Friday, 2011-12-23

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tightworkhow long should nova-manage db sync take?00:47
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Spirilisif it's frozen, first place to look might be the mysql config in /etc/nova/nova.conf to see where it's pointing/validate you can connect to that mysql instance with the 'mysql' cli00:53
Spirilisi.e. the --sql_connection string00:53
tightworkarg its just hanging and if I strace the python process its just hanging at the mysql connect:connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(3306), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 1600:53
Spirilisaye, can you "telnet 3306" from that shell?00:54
tightworkNO... eek, maybe iptables rule? ...00:54
tightworki set my.cnf to bind
Spirilisyeah that sounds right .. could be iptables, is that same box you're running it from?00:55
tightworkit is00:55
tightworkhmm.. but I can mysql -h10.10.0.21 -uroot -p  just fine00:56
tightworkwait a min sorry, telnet now I get a response00:56
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tightworkoh junk my pebcak... the box is  really 0.21 and I had 0.1 in conf00:59
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tightworkits migrating :)01:00
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tightworkThe private network, is also considered the 'fixed range' and is configured as the bridged interface so its possible to communicate VMs across hypervisors?01:13
Spirilissounds right01:18
Spirilisand the "floating" network is publically routable IPs you can assign to individual VMs (funny enough the VMs don't even know about them, because they're entirely implemented in the nova-network router node's iptables as DNAT rules)01:19
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tightworktrue, just like amazon01:22
tightworkis using nova-mange user admin novaadmin the --deprecated_auth ? The new hotness is keystone?01:27
tightworkthe zipfile is deprecated01:28
SpirilisI'm not that well versed in the deprecated vs. new keystone auth, only have experience with keystone atm01:28
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Spirilisthere's supposedly a way to enable EC2 access with keystone too, someone posted a pastebin of it01:28
Spirilisthe bookmark's on my netbook though so I don't have it handy :(01:29
tightworkwhat you mean? like I cant use hybridfox with keystone?01:29
tightworkkeystone should still be EC2 api auth no?01:29
Spirilisfrom what I understand just setting up straight users with keystone, you can't use the EC2 stuff right away, just the 'nova' cmd and such, but there's a special EC2 token type or something that you can use to associate it with a keystone user01:32
Spirilisthen I think you should be able to hit it with an EC2 client.01:32
Spirilisand the url is the nova-api direct, not the keystone url like you use for the nova cmds01:32
Spiriliscourse that's how it works in deprecated auth too I think, you hit the nova-api directly with EC2 requests01:33
tightworkopenstack-dashboard is working with keystone atm?01:33
Spirilisbut with the new keystone your nova cmd hits up the keystone url01:33
tightworkI guess ill go the distance then01:33
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SpirilisI modeled my install after devstack's gits, and it uses keystone01:34
Spirilisworks pretty well01:34
tightworkcool cant wait01:34
tightworkhorror story.. just found new work, old work they spent over a year building a vm environment bandaid all in bash and php. Was horrible.01:35
tightworkAbout 50 bash scripts wrapped around virt-install01:36
tightworkapi over an api01:36
tightworkid ask the sr devs why they didnt use libvirt api and they shurg or tell me to get lost01:37
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tightworkprob blew over 500k in hardware..The gear wasnt bad, super micro 2U quad nodes, infiniband to zfs... y u no api? no idea01:39
tightworklife is weird01:39
tightworkand yea needless to say, it would crash and corrupt all the customer VMs01:41
tightworkeven cooler to know one of the lead guys in charge of this dotBASH revolution got hired at facebook01:42
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dougsland_hello - anyone around uses gerrit-review?01:43
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SpirilisI heard how deep facebook is into PHP, they drove the whole PHP-to-C++ compiler project (forget the name of it) because they just loved PHP so much and wanted to make it faster01:43
halfsshi,is there any body use chinese? dashboard can't input chinese01:44
tightworkif the cloud got DDos it would crash and corrupt VMs01:44
tightworkprobably writing logs to the wrong place01:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #907969 in glance "'index' instruction performance low" [Undecided,New]
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Spirilisanyone in here know what it takes to get console output from your VM into that console.log?02:06
Spirilismy custom built VM doesn't seem to do it... wonder what I need to tweak to send dmesg and bootup stuff there02:06
