Saturday, 2011-10-22

nerdsteinit works!00:00
nerdsteinthats whats up00:00
viddKiall, no...for the dashboard you sent to ppa00:00
nerdsteini did an upgrade of services and got this: PasteAppNotFound: Could not load paste app 'osapi' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini00:01
nerdsteinanyoseen that?00:01
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Kiallvidd: sending the raw .deb's to dropbox ..00:01
viddzykes-, " euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" returns "invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" .... anyone know where i should look to fix this?00:03
viddany ideas?00:03
KiallWarning: These probably will cause your server to go on fire. Dont blame me... AND They are barly tested..00:03
KiallFair warning? ;)00:03
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Kialland you'll need this aswell ..
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viddKiall, if my server catches fire, i can take it into the bosses and they can get me something decent00:04
KiallAnd .. If you have OS half installed, or python style installed etc.. I would put money on them not working.00:04
KiallLet me know if they work for you tho ;)00:05
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KiallOnce they are all installed, I basically just followed the script and picked out all the setup parts+sample config's etc ..00:06
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viddKiall, you have any idea why euca-describe-availability-zones would return that error?00:07
Kiallit sounds like it getting an octal IP, but expecting a decial format IP .. but no idea why it do that00:08
Kiallare you running from git at the mo?00:08
viddno...ubuntu install00:08
Kiallmaster branch might have some bugs since they have started work on essex00:08
Kiallweird.. that should work ..00:08
Kiallat least - nova and euca tools works (in oneiric at least)00:08
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viddi figure i have a setting messed up in my nova-config00:09
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viddbecause i nuked the database and recreated it twice00:09
KiallI just spent 2 hours debugging my dashboard packages ..00:09
Kiallturns out my nova DB was screwed somehow00:09
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vidddont feal bad...i spent 36 hours in a row beating on the keystone database00:10
Kialllol .. keystone was actually the easiest part to re-package ;)00:10
Kiall(and get working, once installed from that package)00:10
viddi went through it peiece by piece because if igure that is where i want the billing API interface00:11
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KiallI havent looked at the internals too much yet, but, I would imagine billing would just eavesdrop on the message queue, and get exposed via dashboard or w/e00:12
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nerdsteinanyone seen this: 2011-10-21 19:34:15,908 ERROR nova.wsgi [-] URI scheme not known: 'call' (from egg, config)00:25
nerdsteinand then this: CRITICAL nova [-] Could not load paste app 'osapi' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini00:25
nerdsteinif so, please help00:25
viddnerdstein, can you pastebin your /etc/nova/api-paste.ini? [replace keystone key with x's if you are not using default]00:26
nerdsteinone sec00:28
viddKiall, my billing API will go into the keystone database and change "is active" for 1[yes] to 0[no] for suspending accounts when ppl dont pay thier bill for 6 months00:29
Kiallvidd: why not use the API like dash does, rather than editing DB direcly?00:32
viddKiall, there is an API to integrate with my billing software?00:33
nerdsteinvidd: i didn't have keystone installed00:33
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viddnerdstein, i see that00:33
nerdsteinvidd: cool, please let me know if you see anything00:35
viddKiall, the billing software wont have access to the message queue00:35
Kiallvidd: dash talks to keystone via an API to create users etc .. so .. yea .. I there is00:35
KiallI think there is*00:35
viddKiall, but end users need to have access to dashboard00:36
KiallI dont follow ...00:36
viddKiall, i cant let them have access to something and turn thier accounts back on =]00:36
KiallAh .. lol00:37
Kiallyou need admin access to get to that part of the dashboard ;)00:37
KiallOkay .. who knows where the source to this is?
