Wednesday, 2014-03-19

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paveraI'm having some issues deploying openstack havana on ubuntu 12.0401:13
paverawondering if someone could look at the errors and let me know what I'm doing wrong01:14
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paverait looks like ubuntu updated their cloud-archive, and now no matter what I get stevedore.extension errors trying to start nova-api, nova-scheduler, cinder-scheduler... basically they say six is out of date (1.1.0 but six>=1.4.1 is required)01:15
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paverathen, if I upgrade six, I get errors in nova-scheduler, nova-cert, nova-api that say six 1.4.1 but six<1.4.1 required01:16
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paveraI've deployed open stack quite a few times, and I've seen similar errors before, but updating the offending package has always fixed the problem.. this time because I get conflicting errors I'm a bit stumped01:18
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AimonPavera I ran into same issue .. have not had a chance to try to sort it yet.01:22
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Sam-I-Ami've seen it with icehouse, but not havana01:23
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Aimonthat makes me wonder of we have package version pollution01:23
AimonI was definitely installing havana01:24
AimonI suspect upgraded packages from icehouse got into maintream for havana01:24
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paverathats what it feels like to me too01:25
Aimonthis happenned in grizz at one point also with different packages01:25
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paveraI'm a python dev but have never used stevedore01:25
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Sam-I-Amnothing in the havana repo says 2014, right?01:25
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paveraso I'm having a hard time parsing where these requirements are defined01:25
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paverait seems to indicate it just uses setup tools, but nothing in the requires.txt for anything defines six>=1.4.101:27
paveranot that I know of Sam-I-Am but it feels like the packages got built with newer code or something01:29
paveralike they built off an icehouse branch maybe01:29
paveraOf course, in github, the 2013.2.2 tag of nova/requirements.txt lists six>=1.4.101:30
Sam-I-Ami see 2013.2.2 in ubuntu now for havana01:30
Sam-I-Amit was just 2013.201:31
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paverayeah and those are the packages I'm installing01:31
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Sam-I-Amwhen did these appear?01:31
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paveraMarch 701:31
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paveraI think they made a hash of the packaging process in this build, cause I put together a saltstack deployment that has been working flawlessly since october, probably done over 100 deployments... it broke last week, as far as I know there is no way to go back to 2013.2.1 in cloud-archive which is another annoying thing..01:33
Sam-I-Ami see python-six 1.1.0-2 in the repo01:33
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paverayeah... but things require (somehow) >= 1.4.1, but if you install it (pip install six==1.4.1) then all the error messages flip and say six<1.4.1 required01:34
Aimonpavera that is a choice they made when indexing the repo.. In general ubuntu repos do not support the multiversion flag01:34
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Sam-I-Amon my icehouse box, i see 1.5.201:35
Aimonso there is no way to specify an older verison unless you manually download and install or create your own repo (Which is what we do.. )01:35
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paverayeah, we're planning on creating our own as well01:35
Aimongood choice01:35
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Aimonand index it with the -m flag :)01:35
Aimonor use version specific repo snaps (also what we did)01:36
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Sam-I-Amif you're pretty sure this is a packaging issue, you could e-mail chuck short who manages cloud-archive01:36
Sam-I-Ami've contacted him before about these sorts of things01:36
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paverawell I'd like to do any necessary verification but I'm a bit lost in how the code determines the dependencies01:36
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paverait's some voodoo magic in stevedore01:37
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Aimonpavera I am trying to reproduce again to.. but having issues.. its been 2 weeks since I looked a this.. what package had the conflict for you?01:38
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paveraall the nova- services01:39
paveranova-api, nova-scheduler, nova-cert...01:39
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Aimonok let me check my controller01:39
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Aimonah interesting I had the issue on compute01:40
paverathey'll all complain in the log files that they need six>=1.4.1, then after you update they complain that they need six<1.4.1 and I can't bring up an instance01:40
Aimonah you are doing an all in one server?01:40
paveraI have a controller, a compute, and a network node01:40
paverawell... 3 computes...01:40
Sam-I-Amanything on the mailing lists about this?01:41
Aimonah yes01:41
Aimon2014-03-18 18:41:28.862 13818 TRACE stevedore.extension VersionConflict: (six 1.4.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('six<1.4.1'))01:41
Aimonits a compute issue01:41
paverawhen I try to bring up an instance nova-scheduler gets tracebacks in the log and never talks to the compute nodes01:42
AimonI had tried adjusting verison via pip.. but it just confdlicts itself with the message01:42
Sam-I-Amid say chuck short is a good bet01:42
Aimon+1 to that01:42
Aimonthis is definitely a packaging/versioning issue01:42
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Aimonhaha at the log message01:43
Aimonraise VersionConflict(dist,req) # XXX put more info here01:43
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paveraok, can I look his email up on launchpad?01:43