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tightworkSpirilis: you have to build that in? I thought that was just apart of --logdir ?02:16
Spirilisnot sure what --logdir is :)02:17
Spiriliskinda new to this02:17
tightworkSpirilis: flag in nova.conf02:17
Spirilisoh, no, I mean each running VM's console output... in /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-<blahblah>/console.log is supposed to have a log of console output from the guest I think02:19
SpirilisI think that tty.tgz stripped down vm image that devstack uses actually dumps output to there, but, I don't see it populated with my centos kvm image I just created.  maybe it's just /dev/ttyS0 serial console or something02:20
tightworkah yeah it is.. i had a slightly working system with devstack script but its way to fragile so im starting from scratch02:20
tightworkthe cirros image02:20
Spirilisah yeah that is exactly it, from the qemu-kvm cmdline:02:21
Spirilis-chardev file,id=charserial0,path=/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000004/console.log -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial002:21
Spiriliswell having the spiffy html5 noVNC vnc-console is good enough for me imo02:22
Spirilis(served out through the horizon openstack-dashboard gui)02:22
Spirilisprobably feels better/more native to the folks at work who'll be using it02:22
tightworkthe pros of going kvm02:23
tightworkI guess it works with xen too?02:24
tightworkjust weird you cant vnc into amazon02:24
tightworkscares me02:24
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winston-dhi guys, anyone has experience with multiple zone for nova?02:31
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tightworkwhen I run keystone-manage from the docs, am I to run it verbatim with %HOST_IP% as this is a working variable?02:33
tightworkWhen creating endpoints02:34
winston-dtightwork : you leave %HOST_IP% as is when creating endpoint templates02:35
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tightworkany bid to get the docs into epub?02:43
tightworkI know docs is already a chore :-/02:44
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hugokuodoes anyone interesting about  our openstack related service admin GUI ?03:04
hugokuodoes anyone interesting about03:04
hugokuoby Joe Yang....03:04
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Spiriliswoo that's a nice looking horizon gui, is that the latest trunk or something?03:14
tightworkI'm trying to configure keystone, I run keystone-manage endpointTemplates add hv1 swift http://%HOST_IP/%:8080/v1/AUTH_%tenant_id% http://%HOST_IP%:8080/ http://%HOST_IP%:8080/v1/AUTH_%tenant_id% 1 1 and it says successful although I run keystone-manage service list and the list is empty?03:17
winston-dhugokuo: , i'm interested...03:17
winston-dhugokuo : have you tried multiple zones in nova?03:23
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hugokuowinston-d , not yet .....03:25
winston-dhugokuo : i can't find any doc about that. don't know where to start03:25
hugokuoThe Cloudena GUI made by , tokuzfunpi03:25
hugokuowinston-d , first step is
hugokuowinston-d ,
hugokuowinston-d , after distributed_scheduler then you can read
hugokuoI test multi-zone with these two documents before ....03:28
winston-dhugokuo : thx! very helpful.03:29
winston-dhugokuo : the problem is i see only 404 when using 'nova zone-list' or 'nova zone-info'03:30
hugokuoIt's long time ago of my previous test .... can not remember all details ... But it seems the problem from scheduler type ....03:31
hugokuoyou should change to distributer_scheduler or it can not get zone info03:31
hugokuonot sure .... did you fire up a QA in launchpad QA board about this issue ?03:32
hugokuotty might give you a nice answer ... I guess03:32
winston-dreally? doesn't seem like the root cause but I will try change scheduler type.03:32
winston-dyeah, i should have tried QA board. thx03:33
winston-dwhere should i put the 'allow-admin-api' flag into? nova.conf?03:35
winston-dhugokuo:  i got it. it is nova.conf03:37
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livemoonhugokuo: so cool GUI03:56
tightworkAdding endpoint templates with keystone-manage endpointTemplate add Zone nova correlates into keystone.conf's service-header-mappings = {'nova': 'X-Server-Management-Url' ?03:56
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tungvshi guys, I'm doing a project to deploy openstack in my company, but I can not find any document about fully deployment design of openstack (which ensures security and high availability). Any suggests please ?04:35
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notmynametungvs: what part or parts of openstack? compute, storage, ?04:39
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tungvshi notmyname, I 'd like a total solution, but firstly let's say compute04:39
notmynamemy expertise is more on the storage side :-). First off, any deployment of a large-scale distributed system needs to take into account your needs. IOW, it all depends on your use case04:40
notmynamethat's sort of a cop-out, on my part though :-)04:40
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notmynameI know there are several companies that will be happy to sell you their services to help design and/or deploy an openstack system04:42
