#openstack-meeting-alt: barbican
Meeting started by redrobot at 20:00:18 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Barbican
- barbican-specs repository (redrobot, 20:03:11)
- https://github.com/openstack/barbican-specs
- https://github.com/openstack/barbican-specs/blob/master/specs/template.rst
- juno-1 release (redrobot, 20:10:04)
- Mid-cycle meetup (redrobot, 20:15:48)
- Meera's patch to data migration script (redrobot, 20:24:53)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98473
- Blueprint api-orders-add-more-types (redrobot, 20:27:34)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98174
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97844/
- AGREED: need more
eyes on Arvind's CRs (redrobot,
- Testing Code Pattern (redrobot, 20:34:01)
- ACTION: kaitlin-farr
will upload a WIP CR to review a more openstack-like testing
pattern (redrobot,
- Progress on eventing system (redrobot, 20:41:25)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/barbican-juno-roadmap
- ACTION: woodster will
start an etherpad for planning the eventing framework. (redrobot,
- Is v2 needed to remove tenant_id from URI? (redrobot, 20:52:16)
- ACTION: jraim will
ask the TC if breaking changes during incubation require a new major
api version (redrobot,
Meeting ended at 20:58:45 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- kaitlin-farr will upload a WIP CR to review a more openstack-like testing pattern
- woodster will start an etherpad for planning the eventing framework.
- jraim will ask the TC if breaking changes during incubation require a new major api version
Action items, by person
- jraim
- jraim will ask the TC if breaking changes during incubation require a new major api version
- kaitlin-farr
- kaitlin-farr will upload a WIP CR to review a more openstack-like testing pattern
- openstack
- kaitlin-farr will upload a WIP CR to review a more openstack-like testing pattern
- woodster
- woodster will start an etherpad for planning the eventing framework.
People present (lines said)
- redrobot (84)
- woodster (33)
- atiwari (22)
- rellerreller (14)
- jraim (14)
- jaosorior (10)
- openstack (3)
- kaitlin-farr (2)
- tsv (2)
- jvrbanac (2)
- meera (2)
- reaperhulk (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.