#openstack-meeting: Designate
Meeting started by mugsie at 14:00:59 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (mugsie, 14:01:11)
- Bug Triage (mugsie, 14:06:46)
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1758013
- Backports (mugsie, 14:10:26)
- http://paste.openstack.org/show/719477/
- Open Discussion (mugsie, 14:12:51)
- http://graham.hayes.ie/designate/ptl-dashboard
is the link i will keep updated (mugsie,
- ACTION: mugsie mail
the -dev list with options, and get feedback (mugsie,
Meeting ended at 14:39:22 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mugsie mail the -dev list with options, and get feedback
Action items, by person
- mugsie
- mugsie mail the -dev list with options, and get feedback
People present (lines said)
- mugsie (64)
- frickler (18)
- bnemec (16)
- openstack (4)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.