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notmynamerackspace, nebula, piston, perhaps others like HP, dell, or citrix04:42
tungvsthanks anyway, I'm looking for deployment design topology to compare between the above companies.04:43
tungvsI've got some basic ideas about vmware cloud, redhat is hard to find, Xen is the same :(04:43
notmynameah. so stuff like "at least 4 servers here doing this, and 6 servers here. all using this sort of networking and etc"?04:44
tungvsopenstack I've digged for sometimes, but for experiments only. When things get more serious, openstack documents are not enough04:44
tungvsyes, exactly, I'd like a topology and explainations how can it ensure the availability, loadbalancing ... etc04:45
notmynameindeed. openstack currently requires some good ops people to set it up and run it. it's not yet something that can be deployed at large scale with no handholding04:45
notmynameI can give guidelines on the swift side, but I really don't know the current best way to do things for nova04:46
notmyname(actually, I don't know the previous best way or any way for nova)04:46
tungvsthen I would google some more about other solutions while waiting for some nova experts here. When it comes to storage, I would knock your door. Tks04:47
notmynameany time.04:47
notmynameI'll be in and out between now and the new year. this time of year I expect more people to be out than in. don't despair if you don't get a quick response :-)04:49
tungvsThis is a free support channel, so it's good to have the answers, if there's none, despair is not my attitude :)04:50
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tightworkerrors errors errors05:40
tightworkoh errors05:40
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heyhoHello, I can't ping and can't ssh into instances created with euca2tools. I also have used euca-authorize for tcp 22 and icmp. Does anyone know what should I do next?09:06
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flambozheyho, did you associate any public ip address to your instance ?09:18
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heyhoflamboz: actually no. Should I do that with euca-allocate and euca-associate?09:23
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adam_Hello, Im really new to OpenStack and have managed to get a devstack system up. Im now struggling to get a VM running on the stack. Can someone point me in the right direction to either create a ubuntu vm or upload a pre made image?09:28
flambozadam_ wget
flambozthen uec-publish-tarball ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz mybucket09:29
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adam_Thanks Flamboz...09:29
adam_is there any reading i can do  on that method?09:29
flambozyou can visiti from your browser to pick your desired distro09:30
heyhoflamboz: Ok I did it and now I can ssh via the vm pubblic address; however, in the opestack starter guide the ssh command was set to connect via the private adress. How is that possible?09:31
flambozadam_ there are many ways to have an image... you either build it by yourself (using KVM and VNC), or download one from UEC, then either publish it using Glance or by using uec-publish-tarball09:31
adam_Glance is for the kvm mehtod?09:32
flambozheyho, I can connect to my VM using the private ip only from the machine where I run nova-network or from other VMs09:32
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flambozadam_ , not really... cause you can still use Glance to upload your image after you made it from scratch09:33
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heyhoflamboz: Ok, I get it. Is there a way to avoid to manually assign a public ip to the instance?09:33
adam_flamboz , Thanks ill take a look at the uec-publish-tarball method. Looks to be the easiest.09:34
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flambozheyho you don't always want to do that... in the case of a database instance, where you only want another instance to access it (the app server) .... but found auto_assign_floating_ip flag that you can set to true (But I haven't tested it)09:36
flambozheyho in case it doesn't work, this should fix
adam_flamboz sorry to keep bothering you but im using 'cloud-publish-tarball oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz mybucket' and getting the error 'Unable to run euca--describe-images.  Is environment for euca- set up?'09:41
flambozdid you source the novarc ?09:41
flambozright ?09:41
adam_sorry i dont understand, im really just starting off as a bit of a personal learning09:42
flambozdid you create a project ?09:42
adam_I thought i have09:43
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flamboza user ?09:43
adam_i thought devstack creates one09:43
flambozcan you do a euca-describe-images ?09:44
heyhoflamboz, thanks for the info09:44
adam_yes, i get EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set.09:44
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flambozis there any in the folder where you executed the script ?09:45
