Tuesday, 2015-09-15

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untriaged-botNo untriaged bugs so far! \o/03:00
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a new element hpdsa  https://review.openstack.org/22088803:35
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jprovaznshardy: good morning06:43
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shardyjprovazn: hi!06:55
jprovaznshardy: hi, here are the times of getting resources and events on 50 nodes - https://gist.github.com/jprovaznik/aee95bf6e0056fd4fcce06:58
jprovaznshardy: the script is bellow times06:58
shardydtantsur|afk: Hey, when you're around can you check if there's a problem with discoverd pacakaging?06:59
shardyERROR:delorean:Error while building packages for openstack-ironic-discoverd07:00
shardyjprovazn: thanks, looking07:00
jprovaznshardy: IOW getting resources takes 50-77s (depending on buffer cache), then getting events time is linear to number of nodes07:00
shardyjprovazn: Well the time is spent getting events for every single resource isn't it?07:02
shardyjprovazn: It would probably be quicker to get all resources per-stack, instead of per-resource07:03
jprovaznshardy: you mean all events per-stack, don't you?07:03
jprovaznshardy: yes, if it's already possible to get nested events for the whole stack, I can improve this on client side07:04
shardySorry yes -ENOCOFFEE07:04
shardyjprovazn: Can you time heat resource-list -n5 overcloud && time heat event-list -n5 overcloud?07:04
shardyI can also try running your reproducer locally but I'm already familiar with the heatclient code07:05
shardythe event-list code takes the per-stack approach already07:05
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jprovaznshardy: once mwagner is online I will ask him (+6 TZ)07:05
shardyas mentioned yesterday it should be possible to optimise that via a new flag to the event API, similar to that already in the resource-list API07:05
shardywe'll have to be (very) quick if that's needed for Liberty tho07:05
shardyit's been on my todo list with about 100 other things ;)07:06
jprovaznshardy: I tried event-list -n5 on my local setup and it was slow like a hell yesterday07:06
shardyjprovazn: Yeah, it is slow unfortunately07:06
shardyjprovazn: I need to spend this morning on the recursive validation stuff for jdob but I'll try to carve out an hour this afternoon to look at adding a nested-depth argument to the event list API07:07
jprovaznshardy: thanks07:07
shardyperhaps you can then test it & we can quantify if it's worth pushing to get it into liberty or not07:07
jprovaznshardy: yes, though07:08
jprovaznshardy: supposing we improve event-list to be resurcive07:08
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jprovaznthen I can save ~20 secs, but 50s-70s for getting resources remains07:08
jprovaznshardy: https://gist.github.com/jprovaznik/aee95bf6e0056fd4fcce#file-script-L2207:09
jprovazn^ this one takes the longest time07:09
jprovaznshardy: then getting events for UpdateDeployment resources takes about nodes_num/2 secs07:10
shardyjprovazn: You don't have any print with times around the all_res = heat.resources.list(stack.id, nested_depth=5) ?07:10
jprovaznshardy: I have - it's the first time in each run07:11
jprovaznxxx0 prefix07:11
shardyOh right, sorry I see it now07:11
* shardy really does need more coffee07:11
jprovaznhaha, no worries - to output is not good, I put quickly for mark at the EOD07:12
shardyjprovazn: my point is if you can get a recursive list of all resources, you may not need the recursive resource list anymore07:12
shardye.g like in the hook-poll heatclient code07:13
shardythat shouldn't be that slow though, I'll try to figure out where the bottleneck is07:13
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shardyhow loaded is the undercloud?07:13
jprovaznshardy: it's true I wouldn't have to do it if I'd like to just find out "is there some hook reached"07:13
jprovaznshardy: but for the CLI workflow07:13
jprovaznshardy: I also show which were already completed, which didn't start07:14
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jprovaznshardy: and I need resource-list for this07:14
shardyjprovazn: Ok, cool, well lets take it as two problems and I'll try to reproduce both issues later07:14
jprovaznshardy: these numbers from the scale lab - I don't have access to it but we can check with Mark in the afternoon07:15
jprovaznshardy: ok, thanks07:15
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shardyjprovazn: In future it'd be cool if we could figure out an easy way to reproduce "heat is slow" issues under a profiler, as it would save a lot of time attempting to reproduce locally07:16
jprovaznshardy: +107:17
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d0ugaljprovazn: Is the StackUpdateManager in tripleo-common used for CREATE and UPDATE?07:31
jprovaznd0ugal: for stack update only07:31
d0ugaljprovazn: Thanks - I am trying to figure out the best way to mover over the tripleocommon deploy code07:32
jprovaznd0ugal: cool!07:33
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d0ugaljprovazn: scale.py is just for scaling the different roles?07:35
jprovaznd0ugal: yes07:35
