Friday, 2011-10-21

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maggim getting this error after running python tools/ to install the dashboard00:04
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maggwtf :(00:05
viddPython.h: No such file or directory00:06
viddi told ya you would hit this00:06
maggohh i need to install python-dev00:08
viddthats an apt-get00:09
* Kiall really hopes this works ;)
maggvidd: problem solved00:10
viddnice....after i went and did all this documentation =] thanks Kiall00:10
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Kialllol .. It would only do the install, not the setup ;)00:11
KiallI've, I believe, fixed the oneiric packages to use the right version of keystone :)00:11 'bout dashboard =]00:12
viddi havent gottent there yet =]00:12
KiallNeed to get this going first ;')00:12
Kiallgah - PPA build queue is 2 hours -_-00:14
vidddunno what that means00:14
KiallIt'll be 2 hours before lauchpad builds the .deb ;)00:14
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maggi got dashboard running but when i try to log in i get unable to connect00:23
maggin the browser and stays at this url
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uvirtbotNew bug: #843056 in keystone "Design Documentation" [High,Confirmed]
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troyahi kiAll00:32
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viddannegentle, any chance you are here?00:33
troyahiv vidd00:33
viddhello troya00:33
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troyavidd: i have questions, can i running windows 2003 as instances on openstack ?00:34
viddtell me how it works 4 you00:34
viddi suppose00:34
troyayes :D00:35
maggvidd, what do i do with that00:35
viddmagg, follow the instructions00:35
maggvidd, ohh00:35
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viddis there anyone here with the documentation project?00:36
magg keystone-manage role add Administrator00:37
maggERROR: Failed to create role Administrator: (<class 'sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError'>, OperationalError('(OperationalError) attempt to write a readonly database',), <traceback object at 0x9ea2e64>)00:37
viddhey troya dont PM ppl without asking its RUDE00:38
maggmagg@cloudHQ1:~$ keystone-manage role list00:38
maggi have no roles00:38
maggand cant add new ones00:38
troyai'm sorry vidd00:38
viddthe sudo su00:38
vidd*then sudo -s00:39
viddand then you can00:39
viddor, make your database writable00:39
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viddtroya i already answered your question00:39
vidd"i suppose"00:39
maggit worked00:40
viddtroya somewhere on the site there is an article about it...dont recall off hand where00:42
magg sudo keystone-manage role grant Administrator MyAdmin00:43
maggSUCCESS: Granted Administrator the MyAdmin role on None.00:43
viddmagg, so you can start instaces and everything thru dashboard?00:43
maggthat message of success seems odd00:43
maggvidd: not yet00:43
viddmagg,  you missed a step00:43
viddadministrator needs to have a tenant name or you wont be able to get get your credentials loaded in00:44
maggi missed the tenant00:45
viddthe steps are numbered00:45
viddif you delete the database you can rebuild it00:45
troyavidd: thanks :D, i'm soory for my foolish00:45
viddsorry i couldnt help ya earlier....ive been working on that project for the last 4 days00:46
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maggvidd if dont have swift i dont do the service add command for swift00:47
viddanyone here on the documentation team?00:47
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viddmagg, you can skip over it00:47
viddyou want to at least get nova glance and keystone00:49
maggHOST_IP is the ip where nova and keystone is installed?00:49
viddlike if your host machine is 192,168.1.102, that is what you would put in the %HOST_IP%00:50
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viddis there anyone on the documentation team?00:51
maggif i only have i only create one endpoint for my user MyAdmin00:55
maggif i only have one user***00:55
magg sudo keystone-manage endpoint add MyAdmin 100:56
maggSUCCESS: Endpoint 1 added to tenant MyAdmin.00:56
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maggthe success message is wrong00:56
maggi think00:57
maggwhere do i get the credentials for number 10, from novarc?00:58
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viddmagg, and the servey says?01:06
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maggvidd add, disable, delete, and list are the only supported commands (right now)01:08
maggafter sudo keystone-manage credentials nova da234eef-b25d-4760-8a41-f76a277afa91 922657ac-cc6b-41e4-8b14-8db58695412d MyAdmin01:08
viddyou are missing the "add"01:09
viddi missed it01:09
viddits in the format though =]01:10
viddwhat can you expect...ive been up over 36 hours afte 4 hours of sleep =]01:10
maggcredentials add nova01:10
viddi think i did pretty darn good for my first documentation project01:11
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maggSUCCESS: Credentials nova created.01:12
maggyeah its pretty nice01:12
maggthanks alot01:12
viddnow go into dashboard and make sure they work01:12
viddbut first....tell me waht you did for dashboard01:13
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maggit doesnt work01:13
maggthe dashboard i mean01:13
viddof to the git i go01:13
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viddactually, i have it already downloaded01:14
maggyeah i got it from git01:15
viddand it dont work?01:15
maggwell i can browse to the log in page01:15
maggi enter my crendentials01:16
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viddwell thats what we want01:16
maggand page goes blank01:16
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viddic (, not really)01:16
maggi got it to run in apache01:16
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maggand i run it without apache also01:17
viddthat's a plus01:17
maggboth ways dont work01:17
magghere's the error log from apache01:17
maggvidd: yeah i guess so01:17
viddyou have mpm-worker installed01:19
viddthat isnt compatable01:19
viddgive me a sec01:19
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vidd sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork01:21
viddthat should fix ya right up01:21
maggand i uninstall apache2?01:22
maggfirst i mean01:22
viddno...just run that01:22
viddit will take the "bad" stuff01:22
viddand replace it with the "good"01:22
viddits a tummy tuck, not open heart surgery....this is linux after all....not windows01:23
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viddanyone here from the documentation team?01:23
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viddhello livemoon01:26
viddcheck out my lovely documentation:01:26
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maggvidd many many thanks01:27
magggotta run01:28
viddlivemoon,  check out my lovely documentation:01:29
livemoonI will see it01:30
livemoonit's morning here ,but raining today01:30
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Narayananhi guys, i have question about how you do post-installation for the VMs provisioned01:36
Narayanandoes nova-compute offer anything, like integration to puppet or chef?01:37
Narayananalso i want to understand the basic customization support, like changing the hostname, ip, adding users, etc01:38
viddNarayanan, covers info on puooet and chef01:41
viddand its can customize just about everything01:42
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Narayananthanks vidd01:50
Narayananvidd, are you commiter or user?01:50
viddim a user01:50
Narayananok. i also heard the customization the way it works is it writes to the filesystem in the disk and then poerson the vm01:51
Narayananpowers on01:51
viddnot sure what you mean01:52
Narayananfor example if you want to change the ip of the VM, at the time of deployment before attaching the disk, it would load the file system from the disk and change it?01:54
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Narayanani am trying to understand how the customization works internally01:55 can set it up like that01:55
viddyou can also change the ip while the VM is up and running01:55
Narayananusing puppet/chef?01:55
viddnot using puppet or checf01:56
vidd]puppet and chef are not really for vm's....they can be used for it...there's no doubt01:57
viddif you have to configure say 15 machines01:57
viddbut if all you need to do is change an ip address you dont need puppet or chef to do that01:57
Narayanannova API exposes some method?01:58
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viddi dont know exactly how it new to this kind of thig01:59
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viddhello halfss02:00
halfssis there anybody resize sucess02:00
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viddnone that ive seen....but ive been working on some documentation for keystone setup02:01
halfssfor what? keystone with swift?02:02
viddlivemoon, you get a chance to look over my work?02:02
viddkeystone with everything02:02
halfsscan i see?02:02
halfss:>  where?02:02
viddyou have dashboard up and running?02:02
Narayananvidd, you local to bay area? and may i ask who you work for?02:02
viddNarayanan, there are no bays around here and im currently unemployed02:03
halfssmy dashbaord don't work with swift02:03
viddhalfss, maybe i have the cure for that =]02:04
viddfor your dashboard not working with swift02:04
viddNarayanan, it is RUDE to PM ppl without permission02:05
halfssnow i don't have an swift,let me make one,02:05
halfsswaitting me02:05
viddNarayanan, i am working on openstack so i can get back to work02:06
livemoonvidd: I am so busy now.02:06
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livemoonbecause my nova cannot boot server02:06
Narayananvidd, sorry, i am new to using this tool i wanted to reply to your PM message02:06
viddlivemoon, since you installed keystone?02:06
HugoKuo_does any one knows how noVNC verify the VNC port of instance ?02:06
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Narayananit was high lighted red, thought it was a PM from you02:07 just means i said your name02:07
Narayanansorry about that02:07
viddwe do it especially when we have 4 or 5 conversations going on at once02:07
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viddhugokuo you using dashboard?02:08
HugoKuo_vidd , both dashboard and NOVA cline02:09
viddi cant get dashboard up ATM but i believ it has a tool in it for just purpose02:10
viddlivemoon, do you know why your nova cant boot?02:10
viddand is it that it cant boot or they are not talking to each other02:10
livemoonall: when I nova boot server, errors show ""02:11
viddlivemoon, if two machines are not talking to each other it could be a time sync issue02:11
livemoonvidd: I cannot boot instances02:12
viddlivemoon, have you verified the integitu of the image?02:12
viddor does the image boot fine on other machines?02:13
livemoonI just one controller can boot instances02:14
viddso the controller can boot but the node cannot or ALL nodes cannot?02:14
livemoonjust not running "nova boot"02:15
livemoonreturn 40002:15
viddwelll this can be a glance issue or a networking issue02:15
viddmaybe even a rabbitQM issue02:16
viddyou have nova-network installed on the host withthe isue?02:16
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viddare there any othe VM active and working on that node?02:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #879195 in glance "Functional tests will not run on Mac OS X" [High,In progress]
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mandela123any one can tell me in keystone  what admin-url  public_url  and internal url used for02:25
viddmandela123, pubplic url is the world-facig ip address02:26
viddinternal is you local netmask02:27
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viddadmin is like, for example keystone sends on port 5000 but listens on port 5001, so it's admin and local are differemnt02:27
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viddanyone here that works on the documents projetc....or knows how i can get a hold of them?02:31
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viddlivemoon, have you been able to get that issue fixes?02:47
livemoonI google it ,but have no result02:47
vidddo you have other vm's active on that machine?02:48
livemoonI have no vm02:48
viddis it a node or controller?02:48
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livemoonI install novaclient in controller02:50
livemoonIt return 40002:51
viddthe machine with the issue....none?02:51
viddhalfss, whats up?02:55
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halfssvidd: can you help me about swift?02:55
viddi can try... i know very little about it02:56
halfss:> when here curl -k -v -H 'X-Storage-User: system:root' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testpass' https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.002:56
viddi feel a keystone question coming on02:57
halfssit work well,but curl -k -v -H 'X-Auth-Token:AUTH_tk50292c0550754656ab27387f62f390c4'
halfsserror  401 Unauthorized<02:57
halfssthe swift does not work well02:57
viddthis is not a swift uestion its a keystone question....riight02:58
livemoonI want to know how to look source code to fixed the issue02:58
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viddlivemoon, i dont know anything about source code02:58
halfssvidd:can you help me about swift?02:58
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viddhalfss, you eith dont have keystone turned on or you are missing a setting03:00
viddpastbin me your conf file03:00
viddive seen this issue b403:00
viddand its a keystone  thing, not a swift thing03:01
viddive been working on keystone the last 4 days....i think i know it pretty well03:01
halfssvidd: how about this, i can let you loggin the server,you can fixed it faster03:01
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viddi dont like walking around in other ppl's computers03:01
viddand i dag sure dont want root privleges in there!03:02
viddyou can break alot of stuff with god rights in other ppls stuff03:04
halfssit's ok.the server is juse test,03:05
viddyou dont understand...its NOT ok with me03:05
viddill sleep with anoth man's wife but i draw the line at root in other ppls computers03:06
livemoonvidd: have you sleeped?03:06
viddlivemoon, none03:06
livemoonanoth man's wife?03:07
viddhe was in jail03:07
viddthey were breaking up anyway03:07 a home wreacker03:08
viddnow lets fix up your machine03:08
viddwhere is that config file?03:08
livemoonvidd: you are cool03:08
livemoonhow old are you?03:08
viddwhat year is it....03:08
viddim 4103:09
livemoonI am appreciate you03:09
vidd is that the proxy?03:09
halfssyes ,03:09
viddlet me tell you what i see just from your curls....03:10
viddpassword is turned on and keystone is turned off03:10
viddthats why dashboard wont work for you03:11
halfssno, now i just config swift03:11
viddand most everything else you got going on03:11
halfssi config swift as here
halfsscurl -k -v -H 'X-Storage-User: system:root' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testpass' https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.0   this is ok03:12
halfss> X-Storage-User: system:root03:12
halfss> X-Storage-Pass: testpass03:12
halfss< HTTP/1.1 200 OK03:12
halfss< X-Storage-Url:
halfss< X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tkb2272ee9bd6b42149f638bf350fe4f0103:12
halfss< X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb2272ee9bd6b42149f638bf350fe4f0103:12
viddpipeline = healthcheck cache tempauth proxy-server should be commented out and keystone's turned on03:13
halfsspipeline = healthcheck cache tempauth proxy-server03:13
viddyou are set up to use tempauth and not keystone03:15
viddthats why your keystone curl fails03:15
halfssno , i just config swift,no with keystone03:15
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viddwhat are you trying to do with this auth-tk?03:18
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halfssGet an X-Storage-Url and X-Auth-Token:03:19
halfsscurl -k -v -H 'X-Storage-User: system:root' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testpass' https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.003:19
halfssCheck that you can HEAD the account:03:19
