Tuesday, 2014-10-07

openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Initial setup for nova-controller  https://review.openstack.org/12630500:07
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larsksradez_g0n3: around?00:17
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SpamapSlarsks: did you have a chance to take a second look at os-cloud-config ?00:57
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: renamed keystone services  https://review.openstack.org/12645301:03
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: remove "master" from mariadb k8s configs  https://review.openstack.org/12645401:05
larsksSpamapS: I am looking at it right now.  So, for example, I just want to initialize keystone with the identity service/endpoints and an admin user/tenant.  I'm not sure how to do this.  What would that look like?01:07
SpamapSlarsks: init-keystone01:08
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larsksSpamapS: It sounds sort of like init-keystone will do that, but it also seems to want to ssh into something to work, and I just want it to talk to the keystone api.01:08
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SpamapSlarsks: here's where we do _all of openstack_ in devtest  http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-incubator/tree/scripts/devtest_overcloud.sh#n46801:09
larsksIt's not clear how to provide specific values for admin/internal/public endpoints.  There's --public option, but nothing for admin/internal endpoints.01:09
SpamapSlarsks: the SSH is disablable01:09
larsksSpamapS: How is it disabled?  The help output does not provide any hints.01:09
SpamapSlarsks: gah.. looks like it has not been added to the CLI. It is an option to os_cloud_config.keystone.initialize  pki_setup=False01:10
larsksMy take is that right now, this tool has been designed for a specific set of circumstances that isn't appropriate for what we're trying to do inside our containers right now.01:12
larsksAnd I'm going to say "right now" again, because apparently at this time of night I lack variety when I write.01:12
SpamapSlarsks: no, this tool has been designed for general use as an openstack bootstrap tool.01:13
larsksThat is not my impression.  I guess we will just differ on that for now.01:14
larsksI have seen that several timses :)01:15
SpamapSlarsks: It reads quite generically to me. :-P01:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Save extended attributes when creating tar  https://review.openstack.org/12542801:16
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SpamapSlarsks: I'm not sure what more I can do to convince you that this tool is intended to do exactly what you want to do. :-P01:20
larsksSpamapS: Take one of the start scripts I have written and make it use this tool.01:20
larsks...with equivalent or reduced complexity.01:20
larsksThat would totally convince me, and I would abandon all alternatives on the spot.01:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Move dpkg manifest creation to finalise  https://review.openstack.org/12476501:21
SpamapSlarsks: need to land the --no-pki-setup option and I think it will be one line. :-P01:21
larsksI think you will also need to land the --no-ssh option.01:21
SpamapSsame difference01:22
larsksAh, okay.01:22
larsksI didn't realize that A == B there.01:22
larsksSo, here are the things I am looking for in particular:01:23
StevenKWe want to stop init-keystone doing pki_setup anyway01:23
StevenKNow that greghaynes' is back, I can shake him until a plan falls out01:23
larsks- idempotent creation of users/tenants/roles/user-role-memberships01:23
SpamapSStevenK: thats what I thought but it's been a while since I participated so wasn't sure if maybe it stuck around because "reasons"01:23
larsks- idempotent creation of services/endpoints01:23
larsks- the ability to *replace* endpoints in a single operation01:23
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StevenKHuh, replace is a new one01:24
StevenKlarsks: Why do you want to replace endpoints, out of interest?01:25
larsksStevenK: Without real "external ip" support in kubernets, I think we may need that for being able to swap out the public endpoint on container reboot.  But maybe not!01:25
larsksWe have not quite gotten to that point.01:25
larsksIf that is an issue, don't worry about that one right now.01:26
SpamapSlarsks: isn't that what hautoproxy is going to do?01:26
larsksNo.  That primarily handles *internal* communication between pods...so that glance can find keystone, and nova can find glance, etc, even when the pods are relocated to different minions.01:26
larsksThe external ip problem is more difficult: what do you use as the external ip?01:27
StevenKlarsks: There's a register-endpoints script in os-cloud-config that may deal with most of your concerns, init-keystone is only concerned with performing stuff that keystone requires01:27
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larsksSure.  Is there a create-users script there, too?01:27
larsksHmmm, it doesn't look like it.01:27
StevenKlarsks: No, I believe register-endpoints does that01:27
SpamapSlarsks: in the heat-only TripleO we use a keepalived controlled VIP01:28
SpamapSlarsks: which is allocated via Neutron01:28
larsksSpamapS: we could totally do something like that, although I am trying to take advantage of what kubernetes provides wherever possible.01:28
StevenKlarsks: If you want a script to give it a list of Keystone users, and it uses the Keystone API to make sure they exist, then I'd be delighted to help you work on it01:28
larsksAnd then we could pass in the vip into our pods via an environment variable.01:29
SpamapSlarsks: does Kubernetes do something similar?01:29
larsksKuberenetes doesn't do anythign for external ips right now.  There is an issue open on that with a lot of discussion.01:29
larsksStevenK: I already have a script that does everything I want :).  SpamapS is trying to convince me that os-cloud-config will do those things, too.01:29
StevenKIt probably does most of them01:29
StevenKAnd shared code is excellent01:30
larsksSpamapS: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/issues/116101:30
StevenKSpamapS, larsks: Let me push up a patch for --no-pki-setup01:30
larsksStevenK: This is what I put together that currently handles my use cases: https://github.com/larsks/crux01:30
SpamapSlarsks: the question is, would your script be generically useful to non-kolla users or is the environment special enough to warrant a special tool?01:30
larsksSpamapS: Oh, it would totally be useful elsewhere.01:30
larsksThis is code that originated when I first started deploying OpenStack at my last job.01:31
SpamapSlarsks: so we can entertain the opposite idea: replace os-cloud-config with yours. :)01:31
larsksSpamapS: Well, my use case is primarily "provisioning keystone objects"01:31
larsksNot "bootstrapping openstack"01:31
larsksSo I would not recommend that direction at all!01:32
SpamapSwhy? the act of bootstrapping is to create the initial keystone objects necessary for normal use.01:32
larsksWell, I notice that os-cloud-config has bits for neutron and baremetal/ironic stuff, too, which is why I said that.01:33
SpamapSas well as neutron objects, ironic objects, and any others that deployers need to seed into their cloud before users can use the cloud01:33