KiallCant seem to find it anywhere -_-00:37
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nerdsteinvidd: please let me know if you find anything00:40
viddnerdstein,  did you modify this document besides changing the # from authdepr to noauth?00:41
nerdsteinvidd: no i have not intentionally modified this file00:42
viddits not in the factory-delivered format...the auth-type is different.....00:43
viddbut other than taht it loocs the same as mine =\00:43
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nerdsteinvidd: what line is different?00:44
viddi have keystone auth lines inserted00:45
nerdsteinoh, ok00:45
viddfor example, you have pipeline = logrequest ec2noauth cloudrequest authorizer ec2executor enabled, i had to add a line to enable keystone00:46
nerdsteinill keep digging on it00:47
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viddany idea why nova-volume would keep auto-stoping?00:58
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TelamonAnyone know why I would be getting this error when attempting to create a new network? ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''01:32
viddTelamon, check your novarc for invalid urls01:32
viddfix and resource01:32
viddfix and re source01:32
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viddTelamon, if you get ahead of yourself and add urls in your nova.conf file before you create your credentials, it messes ya up01:35
viddhello livemoon01:35
viddTelamon, you might have to comment out those lines in your nova.conf file, delete your credentials in the database and rebuild your credentials01:36
TelamonRe-source as in re-run db sync?  I don't think I have any invalid urls, but I do have some stuff like ec2/osapi_host that aren't setup yet.  I'll try removing them.  Thanks!01:36
viddand then umcomment them again in the nova.config01:36
viddno, re source as in source novarc01:36
viddTelamon, read your novarc01:37
viddif your novarc file is screwed up, your credentials are screwed up01:37
TelamonHmm, I don't have a novarc yet that I know of...  I'm doing the manual install (from debian packages) described at   It seems to have some missing steps...01:37
viddTelamon, you running on ubuntu?01:38
viddTelamon, this might help ya out: openstackbookv2-0_csscorp.pdf (application/pdf Object)01:39
viddthe url would be better than the site name =]01:39
TelamonSweet, thanks!01:39
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livemoonvidd, what are you doing today?01:47
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viddwell rested =]01:47
viddim working on actually getting nova to work properly01:47
viddbefore i intigrate it into keystone01:48
livemoonyesterday, I have finished it01:48
livemoonit is so hard process01:48
viddit would apear i cannot just build half of it, and ecpect keystone to fill in all the creds01:48
livemoongood luck01:49
viddit would appear that you need properly hashed credentials, you cant just tell nova this is what your going to use01:49
viddhow network-security-ish of that!01:50
livemoonvidd: Are you talking to me?01:53
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livemoonI will go out to have a good weekend.01:53
viddlivemoon, yes....when you create credential in nova, the name and project get hashed into two keys01:54
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viddyou cant just make stuff up and drop it into the database01:54
livemoonvidd: I don't create credential , I just create token and tenant and password01:55
livemoonmy credential table in database seems empty01:55
viddyour thinking keystone01:56
livemoonyes, I use keystone01:56
viddim talking about the novarc file and the .pem files01:56
livemoonoh :)01:56
viddyou have to already have them...keystone wont make them for you01:57
viddat least...not that i have seen01:57
viddand without them, i never will see =]01:57
livemoonoh my god, my poor englisth01:57
livemoonmy poor english01:58
maggvidd, any update on the dashboard? heh01:59
viddive given up on it (for now)02:00
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livemoonI have given up it too02:00
viddmagg, Kiall made some debs i will try later...maybe he can tell you about them02:00
rmkDoes anyone have the EC2 api working with keystone?02:00
Kiallvidd: I've discovered some issues with them02:01
maggwhere can i get them?02:01
Kiall(I'm installing on a fresh server now, and it looks like I've missed bits!)02:01
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maggi see02:01
viddKiall, keep up the good work02:01
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Kiallmagg: Eventually, ..02:02
Kiallkeep and eye out for the "NOT Ready for prime time just yet!" message to disappear ;)02:02
Kiall(hopefully next few hours I'll have everything sorted :))02:02
livemoonvidd: do you want to use EC2 with keystone?02:02
Kiallif not, next day or so at worst02:02
maggok thanks02:03
viddKiall, hopefully your packages will trip, fall, and land in ubuntu official repo's02:03
Kialllol .. unlikely ;)02:03
KiallLots of dirty hacks to get shit working without making too many changes ..02:03
viddlivemoon, before the weekend is out it will02:03
viddKiall, still 90x better than what repo's have now!02:04
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viddKiall, and go easy on the language...this stuff gets logged02:05
Kiallvidd: ah now - you cant tell an irishman to watch his language ;) (j/k .. was an accident ;))02:06
viddi didnt say watch your language....just go easy on it =]02:06
viddwe're all friends here =]02:07
Kiallvidd: I was kidding .. ;)02:07
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halfssvidd: here?02:09
viddhalfss,  yep02:09
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viddhalfss, what can i do ya out of?02:10
halfssvidd:can you help me about keystone with swift?02:10
viddnot ATM02:11