halfsscurl -k -v -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token-from-x-auth-token-above>' <url-from-x-storage-url-above>03:19
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halfssnow my swift does not work well03:20
viddthe url from above is  https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.003:20
viddyou have a proxy server going on get no static ips03:21
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halfss# curl -k -v -H 'X-Storage-User: system:root' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testpass'
halfss* About to connect() to port 8080 (#0)03:22
halfss*   Trying connected03:22
halfss* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)03:22
halfss* successfully set certificate verify locations:03:22
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viddhalfss, that is what pastbin is for =]03:25
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viddhalfss, should your server name have that stuff trailing ofter the port number?03:28
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halfssi am checking , waiting me :>03:30
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viddits ther ein all the example, so i guess its ok03:31
viddthis really isnt my kind of thing03:31
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viddhow old is this hardware your using?03:33
halfssit's new03:34
viddwhat do your logs say03:35
halfssswift's log?03:35
viddyour proxy server's logs03:36
viddthats where the failuer is...right?03:36
halfsssorry, where is the log?03:36
viddbottom of that page: Troubleshooting Notes03:37
viddIf you see problems, look in var/log/syslog (or messages on some distros).03:37
viddAlso, at Rackspace we have seen hints at drive failures by looking at error messages in /var/log/kern.log.03:37
viddThere are more debugging hints and tips in the Administrator’s Guide.03:37
viddsince its new hardware we can skip the /var/log/kern.log03:38
halfssproxy-server STDOUT: ERROR:root:Error connecting to memcached: (most recent call last):#012  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/swift/common/", line 111, in _get_conns#012    sock.connect((host, int(port)))#012  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/eventlet/", line 187, in connect#012    socket_checkerr(fd)#012  File "/usr/lib/py03:38
halfssthon2.7/dist-packages/eventlet/", line 43, in socket_checkerr#012    raise socket.error(err, errno.errorcode[err])#012error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED03:38
halfsshere is in /var/log/syslog  when i want to check account03:39
viddare all your machies using the same usth protocol?03:40
halfssi install proxy and sotrage all in one03:41
viddeveryone using the same auth protocal?03:41
halfssok  swift work well03:44
viddthe machine with IP is on it?03:44
halfss# swift -A https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass stat03:44
halfss   Account: AUTH_system03:44
halfssContainers: 003:44
halfss   Objects: 003:44
halfss     Bytes: 003:44
halfssAccept-Ranges: bytes03:44
halfsscan you help me let dashboard manage swift?03:44
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viddso now its working?03:45
halfssmemcached does not listen correct address03:45
viddwhat machine did you connect to that time that it worked?03:45
halfssi fixed it03:45
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vidddollars to donuts it was not 10303:45
viddah ok03:46
viddsee...reading the logs does wonders =]03:46
halfssyes  the log say memecached is error03:46
viddmamcached and an od port number03:47
halfsssorry ,i am going to lunch03:47
halfssbye03:47 going to bed03:47
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halfss hi im back04:12
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halfssvidd: here?04:15
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halfssis there any body block_migrate sucess?06:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879248 in nova "flavor_extra_data extension is meaningless" [Undecided,New]
rmkhalfss: you need a patch to have it work with diablo06:37
rmkhalfss: per the final release it was broken06:37
halfssblock_migration is can't use now?06:38
halfssis block_migration is used to migration an shutdown instance from one host to anthoer?06:39
halfssor migration an live instance?06:42
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winston-dhi guys.  i've a question about Nova + Keystone.  In my setup, it seems 'nova-manage' uses its own database to store 'account/user/project' infor, while keystone uses another.07:05
winston-dis there anything wrong with that?07:06
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winston-dhugokuo: hi, do you have any insight on my issue?07:07
HugoKuo_winston-d , you r right07:07
HugoKuo_keystone uses it's own DB07:08
HugoKuo_so that you can not manage user via nova-manage07:08
livemoonnice to meet you07:08
winston-dHugoKuo_ : so? nova-manage is deprecated?07:09
HugoKuo_       need some help on swift + swauth07:09
livemoonhugokuo: do you know how to control nova-volume?07:10
HugoKuo_winston-d , not really , you still can use nova-manage to check service status07:10
HugoKuo_and so on .....07:10
HugoKuo_livemoon , what do you mean control nova-volume07:11
HugoKuo_I use volume on Cactus but not try it on Diablo07:11
HugoKuo_not sure if it same as before though07:11
HugoKuo_what do you want to know about nova-volume07:11
HugoKuo_winston-d , nova db still store many info beside user's data07:12
livemoonlike euca2ool07:12
HugoKuo_as I know there's three euca cmd for volume07:13
winston-dHugoKuo_ : so nova-mange account/user/project part are deprecated, the rest are not.07:13
livemoonI know, if I use keystone, I cannot use euca07:13
HugoKuo_creat / attach / disattach07:13
livemoonany other tools?07:13
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HugoKuo_winston-d , yes07:13
HugoKuo_livemoon , nova client07:13
winston-dlivemoon : sounds like a auth problem rather that volume one.07:14
livemoonI havenot found volume command in novaclient07:14
winston-dHugoKuo_ : good, that clears some mystery.  next question is i've already created some tenant/user in keystone, how can i export the credentials to enduser, such as API_key stuff.07:15
winston-dlivemoon : last time i checked (Cactus) 'nova' doesn't support volume yet.07:16
HugoKuo_winston-d , manually07:17
winston-dlivemoon: but if it was auth caused 'euca2ool' failure, then even 'nova' supports volume, you'll still fail.07:17
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HugoKuo_export NOVA_USERNAME="admin"07:18
HugoKuo_export NOVA_API_KEY="tony1020"07:18
HugoKuo_export NOVA_PROJECT_ID="1"07:18
HugoKuo_export NOVA_URL=""07:18
HugoKuo_export NOVA_REGION_NAME="RegionOne"07:18
HugoKuo_export NOVA_VERSION="1.107:18
winston-dHugoKuo_ : :$ Manually?07:18
HugoKuo_yup least  I don't know other method currently07:18
winston-dHugoKuo_ : I see, so this time, NOVA_URL has to be switched from 'API' service URL to keystone URL?07:19
HugoKuo_yes ...baby07:19
winston-dHugoKuo_ : OK. I'll have a try.  Thanks!07:19
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Oneiroimorning all07:45
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koolhead17morning all07:49
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winston-dHugoKuo_ : is there any documents for nova+keystone outthere?  I encountered some problem when manually export credentials.07:56
livemoonhow can restart rabbitmq?07:56
Vadim2service rabbitmq-server restart07:59
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HugoKuo_winston-d ,
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winston-dHugoKuo_ : thx.  I still don't know what the right format of 'NOVA_PROJECT_ID' is.08:13
HugoKuo_for latest master branch of python-novaclinet it should be a string08:14
HugoKuo_I mean the "name" of tenant08:14
HugoKuo_instead of a number08:14
HugoKuo_depends on your python nova-client08:14
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winston-dHugoKuo_ : well, it always return '400' whatever PROJECT_ID i use.08:19
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zykes-anyone seen this before?08:34
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livemoonwho use novaclient to boot instance?09:05
Raziquehi all09:07
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Raziqueit like i can't launch instances anymore09:07
Raziquethey remaine in "pending" or "build" state09:07
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Raziquewhile the compute node doesn't show any error09:07
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Raziquehi :)09:09
livemoonhow do you launch instance?09:09
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livemoonyesterday I can "nova boot" instance sucessfully,not today ,it show errors09:09
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siwosRazique: try to restart rabbitmq09:11
Raziquesiwos: already did :)09:11
siwosdaemons also? (scheduler,compute, etc.)09:11
RaziqueI see "networking" in task_state into the database09:11
Raziquesiwos: also did09:11
livemoonRazique: how do you lanuch? by euca or novaclient?09:12
Raziquelivemoon: rightnow euca09:12
Raziquebut nova does the same09:12
livemoontoday I cannot "nova boot"09:12
livemoonIt show "Missing imageRef attribute (HTTP 400)"09:12
livemoonhave you meet this?09:12
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Raziquewhat is your exact command ?09:15
livemoon"nova boot --flavor 1 --image 1 test"09:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879315 in openstack-qa "/nova/notifier/" [Undecided,New]
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zykes-Razique: have you seen the error i got ?09:31
Raziquezykes-: nope, which one ?09:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #879318 in keystone ""nova boot" command show "Missing imageRef attribute (HTTP 400)"" [Undecided,New]
Raziquemmm I've never met that error09:32
Raziquetry to restart libvirt I'd say09:33
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zykes-already tried that Razique09:38
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Raziquedoes the server supports vt ?09:40
Raziquethat happens when u spawn a new instance ?09:41
zykes-start nova-compute09:42
Raziqueahh ok09:44
Raziquewhich proc do u have on that server ?09:44
zykes-amd x4 62009:46
Raziquewhat do u see by running $ egrep «(vmx|svm)» /proc/cpuinfo09:51
zykes-that's in there09:51
zykes-svm that is09:52
livemoonNo module named lockfile09:52
zykes-i've used it fine before with kvm Razique09:52
Raziquegood to know09:52
livemoonhow to fix it "No module named lockfile"09:52
Oneiroilivemoon: paste the full error, could be a missing pypi package or borked sys paths09:53
Oneiroion paste.openstack.org09:53
Raziquezykes-: dpkg  | grep kvm09:54
Oneiroizykes-: lucky you I nearly wept when `egrep "(vmx|svm)" /proc/cpuinfo` came back blank yesterday after getting all the services talking to each other successfully09:54
Raziqueis the package "qemu-kvm  installed ?"09:54
Raziqueor only the kvm one ?09:54
Oneiroilsmod | grep -i kvm09:54
RaziqueOneiroi:  :D09:54
Oneiroimake sure it's loaded ;-)09:54
Raziqueand also the chowning hack09:55
livemooncan you help me about this issue ""09:55
Raziquechown root:kvm /dev/kvm09:55
Raziquechmod 0660 /dev/kvm09:55
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OneiroiHo hum, got 2 HP ML110's on order recycling the 2 Q8300 Cpu's into a percona 2node cluster09:56
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Oneiroilivemoon: looks like a client bug :S09:57
Oneiroi`g: hello09:57
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zykes-Oneiroi: hehe, Razique nope i run EL609:57
zykes-i simply think that booting ubuntu via pxe is too slow :(09:58
Oneiroizykes-:  griddynamics rpm's ?09:58
zykes-Oneiroi: atm yeah, but hoping for EPEL ones later09:58
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Oneiroizykes-:  hmmm lemme check on that09:58
zykes-they are in "progress"09:58
OneiroiIs anyone rolling the EPEL rpm's yet?09:58
halfssresize just suppt xen?09:59
* Oneiroi is a fedora registerted packager with nothing to package ;D09:59
zykes-Oneiroi: yes they are, RH / Fedora team is packaging for f1609:59
* Oneiroi awwww09:59
OneiroiF16 != EPEL though09:59
zykes-Oneiroi: yeah, but i guess there's a high chance of it getting backported ;)09:59
livemoonOneiroi: if it is client bugs, I cannot create instances10:00
Raziqueok weird …. when I run the instance on the same server as the nova-* one it works10:00
zykes-Razique: what's weird +10:00
Raziquenow if the instance run a a node10:00
Raziqueit doesn't10:00
RaziqueI've server1 : nova-*10:00
Raziqueserver 2 : nova-compute10:01
Raziquewhen I ask to use the server 2 to run the instance10:01
livemoonRazique: you need teach me how to use euca with keystone10:01
Raziqueit remains in pending state10:01
Oneiroilivemoon: euca is being deprecated iirc10:01
Raziquelivemoon: yup10:01
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Oneiroizykes-:  *meh* well I want to run EL6 packages I'd happily roll them in koji imo10:02
zykes-Oneiroi: check with markmc10:02
Oneiroi:-/ esp as I have nothing to package atm, everyons doing stuff :P10:02
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zykes-Oneiroi: again check with the fedora team > markmc @ #openstack-dev10:04
Oneiroizykes-:  k10:05
Oneiroiwas just digging out my moji cert to login and get his email xD10:05
Raziqueok I've resolved my issue10:05
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RaziqueIt was related to that new multi_host mode10:05
Raziqueit requires indeed to install nova-network on nodes10:05
Raziquebut even when I had it disabled, It make the node unusable10:05
Raziquegota check that10:05
zykes-they are having a test day10:05
zykes-if they haven't done that already10:06
Oneiroiyeh I saw the tweet10:06
livemooneuca is being deprecated iirc?? what's mean?10:06
Oneiroidon't use euca10:06
livemoonuse what?10:07
livemoonnow I cannot use novaclient to boot an instance10:07
livemoonhow can I do then?10:07
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Raziquethat new multi_host stuff is awesome :D10:13
Raziqueit allows you to have a total decorrelation between the managment server which spawns instances and the compute nodes10:13
Raziqueif the "frontend" is down, the instances are still reacheable10:14
Raziquesince nodes act as gateways to instances10:14
Raziquejust need to test now how it deals with floating ips but :D10:14
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Oneiroizykes-:  once my keysa have all be rolled out will get the ball rolling on those el6 packages10:39
zykes-ok : )10:39
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tyskahi guys11:10
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tyskaim having problem with fake raid11:10
tyskacan anyone helpme?11:11
Raziquetyska: just ask :)11:13
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Oneiroi"fake" raid so software raid?11:13
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Raziqueok it's getting weirder
RaziqueI mean, wtf...11:14
tyskaRazique: just solved it! =)11:14
tyskaRazique: thanks anyway ;)11:14
Raziqueeverything was working greate before keystone =D11:14
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Raziquenow I'v totally disabled it, i've new errors11:15
Raziqueok cool tyska  :)11:15
FabriceB2011-10-21 13:13:57,625 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [7e228ee8-bc2b-4f6b-bdcd-7eccdbc87d99 nuage-and-co nuage-and-co] L'instance 310: est en train d'être démarée...11:15
FabriceB(nova.compute.manager): TRACE: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 11: ordinal not in range(128)11:15
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Raziqueyah I saw that11:15
Raziquebut nothing on the web11:15
FabriceBdid you try running your code in a C or POSIX local ?11:15
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FabriceBnot fr_*11:15
Raziquehow can I do that ?11:16
FabriceBhere localized server are totally forbiden11:16
FabriceBRazique: what distrib ?11:16
Raziquewhat does that mean "totally forbiden" ?11:16
tyskaRazique: i think it is the good 'aura' of this channel =)11:16
FabriceBRazique: any locale other than C is forbidden to run servers11:16
FabriceBor POSIX11:17
RaziqueFabriceB: Ubuntu lucid11:17
Raziquetyska: lucky you :p Keytone is driving us all crazy11:17
