Friday, 2022-04-29

NIrtalAm I not able to migrate a volume while the attached instance is stopped?08:53
NIrtalIs there any way I can migrate a volume without starting the instance it is attached to?09:15
manuvakery1Hi .. instance is not able to reach metadata proxy10:46
manuvakery1when i checked the routing table   the route created by the DHCP server for the metadata server ( seems wrong.10:46
manuvakery1root@ubuntu:~# netstat -nr10:46
manuvakery1Kernel IP routing table10:46
manuvakery1Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface10:46
manuvakery1169.254.169.254 UGH       0 0          0 ens310:46
manuvakery1instead of using to  DHCP server ip its using the gateway IP itself10:51
manuvakery1the classless-static-route for the subnet is set as follows10:53
manuvakery1Any help would be great10:53

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