Saturday, 2022-01-01

*** queria is now known as Guest980703:25
*** queria is now known as Guest980903:30
gueswhatis possible to create provider network ( not external ) via flat interface to allow objects from openstack reach non openstack objects and viceversa? 09:48
gueswhatcan anyone help, please? how i can expose openstack api for internal instances? ( for heat for example for callbacks )19:06
jrosser_gueswhat: you should look at some of the architectures used by “battle hardened” deployments of openstack, like those used in openstack-ansible, for example19:54
jrosser_in general there will be haproxy presenting endpoints, and normally an instance with a heat callback would be expected to hit the external api endpoint19:55
gueswhatjrosser_: external api endpoint is always public one? right? public static ip on separate interface?19:56
gueswhatits superconfusing, cuz it has to be different interface that neutron external network ( used in kolla )19:56
jrosser_the external api endpoint is something that you expect end users to interact with19:57
jrosser_which would normally be some IP assigned to an interface in your controller, that your users can get to19:57
gueswhatmaybe i can create a provider network mapped to this interface and share this network with every internal network in openstack by default..19:58
jrosser_neutron external networks are something else, and as a cloud operator you’d need to ensure that the neutron public network was routable to your api endpoint19:58
jrosser_don’t do that :/19:58
gueswhathmmm :(19:58
gueswhatthis one ?19:59
jrosser_that talks a lot about how the internals of the cloud are set up, which is invisible to an instance or end user20:00
jrosser_your question seems to be about end user networks20:00
jrosser_tie down some simple things “how do I visit horizon / external api as a user” and this tells you where you are going to get your IP from for the haproxy external side20:01
jrosser_then decide “what is my public network going to be” (where floating ip and neutron routers get their addresses from)20:02
gueswhathmm, not sure where are you pointing.. 20:31
gueswhati have 3 interfaces in single node instance ( management, lan ( provider network, not external ) and public ( provider external )20:32
gueswhatproly i need to set external api endpoint to lan network , but this requires another interface, cuz it can not be shared with neutron external20:34
gueswhatwhich is lan network 20:34
jrosser_are these your terms, lan & public?20:36
gueswhatjrosser_ take a look at this
jrosser_when you set up your public provider network you can define the range of IP available to neutron20:44
jrosser_nothing to stop you putting the API endpoint in the same subnet, outside the range you give to neutron20:45
gueswhatbut what if want to expose it only to lan network ? and it still requires a separate interface20:48
jrosser_but you wanted to have instances access the api endpoint?20:49
jrosser_i'm not sure i can help here really - it's quite confusing20:51
gueswhatthen it has to be exposed directly to the internet, right ?20:52
gueswhatbut accessible only from private networks ?20:52
gueswhattheres not example in docs20:52
gueswhati and honestly dont know20:52

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