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Sam-I-Amyeah. or post to the list with [nova] in the subject01:43
Sam-I-Amprobably keeps an eye on that too01:44
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Aimonpavera I am glad I am not the only one ;)01:45
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Aimonwe recently switched back to CentOS/RHEL so I didnt worry about it much at the time01:45
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paverayeah this is making me consider moving to CentOS01:46
paveramore stable over there?01:46
AimonA year ago I would have saud no .. they are to slow to keep up01:47
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Aimonbut now is a different story01:47
paverayeah... that was the feeling I got last summer/fall when I was first investigating01:47
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Sam-I-Ami find each distro has its moments01:47
Sam-I-Amtracking icehouse has been particularly amusing01:48
paveranothings perfect its all just software01:48
AimonRedHat has spent a lot of energy recently getting up tp speed01:48
Sam-I-Amubuntu has been pretty on target with milestone releases... redhat/rdo not so much. i still can't get icehouse to work with the rdo packages.01:48
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Sam-I-Amand i'm trying to write the install guide updates for it01:48
Aimonspent a bit of time with them last week at ther MountainView office01:49
Aimonthey are all-in it seems now01:49
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AimonI was pleased and excited to see how they evolve01:49
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Sam-I-Amyou in CA?01:51
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AimonSam-I-Am a) I love your nick.. b) yes recently relocated back to CA02:00
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paveraemail to chuck is in the wind..02:00
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Sam-I-AmCA looks awesome02:01
Sam-I-Amespecially after this winter :/02:01
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Aimonyes good rain! now all green02:01
Sam-I-Amthis nick goes way back... 20 years now.02:02
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Aimonhaha nice!02:02
Sam-I-Amsomeone suggested it and... it stuck.02:02
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Aimonthose are the best kind02:02
AimonI was in Portland OR for 6 years.. got sick of he rain02:03
Aimonam a Venice Beach boy originally02:03
Sam-I-Ami'm in colorado. sick of the winter.02:03
Sam-I-Ami escape to CA when it gets really bad here02:04
Aimonwell at least you can ski etc.. portland was all mush and Mt Hood never got white02:04
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Sam-I-Amskiing isnt easy from here. lots of traffic and expensive.02:04
Aimonlol yeah it has lways been a sport for the .. well.. not broke02:05
Aimonwhich excluded me most of my life ;)02:05
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AimonPavera did you also create a ticket?02:07
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paverano I have not..02:07
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Aimonwould be good idea.. I owuld gladly give it a +1 on reproduceability02:08
Sam-I-Ami do things that require nice weather02:08
Sam-I-AmAimon: you guys work for the same place or something?02:08
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Aimonwell no more then we all do ;)02:08
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AimonI recently moved companies.. was restricted from community on certain ways in past company due to various bussiness b.s.s02:09
Sam-I-Amoh, you mentioned a ticketing system so i wondered...02:10
AimonNew company very supportive. so I am happy to get back into contributing02:10
Aimonno I meant lauchpad02:10
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Sam-I-Amahh ok02:11
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Aimonpavera thx! subscribed and addd that it effects me..02:34
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paverathanks :)02:35
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PEPPERONIEHi all, I'm working through this tutorial:
PEPPERONIEand unfortunately I don't have a machine with three interfaces to work with04:12
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PEPPERONIEI'd like to avoid subinterfaces if I can04:13
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Sam-I-Ami would be more likely to mix data and management04:13
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Sam-I-Amand leave the external by itself04:14
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PEPPERONIESam-I-Am: so what's the use case for external vs data?04:19
PEPPERONIEand why do I need one of each?04:19
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PEPPERONIEI'm trying to work off of the single flat network neutron configuration04:20
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Sam-I-Amit helps separate traffic and simplify troubleshooting04:21
PEPPERONIESam-I-Am: got it, thank you.04:21
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PEPPERONIESam-I-Am: so I'm trying to turn my controller node into a network node as well, I'm assuming the management stuff is mostly unaffected apart from the data + management network configuration04:23
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shalmalissHi All, I have deployed three node configuration with neutron04:35
shalmalissand in the same I deployed another controller04:35
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shalmalissnow this controller is also configured with glance so, While launching VM which glance image will be used ?04:36
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xavpaiceso you have two controllers each running a separate glance?04:47
xavpaicewhat's the backend storage for those?04:47
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r_mohanHi. Can I use a 4 GB Mac to install and run as a first step to learn enough to be able to contribute ? Should I use some cloud somewhere because my machine is small ?05:44
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veenaHow does live VM migration works?06:28