SpamapSIt's for the same reason. The API's are not useful to non-admins without these objects.01:34
SpamapSlarsks: really what should be done is keystoneclient / openstack client should be made idempotent.01:40
SpamapSOr at least have an idempotent option01:40
larsksSpamapS: e.g., like ovs has the --may-exist and --if-exists options.  Yes, that would also be a good solution.01:41
SpamapSyeah I really appreciate how ovs adapts to whichever way you need it to work01:42
SpamapSStevenK: hey have you tried a fresh 'tox -epy27' on os-cloud-config lately?01:44
SpamapSStevenK: I'm getting weird distutils problems.01:44
StevenKSpamapS: Huh01:45
SpamapSdistutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pbr')01:45
StevenKHeh. Running tox -epy27 while you have that venv activated does not end well01:47
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SpamapSdefinitely weird01:50
SpamapStrying to install in the venv myself produced equally confusing things01:50
SpamapSalso.. wtf cffi.. :-P01:50
SpamapSdistutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('cffi>=0.8')01:51
SpamapSseems like one of those "you ahve the wrong version of something I"m not even mentioning" pbr-ish problems01:52
* SpamapS goes into family mode whilst investigating01:52
tchaypoStevenK: speaking of the gregory01:54
tchaypohe has a change up to switch us to using generate-ssl-cert01:54
StevenKtchaypo: Oh? Link me?01:56
tchaypohard from gertty01:57
tchaypobut it's 12634301:57
tchaypoalso it's a completel fail at present as it can't find the command01:57
tchaypobut you know, just minor details...01:57
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StevenKOh, it probably needs a new os-cloud-config02:01
StevenKtchaypo: And it will certainly also require the change I'm prepping02:01
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Teach init-keystone about PKI setup  https://review.openstack.org/12645602:04
tchaypofriday in the office?02:06
StevenKtchaypo: Sounds like a good plan02:06
StevenKtchaypo: I have commented on greghaynes' review, thanks for the pointer02:06
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sdakelarsks around?02:27
larsksBriefly! :)02:27
sdakesay w emay need to put crux under gating02:27
sdakeif we do that, it would be ideal if the license was asl2.002:27
sdakeany objections to changing the license?02:27
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larskssdake: https://github.com/larsks/crux/commit/ad95cbfd78114c59d4151e042e1b285fda57693b02:27
sdakeI'm not sure it matters yet02:28
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sdakebut we may need to get that into stackforge if its a long term solution02:28
larsksNo worries.02:28
sdakelets give it a mo or two and see what happens with cloud config02:28
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larsksSure.  I was talking with SpamapS about os-cloud-config earlier this evening.  I am still dubious, but there are some patches landing soon that will at least drop the 'ssh-to-remote-host' default behavior.02:29
larsksUntil then, I think crux will at least allow us to move forward with our existing containers in a sane fashion.02:31
sdakeya we aren't looking for perfect this early02:32
sdakejust looking for works :)02:32
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sdaketime for diablo 3 with the rugrats02:47
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Standarise tracing for scripts  https://review.openstack.org/11902302:53
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untriaged-botNo untriaged bugs so far! \o/03:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: use "crux" for creating users/endpoints  https://review.openstack.org/12606704:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: added hautoproxy auto-configuring haproxy  https://review.openstack.org/12637304:18
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StevenKtchaypo: Did you want to put up an appointment for Friday?05:07
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add support for creating baremetal flavors  https://review.openstack.org/11587205:18
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add support for injecting extra-specs into flavors  https://review.openstack.org/12334505:19
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tchaypoStevenK: sure05:24
loki184please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/106727/05:26
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tchaypoStevenK: i can find a 4 perosn room that's free06:03
StevenKtchaypo: In SNO02, or 01?06:05
StevenKtchaypo: 5.13 looks free all day Friday and it's 606:07
StevenKBut round table, so it may be a squeeze06:07
StevenKtchaypo: 6.12 is also free06:08
tchaypookay, done06:08
StevenKtchaypo: Accepted06:09
StevenKtchaypo: We tend to book 8s, remember? :-P06:10
tchaypobut outlook is painful and I don't want to go back06:13
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tchaypoloki184: love your branch name :)06:32
loki184tchaypo: lol06:33
greghaynesStevenK: oh, did I break everything?06:34
greghaynesStevenK: oh, so as-is generate-keystone-pki essentially calls the other script06:36
greghaynesmy thinking was to move over to the other script, then deprecate generate-keystone-pki06:36
greghaynesas for the os-c-c needs to be released, agreed06:36
tchaypoloki184: Reviewed.06:37
tchaypoloki184: I feel a little bit guilty because I really think most of the things I've mentioned are fairly minor06:37
tchaypogreghaynes: OH HAI06:37
greghaynestchaypo: HAI06:37
* greghaynes returns06:37
tchaypohow was the wilderness?06:39
tchaypowere there tumbleweeds?06:39
greghayneshah, I was sort of in the antithesis of wilderness: Tokyo06:40
greghaynesdefinitely no tombleweeds06:40
greghayneser, tumble06:40
loki184tchaypo: ty will check it out :)06:40
StevenKloki184: I've also reviewed it06:40
StevenKgreghaynes: I was talking about the plan to deprecate pki_setup in init-keystone06:41
loki184stevenk: ty will resubmit with changes :)06:41
StevenKSince the sooner we can stop sshing into the keystone endpoint to run keystone-manage, the better06:41
greghaynesStevenK: totally, is that needed for my change though?06:42
greghaynes(this is one of those patches that took months to get merged so having a hard time recalling)06:42
StevenKgreghaynes: It's needed for your incubator patch which hasn't merged yet06:44
greghaynesoh, huh, how are we not currently doing keystone pki init in two places already?06:45
GheRiveromorning all06:49
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greghaynesStevenK: so, this is kind of hitting my boundary of keystone knowledge. AFAICT my change isnt an actual functional differenct for the commands we are running06:54
greghaynesStevenK: seems like currently we both create the ssl pki on jump host, copy it in via heat, and then ssh in and run pki_setup06:55
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tchaypomorning ghe07:00
greghaynesStevenK: Looks like "keystone-manage pki_setup" fails if you run it when certs are already present, so this might be what is currently going on07:07
gfidenteisn't it time for the meeting?07:09
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gfidenteoh no it's in 12 hours :P07:09
GheRiveroI though it was in 13 :)07:11
GheRiverono, 12 is right. This week is in Tuesday night for me :/07:12
