Thursday, 2011-05-05

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_vinayHi vishy00:10
_vinayI want to know if there are any performance / stress tests written00:11
_vinayWe are evaluating  openstack00:11
_vinayand are trying to get hold of some perf tests which we can run00:12
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hallynkbringard: no i'm not, using my own images00:18
hallyndrat, missed him.  by a long shot00:18
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BK_manjaypipes: around?00:38
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_nilkpepple: i'm still not sure the best place for me to help01:57
_nili don't need hand holding01:57
_niljust direction01:57
winston-dkpepple : hi01:58
winston-dkpepple : what would happen if certain instance_type was removed from database but there's an instance w/ that type still running?02:01
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kpepplewinston-d: hi02:04
kpepplewinston-d: that shouldn't be a problem ... we originally didn't have a foreign key in the instances table back to instance_types but we added one just before cactus release ... still i think that we just get an empty list if we query for the instance_type that was removed. also, it's hard to actually remove an instance_type from the table, you have to use the --purge option not just delete02:06
kpepple_nil: hi02:06
winston-dkpepple : yeah, i know.  i tested create/delete instance_types and found i could not add new one with that flavor id which was deleted.  then i go check your blog and find out --purge must be used to actually remove it from DB.02:08
kpepple_nil: areas that can use help: document (see, testing (learn python mox), answers (help at and lastly coding (yes, you need to know Python but it's pretty easy to learn if you have some object oriented experience)02:09
kpepplewinston-d: in the new version of nova (trunk), you actually get a nice new error message which shows you which instance_types are duplicates :)02:09
_nilkpepple: i know python02:11
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_nilbut it doesn't seem like you need coders as you list it last.02:11
kpepple_nil: oh, sorry. thought you said you were just doing c and go. if so,02:11
_nilwell those are my favorites02:11
kpepple_nil: oh no, we need coders02:11
_nilwell i'm game to help when i can02:11
_nili want to start using this on duckduckgo02:12
kpepple_nil: i jumped in with starting bug fixes ... it's a way to learn your way around codebase in small chunks02:12
_nili just need to know where the hot spots are02:12
KnightHacker_nil: Are you planning on using Nova for duckduckgo?02:12
_nilconsidering it02:12
_nilmore fun to work on open source stuff first and then see if it's useful02:13
_nilthis project caught my eye and i need a break from the go compiler tbh02:13
KnightHackerwow .. that sounds cool :). I was just checking out the architecture used for duckduckgo02:13
_nilgrowth has been pretty crazy over there for some time.02:14
KnightHackerYeah, that's why I was interested to see how are you handling the scale with your infrastructure.02:14
KnightHackerI was surprised but glad to see you using *BSD systems there.02:15
_nilboth the founder and myself are pretty big FreeBSD nerds02:15
kpepple_nil: i tend to work on the nova operational side (things like nova-manage, instance_types, etc that ops people like to use), but there is a ton of oppty everywhere. volume support is being worked on (nova-volume), there is a new load balancer project, networking is being expanded and reworked, authn/authz is becoming a new services ... i'd just look for something that interests you and dive in02:15
_nilthough i've been using ubuntu a lot recently02:15
_nilkpepple: ^02:16
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creiht_nil: A good starting point would be to do a dev install and kick the tires a bit02:16
* _nil fires up git-bzr-ng02:16
_nilcreiht: *nod*02:16
_nilgetting after it02:16
_nilsee what strikes me :)02:16
kpepple_nil: you'll be happy to hear that the codebase is moving to github ... soonish02:17
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winston-dkpepple : does nova trunk now expose the '--purge' parameter for instance_type delete command, IMHO, it should be.02:18
_nilkpepple: neat. thanks guys.02:18
kpepple_nil: np02:19
kpepplewinston-d: what do you mean by 'expose'  ? yes, it accept it02:20
winston-dkpepple : i thought '--purge' was already in Cactus release but 'nova-mange instance delete' only suggest one argument, that's name of instance_type.02:21
kpepplewinston-d: oh, no it doesn't actually suggest that to you ... you have to read the man page to learn that sekrit :)02:24
kpepplewinston-d: and yes, it should be how nova-manage is written, it doesn't do it automagically02:24
winston-dkpepple : so '--purge' was hidden secret agrument in Cactus :)02:25
winston-dkpepple : hmm, no man entry for 'nova-mange'02:25
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kpepplewinston-d: there should be ... it's in the bzr repo (nova/doc/man/nova-manage)02:26
winston-dkpepple : ok.  thanks.  i'll suggest BK_man to pack that into RHEL packages02:27
kpepplewinston-d: cool, i think i saw Andrey online earlier02:29
winston-dkpepple : guess he's still in US.  i haven't seen him during my timezone for days.02:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #777537 in nova "Multiple unit tests generate errors when run on a machine with nova services running" [Undecided,New]
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hallynheh, well apparently i just suck.  I finally gave up on doing it by hand and made a tarball for smoser's uec-publish-tarball to consume, and that worked :)02:54
larissahallyn: Error: "smoser++" is not a valid command.02:54
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smoserhallyn, just fyi, uec-publish-tarball sits atop uec-publish-image03:04
smoserwhich may have been suitable for you.03:04
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hallynsmoser: looking at that, thanks03:18
hallynyeah that looks good03:19
hallyn(save me some needless file mangling)03:19
hallynI just don't get what I was doing wrong by hand though03:19
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toluenehi! I 'm a new user to openstack, I followed the installation instructions in openstack-wiki. However, I have problem with the "/bin/-manage db sync",  the error is "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using passwoed: YES)", can someone helps me ?06:42
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sorentoluene: Which instructions did you follow?06:51
sorentoluene: Can I see your nova.conf?06:52
sorentoluene: Put it on a pastebin.06:52
sorentoluene: Like
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sorenOh, right, the instructions are wrong.06:56
sorenErr.. No, they're not. I'm an idiot.06:56
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toluenesoren, any idea ? it seems like auth problem with the mysql .06:59
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sorentoluene: Yeah, I know what the problem is.07:00