d0ugalupdate.py is just for updating packages?07:35
jprovaznd0ugal: yes07:35
jprovaznd0ugal: and stack_update for running a general stack-update with breakpoints07:35
d0ugaljprovazn: Then what is stack_update for? :)07:35
jprovazn^ this one has quite confusing name :/07:35
d0ugalGonna add some comments07:35
d0ugaljprovazn: I thought we didn't support scale down yet?07:36
jprovaznd0ugal: we do07:37
d0ugaloh, cool07:37
jprovaznd0ugal: the scale down - you can scale down just by decreasing number or by removing particular nodes07:38
jprovazntripleo-common implements removing specific nodes (for scaling down be removing any nodes - there is no job to do - just updating stack)07:38
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d0ugaljprovazn: Neat, I see that now.07:52
d0ugalSorry got distracted by coffee :)07:52
jprovaznd0ugal: same distraction here ;)07:52
d0ugaljprovazn: scaleup seems to assume Tuskar, wont that be an issue? https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-common/blob/master/tripleo_common/scale.py#L4907:54
d0ugalThe others seem to have if self.tuskarclient07:54
d0ugalSorry for the quite possibly silly questions :)07:54
jprovaznd0ugal: scaleup is obsolete since openstack overcloud deploy takes care of this07:55
jprovaznd0ugal: tuskar can be removed in future too :)07:55
jprovazn*tuskar support07:55
d0ugaljprovazn: Yup, can't wait for that \o/07:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Allow a user to specify the syslog address for HAProxy  https://review.openstack.org/22259508:08
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trellooobot| Title                        |              URL              | Members           | Last Active |08:13
trellooobot| Package builds failing in CI | https://trello.com/c/1kCLMvMB | **NEEDS MEMBERS** |    1 min    |08:13
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin Delorean  https://review.openstack.org/22347608:24
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Get a reference to the delorean dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/22347908:35
derekhhey look a passing ha job https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223211/08:36
openstackjistr: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.08:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Include the puppet-pacemaker environment in the HA job  https://review.openstack.org/22321108:40
derekhjistr: this is fixing probably a completly different problem to the one we had pre last week, for starters in instack now and on centos08:40
jistrderekh: yeah i think so. i'm thinking we got around the problem we had before (with an updated corosync) by switching to centos which probably doesn't have the problematic corosync version08:41
derekhjistr: yup08:41
gfidentejistr, was looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218930/1/puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller_pacemaker.pp,cm08:46
gfidenteis memecached in that list for future use?08:46
jistrnot sure what you mean by future use?08:49
gfidenteI think keystone is not using memecahed08:50
gfidentebut it might08:50
gfidenteoh it's in the ref arch anyway08:51
jistrah right. Yes it's mainly to get in sync with the ref arch i'd say, as that's what they test failures on etc.08:52
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1257414 in openstack-tripleo-heat-templates "[HA] critical resource constraints missing from pacemaker config make things go kaboom" [Urgent,On_qa] - Assigned to jstransk08:53
gfidentevery creative in the bug title08:55
gfidenteI think we need to remove the start-delay=10s for the nova resources as well08:55
gfidentesomeone pointed me at that the other day08:55
jistrdid we add that for some reason though?08:56
jistroof i just noticed i rechecked the patches in vain as CI is red08:56
jistri guess this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223476/08:57
jistrcould help08:57
gfidentejistr, I couldn't figure where they came frm08:57
gfidenteI found those for some resources in older commits of astapor08:57
gfidente(for some nova resources)08:57
gfidenteso I think was an unfortunate copy08:57
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use alternative trunk repository  https://review.openstack.org/22348709:00
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:09:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1495860 in diskimage-builder ""disk-image-create ironic-agent fedora iso -o my-deploy-ramdisk" failed" [Undecided,New]09:00
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jistrgfidente: right, if it's not in ref arch it should probably go away09:05
gfidentejistr, waiting for dprince09:06
gfidenteextra eyes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/222497/ would help09:06
jistrack, looking09:07
gfidenteit's something in between hard and impossible to test :(09:07
gfidenteI'm trying something like deploy two overclouds, abandoning one and setting static ips like the first for the second09:08
spredzyjistr, have you tried to deploy today ? While running openstack overcloud deploy --templates it kicks me with PKI initilization in init-keystone is deprecated and will be removed ... then it tries to ssh into a machine with heat-admin and go a permiession denied09:12