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prathameshi want to write unit test cases for openstack cinder wanted to know how they actually function so in this case, please see line no. 315 does this actually call the main driver function or the intent of fake test cases is just to return dummy/bogus values only for the sake of simulating the create_volume driver code how does it actually06:44
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nekinie_dose any one in here run the 2014.1.b309:03
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nwonknugot a problem with an openstack+AD setup here, two users get "You are not authorized for any projects." when they attempt to login on the webif11:45
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nwonknukeystone.log shows a "bad search filter"11:46
nwonknu(other AD users can still login fine)11:46
nwonknuany idea's?11:46
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larsksnwonknu: I'm not familiar with keystone's LDAP support, but does running with debug=True let you see the LDAP queries it's making?13:04
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sneezewortI need to run "ethtool -K eth0 tso off" on each VM before I get any acceptable network speed. Is there a way to automate this for all newly created VMs? Is there another way of solving this problem?13:58
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tomixxx5hi, i cannot ping VM instance A on physical node 1 from physical node 2, instance B. i'am using nova-networking and have followed the official guide:
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viktork2good morning14:07
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viktork2can a non-admin users create networks in neutron14:08
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viktork2because I get: {"NeutronError": {"message": "Policy doesn't allow create_network to be performed.", "type": "PolicyNotAuthorized", "detail": ""}}14:08
viktork2so I assume I have to edit policy.json to get it working, or do something else maybe?14:09
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neo1691Hi, Can someone give me good beginners resource to what is openstack? and is bitnami openstack? till today I used to run the web apps like moodle or wordpress/drupal in localhost! Completely new to openstack!14:39
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mtrisoline is probably a good place to start.14:41
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larsksviktork2: Generally, yes, non-admin users should be able to create networks.  Should work that way "out of the box".14:42
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larsksThe exception is that only admin users can create external networks.14:42
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viktork2larsks: ok so what should I exit to get it working, I haven't messed with policy(ies) yet14:43
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larsksviktork2: I'm not really sure; I'm not sure why you're getting that error in the first place.  How did you install openstack?14:44
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viktork2larsks: following 'havana' guide14:45
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tcpsynI'm trying to understand the requirements for installing an openstack environment in my house, so I can learn openstack by using it, and replace the dedicated server that I have performing all my normal functions (webserver,dns,sql,news server,owncloud... etc)14:47
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tcpsynFrom my understanding, I'll need two reasonably powered boxes... a chef server and an openstack controller node.14:47
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tcpsynIs that true, or is this dumb to even try?14:47
mpetasontcpsyn: look at devstack for a single server install if you just need it to work easily, and to start using it.14:47
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larskstcpsyn: I set up testing environments on my laptop using vms for the various openstack hosts.14:48
tcpsynmpetason: I tried to install devstack in a vm yesterday and I just didn't have the ram14:48
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tcpsynso it blew up14:48
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neo1691mtrisoline: is bitnami openstack? I mean what they are providing here is an openstack right?
mpetasontcpsyn: you used devstack: inspector gadget version?14:49
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larsksviktork2: This is what my /etc/neutron/policy.json file looks like:
tcpsyner... dunno, grabbed devstack from git on ubuntu 13.1014:49
larsksviktork2: This is Havana on F19.  Does that look like what you have?14:49
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mpetasontcpsyn: you'll have to check out their specs. ideally you would install it over a base OS of ubuntu/centos on the hardware.14:50
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viktork2larsks: I'll do quick diff14:50
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viktork2larsks: its identical14:50
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mtrisolineneo1691: no bitnami is not openstack, openstack is in the simplest terms for building out a private cloud14:52
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larsksviktork2: That's weird.  What command were you running exactly that resulted in that error?14:53
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viktork2neutron net-create vlan18-dev --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network physnet1 --provider:segmentation_id 914:55
viktork2{"NeutronError": {"message": "Policy doesn't allow create_network to be performed.", "type": "PolicyNotAuthorized", "detail": ""}}14:55
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neo1691Okay! thanks mtrisoline I think i need to download the installer as well as a virtual machine!14:56
larsksviktork2: Ah, take a look at that policy.json file. All of the provider network commands appear to require admin access.14:56
larsksviktork2: This makes sense, if you think about.14:56
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larsksviktork2: You don't want arbitrary users to be able to directly attach things to your local networks.14:56
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mtrisolineneo1691: look at devstack and packstack14:58
mtrisolineto get you started14:58
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viktork2larsks: so on all lines having create_network I need to have "rule:admin_only,member"14:59
