Monday, 2014-04-14

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mikallifeless: ping?00:23
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lifelessmikal: pong00:40
mikallifeless: did you see my email about meetups?00:41
lifelessmikal: I did, and I plan to reply ;)00:41
lifelessmikal: I concur with your thinkig00:42
mikallifeless: good man, typey typey etc00:42
lifelessmikal: tchaypo was proposing brisbane00:42
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mikallifeless: I think that would be a hard sell... There were only three Aussies at the last nova meetup, and its a lot more expensive for flights.00:45
mikallifeless: people already have trouble getting travel approved00:46
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test
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lifelessmikal: I know00:49
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Ensure there is a newline after the nodepool keys
derekhlifeless: I think that ^^ is the fix for why our CI tests are currently failing00:56
lifelessderekh: oh, ah. I just -1'd it on the 'fix closer to the problem basis'00:57
lifelessderekh: but if you want to land it temporarily, please put a TODO and a bug reference and I'll be happy to +200:57
derekhlifeless: ok, will do, was going to submit patch in infra also but thought this would be quicker00:58
lifelessderekh: right - not saying infra is the brkoen bit00:59
lifelessderekh: our other code should cope too...00:59
derekhlifeless: I don't see how our other code should cope, the authorized_keys file is ending up with 2 keys one one line01:00
derekh2014-04-14 00:52:23.132 | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6WutNHfM+YdnjeNFeaIpvxqt+9aDn95Ykpmc+fASSjlDZJtOrueH3ch/v08wkE4WQKg03i+t8VonqEwMGmApYA3VzFsURUQbxzlSz5kHlBQSqgz5JTwUmnt1RH5sePL5pkuJ6JgqJ8PxJod6fiD7YDjaKJW/wBzXGnGg2EkgqrkBQXYL4hyaPuSwsQF0Gdwg3QFqXl+R/GrM6FscUkkJzbjqGKI2GhLT8mf2BIMEAiMFhF5Wl4FFrbvhTfPfW+9VdcsiMxCXaxp00n1x1+Y7OqR5AZ/id0Lkz9ZoFVGS901OB/L4xXrvUtI2y+kIYeF6hxfmAl/zhY0eWzwo9lDPz jenkins@jenkins.openstack.orgssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA01:01
lifelessderekh: your fix is adding a newline to the end of the file01:01
derekhlifeless: its adding a new line at the ned of the file before we add our own key01:01
lifelessderekh: right01:01
lifelessderekh: so our key-adding code is whats broken ... I thought that lived in incubator01:02
derekhlifeless: our key adding code in local-config (I think), just copies authorized_keys into the image01:03
clarkbwe just added a second key everywhere but it should come with a newline and is working01:04
clarkbI bet I left out tge trailing newline though01:04
lifelessderekh: that appends to the key file in root in the image, so it can't be the issue01:05
lifelessderekh: whose key is the second one in your paste? I can't see the comment01:05
derekhclarkb: its not coming with a new line, so when we add another key with ">>"  we are ending up with 2 keys concatenated01:06
clarkbright but only the trailing newline is missinf01:06
clarkbwhich is fine01:06
clarkbtoci shouldnt assume the jenkins keys are useable for anything imo01:07
clarkbfeel free to propose a puppet change if you like01:07
* clarkb goes back to weekend01:08
derekhlifeless: the second key is the nodes own public key, we put it there with01:08
derekhcat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys01:08
derekhwhich was ok because the jenkins key had a newline at the end01:08
derekhbut the new jenkins key no longer as a newline at the end so we end up with 2 keys on one line01:09
derekhat 2014-04-14 00:52:23.10901:10
derekhwhere I ran a test to output authorized_keys01:11
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lifelessderekh: ah, I thought it was deeper in our code01:12
derekhlifeless: np, ok I'm off to be, that should work unless any other problems crept in while we were down,01:14
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xuhaiweiI have upgraded libvirt to 1.2.2, but when running, I got this error01:27
xuhaiweierror: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: no valid connection error: Failed to connect socket to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory01:27
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xuhaiweiI opened two consoles, libvirts are working fine on both, but when one runs, it got this error, and in the other one, libvirt still works fine.01:36
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tchaypoto me that suggests something different in the environment between the two consoles01:45
tchaypoor maybe just that the second one isn't able to open a resource that the first one already has open01:47
lifelessare both consoles on the same machine ?01:48
tchaypolifeless: there are questions for you on
lifelesstchaypo: from you ?02:00
tchaypono, from alexis02:00
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lifelessok so02:01
tchaypomy question is - it seems like a big chunk of what I think we want could be achieved by having a very small amount of smarts in o-a-c02:01
lifelesstchaypo: sure, perhaps. Doesn't seem like the serialising is at all hard.02:02
lifelesshave you tried the sketch I put together?02:03
tchaypoie, assuming we have a mechanism for injecting the extra settings into heat (there are two suggestions in the etherpad), having o-a-c able to take { 'key': 'value'} and blat out 'key = value' into the config file seems like it should handle most cases02:03
lifelesswhat we want is strictly enough passthrough to satisfy the openstack configs, not any-file-anywhere02:03
tchaypoyes, I was thinking of a marker in a standard moustache template that amounts to "extra stuff goes here"02:04
tchaypoalthough that might not quite work, since some of the extra stuff might have to go in existing sections - really we need an extra stuff blob for each section of the config file02:05
tchaypoassumin a standard ini-file format with [sections], which most of them seem to be02:05
lifelesstchaypo: so what about the template I put in the etherpad?02:07
lifelesstchaypo: that does exactly that....02:07
tchaypoI've reading that again now02:07
tchaypounlike last week when i read it, it actually makes some sense to me02:07