jistrspredzy: i got permission denied yesterday on a different delorean URL i think, that's what made me switch to what's in CI. After the switch i didn't get to a successful deployment. Instack VM didn't get an IP on previous run, i'm trying again now.09:14
pino|workjistr: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217511/09:17
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spredzyjistr, ack, let me know if you get any success, so far - starting from a fresh machine this morning - most repo/package issue were gone09:18
jistrhmm still the same. instack-virt-setup keeps printing09:20
jistr"instack never got an IP address from the libvirt default network."09:20
jistrspredzy: ^09:20
* jistr will reprovision to clean the env09:21
jistri think i got further with this delorean url previously09:21
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Rewrite baseurl after packages are built  https://review.openstack.org/22347909:21
spredzyjistr, sudo virsh undefine instack. Make sure you have used this url http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/38/1c/381cac9139096bfef49952f3fd67e19451160b61_4bc2d731/delorean.repo  and relaunch instack-virt-setup09:23
jistrspredzy: yeah i virsh udefine all the machines09:24
jistrspredzy: i tried with the URL you posted previously, now i was trying with the URL from the CI, which i thought would work, given that CI works...09:25
jistrspredzy: this https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/toci_instack.sh#L16409:25
spredzyjistr, ack. But weird, I got it working this am09:26
jistrtrying again with the 381ca URL09:30
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jistrhmm same result... something's wrong :) i really need to reprovision i guess09:37
spredzyOn my side for more info, the puppet stuff went fine, the post initialisation setup failed (init-keystone)09:38
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Rewrite baseurl after packages are built  https://review.openstack.org/22347909:55
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use alternative trunk repository  https://review.openstack.org/22348709:57
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jprovaznshardy: you around?10:17
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use alternative trunk repository  https://review.openstack.org/22348710:18
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin Delorean  https://review.openstack.org/22347610:18
jprovaznshardy: when looking at events code in engine, it seems that I can get all events for a tenant https://github.com/openstack/heat/blob/master/heat/engine/service.py#L125410:19
jprovaznshardy: I wonder if it's too crazy to try this for getting all events :)10:20
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jprovazn(supposing that single OC is supported and events would be deleted with stack)10:21
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shardyjprovazn: Hmm, I'm not sure if/how you can actually hit that code..10:22
shardyI suspect the API forces you to provide a stack identity10:23
shardyjprovazn: the other issue is you may find the tenant-wide list includes events for previously (soft) deleted stacks10:23
jprovaznshardy: kk, I expected a blocker like this10:24
d0ugalIs there anything stopping us removing Tuskar support now?10:24
shardyjprovazn: what we need is a new "nested_depth" argument there, and replace the get_all_by_tenant query with a recursive DB lookup10:24
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the unused scaleup command  https://review.openstack.org/22350410:24
jprovaznshardy: yep10:25
shardyjprovazn: Yeah, I can't see a way to hit that via either the native or CFN API, I suspect it's dead code10:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin Delorean  https://review.openstack.org/22347610:28
jprovaznshardy: kk, nvm, trying to add nested_depth10:28
shardyjprovazn: Ok, cool - you can refer to jdob's recursive validation patch to see what needs changing to update the API & RPC API10:29
shardybasically the same as his wiring in show_nested10:29
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jprovaznshardy: hm, I'm using resource's nested code10:32
jprovaznshardy: should I stick with this new one instead?10:33
shardyjprovazn: It doesn't matter really - I just wanted to point out how to wire in the new parameter10:33
jprovaznok, thanks10:34
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Rewrite baseurl after packages are built  https://review.openstack.org/22347910:44
openstackgerritPino Toscano proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: validate json/yaml files  https://review.openstack.org/22352010:49
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: [WIP] Remove Tuskar support  https://review.openstack.org/22352711:16
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derekhshardy: thanks fixed the duplicate day  in the commit message https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223538/12:02