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flambozI'm taking a look at the script09:47
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adam_ok Thanks flamboz09:47
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flambozadam_ can you point your browser to where you executed the script09:51
flambozyou should actually have a nice web interface ready09:51
adam_yes i do, i have a dashboard09:51
adam_and can log in09:51
flambozalong with an image (tty linux)09:52
adam_and there is a demo project i believe09:52
adam_i dont see any images09:52
adam_ill log in now09:52
flamboztry to start an instance from that dashboard09:52
adam_I can do that09:52
adam_the only image i have is cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank09:52
adam_which doenst do alot09:53
flambozdid you run the latest devstack script ?09:53
adam_this is why i was wanting to upload a pre built image09:53
adam_yes i think so09:53
flambozI'm afraid to break your setup... as it's all depending on keystone (which I don't use yet)09:54
adam_its ok i have it on a vm09:55
flambozI'd create a user "nova-manage user admin adam"09:55
flambozthen a project "nova-manage project create adamproj adam"09:55
flambozthen get the credentials for it "nova-manage project zipfile adamproj adam"09:55
flambozit will generate a nova.zip09:56
flambozthat you should unzip then source the novarc  "source novarc"09:56
flambozafter that you can interact with your cloud using euca2ools...09:56
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adam_ok it looks like there are some errors just using nova-manage user admin adam09:57
adam_i think that i should maybe do a manual install09:57
adam_it may help my understanding of the components09:57
flambozI did a manual install and I can help you with it...09:58
adam_ok great, well Ill give it a go and may be back in the new year!09:58
flambozif nova-manage doesn't work for the users, then use keystone09:58
adam_Thanks for the help flamboz10:00
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lxuhi guys. I want to create redundancy for nova-volumes between two nodes. I was looking at lvm redundancy but looks like this need to be done at lv creation, which is the responsability of openstack to do it. There's some way i can do it?10:54
jd___you mean replication ?10:55
foexlelxu clvm+corosync10:55
foexleand glusterfs10:56
lxuyes, replication10:56
lxufoexle ty i will take a look at this tools10:59
jd___sheepdog or ceph11:03
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lxuim having a problem with nova-network. I coudn't ping instances that were created on another computer than the controller. Now i see that restarting the nova-network makes it available.13:16
lxui suppose that i don't need to that for each isntance that i run13:17
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MrHeatSomeone knows how to solve error on nova-network? It says on log: RTNETLINK error 25413:25
MrHeatsame error as here: (at least, i think)13:31
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bennerMrHeat: try to see ip addr show if your IP already exists13:52
MrHeatwell, after restaring nova-network its works fine. but i had to restart nova-network everytime i init a instance....13:53
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MrHeatmjfork: remember the error that i had yesterday, i need to restart nova-network every instance that i rune. Should it be a new bug?13:56
mjforkMrHeat: yes, i would open it.13:57
mjforkMrHeat: so every time you deploy, no connecitivty to instances until nova-network is rebhooted?13:57
MrHeatYes, no extern connectivity util you reboot nova-instance13:58
mjforkthe instance or nova-network?13:58
MrHeatnova-network, sorry13:58
MrHeatI'm using ubuntu repos, ubuntu 11.1013:58
mjforkdiablo or essex13:58
MrHeatits official from ubuntu 11.1013:59
mjforki haven't seen that before, so there must be something unique about your setup.13:59
mjforkcan you send me a nova-network and nova-compute log for a  new deployment ?14:00
MrHeat2011.3 (2011.3-nova-milestone-tarball:tarmac-20110922115702-k9nkvxqzhj130av2)14:00
MrHeatlet me get it14:00
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bennerubuntu 11.10 by self has openstack packets?14:02
Kiallyes, but the keystone and dashboard packages are broken, so if you want those you need to look elsewhere for packages..14:02
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MrHeatmjfork can u give me an email to send to you?14:03
mjforkMrHeat: use paste.openstack.org14:04
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bennerKiall: will change situation on 12.04?14:05
mjforkbenner: is yuor goal a PoC Environemnt?14:05
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Kiallbenner: it should get fixed in 11.10 eventually...14:06
MrHeatok, i'll send you later, had to go14:07
KiallI ended up repackaging everything because the stock ubuntu keystone/dashboatd packages are broken, and the stock packages for everything are outdated.. There have been loads of bugfixes since the diablo release...14:07
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KiallI have them all in a public PPA if they are of any use to you...