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viddi have to get nova working without keystone to test my assumptions about the way keystone interacts02:11
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halfsssorry,what's the mean of "ATM"?my english is very bad02:11
viddATM = At The Moment02:12
halfssoh i konw :D02:12
halfssvidd:ok,when you have time, message me02:12
viddperhaps others can help ya02:13
halfssoh, thank you,did you have any doc of how to use keystone manage swift?02:13
viddno....i wont be documenting swift with keystone02:14
viddi dont currently have a need for swift02:15
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halfssoh,thank you ;)02:15
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viddwhere does euca log errors?02:16
halfsseuca? you still use euca? after nova is in diablo, i don't know how make euca work well02:17
viddhalfss, euca creds have to work in order for keystone to talk to nova02:18
halfssyou euca work well?02:19 getting some error message about a syntax error02:19
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halfssoh,i still don't no how make euca work well02:20
viddwow....i need to trim these logs......02:21
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Telamonvidd: Hmm, restarted the config with that PDF and I'm getting the same error.  The only thing missing is I don't have a volume group setup (no free space to create another partition at the moment)  But I still get "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" when I run "nova-manage network create private 1 256"02:34
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viddTelamon, pastebin your novarc (take out ec keys)02:36
TelamonI don't think I have one.  Where would it be?02:37
viddit would be in your home directory02:37
viddif you followed thei the creds folder02:37
TelamonNope, no creds folder and nothing like that in my homedir...  I ran the install as root, which must have caused problems.  I'll redo it as a regular user...02:39
viddthen it would be in roots home folder02:40
Kiall"ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" honestly doesnt sound like an novarc issue ..02:41
Kiall(I dont know for sure, just sayign!)02:41
halfssis there anybody know how to use libvirt or virsh get instance info?02:41
viddTelamon, nevermind....02:42
viddthat step is befor you make the novatc02:42
TelamonAh, that explains much....  It seems to be that there is a missing argument in the docs.  IE there should be something before the that is an integer...02:43
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viddTelamon, pastebin me your novarc02:46
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viddremove your database password if you are using one02:47
Telamon  I think the DB password is okay as the db sync ran without errors and created the DB to begin with.02:49
viddTelamon, yeah....but we dont want your password data strewn accross the internet02:50
Telamondoesn't matter, I can change it later and the box isn't internet accessible.02:50
viddTelamon, your ipranges dont match02:52
TelamonI just did an update to the ppa repo and there are a few newer package related to nova, maybe that will help...02:52
TelamonThe 192. ones are for my public Internet connection (actually just the lan at the moment) and the 10.0 are my eth1 private Nova network stuff.02:53
TelamonIs that what you meant?02:53
KiallTelamon: careful you're not installing 2012.1 ..02:54
KiallIts under heavy development ..02:54
TelamonNo, the ppa is for 2011.3  I'll hold off on the beta code until at least next week. ;-)02:54
* vidd will hold off on the beta code until its main!02:55
viddexcept for dashboard02:56
Kialland keystone and .. ;)02:56
viddi NEED that to sell to the bosses!02:56
Kiallvidd, I'm going through a full install at the moment with my packages (scripting it all out ..)02:56
vidddoes euca-describe-availability-zones work for anyone?02:56
Kiallso far .. keystone and glance working ;)02:57
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TelamonIs the syntax for nova-manage network create different if you are not using vlans?03:07
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viddhow do i get OS_AUTH into my environment? is not on my system and i dont know where to get ir03:22
viddit is apparently need in order gor glance to work03:22
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Kiallvidd: so far, all the latest packages work .. just doing some "final" fixes to the dashboard packages now ;)03:58
viddnew keystone breaks glance03:58
KiallNot that I've noticed...03:59
Kiall(I'm using the stable, rather than master brances)03:59
viddnew keystone breaks old glance03:59
Kiallyea - thats kinda a given ;)04:00
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viddthey changed the data structure of the database04:00
viddif we could just get our "friends" at ubunutu to accept your .debs...all this wouldnt matter!04:01
viddnow...can i make user one a member of tenant 1 and tenant2?04:03
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KiallI just cant convince dashboard to load config from /etc rather than /usr -_-04:04
viddKiall, so add a ln -s to the /etc04:05
viddwait...ln -s in /usr to /etc04:06
Kiallah .. humm .. thats not the issue actually ..not working in /usr either04:06
viddare you making a .blackhole directory like devstack does?04:07
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Kiallkinda .. just leaving it as /var/www04:07
viddi suppose that works too....04:07
viddhave you looked at my example user/password/tenant example?04:08
viddkeystone-manage user add Some_body H48sm3cUzI Drew_A_Blank04:08
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KiallI'm not sure how thats relavant ;)04:09
viddits not relevant....its funny04:10
Kialloh .. lol04:10
vidddo ya see it?04:10
Kiallyah ..04:11