baffleAnyone have any idea why Keystone would issue tokens with "expires" set to current time? I.e. AUTHing to servivices doesn't work, since all tokens expire instantly.. Or so it would seem.14:59
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baffle(Keystone from git/master)15:00
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larsksviktork2: Yeah, if you want all members to have that capability.15:00
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neo1691Okay! :)15:00
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larsksviktork2: And I'm not 100% sure what the syntax would be.15:01
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viktork2larsks: may I just put a specific username there? like "rule:admin_only,viktor" for example15:01
viktork2larsks: ok15:02
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coredumpis there a page somewhere comparing nova-network vs neutron capabilities15:13
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mtrisolinecoredump: neutron is if you want a fully software defined network w/ Firewalls, Routers, etc. if you don't have an existing large network that has lots of hardware firewalls, routers, and load balancers I would say thats what you want to use, but its more compicated to set up than nova-network. Nova network is good for existing networks where you already have all the hardware and uses pretty much the basic linux bridgi15:16
tomixxx5hi, i have a question: is it necessary, that the ip-range defined here "nova network-create vmnet --fixed-range-v4= \15:17
tomixxx5  --bridge=br100 --multi-host=T" has to be equal with the ip-range of the external network defined here:
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tomixxx5plz, it's really important15:17
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mtrisolinetomixx5: the nova network-create is for the internal network that the VM's pull DHCP from15:17
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larsksmtrisoline coredump: I would not think of neutron vs. nova in terms of "having existing networks" or not.  Neutron allows your tenants to design their own network topologies, which can be useful even if you *do* have an existing network infrastructure.  In general, neutron offers a lot more flexibility, but is also substantially more complicated.15:18
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coredumpok so I have a network with firewalls and routers and many switches. The only thing I really need is to vms to be able to use tagged vlans.15:20
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mtrisolinecoredump: I am doing pretty much the same thing. I map the vlans to physical nic's and associate multiple vnic to the vms based on which vlan or vlans it needs to be on15:21
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mtrisolineso I have something lie br100,br200,br300,br400 etc.15:21
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mtrisolineI am using havana, but have used that as a guide, I believe after icehouse nova-network is to be depricated15:22
coredumpoh well that answers the question then :P15:23
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tomixxx5t4nk285: hi, can i ask u sth?15:39
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t4nk285tomixxx5: yes, i search a template for Heat15:42
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t4nk285to do Autoscaling15:42
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tomixxx5t4nk285: ok, it's a really important question. when i use the command "nova network-create vmnet --fixed-range-v4= --bridge=br100 --multi-host=T" in order to create a network for my VMs, does the fixed ip-range have to be the same as defined in "external network" here:, where the exterinal network is 10.0.0.X with subnet mask ?15:44
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t4nk285i use neutron for network15:45
t4nk285ive found template for autoscaling but it's a aws's template15:47
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t4nk285i want heat template15:47
t4nk285and with aws template i have this error15:47
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tomixxx5i can ping and ssh a virtual instance from my controller node, but i cannot browse to it with for examplke (i have installed this wordpress app there)15:48
t4nk285BadRequest: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific. (HTTP 400)15:48
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tomixxx5firefox says: "unable to connect"15:48
tomixxx5wget says "failed: connection refused"15:49
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tomixxx5ah ok, the same is, if i try to execute this command on the hypervisor which is running the VM which is running wordpress15:50
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tomixxx5if i try to ssh one of my instances, i get "permission denied, please try again" when iam prompt to enter a password15:57
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tomixxx5for example, for the example instance provided here, the password "cubswin:)" does not work!15:58
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cslamarI'm trying to get NFS shared storage for the instances working, and everything I try and create an instance it fails with 'IOError: [Errno 37] No locks available'.  I have all the directories and user/groups lined up.  Anyone experienced this before?15:59
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larskstomixxx5: Note that for that example, you need to be logging into the "cirros" account.15:59
cslamaruser nova can write to all directories shared within the mount15:59
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tomixxx5larsks: ok, is it correct if the only sign i can see after login is a "$" ?16:00
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tomixxx5larsks: have logged in now with: "sudo ssh cirros@"16:01
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jgriffith#startmeeting cinder16:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Mar 19 16:01:13 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jgriffith. Information about MeetBot at
larsksYes, that's a typical shell prompt.16:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'16:01
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larsksjgriffith: A meeting on #openstack and not on one of the -meeting channels?16:01