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bennermjfork: just researching atm15:05
mjforkok, you can use the standard repos packages + keystone/dashbaord from source.15:05
mjforkif you just want to get a feel for it15:05
Kiallmjfork: or my 11.10 packages.. ;)15:06
bennernow i am doing as docs.openstack/ says basicly15:07
mjforkyeah, or Kiall's15:07
mjforkbenner: if you want a fast deployment, use devstack15:07
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mjforksingle machine15:08
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bennerhw is not the case, so for now i have 5 storage nodes, 1 proxy, 1 mysql for swift. swauth is runing good, trying to do keystone for auth. next will be glance and then nova15:09
benneri think it is correct order to try :)15:10
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Kiallyea, keystone -> glance -> nova -> dashboard is thew right order...15:10
KiallYou can do them in any order really, but that order lets you test each component works before moving on to the next15:11
benneryes, but for example to make correct i must use swift as storage backend in glance, so i thirst need understand cocepts of swift and have it running15:12
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notmynamebenner: why do you have a box for mysql for swift?15:15
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bennernotmyname: for keystone15:45
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notmynamebenner: ah ok. carry on then :-)15:50
Glaceenotmyname: morning15:55
notmynameGlacee: sorry, I'm just getting in the car to go visit family for a few days15:56
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sdakehi - if I kill a virtual machine with euca-terminate-instances, sometimes the remaining virtual machines network goes out for 30-60 seconds16:36
sdakeI have tracked this down to what looks like an arp response being corrupted - first 2 bytes are changed from FE to 0216:37
sdakeany tips?16:37
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mjforksdake: open a bug report16:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #908180 in glance "Test migrations on PostgreSQL" [Wishlist,Triaged]
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sdakemjfork will do17:19
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livemoonDoes nova(using kvm) support resize cpu or mem ?17:25
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mjforklivemoon: yes, i believe so, but requires live migration17:28
mjforklivemoon: looking for link17:29
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uvirtbotNew bug: #908194 in nova "ARP table removed for br0 on host when node terminated" [Undecided,New]
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mjforksdake: thanks!17:56
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swillwho wrote and maintains the swift3 middleware?18:18
Kiallthe swift team I would imagine ;)18:18
swilli am concerned about the implementation because it is very difficult to write auth middleware support for it.18:19
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swillso many assumptions.18:19
Kiallyou'd need to talk with someone on the swift team about that :) There are usually a few of them here.. But, its probably a bad time of year ;)18:21
swillya im sure it is.  :)18:21
swilldoes anyone here use the swift3 middleware at all?18:21
sdakemjfork not sure if its a bug in kernel or openstack - but somewhat stuck hope the info helps18:22
Kiallswill: I'm sure there are lots of people who do, but I dont have any use for swift so have never used it...18:23
Kiallswill: from a look at the code, all the swift3 middleware does is translate requests from S3 to Swift format, auth it handled further down the middleware stack...18:24
Kiallauth is*18:24
swillKiall: yes, but they make assumptions about the 'account_name' and such.18:25
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swillKiall: if you have a standard 'User' and 'Key' implementation, it will not work.18:25
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Kiallswill: yes, OS has 3 items for users .. Account (Tenant), User and Password..18:28
KiallAnd, since S3 simply uses key + secret peoples S3 key is "account:user" and secret = "password"18:28
swillKiall: the swift3 implementation assumes that the aws_access_key is just the 'account' and essentially does '/v1/aws_access_key'18:29
swillKiall: but the aws_secret_key is not possible to access because of the signature.18:29
swillKiall: how are you supposed to confirm if the password is correct if you can't ever check it?18:30
KiallHonestly dont know the specifics of how to do (as I said, I dont use swift!), but I would bet they dont have a giant security hole like that..18:32
Kiallof how they do*18:33
swillKiall: the problem is that there is no way to verify what the user has entered in the current implementation.  this is strange.18:34
Kiallhave you tested that they PW is not verified? I would be very surprised if it was not!18:35