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Kialldooh - somehow misplaced a patch against dashboard -_- cant syncdb04:11
viddKiall, isnt it db_sync?04:12
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Kiallnah .. they all seem to have slightly different ways of doing it ;)04:12
viddidk i think they all do db_sync04:13
Kiallquilt new fix-manage-settings-paths.patch04:13
Kialldooh .. wrong window -__04:13
Kiall"nova-manage db sync"04:13
Kialldashboard/ syncdb04:13
viddare these ppl in redmond?04:14
Kialldrum roll .. a near final dashboard package is ready ;)04:16
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viddok...a user can only have one tenant04:20
Kiallthey can have more than one ..04:20
Kiallthey just have a default04:20
viddno, you cannot add one user to multiple tenants04:21
Kiall"many-to-many relationship between identity and tenant for Nova."04:21
Kiallfrom keystone README04:21
viddyou can have multiple roles for one user04:21
vidduser can have only one password and only one tenant04:22
viddtenat can have many users04:22
Kialla user can belong to multiple tenants04:22
viddERROR: (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'vidd' for key 'name'") 'INSERT INTO users (name, password, email, enabled, tenant_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' ('vidd', 'temp', None, True, 2L)04:23
Kiallyes, you are trying to duplicate the user04:24
Kialltenant_id in that table is the users primary tenant04:24
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viddtenant does not track what users are in it04:24
vidduser tacks what tenant they are in04:25
viddone tenant per user04:25
viddwhich of course makes sence04:25
Kiallnotice the 2 windows?04:26
Kiallwith admin and demo with both tenant 2 and tenant 3?04:26
viddthose are not keystone tenats04:27
Kiallyes they are04:28
viddthose are nova tenants04:28
Kiall(at least, I'm pretty sure they are)04:28
viddi can tell ya right now04:28
viddmy databases are in mysql04:28
viddso i can see them all04:29
KiallL18 and L19 ..04:29
Kiallkeystone-manage adds  the demo user to both tenants04:29
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Kialltenant_id in the users table is just a "use this tenant by default" flag04:31
Kiallchanging it causes, for example, a different tenant to be selected when you login to the dash ..04:31
Kiallbut, you can still pick one from the list after you login...04:31
* Kiall has broken the dashboard package again -_-04:32
viddKiall, thats still works...but its crazy04:34
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viddKiall, does dashboard need an endpoint04:36
KiallNope - This is basically everything needed for all the services ... (other than swift)04:37
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Kiallweird .. one of my patches isnt getting applied during the build anymore -_-04:42
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Kiallit must be getting applied, then replaced somehow -_-04:44
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Kiallhumm .. everything kinda works -_-05:12
Kialljust cant launch images via the dashboard (the button is missing ..)05:12
viddwow....keystone has changed since LAST NIGHT!05:12
Kiallyea .. its under active development05:13
viddyou dont understand....i didnt change it05:13
viddit must have happened when i downloaded the git for dashboard05:13
Kialloh .. like, on your server rather than in the git repos? ;)05:13
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viddyeah....on my server05:14
viddi dont understand it05:14
KiallOkay .. everything, literally, everything works bar launching images from the dash -__05:14
KiallOkay .. everything, literally, everything works bar launching images from the dash -_-*05:14
viddi dont understand!05:17
Kiallthe "launch" button is missing ..05:17
viddi set up keystone properly05:18
viddi created credentials properly05:18
viddwait...i only set up credentials for nova05:18
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Kiallall working :)05:31
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viddKiall, does your glance work?05:41
KiallI've just kicked off fresh binary builds of all the packages, These *do* work .. I've got them all running together now :)05:47
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viddKiall, are you able to upload images with dashboard06:00
viddlike save images06:01
Kiall(that might be in the latest versions, i dunno .. I'm using the stable diablo branch)06:01
viddi cant get glance to store an image06:01
vidd$> curl -d '{"passwordCredentials":{"username": "MyAdmin", "password": "P@ssw0rd"}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5001/v2.0/tokens returns "command not found06:02
Kiall and
Kiallwatch out for the kernel_id in the first one!06:03
Kiallif the highest current ID is 5, set that number to 6 before running it06:03
Kiallcurl -d '{"passwordC is wrong ..06:04
Kiallits {\"auth\": {\"passwordCrede06:04
Kiall(have you read the keystone file? ;))06:04 reading the "this is how to install glance" file =\06:05
Kiallah .. big mistake ;')06:05
viddyou know...the one that say oh...and if your using keystone, click this link....06:05
viddKiall, can you give me the whole command?06:06
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Kiallits in those 2x pastebins06:06
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vidd.... these are scripts06:07
Kialland they have the commands needed in it ;)06:07
Kiallanyway - gotta run .. if you feel like waiting .. oh .. 15 hours .. all those PPA packages will be built..06:08
Kiall( )06:08
Kiall(cant believe the PPA queue is up to 15 hours -_-)06:09
viddKiall, before you go....06:09
Kiallif its quick!06:09
viddwhat do i saye these as and how to run them06:09
Kiall is glance-upload-oneiric.sh06:10
Kiall is obtain-token.sh06:10
Kiallin, find the kernel_id param..06:10
Kiallit needs changing06:10
