Sunday, 2014-01-05

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cihhan@Sam-I-Am, I will need some more help. I think I'm really confused in networking here. Do you have a couple of minutes?00:49
Sam-I-Amyeah... i'm in and out right now00:50
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Sam-I-Amworking on some documentation patches00:50
cihhangreat! :)00:51
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cihhanHere is my problem. I am using Ubuntu and I am sort of newbie, especially when it comes to networking :(00:51
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cihhanI have two machines and first one is controller with 2 NIC and the other one is compute with two NIC00:52
cihhanin fact controller has nova as well00:52
Sam-I-Amyeah, it probably runs the nova controller stuff00:52
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cihhanfor both of them i am using one NIC for public IP and other one for 192.16800:52
Sam-I-Amthe compute node runs nova-compute00:53
cihhani meant controller has also computing00:53
Sam-I-Amthat shouldnt be a problem00:53
cihhanI have followed the documentation step by step till launching an instance00:53
cihhanin the documentation it was using for external00:54
cihhanbut I have my public IP00:54
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cihhanis that correct?00:54
Sam-I-Amwhich docs are you using?00:54
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cihhanhere it is saying internal network
Sam-I-Amyeah, so there's some confusion here00:56
cihhaninternal and external
cihhanfor my case internal and external is the public IP00:57
Sam-I-Ami would use the 192.168 as your mgmt network, and set the other interface to have an IP on your external network... essentially some network that has access to the internet or other networks00:57
cihhanso what I have is correct?00:58
Sam-I-Ami think so00:58
Sam-I-Amso, the tenant network is 'hidden' from everything else00:58
Sam-I-Amwhich in the instructions they use i think00:58
Sam-I-Amyou can use whatever you want there... like
cihhanfoe my external?00:59
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Sam-I-Amno, the tenant network01:00
cihhansorry -- some confusion -- by tenant, you mean the VMs right?01:01
Sam-I-Amyeah, the network you created with nova network-create01:01
cihhanok i have created as they say01:01
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Sam-I-Amalright. when you launch a vm, does it get an ip in that range?01:03
Sam-I-Amcan it ping an ip address outside of that network?01:04
cihhanVMs on controller and also on compute node are able to get the IP01:04
cihhannormally no01:04
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cihhanI need to add iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat --src -j MASQUERADE01:05
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cihhanotherwise it cant go to the internet01:05
Sam-I-Amhmm, i think it should be doing that by default01:05
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cihhanunfortunately it s not and im using ubuntu 12.0401:06
cihhanubuntu 12.04 server01:06
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cihhananyway after that i can reach to net01:09
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Sam-I-Amone sec, reading something01:09
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Sam-I-Amwell, i wish i was more familiar with nova-net, but anyway at least your vm can get out with that iptables rule01:11
Sam-I-Amso now whats the problem?01:12
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cihhanso my problem is that i cant get to the vms on the compute node and from the comptue node i try to ssh but it seems that they do not have the authorization data01:14
Sam-I-Amso you can't ping that 10.0.0.x IP, right?01:14
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cihhanif it is on the controller I cant01:15
cihhanif it is on the compute i cant01:15
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Sam-I-Amwhich means you probably can't ssh to it either01:15
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cihhanbut from the compute I can ping, however I cant login with the autheorization keys01:16
cihhanfor cirros since I know the password for the default user, I can check01:16
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cihhanand the instances on the compute node do not have ~/.ssh01:16
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Sam-I-Amthere's no .ssh directory at all?01:17
Sam-I-Amusually if metadata is broken, you get garbage in the cirros .ssh directory01:17
cihhanthe VMs on the compute node dont have it01:17
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cihhanso any suggestion? im stuck at this point01:19
Sam-I-Ami wonder if there's some configuration missing01:20
Sam-I-Ami would check the logs in /var/log/nova on the compute node01:20
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Sam-I-Amand on the controller01:20
cihhani havent seen anything but let me check again, maybe i missed something01:21
Sam-I-Amcould also be a problem with name resolution, such as 'controller' in /etc/hosts01:21
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cihhani can ssh directly by ssh controller or ssh compute101:21
Sam-I-Amthats good01:22
