Tuesday, 2016-09-20

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Zarawhy is this panellll not showing upppp~10:07
SotKbecause CSS is a joyful bag of fun probably10:08
Zarayeah, that was it, I had `class = "thing" "thing"` when I needed `class = "thing thing"` gah, I got it to work but it looks like the edit form. time to explore the bootstraps.10:11
* Zara whispers 'betherly ... betherly... we're besmirching the honour of CSS again...'10:15
Zara'and using alllll the bootstrap'10:16
betherlyUgh ugh ugh10:25
betherlyZara knows how to make betherly's day :p10:25
betherlybootstrap evil we can agree on10:26
betherlyon a serious note though Zara let me know if I can help :)10:26
Zaraheh, thanks :) I got it working in the end, it just doesn't look the way I wanted it to10:26
Zaraso gonna look around for other BOOTSTRAP things full of BOOTSTRAP10:26
Zara(I still quite like it, but am starting to notice it everywhere and am definitely sick of fontawesome)10:27
* Zara gets fed up and turns everything into a carousel10:31
* Zara has fun making the notes float etherially above the page11:09
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Zarahaha baffled for ages because I had commas in my list of values11:39
Zara(when that happens, the class property just doesn't render, but it doesn't give a warning)11:41
Zaraokay, I think it's ready. :)11:51
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Put task notes in a box  https://review.openstack.org/37321211:55
Zarathe hard bit with that was making the box not look like a form.11:56
Zara*form field11:56
Zaraoh, now js draft has built I've noticed that class should be hidden when empty + logged out12:54
* Zara has fiiiinally got the ng-shows to do the right thing. (I ended up having to duplicate some stuff because otherwise the 'add notes' button wouldn't work. but I've also been able to get rid of a bunch of duplicated 'isLoggedIn's)13:20
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Put task notes in a box  https://review.openstack.org/37321213:21
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OpenStack Infra now has a Twitter bot, follow it at https://twitter.com/openstackinfra13:45
Zarayay, twitter bot! :D13:56
Zaraif it posts witty things, maybe I'll get twitter just to follow it.13:57
pleia2alas, it's all business ;)14:18
* SotK follows it anyway14:18
pleia2ooh, 44 followers, spamming works14:19
ZaraI'll check on it every so often in case it gets poetic14:19
Zaraoh, also, should mention that I like that it links to the code from the twitter profile; I wish more bots did that sort of thing.14:34
pleia2I figured that was the best website to use14:35
Zarayeah, nice! :D14:36
Zaraseems like that'll make it quicker to see how it works if someone wants to make something similar, and quicker to troubleshoot if it does something weird14:36
Zaraso thought it was a thoughtful detail14:37
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Zaramade a change, can't decide if it's an improvement or not so will send to review17:01
ZaraI'm too used to the way storyboard looks17:01
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Give certain lists a border  https://review.openstack.org/37346717:08
ZaraI've been upset at the lack of bikesheds recently, so that's my noble attempt to rectify the situation17:08
Zara(I'm pretty sure of it for dashboard and subscriptions, less sure for task list)17:12
Zarahm... the projects for the task list load in a different order each time17:29
Zarathat's confusing17:29
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Order projects in task list alphabetically  https://review.openstack.org/37348517:40
Zara(name is the default thing to orderBy, so it doesn't need to be specified)17:43
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: WIP: Allow permissions to be set for teams in worklists and boards  https://review.openstack.org/37031221:15
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* SotK bikesheds a bit21:30
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