tchaypoI now know something about heat software-config and os-apply-config and moustache02:10
tchaypothe part that I don't understand from that template is - how do the extra values get into heat? presumably we're looking at the "user supplies an external file" model?02:12
lifelessso thats the passthrough layer for heat yes02:13
lifelesslets see02:13
lifelessline 68 in the etherpad02:13
xuhaiweitchaypo, lifeless: sorry, i left just now, yes, the two consoles are on the same machine02:14
xuhaiweiI upgraded libvirt from source02:14
xuhaiweiI am afraid maybe I didn't upgrade it properly02:15
xuhaiweiwhen running virsh version, it seems ok02:16
xuhaiwei$ virsh version Compiled against library: libvir 0.9.8 Using library: libvir 0.9.8 Using API: QEMU 0.9.8 Running hypervisor: QEMU 1.0.002:16
xuhaiweisorry, the correct message is   $ virsh version Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.2 Using library: libvirt 1.2.2 Using API: QEMU 1.2.2 Running hypervisor: QEMU 1.0.002:18
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:03:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306596 in tripleo "os-config-refresh fails after upgrading control node on overcloud " [Undecided,In progress]03:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:00
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lifelessxuhaiwei: I've no idea sorry - I've never manually installed libvirt03:14
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xuhaiweilifeless: I think it's the libvirt's problem, i will reinstall it, thanks03:24
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tchaypolifeless: then it seems i need to clarify which bits of the etherpad you mean when you talk about the bits you put in03:36
tchaypoetrhpad tells me the purple bits come from <unnamed> and the light-green bits are lifeless03:37
lifelesstchaypo: line 68 was stevebaker03:40
lifelesstchaypo: talking about heat features03:40
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* tchaypo adds name to etherpad03:42
tchaypookay, i think i like the second option better, because it means you don't have the extra potions in a completel different format03:43
tchaypobut the question i have right now is what happens if you have one [section] which has some options in the main body and some in the extra config03:44
tchaypoif ini file parsers support having one section scattered throughout the file that's really easy to handle; if not the mustache template might need to have a standard {{and_the_rest}} block on each section03:45
tchaypouless heat is going to meld the stuff read from get_file into the stuff specified in the main template?03:46
tchaypoI think I should be able to figure out how to answer that question by reading code, so i shall go ahead and do that03:46
* StevenK stabs self03:46
StevenKSurely, I should just put DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR in .zshrc03:47
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tchaypono. put it in ~/.devtestrc03:49
tchaypoand then source that in .bashrc, and start using a real shell.03:49
StevenKSo not switching back to bash03:50
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StevenKtchaypo: In seriousness, zsh and bash do not have feature parity, and I make use of some of those features.03:52
* SpamapS points to the "no politics, no religion" sign on the wall03:52
StevenKlifeless also trolled me about my use of zsh at the hackfest, so maybe it's a bash user thing03:55
* tchaypo denies that poking at zsh users is in any way caused by nagging fears that their tool might be better03:55
StevenKHa hahah03:55
StevenKtchaypo: zsh has vi binding, which means its better03:56
StevenKAlthough I'm a heathen and use binkey -e03:57
SpamapSreviewers: is blocking software-config migration03:57
tchaypobash has vi binding03:57
tchaypoAt least we can all agree that (t)csh users have an inferior tool, right?03:57
StevenKtchaypo: Uni machines were tcsh on Tru64, pity me03:59
StevenKSpamapS: Are you concerned about duplicate keys?04:00
StevenKSpamapS: Since all_keys is list() (and not [], which is a little odd)04:00
SpamapSStevenK: order matters04:01
SpamapSStevenK: and no not concerned about dupes for that one04:01
SpamapSStevenK: I had it as a set() originally which is likely why it is list() and not []04:03
lifelesstchaypo: we can't use the second section until SpamapS software-config migration lands AIUI04:03
lifelesstchaypo: so multiple places creating values04:03
lifelesstchaypo: thats where I am proposing that the heat template render all the different sources down to one model and the model is exposed directly to oac04:04
StevenKSpamapS: is at the bottom of that stack, and Jenkins doesn't love it04:04
lifelesstchaypo: e.g. stevebaker's idea of an extra deploymen won't fly04:04
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SpamapSStevenK: look closely, pep8 was cancelled, and tripleo check jobs are failing reliably at the moment.04:05
SpamapSlifeless: btw are you aware that tripleo check jobs are failing reliably at the moment.04:05
lifelessSpamapS: yes04:05
lifelesswhich doesn't fix it04:06
lifelessI'm going to have to go pick up C shortly04:08
lifelessSpamapS: its what. 11pm for you ?04:10
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SpamapSlifeless: 21:1204:12
SpamapSlifeless: on vacation in the mountains.. tends to give me a lot of clarity up here.. but high altitude also gives me a lot fo extra sleep... probably will be asleep in an hour04:12
lifelessSpamapS: cool04:13
StevenKBleh, no copy and paste makes me sad04:14
StevenK2014-04-14 04:12:30.927 3180 ERROR keystoneclient.common.cms [-] Signing error:04:15
StevenKError opening signer certificate /mnt/state/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.04:15
StevenKAnd indeed, that directory is empty04:15
StevenKHah, I bet it's the missing pki_setup04:16
tchaypoWhy do you have no copy/paste?04:18
lifeless2014-04-14 02:18:46.654 | | 78feed75-a9b1-4e1f-8cbf-bbdc8811238e | undercloud-undercloud-tviy7iejrvf7 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |04:18
lifelessso undercloud came up04:18
StevenKBecause I was using the virtual console to connect to the machine04:18