tchaypoah, the early morning meetings! woo!07:19
tchaypothanks to DST kicking over here, they're now at 6am for me instead of 5am07:20
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GheRiveroDST already? in Europe the 26th07:26
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StevenKGheRivero: Yeah, there is like two or three weeks difference when Europe, the US and we change.07:46
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GheRiverothe US one week later than Europe. We'll go nuts for the following meetings.07:50
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StevenKGheRivero: :-)07:51
StevenKGheRivero: And just think, all the Americans in Paris for the summit miss the clock change07:52
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GheRiveroStevenK: :) It could be worst. I was in the UK during 6 months when we change to the Euro, so when I came back home didn't know how to use the new currency and missed the 3 months adaption period with the two currencies07:58
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StevenKGheRivero: Haha!07:59
StevenKGheRivero: So you had this money in your wallet, and you couldn't spend it?08:00
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Validate JSON  https://review.openstack.org/12648408:03
GheRiveroyeah. You can change it in the bank but not spend it. And the conversion was 1000pts to 6€  but I was already thinking in £08:03
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Remove unnecessary comma to correct json format  https://review.openstack.org/12648708:07
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greghaynesStevenK: Are you able to parse this py33 CI fail? http://logs.openstack.org/34/111334/4/check/gate-os-collect-config-python33/5443472/console.html#_2014-10-06_13_24_10_88108:08
StevenKgreghaynes: WAT08:09
greghayneswat indeed08:10
StevenKgreghaynes: I can recall the LC_ALL failures from my porting08:10
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StevenKgreghaynes: I see FAIL: os_collect_config.tests.test_collect.TestCollect.test_main08:22
StevenKlocally, but not the LC_ALL08:22
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yuanyingI also saw that fail, fixtures is broken at py33.08:24
StevenKHuh, yeah, it could be a fixtures failure08:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1358085 in python-fixtures "FakePopen does not work in Python 3.3+" [High,Fix released]08:25
StevenKOh, that. I fixed that.08:25
StevenKgreghaynes: Rebase your branch?08:26
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yuanyingI think that it has not been fixed yet.08:35
StevenKyuanying: The fixtures stuff? Yeah, it has. I wrote the bug fixes, and lifeless merged them and released it.08:36
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yuanyingStevenK: My patch is rebased master now, but tox -epy33 was failed because of fixtures broken issue.08:42
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yuanyingStevenK: I installed fixtures-0.3.17 in my environment, but os-collect-config tox -epy33 still failed at master.08:56
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yuanyingfixtures-0.3.17 is latest source I found.08:58
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yuanyingStevenK: I think it's another problem, because of difference of handling subprocess.09:08
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tchaypoNg: around?11:55
tchaypohttps://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/269 seems relevant to the discussion about static uids11:55
Ngtchaypo: hey, sup?11:55
tchaypoi feel like this is something distros have dealt with; i feel like we should review what they've done before we go and do things they have decided dont work for them11:56
Ngtchaypo: I think they've dealt with it by just picking the next available UID when useradd gets called11:57
tchaypoour problem is on a different scale of course  but i feel like we'd do well to think about why/how this situation is different when we think about what to do differently11:58
Ngif we do go the static route, we should definitely look to see if they have reserved UID ranges for static allocations11:58
tchaypothe distros?11:58
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tchaypohttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:UsersAndGroups seems to be the policy for fedora11:59
NgI love the idea in comment 1 about a centralised authority that allocates static UIDs. Like IANA for daemons \o/12:00
tchaypoits called ldap12:00
Ngno, eww ldap12:00
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tchaypoif i want to have one, i have one, and im going to be oissed off if tripleo is ignoring it and trampling all over my assigned uids12:01
Ngyet another controlplane service we have to care for, secure, make HA. Also one we're going to have to make available at build time12:01
tchaypooh no12:01
tchaypoi dont want to suggest we fo that12:01
Ngbut us assigning static UIDs wouldn't stop someone from using LDAP in their deployment12:02
tchaypoi just thunk we should provide an inout so people who want to pre-assign can12:02
tchaypobut maybe this is because i'm thinking at the wrong level.12:02
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tchaypoi have a mental image of using ldap to control access to the hardware for sysadmins, and already having GID1000 assigned to the sysadmins group, and then tripleo assigns it to ceilometer12:03
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tchaypomaybe sysadmins having access to the nodes isnt a thing that happens in cloudland though?12:03
Ngif they're using ldap, they've already configured libnss to look at LDAP before /etc/passwd though12:04
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tchaypoperhaps they give local accounts preference for DR12:04
tchaypoor perhaps they use nsscache and write the ldap groups directly into /etc/passwd12:05
tchaypoi'm not arguing against static assignment, im arguing that the assignment should be configureable12:06
NgYeah, that is fine12:06
Ngthis is probably something that belongs in a root element, and we can make it as flexible as we want12:07
tchaypowhat's a root element?12:08
tchayposomething other things depend on?12:08
Ngone that contains root.d12:08
Ngthere can only be one in a build, it's essentially the "chosoe your OS"12:08
tchayposo we'd provide a tripleo-uids-map element, and other people can fork and override if they want?12:09
tchaypoor put it in the ubuntu element?12:10
NgI think each element that needs a UID/GID should expose that fact, so the root element can collect the info and either just go with the default values the elements suggest, or apply some operator customisation12:10
Ng(and lint that the resulting IDs make sense)12:10
tchayposo each element grows a uids.d directory maybe?12:11
Ngthe simplest implementation I can think of, would be that the element contains a passwd file and a group file, each containing properly formatted lines. The simplest possible root.d mechanism would just cat those all together, but I suspect it would be better to parse them and feed the data to useradd/groupadd12:13
tchaypohow would operators override?12:13
tchaypofork every element they want to twiddle?12:13
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tchaypo.... That seems to sound a good deal more argumentative than I intended12:16