Raziquethanks FabriceB, good to know that11:17
FabriceBfor redhat: in /etc/sysconfig/i18n11:17
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RaziqueFabriceB: so I should change the servers's locale ?11:21
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FabriceBI think that will remove one possible problem11:21
FabriceBevery thing is easier when you don't have to manage encoding11:22
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tyskaRazique: would be much complicated if i ask what is keytone? =)11:22
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Raziquetyska: I've started to write a small doc11:24
Raziqueleme find it11:24
koolhead17hey all11:25
Raziquehere v11:26
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tyskaRazique: now im having a problem executing this: sudo nova-manage network create 1 25511:27
RaziqueFabriceB: sorry to ask, but i'm not sure to totally get it : I need to change the server's language, but I could keep my french keyboard layout11:27
tyskaRazique: im following the beginners guide from ubuntu (im migrating from eucalyptus)11:27
Raziqueor do I only need to specify the export LANG=C11:27
FabriceBLANG does not change the layout11:28
FabriceBthe keyboard layout is in the window manager11:28
RaziqueFabriceB: I don't have any gui :p11:28
FabriceBmm, you're directly connected to the server, in console mode ?11:29
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RaziqueFabriceB: yup11:29
FabriceBthat's rough11:29
Raziquebut if I run an export LANG=C, does the nova user benefits from that ?11:29
FabriceBfire a ssh connection through a workstation11:29
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Raziquewell not really, it's my lab, which is at the desk ; few meters from here :p11:30
FabriceBRazique: not from you're command line11:30
FabriceBI don't get it11:30
RaziqueI'm at home ; working on my lab, which is at the office11:30
Raziquesituated few meters from here11:30
FabriceBso change the worksation locale and not you're home station locale11:31
FabriceBI'm working this way11:31
FabriceBfrom a french talking mac book to C configured server11:31
mikemowgliRazique, your keystone description should go on which is rather empty at the moment...11:31
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RaziqueFabriceB: aha I'm on a mac also :D11:32
Raziqueok … now if I run export LANG=C11:32
Raziquewhat the useer "nova" will see11:32
FabriceBchange you're servec setup and reboot it11:32
Raziquestill the fr_FR.UTF-8 locale or the C one ?11:32
FabriceBLANG=C will change only the locale for the process you launch afterward11:33
RaziqueFabriceB: ok that's what I thought11:33
Raziqueso let's totally set the server in english11:33
FabriceBbut launchtime for me11:33
Raziquethat would prevent further issues11:33
Raziquemikemowgli: yah I know, working on it11:34
Raziquethanks FabriceB11:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879371 in swift "HEAD request over a container is not returning the ACL headers" [Undecided,New]
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Raziqueok so thank to FabriceB I resolved my issue11:52
Raziqueyou need to edit /etc/default/locales in debian like distros11:52
Raziqueand put LOCALE="C"11:52
Raziquereboot and voila11:52
tyskaguys i really need some tip here11:54
tyskaim following the ubuntu beginners guide11:54
tyskaim in the following command: sudo nova-manage network create 1 25511:54
Raziquewhat's the output ?11:54
tyskacommand failed see the log11:55
tyskathe log saids: --bridge_interface is required11:55
Raziquediablo  or cactus ?11:55
tyskadont know, im following this guide:
tillmoyesterday, you have used 2011.3, which is diablo11:56
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Raziquedpkg -l | grep nova11:57
tyskatillmo: yeah, then that's it11:57
tyskatillmo: i've solved the problem with the raid11:57
tyskatillmo: new problem now =)11:57
Raziquefor diablo, the command is that one : sudo nova-manage network create public 3 16 --bridge_interface=br011:57
tyskabut the br0 is not the public interface right?11:58
tyskain my case its br10011:58
tyskathe bridge interface is the comunication with compute nodes right?11:59
Raziqueso the bridge will be a different name11:59
Raziquemainly yah11:59
tillmotyska: the raid problem, was it the filtering?11:59
tyskatillmo: in fact, it was my mistake, there was a directory /dev/mapper11:59
tyskatillmo: with the raid volumes11:59
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tyskatillmo: and my raid is, in a ubuntu taxonomy, a fake raid12:00
tyskaRazique: what is the 3 and 16 number after the IP?12:00
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tyskaRazique: i must run this command for private? nova-manage network create private12:04
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Razique3 : gateway 16 : broadcast12:05
Raziquethe "private" ain't mandatory12:05
Raziqueis simply a "label" which describes ur network12:06
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tyskaRazique: can you take a look in my /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/nova/nova.conf files ( and see what command i must run?12:09
foexlehiho guys, i've a question about keystone is that the right place ? :)12:09
Raziquefoexle: sure12:09
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Raziquejust ask :)12:09
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Raziquetyska: what network mode ?12:10
tyskaRazique: i think it VLan12:10
tyskaRazique: i saw in somewhere that if it is not set in the nova.conf, it is VLan by default12:10
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foexleso i'll try to use keystone with mysql instead of sqlite. But i cant find any documentation.... is that possible ?12:10
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Raziquetyska: exactly :)12:11
Raziquewhat br100 is used for ?12:11
Raziquein vlan mode, no bridge needed12:11
Raziquenova creates them for you12:11
tyskaRazique: hmm, i just followed the guide12:11
tyskaRazique: indeed there is a vibr012:12
Raziquehow many servers do you have ?12:12
tyskaRazique: 212:12
Raziqueone node and one "everything else" ?12:12
Raziquenode = compute node12:12
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Raziqueok so enventually here is a setup that would suit your conf12:12
foexleRazique: so i'll try to use keystone with mysql instead of sqlite. But i cant find any documentation.... is that possible ?12:13
foexleRazique: i'm sorry forgot the highlight above :)12:13
tyskaRazique: where?12:14
Raziquetyska: I'm writing it12:14
Raziqueleme  mn12:14
Razique2 mn12:15
tyskaRazique: sry for the rush =)12:15
Raziquetyska: server 1 =
Raziqueserver 2 =
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tyskaRazique: then what command i must run at my point? (nova-manage network ...)12:21
Raziquea third network :D12:22
Raziquefor instance nova-manage network create 1 255 --bridge_interface=br012:22
tyskaRazique: but there is no longer exists a br012:28
Raziquetyska: yup in vlan mode you don't need bridges12:28
Raziquenova manages them for u12:28
tyskaRazique: ok12:29
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tyskaRazique: but there is a param in nova.conf, fixed_range=
tyskaRazique: the nova-manage network command, that creates the third network, does not have to be this subnet?12:30
Raziqueoh yes you are right12:30
RaziqueI did a mistake sorry :D12:30
tyskaRazique: no problem12:30
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tyskaRazique: if i change the fixed_range param, must i change the isci_ip_prefix param too?12:33
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tyskaRazique: but this is really a third subnet right? it has be different from the eth1 iface of server1, that is the iface used to comunicate with compute node12:34
Raziqueyah since it's the nova's private network12:34
tyskaRazique: ok12:35
tyskaRazique: i realize that has a difference between your nova.conf and the ubuntu beginners guide, mainly in the rabiit_host and cc_host IP's12:36
Raziquerabbit-host : the server running nova-schedule12:36
tyskaRazique: your config put the IP of the eth0 in this params, while the guide put the IP's of eth112:36
Raziquecc_host I'd say server running nova-api12:37
Raziquetyska: on that you free to do how you want12:37
RaziqueI guess they don't use the same interfaces as I do :)12:37
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tyskaRazique: ah ok, my doubt was just if we can configure as we want ;)12:38
tyskaRazique: im doing like you said12:38
Raziqueyah totally, just stay logical that's it :p12:38
tyskaRazique: the name of bridge created by nova is vibr012:41
tyskaRazique: must i put this bridge in the command? (nova-manage network create 1 255 --bridge_interface=br0)12:41
Raziqueit creates two bridges actually12:42
tyskabut if config just shows 112:42
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tyskaRazique: ifconfig just shows 1 bridge, that is normal?12:43
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Raziqueno that aint12:44
Raziquehave you restarted the nova-network service ?12:44
tyskaRazique: i rebooted the server12:44
tyskaRazique: and now restart the service too, we have still 1 bridge12:45
livemoonI will write some simple doc to website of our country12:45
livemoonLet more people know openstack and use it12:46
tyskarestarted the service too*12:46
livemoonRazique£ºIf can ,I will use your keystone sql12:48
Raziquecheck the nova-network.log in debug mode by precaustion12:48
tyskaRazique: how i enter in debug mode?12:49
Raziquetyska: you add --debug i nova.conf12:50
Raziquethen restart the service nova-network12:50
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livemoonRazique£ºwhat command can export mysql db save as sql text and import later?12:56
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Raziquelivemoon: mysqldump -u $USER -p$PASS (no space) $DATABASE > $DATABASE.sql12:57
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Raziquemysqldump -u glance -pglance glance > glance.sql12:57
tyskaRazique: here is the log12:57
livemoonRazique£º what about import£¿12:57
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Raziquelivemoon: mysql -u glance -pglance glance < glance.sql12:57
Raziquetyska: seems good12:57
Raziquewhat nova-manage service list gives ?12:58
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tyskaRazique: thats return a error12:59
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tyska2011-10-21 11:01:26,913 INFO nova.db.sqlalchemy [-] Using mysql/eventlet db_pool. 2011-10-21 11:01:32,06413:02
tyskaCRITICAL nova [-]13:02
tyskathis are the messages in the log13:02
tyskafor nova-manage service list13:02
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Raziquetyska: run as root13:05
tyskaRazique: yeah, i did it later13:05
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tyskaRazique: it returned: command failed, see the log13:05
tyskaRazique: and the messages log are these i put here13:05
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Razique2011-10-21 11:01:26,913 INFO nova.db.sqlalchemy [-] Using mysql/eventlet db_pool. 2011-10-21 11:01:32,06413:06
RaziqueCRITICAL nova [-]13:06
Raziquethis are the messages in the log13:06
Raziquefor nova-manage service list13:06
Raziquethat one ?13:06
tyskajust this 213:07
tyskaRazique: it worked know13:08
tyskaBinary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At nova-network     c3cloud                              nova             enabled    :-)   2011-10-21 13:07:51 nova-compute     c3cloud                              nova             enabled    :-)   2011-10-21 13:07:50 nova-volume      c3cloud                              nova             enabled    :-)   2011-10-21 13:07:52 nova-schedul13:08
Raziqueuse tyska btw :)13:08
Raziquepaste sorry13:08
tyskaok sry13:08
tyskaRazique: what's the next step?13:10
Raziquewell run images then13:10
tyskaRazique: but i dont executed that command. (nova-manage network...)13:11
tyskaRazique: dont i have to do it13:11
Raziqueso do it yah13:11
RaziqueI thought u did13:11
tyskaRazique: i did not because there is not br013:11
Raziquetry anyway13:11
Raziquemaybe it's created afterward13:11
Raziquewhich I doubt but, why not13:11
tyskanova-manage network create 1 256 --bridge_interface=br0 is that it?13:12
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RaziqueI've an issues my floating ip don't work anymore :/13:13
Raziquesince the iptables'NAT prerouting rule is created, I can't ping the ip13:13
Raziquewhile the instance is still reachable via it's fixed ip13:13
Raziquetyska: yup13:13
siwosguys - anyone running windows in openstack?13:15
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tyskaRazique: Command failed =(13:21
tyskaRazique: CRITICAL nova [-] The network range is not big enough to fit 256. Network size is 113:22
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Raziquesiwos: I managed yah13:23
siwosRazique: with hyperv?13:23
siwosor kvm?13:23
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Raziquetyska: try a bigger range then13:24
tyskaRazique: like what?13:25
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Raziquea /12 one ?13:25
kbringarddo a /1!13:25
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tyskaRazique: same problem with /12 =(I13:25
tyskaRazique: im considering try to install with ubuntu 11.10 =/13:26
livemoonRazique: how are you?13:26
Raziqueshow me nova.conf and the network u set with nova-manage13:26
Raziquelivemoon: ont cool :( my floating ips don't work anymore13:26
Raziquesince this morning I've tons of new issues13:26
livemoonhave any error?13:27
Raziqueit's f***in unbelieveable13:27
Raziquenot any13:27
Raziquei'm debbuging iptables rules13:27
livemoonI have meet some issues too. yesterday it works git pull and install ,then some errors show13:28
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Raziquewell I dunno what to look13:29
Raziqueiptables rules seem good13:30
tyskaRazique: here is the configs13:30
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Razique--fixed_range= - > --fixed_range=
Raziqueseems weird13:32
tyskaRazique: yeah, just changed it,13:32
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Raziquenova should be able to allocate 256 adresses in a /2413:34
tyskaRazique: but dont think it is the problem13:34
Raziqueneither do I13:34
tyskaRazique: exactly13:34
Raziquecheck logs :p13:34
livemoonI found new nova have changed some flag13:34
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livemoonsome flages donnot need value13:34
Raziqueany network guys around ? :D13:34
Raziquelivemoon: yah ?13:34
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livemoonbut I don't know its default13:34
tyskaif i run the command for 50 IP's, the error is the same13:34
livemoonfor example, --multi_host, I used to set =true13:34 cannot be set value13:34
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tyskaRazique: im aborting the mission, im going to try to install using ubuntu server 11.1013:35
tyskaRazique: than, the beginners guide must work13:35
tyskaRazique: thank you very much for the help13:36
Raziquetyska: mm don't give that that close :p13:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #879442 in nova "Some tests take too much time to run" [Undecided,New]
Raziqueplus its not related to the server imho13:36
Raziquelivemoon: yah that multi_host stuff is weird13:36
tyskaRazique: do you think it is possible to solve that trouble?13:36
Raziqueit's like the flag is useless13:37
RaziqueI had to put to false into the database that table13:37
Raziqueyah, could you show me the exact message13:37
RaziqueI only saw a part of it13:37
tyskaRazique: what message?13:38
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Raziqueu have that ValueError: The network range is not big enough to fit 255. Network size is 113:39
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Raziquetyska: got it13:43
Raziquetry nova-manage network create private
Raziqueshould works13:43
tyskaRazique: owww, worked out! =)13:44
tyskaRazique: how did you do that?13:44
RaziqueI googled13:44
Raziquethere have been somes changes on the versions13:44
tyskaRazique: but, why worked that way?13:44
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Raziqueit's the label "private" which does the trick13:44
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tyskaRazique: but the subnet is wrong now, with my nova.conf13:45