tchaypoIf only we had proper serial console access instead of just vnc *snark*04:19
StevenKtchaypo: So I switched to ssh04:19
tchaypoYou ruined my snark04:20
StevenKlifeless: So, with a half-configured seed (I interrupted it before it set up keystone), init-keystone from my os-c-c branch works, but we still need to run keystone-manage pki_setup on the remote end. init-swift using OS_* is unhappy with me, giving either 'No token available' or 'Endpoint not found'04:21
lifelessStevenK: init-keystone doesn't include the pki setup ?04:22
StevenKinitialize() doesn't call it04:23
lifelessso, we'll need to add that in04:24
StevenKlifeless: This "It's totally a drive-by to add a command line wrapper" is a terrible lie :-P04:25
SpamapSlifeless: note that keystone's authors do not think pki_setup is a good idea04:26
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lifelessSpamapS: I know04:27
lifelessSpamapS: but we need to a) move the code out of incubator and b) write a replacement better thing04:27
lifelessSpamapS: b) is harder - and until a) is complete we're balkanised04:27
SpamapSwell the replacement better thing involves having a CA. :-P04:28
mordredlifeless: why does network manager suck?04:29
mordredlifeless: also, at some point could you teach me more about your version of the world where you do not use it?04:29
SpamapSI quite love network manager, and I don't really understand why others don't. :-P04:30
SpamapSbut I hold "not ever making me care" above "working super crazy efficiently"04:30
mordredthe problem is04:31
lifelessmordred: written by gui folk for gui folk and damn the torpedoes. Its a lot better than it was, but the interface is still ugh04:31
mordredI have to care too much04:31
lifelessbbiab picking up C04:31
mordredmy network keeps dropping for no reason04:32
mordredthere is nothing useful in the logs - if I re-trigger things I get it back04:32
tchaypoouchies for akami04:32
tchaypomy personal reason for hating notwork-mangler relates to a laptop i had in 2007 with a chipset that was known to drop any current associations every time it was told to scan for APs04:33
SpamapSmordred: I kind of doubt that its network manager's problem.04:33
SpamapSmordred: more likely driver or wpa supplicant issues04:33
tchaypowhich notwork-mangler told it to roughly every 5 seconds04:33
lifelessSpamapS: nm has terrrible terrible hacks to work around those issues, and then makes things worse by donig so :)04:33
SpamapSthat's.. a bit misplaced04:33
SpamapSlifeless: hack around, I don't care as long as I _NEVER_ have to read a man page about wireless.04:34
tchaypoif you don't want to read a man page about wireless, get a mac04:34
SpamapStchaypo: LinuxCon 2015 t-shirt04:34
StevenKI wonder if we're going about all wrong. Have init-keystone take an argument to also set up swift and heat and have one command do it all04:36
StevenKBut then we still need pki_setup, and I have this feeling it isn't exported via keystoneclient04:36
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mordredSpamapS: ok. fair. I'm going to consider the network card in this computer to  be complete and utter crap04:43
mordredI'm now tethered to my phone04:43
mordredeven though I'm sitting in my living room04:43
mordredbecause this pile of garbage does not work04:43
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StevenKmordred: What network card?04:46
mordredStevenK: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7260 (rev 73)04:46
mordredit's been nothing but a pita basically the whole time I've had this laptop04:47
StevenKGood old iwlwifi04:47
StevenKWhich is neither good, or old04:47
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SpamapS03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24)04:49
StevenKMy Thinkpad uses iwl of some form, and it would tend to panic once or twice a day at UDS or a sprint just due to the massive amounts of radio traffic04:49
SpamapSworks great :-P04:49
StevenKSo I wonder if my HP laptop will do the same party trick.04:49
StevenKSpamapS: Yeah, I have the same card and I've not had any problems with it04:50
StevenKI can't scp files over IPv6, but I think that's a problem with my wireless AP04:50
clarkbmordred I notice it when using openvpn on the 9470m04:50
clarkbseems ok without those extra udp packets but that may be coincidence04:50
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mordredclarkb: well, I'm on the zbook 14 now - and it typically does fine on the openvpn - but man it gets unhappy in my house for some reason04:51
mordredI'm guessing something is making is unhappy somewhere04:51
StevenKI wonder if keystone needs an endpoint created04:51
mordredbut I'll be damned if anything is actually, you know, logging whe it goes sideways04:51
clarkbwhats with the zbook migration? seems like a downgrade?04:52
SpamapSmordred: you might try twiddling wifi mixed mode things... try disabling N for instance.04:52
SpamapSclarkb: screen upgrade04:52
StevenKBut downgrade for wireless04:52
StevenKSo, it's zero-sum? :-P04:52
SpamapSdisplay is worth it04:53
mordredmeh. I don't care about the screen, tbh - the other laptop I believe was better04:53
SpamapSthis 7940m display is an affront to my eyes04:53
SpamapS9470m ?04:53
mordredof course04:53
mordredmy thinkpad was still 100000000 billion times better04:53
mordredas it was a real laptop04:53
clarkbbut its heavy and poorer battery life aiui04:53
mordredand not a toy created by monkeys who were high04:53
mordredok. GOT time04:54
clarkbscreen on 9470m is crap but the 1600x900 pixel display is much better than the other one04:54
clarkbmanufacturers should just give in a do high density ips on everythibf04:54
StevenKThe only one that's doing that is Apple, no?04:55
clarkband google and asus iirc04:56
greghayneshp does on some now too04:56
greghaynesand yes, every time I switch from my desktop monitor to laptop screen I cry04:56
clarkbits amazing they think I want to pay $2500 and get bad display bad keyboard bad trackpad etc04:57
StevenKMy desktop monitor is a 24" IPS, but I have no idea about pixel density04:57
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StevenKOh, twitch.
