#openstack-meeting: OpenStack I18n Meeting
Meeting started by ianychoi at 13:10:58 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Boston Summit & Forum preparation (ianychoi, 13:12:00)
- ACTION: ianychoi will
submit a topic for Forum by April 2 (ianychoi,
- ACTION: ianychoi will
contact zzxwill - since he is a key person for Boston Summit
presentations (ianychoi,
- Toward for official language coordinator & defining I18n cores (ianychoi, 13:19:32)
- https://zanata.atlassian.net/browse/ZNTA-1843
- https://groups.openstack.org/groups/indonesia
- Open discussions (ianychoi, 13:51:53)
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n/+spec/python35-support
- ACTION: ianychoi will
ask tripleo-ui translation for German to Robert Simai (ianychoi,
Meeting ended at 14:00:08 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- ianychoi will submit a topic for Forum by April 2
- ianychoi will contact zzxwill - since he is a key person for Boston Summit presentations
- ianychoi will ask tripleo-ui translation for German to Robert Simai
Action items, by person
- ianychoi
- ianychoi will submit a topic for Forum by April 2
- ianychoi will contact zzxwill - since he is a key person for Boston Summit presentations
- ianychoi will ask tripleo-ui translation for German to Robert Simai
People present (lines said)
- ianychoi (75)
- tono (15)
- amotoki (14)
- jftalta (12)
- adiantum (6)
- jpich (6)
- openstack (3)
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