sorentoluene: You're connecting from localhost, but the password is set for root@%.07:01
sorentoluene: Why the instructions suggest that you use the mysql root user for nova is absolutely beyond me.07:01
toluenesoren, what should I do ?07:01
sorentoluene: Something like this:07:03
sorentoluene: Fire up the mysql client, logging in as root.07:03
sorentoluene: Then do this07:04
sorentoluene: grant all on nova.* to 'nova'@'%' identified by 'somepassword';07:04
sorentoluene: ...and in your nova.conf, you change the sql_connection to:07:04
sorentoluene: --sql_connection=mysql://nova:somepassword@
sorenThat should do the trick. If not, I have one more thing that may need to be done, but I'm not sure it's necessary, so let's try this first.07:06
toluenesoren, thanks a lot !07:06
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sorentoluene: Did it work?07:34
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pgregorycould someone tell me if it's possible/reasonable to allow multiple users to create instances for a project?07:38
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HugoKuo__pqregory : yes07:40
HugoKuo__1.add the user to project    2.allocate sysadmin role for both global and project environment07:41
pgregoryHugoKuo__: would that give the user systemwide access?07:42
HugoKuo__As I know , only sysadmin / projectmanager  role has permission to lunch instance07:43
HugoKuo__about your question : no07:44
HugoKuo__user management depends on RBAC07:44
pgregorythat seems to have worked.07:45
HugoKuo__sure ....07:45
HugoKuo__see ya07:45
pgregoryis that 'normal' or is it preferred that only one user can create instances for a project?07:45
* pgregory is a bit confused about the role of the 'project' in the cloud scheme.07:46
HugoKuo__sysadmin is a little different from project manager07:47
pgregoryI'm just wondering if it's better to have 1 project that multiple users can interact with, or give each user a project(s)?07:48
HugoKuo__in my environment , per project / per user...07:48
HugoKuo__I recommand each user a project07:49
pgregoryI see07:49
HugoKuo__btw a user can add to multi project07:49
pgregoryso a project is an organisational level 'below' user.07:49
pgregoryI was thinking of the project as being at a higher level.07:50
HugoKuo__the reason is...... all project sysadmins are free to run or "terminate" instance07:50
HugoKuo__it's quite danger07:50
pgregoryfor example, in my usage case we would have 'productions' and that would relate to a 'project' but it makes more sense I think to just have users, and create a default project for each user, and then create other projects for users who need more fine grained control.07:51
HugoKuo__Actually , I made mistake before :\   , terminate my leader's intance07:51
HugoKuo__yes , you r right...I agree with you07:51
pgregorythanks, that clears things up a bit.07:52
HugoKuo__RBAC cost me lots of time ....before :)07:52
toluenehi! nova guys, I have problem running './bin/nova-manage project zipfile nova_proj nova' , the certificate db has not been created07:59
HugoKuo__nova-manage user list08:00
HugoKuo__nova-manage project list08:00
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HugoKuo__if those exist , check nova-manage.log08:01
HugoKuo__or check database table08:01
tolueneHugoKuo__, user and project do exist08:03
HugoKuo__any error in nova-manage.log ?08:04
tolueneHugoKuo__, I think is the location problem for CA/08:04
tolueneHugoKuo__, I can't find nova-manage.log in my system08:04
HugoKuo__no idea, bcz I installed nova from PPA  ...08:05
tolueneHugoKuo__,  :)08:05
HugoKuo__maybe you can check your nova.conf08:05
tolueneHugoKuo__, ok08:05
HugoKuo__the log path is written in nova.conf08:05
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pgregoryis there any way of assigning a more meaningful description to a published image (Dashboard) or is it always going to show the manifest name?08:10
sorenpgregory: If you use glance, yes.08:12
pgregoryoh, is that going to be a pain, or is it easy to switch?08:12
sorenpgregory: I've not really used glance much myself, I'm afraid.08:13
pgregorythings are all working quite nicely now, I'm worried about trying one thing too many and finding the house of cards all falls down.08:13
sorenpgregory: It should be a nice transition, though.08:13
pgregorywill it work with the Dashboard?08:13
sorenpgregory: The instructions I gave you yesterday was to get you going. To get something working, let you play with it and demonstrate that Nova actually works. There are a number of things I'd do differently for a production environment.08:14
sorenpgregory: Yes, that dashboard will work fine.08:14
pgregorysoren: can I trust in the manual for this?08:14
sorenFor what, exactly?08:14
pgregorysetting up glance08:15
sorenWhatever your response, I probably don't know the answer. I've not personally proofread the manual.08:15
HugoKuo__pgregory : it's easy08:16
pgregoryHugoKuo__: should I just follow the manual, or is there a better reference.08:16
HugoKuo__just add three flags....08:16
HugoKuo__follow it08:16
* pgregory feel confident enough now that he can rebuild this if it all goes pear shaped.08:16
pgregoryone quick question before I begin, should it be ppa:glance-core/trunk (manual) or ppa:glance-core/release?08:17
HugoKuo__soren : does it possible to bind public ip for instance at bootup ?08:18
HugoKuo__release I think08:18
sorenHugoKuo__: Sure.08:19
HugoKuo__soren : automatically ?08:19
HugoKuo__soren : is there any docs :) ?  thanks08:19
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sorenHugoKuo__: Well, instead of using private IP's in your network, just use public ones?08:23
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HugoKuo__soren : ok.....that's the way in my current openstack nova.    but it still traffic from nova-network flat_interface to public interface...08:26
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toluenesoren, hi I face a new problem in "/bin/manage project zipfile nova_proj nova"08:27
HugoKuo__and I did a stupid thing this morning , I set nova-network dnsmasq listen same network with our corporate network ,  and corporate network crashed XD08:27
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HugoKuo__pgregory :   for refference08:32
winston-dHugoKuo__ : then you were the hero saving whole company. XD08:32
HugoKuo__winston-d : I'm the killer :\08:33
HugoKuo__Our MIS  want to kill me this morning :\08:33
winston-dHugoKuo__ : kill company network, save all from having to work . XD08:34
sorentoluene: What's the problem?08:34
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toluenesoren, I pastebin for you, please wait08:35
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RichiHcreiht: those are the tcp streams of the two connections08:36
RichiHexported as text :p08:36
pgregoryHugoKuo__: is it possible to get glance to use my existing objectstore, or do I need to re-publish my images?08:37
HugoKuo__pgregory : you need to convert the image from objectstore08:37
toluenesoren, here is the paste
pgregoryHugoKuo__: so does glance not work with objectstore? does it have to use file based storage?08:38