StevenKLet me count the ways I'm happy I'm not a CBA customer05:00
tchaypoStevenK: what's the problem?05:02
tchaypothe entirety of the page that i can see is a woman who looks thoughtful but relaxed05:02
tchaypothere are no words to be worried abotu05:02
tchaypo*scrolls down* oh, there's words below the fold. Weird that the pciture is so big. Almost like they're trying to hide something05:03
tchaypothe post itself seems fine, and matches what i already expected - if i lose anything from commbank as a result of heartbleed, that's their fuckup not mine and they have the liability05:04
tchaypobut their copy-pasta response to every question is weird. If you're refusing to engage (and in an issue like this where engagement probably makes lawyers anxious I can understand why you would want to avoid engagement) just turn off the comments.05:05
tchaypome sets mode +SMEG05:06
StevenKtchaypo: So, I have a few problems with it -- they don't mention if they use (or don't) OpenSSL, but "they are patched against it"05:06
StevenKThey don't engage, as you mention05:06
* tchaypo is distressed to see from the data of that the term "SMEG" is close to 4 years old05:06
StevenKA lot of other sites have mentioned replacing certificates and asking to reset password, but apparently CBA is fine, but won't say why.05:07
tchaypoyeah, that bit makes no sense either. "patched against it" suggests "we were vulnerable, now we aren't"; as opposed to "we use a version that wasn't vulnerable"05:07
tchaypoeither that or "we got a secret patch from the NSA two years ago in return for handing over some data we don't want to talk about"05:08
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greghaynesoo new codeless code is "heatbleed"05:44
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StevenKgreghaynes: Do you have an RSS interface in your brain, or something?05:46
greghaynesclose - to my watch05:46
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tchaypopebble, right?05:49
tchaypoi saw a steel again the other day.05:49
tchaypoevery time I see them I get more and more tempted to crossgrade to one05:50
greghayneshehe, seemed a little pricey05:50
tchaypo(the main deterring facter is that it's only a crossgrade, there's no way it's an upgrade except aesthetically, and I can't justify the price for a purely aesthetic upgrade)05:50
greghaynesmostly because im sure itll be outdated very quickly with how much room for improvement there is to be made05:50
greghaynesyes, I like the original because its cheap enough that I wont feel too bad replacing it when I need to upgrade05:51
StevenKTBH, my personal opinion of smartwatches is still "Meh"05:51
greghaynesI really like getting irc highlights on it05:52
greghaynesexcept I need to make the push notification for that happen in its own thread so it doesnt hang my irc on timeout05:52
tchaypoi haven't got that working reliably since i switched to weechat05:52
tchaypothe colloquy plugin doesn't work reliablu (actually, it never did, but it's more visible in weechat because it shows me the error logs when the colloquy servers don't respond)05:53
tchaypoI'm trying to use but i haven't managed to set the plugin up correctly yet05:53
greghaynesah - I use irssinotifier05:54
tchaypoyeah, and android05:54
tchayponot ios05:54
greghayneswell, theres your problem!05:55
StevenKI'd like notifications on my desktop, but I'd like to do it without using ssh and rsync05:55
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StevenKSo I'm still trying to work out if I care enough to write a client05:56
StevenKActually, it might count as 'lol'05:58
StevenKKeystone deprecating the v2.0 API when that is the only API used by the keystone CLI05:58
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tchaypodidn't they decide to undeprecate in icehouse and possible redeprecate in juno?06:03
tchaypoStevenK: if you use weechat, there's a plugin that pushes notifications over the growl transport thingy06:04
tchaypoin other news, mustache is making me sad06:15
xuhaiweihi, I upgraded libvirt to 1.2.2, and after running source, the libvirt went out of work immediately06:19
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tchaypoxuhaiwei: I'm not sure what you mean by "out of work"06:24
xuhaiweiwhen I run virsh list,  $ virsh list error: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: no valid connection error: Failed to connect socket to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory06:25
StevenKtchaypo: growl is mac specific06:26
lifelessgreghaynes: its a nice one06:27
tchaypoStevenK: oh, i thought it was cross-platform06:31
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tchaypoxuhaiwei: how did you upgrade? Have you rebooted? Does /usr/local/var/run/libvirt exist?06:32
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tchaypoThe fact that it's looking at '/usr/local/' rather than '/var/run' makes me guess that you might have installed from source and maybe it didn't create the directories it's looking for06:33
StevenKtchaypo: "Growl is a global notification system and pop-up notification implementation for the Mac OS X and Windows[1] operating systems."06:33
tchaypoIf you did install from source, there might be some parameter you can set when compiling that tells it where to look for its socket; perhaps pointing that at /var/run/libvirt (if that exists) might help, or maybe you need to tweak what user libvirt is running as or something06:34
xuhaiweiI upgraded it manually, and today I run apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade, and the libvirt has been upgraded again06:34
tchaypoxuhaiwei: I'm guessing the folks in #libvirt will be more able to help you with that problem than we can be in here06:35