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jgriffithlarsks: yeah... sorry16:01
openstackMeeting ended Wed Mar 19 16:01:46 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
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tomixxx5larsks: kk16:01
openstackMinutes (text):
jokke_cslamar: do you have the rpc lockd running?16:01
larsksI wish they were all that quick :)16:01
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cslamarjokke_ on the nfs server or clients?16:03
jokke_if you do prcinfo -p <host> against the server do you get rpc program id 100024 in the list?16:04
jokke_rpcinfo even16:04
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tomixxx5does someone now the login credentials for the wordpress stack?16:04
tomixxx5-now, +know16:04
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cslamarjokke_ checking16:05
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larskstomixxx5: In most cases, the only available login credentials are the ssh key you specified when booting an instance. The default user will be determined by the image you're using ("fedora" for fedora images, for example).16:05
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cslamarjokke_ I do not get program id 10002416:07
tomixxx5larsks: image is "F17-x86_64-cfntools"16:07
larsksActually, for a heat deployed config, the default user is probably "ec2-user".16:07
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jokke_cslamar: ok, so your lockd is not running, that's why the NFS is complaining16:07
larsksAgain, there is no password; you need to use your ssh key.16:07
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tomixxx5larsks: how can i login with the ssh key?16:08
cslamarjokke_ thanks very much.  I'll do some googling to try and figure it out.  Thanks again for the point in the right direction :)16:08
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jokke_cslamar: either enable the rpc lockd or mount the clients without locking (later one you most probably don't want to do) :)16:08
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jokke_cslamar: no problem16:08
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tomixxx5wordpress is deployed on i tried to ssh with "ssh" but i always have to enter a password16:10
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tomixxx5another problem is, that i can ping and ssh my VMs (except wordpress) but i cannot point to the wordpress app with my browser if i execute:
larskstomixxx5: For key-based authentication to work, you need (a) to upload a public key to openstack and (b) to provide the key name when booting an instance.  And of course, before that you need to create an ssh key.  If you use the default filename you shouldn't need to do anything special with ssh.  Also note that "ssh" will try to connect using your local username, which is almost never what you16:11
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larskstomixxx5: If you can ping and ssh but http is not working that suggests either firewall or security group issues.16:11
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larskstomixxx5: has some information about using ssh keys.16:12
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tomixxx5larsks: i have followed the official guide, i have created the key and created security groups. nevertheless, it does not work, i.e. i cannot use http16:13
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larskstomixxx5: You're going to first need to successfully log into the instance before we can look at the http issue. If you have created the key and provided the KeyName parameter in your heat template, you shoud be able to simplly connect via "ssh ec2-user@"16:14
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tomixxx5larsks: ok, ec2-user@ got me in it seems, console output is: "[ec2-user@(none) ~]$"16:16
larskstomixxx5: Good.  Now you can become root by running "sudo su -".16:16
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tomixxx5larsks: k, iam root now16:17
larsksAnd then you can run "iptables -S" to see if your firewall rules permit http access. Feel free to pastebin the output somewhere.16:17
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larsksOkay, so it's not a firewall issue.16:18
larsksRun "netstat -tln"; do you see anything listening on port 80?16:18
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tomixxx5larsks: no, nothing is listeing on port 8016:19
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larsksWell, that explains why you can't connect using http :)16:19
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tomixxx5i mean, i dont know exactly, there are some wildcards used:
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tomixxx5but ofc, this would explain it. i thought with establing this stack on a VM , web app is fully installed and webserver is already running16:20
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larskstomixxx5: I think that's the intent, but there may have been issues with the deployment.  Your netstat output does show that there is no http service running.16:21
larsksIs httpd installed? ("rpm -q httpd")16:21
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tomixxx5larsks: no, not installed16:21
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larsksSo it sounds like the instance configuration failed.16:22
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tomixxx5larsks: however, when i go to stack events i cann see "create complete"16:23
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tomixxx5i mean, the dashboard is showing state "Create Complete"16:23
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larsksWhich template are you using? One of the ones from
tomixxx5larsks: this one:
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larskstomixxx5: So: that template has no way to tell if the instance configuration succeeeds or fails, so it will report "create complete" as soon as the instances are up and running.16:25
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larsksThat template relies on some of the cloudformation tools to be installed and working properly on instance.  They should be, based on the image that you're using,  but I'm not entirely familiar with them.16:26
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tomixxx5larsks: ok16:29
