Monday, 2019-02-04

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: skip broken updates for krb5
ianwcorvus / zuul-root : i really hope it's not just EOD delusions, but i'm really struggling to understand what the errors described in!/story/2004927 are trying to tell me05:35
ianw"The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'value' is undefined"05:35
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: skip broken updates for krb5
SpamapSnice to see the EC2 driver getting +2's. Just in time for me to start looking to move to GCE. ;)06:09
tobiashSpamapS: looking forward to see a gce driver ;)06:13
tobiashianw: that's caused by the jinja in the commit message06:14
tobiashianw: will be fixed by
tobiashianw: ansible evaluates the whole variable 'zuul' when accessing something from it and the commit message (which is part of it) contains jinja stuff which is evaluated06:16
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add spec for multi ansible version support
SpamapStobiash: There was an experimental one I think.06:28
tobiashSpamapS: If it's there I don't find it06:30
tobiashthere is an azure driver however ;)06:30
ianwtobiash:   ohhhh!!!  i would never have figured that out :)06:36
tobiashianw: some others also ran into this problem ;)06:38
tobiashianw: you can work around this easily by removing the jinja stuff from your commit message :)06:38
ianwyeah, and that explains "value" appearing there ... so confusing because i was thinking something is doing foo['value'] instead of foo[value] etc06:39
ianwanyway, i owe you a beverage for that one!06:39
tobiashianw: I didn't discover nor fix it, I'm just following what's going on here and I remembered that one ;)06:40
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Increase timeout for zuul to settle in tests
tobiashI think that should make our tests more stable ^07:10
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tobiashexample is here:
tobiashall failed test cases ran into 'Timeout waiting for zuul to settle' for no special reason07:12
tobiashthey all timeouted while preparing jobs, so I think the current timeout is too short for slower nodes07:13
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tobiashthe quickstart frequently fails with   stderr: 'fatal: unable to access '': Couldn't connect to server'08:24
tobiash4 of the last zuul-quickstart failures failed either by ^ or by stderr: 'fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:'08:26
AJaegertobiash: I canot connect to either ;(08:27
AJaegerinfra-root ^08:27
AJaegeroh, I can - via git...08:28
tobiashthe browser friendly url is
AJaegeryeah, that one works - and git clone from the other as well...08:28
tobiashso that could be some region specific problem?08:29
AJaegeryeah, could be - where did the jobs run? All same cloud region?08:29
tobiashhave to check08:29
tobiashthe four failures are in ORD, GRA1, GRA1, BHS108:31
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AJaegerinconclusive ;(08:33
tobiashfound further occurrences in DFW, BHS1, DFW, DFW08:36
AJaegerso, that means it could be on the hosting side ;(08:42
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: skip broken updates for krb5
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: skip broken updates for krb5
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mordredtobiash, tristanC: on the ec2 driver, why is boto in test-requirements.txt when boto3 is in requirements.txt? what's the difference?12:52
tobiashmordred: I've probably overlooked that12:53
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tobiashSpamapS: maybe you know ^12:53
tobiashmordred: what's in the test-requirements is 'moto12:54
tobiashwhatever that is12:54
mordredoh - so it is12:54
mordredI think that's a mock library for boto12:54
mordredmakes more sense to my eyes now12:54
tobiashah yepp 'Moto is a library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library'12:54
tobiashmordred: I think you'll like
mordredtobiash: ooh12:56
tobiashthat eliminates all remaning direct prints to stderr12:57
tobiashduring the tests12:57
mordredthat's so exciting12:58
mordredcorvus, Shrews: has 2x+2 now - but I left off the +A in case you wanted to look12:58
tobiashmordred: and this might or might not fix our executor memleak:
tobiashbut it's something easy we can try13:03
mordredtobiash: seems reasonable to do even if it doesn't13:05
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sshnaidmcan someone tell what means this error message in patch? tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 finger://60273432fe24/9e3c5d73043b4d378b39b31f9fc4565d : DISK_FULL in 3h 13m 35s13:25