Kiallif the highest current image ID is 5, set the kernel_id to 6 before running it06:11
Kialllike .. image id in the glance database)06:11
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vidd-awaygood night all06:44
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zykes-hmm, how can i check why instnaces are not booting ?08:57
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robixReceived a token: {'token': u'c281cf91-524e-4fc5-a6c1-05e895c24d8c', 'host': u'ip-10-172-254-154', 'port': None}14:50
robix 13: Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection14:50
robix 13: Version hybi-08, base64: 'True'14:50
robix 13: handler exception: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'14:50
robixany thoughts?  I'm trying to launch a vnc session from the dash.14:50
vidd"argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'" segests that your call for a token needs a port specified14:52
robixThat's what I was thinking but I'm unsure how to alter that.  I assumed that novnc worked by getting a ip & port from the api and then passing that to the browser to initiate a websocket connection....14:57
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viddglance index -A [auth token] -H failes with "Not authorized to make this request. Check your credentials (OS_AUTH_USER, OS_AUTH_KEY, ...)"15:03
viddwhen i source my novarc with the os_auth info added, it fails with Failed to show index. Got error:15:06
viddUnexpected response: 40415:06
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zykes-vidd: what glance version ?15:30
viddwhat is the command to verify?15:31
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viddi think i have to add myself to group glance15:36
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zykes-vidd: no vidd, the error you're getting is either glance or keystone related15:52
zykes-i would turn on debug on debug on both and check15:53
viddits failing in v1 auth...but should it not be detecting v2 auth?15:56
zykes-keystone version then ?15:56
zykes-no, it's getting a 40415:56
zykes-which means some URL i off most likely15:57
viddwhat is the command to check that?15:57
zykes-not sure, gotta go ;), family pizza time :)15:57
viddkeystone-auth <function version at 0x9c2fd14>15:58
viddkeystone-manage 0.915:58
viddkeystone-admin <function version at 0x89289cc>15:59
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EykI could not find any documentation about managing ACLs in swift. for example give an user write access to a container. It would be nice if someone could give me a link or so16:10
Eykthank you, I will try that16:12
viddanyone got glance CLI working with keystone?16:12
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zykes-wonder how i can get instances running, they are like frozen in "pending"16:51
viddzykes-, restart your nova-network seems to be doing the trick for others16:51
viddif i cant add an image in glance is there another way to load images?16:53
nerdsteinhi folks, i was wondering if anyone has seen this error in nova-api.log16:53
nerdstein011-10-22 10:31:57,615 ERROR nova.wsgi [-] URI scheme not known: 'call' (from egg, config)16:53
nerdstein2011-10-22 10:31:57,615 CRITICAL nova [-] Could not load paste app 'osapi' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini16:53
viddzykes-, now that family pizza time is appearently over...thing you might help me with my glance issue?16:54
viddKiall, you here?17:03
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robixnm, wrong window.17:12
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vidd does not work....can anyone help?17:15
viddcurl works17:16
zykes-what's doesn't work with it vidd ?17:16
viddcurl -d '{"passwordCredentials":{"username": "MyAdmin", "password": "P@ssw0rd"}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5001/v2.0/tokens does not17:16
viddreturns {"badRequest": {"message": "Expecting auth", "code": "400"}}17:17
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viddi replaced the username feild and password field with the proper data i added to keystone17:18
robixyes, the documentation isn't correct.  I believe the auth parameters have changed a bit.  let me look.17:18
robixlook at the bottom under "curl commands" and you will the change:17:19
viddif keystone's auth parameters have changed, wont that mess up apps that are trying to authenticate against it?17:19
robixcurl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "joeuser", "password": "secrete"}}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens17:20
zykes-correct robix17:20
zykes-vidd: no cause apps use the keystone middlewares from the keystone project...17:20 i get the curl to work....17:21
viddnow how do i get glance to work with keystone?17:21
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robixI'm not the expert on this but I think it starts with registering a keystone service & endpointTemplate for glance.17:22
robixyou may want to look over this script that configures keystone for a basic environment, it's part of the script:
robixyou can see how glance is registered with keystone17:24
viddthat script says "its not"17:26
viddthere is an enpoint but no credentials17:27
zykes-what endpoint do you have vidd for glance ?17:28
viddzykes-, my endpoint matches devstacks17:28
Kiall"<vidd> there is an enpoint but no credentials"17:29
Kiallthere is, L37 is the shared cred for all services17:29
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viddKiall, right....devstack never builds credeintials for glance17:30
KiallCreds for end users, or creds for glance to talk to keystone?17:30
KiallBecause, it uses a single shared cred for nova/glance/etc to to to keystone ..17:30
Kiallyou could register 1 for each if you wanted17:30
KiallBTW - I have definitely working nova+keystone+glance+dash+etc packages built :) About to do a DC run to install them ..