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tomixxx5is it ok, when i cannot ping a VM deployed on hypervisor A from hypervisor B? however, i can ping VM X on hypervisor A from VM Y on hypervisor B16:51
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tomixxx5moreover, from the controller node (which is not a hypervisor) i can ping all VMs on all hypervisors16:52
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Phibsare there any CLI tools to add users/domains/etc via keystone v3 api?16:55
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baffleI'm having problems with all tokens created from keystone having their expires-field set to the current time and date. This means that all further requests will revoke the token, and the request fails, like this:
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baffleHas anyone seen this before?17:19
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baffleI'm running directly from master.17:19
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larsksI am not brave enough to run from master :)17:22
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bafflelarsks: I have one running Havana wich works fine, but I need/want some features. And, hey, shit needs testing. :)17:24
baffle(It's not in production. Yet.)17:24
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baffleHmm, interresting, the create_token function in keystone/tokens/backends/ creates the expire string like this: expires_str = timeutils.isotime(data_copy['expires'], subsecond=True)17:25
baffleIf data_copy['expires'] is None, it would match my behaviour..17:25
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baffleprintf-debugging to the rescue, I guess.17:26
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morganfainbergbaffle, there was a bug patched recently that caused an issue with revocation due to revoke_api be loaded by default17:26
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morganfainbergbaffle, oh you're talking about middleware17:27
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morganfainbergbaffle, nvm17:27
bafflemorganfainberg: Well, I think the bug is in the middleware, but I'm not entirely sure. :)17:27
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morganfainbergbaffle, to look at the where the expires time is set you need to look at the token provider17:28
morganfainbergbaffle, keystone.token.providers.common iirc17:28
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morganfainbergissue_v2_token and isssue_v3_token17:29
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bafflemorganfainberg: Thanks, first I'll try to see how the data looks at that point, and try to nest myself backwards. :)17:33
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bafflemorganfainberg: At least I know who to ask, noticed you had written the comment block above. ;)17:33
morganfainbergyeah i wrote a chunk of that code :P17:33
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t4nk285i use a heat template for autoscaling17:44
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t4nk285but when i lauch it i got this error17:44
t4nk285Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific17:45
t4nk285ive add this line17:45
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t4nk285NetID + SubnetID17:45
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t4nk285but no changes ...17:45
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jain_mj neutron net-list18:57
jain_mjRequest Failed: internal server error while processing your request.18:57
jain_mj['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/openstack/common/rpc/", line 438, in _process_data\n    **args)\n', '  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/common/", line 45, in dispatch\n    neutron_ctxt, version, method, namespace, **kwargs)\n', '  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/openstack/common/rpc/", line 172, in dispatch\n    result = getattr(proxyobj, met18:57
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jain_mji had create a net and subnet earlier and now made changes to neutron18:58
jain_mjchanged from ML2 to OVS plugin18:59
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jain_mjnow i am getting this error18:59
jain_mjlooks like a missing config. not sure what18:59
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jain_mjlarsks: any idea?19:22
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larsksjain_mj: Can you pastebin the complete trackback somewhere?  That appears to be truncated..19:24
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jain_mjhavana on debian 719:26
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xavpaicecan existing networks be used when you change the plugin?  I would have thought a change like that would require removal of all the networks first?19:28
jain_mjI am yet to get neutron working. so trying different options19:29
larsksIf you are just trying to get things to work, starting fresh each time is going to make your life much simpler.19:30
jain_mji should have deleted the networks and VMs first.19:30
larsksI don't know if this is a requirement or not, but it removes one layer of complexity.19:30
larsksI use neutron+ovs+gre and I haven't encountered any problems.  I have not experimented with the ML2 support yet.19:30
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jain_mjok. let me start afresh once more19:33
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FoXMaNwhat hardware do you have for object and block storage in your clouds?19:40
FoXMaNany bad experiences with NFS exported space for keeping vm images?19:40
FoXMaNor block storage19:40
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xavpaiceFoXMaN: I think it depends on the scale of your deployment20:10
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PEPPERONIEHi all, I'm still struggling with neutron and the various ways you can deploy it20:16
PEPPERONIEI'm copying this design pattern:
PEPPERONIEKeystone, nova, glance are all set up using Puppet20:16
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bafflemorganfainberg: Got back to looking at it now; Should data_copy['expires'] really contain the current time? Shouldn't it be current time + expires from config?20:23
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bafflemorganfainberg: I dump the value to the log, and it log timestamp is 2014-03-19 21:23:34.023, expires is 2014-03-19 21:23:33.20:25