Raziquenope since you can create multiple networks13:45
Raziqueinto the conf you always specify the biggest range13:45
Raziquewhile with nova-manage network, u create smaller network13:46
tyskaRazique: ok, then now its time to run this command sudo nova-manage floating create
tyskaRazique: there is some difference for the version im using?13:46
Raziquethe floating range is an accessible one by the nova-network server ; in ur case the server 113:46
Raziqueso make sure these are routable adresses13:47
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tyskamy server is
tyskawhat i must run?13:47
Raziquestart by create two /32 adresses13:48
Raziquepick the ones u like13:48
tyskathis floating range is for what end?13:50
tyskathanks for the help13:50
tyskaim going to lunch, see you later ;)13:50
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Raziquethe floating ip allows you to reach the instances from the outside world13:51
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Raziquedjjeeeee I can't get floating ips working :(13:52
Raziquethe iptables rules are not set correctly, but can't find where13:52
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mjforkRazique: i only got floating ips to work after changing a sysctl setting (obviously depends on your env)13:55
mjforkgetting it now13:56
kbringardit's net.ipv4.ip_forward=113:56
kbringardin /etc/sysctl.conf13:57
mjforknet.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 213:57
kbringardthen sysctl -p will reload it13:57
kbringardoh, you're talking about something else13:57
mjforknote mine is a different setting13:57
mjforki didn't see Razique earlier question, so mine may not help13:58
mjforkbut worth a try13:58
kbringardmjfork: right, sorry, I thought you were talking about how to turn on ip forwarding on the NC13:58
Raziquekbringard: no it use to work find13:58
mjforkahh, ok.13:58
kbringardRazique: yea, I remember13:59
kbringardweird that it would just die13:59
Raziquenot I can't reach floating ips :D13:59
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Raziqueyah, i'll check the forwarding13:59
kbringardif you ip addr show $public_device13:59
Raziquecoudl be that13:59
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kbringardare the IPs up?13:59
Raziquekbringard: the ip is hsre13:59
Raziquewhen I flush the nat rule, the ip points to the server13:59
RaziqueI mean nova13:59
Raziquesince I restart nova-network (which re-set iptables rules)13:59
kbringardyea, and you can ping it? when you have the nat rules flushed?13:59
Raziqueit's not working at all14:00
Raziqueyup I can when the rules are flushed14:00
kbringardok, so yea, that definitely points to a problem in the natting14:00
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kbringardcan your VMs NAT out if they only have internal IPs?14:00
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Raziquekbringard: nope14:01
Raziquethey need a floating in order to go out14:02
kbringarddo you have the —fixed_range flag set?14:02
kbringard(assuming you're using flatDHCP)14:03
Raziquebut I'm using VLanmode14:03
kbringardyou have your vlan_interface and public_interface set right?14:03
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kbringard(I know it iused to work, I'm just thinking through all the possible problems)14:03
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kbringardeh, I dunno, weird14:04
kbringardI'd check to make sure ip forwarding is still on14:04
Raziquethat what I'm trying14:04
kbringardgrep net.ipv4.ip_forward /etc/sysctl.conf14:04
RaziqueI just turned it on on both servers14:05
kbringardyou should only need it on the network controller14:05
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kbringardonce you set that to =114:05
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kbringardrun sysctl -p14:05
kbringardto reload it on the fly14:05
Raziqueyup did it :)14:06
kbringardyou mean you ran that command, or that fixed it?14:06
Raziqueunfortunately I ran the command14:07
Raziquebut it's not working14:07
kbringardand I assume you can get to the VMs internal IPs from the NC?14:08
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RaziqueDiablo has a new table into the database "brige_interface" which overrides the "--vlan_interface"14:08
Raziqueon the node 1 I've : --public_interface=eth014:08
Raziquewhile I've in the node 2 : --public_interface=eth014:08
RaziqueYah I can reach the VM via it's private IP14:09
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crussellguys, i'm stumped here.14:10
crussellNEver had this issue before14:10
crussellI can't get images to upload14:10
crussellFirst think i noticed when publishing.. no ramdisk14:11
crussellThis wasn't the case the last time i setup openstack, and using this ubuntu single user image14:11
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crussellsecond, it spits out an error about connection refused 111114:12
crussellI've created a new user, and project, and sourced novarc to make sure it was right14:12
crussellI checked my nov.conf. made sure the s3_url is there.14:12
crussellObject store is running14:12
crussellAll services up and avilable.14:12
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crussellfailed: euca-upload-bundle --bucket dub-bucket --manifest /tmp/uec-publish-image.G1hJsi/maverick-server-uec-amd64-vmlinuz-virtual.manifest.xml14:12
crussellsocket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused14:13
crussellIt's actually failing on the euca-upload-bundle.14:13
crussellI'm not seeing the bucket being created at /var/lib/nova/buckets14:13
crussellPermissions appear to be right on the folder14:13
crussellAhh hell.. objectstore running under root.. and everything else running under nova..14:14
crussellthink this could be it?14:14
crussellIf so how do i fix14:14
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Raziquekbringard: here is what happens when I attach a floating ip
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crussellargh.. i'm stumped..14:43
crussellAnyone around want to help me troubleshoot this objectstore problem14:43
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mjforkcrussell: fire away14:47
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Oneiroizykes-: ping14:53
crussellty mjfork14:54
crussellsocket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused14:54
mjforkis nova-objectstore running?14:54
crussellI'm getting that error when performing euca-publish-tarball14:54
crussellYes, running, uninstalled reinstalled a couple time14:54
crussellTried with/without glance since this is a single server install at the moment14:55
mjforkif so, what does netstat -tnap show for port14:55
crussellport 3333?14:55
crussellfunny enough, don't see port 3333 listed14:56
crusselli see 9292 for glance though14:56
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mjforkwhat is the PID of objectstore?14:57
crussellroot     26945  0.0  0.0  61232 16180 ?        S    10:51   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-objectstore --uid 112 --gid 65534 --pidfile /var/run/nova/ --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf --nodaemon --logfile=/var/log/nova/nova-objectstore.log14:57
mjforkwhat ports is PID 26945 listening14:58
eqx311netstat -pln14:58
crusselltcp        0      0*               LISTEN      26945/python14:58
kbringardor lsof -i | grep  2694514:58
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gnu111notmyname: I rebalanced the ring and swift-bench is working:
kbringard<3 lsof14:59
crusselllsof shows nothing14:59
notmynamegnu111: great!14:59
eqx311arista switches + nova .. anyone ?15:00
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mjforkcrussell: my guess is you are connecting via localhost15:00
gnu111notmyname: do the numbers look ok? what do they mean?15:00
mjforkand not the IP15:00
notmynamegnu111: PUTs look a little slow, but that's dependent on your particular infrastructure15:00
mjforkcrussell: telnet localhost 3333 fails right?15:00
gnu111notmyname: i am using ext4 with xattr. not xfs.15:01
crussellit does...15:01
crussellyou may be on to something15:01
crussellonly works on my private ip of
crussellwhat flag is that in nova-.conf15:01
mjforkin nova.conf what is your s3_interface?15:01
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mjfork(i think thats the flag, doing from memory)15:02
crussellno s3 interface15:02
crussellhave s3 host15:02
crussells3 url15:02
crussellboth of which point to correct ip15:02
crussellit has the ip, minue the port, i'd assume it just uses the default.15:03
crussellor should i ada a :333315:03
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notmynamegnu111: my numbers running on a 1GB slicehost account (so numbers on dedicated hardware should be much better)
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gnu111notmyname: i see. yes your PUTs look much better. what should I look for in the config? ring setup?15:05
notmynamegnu111: that starts to get in to the black art of perf tuning. fs options, timeout values, etc can all affect it. pandemicsyn probably could help you more than me on tuning issues15:06
crussellhmm when i type env15:06
crusselli do not see my s3_host15:06
mjforkcrussell: is your ss3_host that IP or is it
crusselljust exported it in, and trying again15:07
crussellit's the ip. it's the only one that will accept conenction15:07
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mjforkmy file has
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mjforktry that and restart objectsore15:08
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gnu111notmyname: earlier my balance wasn't zero. I added a new node, had to wait an hour. do you the error was due to that?15:08
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crussellok now i can telnet to on port 333315:09
crusselltrying again15:09
crussellanyway to elvate logging verbosity on objectstore..15:10
notmynamegnu111: probably not (for a nearly empty cluster). ring balance is going to affect how your data is distributed as the cluster fills up. it's important, but I don't think it would affect swift-bench numbers all that much15:10
crussellbecause as i'm tailing it, nothing really showing15:10
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crussellfailed again, sadly15:10
mjforkcrussell: well, it was never connected15:10
mjforkare you on diablo?15:10
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crussellcactus i believe 2011.215:10
crusselli pulled from ubuntu universe15:11
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mjforkok, hmm15:11
crussellwant me to just go and update it from the ppa?15:11
crussellall modules, and try again15:11
mjforkwell, diablo makes it easier :-)15:11
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mjforkwhere do you see conenction refused?15:11
mjforkfrom ecua_publish_image?15:12
mjforkwhats in your novarc you source?15:12
crussellfailed: euca-bundle-image --destination /tmp/uec-publish-image.xmw7Rf --arch i3815:12
notmynamegnu111: also, FWIW, only doing 100 PUTs etc won't give you as accurate of numbers. I'd suggest using much bigger numbers, especially if you have a large cluster15:13
mjforkcrussell: where did yo usee connection refused?15:13
gnu111notmyname: ok, will try that.15:13
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mjforkcrussell: this may be your issue ""15:13
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mjforktelnet 333315:14
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mjforkdoes that open up15:14
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crussellI see it after i attempt a uec-publish-tarball.  that is the command giving me the error15:14
crussellhold up... it's not giving the connection refused now.15:14
crussellwe've moed up in problems.15:14
notmynamegnu111: what is your cluster now? a single VM like mine (dev env)? or real hardware with multiple machines?15:14
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gnu111notmyname: real hardware with multiple nodes.15:14
crussellno it's not...let me change it to
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mjforkwait, no don't chagne it to 015:15
mjforkchagne it to localhost15:15
crussellname or 12715:15
mjforkeither or15:15
livemoonhi, all15:15
notmynamegnu111: how many proxies?15:15
gnu111notmyname: one so far. I can add another one. I have 8 nodes to play with.15:16
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livemoonDoes anyone meet "novaclient.exceptions.BadRequest: Missing imageRef attribute (HTTP 400)" this error ?15:16
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mjforklivemoon: what was glance show <image id> show15:17
mjforklivemoon: guessing you are missing a parameter value15:17
livemoonI found it15:18
livemoonbugs in apiv1_115:19
Oneiroiguys if you happend to see zykes- before I do, please ask him to check out : and let me know if there any issues with the EL6 packages15:19
OneiroiI'll be testing them also :)15:19
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notmynamegnu111: ah. now I remember. also keep in mind that swift-bench can very easily flood your network if you are hitting a remote proxy. this is good. you should probably test from a separate box to ensure the benchmarking isn't getting in the way of responding to the benchmarking tool. you should definitely play with the concurrency and raise it a lot. I can easily run with a concurrency of 40 on my VM, so you should be able to do more than that15:20
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gnu111notmyname: ok, i will try that.15:20
troyahi all15:21
troyagood night :)15:21
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Oneiroiel6 build completed
gnu111notmyname: I am running these from the proxy node.15:23
gnu111notmyname: I am getting some GETS failure with higher numbers.15:24
troyahi JordanRinke15:24
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mjforkcrussell: any luck?15:24
notmynamegnu111: some failures are expected when concurrency gets too high15:24
reidracgnu111: are you using ssl?15:25
gnu111reidrac: yes.15:25
gnu111do these benchmarking produce any log files?15:25
reidracgnu111:  we have found lots of problems with proxy serving ssl15:26
reidracgnu111: looks like there's something not 100% OK in the proxy ssl implementation15:26
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gnu111reidrac: ok. I can try with non-ssl at some point.15:27
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reidracnotmyname: do you have time for a quick look into a bug? :)15:27
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notmynamegnu111: just the proxy logs15:28
reidracgnu111: do it! you may not have problems in load tests, but we had to use a reverse proxy for ssl because it was too unstable with lots of timeouts15:28
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notmynamegnu111: reidrac: using ssl directly to the proxy seems to cause some errors (probably in Python itself). we strongly recommend that you terminate ssl on a LB in front of the proxy15:29
notmynamereidrac: what's up?15:29
reidracnotmyname: :P15:29
reidracI'd appreciate your opinion15:29
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reidracnotmyname: yep, we though for some time it was an issue with python-cloudfiles, but after some weird stuff last week we concluded it's something in the proxy :(15:30
notmynamereidrac: I saw that come through this morning, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet15:30
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reidracnotmyname: OK, I just want to know if the x-container-read/write headers were removed intentionally15:31
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notmynamereidrac: no. without looking at it in detail, it does sound like a bug15:32
reidracnotmyname: OK, thanks15:32
reidracit's the only problem we had migrating from 1.4.0 to 1.4.315:32
Raziqueok I've fixed my issue15:32
Raziquenow floating ips work15:33
gnu111notmyname: swift does not come with a LB right? I have to use a third party one.15:33
notmynamegnu111: correct15:33
mjforkRazique: what was it?15:33
RaziqueI don't know :/15:33
RaziqueI deleted the netwrok, recreated it15:34
Raziqueused nova instead of euca2ools15:34
Raziquenow it's working, don't know how really15:34
RaziqueI've lost my mind15:34
reidracgnu111: look at pound, we're very happy with it so fa...
