Thursday, 2016-05-05

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electrocucarachahappy cinco de mayo!!!
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kencjohnstongood morning!14:28
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sfinucanHere's the doc on NUMA/CPU pinning I'm working on, if anyone wants to give it a preliminary review (low priority tho)
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dolphmkencjohnston: how many cross project epics do we have right now?15:00
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dasmankur-gupta-f1: your invitation looks like "mourning"15:18
ankur-gupta-f1mourning for the Atlanta Hawks. RIP15:21
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diltramjthorne: ping15:40
jthornediltram: yo15:41
diltramjthorne: hey, did you saw what I wrote about that URL to neutron api?15:42
jthornediltram: i did, but i forget. been focused on customer issues.15:45
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diltramjthorne: np :)15:48
diltramjthorne: it's configurable in some way? I could'nt find anything about that yesterday15:49
jthornediltram: i don't know anything about the vagrant openstack plugin15:52
jthorneif that's what your asking15:53
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irtermiteyou are still having issues with it displaying http instead of the public endpoint https, diltram ?15:54
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kencjohnstonping dolphm16:00
dolphmkencjohnston: o/16:01
kencjohnstondolphm oh, i was writing you an email.16:01
kencjohnstondolphm the Feature Classification User STory was successfully merged last week16:01
kencjohnstondolphm you still available to submit it as a cross project spec?16:01
dolphmkencjohnston: i certainly can - did you see my sort-of related question from earlier?16:02
kencjohnstondolphm probably not...16:02
kencjohnstondolphm or better, remind me?16:02
dolphmkencjohnston: i was wondering how many cross-project epics we have in flight right now?16:02
kencjohnstonjust categorize/centralize config ATM16:03
kencjohnstonthat I know of16:03
dolphmkencjohnston: oh, that's a short list. i was under the impression there were a few others that affected smaller handfuls of projects16:03
kencjohnstondolphm well, who is we?16:04
kencjohnstonOSIC or OpenStack?16:04
dolphmkencjohnston: OSIC16:04
kencjohnstondolphm OSIC has only the one16:05
kencjohnstonthat has been submitted as a cross-project spec16:05
dolphmkencjohnston: are there more on the roadmap?16:05
kencjohnstonnot that would be cross project specs, most of our other major work is operational or CI related16:05
kencjohnstonoperational tests I should say16:05
kencjohnstonperform and publish results form novice install, scale, availability, upgrade tests16:06
kencjohnstonadd performance and upgrade CIs16:06
kencjohnstonAre you concerned that we are jamming too much into the CPS process?16:07
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dolphmkencjohnston: oh, no, not at all16:07
dolphmkencjohnston: cross-project coordination has always been a weak point in the openstack community. i was just trying to think of ways we could improve the situation, or at least improve it within OSIC16:08
kencjohnstonahh, well I've heard from thingee that CPS are the way to do that going forward.16:08
kencjohnstonThey added project liasons to that group16:09
diltramirtermite: yes and I found an issue16:12
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diltramjthorne: so you didn't read what I found yesterday16:12
irtermitediltram: think I just saw an email response on it. thank you16:13
diltramirtermite: problem is in Neutron API version list16:13
irtermitediltram: sorry... i JUST saw that email response. too many emails to get through16:13
diltramirtermite: Versions: [{"status"=>"CURRENT", "id"=>"v2.0", "links"=>[{"href"=>"", "rel"=>"self"}]}]16:14
diltramirtermite: it's response from
diltramirtermite: API to get all supported API versions16:14
dasmdiltram: so curl returns in response http instead https. nice finding16:19
diltramdasm: I was debuging yesterday that plugin for almost all day, but currently I knew exactly what it's doing inside in every step :p16:20
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cloudnulldasm diltram irtermite this is likely something to do with header forwarding on the F516:23
cloudnullsimilar to the issue we had with heat a while back16:23
irtermiteohai cloudnull just shot this to you and denton. thanks!16:24
diltramcloudnull: the same is with image service16:24
dasmcloudnull: probably16:24
cloudnullirtermite: would you be able to reach out to the network folks and get them to make sure the forwarded headers are on _ALL_ public openstack endpoints16:25
irtermitecloudnull: superman is standing right here reading16:25
cloudnullohai superman :)16:25
