Thursday, 2024-07-25

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:13
fricklernyh90-monk: (assuming you're still the same person with the question earlier) which installation guide did you use, manual install? also you'll need to look at logs from the glance service06:05
nyh90-monkYes,i followed the manual installation guide. this moning,i reinstalled it using the same steps as yesterday,but i used the latest OS version downloaded from the official website of CentOS. And the error code did not appeared again. 06:55
nyh90-monkand thank you vary much for your reply.06:58
fricklernyh90-monk: good to hear that it worked out in the end07:10
semanticHello, everyone! So, I've been playing with nova policies and it seems to me that you can't get server details for servers in another projects (something like openstack server show UUID) if you don't have admin context in nova, regardless of all policies as GET /v2.1/servers/some_uuid will return 'Instance not found'. Is it intended to work like this?10:58
semanticI suppose the reason lies here...
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen18:15
*** ex_tnode8 is now known as ex_tnode19:28

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