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shardyderekh: Hey, any idea what the status of CI is atm, I got some fast failures earlier failing to build discoverd packages, ring any bells?12:03
derekhshardy: should be ok now https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223476/12:03
slaglesuspect it's the delorean maintenance12:03
shardyderekh: aha, thanks!12:04
* shardy rechecks things12:04
derekhslagle: shardy a commit merged in delorean last night so it now depends on a new liberty repository12:04
derekhslagle: shardy I'm trying a more correct fix here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223479/12:05
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trownEmilienM: I have a question regarding OPM... looking at the other modules it looks like every option is "optional", if ironic-inspector would not work without an option being set (keystone auth_url for example) is it really optional?12:11
jistrgfidente: did the reviews, had to think a bit to grasp how it all works, it's a complex thing to solve :) looks good12:12
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gfidentejistr, hey thanks!12:18
gfidenteI have a sample static-ips.yaml which can be used to test the static ips assignment12:18
gfidentethe external lb stuff is harder to test honestly12:18
gfidenteand I'm still messing a little with the different network Ports arguments12:19
gfidentestatic-ips http://fpaste.org/267403/12:22
EmilienMtrown: openstack is providing default values isn't?12:22
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trownEmilienM: for some things there are not sane defaults12:24
trownlike IPs and passwords12:24
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EmilienMtrown: you would really follow how other puppet modules do12:25
EmilienMtrown: if you have any doubt, send the patch and we will review together12:26
trownEmilienM: ok, I should have a WIP today sometime, thanks12:27
EmilienMtrown: cool12:27
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jistrspredzy: one more thing which might be useful in future debugging -- state can creep in from previous instack runs via ~/.cache/image-create or ~/.cache/tripleo (not sure which one it was in my latest issue, but removing those helped)12:45
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d0ugalslagle: I am working on a docs patch now :)12:46
slaglecool thx12:46
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d0ugalslagle: and going to email the list - proposing that we only remove CLI for now as we don't have an alternative GUI.12:47
slaglegui is actually broken now anyway due to horizon in delorean12:47
d0ugaloh :)12:47
slagleno one must be using it12:48
d0ugalakrivoka: ^12:48
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derekhslagle: FYI meeting time change has merged13:01
slaglederekh: yo that was quick13:01
slaglei look forward to increased meeting participation!13:01
derekhslagle: wasn't it, I'll mail the list now13:02
derekhslagle: yup, looking forward to being at more of them13:02
slagleit won't just be me complimenting jdob's hairstyle13:02
jdobdamnit, that was one of the few motivating factors of my week :(13:03
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spredzyjistr, thanks for the heads up13:08
spredzyjistr, did you make it all the way ?13:08
jistrspredzy: running install undercloud now (had to switch the keystone heat domain relationship, re-run is going fine so far)13:09
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dprincederekh: looks like the DELOREAN repo traffic is really slow this morning13:35
dprincederekh: jobs failing because the disk-images fail to build...13:35
derekhdprince: ya ? in CI or locally ? there13:35
dprincederekh: in CI only13:36
dprincederekh: works for me13:36
derekhdprince: there was talk of switching DNS to a diferent server before tonights 24HR outage13:36
dprincederekh: also, looks like we might should set HOST_IP to something earlier in the script so postci doesn't fail13:36
derekhdprince: there was failures earlier but here gone now, can you point me at a slowness error13:37
dprincederekh: http://logs.openstack.org/87/223487/3/check-tripleo/gate-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f21puppet-nonha/981d0da/console.html13:37
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pino|workslagle, thrash: hi, would you be available in a couple of hours to discuss further (better than in a review request) about virt-dib integration?13:38
derekhdprince: that patch is me trying to switch the trunk server we point at13:38
derekhdprince: i.e. I screwed up the patch13:38
slaglepino|work: i can do it now13:38
dprincederekh: oh, I see13:38
pino|workslagle: i cannot now :/13:39
slaglepino|work: ok, what time works?13:39
thrashpino|work: most likely, yes13:39
pino|workslagle: in ~2h and on13:39
slaglepino|work: how about we just say 1600UTC? that 2h20m from now13:40
pino|workslagle: works for me13:40
slagleok, i'll be around13:41
thrashpino|work: slagle wfm13:41
spredzyslagle, when the overcloud finish to provision and it runs init-keystone it tries to connect as heat-admin (https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/blob/master/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py#L700)13:47