xuhaiweinow I have this directory /usr/local/var/run/libvirt$ ls lockd  lxc  network  qemu  uml  uml-guest06:35
xuhaiweiI am just curious if the setting in the conflits with the default setting06:36
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openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add initial support for galera clustering
openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add initial support for galera clustering
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tchaypoxuhaiwei: i can't see any setting for that07:06
tchaypo09:06:08 0 1 polleyj@bill:~/src/os-apply-config (master)$ grep libvirt ~/src/tripleo-incubator/scripts/ | grep -v ^# | wc -l07:06
tchaypo09:06:15 0 0 polleyj@bill:~/src/os-apply-config (master)$07:06
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xuhaiweiI commented out this line and the virsh command keeps working after the  export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=${LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI:-"qemu:///system"}07:09
xuhaiweiand then I ran again, but still have the same error07:11
xuhaiweierror: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: no valid connection error: Failed to connect socket to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory07:11
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xuhaiweiI googled this error, and it is said the reason is libvirt service isn't running07:12
tchaypowhen you run virsh, what socket does it connect to?07:13
xuhaiweitchaypo: /usr/sbin/libvirtd I think07:14
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tchaypohrm. in my case, according to strace, the answer is that it doesn't seem to look at anything called libvirt-sock07:14
tchaypoah, because I was using -etrace=file07:15
xuhaiweido you have the libvirt-sock?07:15
tchaypoonce I take that away07:15
tchaypo?1;2F09:14:09 0 0 polleyj@bill:~/src/os-apply-config (master)$ strace virsh list |&  grep libvirt-sock07:15
tchaypoconnect(6, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock"}, 110) = 007:15
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tchaypoyou should be able to do the same to check what virsh is reading for you07:15
xuhaiwei$ strace virsh list |&  grep libvirt-sock connect(5, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/home/system/.cache/libvirt/libvirt-sock"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)07:16
xuhaiweiconnect(5, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/home/system/.cache/libvirt/libvirt-sock"}, 110) = 007:16
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tchaypothat's quite different to what I'm seeing - and it's clear that when you run libvirt by hand it's not talking to /usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock07:19
tchaypoI'm wondering if maybe you're running a different virsh binary from what the scripts run07:19
xuhaiweiwhen I export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=${LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI:-"qemu:///system"}07:19
xuhaiwei$ strace virsh list |&  grep libvirt-sock connect(5, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)07:20
xuhaiweiwrite(2, "Failed to connect socket to '/us"..., 97Failed to connect socket to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory07:20
tchaypookay, so it looks like the default value in devtest_variable isn't working for you because of your hand-compiled libvirt07:20
tchaypoyou'll have to provide the right value to override the default07:21
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xuhaiweiby exo07:22
xuhaiweiby export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=07:23
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tchaypoThat variable is used by libvirt, it looks like describes how it's used07:24
tchaypoI'm not sure how to figure out what value you need to set though07:24
xuhaiweithanks for helping, I will think about it07:25
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tchaypoStevenK, greghaynes - around?07:42
tchaypoor lifeless, although I'm assuming the answer in his case is a no07:42
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lifelesstchaypo: hai07:48
tchaypoI've taken the sample mustache and json and punched them until they quack like the duck we need07:50
tchaypoI've udpated the etherpad with links showing what I had to do07:50
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StevenKtchaypo: I'd be interested to hear about the deep dive you're going to tomorrow07:57
* tchaypo isn't sure what needs to happen next07:58
tchaypoI think it's running with one of the suggestions about how to have heat reading in an extra file, and then making sure that the data in heat gets passed to o-a-c on the node in question07:59
tchaypoit looks like the first part is mostly answered, but I only have a fuzzy idea about the second part - i think it's going to involve os-something-config reading the metadata from heat and dumping it on disk08:00
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tchaypooh hai08:02
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Bridge physical interface to the seed.
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StevenKKeystone, you were better behaved today, but I still don't love you.08:31
StevenKTomorrow's mission is to work out why service-list is still empty after I've created one.08:31
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dshulyakanybody tried deploy tripleo from master today?08:41
dshulyaki see that every ci build is broken, but no helpfull messages, just ssh timeout08:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Ensure there is a newline after the nodepool keys
StevenKdshulyak: ^08:57
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Support testenvs with numeric CPU etc in Ironic.