notmynamegnu111: based on our testing, we'd recommend pound if you want something free. we use zeus (proprietary, $) because it gave us better performance15:34
gnu111reidrac, notmyname: thanks. will try it. I don't have much experience with LB but shouldn't be that bad.15:35
btorchzeus is pretty cool to manage too :)15:35
notmynamegnu111: but that being said, this was done without using the intel aes acceleration, and it may be possible to speed it up with a custome build of openssl15:35
notmynamegnu111: listen to btorch. he's one of our swift ops guys15:36
notmynamegnu111: he keeps these huge clusters running15:36
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gnu111btorch: thanks. will check it out. is it this one: not free though right?15:37
kbringardI don't know what kind of load you're putting on stuff, but if you're just doing http(s) I use nginx for both reverse proxy and SSL termination and it works great15:37
notmynamekbringard: nginx isn't good for something like swift15:38
kbringardoh, I didn't realize you were talking about swift15:38
* kbringard goes back to his cave15:38
notmynamekbringard: nginx spools PUTs to disk, so large objects can _quickly_ overwhelm your LB15:38
notmynamekbringard: other than that, it's good though :-)15:38
kbringardhaha, yea, I thought you were just talking about straight up LB for like the API or something15:39
reidrackbringard: it won't work, nginx doesn't love too much some of the chunked PUT operations15:39
kbringardreidrac: right, yea, I agree, I didn't realize you were talking about swift15:40
kbringardsorry to jump in uninformed15:40
notmynamekbringard: no worries :-)15:40
reidracnotmyname: I couldn't make it work, python-cloudfiles does some nasty things and I was getting 411 errors constantly :)15:40
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reidrackbringard: it's OK!15:41
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btorchgnu111: yes that's the one15:41
notmynamereidrac: what couldn't you get to work?15:41
reidracnotmyname: PUTs, basically using python-cloudfiles15:42
gnu111notmyname: I can't find the proxy logs. are they in the system logs?15:42
notmynamereidrac: through nginx?15:42
notmynamegnu111: they log to syslog. so /var/log/syslog unless you've changed the syslog config15:42
notmynamereidrac: good to know15:42
reidracnotmyname: I think it's because nginx wants a content-length for PUT/POST15:43
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gnu111notmyname: ok found it in the sys log. I am seeing my connection refused errors. Oct 21 10:54:11 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002586: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:14 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002588: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:16 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002589: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:24 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002594: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:28 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002596: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:31 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002598: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:32 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002599: Connection refused (client_ip:
notmynamegnu111: :-)15:46
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:36 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/gerald-test_segments/400GB.dat/1318342396.76/429496729600/00002602: Connection refused (client_ip:
gnu111Oct 21 10:54:38 b002 proxy-server ERROR with Object server re: Trying to GET /AUTH_system/test_segments/400GB.da15:46
gnu111sorry folks.15:46
gnu111meant to post only one line..sorry15:46
gnu111notmyname: so seeing these errors in the log:
Oneiroiiptables on the node?15:47
notmynamegnu111: with the higher concurrency to swift-bench?15:47
gnu111notmyname: no, I think this a test user who I have gave access to the system.15:47
gnu111notmyname: but I think i saw the same error during the benchmarking as well.15:48
notmynamegnu111: there could be many reasons the connection was refused. looks like some investigation is needed15:49
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tyskaRazique: solved your problem with floating ips?15:52
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troyahi all15:54
troyaanyone can help me?15:55
Ryan_LaneI'm trying to figure out how to load this kexec-loader using the glance-upload command:
Ryan_Laneanyone have any ideas?15:56
smoserah. yeah. sorry i missed you yesterday.15:56
smoserits just a kernel and a ramdisk.15:56
smoserhow do you normally load those into glance?15:56
Ryan_Laneit's two ramdisks though15:56
troyahi smoser15:56
Ryan_LaneI upload the kernel, then the ramdisk, then the image15:57
Ryan_Lanethis has a loader ramdisk, and a loader-sdb1 ramdisk though15:57
Ryan_Laneand I don't see how to upload both15:58
smoserRyan_Lane, you dont want the -sdb1 .15:58
Ryan_Laneoh. just the regular loader?15:58
Ryan_Lanesmoser: is this different than the loader that is shipped with the UEC images?15:58
smoseryes. that is actually a grub multiboot loader.15:58
* Ryan_Lane nods15:58
smoserand that will not work on nova15:59
Ryan_Lanethought so15:59
smoserwe had to hack eucalyptus to use it.15:59
smoserthat would have been a cleaner solution all around.15:59
tyskaHi guys, i installed a dual node architecture open stack15:59
smoserbut the issue is that if you launch kvm with '-kernel' the bios does not get completely initialized15:59
tyskait means i used two servers15:59
smoserso grub was unable to see any disks. so it would fail.16:00
troyasmoser: can you explain to me, what's function of nova-volume ?16:00
tyskaserver1 needs to be the gateway to server2, but for some reason it is not working16:00
Ryan_Lanetroya: it's for procuring and attaching volumes to instances16:00
tyskaim a little confuse with the iptables chains, they are different from the standard chains16:00
smosertroya, nova-volume provides ebs like functionality.16:00
smoserRyan_Lane, so please don't judge me.16:01
Raziquetyska: I did yah16:01
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Raziquebut I don't explain how :/16:01
Ryan_Lanesmoser: heh. no judging. I'm glad to have a solution :)16:01
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smoserbut the way that the 'loader' files are used in eucalyptus is that they're shoved onto a floppy disk, the floppy disk is attached and kvm told to boot off th efloppy.16:01
smoserit works.16:01
RaziqueI mean the resolution doesn't make any sense at all16:01
tyskaRazique: this is not good =( but at least it is working now ;)16:01
Ryan_Lanefloppies ftw!16:01
tyskaRazique: now im with a silly problem16:01
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troyaRyan_lane: but why instances can run without i configure nova-volume ?16:01
smoserbut, yes, in 2010 I implemented something that uses a floppy drive for booting :)16:01
Raziquetyska: it used to work very well one day ago =D16:02
tyskaRazique: the compute node does not have Internet conectivity16:02
Raziquewhat music do you listen to guys when u run some errands16:02
Raziquefridge's empty here :D16:02
tyskaRazique: and i dont know why, adn the iptables chain are a lot different from the normal chains of iptables16:02
Raziquetyska: is it an expected behaviour ?16:02
smoserRyan_Lane, so upload the kernel and the loader ami (without the -loader-sdb1). and then use those as kernel and ramdisk for your image.16:03
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Raziquetyska:  in fact nova chains drag all the chains mainly16:03
Raziqueso it not's biggie16:03
troyaHI Razique16:03
Ryan_Lanegreat. and I can use any lucid image?16:03
smoserbe aware, though, that it parses /boot/grub/menu.lst, so you have to have one.16:03
tyskaRazique: i think it is not a expected behavior, because the compute node needs to reach the Internet, no?16:03
Ryan_Laneah. so the image that is included has that?16:03
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Ryan_Laneand the normal UEC images do not?16:04
smoserany recent ubuntu image will have it.16:04
Ryan_Laneoh. good16:04
smoserat , i think anything after 1010122816:05
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smoseroops. 20101228 or later.16:05
Raziquetyska: make sure the main interface of the node can reach the gateway16:06
Raziquenova rules don't block any acess16:06
Ryan_Lanecool. I'm using much newer versions16:06
smoserRyan_Lane, if you wanted to document what you come up with in that bug, that would be very helpful.16:06
Ryan_Lanewill do16:06
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Ryan_Lanethankfully bootable images are usable later16:06
troyaRazique: can you explain me, why i can running instances without create nova-volume ?16:07
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Ryan_Lanetroya: because the instances don't have to be nova-volume backed16:08
tyskaRazique: it is ok, the main interface of the compute node is reaching the gateway16:08
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tyskaRazique: already enabled the forward property in the gateway16:08
Ryan_Lanetroya: they will use the local disk space on your compute node16:08
Raziqueok so it shoud be able to reach the outside16:08
livemoonRazique: are you here?16:09
Raziquetry to ping an outside ip from the node16:09
tyskaRazique: yeah, but is not =(16:09
Raziquelivemoon: yah I was about to leave for a few minutes, need to run some errands16:09
tyskaRazique: does not work16:09
Raziquetyska: mmmm16:09
Raziquedoes the name resolution work ?16:09
Ryan_Lanesmoser: one last question. is the loader the only important thing here? or do I also need to use the kernel that's included?16:10
tyskaRazique: im using ping to then name is not important now16:10
livemoonRazique: are you free? I meet a problem16:10
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Raziquetyska: does tcp work ?16:10
smoserRyan_Lane, its a kernel and a ramdisk.16:10
Raziquetry to telnet an IP16:10
troyaRyan_lane: so, every i running instances without configure nova-volume, it will reduce space HD of node-controller ?16:10
Ryan_Laneah. right. they are linked :)16:10
RaziqueI say this cuz I had a similar issue16:10
smoserso you need both. kernel must match ramdisk (it has modules)16:10
Raziqueicmp issue16:10
* Ryan_Lane nods16:10
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livemoonRazique: using nova add-floating-ip . it cannot at work16:11
Ryan_Lanetroya: depends on how you have things configured. nova-volume may also be hitting the disks of the compute node16:11
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Raziquecheck nova-api.log and nova-network.log16:11
Ryan_Lanetroya: but why would it matter if the disks were hit on the compute node? they aren't doing anything else16:11
tyskatcp/ip does not work too16:12
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livemoonDoes anyone can use "nova add-floating-ip"16:12
tyskaRazique: the compute node machine still does not have the openstack packages =)16:12
Ryan_Laneoh. you said space, not speed16:12
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Ryan_Lanetroya: yes, it will reduce the space of the compute node16:13
tyskaRazique: i need Internet to install the packages =)16:13
Raziquetyska: ok16:13
livemoonRazique:I cannot associate floating ip using novaclient16:13
Raziquemmm so you ping the gateway but u can't reach the outside16:13
Raziqueseems like firewall issue maybe ?16:13
tyskaRazique: yeah16:13
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tyskaRazique: i think could be it, but i dont understand well the iptables rules16:13
tyskaRazique: not with that much chain16:14
tyskaRazique: i will put a log in forward to see what i can find16:14
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Raziquetyska: you can run iptables-save > iptable.rules16:14
Raziquefor a clean view16:14
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tyskaRazique: the good new is the packets are arriving in the gateway16:16
tyskaRazique: IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=0 DF PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=9733 SEQ=116:16
Raziquelivemoon: was talking to tyska :p16:17
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Raziquelivemoon: check nova-api.log and nova-network.log16:17
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Raziqueis it a Linux gateway ?16:18
tyskaRazique: the gateway is the server116:19
Raziqueah… mmm why is that ?16:19
OneiroiI sense a need for `echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ip_forward`16:20
tyskaRazique: server1 have 2 nics, 1 in the public IP (internet connectivity) and other connected directly in the compute node with a cross-over cable16:20
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tyskaRazique: later i will reorganize the network topology, but now i have this limitation16:20
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dillon-whi, can anyone shed some light on how to use euca2ools/novaclient with keystone?16:21
RaziqueOneiroi: hehe16:21
Oneiroityska: what does cat /proc/sys/net/ip_forward give?16:21
Raziquesorry guys but I need to leave =D16:21
Raziquebe right back16:21
OneiroiRazique:  ciao16:21
tyskaOneiroi: you mean cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ? It's 116:22
tyskaRazique: ok, tks16:22
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Oneiroityska: varies system to system but yeh, also BAH that would of been awesome if it were 0, instant fix!16:23
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tyskaOneiroi: yeah i know, it is the first thing that i do thinking it is instantly solved16:23
tyskaOneiroi: but not =( im still fighting with this16:23
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Oneiroiso packet flow: client --> gateway16:24
Oneiroibut it's not getting beyond that point?16:24
Oneiroiessentially need to know if it's the outbound journey broken, the return packet journey brokwn, or both16:24
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879526 in nova "Instance fails to aloocate the correct IP address after receiving two" [Undecided,New]
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tyskaOneiroi: the packet goes to the gateway16:29
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livemoonI solved it .thanks Razique16:30
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tyskaguys im having a silly network problem, can anyone help me?16:36
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viddtyska, what network issue you having?16:41
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viddannegentle, are you here?16:42
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viddis there anyone here from the documentation team?16:43
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vidddillon-w, you still here?16:44
dillon-wvidd : yeah16:45
tyskavidd: 2 servers16:45
tyskavidd: dual node configuration of open stack, 1 is compute node and the other is 'everything else'16:45
vidddillon-w, i wrote some documentation for setting up keystone properly that i want to submit to the documentation team16:46
tyskavidd: the server1, the 'everything else' server, is already with the openstack packages installed and configured16:46
viddi think its exactly what you need16:46
dillon-wvidd : perfect.  could you share it?16:46
tyskavidd: this server has 2 nics, eth0 with ip (internet conectivity) and eth1 with
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tyskavidd: the eth1 iface is connected directly, through a cross-over cable, in the compute node, that have eth0 with the ip
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tyskavidd: the server2 needs to use server1 as gateway to reach Internet16:47
tyskavidd: but for some reason it is not working16:48
viddtyska, dont use a cross-over...put it throught the router16:48
tyskavidd: i will change this later, but now i have this limitation16:48
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tyskavidd: the cross-over connection is working, the packages reach the gateway16:48
tyskavidd: i can see them when i log the forward chain in the gateway16:49
dillon-wvidd : the pastebin URL was some error output of 'nova'.  were you meant to send a URL for your keystone document?16:50
vidddillon-w, sorry16:50
viddim so used to the highlight -only copy of ssh =]16:51
dillon-wvidd : thx!16:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #879533 in nova "nova-api's 300-multichoice link reads v1.1/v2.0" [Undecided,Invalid]
tyskavidd: solved it!!! =)16:52
viddtyska, let me make sure i understand your network config....16:52
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vidddillon-w, just a the last step, im missing "add" in the example (its there in the FORMAT= line)16:53
tyskavidd: it was missing a rule to do the masquerade  in the packages coming from the subnet
tyskavidd: i added it and now everything is working fine ;)16:53
dillon-wvidd : ok. thx for the heads-up16:53
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tyskanow im having problem to create floating ip with this command ---> sudo nova-manage floating create
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tyskaThe error is: Possible wrong number of arguments supplied - Creates floating ips for zone by range16:58
tyskaanyone can help me?16:58
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tyskaOneiroi: solved the network problem ;)16:58
Oneiroiawesome what was the issue?16:58
tyskaOneiroi: a iptables rule was missing in POSTROUING chain16:58
Oneiroiah :D glad it's sorted :)16:58
tyskabut know i have another problem =)16:59
Oneiroialways the way16:59