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cihhanok that can be one of the reasons: Ignoring error injecting data into image (Error mounting /var/lib/nova/instances/729d70b1-655a-4ce2-82f7-49660fe93c50/disk with libguestfs (cannot find an01:26
cihhany suitable libguestfs supermin or ordinary appliance on LIBGUESTFS_PATH (search path: /usr/lib/guestfs)))01:26
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lifelessI thought cirros had metadata support anyhow, no need for injection01:27
Sam-I-Amwhen you installed the nova-compute stuff on that box, did you let it create the supermin when the dialog box came up?01:27
Sam-I-Amstep 201:27
Sam-I-Amstep 3 also important01:27
cihhanyes i said ok that time01:28
cihhanyes i did these01:29
Sam-I-Amany other errors?01:30
cihhanthat s the only error i see from compute logs01:32
cihhanand yes that s the only error i see01:33
Sam-I-Ami still think there's a config issue somewhere01:34
Sam-I-Ami just dont know where01:34
Sam-I-Amtypo, missing line, directive under the wrong [header] ... something01:34
Sam-I-Amopenstack tends to lack useful errors when parsing config files01:35
Sam-I-Amit'll just break in strange ways01:35
cihhanthe thing is i have tried the same installation steps maybe 3 times and also my friend01:35
cihhanand that s the same problem we had over and over again01:36
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Sam-I-Ami dont know what it is. i dont use nova-network01:38
Sam-I-Amsorry i cant help more01:38
Sam-I-Ami suggest posting your problem to or joining the openstack mailing list01:38
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Sam-I-Amor searching google to see if anyone has the same problem01:38
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cihhani have seen a couple of posts but no much replies01:38
Sam-I-Amor searching ask.openstack.org01:39
cihhanbut i ll continue looking into it01:39
Sam-I-Amusually there's more people in here on weekdays too01:39
Sam-I-Ami intend to build a nova-network system, but havent gotten around to it yet01:39
cihhansorry to say that but i find the documentation a bit lacking01:40
Sam-I-Ami agree... that's why i'm trying to fix it01:41
Sam-I-Ami know the neutron docs work :)01:41
cihhanfor which OS?01:42
Sam-I-Amubuntu and rhel01:43
cihhanthat s very good -- thanks in behalf of everybody who will try to install it :)01:44
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rahafrouzany idea about comparison of swift vs ibm cloud storage?05:47
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koolhead17rahafrouz: we can tell you about OpenStack Swift, incase you need commercial comparison better speak to the marketing folks of that product. This is not the place for that IMHO05:49
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rahafrouzkoolhead17: thanks! can I have only "swift" of openstack for cloud storage purpose ? do you think I'm choosing the right platform?05:51
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koolhead17rahafrouz: depends on your need/requirement05:51
rahafrouzneed to archive lots of things! + need to provide app for lots of users to use these data05:52
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koolhead17rahafrouz: Swift suits well for that.05:54
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rahafrouzis it flexible enough to make applications? for example part of my project would be something like rapidshare or dropbox, that provide some space for every user... I have a bit of working with folosom version of openstack, and it was really a nightmare to configure that! let alone writng apps!!!!!!05:56
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koolhead17rahafrouz: sure. you can05:59
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koolhead17i think Owncloud a FOSS alternative of dropbox supports Swift as storage backend06:00
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rahafrouzkoolhead17: thank you! any idea of how much time I need for that? any resource or good training stuff to suggest me for starting? thanks indeed06:02
koolhead17rahafrouz: going through will be good starting point. It has everything your looking for.06:04
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rahafrouzkoolhead17: thanks06:07
koolhead17rahafrouz: good luck.06:08
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mathias__hi, looking at the compute configuration guide, how do I know if parameter X goes into nova.conf on the controller or compute node?13:24
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mblaszczaki have created ubuntu image with flavor 40gb in havana, now i'm resizing it to 20gb but cat /proc/partitions is saying still 40gb, is shrinking the instances working for anyone?15:32
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mblaszczaki guess this project is dead or what? :)15:47
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jrwrenmblaszczak: totally dead.16:00
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jrwrenmblaszczak: its just like a physical or virtual drive to linux. you need to shrink the fs, then shrink the partition16:01
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jrwrenmblaszczak: sounds like you shrunk the virtual drive before shrinking the partition, which can be disasterous.16:01
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mblaszczakthose instances are almost empty16:02
