#openstack-meeting-alt: containers
Meeting started by adrian_otto at 16:01:43 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2016-02-02_1600_UTC
Our Agenda (adrian_otto,
- Roll Call (adrian_otto, 16:02:37)
- Announcements (adrian_otto, 16:07:36)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:abandoned+project:openstack/magnum
Abandoned Reviews (adrian_otto,
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Magnum/Midcycle
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-mitaka-midcycle-topics
Midcycle Agenda (adrian_otto,
- Review Action Items (adrian_otto, 16:18:44)
- Magnum UI Subteam Update (bradjones) (adrian_otto, 16:24:21)
- ACTION: adrian_otto
to produce a wiki page that explains Magnum's ability to support
native API access and wrapped (limited) access to that functionality
through our containers resource, and pointers to points of
debate. (adrian_otto,
- ACTION: bradjones and
adrian_otto to work on a demo of the Magnum UI for publication on
the Magnum project wiki page. (adrian_otto,
- Blueprint Review (adrian_otto, 16:28:19)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/206467/
Add guide for TLS support in Magnum. (abandoned) needs revival (adrian_otto,
- Essential Blueprint Updates (adrian_otto, 16:29:27)
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/user-guide
User Guide Blueprint (adrian_otto,
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-troubleshooting-guide
Troubleshooting Guide Blueprint (adrian_otto,
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/resource-quota
Resource Quota Blueprint (adrian_otto,
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-tempest
(dimtruck) (adrian_otto,
- Other Blueprint Updates (adrian_otto, 16:38:38)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275003/
Spec for Async Container Operations (adrian_otto,
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/267134/
Implementation of Async Container Operations (adrian_otto,
- Open Discussion (adrian_otto, 16:42:05)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-mitaka-midcycle-topics
Meeting ended at 16:57:59 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- adrian_otto to produce a wiki page that explains Magnum's ability to support native API access and wrapped (limited) access to that functionality through our containers resource, and pointers to points of debate.
- bradjones and adrian_otto to work on a demo of the Magnum UI for publication on the Magnum project wiki page.
Action items, by person
- adrian_otto
- adrian_otto to produce a wiki page that explains Magnum's ability to support native API access and wrapped (limited) access to that functionality through our containers resource, and pointers to points of debate.
- bradjones and adrian_otto to work on a demo of the Magnum UI for publication on the Magnum project wiki page.
- bradjones
- bradjones and adrian_otto to work on a demo of the Magnum UI for publication on the Magnum project wiki page.
People present (lines said)
- adrian_otto (118)
- dimtruck (13)
- bradjones (10)
- vilobhmm11 (9)
- suro-patz (7)
- thomasem (5)
- madhuri (5)
- coreyob (5)
- openstack (3)
- hongbin (2)
- tcammann (2)
- eghobo (2)
- muralia (2)
- rpothier (1)
- HimanshuGarg (1)
- dane (1)
- levi_b (1)
- rods (1)
- localloop127 (1)
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