TheJuliaPerhaps have the logic check to see if the user or group is already present12:16
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NgI think that would be overly burdensome. We could go the REPOREF style route and throw a million env vars at the problem, we could allow them to inject passwd/group file fragments that trump the element defaults, we could make sure that they're able to trump whatever we do with nsswitch.conf, we could allow them to disable us from doing anything because they12:17
Nghave it covered with some other libnss thing they're going to do. I don't know exactly :)12:17
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Ngyeah, any useradd/groupadd should always be guarded by a check for whether it already exists. If they trump us with their own mechanism, that's fine12:18
Ngwe could allow for a single element to provide some kind of map and/or script that trumps whatever we were going to do12:18
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Ngwhatever we do, we need to discuss it out in pretty significant detail, because we need to get it absolutely right12:20
Ngthis was a terrible oversight and it's already going to be complicated enough to fix, without trying to do it a second time ;)12:20
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tchaypoi was suggesting we take a json map12:35
tchaypowhich elements should be able to add to easily - jq makes it easy to munge them together12:35
tchaypobut its also easy for operators to provide a map if they have preferences12:35
tchaypoincludimg scraping from existing images if they have any...12:36
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chmouelsdake: hey there would be nice to get this merged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126484/ so we can get the gate setup after that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126485/12:41
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sdakechmouel I +2'ed the patch12:45
sdakejpeeler rhallisey larsks radez any of you guys around to ack the patch?12:45
chmouelsdake: tks!12:45
larskssdake: commuting.... At office soon.12:46
sdakelarsks tx12:47
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openstackgerrittherese-mchale proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Secure the MySQL bind-address on the undercloud  https://review.openstack.org/12655113:04
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Refactor the Tuskar storage tests  https://review.openstack.org/12566013:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add a generic function for filtering API objects  https://review.openstack.org/12625913:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Changed service configuration table to multiple tabs  https://review.openstack.org/12608713:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Validate JSON  https://review.openstack.org/12648413:44
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larskssdake: here now; what review did you want me to look at?13:48
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jpeeleri think the one i just approved13:49
larsksjpeeler: spiffy.13:54
larskschmouel: can we use a local tool (like "jq") for reformatting, rather than jsonlint.com?  Then we could even build that into local scripts.13:55
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rbradymarios: thanks for the recheck...it seems to be failing for an auth issue that has nothing to do with my patch.  I've been trying to gather enough info to file a bug.13:59
chmouellarsks: yeah sure, what about adding it to tools/validate-samples.sh (only if jq is in the path)13:59
larskschmouel: I was thinking of some sort of "reformat-json" script.13:59
chmouellarsks: I see, yeah, good idea!14:00
larsksActually, just use 'python -mjson.tool', since that is pretty much guaranteed to be available.14:00
larsksDon't bother making it conditonal on other stuff.14:00
larsksAnd then we can have consistent formatting for json files, rather than weird whitespace conflicts because your editor formats json differently from my editor.14:01
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding SNMP related parameters to storage templates  https://review.openstack.org/12656214:14
bnemecSpamapS: tchaypo: I'm basically our de facto Oslo liaison since I'm already at all of the meetings. :-)14:15
derekhHi All, nova is proposing to remove the baremetal driver https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126560/14:16
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derekhSo I've propsed this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126563/14:17
derekhBasically only running CI using ironic, anybody think we should do something else ?14:17
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GheRiverolong live baremetal!14:31
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sdakelarsks sorry went back to bed for a couple hours14:38
sdakelooks like jpeeler got it tho14:38
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: remove "master" from mariadb k8s configs  https://review.openstack.org/12645414:40
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larskssdake: yup, think that is all set.  can you take a look at a couple of trivial changes? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126454/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126453/?14:40
openstackgerritstephen-ma proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add Nova Admin access to neutron.conf  https://review.openstack.org/12657014:42
sdakelarsks I dont think that rename to public keystone services will work - isn't there a reference in the ENV to one of those keystone services?14:43
larskssdake: You might be right.  Let me go fix that.14:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Remove the trailing space in README.md  https://review.openstack.org/12649114:50
chmouelis using supervise within the containers would be a no-no? I understand that in some cases it's one service for one container but in the case of swift it's not something doable to do14:51
larskschmouel: what services need to run in the same container?14:51
* larsks <-- is not familiar with swift.14:52
chmouellarsks: there is bunch of them, but at least the service type i.e: account or container or object daemon and the replication service on the same node14:52
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chmouellarsks: there is the integrity one as well and some others probably14:52
larskschmouel: what actually needs to be shared, though? remember that all the containers in the pod are sharing the same network namespace.  Is that sufficient? Or do they need to share storage?  And can that be handled with volumes-from?14:53
chmouellarsks: well that's another thing to figure out cause if we don't use host volumes directly mapped to a disk within containers we would need to use loopback which has some very bad performances14:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: remove "master" from mariadb k8s configs  https://review.openstack.org/12645414:54
larskschmouel: I didn't follow all that...specfically, what do you mean by "use loopback"?14:56
larsksI was envisioning that one container the pod would handle the storage, and all the other containers would use volumes-from that container.  So now you have shared state and shared network namespace, so maybe you can have one service/container...?14:56