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spredzyto an URL that does not belong to the oc controller13:47
spredzybut when connecting to centos@controller0 everything work as expected13:48
spredzydoes that ring a bell ?13:48
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove workaround to make TE_DATAFILE relative  https://review.openstack.org/22359513:49
spredzyslagle, logs -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/463010/13:51
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Stop creating id_rsa_virt_power  https://review.openstack.org/22359813:51
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove code to pull clone repositories  https://review.openstack.org/22240613:53
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop building tuskar-ui-extras  https://review.openstack.org/22240713:53
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop building ironic-discoverd  https://review.openstack.org/22240813:53
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove support for mgt-master branches  https://review.openstack.org/22359913:53
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop running delorean twice  https://review.openstack.org/22360013:54
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slaglespredzy: yes, kind of. i suspect you might have old code somewhere13:55
spredzyslagle, ack will redeploy from scratch and remove the ~/.cache as jistr suggested above13:55
slaglejust a sec13:56
slaglegive me a few to track down how we fixed the heat-admin/centos thing13:56
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slaglethere was a patch to tripleo-heat-templates13:56
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slaglespredzy: do you have this patch in your templates? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/22005713:58
* spredzy checks13:58
slaglespredzy: and this patch for python-tripleoclient? https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/243712/13:59
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spredzyslagle, so no and no :)14:05
spredzyThat might explain it :)14:05
spredzyI will redeploy cleaning the cache14:06
slaglewhere do you have those packages installed from?14:06
slagleand what versions, etc14:06
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spredzyslagle, openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-0.8.7-dev185.el7.centos.noarch and python-rdomanager-oscplugin-0.0.9-dev141.el7.centos.noarch14:10
slaglespredzy: hmm, i think those might be ok actually14:14
slaglespredzy: i do have a patch out to update the delorean repos in the docs: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223293/14:15
slaglethat should be closer to what CI is doing14:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Consume the NeutronMechanismDrivers from the hiera data  https://review.openstack.org/21464914:15
slaglei didnt test a full oc deployment though14:15
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spredzyslagle, will rebuild the role with the new repos and let you know14:21
openstackgerritRob Pothier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Port Cisco Nexus/UCSM ExtraConfig to AllNodes  https://review.openstack.org/21569414:25
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use SEED_IP to decide it we can ssh to the undercloud  https://review.openstack.org/22361214:26
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derekhdprince: ^^ should get rid of the "unbound variable" error you saw14:26
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop running delorean twice  https://review.openstack.org/22360014:28
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dprincederekh: nice, looking14:28
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: [WIP] Remove Tuskar support  https://review.openstack.org/22352714:29
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use SEED_IP to decide if we can ssh to the undercloud  https://review.openstack.org/22361214:40
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:15:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1495860 in diskimage-builder ""disk-image-create ironic-agent fedora iso -o my-deploy-ramdisk" failed" [Undecided,New]15:00
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove workaround to make TE_DATAFILE relative  https://review.openstack.org/22359515:04
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Allow for assignment of pre-allocated IPs to the Controller nodes  https://review.openstack.org/22249715:04
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jprovaznshardy, hi again15:12
shardyjprovazn: hi15:12
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jprovaznshardy, I added nested_depth support to events list, but it doesn't help much - I think major bottleneck is going through all resources to find all nested stacks15:14
shardyjprovazn: Ok, so we have to come up with a smarter DB query instead of walking the entire tree in memory I guess15:16
jprovaznshardy, +1, ideally getting all resources in one query (=> this would imply having a "root stack id")15:17