sshnaidmI don't think there is no space on disk..13:25
tobiashsshnaidm: diskfull means that the job needed more space on the executor than it is allowed13:25
sshnaidmtobiash, on executor itself?13:26
tobiashthe local workspace13:26
sshnaidmtobiash, and where can I configure/fix it?\13:26
tobiashsshnaidm: it's a global zuul configuration13:26
tobiashsshnaidm: openstack's limit seems to be here:
sshnaidmtobiash, thanks.. how can I see what exactly executor save there?13:28
tobiashsshnaidm: you'd might need support from infra-root13:30
sshnaidmtobiash, it's not openstacks one, I run all this locally13:31
tobiashah ok13:31
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tobiashit counts the job's workspace minus cached repos13:31
sshnaidmtobiash, so disk full - is it related to executor machine or host where job is running?13:32
tobiashexecutor machine13:32
sshnaidmtobiash, and where is jobs workspace on executor machine?13:33
tobiashsshnaidm: normally it's in /var/lib/zuul-executor/jobs or similar13:34
tobiashah no, default is /tmp13:34
sshnaidmtobiash, I have /tmp/tmpt1wo_v42 but it's empty.. maybe because job finished?13:37
sshnaidmnothing else in /tmp13:37
tobiashsshnaidm: you can run 'zuul-executor keep' to not delete job workspaces13:38
tobiashbut you should not run for a long time with 'keep' ;)13:38
sshnaidmtobiash, I see, thanks :)13:38
tobiash(on the executor)13:38
sshnaidmwill try again13:38
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sshnaidmtobiash, is it possible to configure executor to run ansible with more verbosity?13:42
tobiash'zuul-executor verbose'13:43
sshnaidmtobiash, and both "keep" and "verbose" could be passed to daemon, right?13:44
tobiashyou can disable it at runtime then with 'zuul-executor nokeep' or 'zuul-executor unverbose' or just a restart of the executor13:46
sshnaidmtobiash, ack13:49
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Escape jinja2 stuff from inventory
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jktsshnaidm: fyi, I had the same problem. It wasn't about "disk is full", but rather "my git repos are bigger than that configurable limit"14:19
sshnaidmjkt, ack, I updated it to 5GB now, let's see14:21
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sshnaidm167M    /tmp/...trusted/project_1/
sshnaidmit takes most of default 250 M14:40
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Escape jinja2 stuff from inventory
arxcruzhey guys, can we have some love on
arxcruzI would love to see this on zuul :D14:48
tobiasharxcruz: I've added this to my review queue14:51
arxcruztobiash: <314:52
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Escape jinja2 stuff from inventory
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Escape jinja2 stuff from inventory
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make install-docker compatible with centos
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make install-docker compatible with centos
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ShrewstristanC: i think we could land if you add the missing doc stuff15:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Amazon EC2 driver
dmsimard^ SpamapS: woot, thanks for picking that up16:14
Shrewsspeaking of which, SpamapS, i totally missed that there were NO docs for that Amazon driver. Could you add that please? I shouldn't have approved it w/o that16:14
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Shrewswell, several of us missed it I guess  :)16:15
Shrewsyeah, big oops16:18
pabelangeroh neat, ec2 landed16:24
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mordredShrews: bother16:27
* mordred hears SpamapS is going to write us a GCE driver next :)16:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Make git clone timeout configurable
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SpamapSDocs smocks.16:42
SpamapSI'll add them yeah.16:43
corvusyes, i'd love to review the ec2 driver.16:43
corvusShrews: maybe you could wait till i wake up next time?  :)16:44
SpamapSalso I believe I have a local bugfix to submit which I've been holding off on to keep focus.16:47
SpamapSAlso, honestly, thank you Shrews.. I've been off mainline and it will be good to not have to rebase to deploy new versions. ;)16:49
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: EC2: Do not tag an instance until it is running
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* SpamapS madly writes docs before somebody decides to go and revert it16:53
corvusSpamapS: thank you.  :)16:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Identify the gerrit source when logging stream-events errors.