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larsksI am ignoring the lack of supportin k8s for persisnent host storage at the moment (much as we are for the glance and mariadb containers right now).14:57
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Merge register nodes and autodiscover nodes forms  https://review.openstack.org/12657614:58
sdakelarsks I agree there is nothing we can do on that point yet14:59
sdakeI think where we should be headed is make it work non-persistent14:59
radezlarsks: hey are your glance changes posted anywhere? I'm not sure I've seen them come through yet14:59
sdakeby that time, upstream k8s will have persistent storager added to their code base14:59
sdakejpeeler was rabbitmq busted in our repo or did you sort that out?15:00
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untriaged-botNo untriaged bugs so far! \o/15:00
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larsksradez: well, they are still posted where they were yesterday! :)  But they are not in the review chain yet.15:00
larsksI will try to get to that today, meeting permitting.15:00
radezsure, where were they posted yesterday?15:00
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: use renamed mariadb services  https://review.openstack.org/12657815:00
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jpeelersdake: i know jlabocki looked at it some yesterday, but i haven't checked yet15:03
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Initial setup for nova-controller  https://review.openstack.org/12630515:03
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larsksradez: email to openstack-dev15:04
radezlarsks: ah, yes I remmeber seeing that now... thx15:04
larsksradez: let me get the link...15:04
larsksradez: https://github.com/larsks/kolla/tree/larsks/hautoproxy15:05
sdakejpeeler I dont think jlabocki will have much time this week to look at it, so if yo ucould tackle it that would rock :)15:07
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: renamed keystone services  https://review.openstack.org/12645315:11
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Remove -master from README.md  https://review.openstack.org/12659015:17
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Migrate hard-coded values from deploy-ci-overcloud  https://review.openstack.org/11586215:22
chmouellarsks: about container and data, we could potentially do that but that would make the cluster a only one replica cluster15:22
larskschmouel: Things that can be replicated presumably don't need the shared network/storage, so would not need to run in the same pod.15:22
larsksSo we should be able to split those services into separate pods.15:23
clarkbgreghaynes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125475/ see comment15:27
chmouellarsks: yeah i think for replication and things but that's going to make a lot of containers tho15:30
openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan (jp_at_hp) proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Revert "Wait for memory and vcpus from hypervisor stats"  https://review.openstack.org/12659615:30
jp_at_hpslagle: there is an issue with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124105/ - the nodes array outside of tripleo CI can contain the undercloud, meaning that we would be waiting on at least 1 more node than is ever going to register, I think - hence the reversion15:30
larskschmouel: I think that's probably okay.15:31
chmouellarsks: but i don't think i'll have replication at first working, there is still things to figure out about the rings and placement, infromation i don't know in kubernetes15:31
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jp_at_hpslagle: I think it needs a check of -z "${ALL_NODES:-}" to determine whether or not to include .nodes[0] in the calculations.15:31
larskschmouel: Okay, so, let's ignore replication then, and outline what we need as a starting point.15:31
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding SNMP related parameters to storage templates  https://review.openstack.org/12656215:34
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659915:35
larsksradez: there they are ^^^^15:35
slaglejp_at_hp: yea, good point15:35
slaglejp_at_hp: for some reason i was thinking the nodes array was updated to remove the ones used15:35
radezlarsks: I'll try and pull the changes and test them after lunch... barring meeting avilablilty :)15:37
jp_at_hpslagle: gotta love the way that it passed ci so happily though, I knew there was a tradeoff there somewhere ;-)15:37
larsksradez: breakage possible -- I am trying to tease apart my "fixing glance" changes from my "solve service discovery" changes, so there has been a lot of rebasing going on.15:38
radezlarsks: I remember you saying that and wanted to test to help flesh out that separation. I'll let you know if there's any updates that need to be made15:39
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659915:47
daneyon_I am trying to setup my kolla dev env based on https://github.com/larsks/heat-kubernetes Does an F20 image with the updated kernel for vxlan exist anywhere so I don't have to build it myself?15:49
larsksdaneyon_: you can just use the vanilla F20 cloud image and then reboot your minions once things are finished installing.15:49
larsksI think Fedora may have unofficial updated cloud images...15:50
larsks...but I have not had luck trying to find those (the build infra has been having issues every time I look)15:50
daneyon_I'll do that. Thanks larsks.15:50
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openstackgerritPhil Neal proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add Ceilometer configuration ttl setting for expirer  https://review.openstack.org/12660615:55
openstackgerritPhil Neal proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Ceilometer configuration ttl setting for expirer  https://review.openstack.org/12660716:01
openstackgerritPhil Neal proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add Ceilometer configuration ttl setting for expirer  https://review.openstack.org/12660616:03
sdakedaneyon_ use http://paste.fedoraproject.org/139962/41269795 to create images16:06
sdakethis way teardown/setup is fast16:06
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sdakeand it has an updated kernel + apiserver16:06
daneyon_sdake_ I have not used virt-customize before. Do I run virt-customize after downloading and running the standard f20 qcow2 image?16:09
sdakedownlaod f20 image16:09
sdakename it fedora-cloud.qcow216:10
sdakerun that vc script16:10
daneyon_sdake_ OK. I think I got it.16:10
sdakeregister fedora-cloud.qcow2 with glance16:10
sdakeuse that as the image name16:10
sdakedaneyon_ my local.yaml file -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/139966/6983791416:13
sdakelarsks say the developer workflow rocks - nice job on that!16:13
larskssdake: Thanks! Glad it's working out.16:14
sdakeso much better then those hacky build scripts prior16:14
sdakedaneyon_ btw, jpeeler wrote that vc script - just passing it around16:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: use renamed mariadb services  https://review.openstack.org/12657816:15
jpeelersdake: there's a slightly different script in the repo: https://github.com/larsks/heat-kubernetes/blob/master/get-image.sh16:16