cloudnulltypie typie make the header forwarding16:25
irtermitecloudnull: yea, that was the thought x-forwarded proto?16:27
dasmirtermite: yes16:27
irtermitedasm: on it. will make ticket16:27
dasmirtermite: cool. thx16:27
cloudnulldasm diltram thanks for finding it -- irtermite thanks for following up :)16:28
dasmcloudnull: it's all diltram's work.16:28
irtermitecloudnull: does something have to be done on the server side too?16:28
dasmcloudnull: because he's dealing with some shady vagrant ;)16:28
diltramcloudnull: np :)16:29
irtermiteshady vagrant... fitting16:29
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irtermitediltram: could you try again?19:11
irtermiteupdates were made to the F519:12
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dasmirtermite: i don't know how diltram but it seems to be not fixed20:00
dasm{"versions": [{"status": "CURRENT", "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}]}]}20:00
jthornewhy would the vagrant plugin not get URLs from the keystone service catalog?20:02
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irtermitedasm: out of curiosity, where are you curling from?20:12
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jthorneirtermite: shouldn't matter where from, i'm seeing the same response via curl20:28
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irtermitejthorne: dasm: Give it a shot now20:57
jthorneirtermite: looks like its fixed, what did you change?20:57
irtermiteDavid made a "band-aid" for glance and neutron20:58
irtermitewhat do you see if you try another port?20:58
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irtermitecreated an ltm profile stream21:00
irtermitejthorne: "if their plugin doesn't accept XFP there's not a whole lot more we can do"21:04
jthorneno idea what XFP is21:04
jthorneirtermite: make sure the change David did is documented in the OSIC Cloud 1 Runbook21:04
irtermiteok... he also mentioned there could be something dumb like case sensitivity, but not 100% certain that is the case21:05
irtermitein the header21:06
irtermiteright on... will add it21:06
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sigmavirus24jthorne: XFP = X-Forwarded-Proto21:29
sigmavirus24It's a header that LBs send to indicate what protocol the LB received the request on21:29
sigmavirus24i.e., "The person talking to me did so over HTTPS so please make your URLs reflect that"21:29
sigmavirus24What versions of what services are you trying to talk to dasm diltram ?21:31
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cloudnulldasm diltram when I curl the api it seems to be working for me now21:44
cloudnullmaybe you were seeing cache'd return or the f5 had not had the config fully updated yet ?21:45
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cloudnullsame with 929221:46
dasmirtermite | dasm: out of curiosity, where are you curling from?21:46
dasmi was doing it from rax21:46
dasmbut now it responses with https21:46
dasmso maybe something was cached.21:46
sigmavirus24curl doesn't cache anything21:47
dasmsigmavirus24: i'm not talking that curl had cache.21:47
cloudnull^ this is true.21:47
dasmi'm thinking about services21:47
dasmbut now it works21:47
sigmavirus24So 9292 is glance and glance added some support for the X-Forwarded-* headers from load balancers a while back21:47
cloudnullalso maybe the f5 config had not been pushed everywhere when you tested last21:48
dasmcloudnull: possible.21:48
cloudnullXFP seems to be working now though21:48
sigmavirus24If we know which services were the problem, though, we could check to see if they *all* support XF* and are not looking for case-sensitive header matches21:48
dasmsigmavirus24: in this case we need to wait for diltram. he knows details, because he tried to use it with vagrant.21:49
dasmsigmavirus24: but afair he just pasted this one url as misconfigured21:49
sigmavirus24Which service typically is served from 9696?21:50
dasmsigmavirus24: i believe neutron21:51
sigmavirus24Is cloud1 on kilo still? (iirc that's what I heard this morning somewhere)21:53
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sigmavirus24I think Neutron didn't support X-Forwarded-Proto, only X-Forwarded-For in Kilo21:57
sigmavirus24(best I can tell)21:57
dasmcloudnull: i recall there was a discussion about moving it to liberty. is it still valid?21:57
sigmavirus24Where X-Forwarded-For is the hostname:port in the URL that the LB receives the request for21:57
cloudnulldasm: yes its in the plans21:58
cloudnullim not sure when21:58
dasmcloudnull: soon? ;)21:59
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cloudnull" is guaranteed to arrive between now and the end of time" ... yes :)22:01
dasmcloudnull: xD22:01
cloudnullits the valve approach to timelines22:01
cloudnullask and itll take longer22:01
dasmexactly like i thought22:01
dasmcloudnull: i'm still waiting for hl2 ep322:01
cloudnullme too22:02
