#airshipit: airship
Meeting started by mattmceuen at 14:00:12 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Rollcall (mattmceuen, 14:00:17)
- Announcements (mattmceuen, 14:02:56)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Airship_OpenDesignDiscussions
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Airship_OpenDesignDiscussions
- https://doodle.com/poll/eedcsm4khtidxbxd
- New meeting time (mattmceuen, 14:10:32)
- Follow up on PostgresHA (mattmceuen, 14:12:38)
- Follow up on Code formatting standardization across projects (mattmceuen, 14:14:59)
- Facilitating aiab / airskiff customizations (mattmceuen, 14:18:46)
- Docs project now exists: next steps (mattmceuen, 14:34:22)
- Decommission utils repo? (mattmceuen, 14:41:27)
- ACTION: mattmceuen to
retire utils this week (mattmceuen,
- ACTION: roman_g
retire utils and berth (roman_g,
- Low participation of Cores in IRC meetings and reviews (mattmceuen, 14:48:20)
- Review requests (mattmceuen, 14:57:02)
- https://review.opendev.org/#/q/projects:airship%20status:open%20NOT%20label:Verified%253D-1%20NOT%20label:Workflow%253D-1%20NOT%20message:DNM%20NOT%20message:WIP%20NOT%20label:Code-Review%253E0%252Cself
Meeting ended at 15:00:34 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mattmceuen to retire utils this week
- roman_g retire utils and berth
Action items, by person
- mattmceuen
- mattmceuen to retire utils this week
- roman_g
- roman_g retire utils and berth
People present (lines said)
- mattmceuen (119)
- roman_g (27)
- alexanderhughes (10)
- openstackgerrit (6)
- obravo (4)
- hogepodge (3)
- openstack (3)
- michael-beaver (3)
- aaronsheffield (1)
- MattCoachCarter (1)
- ian-pittwood (1)
- nishantkr (1)
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