Kiall(for oneiric)17:33
KiallSome extra stuff, like VNC and ajax console proxy are untested in those .. but I'll get them going eventually ;)17:34
viddKiall, are these .debs ?17:35
viddjust checking17:35
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viddwill they kill data already input...or should i wipe my system and start fresh?17:36
KiallI would, if its only test data, start fresh since its less likely to have issues17:36
KiallI've only tested those packages on clean oneiric installs ..17:37
viddi just need to be able to show ppl it works =]17:37
KiallAlso .. since there not in an apt repo, you have to be careful about installing them..17:37
KiallIf you install keystone.deb on its own, it will end up with parts of keystone from the ubuntu repos etc17:37
viddwhen you install debs...if they fail because of dep issues, apt-get install -f fixes it17:38
Kiallyea fixes it with packages from the repos ;)17:38
KiallI used "dpkg -I bla.deb" to identify all the non openstack dependencies, and installed those first .. then did the services one at a time, starting with keystone, then glance then nova17:39
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viddKiall, does it work with 32 bit?17:40
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Kiallthere are a few openstack packages in the ubuntu repos that are used, if its an OS package thats needed, and its not in that tar, then install it from the repos ..17:40
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Kiallyea - OS is written in python it works on either17:40
viddjust want to make sure your stuff doesnt *require* 64 bit =]17:41
Kiallnah, it works..17:41
viddthey wont buy me machines if i cant show them it works =\17:41
Kiallif you're in no rush, it'll be easier to install from the PPA once launchpad finally builds them ..17:42
Kiall(another 8 hours left it looks like ..)17:42
viddonce the ppa is is open, will it fix the grab wrong parts issue?17:43
Kiallyea ..17:44
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viddoh...and does your stuff work with mysql database backends?17:44
Kiallyea .. it mostly sets up sqlite DBs during install, but you just need to switch the configs to mysql17:45
Kialland run the syncdb's17:45
viddwhatever the syncdbs are for each app =]17:45
viddif i can demo this stuff on mondya maybe i can have new machines by friday =]17:46
Kiallnice ;)17:46
viddi want machines from this century!17:47
KiallJust added some instructions @
Kiall(Most likely not complete instructions)17:49
viddi hate -y apt-gets =\17:50
Kiallthen dont copy and paste the instructions!17:50
viddya do that and next thing you know, you've installed porn_watchers_streamer =]17:51
viddits the same reason i dont like pip installs17:52
Kiallthe PPA is good to go once this queue is empty:
Kiallanyway - gotta run17:54
viddKiall, thanks for your work!17:54
KiallNo hassle17:54
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zykes-.rei'mk still trying to get my nova instnaces to run :(17:57
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jkshopefully someone can help a newbie trying to understand openstack... how does the volume controller work its magic in openstack? are virtual machine filesystems stored on local disks on each compute node?17:58
viddzykes-, did you restart nova-networs?17:59
zykes-vidd: yeah17:59
zykes-what should i be able to see after that ?18:00
viddzykes-, you doing it thru dashboard or something else?18:00
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zykes-vidd: euca stuff18:00
viddis rabbitQM up?18:02
zykes-they're stuck in "pending"18:04
viddthen IDK18:04
zykes-INSTANCE        i-00000001      ami-00000001                    pending test (None, nova-01)    0               m1.tiny 2011-10-22T03:09:09Z    nova    ami-00000000    ami-0000000018:04
zykes-vishy: around ?18:04
zykes-this is in nova-scheduler.log18:05
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koolhead17hi all18:08
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zykes-vidd: hints to where to check ? :|18:21
viddi gave you my two best guesses18:21
viddmy third quess is you have been doing this longer than me =]18:22
zykes-heh, not really, if you coun't in "practical" experience and not theoretical experience ;p18:22
viddzykes-, you got instaces in "pending"18:23
viddi cant even get images to get into instances to get stuck in panding =]18:24
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viddRazique,  zykes- has an issue with instances pending...can you help him out?18:53
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viddis anyone running openstack on vanilla debian?19:12
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nerdsteinhas anyone seen this error:19:47
nerdsteinnova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found: cannot import name deploy19:47
nerdsteinran this command: nova-manage service list19:48
viddyou do anything different?19:49
viddrun any updates?19:49
nerdsteinyes, i did19:50
nerdsteini was trying to install nova-volume19:50
nerdsteinlast night19:50
nerdsteinand, all hell has broken loose19:50
nerdsteinit was working before i did that19:50
nerdstein(quite well as a matter of fact)19:50
vidddid you apt-get update && aptget dist-upgrade?19:50
nerdsteinvidd: do you have any suggestions?19:50
nerdsteinill do that now19:50
vidddid you install nova via apt-get?19:51
nerdsteinim running the commands now19:51
viddrun this:19:51
viddsudo apt-get remove --purge nova-volume19:51
nerdsteinthat will remove nova-volume?19:52
viddand see if your stuff works again19:52