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agythis is by design. the swift3 middleware says: "To add this middleware to your configuration, add the swift3 middleware in front of the auth middleware, [...]"18:40
MrWGWis it possible to mount an ISO image to a VM managed by OpenStack, for OS installation et cetera18:40
Kiallagy: I believe swill is talking about how the PW is never sent, other than as part of the signature.. So the auth middleware has no way to verify the password is actually correct18:42
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swillKiall: agy: exactly...18:42
Kiallagy: but .. I dont believe OS would leave a giant hole like that open ;) I would bet there is something I'm not seeing that allows for the sugnature to be verified18:42
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swillKiall: i have been looking for that too.  but even if you try to build it based on the headers, they change the headers, so you cant even rebuild the signature to see if it matches.18:43
KiallHave you got swift installed?18:43
KiallThe fact that the request still has to pass via the auth middleware is enough for me to be very confident the request is validated somehow18:44
swillKiall: ya, i have everythign working.  i have built my own auth middleware and it works perfectly with the swift command and curl.18:44
KiallOkay, So enable the swift3 middleware and try 2 requests.. 1 with the correct password, 1 with an invalid password...18:44
swillKiall: yes it hits the middleware, but i cant find a way to verify it.18:44
KiallThen you know18:44
swillKiall: haha, if it was only that easy.  :)18:45
KiallI'm pretty sure it ;) (Unless this is a production install)18:45
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Kiallit is*18:45
swillKiall: but how is the auth middleware supposed to verify the user?18:45
swillKiall: they create their own token18:46
swillKiall: so the the X-Auth-Token is not the same as what would be created by the auth middleware18:46
KiallI have no clue how it does it, but you can verify if it does or not fairly quickly!18:46
swillKiall: I can verify that they do not give me enough info to verify the user.  haha18:47
KiallIf the swift3 middleware can do it.. so can your's ;)18:47
swillswift3 middleware does not verify anything, it just creates its own token and passes along the aws_access_key18:49
swillKiall: I can decode the token, but it is only 'GET <date> <path>'18:49
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swillKiall: I have been trying to see if i can figure something out based on the signature, but I have not been able to decode it yet.18:50
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swillKiall: and I have not been able to figure out how the Signature is built.  This all I can find for how it is added:  'AWS %(AWSAccessKeyId)s:%(Signature)s' % req.GET18:52
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swillKiall: whatever, I will keep working on it.18:53
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pabelangerIf I'm create ubuntu lucid images for openstack, should I be using the 'linux-image-virtual' package for the kernel?  Can't find much information on google19:16
kbringardyea, probably… if you download the uec images they have kernels with them as separate files, that may be useful19:18
Kiallpabelanger: I believe the recommended way is to use the kernel/ramdisk from
Kiallthen, inside the VM use the "linux-image-virtual" package..19:19
KiallWithout the "loader kernel" the kernel from the instances /boot is never used..19:19
pabelangerKiall: great, thanks.  Reading up on it now19:21
KiallYea, anything pre-maverick should use the (badly named) "lucid" loader..19:22
Kiallanything post maverick should use the .img download, rather than the .tar.gz download..19:22
Kiallthe .tar.gz's arent suitable for OS...19:22
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maplebedanybody have good data about the relative cpu/memory/io levels I should expect with swift?  I'm seeing much more cpu activity on the storage nodes than I expected.20:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #908232 in python-mox "Nova stable/diablo branch unit tests fail when using the ubuntu python-mox package" [Undecided,New]
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tightworkI am totally lost with keystone20:59
tightworkI get json when I curl but where do I go from here? how do I auth to nova and begin creating VMs?21:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #908250 in nova "os-cloudpipe extension needs documentation" [Undecided,New]
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tightworkI login as joeuser to dashboard and get: Invalid service catalog service: compute?23:11
tightworkServiceCatalogException at /nova/23:11
tightworkoverall id like to use devstack but it really screws the environment, does not place things in standard locations there are no start up scripts and the only doc is just to read the code23:13
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uvirtbotNew bug: #908296 in keystone "table user_roles already exists" [Undecided,New]
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