HugoKuo__let me clear it, objectstore is nova-objectstore ?08:39
HugoKuo__or swift ?08:39
pgregoryno, just nova-objectstore08:39
pgregoryit's what I've been using up to now, and seems to be ok for my requirements.08:39
HugoKuo__  take a look08:40
HugoKuo__you will know , I'm  poor in engilsh.............. :\08:41
pgregoryHugoKuo__: I'm not really following that, it seems to suggest that you need to use the file based store.08:44
HugoKuo__but nova-objectstore is file based store too08:45
HugoKuo__or you can choose swift for store image08:45
pgregoryhmm, I'm confused then.08:45
HugoKuo__just a name nova-objectstore08:46
pgregorydo I leave the glance.conf with 'file' as the default_store? if so, how do I get my existing images (in mybucket on objectstore) into glance, so that they show up in dashboard?08:46
HugoKuo__a path to store object , not means objectstorage   ...08:47
HugoKuo__sure ....the easiest way08:47
HugoKuo__convert !!!08:47
pgregoryso just get the .tar.gz again, and register with glance, or upload with uec-publish-tarball? (I'm a bit confused)08:48
HugoKuo__nova-manage image convert /path/to/images08:48
HugoKuo__your existing image is in /var/lib/nova/images08:48
HugoKuo__choose one for testing08:49
pgregoryso I can just do "sudo nova-manage image convert /var/lib/nova/images"?08:50
pgregory'sok, I sorted it, I just used uec-publish-tarball, and it seemed to work fine.09:07
sorentoluene: Is nova-api running?09:09
toluenesoren, I have no idea, my apt is messup , I 'm now reinstalling the ubuntu, what a bad day.   I have recorded the tips you had gave me.09:12
sorenI thought you were installing from soruce?09:12
sorensource, even .09:12
sorenNot from packages?09:12
toluenesoren, Yes, I doing thing using source. I'm a gentoo guy09:14
sorenNow you've lost me. Are you doing this on Gentoo or Ubuntu?09:14
toluenesoren, My team use ubuntu so I use ubuntu, at home I use gentoo.09:15
toluenesoren, I'm using ubuntu to install openstack09:16
sorenSo why install from source?09:16
toluenesoren, I think using source is the best way to use up-to-date openstack09:18
toluenesoren, people committing codes to bzr daily, isn't it ?09:19
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sorentoluene: And we build packages correspondingly.09:24
sorenAdmittedly, the last couple of days, we've been lagging a little bit (due to long build queues on Launchpad), but generally, less than half an hour from commit to trunk, there are UBuntu packages available.09:25
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alekibango_nil:  iam using duckduckgo...  :)  you are author?09:51
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Bat_Hi all10:08
Bat_Is there anyone here who could help me a little with OpenStack Swift?10:08
Bat_Really, really important.10:09
btorchwhat's the issue ? i can try10:11
pgregoryanyone know how I get a description into a glance image metadata that will show up in Dashboard in place of the location?10:31
pgregoryI've looked into the Dashboard code, and it checks for the existence of 'description' and uses it if it's there, or uses 'location' if not.10:31
pgregoryso I jumped through hoops with the glance cli tool (why on earth does it wipe any properties not specified in the update command?) to get a description property in there, and it doesn't make any difference, still shows the location.10:32
sorenpgregory: It wipes the stuff not set in the update command, because that's the only useful way you can offer a way to delete properties.10:35
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pgregorysoren: perhaps a separate command then, 'update' doesn't imply delete to me, perhaps that's just me.10:36
pgregoryanyway, I've now tried 'description', 'image_description' none of them show up, any ideas?10:36
sorenpgregory: Think of it as "update my set of properties to this".10:37
pgregorysoren: I see10:37
pgregoryfair enough.10:37
sorenpgregory: I could probably stare at the code and work it out, but I need food to fuel my brain.10:37
pgregoryI've looked at the code, Django is a bit of a maze, but still can't work it out.10:38
* soren goes to apply food10:41
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Bat_Ok, so I was trying to use swfit with S3 interface10:46
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Bat__Ok, sorry10:47
Bat__So my problem is10:47
Bat__I'm using switf + S3 middleware written in python in order to get interface compatible to S3 for my application10:47
Bat__Unfortunatelly, when I try to send files via s3curl I'm getting Invalid URI message10:48
Bat__The problem only occurs if I try to upload a file, lets say /a/b/c.txt to the bucket, in which tere are no subdirecotires "a" and "b"10:49
Bat__This is a big problem for me, since S3 was accepting those requests without a problem10:49
Bat__My sys admin tried to upload the same file without s3 middleware and he told me that the request was processed OK.10:50
Bat__So it lookl like the python tier is somehow broken10:50
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HugoKuo__       I'm out of idea , need your help .10:54
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colinnich_Bat__: I've not used the S3 middleware - if you wait a few hours until the guys in the US start work you are more likely to get an answer.11:06
alekibangoBat__: ius guys will be here in 2 hours11:12
sandywalshBat__, or post your question here: (with code snippets here: ) and someone will pick it up11:13
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Bat__I guess it could help11:23
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RichiHgenerally speaking, is swift happier with faster cpus or with more cores?11:33
RichiHi assume more cores, but i'd rather ask before buying stuff11:33
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fabiand__pgregory: may i ask what guide you followed to setup swift and nova?11:36
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hedenAnyone know why my uploaded AMI file from uec-publish-tarball gets registered with Glance but the state of the image is QUEUED?12:03
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naehringhi there! is there any auto scaling feature in nova?12:39
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pgregoryfabiand__: I haven't setup swift, the guide I used for nova was...12:58
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sorennaehring: No.13:01
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naehringsoren, thanks.13:14
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nerensHey guys, I've got nova running on a single host and want to move nova-api to another host, as far as I can see the only 2 flags in nova.conf I need to change is --ec2_host & --ec2_url on both hosts?13:16
nerensAnd obviously stop the nova-api service and start up on the new host.13:18
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dabonaehring: There are auto-scaling products that will work with OpenStack. Cloudscaling is one (, and Scalr ( was very active at the recent summit about their plans to work with OpenStack.13:30
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naehringdabo, thanks. I´ ll take a closer look13:34