sdakejpeeler ok cool16:16
sdakeI just had this on my hd from prior16:16
jpeelerwell just thought i would mention it since daneyon_ was asking how to use virt-customize16:17
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slagleerr, ww16:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: renamed keystone services  https://review.openstack.org/12645316:21
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove cherry pick's  https://review.openstack.org/12661216:26
openstackgerritPhil Neal proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Passthrough-enable ceilometer.conf  https://review.openstack.org/12661416:27
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659916:32
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: do not add image prefix when building  https://review.openstack.org/12661816:34
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SpamapSbnemec: oh lovely. :-D16:37
SpamapSbnemec: (re oslo liason)16:37
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659916:39
sdakeradez what runs on port 9292 - rabbitmq?16:39
radezsdake: glance api16:40
sdakehow do we expose the container port for rabbitmq without triggering the proxy?16:40
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sdakeI had thought 9292 was the rabbit port above16:42
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659916:45
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larsks9292 is glance api.  5672 is rabbitmq or qpid.16:49
larsksbtw...Sorry for all the review spam, I am cleaning up those glance changes and keep finding something new.16:50
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659916:50
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larskssdake: I don't understand your question about rabbitq re: "without triggering the proxy"...16:51
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openstackgerrittherese-mchale proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Allow configurable garp_master_refresh  https://review.openstack.org/12662216:56
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: WIP: Use docker as engine  https://review.openstack.org/12619417:07
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sdakelarsks the containers need to communicate to rabbitmq17:26
larskssdake: Right.17:26
sdakeif we put a portcontainer flag, wont it proxy to the wrong place?17:26
larsksthe containerPort is for services offered by your container.17:26
larsksTo access rabbitmq, you would just use $RABBITMQ_PORT_5672_TCP_ADDR17:26
sdakeok thanks17:26
sdakethat should be fine then17:27
larsks(assuming that corresponding service is named "rbabitmq" and is active and the pod is running)17:27
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jpeelerwhat log file should i be watching to note progress on a pod that is still waiting?17:35
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sdakejpeeler if a pod is waiting it is likely downloading17:37
sdakeyou can login to the machine17:37
sdakeand run sudo docker images17:37
sdakethis will confirm if the image is downloded or not17:37
sdakeafaik there are no logs :(17:37
sdakeonce the image is downloaded17:37
sdakeyou can do17:37
sdakesudo docker ps -a17:37
sdakethis will show all processes that have ever been started by docker17:37
sdakesudo docker logs xyz is anotehr useful command17:38
sdakethe container should log to stderr17:38
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jpeelercool, just thought there might be something for before a container actually is running17:38
sdakeif you find it let me know pls :)17:38
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sdakelibvirt installs 140 packages - true story :)17:39
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jpeelerif my deployment is actually downloading the image, why doesn't docker show the complete picture in docker images?17:39
sdakeit will show via docker images17:39
sdakein the left side it won't be labeled17:39
sdakein the right side, the created will count down17:40
sdaketo the last created one17:40
sdakelogging is clunky - not sure if there is anything better17:40
jpeelerso a <none> is probably the image being downloaded?17:40
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sdakeand if you repeat docker images17:40
sdakefor each layer of the image the date will update17:40
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jpeelersdake: i guess i can't use kollaglue for rabbitmq because nothing has been pushed yet?17:43
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/12267417:46
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larsksjpeeler: were you going to work on the rabbitmq container?17:47
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jpeelerlarsks: trying to, but i'm still trying to learn the basics here17:47
larsksjpeeler: okay.  anything I can help you with?17:47
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jpeelerwell you can confirm that the image is missing from kollaglue because it hasn't been finished, and that i need to build locally and test with that image right?17:48
sdakejpeeler yes, make sure to set tag to latest and your namespace to jpeeler17:49
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sdakein the file17:49
sdakesee in the docs directory17:49
sdakethat will push to your personal docker hub account17:50
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sdakeiirc its called .buildconf17:51
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larskssdake: correct, re: .buildconf, in the repository root.17:58
larsksjpeeler: yes, nobody else has worked on the rabbitmq image yet.17:58
larsksjpeeler: but note that you will need to push the image remotely before you can use it with kubernetes (kube does a "pull" before starting a pod)17:59
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Add service files for libvirt and compute  https://review.openstack.org/12664818:21
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Modify nova-compute pod to operate properly  https://review.openstack.org/12664918:21
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Get to a functional nova-libvirt start  https://review.openstack.org/12665018:21
sdakelarsks/jpeeler/radez can you folks review that ^^18:21
jpeelersince we're on stackforge, can we maybe just do one core reviewer until milestone 2?18:24
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: fix issues with glance scripts  https://review.openstack.org/12659918:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: do not add image prefix when building  https://review.openstack.org/12661818:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Remove -master from README.md  https://review.openstack.org/12659018:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Add service files for libvirt and compute  https://review.openstack.org/12664818:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Modify nova-compute pod to operate properly  https://review.openstack.org/12664918:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Initial setup for nova-controller  https://review.openstack.org/12630518:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Get to a functional nova-libvirt start  https://review.openstack.org/12665018:29