viddtyska, you have one ip and a range....pick one16:59
viddnot both16:59
dillon-wvidd : in your document, 3) seemed to use tenant description in step 2) instead of tenant name. is that so?16:59
Oneiroiping me if needed I'm going to at rolling epel packages for keystone and glance now17:00
vidddillon-w, your right...17:00
tyskavidd: just with the range the command returned: Exception TypeError: "'Connection' object is not iterable" in <bound method TpooledConnectionPool.__del__ of <eventlet.db_pool.TpooledConnectionPool object at 0x3c15450>> ignored17:00
viddUser_account_alpha is the proper one from my example17:01
viddtyska, then idk....17:01
Raziquevidd: back17:01
dillon-wvidd : and does service have to be added before adding endpoint templates?17:02
Raziqueyou can send me the doc if you want to17:02
tyskavidd: what is idk?17:02
tyskaRazique: solved the problem with the network =)17:02
Raziquewe will read it, and integrate it17:02
Raziquewhat was it ?17:02
Raziqueforwarding rule ? :p17:02
tyskaRazique: it was missing a iptables rule17:02
vidddillon-w, yes because the enpoint templet needs it17:02
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tyskaRazique: masquerade in the POSTROUTING chain17:03
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Raziquemmmm not sure it's mandatory one but cool though :D17:03
tyskaRazique: but now im with a problem in the command -- sudo nova-manage floating create
Raziqueah yes it is actually :p17:03
Raziqueoutput ?17:03
tyskavidd: just with the range the command returned: Exception TypeError: "'Connection' object is not iterable" in <bound method TpooledConnectionPool.__del__ of <eventlet.db_pool.TpooledConnectionPool object at 0x3c15450>> ignored17:03
viddyou can do service1 template1 endpoint1, then service2 template2 endoint217:03
tyskai executed just sudo nova-manage floating create
viddtyska, idk...i use keystone and dash...not nova directly17:04
dillon-wvidd: but in my previous tests, i add endpoint templates first, then add service.  keystone-mange doesn't complain anything, just 'Successfully add blahblahblah...'17:04
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vidddillon-w, assigns it to service = 017:05
tyskaRazique: some clue?17:05
viddand then your credentials dont work17:05
dillon-wvidd : does 'keystone-mange endpointTemplates list' work for you? here it doesn't.17:06
vidddrop the "s"17:06
dillon-wvidd : well, how can i undo/correct my mistakes?17:06
viddits "endpointTemplate"17:07
jeremydeihi guys, I'm looking around for openstack-dashboard packages in the Ubuntu PPA.  It appears they're not quite building yet (horizon).  Is there an un-official ppa for this or is the best method to install from source for now?17:07
dillon-wkeystone-mange endpointTemplate list?  'endpointTemplate' is not a supported obj type.17:07
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viddsudo keystone-manage  endpointTemplates list17:09
viddyes...its working for me17:09
dillon-wvidd : hmm, maybe i should upgrade my keystone17:10
viddwhat database are you using?17:10
dillon-wvidd : sqlite17:11
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dillon-wvidd : can i have your email add?  I have to leave now.  but i have lots of keystone questions to ask. :)17:17
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viddmay i pm you?17:18
vidddillon-w, may i pm you?17:19
dillon-wvidd : sure.17:20
viddits RUDE to pm without permission =]17:20
tyskaguys im installing now the compute node and i having problem in sudo apt-get install -y nova-common python-nova nova-compute vlan17:21
tyskathe package nova-comman is not found17:21
tyskaand i already did the add-apt-repository17:21
dillon-wvidd : it is?  I don't know about this manner b4. well, i must have been rude several times already...17:21
vidddid you apt-get update?17:21
vidddillon-w, ppl are rude all the time =]17:22
tyskavidd: =) im a dumb!17:23
tyskavidd: tks17:23
viddits the little things that get you all the time =]17:23
dillon-wvidd : have you used command line tools such as 'euca2ools' or 'nova' with keystone?17:23
viddbut others have17:24
tyskavidd: then i do not need to the that command --- nova-manage floating create... ?17:24
tyskavidd: can i do this later, with dashboard?17:25
viddtyska, i believe....i havent gotten dashboard up yet17:25
tyskavidd: what do you use then?17:26
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vidduntil i get my system together, i dont use anything17:26
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viddtyska, i would use the nova-manage commands for now17:27
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dillon-wvidd : thx for ur help.  really appreciate that. have to go. see u.17:28
tyskavidd: but im with problem to create the floating range with nova-manage =(17:29
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tyskaim now having problem to use sudo euca-describe-availability-zones verbose, EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set, but it is set, echo $.... returns "novaadmin:proj"17:38
tyskawhat's the problem them?17:38
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viddtyska, did you create your novarc?17:39
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tyskavidd: yeah17:39
tyskaand did source novarc17:39
viddread your novarc and make sure it has EC2 credentials as well as nova credentils17:40
viddthen resource it17:40
viddthen re source it17:40
tyskahere is the novarc content
tyskait is right?17:40
viddlooks right17:41
tyskathe command nova-manage service list looks fine
tyskabut i wanna use euca2ools too17:42
viddthis is the second machine....right?17:42
viddtyska, is this the first machine or the second?17:44
tyskasecond is just the compute-node17:44
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viddin the directory with your novarc, do you have pk.pem, cer.pem, and cacert.pem?17:45
viddtyska, in the directory with your novarc, do you have pk.pem, cert.pem, and cacert.pem?17:46
tyskavidd: yes17:47
tyskavidd: have all this .pem files17:48
btorchit would be nice if keystone project actually provided the versions of the requirements it needs or at least update the pip-require17:48
viddyour EC@ access key doesnt look right17:49
viddhow did you make it?17:49
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viddbtorch, whouldnt it though17:51
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tyska_vidd: i know, ec2 key does not look right, but i dont modified it17:51
viddtyska_ did you create them or copy them?17:52
tyska_create using the following command17:52
tyska_sudo nova-manage project zipfile proj novaadmin /home/localadmin/creds/novacreds.zip17:52
zykes-when you use nova with keystone do you do the create project part as well ?17:52
tyska_(quick question: what package i need to use easy_install command???)17:52
viddtyska_ its part of apt-get i believe17:53
tyska_vidd: no, im getting easy_install not found =(17:53
viddits in the python tools package17:54
viddthe first thing openstack docs tell you to install17:54
tyska_vidd: what is the name of package?17:54
tyska_vidd:  just python?17:54
tyska_vidd: already installed that17:55
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viddsudo apt-get install python-software-properties17:55
tyska_sudo apt-get install python-software-properties17:55
viddsudo apt-get install -y python-greenlet python-mysqldb17:55
tyska_already installed too17:56
viddtyska_, dunno then...i know i got it somehow =\17:57
viddbut to your network create:17:57
viddnova-manage network create novanet 1 25617:57
Pr0toc0lpython-setuptools: /usr/bin/easy_install17:57
viddthat is the example given17:57
tyska_vidd: solved. sudo apt-get install python-setuptools17:58
tyska_Pr0toc0l: thanks17:58
tyska_im having just with that trouble with nova-manage floating create =S17:59
tyska_and with the EC2 key problem too17:59
viddtyska_, so change the with the ip range your going to use17:59
viddno...thats the fixed17:59
tyska_vidd: but this floating ip are the public ip of the instances right?17:59
tyska_then the range needs to be in the subnet 10.0.0...18:00
viddi think someone that has actually gotten nova instances to load should help you with this18:02
tyska_ok, the problem now is here - sudo bzr branch lp:openstack-dashboard -r 46 /opt/osdb18:03
tyska_did you already installed dashboard?18:03
viddits installed but not working18:04
viddi cant find where to set the keystone token18:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879582 in nova "Request id doesn't appear in logs" [Undecided,New]
tyska_vidd: and did you used this command? sudo bzr branch lp:openstack-dashboard -r 46 /opt/osdb18:08
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tillmoI have a question: how do I register a bootable image? I tried euca-bundle-image, then euca-upload-bundle, then euca-register, but my launched VMs fail to boot18:10
viddi got it from github18:10
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tyska_guys anyone knows something about the no supported scheme error from bzr18:14
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tyska_following this guide to install dashboard
tyska_im having the same problem of Rubens Pinheiro18:14
tyska_the guy on the comments18:15
viddthat doc is out of date18:16
viddthat is for cactus, you are using diablo18:16
tyska_where i found the right guide?18:16
viddchapter 9 of the nova guide i told you about yesterday18:17
zykes-Oneiroi: around ?18:19
Oneiroizykes-:  indeed18:19
Oneiroiinfact just working on el6 glance right now18:19
tyska_from what package i get git?18:20
Oneiroizykes-:  nova, done :)
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zykes-tyska_: apt-get install git-core or yum install git18:21
tyska_zykes-: tks18:22
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Oneiroizykes-:  if you get the chance to test the rpm's please let me know if anything is screwy :)18:22
Oneiroiok ... with any luck this build will go through for glance now I've worked out the kinks18:26
Oneiroinope ><18:27
tyska_vidd: fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?18:28
tyska_vidd: when i tried to do the git clone18:28
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viddtyska_, git://
zykes-Oneiroi: which kinks ?18:29
tyska_vidd: yeah, the repository has changed:
B-WongHi, I just finish setting up a instance, but the problem is it has no IP assigned to it. So I follow these instructructions to configure flat network
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Oneiroizykes- well so far, nova needed to fix a sphinx dependency, glance mock just doesn't like it and seems to be doing weird things:
B-Wongthis is my setup
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B-Wongbut its not working and I don't know why. =/18:30
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tyska_ok, now how to install keystone-manage?18:31
Oneiroityska_: install keystone18:32
Oneiroiit comes with18:32
tyska_sudo apt-get install keystone???18:32
B-Wongthese are the files I modified.18:32
tyska_did not found the package18:32
tyska_do not*18:32
viddtyska_, i wrote documentation it18:32
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zykes-funkly Oneiroi18:33
OneiroiI shall make it work >)18:33
OneiroiI am determined18:34
tyska_vidd: my problem is: keystone-manage not found =)18:34
vidddid you install keystone?18:34
tyska_vidd: sudo apt-get install keystone does not work18:34
viddi know this18:34
viddyou git keystaone, just like you git dashboard18:35
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viddjust make sure you do all the configuring of keyston in the /etc directory so it plays nice with the ubuntu installed keystone18:36
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vidd/etc/keystone....where ubuntu put it18:37
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viddand do sudo -s so everything is done as root18:37
viddanyone here from the documentation team?18:37
viddanyone know how i can submit my how-to to the documentation team for review?18:38
tyska_vidd: where i find a guide to install keystone?18:38
viddtyska_, your KILLING me18:39
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tyska_vidd: ok ok, im sry, im just desperate to see this working, i will take a break. tks for the help18:40
viddtyska_, docs on openstack follow this standard format:[release-name]/openstack-[project]/admin18:41
viddall of them18:41
viddtyska_, you are working with dioblo release so release-name=diablo ; your working now with keysone (project=identity)18:43
viddtyska_, so docs are at
viddwhen you start hitting up glance they will be  (glance=image-service)18:45
jehvidd: have you been able to get glance to authenticate with keystone using the OS_AUTH_ env variables? I've only been able to get it working with -A, --auth_token18:47
viddjeh, have you added your OS_AUTH credentials to keystone?18:48
jehvidd: yes, it works correctly for curl tests18:48
viddjeh, how did you add your os-auth credentials?18:49
jehvidd: my instance isn't up at the moment, I was just curious if you're able to do a glance index without using the token parameter18:49
B-Wonganyone using Openstack for CentOS?18:49
vidddid you use the "keystone-manage credentials add"18:49
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jehvidd: no I don't believe I did that18:50
viddthen keystone is not configured to supply other apps with the os-auth info18:50
* jeh is reading Vidd's documentation 18:50
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jehvidd: I think that's the step I missed, thanks18:51
viddthere are alot of steps to get those creds added =]18:52
jehvidd: don't you need to use %tenant_id% in the endpointTemplate add glance command?18:56
vidddunno probable18:57
viddmy glance isnt working right yet18:58
Oneiroizykes-: it's building :D18:58
viddjeh, go ahead and add it18:58
jehI'm by no means a keystone expert, but your docs look good except for step 718:58
viddI do not know what the proper URLs are18:59
jehI'm using that on mine, per
viddi will ahve to make som update =\19:00
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viddi was up for 36 hours after only 4 hours of sleep when I documented it =]19:01
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viddits one of the reasons i need someone from the documentation team to look it over19:02
annegentlevidd: happy to take a look19:02
viddstep 7 im shakey on19:03
annegentlevidd: reading...19:03
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gnu111B-Wong: I have RHEL. what's going on with your setup?19:07
B-Wongwell, I am trying to run a test instance19:07
annegentlevidd: so by doing keystone-manage credentials nova are you adding EC2 creds so euca- commands work?19:07
B-Wongbut the problem is it is not assigning an IP to it19:07
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B-Wongso Im configuring with the Flat Networking instructions19:08
viddthere is an "add" after credentials19:08
annegentlevidd: and you're right, afaik delete/disable/revoke doesn't work19:08
viddi do beleive so19:08
annegentlevidd: ok19:08
B-Wongthats my set up, and those are the two files I modified.19:08
zykes-anyone gotten euca thing to work with nova + keystone ?19:08
vidddoes nova have more then one set of creds?19:08
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B-Wongsince the instructions are in ubuntu, i had to adjust.19:08
gnu111B-Wong: I didn't edit/add the ifcfg-br100 files.  I think the bridge creation is taken care by nova-network.19:09
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gnu111B-Wong: you have one NIC right? hmmm...19:09
annegentleso if you want to modify, git clone and work on the files in doc/src/docbkx/openstack-identity-service-starter19:09
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annegentlevidd: it's in Docbook but easy as HTML to edit19:09
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B-Wongyeah this OS is running on a VM in a server.19:10
annegentlevidd: and follow the instructions in for submitting your edits (same as the Gerrit workflow)19:10
B-Wongthis is my instance:
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viddannegentle, i would rather someone who knows this stuff better make the adds =]19:11
viddim not sure the urls are correct in step 7 for example19:12
gnu111B-Wong: ya. networking is not working. what you have for --flat_interface=?19:12
B-Wongin nova.conf?19:13
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annegentlevidd: I'm pretty sure I can get it in there, also want to verify the URLs but I think you're real close.19:13
B-Wongi dont have --flat_interface19:13
B-Wong1 sec i post my nova19:14
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viddannegentle, besides...if i dont get my Proof-of_Concept project done, i'll never get back to work =]19:15
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gnu111B-Wong: I have FlatDHCP setup with no ifcfg-br100 file and bo BRIDGE option in ifcfg-eth0. also I have --flat_interface=eth0.19:17
B-Wonghmm ok...19:18
annegentlevidd: yes I know what you mean :)19:18
B-Wongso should I revert back to my original eth0 config and add a bo BRIDGE?19:18
annegentlevidd: so one thing to double-check is this:
annegentleand compare your URLs to those19:19
gnu111B-Wong: ya, try that. and see if that helps. you also did nova-manange network create right?19:19
B-Wongactually I have not done that yet. I was wondering about that.19:19
B-Wongdidn't see it in the instructions.19:20
gnu111B-Wong: I think you will need that as well.19:21
zykes-why is there 2 admins in that example ?19:21
B-Wonggnu111 how do I add a bo BRIDGE option?19:22
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gnu111B-Wong: the br100 will get created automatically when a new instance starts. do you see a bridge if you do ifconfig?19:23