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mblaszczakfor 40gb instance only 2gb are used and i want to shrink instance just to 20gb16:03
jrwrendoesn't matter.16:03
jrwrenthe filesystem may allocate and layout anywhere on partition it wants.16:04
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mblaszczaki'm confused now, so what other steps should use make before the resizing his instance in horizon?16:04
jrwrenafaik horizon doesn't resize the filesystem for you.  I could be wrong.16:04
jrwrenfirst, I assume we are talking about a cinder volume?16:04
mblaszczakno ofc not, leave the cinder volumes out :)16:05
jrwrenhrm, ok.16:05
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jrwrenwhy not just delete and boot new with the correct flavor then?16:06
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mblaszczakyou mean, make a snapshot from running instance and launch it with a new flavor?16:07
jrwreni mean start over.16:07
mblaszczakwhat about users data16:08
mblaszczakhe could keep his porn colelction there16:08
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jrwrennova volumes don't persist do they?16:08
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jrwreni only use a subset of nova features, so maybe I remember wrong.16:08
mblaszczakwe're not talking about the volumes, just the instance flavors16:08
mblaszczakuser could make a volume, attach it to the instance but thats not the point16:09
mblaszczakopenstack gives the possibility of resizing instance16:09
jrwrenyou mean changing flavors?16:10
mblaszczakand we have to assume that user doesnt want to use the cinder volumes16:10
jrwrenor is resizing instance something else?16:10
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mblaszczaklike changing instance flavor from m1.medium to small16:11
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jrwrenits a good question16:14
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mblaszczaki just tried snapshoting the almost empty m1.medium instance and launch it with m1.small flavor. Its impossible, its impossible for customer to create the smaller instance to pay less :P16:18
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jrwreni think you may be right.16:18
jrwrenbut I do not know.16:19
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mblaszczakofc i'm but the question is how we can make it possible :)16:19
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jrwrenis it KVM hypervisor?16:19
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jrwrennot that it should matter :)16:20
jrwrenI think resize the filesystem and shrink partitions, as you would if it was vmware or xenserver16:20
jrwrenthen move to smaller flavor16:21
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mblaszczaki guess it should be done by a cloud-init16:21
jrwreni do everything with cloud-init :)16:22
mblaszczaklike its done with enlarging the instance16:22
mblaszczakbut the same thing isnt done with shrinking16:22
mblaszczaki have checked the logs in the guest and host16:23
mblaszczakinstance is rebooting with a smaller flavor cpu and ram amount16:23
mblaszczakbut with the same partition size16:23
jrwrensame partition size or same filesystem size?16:25
mblaszczak41943040 vda16:25
mblaszczakshould be 20* now16:26
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jrwrenI've no clue.16:27
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mblaszczakresize2fs /dev/vda1 gives no result coz The filesystem is already 10485504 blocks long.  Nothing to do!16:27
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mblaszczakdo u have your own openstack server? try to shrink instance by yourself :)16:29
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mnaseri dont think kvm has support to shrinking disks16:33
mnaseronly xenserver driver does afaik16:33
mblaszczakon the new flavored m1.small instance i'm still able to create files up to 40gb :P16:33
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mblaszczakso its not the guest16:34
mnasermblaszczak: the problem is that to resize up, openstack will increase the size of the disk, cloud-init will increase the size of the partition16:34
mblaszczakmnser: mayby you're right,16:34
mnaserwhen resizing down, openstack cannot decrease the size of the disk (it would chop a part right off the end)16:34
mblaszczakso it should be announced somewhere for the user ;)16:35
mnaserthat would result in a data loss, the proper behaviour is to run e2resize (to resize it down first), then decrease the size of the disk, the order that both these happen makes it not work16:35
mblaszczakcoz it seems to be technically possible from horizon16:35
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mnaseri guess, i mean even the xenserver driver is blah.  because it will try to do it and if it fails it'll tell you i couldn't do it (sample failure case: 30GB of data, resizing down to 20GB, e2resize fails)16:35
jrwrenmblaszczak: is vda1 swap? do you mean vda2 ?16:35
mblaszczaki have no swap16:36
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mblaszczakonline shrinking is not supported so its impossible for openstack user to do it16:42
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mblaszczaki mean with the resize2fs16:43
mblaszczakit should be done by openstack api16:43