openstackgerritTimothy Swanson proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Support new form of servers config for ML2 cisco nexus allnodes config.  https://review.openstack.org/22327115:18
jprovaznshardy, zaneb pointed me to stevebaker's patch https://github.com/openstack/heat/commit/be41d08a44c6769743241515e8afb16e09077422 which did some db optimization for resource counting, I will look at it tomorrow15:19
shardyjprovazn: yeah I was just thinking about that15:19
shardyjprovazn: I guess we may need a new column in the DB tho, similar to the nested_depth that's passed down from the parent15:20
shardyjprovazn: thanks for digging into it - if I get the chance I'll chat to stevebaker about it later15:20
jprovaznshardy, one question about the root id...15:21
jprovaznshardy, it's not possible that some stack would be part of other 2 stacks, is it?15:21
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jprovazn"part of" == has more than one parent15:21
shardyjprovazn: not unless something has gone very wrong ;)15:22
jprovazn:) ok, cool15:22
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Allow for usage of pre-allocated IPs for the Controller nodes  https://review.openstack.org/22249715:23
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jistrspredzy: so yeah the same issue -- Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).16:00
jistron overcloud init16:00
jistrsomehow the undercloud stack user's key didn't get inserted to the overcloud image probably16:01
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spredzyjistr, I updated the packages in my undercloud with the repo slagle pointed me to  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/22329316:03
spredzyprocessing, heat stack-delete failed :( so I removed everything and re-buidling pltfm from scratch16:03
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jistrre updated repo -- i tried with that yesterday, that's the repo used in CI :)16:04
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slaglepino|work: sorry, i'm hear now16:04
jistrspredzy: though not the rest of what's in that doc, i'll try that next then16:05
pino|workslagle: heya, me too16:05
slaglethe cloud instance i use for irc got shutdown!16:05
pino|workplanned maintenance16:05
slagleyea, i saw :)16:06
pino|workslagle: so, basically what i'm working on is integrating virt-dib into the image generation workflow (as you can see as well, from the review requests)16:06
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pino|workmy approach was to KISS, as it didn't seem much worth in building up an internal infrastructure only for few differencies16:07
slaglepino|work: are you talking about me asking for the cli arg, or the class inheritance?16:08
pino|workthis was the latter16:08
* pino|work was writing the rest16:09
slagleok, so, yea, i think the judging of "simple" here can be subjective16:09
slaglepersonally i think the class would be simpler, but as i said in the review i'm not going to block or -1 on account of that16:09
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pino|workregarding the choice of tool, i admit i was a bit biased, being the author of it :) but i guess there needs to be any sort of "policy" for using either16:10
pino|workah, thrash ^16:10
slaglepino|work: i dont think we need a policy, but i'm not opposed to one. i am kind of opposed of not having the choice to directly choose though16:12
slaglewithout having to install/uninstall a package16:12
slagleif i do have virt-dib installed, i should have to uninstall it just to use dib instead16:12
pino|workwell, "how to choose which tool to use" is a policy after all, isn't it? ;)16:12
slagleerr, "shouldn't have to"16:13
slaglepino|work: thought you meant a coded policy to pick16:13
pino|worki see16:13
pino|workwould a cli arg the best approach here?16:14
pino|work(not arguing, just collecting more pro's/con's)16:14
slaglethat's my preference16:14
slaglenot sure if thrash has an opinion on it16:14
pino|workdo we have the concept of configuration, in the cli?16:14
slaglei don't think so really16:15
slaglethere are cli args and environment varaible, but no config file for the cli itself16:15
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pino|workslagle: regarding the ci, that was my step after the initial support16:20
pino|workthe only issue might be the version of the distro used in the undercloud, when the images are built16:20
pino|workvirt-dib is in libguestfs >= 1.30, available since f22+ (and hopefully in rhel 7.3+)16:21
slaglewell, if we wanted to ci this (and i'm not saying we do), we'd have to add support for f2216:23
slaglealso dont you need a running libvirt to talk to?16:23
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slaglewhile we have libvirt in our ci environment for our virt testing, it isn't really meant to be used in this way16:24
slaglethe udnercloud is already a vm itself16:24
pino|worki know16:25
slagleso there would be no kvm support offered for guests on the undercloud16:25
pino|workan option here could be move the OC image generation out of the UC16:25
pino|workconsidering that libguestfs tools run fine as user, this could improve a bit the deployment workflow16:26