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B-Wongwell I reverted back to my old eth0 configurations19:25
B-Wongi havent restarted yet. but I do not see br100 on my new instance19:25
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gnu111B-Wong: did you create nova-manage network create <CIDR>? and restart the services?19:29
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B-Wongnot yet, creating it now19:30
B-Wongwould you mind showing me how yours look like?19:30
B-Wongand your ifcfg-eth0?19:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #879626 in horizon "Delete tenant non-functional" [Undecided,New]
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gnu111B-Wong: here it is I am using FlatDHCP but have two NICs, one public and one private. I haven't tested with one NIC.19:35
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879633 in horizon "User name not returned for editing" [Undecided,New]
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Pr0toc0lhello...was wondering if someone can confirm something for me20:10
Pr0toc0lto inject or customize a guest VM, ie. Ubuntu, cloud init must be installed correct?20:10
Pr0toc0li should say to customize during instance start20:11
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viddPr0toc0l, i would install it anyway20:12
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btorchanyone know if keysone supports ssl ?20:12
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viddbetter to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it20:12
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KiallPr0toc0l: there are other ways .. but .. its probably the easiest way, assuming ubuntu images20:12
viddbtorch, i believe it does20:12
viddbtorch, what exactly are you trying to do with ssl and keystone?20:13
btorchI just need it to be on 443 using ssl20:14
btorchthe sample config doesn't have any param for ssl ... I could always put pound in front of it for this quick test20:14
viddkeystone isnt exposed outside the controller20:15
btorchnot using nova20:15
viddnot usiojng anything20:15
btorchswift+keystone test only20:15
viddits middleware20:15
viddto use keystone with swift, you need to add the endpoint for swift to it20:16
btorchhave you seen any ssl integration on keystone ?20:17
viddkeystone is the man-in-the-middle20:17
viddlike you use dashboard to do something....20:18
Kiallbtorch: keystone depeds on libssl-dev... so .. it likely had support20:18
Kialland has piles of "<!-- We should use SSL in production -->" comments in the code20:18
Kiallbut, i have no idea if thats unrelated :)20:18
btorchvidd: you need to auth against keystone first to get the token + storage URL, once you have that you hit swift and swift will then validate the token by contacting keystone20:18
viddi think its all in the endoints you load into your keystone database20:19
btorchKiall: cool, guess I got find out what parameraters I need to add to the keystone.conf20:19
viddbtorch, ive only been working with keystone+nova+glance20:20
Kiallas i said, it could be unrelated!20:20
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Kiallvidd: irregardless of if keystone is an internal only service, the network may be unsecure, and SSL might be required due to that..20:21
Kiall(by "network may be unsecure" i mean, might have people who you dont want seeing your passwords on it)20:21
viddif im reading correctly, if you set your swift endpoint in keystone to the ssl then it "should" be sent securely20:25
annegentlevidd: those are outdated, not sure if that's a good promise :)20:26
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btorchvidd: you are talking about something very different20:28
viddKiall, try setting your swift endpoints in keystone with https instead of http20:28
Kiallyou mean btorch :)20:28
btorchI've setup keystone before when it was in its early stages, but just looking in trying it out again but this time having keystone with ssl :)20:29
btorchbefore was all non-ssl20:29
btorchI just added pound infront of it if I'm not mistaken20:30
viddbtorch, what database scheme you using?20:30
zykes-  < anyone seen that with nova + keystone ?20:32
Kiallzykes-: looks like nova-api is not running ..20:33
viddzykes-, there is a bad auth token20:33
Kiallor keystone .. hard to tell without context ;)20:34
Kiallits an ECONNREFUSED (ie Connection Refused)20:34
viddzykes-, i meant "is there" not there is"20:34
zykes-it's so fun that it doesn't give details on to what it's connection refused...20:34
Kiallthere are only a few services to check ;)20:35
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viddhas anyone gotten dashboard to load from the ubuntu 11.10 repo?20:38
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Kiallvidd: no, it doesnt work20:38
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KiallI've nearly got updated packages for everything though :)20:38
KiallJust dashboard left to do20:38
viddKiall, cant wait =]20:39
KiallThe guts of the packages are up at
KiallBUT .. the PPA build queue is like 10 houts20:39
Kiallso .. it'll be a while before they can be used ;)20:39
viddKiall, are your packages being considered for inclusion ?20:40
KiallNo - Ubuntu may or may not update them (and from what I'm hearing, they are not planning on fixing em)20:40
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Kiall(hence me going to the effort of packaging everything up!)20:41
viddi have some friends over there20:41
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vidddunno why they dont want to kix the stuff20:41
Kiall99% of mine are the ubuntu packages, literally! So the re-builds have been easy enough ..20:41
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Kiallbut the dash package was pretty broken, so that will probably take a tad longer ;)20:42
viddbocken? its like a plane crash on a mountain20:42
nhmso what's the current status of lunr?20:43
Kialland woosh .. there goes openstackx packages into the PPA.. Pretty sure its just dash now :)20:43
viddim trying to hack together the git and the package20:43
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Kiallvidd: i gave up on that ..20:44
KiallAnd i *hate* installing straight from git ..20:44
viddas do I strews stuff all over the palce and you have to hunt for hours to find the files you need to change20:44
KiallAnd i also *hate* the likes of pip/rubygems/"python" since it litters your FS with files that cant be easily removed20:45
viddreminds me of a particular OS20:45
zykes-keystone_ec2_url is probably worth mentioning20:45
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viddzykes-, what do you mean?20:46
zykes-that's the url it fails to connect to.. cause i didn't have it in nova.conf20:46
viddclayg, did you need something? i dont like to be PM'ed20:47
viddyes...really...PMing without permission is rude20:48
claygmy bad... myself and a couple other guys sittin over here at the castle were trying to figure out if we knew who you were20:49
claygI thought I'd ask20:49
clayghey vidd, are you a racker - do you work out of san antone?20:49 just a general slug tryng to build a proof-of-concept20:50
claygright on - not sure where we got that wrong idea20:50
claygsorry for the rudness, ment no harm - best regards20:51
viddive been helping out where i can (quite a bit acually)20:51
creihtvidd: some were curious since you quoted some RS stuff a couple of times20:51
viddim a google ninja =]20:52
creihtvidd: google on, my friend :)20:52
viddmy goggle-fu is ledgendary20:52
vidd(my spell, on the other hand leaves much to be desired)20:52
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nhmcreiht: Heya, I've been reading up on lunr, vsa, nova-volumes, etc.  I'm trying to figure out the right way going forward to enable on-demand block storage (hopefully with keystone authentication), but I'm still pretty confused. :)20:56
zykes-nhm: is lunr even a project yet ?20:56
* creiht ques clayg 20:57
creihter cues20:57
nhmzykes-: didn't find any code for it.20:57
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maggvidd, you there?20:58
viddmagg, yeah20:58
* creiht quotes clayg20:58
creihtlunr is the internal code name of a rackspace project - the  rumors of it's involvement with openstack were greatly  exaggerated20:58
maggvidd: i still have problems with the dashboard, i installed apache2-mpm-prefork20:58
creihtseriously though... we are still working on Lunr at rackspace20:59
claygcreiht: thanks!20:59
maggafter log in i get segmentation fault (11) in the error.log20:59
creihtclayg: sorry... couldn't wait any longer :)20:59
zykes-creiht: will it be openstacked ?20:59
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viddmagg, i've started to work on dashboard myself20:59
maggvidd, great20:59
zykes-vidd: do you have a working nova with keystone ?21:00
viddi havent even been able to get the first page up yet21:00
creihtzykes-: we are still planning on open sourcing it21:00
nhmcreiht: how will it be different from the VSA project?21:00
creihtNot sure it really belongs as an core openstack project21:00
viddzykes-, no...but i dont have a working nova without keystone =\21:00
zykes-creiht: what is lunr really ?21:00
creihtthe easiest answer is DAS as a service :)21:01
zykes-hmm, iscsi stuff?21:01
creihtcheap, scalable iscsi storage21:01
viddzykes-, i didnt want to build creds with nova manage if keystone was going to handle the dreds21:02
maggvidd, i run it also with tools/ dashboard/ runserver and i get the log i page. after i enter the  user and pass the page goes blank21:02
creihtwith backups to swift21:02
viddbut it looks like i have to make them anyway21:02
creihtI haven't been on IRC/mailing lists much since I've been trying to stay focused on it21:02
claygnhm: vladimir3p would be the man to talk to about vsa - zadara has some interesting ideas for leverging nova to build a storage cluster...21:02
creihtit also includes a nova volume driver that provides the integration in to Nova21:03
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viddmagg, did you modify the local_settings before you ran the script to put in the auth key?21:04
nhmclayg: storage is definitely the biggest hurdle for me to overcome right now.21:04
claygnhm: in what way?21:04
creihtOur storage back end is much more no frills21:04
viddmagg, also, there has been YET ANOTHER dashboard release21:04
claygmost folks are just using local storage on compute for the vm images21:04
maggvidd.. yeah21:04
maggOPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = "http://localhost:5000/v2.0/" OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_URL = "http://localhost:5001/v2.0"21:05
* vidd is going to the git page now21:05
maggdo i download it again21:05
viddmagg, did you set up a "member" tenant in your keystone?21:05
viddnot tenant....role21:06
nhmclayg: A lot of the applications we have here probably can't be made to work well with S3 like storage (though some of them can), so I'm trying to find a way to get large amounts of globally-accessable block storage to VMs.21:06
maggvidd, nop21:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #879666 in nova "chown error for console.fifo when launching vm" [Undecided,New]
zykes-comstud: you know if there's plans for more advanced dns stuff ?21:06
maggi only have Administrator21:06
claygnhm: you want to SHARE the storage between vm's?21:06
viddmagg, dashboard is looking for someone with the role "member"21:06
nhmclayg: And potentially between VMs and supercomputers.21:06
clayglike nfs, cifs or something21:06
maggvidd, can i change to Administrator. or do i need to create that role and grant it21:07
viddif your user is not assigned a "member" role, it cant accesss21:07
zykes-creiht: how's lunr contra vsa ?21:07
viddi would create that role add then grant it21:07
claygvsa's are kind of a thing onto themselves21:07
comstudzykes-: more advanced DNS stuff where?21:08
claygnhm: well if you think about ec2/ebs - you'd basically have to get create a big volume, attach it to a vm and share it back out on a private net to the rest of the vms21:08
zykes-comstud: aka dnsaas21:08
comstudzykes-: I'm just not sure in what context you're asking21:09
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comstudopenstack, rackspace, etc21:09
nhmclayg: one use case that is really interesting to me is being able to use openstack images as remote workstations to do visualization of supercomputer analyses directly from a global filesystem.21:09
creihtzykes-: as I understand it, the VSAs give you fine tuning like more traditional storage systems21:09
zykes-comstud: for openstack yeah21:09
clayg^ with zadara custom kit21:09
uvirtbotclayg: Error: "with" is not a valid command.21:10
zykes-it's kind of one of the services that's missing21:10
comstudzykes- Ah.. i haven't heard of anything, really, myself.21:10
creihtYou tell it, I want 5 volumes that are RAID with replication over to another volume, and dedupe enabled21:10
creihtor something like that21:10
comstudI'm not sure what you mean by 'DNSaaS'21:10
comstudDNS is already a service21:10
nhmclayg: A lot of the visualization tools for some of these scientific applications are rediculously difficult to keep running on our clusters due to various software dependencies.  Moving them openstack images could be a big win for us.21:10
clayglol @ comstud21:10
maggvidd, didn't work21:10
zykes-comstud: dns as a service like the RedDwarf project is a MySQL as a service..21:10
zykes-i mean that you can manage dns names21:11
maggvidd, should i dl again dashboard21:11
viddmagg, like i dashboard work is21:11
claygyeah and the gfs bit, couldn't that just be a seperate cluster that the nova cluster has access to over network?21:11
vidd'in progress"21:11
maggvidd hahaha21:11
viddall i can do is make suggestions at this point21:11
maggcan i do an update from git  with git pull21:11
nhmclayg: it could be, though it'd only really work for fully managed VM images and we'd have to assign them a different set of IP addresses.21:12
viddTBH im not sure you can21:12
zykes-but gah, how can i get nova to use keystone :(21:12
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viddjust make sure you launch it for the new git21:13
comstudzykes-: I've really not looked at Reddwarf... so I'm not sure how it is Openstack specific21:13
viddand edit your local_settings file21:13
zykes-comstud: allows to to launch a mysql db onto your project21:13
comstudzykes-: But sure.. anyone could build out some sort of hosted DNS platform on top of OpenStack if they wanted... and create an API for it. :)21:13
comstudBut I know of no one working on that, really.21:14
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claygnhm: there's always multinic21:14
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zykes-i was wanting to maybe start @ comstud and integrate it with melange / quantum21:14
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claygcomstud, zykes- :
Glaceein swift.could you have a gre ipsec tunnel.. between 2 locations.. and having different zones in each location within the same cluster?21:15
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zykes-isn't that public dns only clayg ?21:15
claygGlacee: NASA did that once, 4 zones, 3 replicats, 2 regions - guarenteed geographic devirsity21:16
claygzykes-: no idea21:16
nhmclayg: thinking much smaller, just having the ability to take a bunch of storage servers and easily mounting some disk on a single VM would be very useful.21:16
Glaceecool clayg21:16
Glaceewithin the same cluster right?21:16
nhmclayg: which it kind of sounds like the VSA project is...21:16
creihtGlacee: the major downside to that is that every request is going to be limited by the extra latency of that link21:17
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comstudclayg: Yeah, i'm aware Rackspace has a DNS hosting product... but I'm not aware of an Openstack project.21:17
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claygnhm: it would be nice if the vsa/zadara stuff had better docs... but I don't think it's a little more complicated than that...21:17
creihtThere was a lot of talk durring the summit of how we could better handle zones that have higher latencies21:18
claygeither way, you can't currently run/test/use vsa w/o zadara kit21:18
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nhmclayg: ok, I'm not sure what zadara is yet.  Looking it up now.21:19
claygcomstud: _my_ bad - maybe it's in the same spot as LBAAS, trying to opensource...21:19
Glaceegot it creiht thanks21:20
Glaceeit would make sense if you have a very fast direct line between both sites21:20
creihtGlacee: yes, and some are already doing that with some success21:21
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creihtsome of the proposed future enhancements for the ring and replication should make that work even better21:21
maggis there a log for the dashboard where i can see errors or somerhing?21:21
Glaceebut if both of your sites are down21:21
Glaceei mean.. one of your site is down21:21
Glaceeyour screwed right.. it does not provide HA but... having a file in multiple location21:22
GlaceeAm I right?21:22
creihtGlacee: it depends on how you have it set up21:22
creihtif you have 4 zones in 2 locations (2 zones in each)21:23
creihtthis guarantees that you have 1 copy in each21:23
creihtat least21:23
creihtif one whole side dies, you still have 2 zones that can be written to21:23
creihtso unless there are other failures, things should succeed21:23
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creihtthis also assumes that the client can speak to a proxy in side that is still up21:24
Glaceeyes.. thanks!21:24
creihtand there would probably be some extra latency21:24
creihtdue to timeouts, etc.21:24