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mnasermblaszczak: you can do a pull request for that for the kvm driver, code's already in xenserver :)17:01
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mblaszczaki'm doing some research now17:02
mblaszczaki entered the rescue mode for my instance17:02
mblaszczakdid resize2fs /dev/vdb1 -Mf17:02
mblaszczakwhich shrinks partition to the minimum17:03
mblaszczakauto_disk_config=True ?17:03
mblaszczakin nova.conf ?17:03
mnasernote that is the xenserver driver, not kvm17:04
mnaseri dont know if kvm has that, but i dont believe it does17:04
mblaszczaki guess not :P17:06
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mblaszczaki did resize2fs /dev/vdb1 -Mf in rescue mode, now my instance shows 40gb partition but shows it as 100% used :D17:11
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mblaszczakthis is madness17:11
mnasermblaszczak: it did exactly what you wanted it to do17:13
jrwrenyou now have a small filesystem on a larger partition17:14
jrwrenthe filesystem and the partition on which it resides are two different things.17:14
mblaszczaki guess openstack should first change the filesystem to new flavor and then a partition?17:15
mnasermblaszczak: openstack doesnt do anything if you're resizing a disk down at the moment17:17
mnasereven if you get the partition to become 20gb, it will still have a 40gb disk which you cannot resize (unless you manually login to host)17:18
mblaszczakit makes it useless for me ;/17:18
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mnasertry using xenserver which has this feature or look into getting the code in there for kvm too17:19
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mblaszczakthank you for the support, i have much to think of :)17:43
mblaszczakgtg bye17:44
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Gork4lifeHi I'm wondering if I could get some help18:07
Gork4lifeI have one server with xenserver installed18:08
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Gork4lifeI installed ubuntu on my first vm on xenserver18:08
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Gork4lifedo I have to create a new vm for each component  that I want to use in openstack18:09
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Sam-I-AmGork4life: do you plan to use nova-net or neutron?18:16
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Gork4lifeSorry for the slow reply I plan on using nova18:20
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Gork4lifeSam-I-Am I plan on using nova18:21
Sam-I-Amyou can use 2 VMs then18:21
Sam-I-Amone controller and one compute18:22
Gork4lifeSam-I-Am One for the controller and one for nova right?18:22
Gork4lifeSam-I-Am One ok18:22
Gork4lifeSam-I-Am One would I need to two nics for each vm? And do you know of any good tutorials I could use18:23
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Gork4lifeSam-I-Am One This is all new to me I'm a programmer at heart18:24
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DrankisGork4life, you can easily use this guide:
Gork4lifeSam-I-Am One Ok cool thanks18:26
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Sam-I-Amtwo nics per vm makes sense18:26
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Sam-I-Amyou can do it with one, but ymmv with config and troubleshooting might become more difficult18:27
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pix9hey cihhan21:06
pix9are you areound cihhan?21:07
cihhanhey pix921:07
cihhanyep yep21:07
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pix9ahha tried that thing :D21:07
pix9and I am stucked at same place where you are21:07
cihhanand started having headache?21:07
pix9I've got 2 diffrent problems in  both the places21:08
pix9one each :D21:08
cihhanok what are the problems?21:08
pix9at home on vm's launched instance21:08
pix9but not able to ssh it21:08
pix9only ping happening21:09
pix9but ssh is getting refused21:09
cihhanso did u do it on a virtual platform?21:10
pix9in office some fancy issue with network since I have only1 nic21:10
cihhanbcs my friend was telling me that it is taking a long time for ssh to start accepting connections21:10
cihhanif it is on VMs21:10
pix9depends on your processor and ram21:10
cihhanVM on VM will take some time21:10
pix9it works unlike any other vm21:11
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pix9i have tweeked quite a few things from guide book21:11
pix91 is I am uusing diffrent ip range on vm network21:12
pix9in office I have created 2 bridge interface  onut of 1 nic card to assign 2 ip address21:12
cihhanbtw do u have two machines or just one machine?21:12
pix9at home 1 machine 2 vm ( here things seems to be working quite well so far)21:13
pix9at office 2 machines with 1 nic on both ( here have issues with networking part)21:13
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cihhanso at office, ur vms are able to get IP21:14
cihhanyou can ping but you cant ssh, right?21:14
pix9nah at office i am still stucked with nova networking stuff21:14
pix9at home I am able to ping but ssh get refused21:14
cihhanwhat about security groups?21:15
pix9I've created 2 one for ssh 1 for icmp21:15
cihhanthennn another question is did u try sshing between VMs?21:15
pix9which image are you using for instance21:15
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pix9is it cirros21:16
cihhancirros and ubuntu21:16