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sshnaidmdid anyone see problem when zuul finger stream stuck, but job continues to run and passed - "[Zuul] Log Stream did not terminate"17:26
SpamapSI love how writing docs reveals bugs in the code. :-P17:26
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SpamapSFor instance, we used flavor-name still, but it really should be instance-type.18:03
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove unused fields from AWS driver
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add documentation for AWS/EC2 driver
SpamapSShrews: ^ ask and ye shall receive.18:12
SpamapScorvus: ^18:12
fungisshnaidm: that can happen if the console log streamer on the node is interrupted and not restarted, for example if the node is rebooted or the oom killer gets it18:14
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daniel2Im trying to refactor a very old nodepool.yaml file, it appears that a lot of variables names have changed, is there a page that would have a changelog of the changes over time?  I can't find much on that.18:21
fungidaniel2: how old is the old nodepool deployment? (what version was the config working in?)18:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Improve connection timeout log message
daniel2fungi: about 2 years old, this is my first time working with nodepool though18:36
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fungidaniel2: do you know what version of nodepool that was? maybe 0.something?18:38
zbr|ssbarneaneed reciew on which enables us to reuse the install-docker role on centos, tested via  tx18:39
fungidaniel2: most of the changes with the data model and overall design happened with the jump from nodepool 0.5.0 to 3.0.018:39
daniel2Well, when did they drop gearman for zookeeper?18:39
fungithat was in 3.0.018:40
daniel2This is the actual config I'm trying to convert.18:40
daniel2I noticed that a lot of the openstack stuff was moved to clouds.yaml.18:41
fungiright, nodepool 3.0.0 dropped support for jenkins too, so no longer needs any of the jenkins authentication/configuration bits18:42
fungiand yes the openstack api interactions moved to using the openstack sdk so you end up configuring the sdk with your credentials and endpoint info18:43
fungi(via clouds.yaml)18:43
daniel2I've been going over the documentation, I'm figuring that any variables that dont exist in the latest docs have been completely removed.18:44
daniel2There are no hidden settings are there?18:44
SpamapSdaniel2: not by design. :)18:45
daniel2famous last words, thanks for the clarification!18:45
fungidaniel2: there is an optional secure.conf where you can configure database credentials and connection info18:45
daniel2So you said dropped jenkins support, so what is it suppose to use in its place?18:46
fungidaniel2: zuul uses ansible to directly execute jobs on test nodes as of v3 (well, really starting with zuul v2.5 but that was experimental and changed radically in v3)18:47
Shrewswe also had a nodepool 2.5 (iirc) that was part zk, part gearman. only the builder used zookeeper, but launcher was still gearman based18:47
Shrewsi think18:47
Shrewsso long ago18:48
fungiShrews: if we did, it was never tagged that i can see18:48
fungiit may have just been an interim state after nodepool 0.5.018:48
Shrewsyah, i don't think we tagged anything18:49
Shrewsthat may have been on the feature/zuulv3 branch too18:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Properly close streams
fungioh, is the nodepool secure.conf [database] section on our builders and launchers cruft now? i can't find it mentioned in the docs... on our servers it refers to a mysql running on localhost but we're not running mysql on them18:51
Shrewsfungi: not cruft, but optional now (was required)18:52
daniel2So whats the earlier version I can go to that supports jenkins?  Sounds like refactoring to ansible isn't much of an option right now for us.18:52
Shrewsi think we intend to store zk creds there18:52
fungidaniel2: yes, nodepool>=3 is intended to be used in conjunction with zuul>=3 which implies rewriting your jobs in ansible18:53
daniel2Looking at github it goes from 0.5.0 to 3.0.018:53
corvus(keep in mind, that if your jobs already are, or can be turned into simple shell scripts, you can have ansible run that shell script pretty easily.  this is what we did for openstack)18:53
fungii believe the last release of nodepool with jenkins support was 0.5.0 (the tag message confirms that too)18:53
daniel2I just transitioned from operations/sre to developer recently, so I see both sides of the fence.  I believe things should be maintained and updated, my colleagues dont always agree with that :)18:54
SpamapSdaniel2: ^518:55
fungidaniel2: keep in mind nodepool 0.5.0 was tagged barely over one year ago, so it's not exactly ancient but we've not kept up with what newer jenkins api expectations might be in the intervening timeframe so you may need a jenkins version contemporary with it18:55
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corvuswe made the change in zuulv3 so that we *could* support the system.  maintaining it as a bolt-on afterthought to jenkins wasn't sustainable in the long term.18:56
daniel2Yeah, so I'm going to propose standing everything up with the older stuff, and later on setting up the newer environment to move over time.18:56
fungi(which quite likely is no longer supported by jenkins upstream and therefore may have security vulnerabilities you'll want to find ways to mitigate)18:56
fungii honestly don't know what the lts timeframe for jenkins is18:57
funginor to what extent they might make breaking changes in an lts series which might make nodepool need to adapt18:57
corvusdaniel2: the best way to make the future move easier is to avoid using jenkins plugins.  each one of those is more lock-in to jenkins.  anything you can move into a shell builder is portable.  you don't need to have jenkins run ansible (but you can) -- jenkins running shell, then switching to ansible running shell is fine.18:58
* SpamapS gets a little antsy whenever he thinks about using Jenkins18:58
corvus(the converse is true too -- if you migrate to shell or ansible, you won't be locked into zuul either)19:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add web/node_modules to dockerignore
mordredSpamapS: you've angered the pep8 gods19:08
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pabelangermordred: do you have any ideas why we see 'Waiting for logger' on node that was added using 'add_host' ?