comstudclayg: Yea maybe21:24
GlaceeI thought you always needed 3 files to be available to have swift works21:25
creihtGlacee: for writes, you have to have 2 success for it to return success21:25
Glaceeand read?21:25
creihtread will return the first one it finds21:25
zykes-win 2121:26
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creihtof course, most of this is theory21:29
viddfor creating the floating IP's, if i want to use - do I "nova-manage network create novanet 1 256" ?21:29
creihtI haven't done this myself, so the proof is in the testing/validation :)21:29
creihtand let us know if you run into issues21:29
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zykes-creiht: how would one use lunr with nova ?21:29
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notmynamecreiht: arent' you glad you stuck your head in here today? :-)21:30
creihtnotmyname: lol... I wasn't geting much work done today anyways :)21:30
viddfor creating the floating IP's, if i want to use - do I "nova-manage network create novanet 1 256" ?21:30
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viddfor creating the floating IP's, if i want to use - do I "nova-manage network create novanet 1 256" ?21:31
creihtzykes-: at what level?  How would an end user use it, or how would an operator use it?21:31
creihtor something else?21:31
Ryan_Lanevidd: if you really want floating IPs, no21:32
zykes-creiht: both maybe ;p21:32
Ryan_Lanevidd: nova-manage floating create <network-host> <range>21:32
viddnot floating....fixed21:32
Ryan_Laneyes. that would be the way to do it21:32
Glaceethank you creith :)21:32
Ryan_Lanethough 256 looks wrong21:32
creihtzykes-: from an end users perspective, it should be like using any other volume in Nova21:32
viddim confused now =\21:32
Ryan_Lane255 would be correct21:32
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creihtmake an api call to create a volume, attach it to your vm, etc.21:33
viddprivate ips for nove to vm is fixed or floating?21:33
Ryan_Lanevidd: well, fixed and floating really only make sense if you are using a private and a public range21:33
Ryan_Laneprivate ranges are fixed21:33
Ryan_Laneand public ranges are floating21:33
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creihton the backend, lunr software runs on a bunch of commodity storage servers with its own api21:34 for the vms to be remoted into from some other computer...that is floating21:34
zykes-creiht: is there any slides for it or just internal for now ?21:34
creihtand provides a Nova driver that knows how to talk to that api21:34
Ryan_Lanevidd: correct21:34
creihtzykes-: not really any slides, but I can answer any questions you may have :)21:34
zykes-what storage providers are onboard atm ?21:34
viddso nova-manage network create novanet  is for the fixed range ... nova-to-VM's21:35
creihtzykes-: lunr is basically its own storage provider21:35
Ryan_Lanevidd that's the addresses that will be assigned via dhcp21:35
Ryan_Laneor injected, depending on how you are doing things21:35
zykes-creiht: can it built ontop of others ?21:35
creihtthe idea is thhat you take a commodity storage node with some number of raid 10 drives (or whatever config you like) and turn it in to a storage cluster21:35
zykes-or does it base itself on linux and servers ?21:35
zykes-ah ok21:36
zykes-so kinda like openfiler then, just at large scale21:36
maggwell the dashboard crashes after log in...21:36
creihtso the simple idea is carve up devices with lvm on the raid 10 and expose them as iscsi targets, with some extra smarts mixed in21:37
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creihtmix in backups to swift21:37
creihtand that is about it21:37
zykes-creiht: does it spread volumes across nodes ?21:38
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creihtno we aren't trying to do anything like that yet21:38
B-Wonggnu111 are you there?21:38
creihtwe found that EBS reliability/available rates were similar if not worse than a traditional DAS21:39
zykes-creiht: but what happens if a node goes down then, won't the volume go splat ?21:39
creihtadd to that, that most people who use that tend to do things like software raids of volumes already21:39
creihtzykes-: yup the volume goes away21:39
creihtuntil we bring the node back up, or you restore the volume to another node21:39
zykes-then the vm goes away as well then21:39
creihtwell, we are using it just for additional attached storage21:40
zykes-i mean, you loose the disk no ?21:40
creihtthe vms here still run on local storage21:40
nhmcreiht: could you do something like use gluster underneath?21:40
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creihtnhm: why would you want to do that? ;)21:41
creihtif you wanted to use gluster, you could use the volume support that is already available? or at least is currently in dev21:41
nhmcreiht: I thought they just had a swift implementation.. I didn't know they were doing block too (though it would make sense).21:42
creihtI don't know for sure, but I thought they were pushing for that as well21:42
zykes-redhat now :p21:43
creihtI personally wouldn't run gluster, but there are other people that will, and that's cool21:43
nhmcreiht: Heh, I'm running 550TB of lustre right now. ;)21:43
creihtespecially at the scale we will need to run at21:43
zykes-hmm, i wonder why keystone gives {"unauthorized": {"message": "Unauthorized on this tenant", "code": "401"}} for euca-describe-images21:43
creihtI realize that what we are creating will not be useful for everyone :)21:44
nhmcreiht: one thing I'm still unclear about is if/how keystone fits into all of this?21:45
creihtfrom lunr's perspective it isn't concerned with keystone21:45
nhmcreiht: that's higher level?21:45
maggvidd, what about the nova paste ini and keystone. i haven't any configuration to that file21:45
creihtas lunr will conect at the host level, and the users never talk to lunr directly21:45
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creihtso the api calls will be through Nova volume21:46
nhmcreiht: is that the case then for all nova-volume drivers?21:46
creihtwhich will handle whatever auth scheme that you are using21:46
creihtnhm: correct21:46
hezekiah_why is this?21:46
hezekiah_2011-10-21 16:47:16,490 DEBUG nova.auth.manager [-] Using project name = user name (root) from (pid=16791) authenticate /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/auth/
hezekiah_I am failing with diablo because it's trying to use the username for hte project.  I don't have a project with the usernamee21:46
hezekiah_I'm trying euca-add-keypair mykey221:47
hezekiah_which is failing21:47
nhmcreiht: Does it work that way in diablo right now?  IE if I have an iscsi target with a bunch of disk I can use nova-volumes to auth against keystone for provisioning that storage?21:48
zykes-keystone is really a pain in the *beep* atm21:49
creihtnhm: possibly... you can use the built in nova volume iscsi stuff21:49
viddmagg, check out the git for keystone ( compare to your nova-api and fix the difference21:50
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zykes-vidd: have you used nova + ks yet and euca* commands ?21:51
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creihtnhm: not sure if it has everything you need, but would be a starting point to look21:51
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nhmcreiht: thanks for all of the information.  I'll probably be looking at iscsi as my backup, but something like lunr or glusterfs as a backend for nova-volumes would probably be the long term goal...21:52
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viddzykes-, no...nova-manage wont let me make my netwirk =\21:52
zykes-heh, you'll probably get stuck @ nova ec2 stuff anyways ;p21:52
creihtnhm: if you are interested in something like glusterfs, you might also consider ceph21:52
viddzykes-, why?21:52
viddi built ec2 creds21:53
viddonce i import them into keystone, there shouldnt be any issue21:53
nhmcreiht: it's been on my radar.  Waiting for dreamhost to say it's production ready. ;)21:54
Ryan_Lanenhm: they plan on launching a service with it very. very soon21:54
zykes-vidd: i created my creds @ keystone using the ks-m command and they don't wannt work :(21:55
Ryan_Laneso I'd have to imagine they think it's ready, at least with a non-btrfs backend21:55
zykes-Ryan_Lane: does ceph have multiple backends21:55
Ryan_LaneI get wishy-washy answers when I ask about btrfs backend. heh21:55
viddhave you followed my guide for adding creds in keystone?21:55
Ryan_Laneyeah, you can use any filesystem you want underneath, as long as it supports xattrs, I believe21:56
nhmRyan_Lane: Do they have any openstack code available at this point?21:56
Ryan_Lanenhm: libvirt has ceph support21:56
zykes-vidd: i get "{"unauthorized": {"message": "Unauthorized on this tenant", "code": "401"}}" when using euca* commands21:56
Ryan_Laneso they don't actually need any21:56
zykes-vidd: what guide?21:56
viddzykes-, i will take that as a "no"21:56
Ryan_Lanenhm: that said, I think you need natty or oneric to get that support in ubuntu21:57
viddthere are some things that need to be fixed.....21:57
Ryan_LaneI'm waiting on the next LTS before I try to deploy volumes :)21:57
nhmRyan: that's fine, none of my stuff is going production in next spring/summer.21:57
viddlike step 7 URLs for example21:57
nhmRyan: Right now I'm still just figuring out what I'm going to deploy.21:57
Ryan_LaneI'd test things out in oneric21:57
nhmRyan_Lane: So I suppose it's using nova.virt.libvirt.volume or something?21:58
Ryan_LaneI believe so21:58
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Ryan_LaneI think it's using qemu-rbd21:59
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creihtyeah, if you have a qemu compat vm, you can mount ceph rbd volumes22:00
creihtthe code is there, but I haven't ever tried it22:00
nhmhrm hrm rhm22:00
Ryan_Laneit's using the RBDDriver22:00
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nhmack, gotta catch my bus.  you guys have been a very big help! thanks22:01
creihtnhm: no problem22:01
Ryan_Lanehmm. I wonder if libvirt-rbd support existed in lucid22:02
Ryan_Laneoohhh. seems it does22:03
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zykes-vidd: technically your doc has an error: the first arg to credentials is the uesrname22:03
Ryan_Lanemaybe I'll be adding support for this sooner rather than later22:03
viddmy doc has a few errors22:03
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viddlike the URLs in step 722:04
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heckjvidd - I've just set some of this into a doc pull request for Keystone22:04
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annegentleheckj: woo thanks22:05
viddheckj, yes...TYVM22:06
zykes-vidd: but you haven't done any euca* commands yet using keystone ?22:06
heckjnot entirely there, but something -,1013 (specifically:,sidebyside,1013,5,doc/source/installing.rst)22:06
viddzykes-, i havent even done any euca* comamand from nova22:06
viddi dont have a base to test this on22:07
zykes-vidd: then you don't have the issues i have atm ;p22:07
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viddok...these fixed and floating IPs in nova are making my head hurt22:20
viddwhen you set --fixed_range= " in nova config, are those ip's routable from your local network?22:21
viddor are they the ip's only nova sees?22:22
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hezekiah_is this an ok place to ask a nub question?22:27
viddhezekiah_, go ahead and ask22:27
hezekiah_I am trying to get openstack up on 11.04. Seems ok.  But when I start the tty instance it never gets past the build state22:28
hezekiah_there are no errors in the logs22:28
hezekiah_but I'm seeing a repeated22:28
hezekiah_ nova.compute.manager [-] Found 2 in the database and 0 on the hypervisor22:28
hezekiah_in the log compute log22:28
viddyour further along than I am22:28
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viddhezekiah_, what arc your compute running on?64 bit or 32 bit?22:29
hezekiah_I was able to use the puppet classes to get everything installed22:29
viddhow many nodes you currentyly have set up?22:30
hezekiah_just one22:30
hezekiah_it's also running the scheduler and api22:30
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hezekiah_we had a few nodes up with cactus22:30
hezekiah_and we are trying to move to diablo to get a working openstack v1.1 api22:30
viddyou havent made any newbie mastakes so far as i can tell....your question isnt a nub question =]22:31
hezekiah_there is no instance started :(22:31
viddthis machine is isolated from your other computers?22:31
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hezekiah_it has it's own networks22:34
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viddi have no answers for ya =[  one of the other ppl here should be able to help ya though22:35
viddzykes-, you here?22:35
B-Wongdoes anyone have a test instance up22:36
B-Wongcan you show me how it suppse to look like? I have trouble assigning IP to it.22:36
zykes-vidd: ?22:36
hezekiah_I had to restar tnova-network22:37
hezekiah_now they are active22:37
viddzykes-, can you help me get my head around these fixed and floating ips22:37
zykes-vidd: i've got myself full already with the keystone ec2 token issue :(22:37
zykes-i've found a bug i think...22:38
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zykes-heh, solved it !22:42
zykes-pretty silly, the sample data gives you admin credentials but with a tenant with it, the code logic does some stuff if you have a tenant assigned...22:43
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viddzykes-, so when you made credentials based on real info, it works?22:45
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hezekiah_it looks like i can start instances correctly, but they are not getting IP's22:50
hezekiah_I'm using flatDHCP22:50
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B-WongI am having the same problem.23:01
B-Wongdo you see the correct range with you type nova-manage network list23:01
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hezekiah_1 sec23:04
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hezekiah_no networks defined23:04
zykes-correct vidd23:04
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viddzykes-, i think that was what i said b423:05
viddthe default data does not work23:05
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hezekiah_nova-manage network create 1 25523:09
hezekiah_logs say nova [-] --bridge is required to create a network23:10
hezekiah_but I'm pretty sure we didn't have to do that with cactus23:10
hezekiah_it did it for us23:10
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viddhezekiah_, you have a bridge set in your nova config?23:10
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viddhezekiah_, --flat_network_bridge=ethZ23:12
hezekiah_is that new?23:12
hezekiah_in diablo?23:12
viddbut until i had it, i could not get past the add networks23:13
viddalso, is the --fixed_range set23:14
hezekiah_I have this23:14
hezekiah_which matches the docs.23:14
hezekiah_can't find the flat_network_bridge23:14
hezekiah_inm the docs23:14
viddi assume that network range is NOT the same subnet that your machine gets from your network?23:15
viddhezekiah_, it not in the docs23:16
hezekiah_internal and external ranges are different. is that what you mean?23:16
viddhezekiah_, im following
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hezekiah_now I'm at count outside of current IP subnet boundary23:22
hezekiah_in the log23:22
nerdsteini cant get nova-volume to start up23:22
nerdsteinin the log i get the following message: Table 'nova.volume_metadata' doesn't exist23:22
nerdsteinanyone seen this?23:22
Kiallno, but it means the DB table is missing .. try `nova-manage syncdb`23:24
KiallIf it doesnt work, try wiping to DB if you can, and running that command again to recreate a fresh DB .. although, I can't see how the table would go missing23:25
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nerdsteinthanks :)23:25
nerdsteinyou da man!23:25
hezekiah_I found this23:26
hezekiah_nova-manage network create public 1 25023:26
hezekiah_is needed23:26
hezekiah_public is a new param that's also not correct in the docs23:26
B-WongIf I wanted to add another eth23:34
B-WongI just simply have to create a ifcfg-ethX file right?23:34
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* Kiall just got ubuntu packages for keystone+dashboard working :)23:53
KiallBout time!23:53
nerdsteinKiall: do you have that documented anywhere? id love to do that23:54
Kiallthe stock ubuntu packages are .. lets be diplomatic and just say broken.23:55
nerdsteintried it23:55
KiallYea - I ended up re-packaging everything23:55
Kiall(they are still waiting to be built .. the PPA build queue is *loooong*)23:56
Kiallthey should be in that PPA by .. say.. tomorrow sometime23:56
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KiallThe current build queue is 14 hours, and I only just pushed the dashboard package like 2 mins ago23:56
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Kiallbe warned tho ..there are still some bugs with that packaging .. (silly defaults in config files, some weird error on the dashboard (but it doesnt stop it working)23:58
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vidd" euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" returns "invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" .... anyone know where i should look to fix this?23:58
viddKiall, any chance you have a .deb ppl can download?23:59
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KiallI have hundreds at this stage ;)23:59

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