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Update Tuskar Install Documentation  https://review.openstack.org/12559618:42
openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Move install bin from rpm-distro to yum  https://review.openstack.org/12665418:44
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sdakerhallisey I think nova-compute should be responsible for creating the nova db18:48
sdakeand populating keystone therein18:48
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rhalliseysdake, ok that's fine, I wasn't sure what I needed so I used what you had as a template18:51
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gfidentemeeting time? :)19:00
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x start.sh for nova-compute/nova-compute  https://review.openstack.org/12666919:06
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x nova-compute/nova-libvirt/start.sh  https://review.openstack.org/12667019:06
sdakewell that sort of works19:06
sdakelibvirtd needs the debugging19:07
sdakeby sort of, I mean libvirtd starts and spits out errors :(19:07
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sdakenow we need a functional rabbitmq and we can start up nova :)19:11
* jpeeler is debugging "failed to find an IP for pod" for rabbitmq19:13
larsksjpeeler: have you pushed your changes somewhere so we can look at/help debug?19:13
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/os-collect-config: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/12060619:16
jpeelerlarsks: i haven't actually made any changes yet aside from what's already posted here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126037/1/docker/rabbitmq/Dockerfile,unified19:17
larsksjpeeler: Okee dokee.19:17
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/12668419:17
jpeelerlarsks: but it doesn't appear that the container is even starting19:17
larsksLet me take a look.19:18
jpeeleri may just try running in docker directly - i assume that's an okay place to start19:19
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Updated base image in Dockerfile and changed CMD to reference correct file  https://review.openstack.org/12603719:23
jpeelerlarsks: if the container immediately exits and docker logs returns nothing, how do you determine why a container exited?19:23
larsksjpeeler: ^^^ that is just a rebase on master.19:23
larsksjpeeler: start a shell in the container, then run the start script by hand.19:24
sdakejpeeler is your start.sh +x?19:35
jpeelersdake: it is19:35
sdakerun manually19:35
sdakeit will show you the error that way19:35
sdake(dont run with kube)19:35
jpeeleri am, an the broker seems to be going19:35
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jpeelerdon't see anything listening on port 5672 though19:36
larsksjpeeler: check logs? /var/log/rabbitmq I think.19:38
larsksjpeeler: I just built that container with no changes; if I run /start.sh inside the container, I end up with a service listening on port 5672...19:40
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x nova-compute/nova-libvirt/start.sh  https://review.openstack.org/12667019:40
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x start.sh for nova-compute/nova-compute  https://review.openstack.org/12666919:40
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Modify start.sh for nova-compute/nova-compute  https://review.openstack.org/12670019:40
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Change sdake/image to kollaglue/image  https://review.openstack.org/12670119:40
larsks2# ss -tlnp | grep 567219:40
larsksLISTEN     0      128                      :::5672                    :::*      users:(("beam.smp",pid=8,fd=15))19:40
jpeelerlarsks: yeah, i forgot -l to ss >_<19:41
sdakejlabocki had indicated it does not work however19:41
sdaketime for lunch for me, bbiaf :)19:41
jpeelerright, at the container level i'm not seeing anything wrong19:41
sdakedo you have containerPort in your json?19:42
jpeelerthat is present19:42
sdakeand expose?19:42
larsksjpeeler: the .json file is using the wrong image.19:42
larsks        "image": "docker.usersys.redhat.com/larsks/rabbitmq",19:42
jpeelerright, i changed it to mine19:43
sdakeoh ya that will do it :)19:43
sdakeok lunch bbiaf19:43
sdakegood luck :)19:43
jpeelernot seeing an expose anywhere yet19:43
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larsksjpeeler: you wouldn't necessarily need an expose as long as the .json file has the correct containerPort.  And in any case, it should still run.19:47
jpeelerok, if the image is fine as is, time to look into the kubernetes side then19:48
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jpeelerlarsks: this is what i'm getting on the kube master: http://fpaste.org/140047/11551141/19:53
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alexisliCan we update the topic since 1375641 is fixed please?19:57
alexisliAlso I'd like feedback on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125025/ please19:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Revert "Wait for memory and vcpus from hypervisor stats"  https://review.openstack.org/12659620:00
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SpamapSalexisli: ty20:01
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tchaypowell that was boring20:07
tchayponew ptl, just like the old ptl *yawn*20:08
SpamapStchaypo: what? I sang the whole thing20:13
larsksjpeeler: something is odd.20:13
larsksjpeeler: Oh, never mind.20:14
larsksjpeeler: "docker logs" in my kube environment is showing some errors.20:15
jpeelerwell, i don't know why your containers start and mine don't20:17
larsksWell, they promptly fail.  It's just that they do show some errors.20:22
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larsksI am doing a little investigation right now.20:22
jpeelerok this time it did run... i can debug this now that i see the errors too20:22
larsksThis is what I see: http://chunk.io/f/097fd5db4447477f81677c5992c58df420:22
jpeeleryeah i see that too now. i don't know why i wasn't earlier20:23
larsksjpeeler: I figured out the problem.20:26
jpeelersyntax error?20:26
larsksThe rabbitmq container was originally designed to accept the rabbitmq port number via a RABBITMQ_PORT environment variable.  This unfortunately conflicts with a kubernetes-provided variable, which is not just a port number.20:26
larsksSo the init-rabbitmq.sh script needs updating.20:27
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larsksMaybe just replace $RABBITMQ_PORT with something like $RABBITMQ_LISTEN_PORT.20:27
jpeelerhow were you able to determine which env variable it was?20:27
larskswell, looking at /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf and seeing where the bad config was...20:28
larsksAlso, looking at the error message and finding which env var had that content.20:28
larsksOoo, call it RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT, because that's the name in rabbitmq-env.conf.20:29
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larsksjpeeler: with those changes it seems to boot and run in my kubernetes environment.20:34
mordredSpamapS: did you guys ever look at shocco for docs like devstack uses?20:40
mordredSpamapS: we were just integrating devstack docs with infra and it made me think that, given the fact that dib and devstack _both_ have tons of shell, it might be an alignment point or something20:41