pino|workafter all, currently we support deploying with UC and OC images already built, so prebuilding them with virt-dib would not change this16:27
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slagleyea, i could see that16:27
pino|workand actually, could simplify the workflow, where the only difference between having the images and building them would be an initial step only16:28
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derekhslagle: I'll be gone soon the, if the RDO switch over to a temporary server cause problems later, here is my attempt to use our own mirror https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223487/16:31
derekhslagle: although it probably wont be needed16:31
slaglederekh: ok, thanks16:33
slaglethere supposed to be done at 9pm EDT?16:34
slaglei'll keep an eye on rdo-list for any updates16:34
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derekhslagle: lol, forget about it, I thought it was starting tonight ....16:36
slagleoh i see :)16:37
derekhwell at least I know what needs to happen to mirror it in future when I start creating a new mirror server16:37
slagleit should be a seemless switch back once the new server is up since they are using update the dns record16:37
derekhyup, basically I should have had that patch lined up yesterday not today16:38
jrollother than the whole 'tests are failing' part, which is pretty likely unrelated... any reason we can't land this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209079/16:40
jrollwe really want to get that deprecated in Liberty16:40
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pino|workslagle: would be acceptable to do the "generate OC in seed" step even right now, using dib?16:49
thrashpino|work: slagle I would prefer some type of cli arg16:50
thrashpino|work: there is actually no reason that the image creation needs to happen on the undercloud16:51
thrashthat command doesn't require auth.16:51
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pino|workfor auth you mean root?16:51
thrashpino|work: no, OS auth16:51
thrashOS == OpenStack16:51
slaglepino|work: what do you mean "generate OC in seed"? build the images on the seed or undercloud? we do that now16:52
pino|workslagle: what we just said above: instead of build the OC image in UC, build it on seed or "outside"16:52
thrashtripleoclient rpm should have all the necessary deps to be able to do that.16:53
slagleah. we only have a single bootstrap node16:53
slagleit's just the undercloud16:53
slaglebut yea as thrash says, it's possible16:54
pino|workok, can start that as well16:55
slagleyea, for diskimage-builder it should work16:55
slagledon't know about virt-dib, you're not on the same host as libvirt16:56
pino|workdoesn't matter, it can use libvirt only to run its own vm (called appliance)16:56
slagleright, but that libvirt won't have kvm16:56
pino|worknoted; we'll see how it can perform16:57
slaglepino|work: ok. one other thing i thought is that might be good to email the list about this new approach16:58
slaglemake sure folks are aware of the patches, etc16:58
slaglei dont know that anyone would object16:59
slaglebut, we should give it a little more awareness i think16:59
pino|workmakes sense16:59
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lucasagomeshey folks, can I get some eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/194161/2 ? This is a requirement for deprecating the bash ramdisk17:07
lucasagomeswe want to do it in L17:07
lucasagomesthe patch is hanging there for a long time already17:08
slaglelucasagomes: it's actually not clear to me what the deprecation relationship is between dib and ironic17:09
lucasagomesslagle, the bash ramdisk is only built by using DIB17:10
lucasagomesand that ramdisk is now deprecated in Ironic17:10
lucasagomesit uses specific endpoints of the API to talk to Ironic and those endpoints are already deprecated in Ironic17:11
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lucasagomesslagle, so with those patches we want to, 1) convert the tripleo-CI to use IPA instead of the bash ramdisk 2) add a deprecation warning when one build the bash ramdisk in DIB so they will know it may not work with future version of ironic17:11
slaglelucasagomes: right, so given dib is independently released, when we deprecate the bash ramdisk, how long does it have to stay there?17:11
slaglewell, tripleo-ci doesnt use devtest anymore17:12
pino|workslagle, thrash: btw, thanks for the discussions and inputs17:12
lucasagomesslagle, we want to keep it deprecated in Mitaka and remove it after it17:12
lucasagomesslagle, right, but it doesn't use the tripleo-incubator scripts to build the images? (re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210461/)17:13
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slagleit doesnt, we switched a little bit ago17:14
slaglei'm not saying we can't deprecate17:14
slagletripleo uses deprecated stuff all the time (unfortunately)17:14
slaglebut we'd need to update17:14
lucasagomesslagle, right, can we add the deprecated messages to the deploy-ironic element17:15
lucasagomesand in parallel I can modify the new way we run the tripleo-ci to test IPA instead?17:15
