Sunday, 2011-09-11

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deshantmrmk: I see your at it again. any progress?01:43
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rmkdeshantm: yes, I realized one of my issues was not reading the docs thoroughly03:28
rmkstill having some issues but its progress03:29
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rmk is my latest issue03:54
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rmkThere really isn't much information about running xenserver with openstack04:58
rmkI've only found one document04:58
rmkIs anyone using openstack with xenserver in a production environment?05:04
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Alowishuswell aren't XCP and XenServer roughly interchangeable?  most any doc which would refer to XCP and XAPI would apply identically to XenServer05:13
rmkYes they're effectively the same05:18
rmkI'd gladly run XCP if it's more supported05:18
rmkAre there more docs around XCP?05:18
rmk -- is the only one I see referencing Xenserver/XCP/XAPI at all05:19
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rmkIs there supposed to be one nova compute instance for each hypervisor?06:49
bnightrmk: good morning I read the docs and somewere it was writen that you need to have one nova compute instance for each hypervisor06:52
rmkSo there's really no advantage to using xenserver in this case, since pooling really has no benefit06:53
bnightso if you want to use for example xenserver and vmware esxi you need to nova compute instances one to manage xen server and one to manage vmware esxi06:53
rmkbnight: Sure -- but if there are 10 servers in the xen pool, do you need a compute instance for each one?06:54
bnighthowever because different hypervisors needs different image types my advice is to use only one hypervisor in your cloud infrastructure06:54
bnightrmk: yes you need compute instance for each one06:55
rmkhmm and with xenserver each of those needs to be a domu, so one vm per physical server .. am I understanding correctly?06:55
bnightwhy only one vm per physical server ?06:56
rmkno I mean one nova compute vm needs to exist on each xenserver instance06:57
rmkSeems like kvm would be a better direction then06:58
bnightwhy  ?06:58
bnightit depends on what you want to do with your infrastructure06:59
rmknova compute would just run on the kvm hypervisor itself, rather than a vm06:59
bnightfor example i want to be able to use vmware esxi for hypervisor06:59
rmkhave you managed to get that working with openstack?06:59
bnightyes you are corect but if you have 10 servers you still need to install 10 nova computes07:00
bnightno I am just in playing state right now so I have only a basic setup with qemu on a vmware player vm it`s great anyway07:01
rmkthanks for clearing this up for me07:01
bnighttoday my plan is to create some use cases I run a small hosting company and will be great to see how my customers will benefit if I deliver to them cloud infrastructure07:01
bnightso if you have any ideas for what I can use the cloud please advice I am still new in this using I can configure and install everything but can`t find a use cases examples will be great07:05
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yes456I wan to make centos 6 templateor image for openstack how i can do that ??09:03
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bnightyou can use the steps in this doc09:13
bnightfor centos609:13
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Igor_Hello everyone09:36
Igor_Does anyone knows if I need vlan capable switch for vlan network on nova09:36
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yes456@bnight thanks11:33
larissayes456: Error: "bnight" is not a valid command.11:33
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KAMGuys, any help with this question : ?14:36
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vishyIgor_: yes you do16:27
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deshantmrmk: did you do a pip install off xenapi recently?18:06
deshantmrmk: also, by the way we are also porting the XCP toolstack (xapi) to Debian/Ubuntu, so that might be a use case that you are looking for18:07
deshantmrmk: it's called Project Kronos (
rmkdeshantm: I did18:10
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rmkdeshantm: My concern is that I'll need to run a nova-compute instance on each hypervisor as a domu18:10
rmkSorry I just thought about it and yes you're right that would solve the problem as well18:12
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rmkdeshantm: What's the possibility of running nova-compute on dom0 of xcp?18:17
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deshantmrmk: that is the point of Project Kronos18:18
deshantmrmk: as for documentation we are working as quick as we can to get more out there. Until then ask me anything. (
rmkJust want to clarify something18:22