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jpeelerlarsks: after updating and pushing the image, the only thing required would be to delete the pod and redeploy?20:43
larsksjpeeler: should be, yes.20:45
larsksHeading out now; back online later this evening.20:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add SwiftMinPartHours parameter  https://review.openstack.org/12109420:51
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untriaged-botNo untriaged bugs so far! \o/21:00
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sdakenice work jpeeler larsks21:06
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jpeelersdake: i'm considering this "practice" for my next container21:06
sdakemight as well tackle heat next unless someone already has it21:07
jpeeleri'll verify what larsks said and if all is well will commit it21:07
sdakeso is the container definately operational then?21:07
sdakeand a git review out?21:07
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sdakejpeeler cool21:09
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sdake_rhallisey/jpeeler can you two review https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:stackforge/kolla,n,z plz21:27
sdake_i want to reorg the repo a bit21:27
sdake_and need the changes merged before i do so21:28
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sdake_chmouel around?21:30
chmouelsdake_: yeah21:30
sdake_for the json blueprint can you mark it done?21:30
chmouelsdake_: almost before going to sleep :)21:30
chmouelsdake_: yep will do21:30
sdake_just 1 click needed :)21:30
chmouelheh perfect!21:30
sdake_two more blueprints implemented yay :)21:30
chmouelparty time!21:31
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sdake_larsks when you get a chance can you mark the workflow blueprint as done in the launchpad tracker?21:37
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Updated base image in Dockerfile and changed CMD to reference correct file  https://review.openstack.org/12603721:51
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rhalliseysdake, why do you think that nova-compute should be creating the database?21:57
sdake_it is the first thing that starts21:57
rhalliseysdake, looking into this more I was thinking the nova-controller should create it21:58
sdake_the stuff your working on accesses compute21:58
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rhalliseywell there will be essentially only one controller21:58
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rhalliseyvs many many computes I guess21:59
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sdake_ya that makes sense22:01
rhalliseyalso, shouldn't the controller be deployed first22:01
sdake_it shouldn't matter22:02
sdake_if either is started first, nova should still operate22:02
rhalliseycompute won't really do anything without nova-api ect..22:03
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sdake_well make some patches then :)22:04
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sdake_what services should be in the controller vs compute?22:04
sdake_does copmute currently contain everyting needed?22:04
sdake_can you and jpeeler work through the review queue, I want to mov ethe k8s files around22:05
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rhalliseyya sure22:05
* jpeeler already did22:05
rhalliseysdake_, ya I think compute has everything it needs22:06
sdake_thanks jpeeler22:06
sdake_rhallisey can you ack the review queue if the patches look good22:06
rhalliseyon it22:06
sdake_i would like to get nova wrapped up by wed, I am out of office thur/fri22:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x start.sh for nova-compute/nova-compute  https://review.openstack.org/12666922:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: chmod +x nova-compute/nova-libvirt/start.sh  https://review.openstack.org/12667022:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Modify start.sh for nova-compute/nova-compute  https://review.openstack.org/12670022:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Change sdake/image to kollaglue/image  https://review.openstack.org/12670122:10
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sdake_later radez22:13
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sdake_one more rhallisey22:19
sdake_and then we are rockin :)22:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Updated base image in Dockerfile and changed CMD to reference correct file  https://review.openstack.org/12603722:20
greghaynesaye, debugging CI fails for HA without all the logs going to one box is.... not so fun22:20
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rhalliseysdake, oh we're rockin22:20
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to stackforge/kolla: Reorganize k8s structure  https://review.openstack.org/12674422:33
sdakerhallisey jpeeler ok that should do it if you could have a look at that change22:33
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rhalliseysdake, ok22:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/kolla: Reorganize k8s structure  https://review.openstack.org/12674422:40
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sdakerhallisey take care to make sure two folks have reviewed a patch :)22:41
greghayneswow, systemd has its own remote logging / forwarding system22:41
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rhalliseyaccidents happen o.o22:42
* greghaynes weeps22:42
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nibalizergreghaynes: and its cryptographically signed, and there are QR codes so you can verify the fingerprint on your phone...22:44
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greghaynesso now the question becomes - do we use rsyslog to forward logs in the name of consistency with other distros, or do we try out the systemd-journal-remote22:44
greghaynesnibalizer: oh, well that makes the decision easy then22:44
greghaynesoh my god is that really his g+ name22:45
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sdaketwo poterrings22:50
sdakedoes the world really need two22:50
sdakedid I jus tsay that out loud ;-)22:50
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sdakejpeeler so mariadb is set then?22:52
sdakerather rabbitmq22:52
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jpeelersdake: i believe so.  i had a sort of crazy idea of making a clients container that tested each deployed service23:06
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tchayposuch poettering23:13
tchaypomuch sealing23:13
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Rotate an SSH key for tchaypo  https://review.openstack.org/12675023:19
sdakejpeeler YES23:21
sdakejpeeler I intend to do that as well23:21
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sdakeand make it a gate23:21
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sdakesuch a gate would be hugely helpful23:21
sdakeif you want to tackle it it would have huge impact23:22
sdakeI was also thinking of a tempest style gate along the same lines23:23
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sdakeit doesn't even have to be a container, could just be a gate in general23:24
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sdakezugh 350 bashate error(s) found23:35
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