dasmthere are some rumors, that people in Valve don't know how to count to "3"22:02
sigmavirus24dasm: I've suspected they count in trinary and the next will be hl1022:03
dasmsigmavirus24: seems possible.22:03
dasm"Why Valve Can't Count To 3"22:03
cloudnulldasm sigmavirus24
cloudnullso it would seem its there for most services22:04
cloudnullidk if cinder does support it22:04
cloudnullor its not on the LB22:04
cloudnullalso heat w/ CFN support 8003 / 800022:05
sigmavirus24I can check cinder22:05
dasmcloudnull: yes, it can22:05
cloudnullcould be one, the other, or both22:05
dasmsince Jan 13, 201622:05
cloudnullso no.22:05
dasmmeh. wrong url.22:05
dasmno, they enabled it for tripleo22:05
sigmavirus24dasm: that's the puppet repo ... that is also the puppet master22:05
sigmavirus24is tripleo still on kilo?22:05
dasmsigmavirus24: no. they use latest-greatest22:06
dasmbut it means that cinder has support22:06
sigmavirus24dasm: in Cinder's kilo code base they only have code for XFF, not XFP22:06
dasmsigmavirus24: ok, you found it.22:06
sigmavirus24dasm: now it might, but not in kilo (which is relevant to cloud1)22:06
sigmavirus24git-grep really is very useful22:06
dasmsigmavirus24: yeas22:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1558683 in Cinder "Versions endpoint does not support X-Forwarded-Proto" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Yuriy Nesenenko (ynesenenko)22:07
dasmsigmavirus24: oh. didn't know about it.22:07
cloudnulllooks like glance yes , cinder no22:07
sigmavirus24cloudnull: yeah glance was something I think I poked someone in the eye about22:07
cloudnullso we got that going for us, which is nice22:07
sigmavirus24I never bothered trying those other services because no one uses them22:07
cloudnullthis is fair22:07
dasmso. xfp won't be available till end of Mitaka...22:08
sigmavirus24dasm: huh?22:08
cloudnullthis needs to be rebased...22:09
cloudnullits being worked on though22:09
cloudnullso newton maybe !)22:09
sigmavirus24No one uses TLS in front of a cloud. Clearly these is all useless cruft ;)22:09
dasmsigmavirus24: cloudnull: yeah... newton not mitaka.22:09
cloudnullTLS is for suckers22:10
cloudnullSSLv3 for life!22:10
sigmavirus24cloudnull: and certainly no one would ever terminate TLS at a LB22:10
cloudnullalso for suckers22:10
* sigmavirus24 really hates that glance has certificate handling code so it can serve it's own certificate22:10
* sigmavirus24 wants that to die in a fire22:10
dasmburn, glance, burn!22:10
cloudnull+1 i support your war22:11
sigmavirus24now now, I didn't say glance should diaf... although that isn't a bad idea22:11
sigmavirus24Can't have Mr. rosmaita getting upset with me :P22:11
sigmavirus24Well I'm out for the night22:11
sigmavirus24cloudnull: that was a good talk22:11
sigmavirus24I freaked out a mirantis glance core by clapping when termie said that glance should diaf22:12
dasmas i thought: sslv3 had vulnerability some time ago:
dasmi love this kind ideas. how to fix sslv3 vulnerability? disable sslv3 :)22:13
sigmavirus24dasm: SSLv3 really is inappropriate for anything but private networks where you can control access22:13
sigmavirus24and even then, you should probably not use SSLv322:13
sigmavirus24anyway, I'm actually leaving now22:13
dasmsigmavirus24: have fun, nice evening.22:14
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dasmsigmavirus24_awa: : i already left (and still poking on IRC :/)22:14
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cloudnullirtermite: get a bouncer22:16
cloudnullirtermite: --22:17
cloudnullbasically we think neutron is busted for x-forwarded-proto22:17
cloudnullheat cfn isnt working22:17
cloudnullcinder we know is not working but thats an upstream problem22:17
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cloudnullso just wanted to let you know.22:18
dasmcloudnull: i think neutron is OK now.22:18
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cloudnullirtermite has left22:19
cloudnullill send an email22:19
cloudnullthanks again dasm for testing22:19
dasmcloudnull: np.22:19
diltramcloudnull: neutron is working, all is working properly right now22:24
diltramcloudnull: from vagrant, don't about other ways to use API but for me it's working22:25
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cloudnullgreat. dont use cinder :)22:27
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cloudnullif folks are ineterested in reviewing things could use a little osic love :)22:29
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dasmcloudnull: idk if we have anyone in osic who works on cinder.22:33
dasmchange seems to be straight forward.22:33
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cloudnullit does22:35
cloudnulli'm running the test on an env i have up now.22:36
cloudnullill follow up on the review22:36
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