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RichiHare people using 10.04 or 11.04 for actual deployments?13:46
btorchwe use LTS only13:46
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ianp100hi, openstack novice here13:53
* soren is breaking a personal record for number of e-mails sent in an hour right now.13:54
sorenRichiH: Either should be fine.13:54
sorenRichiH: If not, it's a bug that I want to fix.13:54
ianp100was interested to know if there are best practise details for modifying the rings once you cluster is in production13:54
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colinnich_ianp100: I'm not sure there is any documentation for that - not that I can find anyway. Did you have any specific questions?13:58
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nhmRich: I'm using LTS here.14:00
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btorchRichiH: btw I was referring to swift not nova14:01
nhmAny of you guys looked at Jeff Darcy's cloudfs project?14:01
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ianp100colinnich: I would like to know if the process for modifying the rings is the same as it is for creating (by modifying I mean adding more storage etc).  I'd also be interested in undestanding the potential performance hit (and subsequent best practise to minimize) of rebalancing when in production (assuming I'd have to do that if Ive added more drives/nodes), thanks14:02
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rattlesnakeA question about Nova: Does the /var/lib/nova/images folder need to be shared across all the compute nodes with NFS or similar? i'm using nova-objectstore with local storage running in a different node, with nova-api and nova-scheduler14:05
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jaypipesvishy: see rattlesnake's question above... I'm not sure?14:07
jaypipesnhm: jdarcy showed us a few months ago and I had a quick look back then, but not since. any major updates?14:08
nhmjaypipes: not sure, I'm trying to get a feel for it.14:09
jdarcyStill in progress, unfortunately.14:09
nhmjaypipes: ie what the relationship with gluster will look like, and what gluster's relationship with openstack will look like.14:09
jaypipesnhm: hmm, yeah, I can't help you with that, sorry :) jdarcy does hang out here, though, so he might reply../.14:09
jaypipeshehe, speak of the devil :)14:09
jdarcyMore like an imp, actually.14:09
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jdarcyI honestly haven't quite figured out what the Gluster/OpenStack connection is, other than a sort of general "let's all work together in the cloud" thing.14:11
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jdarcyCloudFS will mostly just follow GlusterFS in that regard, as a consequence of being based on it.  I guess there might be some ways that CloudFS's specific features could be integrated into OpenStack (e.g. coordinating users/tenants) but I haven't thought about it much.14:12
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fabiand__pgregory: thanks. are you from europe, btw? :)14:25
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diegoparrillaRegarding GlusterFS I think there are a clear use case: KVM live migration. I asked the Gluster guys in Santa Clara about a reference architecture of GlusterFS for KVM LiveMigration with Nova and they told me they would work on it soon14:29
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diegoparrilla... but the most popular sentence in Santa Calra was: 'We will work on it soon' ;-)14:32
pgregoryfabiand: yes, UK.14:33
creihtRichiH: re: cpus, I would say more cores is better than faster cpus14:34
jdarcydiegoparrilla: I think we have folks here (Red Hat) working on something like that too, not specific to GlusterFS though.  The shrinking-delta approach should basically work with any shared FS.14:34
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creihtman lots of swift questions today14:35
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creihtianp100: re: rings: yes you use the same process.  You add new devices to the .builder files from the previous ring, rebalance then push the rings out to all the nodes14:36
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creihtif it is a lot of storage, then we recommend starting with a smaller weight, let replication settle, bump up the weight, repeat until the new devices are at full weight14:37
diegoparrillajdarcy: we use Nexenta, but obviously cannot scale how Gluster does.14:38
ianp100creiht: thanks, any performance considerations during the rebalancing to users?14:41
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creihtianp100: for the most parts, the end users may only notice some extra latency until everything is rebalanced14:42
creihtianp100: you might want to look at:
ianp100is there any documentation on billing and metering for swift?14:44
creihtthat will dump .csv files with all the stats which you can dump into your favorite db or analytics engine14:45
creihtand use that for billing, etc.14:45
ianp100creiht: thanks, one final question :) there's plenty of info on resilence around the proxy and storage nodes, is there any best practise for the auth node?14:47
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creihtRichiH: I looked at the paste, but I'm not sure I can tell much from that14:48
creihtianp100: which auth are you using? swauth?14:49
ianp100creiht: assume for the moment yes14:49
creihtyou can run swauth on any number of proxies, and load balance between those14:51
creihtyou can run it standalone if you need to, or on top of the normal proxies14:51
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* soren calls it a day14:52
kbringardhey guys, quick ?14:52
kbringardI'm looking at this, and it's confusing me a bit14:52
RichiHcreiht: you can see that it's sending practically the same in both bases and swift3 just dies and does not respond14:52
kbringardthis seems to be a logical diagram... but physically, if I'm using VLAN mode, the Routing Node and Addressing Node are both the network controller, correct?14:53
RichiHcreiht: if you suspect the colon to be the cause, can you just edit line 403 to accept _ as seperator in the access key?14:53
creihtRichiH: well I saw that part, but it doesn't tell me if the client library used is dieing, or something is wrong with the server14:53
creiht_ could be in a username for swift14:54
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koolhead17hi all15:05
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ccookeso every now and then, openstack suddenly starts to chew through CPU15:10
ccookenova-network, nova-compute and nova-scheduler all end up taking about 25% of a CPU, with beam.smp (the rabbitmq main process) taking another 20%15:11
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ccookeI see no issues in the logs15:11
ccookeand load drops to normal once I've restarted *all* the openstack daemons15:11
ccooke(Load drops quite a bit when I restart all the three I mentioned, but it stays above normal until nova-api and nova-objectstore are restarted, too)15:12
