#openstack-operators: Ops Meetup Team
Meeting started by mihalis68 at 14:00:26 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Cmorgan2
- review mexico city (mihalis68, 14:05:37)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
contact M.C. local team for comments post-event (mihalis68,
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
get final ticket sales numbers (mihalis68,
- planning for sydney (mihalis68, 14:18:59)
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum
- timeline is at the bottom of this page (mrhillsman,
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum
- ACTION: emccormick to
make an ether pad and nag community to make list of topics before
submission tool opens (mihalis68,
- planning for Tokyo mid-cycle (2018) (mihalis68, 14:28:51)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetup-venue-discuss-1st-2018
- https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
- ACTION: vw and
mrhillsman to confer with oo.o foundation about involvement in
logistics, publicity and branding/logos (mihalis68,
- other business (mihalis68, 14:49:29)
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
email the list again for tokyo mid-cycle. cc:ing
openstack-dev (mihalis68,
- https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/
- ACTION: shintaro to
make wiki landing page for tokyo mid-cycle (mihalis68,
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
do maintenance on planning page on wiki that links to all ether pads
etc, link to shin taro's page (mihalis68,
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Operations/Meetups
Meeting ended at 15:00:31 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mihalis68 to contact M.C. local team for comments post-event
- mihalis68 to get final ticket sales numbers
- emccormick to make an ether pad and nag community to make list of topics before submission tool opens
- vw and mrhillsman to confer with oo.o foundation about involvement in logistics, publicity and branding/logos
- mihalis68 to email the list again for tokyo mid-cycle. cc:ing openstack-dev
- shintaro to make wiki landing page for tokyo mid-cycle
- mihalis68 to do maintenance on planning page on wiki that links to all ether pads etc, link to shin taro's page
Action items, by person
- emccormick
- emccormick to make an ether pad and nag community to make list of topics before submission tool opens
- mihalis68
- mihalis68 to contact M.C. local team for comments post-event
- mihalis68 to get final ticket sales numbers
- mihalis68 to email the list again for tokyo mid-cycle. cc:ing openstack-dev
- mihalis68 to do maintenance on planning page on wiki that links to all ether pads etc, link to shin taro's page
- mrhillsman
- vw and mrhillsman to confer with oo.o foundation about involvement in logistics, publicity and branding/logos
- openstack
- mihalis68 to email the list again for tokyo mid-cycle. cc:ing openstack-dev
- shintaro
- shintaro to make wiki landing page for tokyo mid-cycle
- VW
- vw and mrhillsman to confer with oo.o foundation about involvement in logistics, publicity and branding/logos
People present (lines said)
- mihalis68 (125)
- emccormick (53)
- mrhillsman (24)
- shintaro (24)
- smcginnis (23)
- VW (21)
- openstack (3)
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