pix9ahh are you able to ssh cirros?21:16
pix9i jsut have 1 image21:16
cihhanI can only SSH between VMs21:16
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cihhannot from the host machine21:16
pix9then I must have some issue with key :-?21:17
pix9then your issue seems to be about bridging21:17
cihhanbut if it s saying that SSH refused then it should be something else21:17
cihhanI think I know my problem but I dont know how to solve it21:17
pix9i am yet to configure dashboard21:17
cihhanso I have one VM as an antry VM21:18
pix9to get console access to my vms'21:18
cihhanthat can be useful21:18
cihhana problem can be the network range you have used for your VMs21:18
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pix9yes so I can understand if "it is my bad network config" or "bad image"21:19
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pix9may be21:19
cihhani dont think that it is a bad image21:20
pix9actully I wanted to have the problem on purpose :D21:20
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pix9so selected diffrent network21:20
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pix9given network ranges are going to work anyhow because created of of doc must have tested it.21:21
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pix9so why not break head against new wall :D21:22
cihhanhonestly i dont trust the documentation so much sometimes21:22
pix9trust instincts :D21:23
cihhanby the way, which os are you using?21:23
pix9fedora 1921:23
pix9I also have rhel and centos setup which I know will works fine21:23
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cihhanim trying it on ubuntu and i need to play with the iptables to get access to the internet somehow21:24
cihhaneven though it should be coming with the package21:24
pix9that should be easy by adding some nating rules.21:24
Sam-I-Amcihhan: from what i've read it seems like manually creating that iptables rule for snat is still necessary21:25
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Sam-I-Ami need to do an install with nova-net :/21:25
cihhanSam-I-Am: Where did you see it in the documentation?21:25
pix9hey Sam-I-Am21:26
Sam-I-Amcihhan: i dont remember where i saw it21:26
pix91 quick question related networking part21:26
pix9if you have time :D21:26
cihhani saw it on the forums but not on the documentation unfortunately :(21:26
Sam-I-Amcihhan: did you search the bugs reported against the manuals on launchpad?21:27
Sam-I-Ampix9: i will in a bit... suiting up to go shovel snow in -100 degrees21:27
cihhani dont know -- i did lots of searches :)21:28
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pix9Sam-I-Am: actully I've lost the link in my bookmark lists, which you gave me last time :P21:30
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cihhanpix9, did you try to SSH between VMs?21:32
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pix9cihhan: i cannot until I've configured  dashboard to access their console21:35
cihhanOhhh OK so you have no access -- OK got it :)21:35
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pix9tryingto get  some more infor about nova-network before i proceed21:41
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pix9trying to get*21:41
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pix9cihhan: hmm wondering what should I do next ?21:43
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cihhanone suggestion i can give you is to try the floating ip21:43
cihhanif you can assign a floating ip to a cirros instance you can try to ssh through that ip21:44
cihhanand i would especially suggest a public ip for that21:44
pix9yest that is know21:45
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pix9now I have new question that is "by default does nova-network allow access via private network" or " how and where are security policies are applied on instance?"21:46
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pix9"are they on  public end or global or privte?"21:47
cihhanas far as i know the answer for the first question is yes but the second one i dont know :/21:47
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Sam-I-Amdone shoveling21:48
Sam-I-Amman its cold out21:48
pix9you can keep your bledservers out there and run private data center with free cooling :D21:48
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pix9bladeservers* :P21:48
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cihhanpix9, that's a very good idea :D21:49
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pix9yeah :P21:49
pix9these ips and networks oh god !!21:50
pix9any ways I am going to sleep21:50
Sam-I-Amfunny :/21:50
Sam-I-Amsleep is for the weak :)21:50
pix9yeah had tomany things up waiting tommorrow :O21:51
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pix9holy i am suppose to go to bank :-/21:51
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pix9in like 5 -6 hrs21:51
Sam-I-Amsecurity policies apply to the tenant21:52
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pix9i must sleep  now :-|21:52
Sam-I-Amif that helps21:52
Sam-I-Amenjoy sleep21:52
pix9tenant you mean  internal private network of tenant21:52
pix9oh yeah we apply them when creating tenant21:52
pix9thanks Sam-I-Am21:53
pix9bye  good night21:53
pix9perhaps almost morning here :P21:53
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