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RichiHload balancing swift... we are pondering DNS RR or pushing everytihng through a central IP and abusing inbound nat. obviously, dns rr scales linearly while inbound nat can't scale indefinitely unless you do "geo" ip in your backbone or similar. (or source-based routing, which sucks) that is, unless it's possible to seperate singnalling and data transfer (i.e. you have one or two dispatchers which tell the clients which host to connct to to ...16:20
RichiH... actually get the data)16:20
RichiHtl;dr: how are people load balancing swift?16:20
kpeppleRichiH: interesting post to read from the Rackspace guys
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RichiHkpepple: i am going through that as we speak, but it's always good to get more input16:22
RichiHand yes, we are in full control of our own backbone16:22
kpeppleRichiH: it's an interesting way to do it without resorting to big iron LB ... but ospf can be a bear to configure/troubleshoot. depends on how much traffic, i suppose16:23
RichiHand what i don't get is how ospf equal cost routing helps at all16:23
RichiHas this will distribute packets, not flows/streams16:24
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: hey there :) safe trip back to Spain?16:24
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RichiHand even if distribute handshake information in the background, you are still left with the tcp stack not having the correct sequence numbers16:24
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diegoparrillahey Jay! Yes, a long trip but safe at home!16:25
RichiHso unless you simply patch your kernel, disable NIC offloading and accept _everything_, this can not work16:25
RichiHunless i am not getting how it's done16:25
RichiHkpepple: and yes, ospf sucks donkeys through straws16:25
diegoparrillajaypipes: hey Jay! Yes, a long trip but safe at home!16:25
katkeeis it possible to run nova with xen without using XCP? using libvirt for example?16:26
RichiH"here is an interface/subnet. have fun trusting anything and everything you will ever see there and decide your routing based on this with (almost) no manual control over route selection"16:26
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: good to hear :)16:27
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RichiHospf is fine to make your backbone aware of other boxes' loopback addresses so they can talk ibgp, but that's about it16:27
kpeppleRichiH: is he saying that you use DNS RR and then maybe per destination load balancing ?16:28
RichiHpandemicsyn: see above, please16:28
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diegoparrillajaypipes: it was a great summit. I learnt a lot16:31
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vishyrattlesnake: if you want to use local image service on multiple hosts, then yes you have to share that folder via nfs, but the recommended solution for multiple hosts is to use glance16:31
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katkeeis it possible to run nova with xen without using XCP? using libvirt for example?16:33
RichiHkatkee: we saw it the first time, but no one seems to have an answer16:33
vishykatkee: yes16:33
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: me too! :)16:33
vishykatkee: although i don't know of anyone actually using that method16:33
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jaypipesdiegoparrilla: good discussions (arguments?!), good coding, overall an excellent time.16:34
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katkeevishy: thanks very much. is KVM the most widely used hypervisor with OpenStack?16:35
vishykatkee: KVM through libvirt or xen through xen driver16:36
kbringardI'd actually be very interested people's thought's on KVM vs Xen16:36
diegoparrillavishy: mmm... I guess rattlesnake is somebody from my team that just left the channel... we are testing NFS and KVM live migration and we were wondering what is a better solution: NFS sharing or Glance copy-on-deploy approach16:36
vishyseems to be roughly split, kvm is way easier to install16:36
jaypipesvishy: hey, if you've got a sec, could you re-check thx in advance!16:37
vishydiegoparrilla: I would suggest glance for multi-machine16:37
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: glance with a swift backend.16:37
kbringardglance == good16:37
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diegoparrillavishy: yes, I agree16:38
* jaypipes <3 kbringard.16:38
kbringardjaypipes: lol, I only speak the truth16:38
vishyjaypipes: approved16:38
jaypipesvishy: cheers mate :)16:38
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kbringardvishy: quick ? about HA on the network controller16:39
kbringardwell, a couple16:39
jaypipesvishy:  now, if you have 15 minutes... ;)
katkeewe are studying OpenStack in order to migrate our current xen installation on it but it seems that OpenStack and XCP are overlapping themselves... We would prefer OpenStack to XCP but use Xen as a hypervisor.16:39
kbringarddo we think the NaaS stuff is going to address that?16:39
kbringardsecondly, if I heartbeat IPs and replicate IPtables and the dnsmasq files (leases, pids, etc... probably via NFS)16:39
diegoparrillajaypipes: we were considering NFS shared approach for images enabling dedup and thin provisioing in the NexentaStor system16:40
kbringardany reason you can think of that wouldn't work for failover?16:40
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diegoparrillajaypipes: But glance is a better approach. And more resilient, probably16:40
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: I'm not too familiar with the NexentaStor system, but you should still be able to use NFS with Glance's filesystem backend. Just set filesystem_store_datadir to point to the NFS mount...16:41
kbringardthat's what I do, on a netapp16:41
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: and ensure write permissions and all that yada :)16:41
jaypipeskbringard: w00t.16:42
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diegoparrillajaypipes: write permissions and root attributes, my favourite part in NFS ;-)16:42
jaypipesdiegoparrilla: indeed ;)16:42
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RichiHpandemicsyn: unless you are using something that, once it has the routes in its FIB, does flow-based routing16:42
RichiHthat would work16:42
diegoparrillajaypipes & vishy: Thank you again, see u later16:43
RichiHwell, not even flow-based routing, but flow-based equal cost distribution16:43
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vishyXCP is going to use openstack afaik16:45
vishykbringard: there are instructions by ntt on network node ha16:46
kbringardoh, nice16:46
kbringardthat is mucho good16:46
vishythey managed to get a 4 second failover16:46
kbringardI'll go find 'em16:46
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vishykbringard: this was the message that had the instructions:
kbringardhehe, i was just reading that, thanks16:51
vishyit was an attachment, i can forward to you if you didn't get it16:51
kbringardI see it attached on the page there16:51