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:09:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:00
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dshulyakStevenK: thanks, is undercloud deployment works for you? i cant receive metadata in cluster init09:01
StevenKdshulyak: That change should sort out the ssh timeout on our CI infrastructure09:01
StevenKdshulyak: I've only been doing half-a-seed deployment locally today, sorry09:02
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openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add IPv4 flag for Ironic's TFTP setup
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gilliardHello - we're trying to standup 30 BM nodes using devtest but we see a lot of issues which look like they are caused by slow DB access. Current status: QueuePool blown, timeout during heat's _get_stack call during overcloud standup.09:33
gilliardDoes anyone have any pointers about how to diagnose/tune our DB usage?09:33
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Db-sync the Ceilometer database
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janghrm, did anyone say "undercloud failure"? Seeing it here too - can't pick up metadata10:04
dshulyakjanj: i see it for a couple of days ) but cant understand root issue10:07
openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install the "classic" icinga interface
openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install check_mk server
jangdshulyak: well, my undercloud doesn't have a /var/lib/os-collect-config, which one from before the weekend had.10:13
jangalso, my /etc/os-collect-config.conf looks to be barely populated.10:22
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SpamapSjang: there's usually a bootstrap os-collect-config that just sets command to os-refresh-config10:27
gilliardre: slow DB - looks like heat is constantly polling the resource_data table.10:30
jangSpamapS: yeah. well, it looks like it (o-c-c on the undercloud) doesn't know where to get the metadata from, and so it's failing to do so.10:31
lifelessjang: that first stage is delivered by the EC2 metadata service.10:32
janglifeless: right. Is that gonna be on my seed IP, or on the dhcp server IP?10:32
jangor ?10:32
lifelessjang: A route to that is pushed by the DHCP server.10:33
jangHrm. the undercloud has a route to the metadata address via the seed ip10:33
lifelessjang: so 'ip route' will tell you where it is.10:33
lifelessyup, seed.10:33
lifelesswget -O- will tell you whether it works, IIRC.10:33
lifelessI need to halt() - gnight!10:33
jang404 - not found10:34
jangthat's the problem, then10:34
lifelessgilliard: moving to ironic will remove a whole lot of IO contention10:34
jangat / I see: 1.0 2007-01-19 ... etc... 2009-04-0410:34
lifelessgilliard: but there's still something fragile in heat @ 30 nodes - just sent you a small note with respect to that (cc'd SpamapS )10:34
gilliardlifeless: cheers10:35
lifelessworks for me from my undercloud10:36
lifelessjang: check the api log.10:36
jangis that against a really recent seed?10:36
janglooking now.10:36
lifelessjang: no10:36
lifelessjang: this stuff is stable for years :)10:36
jangwell, it was working for me on friday10:36
lifelessgnight though, I must sleep.10:36
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jangthere's one other report here that it was broken 2 days ago10:36
jang2014-04-14 10:34:54.426 3939 ERROR nova.api.metadata.handler [-] Failed to get metadata for ip:
jangthat'll be the problem, then.10:37
gilliardheat seems to be making ~300 req/s to mysql :(10:39
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openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install check_mk server
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openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install check_mk server
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1307424 in tripleo "undercloud won't come up: seed metadata server 404s" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:48
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openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add elasticsearch element
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add logstash element
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan (jp_at_hp) proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Make it possible to just build images.
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openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Debian element should activate eth0
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Adding undercloud ceilometer
openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Prevent stand-alone tftpd on Debian
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jangCan I get a final 385-yard push on this: ?11:29
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jangand this?
jangboth trivial, seeking a second +211:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Rabbit startup on Debian is currently broken.
jangThanks James :-)11:33
openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Get use-pip-manifest to ignore '-e' dev versions
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert nova
derekhI'm wondering if ^ might be causing the undercloud metadata error11:44
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dshulyakderekh: it makes sense, I dont see any fixed ips stored in nova db11:49
dshulyakderekh: when metadata requested without neutron metadata proxy it simply returns NotFound exception11:50
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slaglejang: np...although i did -1 the 2nd :/11:52
jangheh, no problem.11:52
derekhdshulyak: so do we need to configure a neutron proxy?11:53
janghang on. Hasn't the metadata query been targeting nova's metadata server directly for ages? I was a bit confused by that before.11:54
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dshulyakjang: it can be proxied by neutron metadata agent
dshulyakjang: if so, it will directly query db by instance_uuid, not by remote address11:59
jangyeah, I'm familiar with that idea.12:00
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openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add notty file for Ironic
openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ensure the (block) loop device is available.
