#openstack-meeting-alt: fuel
Meeting started by xarses at 16:00:23 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuel-weekly-meeting-agenda
- Action Items from last week (xarses, 16:01:06)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:maintainers,n,z
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-October/076390.html
- premature backport cherry-picks considered harmful (mattymo) (xarses, 16:04:14)
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-October/076066.html
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/How_to_contribute#Backport_bugfixes_to_stable_release_series
- OpenStack Infra jobs enabled in non-voting mode https://review.openstack.org/#/c/228204/. Status for repos reorg (mihgen, kozhukalov) (xarses, 16:13:21)
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/072140.html
- ACTION: kozhukalov
will update ML with plain to separate each sub-project in
fuel-web (xarses,
- code review backlog status: http://bit.ly/1G4Xsn9 (mihgen) (xarses, 16:23:39)
- ACTION: angdraug will
update fuel-specs reviews to assign SME's to review (xarses,
- Status on IPv6 in tenant networks research (veremin) (xarses, 16:28:12)
- ACTION: maximov will
look over stale review queue and ensure that cores are assigned to
them (xarses,
- Enhancements Team Status (ashtokolov) (xarses, 16:36:13)
- Status on fuel-createmirror.(bgaifullin) (xarses, 16:38:39)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231535/
? (mihgen,
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231535/
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231535/
- UI team status (vkramskikh) (xarses, 16:41:37)
- Bugfix team status (dpyzhov) (xarses, 16:44:51)
- Multirack status (alex_didenko) (xarses, 16:50:35)
- https://review.openstack.org/230943
- last call for votes for PTL (angdraug) (xarses, 16:54:55)
- Networking configuration as a service (rmoe) (xarses, 16:55:36)
Meeting ended at 16:59:45 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- kozhukalov will update ML with plain to separate each sub-project in fuel-web
- angdraug will update fuel-specs reviews to assign SME's to review
- maximov will look over stale review queue and ensure that cores are assigned to them
Action items, by person
- angdraug
- angdraug will update fuel-specs reviews to assign SME's to review
- kozhukalov
- kozhukalov will update ML with plain to separate each sub-project in fuel-web
- maximov
- maximov will look over stale review queue and ensure that cores are assigned to them
People present (lines said)
- mihgen (97)
- xarses (45)
- angdraug (43)
- dpyzhov (28)
- kozhukalov (22)
- yottatsa (18)
- rmoe (11)
- maximov (10)
- alex_didenko (10)
- ashtokolov (7)
- bgaifullin (7)
- vkramskikh (6)
- prmtl (6)
- openstack (6)
- xenolog13 (5)
- haleyb (3)
- ikalnitsky (3)
- aglarendil (3)
- mkwiek (3)
- mwhahaha (2)
- evgenyl (2)
- akislitsky (1)
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