kbringardlemme see if I can download it16:51
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kbringardI got it, thanks again16:53
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kbringardvishy: so, if I'm reading this right, nova-network brings up all the correct IP tables rules, dnsmasq leases, etc automagically when it comes up on the new node... so we don't have to manage that?16:58
kbringardif so, that makes this infinitely easier... I was thinking I was going to need to sync all that stuff manually16:58
exltcreiht: might want to think about using 'apt-get build-dep swift' in that section of installing build dependencies - if something is missing at build, then the build dependencies need adjusting17:01
kbringardvishy: that is ephing awesome17:01
kbringardgood work sir :-)17:01
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creihtexlt: good point17:09
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BK_manhi all. Is euca-upload-bundle is supposed to work with Nova / Glance backend with filesystem at the moment? Mine got an error
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vishyBk_man: yes.  Is nova-objectstore running?17:32
BK_manvishy: nope. Should be?17:32
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vishyyup, can't use euca-upload-bundle without it17:33
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BK_manvishy: does that mean that objectstore is not obsoleted by Glance?17:33
vishyeuca-upload uses s317:34
vishyso you need an s3 server of some sort17:34
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BK_manvishy: started objectstore, but the error isn't gone17:45
BK_manvishy: telnet test passed on IP:333317:45
vishyare you sure your novarc has the right ip?17:46
creihtRichiH: so I'm looking again at, trying to understand the code17:46
creihtI'm starting to think that it isn't the : messing it up17:47
BK_manvishy: yep, it's fresh. let me begin from scratch again17:49
creihton my test setup, the s3-curl script still doesn't sign the request the same as the middleware is expecting17:49
creihtusing the boto libs works though17:49
creihtanyone know of another commandline s3 tool that I could test?17:50
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* BK_man finally found error in /etc/nova/nova.conf17:56
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BK_manwhy nova-manage project zipfile command does not honor --s3_host flag in /etc/nova/nova.conf?17:56
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imsplitbitBK_man I have found that you should always explicitly pass the --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf argument to nova-manager17:58
vishynot, sure17:58
imsplitbitwoohoo off to a 2 hour meeting... I <3 meetings17:58
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creihtRichiH: so it looks like the s3curl script is for some reason adding localhost to the string of stuff to hash18:06
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* creiht digs deeper18:06
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pandemicsynRichiH: sorry fixing to run off to a meeting but, aggr/pub switch to quagga/ospf on a linux box running your lb software.  Its 1 flow to 1 quagga instance , not per packet.18:16
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RichiHcreiht: oh?18:23
creihtRichiH: getting closer18:24
RichiHpandemicsyn: quagga does not route, it only computes routes and injects those into the kernel18:24
RichiH(also, even though we are using quagga on linux exclusively, bird is better)18:24
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pandemicsynRichiH: yea, bird is cool18:25
RichiHpandemicsyn: i will need to try this once i have more than scavenged hardware, i.e. next week18:25
pandemicsynpretty sure theres actually bird example for what your looking for up on the bird site18:25
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pandemicsynits a pretty common way to deal with a ton of traffic, think most of the big swift deployments are doing this18:26
creihtRichiH: --debug on s3curl has turned out to be useful :)18:26
RichiHpandemicsyn: you should update your blog to reflect that you need something that does flow-based routing18:26
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RichiHyou had three of us staring at the monitor going "wtf?" :p18:26
creihtRichiH: first step so far is to add your host to the @endpoints in the script18:27
creihtso in my test setup, I added 'localhost' to the list18:27
creihtnow I am getting a 404, just trying to figure out why that is18:27
RichiHcreiht: i clobbered it with print Dumper foo, but i didn't look at what goes into the base64'ed part, yet18:28
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creihtif you add your storage host to the @endpoints, it fixes the signing issue18:28
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RichiHcreiht: i am at home atm. let me finish my spaghetti real quick and i'll grab the source18:30
creihtno rush18:30
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BK_manjaypipes: around?18:36
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jaypipesBK_man: yep!18:36
jaypipesewanmellor: heya18:37
BK_manjaypipes: look here:
_vinayHi vishy18:37
ewanmellorDoes anyone know what it means when the swift unit test test_invalidate_hash fails?  I presume that I have got an incorrect dependency, because it doesn't do it on another machine, but I can't figure out which one it would be.18:37
jaypipesBK_man: heh.18:38
_vinaycan you point me to any stress tests written specifically for nova?18:38
BK_manjaypipes: is that expected?18:38
_vinayI am looking at smoketests but they are not stress18:38
jaypipesBK_man: update to the latest rev :) bug was *just* sent into trunk for that (bug 773388)18:38
BK_manjaypipes: I uploaded my images to Nova using euca2ools18:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 773388 in glance "glance index does not show queued or saving images" [High,Fix committed]
BK_manjaypipes: ah, ok18:38
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jaypipesBK_man: sorry for the confusion18:38
_vinayWe are evaluating openstack/nova for IaaS layer.. and we want to run some load and perf tests to get some statistics18:39
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kpeppleRichiH: can you document what you come up re: ospf/bird/quagga ? i may be embarking on a similar quest soon ...18:46
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DweezahrIs hardware acceleration essential for running openstack?18:55
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DweezahrI am running a cloud controller from one vm and a node from another vm18:55
DweezahrAnd I get: libvirtError: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'18:56
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_vinayHi kpepple,18:59
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_vinaydo you have any idea about the stresstests question I asked above?18:59
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vishy_vinay: there aren't any that I am aware of19:02
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vishyaside from maybe
