#openstack-meeting-alt: Designate
Meeting started by mugsie at 17:00:27 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (mugsie, 17:00:47)
- Action Items (mugsie, 17:01:53)
- ACTION: (mugsie,
- ACTION: mugsie bp
26a7ad4 Remove lowercase constarint for pgsql and 13ee3fb Fix
grenade to use the driver specified in the gate (mugsie,
- Bug Triage (mugsie, 17:02:40)
- https://gra.ham.ie/designate/bugs/
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1653839
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1651576
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1627941
think this one is still pending mugsie (timsim,
- Open Discussion (mugsie, 17:14:58)
- https://github.com/grahamhayes/gerrit-tools/blob/master/lp/lp-dash.py
is the code for the new bugs dashboard if anyone wants to add
anything (mugsie,
Meeting ended at 17:18:03 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mugsie bp 26a7ad4 Remove lowercase constarint for pgsql and 13ee3fb Fix grenade to use the driver specified in the gate
Action items, by person
- mugsie
- mugsie bp 26a7ad4 Remove lowercase constarint for pgsql and 13ee3fb Fix grenade to use the driver specified in the gate
People present (lines said)
- mugsie (42)
- timsim (18)
- openstack (7)
- sonuk_ (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.