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proffalkenwould these issues with the undercloud explain why a check-tripleo-undercloud-precise job just failed on one of my reviews? I seem to have an empty file for this run... :(12:15
dshulyakyeah. it will, server cant ssh to instance to get those logs :(12:18
proffalkenok, I'll leave these for now then and recheck no-bug later once this is resolved. thanks12:19
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jangderekh: if your tests with that revert work, are you gonna push the revert back into nova, or carry something solely in CI? I ask because I'd like my local t-i installation to work too, without having to locally revert this if possible (not a problem for me, but potentially one for downstream colleagues)12:47
derekhjang: I think a sane approach if the revert in CI proves this to be the problem would be to report to nova to get fixed/reverted, in the meantime if it looks like this will take time we can temporarily add the revert to unstick CI.12:50
jangcool, roger that.12:50
openstackgerritEamonn O'Toole proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add swift.proxy-memcache metadata to proxy-server.conf
derekhIn the meantime if anybody who knows more about the problem then me (I havn't dug into it too much) wants to chat to #openstack-nova then fire ahead and get the ball rolling12:53
jangI only had a cursory review over patches that landed over the weekend - that one looked like the most likely culprit12:54
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Adding undercloud ceilometer
openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Adding undercloud ceilometer
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Adding undercloud ceilometer
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derekhCan somebody with a reproducer for the metadata 404, turn on dubugging and get a traceback13:49
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derekh#openstack-nova is looking for it13:50
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan (jp_at_hp) proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable selective dib configuration per image
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openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Use config baremetal seed ip addr not
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openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: stunnel: Allow CA certificate to be specified
proffalkensorry if this has already been covered in depth and I'm happy to be pointed in the direction of some docs, but what's the difference (apart from technologies used) between Fuel and TripleO?14:24
proffalkenThey seem to be headed for the same goal but with different approaches and I'm wondering why we have two competing projects as part of OpenSTack14:24
openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: stunnel: Allow CA certificate to be specified
SpamapSproffalken: Fuel is just a stackforge project, IIRC14:31
SpamapSproffalken: OpenStack has been aimed at being in the gate of OpenStack, and not as a 3rd party, from day 1.14:31
SpamapSproffalken: ^^14:31
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proffalkenSpamapS: so TripleO is "official" and Fuel is "fringe"? ;)14:32
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SpamapSproffalken: Also Fuel doesn't use OpenStack everywhere that it could.14:32
SpamapSproffalken: I'd say Fuel is related, not fringe.14:32
SpamapSBut they've taken some design decisions that lead to exclusion of some user bases (like using puppet).14:33
proffalkenok, thanks14:33
hewbroccatripleo is the only openstack program that is devoted to installing OpenStack14:33
SpamapSI've talked with some of the fuel devs and they've agreed that some of the holes in Fuel can be filled by TripleO.14:33
hewbroccaNaturally, I would prefer they help out with the tripleo UI in Horizon14:34
hewbroccabut it's their choice14:34
hewbroccathey being Fuel14:34
proffalkenok, thanks both.14:34
proffalkenI have a better understanding now :)14:35
SpamapSIdeally we'd remain "SOA" and have tiny services that can be useful without the others14:36
SpamapSwhich is why ironic is a thing now14:36
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert nova
derekhthat patch ^^ to revert the nova commit has green lights on CI, should we merge to unblock CI while waitong on a proper fix?14:44
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: WIP: Add performance charts to node details page
derekhpatch set 1 passed CI, ps2 has only a comment and commit message change, so I don't think we should be waiting for another CI run14:45
openstackgerritGonĂ©ri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: map-services: add apache2 in the list
SpamapSderekh: looking14:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert nova
derekhSpamapS: thanks,14:49
SpamapSderekh: and I assume Nova is moving forward with a fix and/or revert?14:50
derekhSpamapS: yup, dansmith is looking into it as we speak14:50
derekhAnybody developing locally will need to revert it in their environments14:50
derekhactually should we put that in /topic ?14:51
SpamapSgoo idea14:52
SpamapSalso is tripleo-cd stillin running preserve-ephemeral WIP patches??14:52
goneriSpamapS: some days ago, you validated  it has since been rebased and I think it is (still) in a good shape. Can you please take a look?14:52
SpamapSoy looks like 62042 still isn't merged14:53
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SpamapSgoneri: done, ty :)14:54
SpamapSderekh: oh how I want to be in the gate14:54
goneriSpamapS: awesome, thanks :) are both associated patches, you also started to review the first one14:55
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:15:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1307511 in tripleo "60-mysql-secure breaks 50-mysql-users" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:00
SpamapSgoneri: I'm on vacation the next few days.. so just reviewing casually. :)15:01
goneriSpamapS: lucky you :)15:03
openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow mapping of packages to multiple targets
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Allow install mariadb from RDO repository
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add simple timeout to boot-seed-vm script
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: TEST ONLY: make nova depend on common-venv
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Openstack-clients: don't hard code venv
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Wire in _EXTRA_INSTALL_OPTS...