pabelangerI believe the firewalls are correctly open, as we eventually see the task output, just not in realtime19:19
mordredpabelanger: I'm guessing you didn't run zuul_console on that node19:19
mordredpabelanger: if you add a zuul_console: task after the add_host - it should start working for you19:20
pabelangermordred: started:
pabelangerGoing to dig more today19:21
mordredpabelanger: hrm.19:21
mordredpabelanger: I'd expect that to work19:21
pabelangerI can only think I some how messed up firewall access19:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: EC2: Do not tag an instance until it is running
SpamapSmordred: I kneel before the pep8 alter and beg forgiveness19:27
* SpamapS will fix.. damnit.19:27
tobiashSpamapS: the doc build is broken too ;)19:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Move isChangeReadyToBeEnqueued after pipeline requirements
SpamapSlooks like I left a few bits off the docs too20:32
* SpamapS diving back in20:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Test coverage to exclude pipeline with untrusted project
tobiashchange 590697 would need a second review. It hardens zuul against git failures during job preparation.20:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Properly log requests in SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
daniel2corvus: what do you mean by jenkins plugins?  like the nodepool jenkins plugin?20:46
daniel2We aren't using that.  When I described the ansible method and using shell scripts, which is literally what we do with jenkins currently, I think he was open to it.20:46
daniel2corvus: yes, I know what jenkins plugins are.20:46
corvusdaniel2: i guess i don't understand your question :)20:46
daniel2You said dont use jenkins plugins and the only plugin I could think of that we would be using is the nodepool one.20:47
daniel2I was kind of just trying to clarify20:47
corvusdaniel2: ah, i meant plugins used in jenkins jobs, so like using a maven plugin or something20:48
corvusdaniel2: if your stuff is mostly shell scrips already, then migration should be relatively straightforward20:48
daniel2Honestly, instead of trying to "convert" the old config, I'm going to just rewrite it from scratch.  I feel it's the best method than trying to plug everything in./20:51
corvusdaniel2: quite possibly true20:51
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: Test for 633948
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: web: clear status when changing tenant
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix stuck job caused by exception during repo update
pabelangercould I get a few reviews on please21:24
corvuspabelanger: what's it for?21:24
corvus(so not everyone in the channel has to click the url)21:25
pabelangerbeing able for a job to run a list of playbooks21:25
corvusi'd like to review that, but need to finish some stuff first; i'll leave a comment asking folks not to +w it21:25
corvusmore reviews welcome, but if no one else gets around to it, i can +3 it later today or tomorrow if it looks good21:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use node v10 instead of node v8
pabelangerwfm, thanks21:28
SpamapSHm, there's something in the way the zuul web UI uses URL routing that makes a click on a link under the same domain as the web UI try to fetch /api/info .... makes it hard to host logs on a different path in the same vhost.21:35
daniel2So I've got nodepool running, however, I can't seem to find where private-key would go now.21:35
daniel2Where you put the path to the ssh key created when install nodepool/zuul.21:36
corvustristanC, tobiash, mordred: ^ i think SpamapS issue is related to the javascript app system thingy... what's it called?21:36
mordredcorvus: we call that "something something javascript something"21:36
corvusit's the thing that makes it work on your phone21:36
mordredoh - the progressive web app21:37
corvusservice worker!21:37
corvus(thanks, i got there via pwa)21:37
mordredI'm surprised that the links are getting intercepted by the js routing though21:37
mordredin the react we have to use the Link construct to make it do the things21:38
mordredI'm not doubting it is, obviously, it's just surprising behavior - and one we should definitely figure out and fix as I think SpamapS use case is a valid one21:38