_vinayokay.. so if we want stats on performance, best way is to write ourselves ?19:03
_vinayok will check novatools19:03
vishybut that is for one host at a time19:03
kpepple_vinay: you'll probably have to write something yourself with fog or something like that19:03
vishyqa at nasa did some stress tests using grinder19:04
vishybut I don't think they released them publicly19:04
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nhmvinay: what kind of performance?  We might do some HPL runs at some point.19:05
creihtRichiH: success!19:06
_vinaynhm we are evaluating openstack at this point19:07
_vinayso we need perf stats like how many instances can openstack support...19:07
_vinayat what point does it choke.. does it fail cleanly? etc. etc.19:08
creihtRichiH: so in the script, you have to add your host to @endpoints19:09
creihtI had forgotten that the requests are mapped from amazon style requests to swift requests19:09
_vinaynhm what is HPL ??19:09
creihtso running the following on my test system gave me the bucket list:19:09
creiht./ --debug --id test:tester --key testing get -- -s -v http://localhost:8080/19:09
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Dweezahr_vinay, High performance linux, it is Linpack for clusters19:10
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nhmI've heard some rumors that virtualized IB is getting better.  Not nearly as good as native IB, but is beating native ethernet.19:11
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_vinayok Dweezahr, nhm19:14
throughnothingHey, I'm following this tutorial  and everything seems to be working finally, but when I try to create an instance using 'euca-run-instances ami-tiny --kernel aki-lucid --ramdisk ari-lucid -k nova_key' I get an ImageNotFound error. I have the images/ directory with the images in them in the project checkout root as per the tutorial, but it seems to not be finding them.  Anyone have the19:15
_vinaycan you share your approach on how to go about it19:15
_vinaydo you have any test written / test plan ?19:15
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throughnothingalso, all the tests pass for me using the virtualenv19:16
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Dweezahrthroughnothing, why from source?19:16
kpepplethroughnothing: can you euca-describe-images and those images ?19:16
throughnothingkpepple: I don't have any images running, but when i do euca-describe-images i dont get any errors19:17
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throughnothingDweezahr: because I want to develop19:17
kpepplethroughnothing: euca-describe-IMAGES just lists your available images. i think you are thinking of euca-describe-INSTANCES19:17
throughnothingkpepple: ah let me check19:18
throughnothingok, so you are correct :) euca-describe-images shows me nothing (no errors though)19:18
throughnothingthis is what I figured the problem was, just not sure how to solve...its not seeing my available images19:18
kpepplethroughnothing: there's an error on ... it has you pull down the image tar ball but then you never upload it into nova19:20
throughnothingi was wondering :)19:22
throughnothingis there somewhere on the wiki that describes this process19:22
* kpepple thumbs through wiki looking for when those instructions got deleted 19:22
kpepplethroughnothing: go to and jump down to the "Register an image" section. use the ttylinux test image for starters ... i think this still works ... once you uec-publish, make sure it is up there with euca-describe-images19:24
throughnothingkpepple: thanks a bunch! Will let you know when its working :)19:24
kpepplethroughnothing: np19:24
Dweezahrlibvirterror: no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'19:26
DweezahrBut I am using qemu I think19:26
Dweezahrsudo qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd15 from (pid=848) execute /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/
throughnothingkpepple: awesome, worked19:30
kpepplethroughnothing: cool19:30
throughnothingkpepple: are you a dev?19:30
kpepplethroughnothing: i've contributed some code to nova19:31
photron_Dweezahr: is you host running as 64 or 32bit linux?19:35
Dweezahrphotron_, both hosts are 64 bit19:35
RichiHcreiht: ugh sorry, friends came over before i could join in19:35
creihtRichiH: np19:35
RichiHcreiht: can you paste a patch?19:35
RichiHor just submit to cpan19:35
Dweezahrphotron_, But, euca-describe-images show i38619:35
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* RichiH still has an account, somewhere if need be19:36
Dweezahrphotron_, IMAGEami-05c95c5edub-bucket/maverick-server-uec-amd64.img.manifest.xmlavailablepublici386machineaki-396602b219:36
creihtIt is a customization of that script19:36
creihtnot sure there is anything really to submit19:36
creihtjust anyone who wants to use it with a swift cluster will have to modify that part of the script19:37
photron_Dweezahr: i dont mean the images or virtual machines, i really mean the physical host running nova19:37
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Dweezahrphotron_, cloud controller is a vm in vmware on windows 7, cloud node is a vm on vmware on osx on a mac pro19:37
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Dweezahrcreith, what script is this, nova-install?19:38
photron_Dweezahr: and those vmware vms are running 64bit linux?19:38
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creihtDweezahr: that script is, a command line utility for interacting with s319:39
creihttrying to help someone get it to work with swift19:39
Dweezahrphotron_, cloud controller: x86_64 node: x86_6419:39
RichiHcreiht: that's fine; i'll look at adding code to expose the switch to the outside19:39
creihtRichiH: cool, and thanks19:40
creihtthere still seems to be another bug with it that I am tracking down19:40
* RichiH suspect that he will rely on this library _a lot_19:40
photron_Dweezahr: okay then the "libvirterror: no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'" error is not caused by the problem i had a while ago19:40
creihtI was able to use it to list buckets and objects, create buckets, and upload an object19:40
creihtthough if you try to upload an object with a path in the object name, it fails19:41
creihtRichiH: why not just use st? :)19:41
RichiHcreiht: i am a perl guy and i will end up writing a lot of custom code to stuff data into swift19:41
Dweezahrcreiht, locate gives nothing on node and cloud controller, is it only included in the source version?19:41
creihtRichiH: ah gotcha19:42
RichiHi don't really care about s3ls etc other than as a codebase to steal code from19:42
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vishypeople still use perl?19:42
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creihtDweezahr: nah, this is an external script that people would normally use with s319:42
RichiHbut i need the library :)19:42
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RichiHvishy: the ones who know that syntax and formatting should not be mixed do ;)19:43
* RichiH hides from the pythons19:43
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vishyI thought all of you graduated to ruby! :)19:44
