#openstack-meeting-4: operators_ops_tools_monitoring
Meeting started by j^2 at 19:00:46 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Rollcall (j^2, 19:00:58)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osops-irc-meeting-20160127
- Previous Business (raginbajin, 19:04:30)
- http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irc-meetings.ical
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/268326/
- New Business (raginbajin, 19:18:50)
- Talk about finding a place for Operator bits in the Community App Catalog (apps.openstack.org) (raginbajin, 19:18:52)
- https://apps.openstack.org
- Other new business (raginbajin, 19:33:21)
- Mid-Cycle (raginbajin, 19:33:26)
- ACTION: rockyg will
talk with Tom F. about mentioning the OSOPS group in the
introduction slides. (raginbajin,
- ACTION: mdorman will
update the osops repo's readme files to give a better description of
their purpose. (raginbajin,
Meeting ended at 19:45:22 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- rockyg will talk with Tom F. about mentioning the OSOPS group in the introduction slides.
- mdorman will update the osops repo's readme files to give a better description of their purpose.
Action items, by person
- mdorman
- mdorman will update the osops repo's readme files to give a better description of their purpose.
- rockyg
- rockyg will talk with Tom F. about mentioning the OSOPS group in the introduction slides.
People present (lines said)
- raginbajin (54)
- docaedo (35)
- mdorman (25)
- rockyg (22)
- j^2 (10)
- openstack (4)
- klindgren (2)
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