rmkIf I have a pool of 10 xenservers, do I need a nova-compute domu on each one of the hypervisors, or is one enough for the entire pool?18:22
OutBackDingodeshantm: and it actually works on debian :)18:25
comstudrmk: need one compute node per xenserver node18:28
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OutBackDingocomstud: even if their all pooled? why ?18:28
comstudOutBackDingo: Ah, pooled.  Hm.18:30
OutBackDingoi dont see any reason is all hosts re pooled and using shared storage why you would need more then 1 nova compute vm18:31
OutBackDingosince it has access to the whole pool18:31
comstudOutBackDingo: I don't think there's any explicit support for pools right now... so I'm not sure how things might work with it18:31
OutBackDingoim failrly coviced nova compute is oblivious to pools and only cares about resources, which are provided by a pool18:32
OutBackDingoto compute it looks like 1 big machine18:32
comstudI'm not sure if there needs to be expicit support.. it's possible it may work with 1 compute node, then, pointing the compute node to a master.18:33
rmkjust not sure how that interaction works across the entire pool when /boot/guest comes into play18:33
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deshantmfor xenserver it is one compute node per hypervisor... I checked on this... I'll get the explanation18:33
comstudyeah, though with pools, it's possible a pool looks like 1 big hypervisor18:34
comstudto a compute node18:34
comstudif you point the compute node to a pool master18:34
comstudi haven't used nova with pools, so I dunno.18:34
rmkdeshantm: I'm definitely curious as to why as well18:35
OutBackDingoi always just pointed nova at the pool master18:35
comstudOutBackDingo: and it's worked?  if so, cool.18:35
rmkOutBackDingo: That's how I started but my nova compute node was not on the master and my vms were failing to start.18:35
rmkWhen I moved the compute domu to the master, they started up, but only on the master.18:36
comstudthe compute node can run anywhere18:36
comstudeven on a physical box18:36
deshantm"a) there is no concept of pools in OpenStack and XenServer; b) the XenAPI Plugins are required on each node making up your compute fabric."18:36
comstudIt just needs API access18:36
rmkdeshantm: Well for b), I'd assumed that and placed the plugins on each xenserver in the pool.18:37
OutBackDingoas did i18:37
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OutBackDingoi also created the /boot/guest on each host18:38
rmkone piece missing in that xenserver document is that the hv needs to be installed using the thin provisioning option18:38
OutBackDingormk: whys that?18:39
deshantmrmk: can you elaborate as to why that is a requirement18:39
deshantmrmk: back to your current problems though... If you are using trunk after September 8th, that is unstable/essex18:45
deshantmthere was a diablo branch created18:45
deshantmwhich is just for stabilizing for the diablo release18:45
rmkI started using ppa:nova-core/milestone18:45
OutBackDingormk: the only thing i can think of is when compute launches an instannces its passing the uuid of the host to launch on18:49
OutBackDingoif not i see no reason why it would care about pooled or unpool as long as it could communicate to xapi18:49
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OutBackDingoconsider also where is the vms virtual disk located, one shared storage, so once the vm is created it should in theory be able to be launched anywhere on the pool18:51
rmkOutBackDingo: How do you even specify which SR gets used for VMs?18:55
rmkThrough openstack, that is18:55
rmkAll of mine have been getting created on local disk18:55
OutBackDingormk: xapi deciphers the default primary shared sr18:55
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OutBackDingotheres a tag on the sr that specifies it as default18:56
OutBackDingormk: all of you what ?19:01
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rmkall of my openstack-created vms19:01
rmkthey're being created on local storage, even though there's an nfs sr for the pool19:01
OutBackDingormk: is the nfs sr set tp default ?19:03
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rmkat least xencenter see's it as the default19:03
OutBackDingoxe pool-param-get param-name=default-SR uuid=19:04
OutBackDingormk: weird, cause whenever i create/import a vm its created on the default sr19:05
rmkright whatever I create via xencenter is going to the nfs sr19:06
rmkbut openstack is using local disk19:06
OutBackDingothe only think i see openstack nova create is a single bootfile19:06
OutBackDingormk: can you check what vm images are on the default nfs pool19:07
rmkyeah so xe pool-list shows the uuid of my nfs sr as the default19:11
rmkbtw that's a shortcut for what you were getting at (noticed it while looking for the uuid of the pool)19:12
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