nerdsteinthen, reinstall it?19:52
viddyou installed nova-volume, things blew up19:52
nerdsteinim running the update command now19:52
nerdsteinits still flying19:53
viddthis will test if its nova-volume or nova-volume+other stuff19:53
nerdsteinill see what happens shortly here19:53
nerdsteincool ok...19:53
nerdsteingive me one second19:53
viddi cant believe i acidentally deleted my /etc dir19:54
viddi think i need a keyboard with bigger keys or get my fingers surgigly reduced =\19:55
viddand its not like you can just put it pack =\19:56
nerdsteinvidd: things are backup!!19:56
nerdsteinyea, thats a killer19:56
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viddi think i need to tell somebody upstairs that "commodity hardware" != "the stuff rotting away in storage"19:58
nerdsteinvidd: are you also in higher ed ;)19:58
viddnope...just a standard ed19:59
viddeverything i know about computers i taught myself19:59
nerdsteinvidd: nova-api wont seem to load now20:00
nerdsteinthe log is not writing anything20:00
vidddid you install nova from apt-get?20:00
viddrun "sudo apt-get install --reinstall [the nova packages you installed before except nova-volume]20:02
koolhead17annegentle: around20:02
viddnerdstein, this should fix the packages nova-volume broke20:03
viddin theory20:03
nerdsteinany order?20:03
viddorder does not matter20:03
nerdsteintrying now20:04
nerdsteinvidd: still didnt work, it seems20:05
viddnow you have to restart them20:06
nerdsteinok20:06 you have a "spare" partition that is set up for LVM?20:07
nerdsteini thought i set all of that up last night20:07
nerdsteinwith nova-volumes and all20:07
viddbecause nova-volume cant run without it20:07
nerdsteinbut i checked the nova-volume log20:07
nerdsteinit said 'nova-volumes' not found20:07
nerdsteinwhich, i swore i set up20:07
nerdsteinnova-api still not loading20:08
viddnerdstein, we removed it...remember?20:08
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nerdsteinyes, i tried installing it fresh though20:08
nerdsteini can remove it again20:08
viddnerdstein, did you follow these instructions:
nerdsteinno, did not20:09
nerdsteinfollowed these...20:09
nerdsteincomment 620:09
nerdsteinand this20:10
viddwhat version of ubuntu?20:10
nerdsteinnot 100% certain...20:11
nerdstein(it was set up for me)20:11
nerdsteinill find out20:11
viddlsb_release -a20:11
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nerdsteinthat was what i was seeing in the apt-get messages, but i wanted to be sure20:12
viddso you are installing from the PPA's20:12
nerdsteinyes, i set up those repos20:12
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viddthe link i sent you was for 11.10 so i dont know how useful it will be20:13
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nerdsteinvidd: it's odd that nova-api wont load though20:14
nerdsteini was working through the volume stuff, so i half expect it to be a work in progress20:14
nerdsteinbut nova-api was money20:14
nerdsteini can remove it and try again, if you recommend20:15
viddwhat does the error log say?20:15
nerdsteinnova-api doesn't show any recent errors20:15
nerdsteinshows one from three hours ago, but i don't think its relevant anymore20:15
nerdsteinafter we upgraded20:15
viddwait...this is a production machine?!?20:16
nerdsteinno, its a proof of concept i am building20:17
nerdsteinone that happened to be working before i tried to get volumes set up20:17 said "nova-api was money"20:17
nerdsteinyea, it was working20:17
nerdsteinvidd: im open to suggestions, im a little out of my league here20:19
viddthrowing the computer out the 4th story window may make you feel better =]20:19
nerdsteinits part of an entire rack of machines, so i think that would likely piss off some folks ;)20:20
viddlook at your your nova.conf file20:20
nerdsteinim in there..20:21
viddis there any mention about volumes on it?20:21
nerdsteini dont see anything20:22
nerdsteinam i missing some configuration?20:22
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viddcan you paste it for me? take out passwords for the database of course20:24
Kiallvidd: nova+dash+glance+dash installed and running on 3 servers since I left ;)20:24
Kiall2.5 hours once its packaged correctly!20:24
viddKiall, i nuked my machine....i accidentally deleted the /etc directory20:25
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viddnerdstein, looks good there20:29
nerdsteinvidd: i reviewed my volumes20:30
nerdsteincheck it out:20:30
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nerdsteinvidd: after doing that, nova-volume works20:31
nerdsteinnova-api still not cooperative20:31
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viddnerdstein, that page doent work for me =\20:32
nerdsteinhang tight..20:32
nerdsteinwell, it may be irrelevant now, since nova-volume seems to work20:33
viddstill nothing =\ what the heck is this skitch anyway?20:33
nerdsteinscreenshot tool20:34
nerdsteinim totally stuck on this nova-api thing20:35
viddis this an all-in-one, node, or controller?20:35
nerdsteinall in one20:36
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nerdsteinvidd: btw, your help much appreciated20:36
viddi dont seem to be much help20:37
nerdsteinvidd: no way, we've made progress!20:37
nerdsteini wish there was some error message generating20:38
nerdsteinit's not even doing anything20:38
viddsudo restart libvirt-bin; sudo restart nova-network; sudo restart nova-compute; sudo restart nova-api; sudo restart nova-objectstore; sudo restart nova-scheduler20:39