corvusdaniel2: nodepool doesn't use a private key anymore; only the zuul-executor21:38
daniel2ah thank you for that!21:39
corvusdaniel2: (nodepool will connect to the nodes it creates, but only to verify that it can and to fetch ssh host keys, it doesn't actually log in)21:39
mordredSpamapS: out of curiosity, can you tell me the root of the path you're using? and also - you're doing single-tenant/whitelabel - are you doing suburl too?21:40
corvusdaniel2: (if you are using nodepool v2 ready scripts to do things on hosts before putting them in service, in zuul v3 you can use a zuul pre-playbook for that)21:40
daniel2corvus: that was actually about to be another question of mine21:42
daniel2Is there any guides on converting those?21:43
mordredSpamapS: can you also share how you're doing the whitelabeling?21:43
corvusdaniel2: not explicitly, no, but that would be a good addition21:43
corvusdaniel2:   if you do that in a base job, then it automatically happens for every job21:43
corvusdaniel2: (a benefit over the old system is that failures here are now visible to users, but we still retain some of the robustness -- zuul will try 3 times to run a job with a failing pre-playbook before reporting a failure to the user)21:44
corvusdaniel2: (and that's adjustable: )21:45
corvusold nodepool would just respawn nodes indefinitely, which made things look good, until they got really really bad.21:46
daniel2Ah, my next step is to rewrite the layout.yaml file, so that gave me the info I needed.21:48
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Return artifacts as dicts and add metadata
corvusmordred, tobiash, SpamapS, pabelanger: ^ i'd love some feedback on that idea -- i was just writing roles for the docker registry idea and realized that those changes would make things much nicer22:31
mordredcorvus: I like the way the example in the docs reads22:34
corvuspabelanger: +2 on 592160, but i have a request for 2 improvements.  could be an amend or a followup.22:43
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Add intermediate registry push/pull roles
ianware we aware of current log streaming issues?22:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Return artifacts as dicts and add metadata
corvusianw: not generally, it's come up in a few recent questions, but i think so far they've all been attributed to local job actions.23:01
SpamapSmordred: I am doing single-tenant whitelabel yes. I do so with nginx. Not sure if I do suburl.23:01
SpamapSThe /logs path is intercepted at the k8s ingress level, so it never actually talks to zuul-web, it just goes right to my logs proxy.23:02
corvusSpamapS: suburl meaning serving zuul under something other than /  (eg, does not use a suburl)23:02
corvus would be a suburl23:02
SpamapS <-- that's my nginx config23:03
SpamapSand it all ends up under a single host, so no, no suburl.23:03
SpamapSwhen I inspect links, they don't have any on-click attached that I can see, so I assume it's something deeper23:05
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
corvusSpamapS: yeah, i suspect it's something service-worker related -- aiui, they can do that sort of thing.  but tristanC, mordred, and tobiash are more knowledgable about that than i am (as i have told you everything)23:14
corvusistr tobiash proposed a change to just turn off the service worker because of issues he was having23:14
SpamapSK, for now I've trained my users to shift-refresh when they see the Loading ...23:16
SpamapSBut would obviously like that to be temporary.23:16
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
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* SpamapS finding so many unused attr's in the aws driver23:31
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] add openstackci-mirrors element for centos/ubuntu testing
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove unused fields from AWS driver
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add documentation for AWS/EC2 driver
SpamapS^^ docs with even more fields (maybe even all of them) and removed even more unused things23:36
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