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FoXMaNxavpaice: let's say 32 physical servers20:35
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FoXMaNxavpaice: what scale is it? :)20:36
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xavpaicebig enough to demand a pretty good NFS server :)20:36
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* xavpaice likes ceph/rbd above NFS but NFS works on small scale OK20:37
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baffleFoXMaN: Not deployed yet, but I'm planning on getting a bunch of these for Ceph:
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baffleIf anyone has any experience with them for this purpose (typical 12*4TB for data + 2*1000G SSD for cache), please report. :)20:41
baffle(And if anyone has any better ideas, those are also welcome)20:42
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FoXMaNbaffle: why ceph?20:43
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xavpaicebaffle: opencompute hardware is NICE20:44
xavpaiceceph = performance of big brand storage systems, 1/10 of cost, plus open source so fixable20:44
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rallyoneTired of niggers?20:47
rallyoneSick of their monkeyshines?20:47
rallyoneWe are too!20:47
rallyoneJoin Chimpout Forum!20:47
rallyoneAt Chimpout, we are NOT white supremacists!20:47
rallyoneI myself am a Mexican!20:47
rallyoneBasically, if you are not a NIGGER and you hate NIGGERS, we welcome you with open arms!20:47
rallyoneJoin Chimpout Forum today!20:47
scuttlemonkeyoh good, target practice for an Op20:48
scuttlemonkeyflush twice and wash your hands20:48
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bafflexavpaice: Yeah, I know, but as far as I know it's a bit hard to get hold if it (at a good price) unless you're comitting to 1000 items. :)20:48
bafflexavpaice: If you have any good source, please share. :)20:49
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xavpaicebaffle: will ask around - we're buying small quantities of OCP stuff here20:49
rallyonethis right here20:49
rallyonenow that is an error message20:49
rallyonecourtesy macintosh20:49
xavpaicethank goodness for /ignore20:50
-rallyone- Tired of niggers?20:50
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-rallyone- Sick of their monkeyshines?20:50
-rallyone- We are too!20:51
-rallyone- Join Chimpout Forum!20:51
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morganfainbergmordred, jeblair, clarkb, ^ any chance we can get a ban?20:51
rallyoneno morganfagenberg20:51
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rallyoneTIRED of niggers?20:52
bafflexavpaice: Thanks!20:52
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morganfainbergjeblair, thanks dude!20:53
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FoXMaNhmm if you were to buy commercial storage for openstack what would you go with?20:57
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morganfainbergFoXMaN, that becomes a question of what you're aiming to use the storage for. root disks? added volume storage for some instances? db backing?20:58
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morganfainbergFoXMaN, I can tell you it depends on use case and load (like most storage).20:58
scuttlemonkeyFoXMaN: (as a completely bias source) I would buy commodity hardware and use Ceph :)21:00
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scuttlemonkey<-- works for take with requisite grain of salt21:00
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mmmucky<-- does not work for inktank, is backing OpenStack with Ceph.21:00
morganfainbergscuttlemonkey, ++21:00
* mmmucky would also recommend.21:01
jrwren<-- does not work for inktank and wished he'd used ceph21:01
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morganfainbergscuttlemonkey, I was trying to be unbiased, but I personally like Ceph21:01
scuttlemonkey /cheer21:01
bafflemorganfainberg: I found out what happend. I had expiretime set to 3600, the default. It used to be set to 86400 before, but I changed it when I switched from sql to memcached. But it seems token/core uses UTC to calculate the expiration time.21:01
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morganfainbergbaffle, AHA! yeah that'd do it21:01
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bafflemorganfainberg: And I'm utc+1. So the expiration time is utc + 3600 secs, wich.. is now.. :)21:01
bafflemorganfainberg: I don't think that is by design? Should I report it as a bug?21:02
morganfainbergbaffle, It should use utc for everything21:02
morganfainbergbaffle, not care about your local tz21:02
morganfainbergi thought we fixed that a while back21:02
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morganfainbergbaffle, can you outline your exact setup and behavior you are seeing21:03
morganfainbergbaffle, if it is working like i _think_ you're describing, I'm seeing this as an RC bug.21:03
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bafflemorganfainberg: I'm running from master, rev a1dc3ad5c884561a1403b4465e1af4dae1a08748 .21:04
morganfainbergbaffle, ok21:06
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morganfainbergbaffle, i know where you are in the code base then21:06
bafflemorganfainberg: [auth] token=keystone.auth.plugins.token.Token [memcache] servers = <3 servers> [token] provider = keystone.token.providers.pki.Provider driver=keystone.token.backends.memcache.Token (Wich points to KVS it seems)21:06
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morganfainbergbaffle, correct21:07
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morganfainbergbaffle, and your local system TZ is utc+1?21:07
bafflemorganfainberg: I'm at UTC+1. Clock is UTC, TZ is Europe/Oslo.21:07
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dolphmi joined late, but
morganfainbergbaffle, ok21:08
morganfainbergdolphm, i thought we fixed that on master?21:08
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i thought so too -- i'm looking for the fix now21:08
morganfainbergthis is about 4 commits behind head.21:08
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morganfainbergif we didn't we better get that comment back in ;)21:08
morganfainberg(i think it's gone now)21:09
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dolphmthe change?
