log11:19
thielmann_Allright, solved it by adding "--lock_path=/var/lock/nova" to nova.conf. But I really, really wished there were no changes (besides bugfixes) in the release ppa.11:32
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alekibangothielmann_: db needs to be updated when you are using different version...11:44
alekibangoabout /var/lock -- this might be config/packaging issue...11:45
thielmann_alekibango:  I'm not using different versions. I'm just staying with ppa/release (currently bexxar). Or was there a new release in the meantime?11:45
alekibangothielmann_: its not bexar anymore11:46
alekibangoits cactus11:46
thielmann_alekibango: Damn it, didn't notice it. Thanks for the info. Can't wait to have it in the default ubuntu repository, so I'm able to update without release changes. :-)11:50
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thielmann_It seems euca-attach-volume now doesn't respect the device name and instead attaches it with the next "free" device name of some sort. So former vdc and vdd become vde/f/g/h when attached multiple times. Any idea how that happens and how to fix?12:49
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thielmann_Allright, seems as it's a missing feature in  kvm. Now I'm using labels as a nice workaround, but it might be a good idea to report to the user that the device parameter is unreliable when using KVM.13:13
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btorchis the a ppa repo that contains the latest 2011.2 release ?13:39
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project2501how do you get swift to stop returning in its X-Storage-Url so I can use it remotely?14:41
project2501I tried setting bind_ip in all the .conf files14:42
btorchproject2501: how did u setup your default_cluster_url in the proxy config ?14:42
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project2501I'm a openstack first-timer btw. I followed the dev-appliance setup instructions14:43
btorchproject2501: also is this 1.2 or 1.3 ?14:43
project2501the latest download from the website14:43
project2501on ubuntu 10.1014:43
project2501I have bind_port = 8080 and bind_ip = in my proxy config14:44
project2501when I curl, it returns and only works locally14:44
btorchproject2501: ok what do you have in your pipeline:main14:44
project2501pipeline = healthcheck cache swauth proxy-server14:45
btorchproject2501: ok there are two ways you can do this14:45
btorchproject2501: one is to set  "default_swift_cluster" within your "[filter:swauth]" section of the proxy-server.conf14:46
btorchproject2501: such as : "default_swift_cluster = local#http://EXTERNALIP:PORT/v1#
btorchproject2501: if you are using SSL change to https14:47
btorchproject2501: the other option would be to use the "swauth-set-account-service" tool to just change the Storage url for the existing account14:48
project2501ok. trying the first. much appreciated14:48
btorchproject2501: if you run that with no arguments you will get a help screen14:49
project2501ok. appreciate the tips.14:50
btorchproject2501: once you make the changes in the proxy-server.conf for that option.. you still need to either recreate the account or create a new one14:50
project2501ahh ok14:50
project2501i will use the recreateaccounts script14:51
btorchproject2501: I would try just one first to be sure before running that .. but that's my own opnion14:51
project2501I set default_swift_cluster = local#
project2501recreated accounts, restarted proxy, main15:00
project2501it still returns
project2501from curl -v -H 'X-Storage-User: test:tester' ...15:01
project2501wait. i might have missed something.15:02
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btorchproject2501: aren't you using port 8080 ?15:06
project2501yeah. i changed it to local#
project2501still returns only
btorchproject2501: ok did you try to create a new account ?15:09
project2501trying now15:09
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project2501500 server error when trying: swauth-add-user -K swauthkey -a atest atest atest15:11
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btorchproject2501: u sure the proxy is running ? see anything in the logs ?15:12
project2501proxy is running. will look at logs15:12
project2501the recreate on the existing accounts works without error. new account gives 50015:13
project2501sorry. where can I find the swift logs?15:13
btorchproject2501: if you didn't set any of the LOG facilities it could just be going to syslog15:14
project2501log_facility = LOG_LOCAL115:14
project2501checking syslog15:14
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btorchproject2501: try  swauth-list -K  swauthkey to see what happens too but it should also return 50015:15
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btorchproject2501: also make sure your account-server is running15:18
project2501its trying to use in the logs
project2501then some rsync failures on
project2501maybe I need to change the rsync conf stuff too?15:19
btorchproject2501: this a SAIO setup right ?15:20
project2501i believe so. yes15:20
btorchchanging that config option should not cause any rsync issues15:20
project2501I want to run it in my vbox VM and access it from my network15:20
project2501i have the 4 nodes in the vm. all local.15:21
project2501and it works. locally.15:21
project2501proxy-server exception. some kind of KeyError is the reason for the 50015:22
btorchproject2501: but after changing the default_swift_url you getting 500s now15:22
project2501only when adding a new account15:22
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project2501my test script still works15:23
btorchproject2501: can you paste your proxy-server.conf on for me15:23
btorchproject2501: what about swauth-list -K swauthkey15:23
btorchproject2501: also paste the complete error you see in the logs after you ran the command15:24
btorchproject2501: hmm did your super_admin_key change, perhaps ? or some typo in the config (hidden character) ?15:26
project2501i didn't change the super admin key. but i will have to look closer15:26
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btorchproject2501: ok I see a 401 Unauthorized returned by the first proxy-server exception15:30
btorchproject2501: did that swauth-list work ?15:30
project2501yes. it worked and shows my 'atest'15:32
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btorchproject2501: that's strange15:32
project2501when I substitute atest:atest...atest into the example curl, it says unauthorized15:33
btorchproject2501: what about just adding an account ? swauth-add-account -K ADMIN_KEY osswift ?15:33
project2501Account creation error: ....50015:34
project2501I'm running as root btw15:34
project2501and the new account shows in the swauth-list15:34
btorchproject2501: try stopping all services and starting them back again .. make sure they all stopped first before restarting them15:36
btorchproject2501: actually hold on15:36
project2501the syslog has stack trace with error mesg 'could not create account on swift cluster'15:37
btorchproject2501: actually disable the default_swift_cluster and restart the proxy and see if you can create the account again ... since that was the only change made to the system15:38
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project2501it worked15:40
btorchproject2501: don't think so cause it works on mine15:41
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project2501you are also using the 4 node self contained VM install?15:42
btorchproject2501: yes I got that and multi-nodes steups15:42
project2501i'll have to poke around some more. but I very much appreciate the help thus far.15:43
btorchproject2501: no problem... if you change that back to have the default_swift_cluster url .. try to run swauth-prep again15:43
btorchproject2501: you could also just try the second option for now15:44
project2501i did that. maybe I just need to reboot. hehe15:44
btorchproject2501: no15:44
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btorchproject2501: aw try restarting memcahce15:44
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btorchis it possible for openstack-nova to use 4.1 ? it seems like after installing the dependencies on XenServerDevelopment wiki page it broke xen 4.1 and I had to re-install it17:20
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jamesturnbullhi all - just doing some testing. I downloaded the ubuntu 10.10 i386 tarball and euca-tarball-publish'ed it21:40
jamesturnbullwhen I try to euca-run-instance the result I get
jamesturnbullanyone have any ideas on what's happening?21:41
jamesturnbullI'm running nova in a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 10.1021:41
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