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viddif any say unknown  then sudo start [app]20:40
nerdsteinyea, api still didnt load20:41
viddstupid question....did you source your novarc?20:42
nerdsteinill double check!20:42
nerdsteinyea, no dice20:42
nerdsteinvidd: thanks again20:43
nerdsteinill pick it up some later20:43
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Kiallhas anyone managed to get the VNC proxy going with nova?20:47
KiallIt loads, but just see "Server Disconnected"20:47
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koolhead17has anyone managed to see VM logs via dashboard?20:48
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viddKiall, you have your iptables rulls set up to allow traffic through?20:48
koolhead17hey Kiall:)20:48
Kiallvidd: iptables on the node is open, and I doubt sec group rules are needed20:48
viddthats all the suggestions i have at the moment20:49
viddim going to try a "nothing but nova" setup20:50
viddsince glance doesnt want to play nice20:51
Kiallvidd: i have the whole thing scripted bascially (based on those packages)20:51
Kiallwant em?20:51
viddon your packages?20:51
ChammmmmIn Swift the zones are separated by services right?.. If I have 4 zones for objects.. the 4 zones for containers can be totally different right?20:51
Kiallvidd: yea .. i have scripts that setup after that packages are installed20:52
notmynameChammmmm: correct. the zones are defined by the rings, and there are 3 separate rings: account, container, object20:52
viddyour ppa is still 5+ hours away20:52
Kiallbut you have the packages20:53
viddi did20:53
Chammmmmthanks! and what would be the minimum amount of zone for containers and accounts.. does it keep 3 copies of the databases... like the object service keeps 3 copies of the file?20:53
viddi told ya...i nuked my machine20:53
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Kiallah .. lol ah well20:54
viddfor some reason ubuntu has a hard time recovering from a deleted /etc directory20:55
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KiallI'd say so ;)20:55
KiallNo OOB console access?20:55
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Kiallout of band ..20:57
Kiallmanagement card, kvm, serial console etc20:57
notmynameChammmmm: there are 3 replicas (by default, again set by the rings) for each entity. we recommend you use 4 zones minimum and probably 5 for an initial prod cluster20:58
notmynameChammmmm: ie, you want to have at least one or two handoff nodes in case of failures20:58
Chammmmmgot it.. thanks!20:59
* Kiall <3's the dashboard .. once working ;)21:00
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viddKiall, i had access...just not apps...and no way to re add them21:02
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viddand rather than spend 6 days fixing it, i reinstalled from scratch21:04
Kiallwell, if its a clean install with no existing openstack stuff .. wait for 5 hours for my PPA packages to build .. they work without a doubt21:05
Kiall(But .. its still up to you to configure the feckers)21:06
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zykes-vidd: ?21:27
viddyes zykes-21:27
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Kiallvidd: 4 hours left till there built!21:38
Kiall(I'm waiting on those to install another few servers .. getting annoyed)21:39
viddwhat is libasound2 and do i really HAVE to have it on a server with no sound card?21:39
viddKiall, didnt you build a LOCAL ppa?21:40
KiallNo ..21:40
zykes-hmmm, i can't get nova to run :(21:40
viddperhaps you should =]21:40
Kiallvidd: prefer to wait, the LP build queue is normally *much* less ..21:40
viddhow long can it possibly take to build a local ppa?21:41
Kiallits less about that, and more about consistency .. want to make sure the "final" repo is good ..21:41
viddso we can wait 62 hours for the patch of a patch of a patch to finally get accepted? =]21:42
Kialllauncypad have removed over 50% of the build servers for the last few days .. so PPA's are just backing up21:42
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KiallProbably something to do with the mailing list archives being like a week behind at the mo aswell ..21:43
zykes-vishy: ?21:43
zykes-or any nova dev?21:43
Kiall+ when the do a release, they steal build servers for ;')21:43
Kiallanyway .. im off21:44
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ChammmmmWhat would be usual ratio of space needed for containers/accounts servers compared to objects?22:14
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zykes-vidd: ?22:16
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viddzykes-, im not a nova dev22:17
viddhave you tried rebooting your server?22:17
viddhave you installed anything new?22:18
viddhave you run updates?22:18
viddare your servers in sync time-wise?22:18
viddif you say "yes, no, no, yes" then I have no other suggestions zykes- ^^^^^^22:19
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zykes-yes to all ;p22:31
zykes-or ehm, yes no no yes22:31
viddonly other thing i found is "have you run out of resources/quota"22:33
viddsorry zykes- thats all i got22:33
viddto run euca commands as user, my user needs to be part of the nova group?22:39
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viddzykes-, can you run euca-describe-availability-zones verbose22:58
flambozCAP4219 Hola 123:00
vidddo you run them as sudo or as user?23:02
zykes-AVAILABILITYZONE        nova    available23:02
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viddYES! I have an image!23:50

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