lucasagomes(so it won't use deprecated stuff)17:15
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slagleyea, we can add the message. i think the reason that hasn't happened is b/c the patch has not passed ci17:17
lucasagomesslagle, this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209079/ ?17:17
* lucasagomes checks 17:17
slaglei gather the ci failure is unrelated17:17
lucasagomesI will remove the Depends-On from the commit message there as well and it will rerun the tests17:17
lucasagomes(the depends-on is pointing to the tripleo-incubator scripts)17:18
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Deprecate the deploy-ironic element  https://review.openstack.org/20907917:18
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Deprecate the deploy-ironic element  https://review.openstack.org/20907917:18
slaglei'll have another look when i can, but it's hard to get motivated to merge stuff when we have enough ci issues as well17:18
slagleeven though it's unrelated17:18
lucasagomesslagle, yeah, I understand, it's just that we don't want to say it's deprecated in ironic and not in DIB17:19
lucasagomesit may be confusing for the users17:19
lucasagomesslagle, but anyway, we plan to leave the endpoints there for the M cycle so it gives us time to fix the CI17:19
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trownEmilienM: thanks for the review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223690/ I have a follow-up PS ready to go up, but I have a couple questions18:50
trown1) For the acceptance tests, ironic-inspector would need to be on delorean?18:51
EmilienMtrown: yes for 1/18:51
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trown2) for your comment about puppet not conflicting with packaging, do you just mean to remove the directory part? or the files too?18:52
trownEmilienM: ok, I am working on getting it to delorean...it is not there yet though18:52
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EmilienMtrown: if there is no package today, then let's move forward and add acceptance later18:55
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EmilienMI don't want to block the dev here18:55
trownEmilienM: cool, I will take on adding the acceptance tests after getting it into delorean18:56
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Remove .tx/config  https://review.openstack.org/22376019:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: switch to vxlan by default  https://review.openstack.org/21572619:04
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add YAML sanity check  https://review.openstack.org/22376619:09
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Added home-page value with openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/22377619:33
openstackgerritTzu-Mainn Chen proposed openstack/tripleo-specs: Spec for TripleO overcloud deployment library and API  https://review.openstack.org/21975419:38
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add YAML sanity check  https://review.openstack.org/22376620:32
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openstackgerritRob Pothier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable Cisco Nexus and UCSM plugins  https://review.openstack.org/19875420:37
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bnemecCrap, we broke the docs job for instack-undercloud since I proposed that infra change.20:41
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:21:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1495860 in diskimage-builder ""disk-image-create ironic-agent fedora iso -o my-deploy-ramdisk" failed" [Undecided,New]21:00
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bnemecslagle: We're going to need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223810/ to unblock instack-undercloud.21:19
slagledo we have heat templates in instack-undercloud?21:23
slagleoh, so we do. forgot about those21:24
slaglewe should probably remove those21:24
slagleanyway, docs are accurate as is!21:24
bnemecOh right, dib elements was actually the thing I probably should have called out there.21:33
bnemecIt's kind of just placeholder to get the docs job working anyway though.21:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Ensure mysql root can only connect from localhost  https://review.openstack.org/20899322:21
openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Configure ctlplane network with a static IP  https://review.openstack.org/20602222:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop running delorean twice  https://review.openstack.org/22360022:22
bnemecAll cores: We need the following patches merged to unblock instack-undercloud and tripleoclient:22:49
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use a specific fedora mirror on the jenkins node  https://review.openstack.org/22386823:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: validate json/yaml files  https://review.openstack.org/22352023:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Update fedora elements README from free text to table formatting  https://review.openstack.org/22199523:56

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