#openstack-meeting-4: Dragonflow
Meeting started by gsagie at 08:59:12 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- testing (gsagie, 09:00:27)
- ACTION: Yuli_s to
start creating functional testing of Neutron plugin and DB
client (gsagie,
- ACTION: Shlomo_N
implement functional tests leveraging the work Yuli done
- ACTION: gsagie look
at Rally and how to run tests on the gate with devstack (gsagie,
- ACTION: gsagie Make
tempest testing work (gsagie,
- ACTION: BillyXu
create SG spec/design and get familiar with what is needed in the
code (gsagie,
- http://docs.openstack.org/developer/dragonflow/distributed_dragonflow.html
- Dragonflow docs http://docs.openstack.org/developer/dragonflow/distributed_dragonflow.html
- DB integration (gsagie, 09:13:04)
- RAMCloud integration to merge this week
- ACTION: gampel talk
with Aharon and Dima to join the IRC Meeting (gsagie,
- ACTION: gampel to
look at RDO packaging (gsagie,
- open discussion (gsagie, 09:19:16)
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/dragonflow/+bug/1521629
- ACTION: gsagie to
look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/dragonflow/+bug/1521629 for next
meeting (gsagie,
- DHCP agent (gsagie, 09:26:36)
- Dragonflow running without q-dhcop agent
- ACTION: gampel
register bp to support IPV6 DHCP (ipv6-sdn-dhcp-app) (gsagie,
- ACTION: gsagie
convert Dragonflow Trello to launchpad bps/bugs (gsagie,
- ACTION: gampel
register a spec for dhcp ipv6 app (gampel,
- Questions? (gsagie, 09:32:47)
- ACTION: milo_raofei_
add a bug about missing functionality and suggestions for current
DHCP (release/decline msgs) (gsagie,
- ACTION: kexiaodong to
look at integrating Dragonflow with Kuryr (gsagie,
Meeting ended at 09:44:08 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Yuli_s to start creating functional testing of Neutron plugin and DB client
- Shlomo_N implement functional tests leveraging the work Yuli done
- gsagie look at Rally and how to run tests on the gate with devstack
- gsagie Make tempest testing work
- BillyXu create SG spec/design and get familiar with what is needed in the code
- gampel talk with Aharon and Dima to join the IRC Meeting
- gampel to look at RDO packaging
- gsagie to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/dragonflow/+bug/1521629 for next meeting
- gampel register bp to support IPV6 DHCP (ipv6-sdn-dhcp-app)
- gsagie convert Dragonflow Trello to launchpad bps/bugs
- gampel register a spec for dhcp ipv6 app
- milo_raofei_ add a bug about missing functionality and suggestions for current DHCP (release/decline msgs)
- kexiaodong to look at integrating Dragonflow with Kuryr
Action items, by person
- BillyXu
- BillyXu create SG spec/design and get familiar with what is needed in the code
- gampel
- gampel talk with Aharon and Dima to join the IRC Meeting
- gampel to look at RDO packaging
- gampel register bp to support IPV6 DHCP (ipv6-sdn-dhcp-app)
- gampel register a spec for dhcp ipv6 app
- gsagie
- gsagie look at Rally and how to run tests on the gate with devstack
- gsagie Make tempest testing work
- gsagie to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/dragonflow/+bug/1521629 for next meeting
- gsagie convert Dragonflow Trello to launchpad bps/bugs
- kexiaodong
- kexiaodong to look at integrating Dragonflow with Kuryr
- milo_raofei_
- milo_raofei_ add a bug about missing functionality and suggestions for current DHCP (release/decline msgs)
- Shlomo_N
- Shlomo_N implement functional tests leveraging the work Yuli done
- Yuli_s
- Yuli_s to start creating functional testing of Neutron plugin and DB client
People present (lines said)
- gsagie (65)
- gampel (29)
- BillyXu (13)
- milo_raofei_ (6)
- openstack (6)
- Yuli_s (4)
- Shlomo_N (3)
- kexiaodong (2)
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