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morganfainbergdolphm, that looks like it21:09
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morganfainbergdolphm, i wonder if i caused a regression moving to dogpile.21:10
morganfainbergdolphm, *looks at code*21:10
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dolphmmorganfainberg: the test introduced in that patch appears to be gone in master21:11
baffleYeah, if I understand it correctly, the old memcache-config is not really used, it just points to the kvs wich basically is dogpile.. Right?21:11
morganfainbergdolphm, that test, iirc was moved to the base token_test21:11
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morganfainbergbaffle, correct21:11
dolphmmorganfainberg: that's a lie, it's still there21:11
dolphmmorganfainberg: i* lied21:11
morganfainbergdolphm, oh well look at that we don't call unixtime anywhere21:11
morganfainbergyep, looks like regression moving to dogpile21:12
morganfainbergbaffle, memcache server time is utc+1 as well?21:12
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bafflemorganfainberg: Yeah memcache is on the same host.21:12
morganfainbergyeah, please open a bug on this.21:12
morganfainbergi'll get to working on it asap.21:12
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morganfainbergdolphm, i'll tag this to RC1 and get a real test in place for it. or make sure we're not glossing over the test.21:13
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morganfainbergbaffle, good catch!21:14
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baffleThe solution is ofcourse just to change the default value of [token] expiration in conf. :-)21:15
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morganfainbergbaffle, or the system time to be UTC ;)21:16
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morganfainbergbaffle, nah, this should be either documented that the system time must be UTC _or_ should be fixed correctly (fix the regression - the right answer)21:17
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morganfainbergbaffle, once you have the bug let me know the bug number21:19
FoXMaNscuttlemonkey: :) we use lustre for HPC cluster and lustre is considered stable21:19
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FoXMaNceph is still under development21:19
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scuttlemonkeyFoXMaN: that's a bit of a misnomer21:20
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scuttlemonkeyceph has been stable/production ready for object and block for quite a while now21:20
FoXMaNfrom our experience i know that stable lustre is not always stable21:20
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bafflemorganfainberg: Sorry for the somewhat badly written bug report, I guess I haven't researched it enough.21:20
morganfainbergbaffle, nah is all good21:20
scuttlemonkeyif you want a filesystem that wont be considered "stable" until later this year21:20
FoXMaNso how stable might be not-yet-stable ceph21:21
morganfainbergbaffle, we talked it out here, i have a starting place21:21
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scuttlemonkeyFoXMaN: large orgs have it in production21:22
dolphmbaffle: thanks!21:22
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FoXMaNscuttlemonkey: that's a good point21:29
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FoXMaNscuttlemonkey: how many employees work for inktank ?21:29
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puckbaffle:  I'm working with xavpaice and dealing with the OCP sourcing, happy to put you in touch with the guys I'm working with.21:31
puckWhere are you located?21:31
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bafflepuck: Oslo, Norway.21:31
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bafflepuck: So shipping sucks. :)21:32
PEPPERONIEFoXMaN: there's a good number21:32
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xavpaicethanks puck!21:34
FoXMaNwhat is OCP?21:35
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FoXMaNexcuse my stupid questions i come from a different world21:35
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puckFoXMaN:  Open Compute Project21:36
scuttlemonkeyFoXMaN: sorry, on the CentOS board meeting call atm21:36
puckVanity free computing from Fackbook & Rackspace21:36
scuttlemonkeyinktank has about 50 employees21:37
xavpaiceOpen Compute Project
puckbaffle:  infrx is probably a bit far away for you, he's in Australia.21:37
puckI'm working with Amax. I'll send you an email address via PM21:37
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bafflepuck/xavpaice: Thanks!21:38
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FoXMaNhmm so it's still daylight in the oslo now?21:38
FoXMaNor permanent night?21:39
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puckA good source for OCP info is their facebook page:
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baffleFoXMaN: I think you're thinking about the north of norway. It's a very long country. :)21:40
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FoXMaNhmm do you guys (Inktank or Ceph devs) have any presentations with benchmarks, especially sequential r/w that you can share ? :)21:41
FoXMaNbaffle: i haven't been to norway yet but i'm looking forward to go there21:41
FoXMaNbut agreed - it's a long country ;]21:42
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scuttlemonkeyFoXMaN: there were some great talks about performance and optimization at the latest Ceph Day in Frankfurt21:44
scuttlemonkeyI haven't been able to get the videos from the session back yet, but the slides are posted21:45
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scuttlemonkeyDieter Kasper's talk especially had some pretty graphs and such21:45
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near77i had an issue with the amis folder21:46
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FoXMaNscuttlemonkey: thanks !21:59
scuttlemonkeysure thing21:59
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PEPPERONIEHi all, I'm having some auth problems with nova/neutron23:13
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PEPPERONIEmy issue looks a lot like this:
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PEPPERONIEbut I'm still getting the error after reconciling the passwords and settings...23:13
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