RichiHlet's put it this way19:44
RichiHi wrote a custom http proxy and a sms sending daemon, in perl, in 200419:45
RichiHor 200519:45
RichiHit still works today19:45
RichiHtry that with ruby, or python, and we'll talk19:45
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* creiht stays out of religious battles :)19:46
deepyRichiH: I wrote an application using Twisted, it still works19:46
RichiHcreiht: i am just teasing :p19:46
alekibangoRichiH: i wrote perl script 1200 lines long in 199x and now i really do now know what it does19:47
RichiHalekibango: but it still works19:48
alekibangoRichiH: not sure about that... as it was working with netscape browser internals somehow19:49
RichiHalekibango: k; external applications can change19:50
alekibangoyou know, good old times of netscape 3, when browser was lean and quick and even javascript worked :)19:50
alekibangooh, i remember mosaic and gopher and stuff... darn i am getting old19:50
kpeppleRichiH: <snark>it only works because Perl hasn't released a new version since 1992</snark>19:50
Dweezahrc++ is even older19:51
alekibangodont worry, skynet is now online and it will end those wars19:51
Dweezahrskynet? stuxnet19:52
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RichiHkpepple: debian sid is just migrating to 5.1220:00
RichiHthough admittedly, 5.8 -> 5.10 took ages20:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #778089 in swift "swift3 middleware doesn't allow / in object names" [Undecided,New]
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DweezahrAllright, I have no hardware acceleration on both the cloud controller and the node, how can I get past this error code: libvirterror: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'? Qemu is running fine I when kvm module is disabled. /dev/kvm is absent as well. This used to work with the Bexar release, I got it running back then without this error20:18
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DweezahrBoth vms are running in vmware, and it seems to be impossible to get hardware acceleration working in vmware20:19
kpeppleDweezahr: use uml by changing your libvirt type to "--libvirt_type=kvm" in nova.conf20:19
kpeppleDweezahr: err, i mean "--libvirt_type=uml"20:19
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vishyuml requires special images20:21
Dweezahrokay, qemu first20:21
kpepplevishy: ooops forgot about that20:21
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* vishy devs on vms all the time20:23
* vishy and uses qemu20:23
Dweezahr2 computers and 8 vms here20:23
DweezahrWow, it is running now20:24
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vishymtaylor: ping20:46
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openstackjenkinsProject swift build #255: SUCCESS in 32 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fixes issue of swift3 middleware not working correctly with '/' in object names21:17
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markwashany pointers on how clean.sqlite is generated?21:52
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markwashnm I got it: nova.db.migration.db_sync()21:57
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vishymarkwash: look in in the tests dir22:15
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Ryan_LaneI'm not sure if I should have created this as a nova blueprint, or if I should have proposed it for one of the networking services:
vishyRyan_Lane: +1 to the spec for sure22:37
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Ryan_Lanegrapex was asking me about it, and I definitely want to move this code out of my extension22:37
vishyas to where it goes, it can probably go into nova for now22:37
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Ryan_LaneI'm not totally sure I can actually get this in for diablo :)22:37
Ryan_LaneI have what? 5 months?22:38
Ryan_Lane(I'm writing up a spec right now, btw.)22:38
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grapexSo I'm wanting to use Rackspace's internal DNS services which are very simple.  I could do this from RedDwarf dbcontainer create call, but I need to store the association between an instance and DNS entry somewhere (heck, it might even be "extra" data for now).22:45
Ryan_Laneso nova wouldn't update DNS?22:46
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Ryan_Lanejust store data in the database about what is in DNS?22:46
grapexIt would be easier for us if it did, but we could work around it in the short term by putting code to do that in the dbcontainer portion of our API that piggybacks off the Nova compute stuff.  We'd still need the association to persist somewhere though.22:48
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Ryan_Lanehow is DNS itself not the association?22:48
Ryan_Laneyou know the private IP address of the instance22:48
Ryan_Laneby doing a reverse lookup you have the entry22:48
Ryan_Laneor were you saying it would be easier if nova updated DNS?22:49
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Ryan_Laneare instance names unique? or only the instance id?22:51
Ryan_LaneI guess I could test that really quick :)22:51
grapexTrue, but if the instance got blown away the IP address would be gone.  Then again if the DNS association was in the DB it'd probably disappear too- I think you're right, it may not be needed.  If Nova updated DNS it would still be nice.  Maybe even that isn't needed.22:51
Ryan_LaneI'm proposing nova manage the DNS entries22:51
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Ryan_Lanethat way if you create an instance, a DNS entry is added, and if you delete an instance, the DNS entry is also removed22:52
grapexI think thats a great idea.22:53
Ryan_Lanethe way I'm going to propose won't require schema changes22:53
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Ryan_Lanewhich is a plus, because I don't understand how that part of the code works :D22:54
* Ryan_Lane never uses ORMs22:54
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grapexYeah, now that I think about it putting another association in the db between an instance and DNS doesn't help anything at all as long as you have a way of knowing when the DNS stuff needs to change.22:56
Ryan_Lanewell, the good thing is that you can always use the IP address to find the entry22:57
Ryan_Laneso deleting the entries is easy22:57
Ryan_Laneno database needed22:57
Ryan_Lanepublic DNS is more difficult, because an IP address can be in multiple entries ;)22:57
Ryan_Lanebut nothing requires association in a database22:58
Ryan_Lanehmm. public DNS should likely allow multiple DNS zones too22:59
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grapexSo I was wrong- internally we can't depend on looking up the entry via IP for whatever reason so I think our application needs the association.  We could get by just stashing it as meta data somewhere though, even if we had to just decorate the DNS driver based system you're proposing to do it.23:34
grapexAnyway, thanks for starting the blueprint.  I look forward to talking more about it tomorrow.23:34
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