#openstack-operators: Ops Meetup Team
Meeting started by mihalis68 at 15:03:21 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- review of last weeks actions (mihalis68, 15:03:35)
- milan planning (mihalis68, 15:08:28)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EUSYMs3GfglnD8yfFaAXWhLe0F5y9hCUKqCYe0Vp1oA/edit#gid=2006054635
- AGREED: close
submissions for Milan Feb 7th (mihalis68,
- AGREED: target close
date for submissions 2/13 (mihalis68,
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
email list with this announcement (mihalis68,
- move august outside of USA? (mihalis68, 15:19:25)
- AGREED: mrhillsman is
benevolent dictator of the task of planning oregon (2017 2nd
mid-cycle meet up) (mihalis68,
- AGREED: 2nd 2017
mid-cycle is decided to be intel-hosted, portland area,
august (mihalis68,
- current geopolitical instability wrt travelers
to usa was noted, but too late to redo entire location and host
process (mihalis68,
- ACTION: mrhillsman to
email tom re: tooling of meet ups team (mihalis68,
Meeting ended at 15:39:10 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mihalis68 to email list with this announcement
- mrhillsman to email tom re: tooling of meet ups team
Action items, by person
- mihalis68
- mihalis68 to email list with this announcement
- mrhillsman
- mrhillsman to email tom re: tooling of meet ups team
People present (lines said)
- mihalis68 (85)
- mrhillsman (61)
- emccormick (31)
- smcginnis (8)
- jproulx (8)
- shintaro (7)
- openstack (3)
- nishpatwa007 (2)
- raddaoui (1)
- mperazol (1)
- izaakk (1)
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