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add a new common-venv element
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Horizon: dynamically set config time env vars
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add simple timeout to boot-seed-vm script
NobodyCamclarkb: ^^^ timeout check we chatted about friday!15:21
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan (jp_at_hp) proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Standardise manifest creation and retrieval
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dprincederekh: are you pushing a revert for
dprincederekh: seems to definately be related to the breakage... so why not revert in Nova itself?15:41
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derekhdprince: was talking to dansmith about it, we is first trying to reproduce15:42
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dprincederekh: I'm seeing this in my nova-api logs: Failed to get metadata for ip:
dprincederekh: seem reproducable enough to me...15:43
openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add pacemaker and corosync as tripleo elements
hewbroccaSpamapS: hey how's the software config patch going15:45
derekhdprince: yup, I think pretty much everybody on tripleo has hit the problem, will see if he has made progress15:45
dprincederekh: my take is a revert should be safe. If you even suspect it I'd say push the revert directly to Nova.15:46
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Correct hard coded ip ranges
dprincederekh: I think I see the issue, will push a revert now...15:51
openstackgerritTzu-Mainn Chen proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Set admin user tenant to 'admin'
derekhdprince: ok, fire ahead15:52
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SpamapShewbrocca: It's blocked by an os-collect-config bug15:59
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SpamapShewbrocca: FYI15:59
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hewbroccaSpamapS: ahh, thanks16:05
* hewbrocca would like to see this progress...16:05
dprincederekh: the issue was that the nova FixedIP object (which was added to the metadata code) just plain doesn't support Neutron. Nor will it... ever16:05
dprincederekh: so... a quick revert, and then dansmith will take care of the rest16:06
dprincederekh: and thanks for highlighting this in TOCI16:07
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derekhdprince: np, thanks for finding the problem16:09
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add simple timeout to boot-seed-vm script
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openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Run the overcloud with an SSL enabled public IP
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openstackgerritTzu-Mainn Chen proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Revert Oslo integration commits
openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add NovaDBPassword to under + overcloud templates
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openstackgerritTzu-Mainn Chen proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Revert "Use HTTPClient from common apiclient code"
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert "Revert nova"
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Expose dnsmasq options
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slaglegood morning19:09
lifelessmorning slagle19:20
ccrouchslagle: any joy on being able to write to the stable branches?19:23
slagleccrouch: haven't circled back on it yet, too many other things19:24
ccrouch seems like it could be a good candidate19:24
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ccrouchslagle: ok, please check again today. Perhaps someone on #tripleo could put in a good word for the change with the infra team19:25
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add timeout to boot-seed-vm script
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bnemecDo we consider diskimage-builder to be a dependency of os-refresh-config?20:50
lifelessbnemec: I don't think so. What prompts the question?20:50
bnemecI'm wondering because we have a bug open for the fact that os-refresh-config calls dib-run-parts, which means there is an implicity dep there.20:51
uvirtbotbnemec: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found20:51
bnemeclifeless: ^20:51
lifelessah, so they're definitely siblings20:51
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lifelessthats just being a bit naughty on code layout.20:52
bnemecYeah.  I just don't want to fix this in the package and then have something else come up in the future.20:52
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stevebakerlifeless, bnemec, I was thinking if orc invoked orc-run-parts, and the orc element symlinks orc-run-parts to dib-run-parts20:54
stevebakerand the package can contribute its own orc-run-parts, which is just a copy of dib-run-parts20:55
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bnemecstevebaker: Yeah, the only downside I see is a duplicate copy of the script, but I don't know that there's a lot of churn on that anyway.20:58
* bnemec looks up the git history of dib-run-parts20:58
bnemecYeah, not a lot of changes there.20:59
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:21:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:02
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Lotus907efihow can I get the user test image to pull from my local apt repo instead of being pulled from ???21:10
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert "Revert nova"
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lifelessbnemec: stevebaker: I'd rather a common installable thing TBH21:20
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bnemeclifeless: Maybe something like dib-utils?  dib-lint could probably move there too.21:31
bnemecAlthough it might be a problem because dib-run-parts is actually an element in dib.21:31
lifelessbnemec: if dib depends on dib-utils, dib-run-parts element could consist of copying it in :)21:32
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bnemeclifeless: This is true. :-)21:33
bnemeclifeless: So are you thinking a separate upstream project, or just a packaging thing?  I guess if the element is going to change then there would have to at least be some reorg of dib.21:37
lifelessbnemec: I don't believe python gets 'just a packaging thing' yet. Lets seek infra input.21:38
bnemeclifeless: Okay, I'll check with them.  Thanks.21:41
bnemecBTW, I think the channel topic can be changed.  It looks like that was reverted in Nova already.21:42
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lifelessbnemec: use the force, luke.21:45
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bnemecThe last time I tried to change the topic I don't think I had permission.21:46
bnemecI figured there was a list I needed to get on first. :-)21:46
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bnemecHey, look at that.  It worked this time. :-)21:51
* stevebaker suplicates21:55
stevebakerlifeless, SpamapS: another packaging issue is that orc and oac have default paths which point at /opt/stack. Would you be OK with switching to /usr defaults and setting OS_CONFIG_APPLIER_TEMPLATES and OS_REFRESH_CONFIG_BASE_DIR in the elements? (or migrating wholesale to /usr)21:58
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lifelessI think we'd be ok using more FHS friendly paths22:00
lifelessstevebaker: not sure /usr is relevant though :)22:00
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stevebaker /var?22:02
lifelessthinking so yeah22:03
stevebakerhow about /var/lib/os-refresh-config/*.d22:03
stevebakerand /var/lib/os-apply-config/templates22:03
lifelessI think put this to the list, but it sounds fine so far22:05
stevebakerbnemec: do you want to do that ^?22:06
bnemecstevebaker: Yeah, I can do that.22:07
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openstackgerritGonĂ©ri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: debian: ability to use systemd
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derekhAm I looking at things wrong or are the first 5 jobs on our ZUUL queue finished and should be gone hours ago22:42
bnemecderekh: Yeah, looks like some of them are hung.22:46
* derekh toddles over to #infra22:47
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derekhAnybody waiting on CI for a specific job should probably check the zuul queue to make sure its running as zuul was restarted which I think canceled some jobs23:36
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