#openstack-operators: Ops Meetup Team

Meeting started by mihalis68 at 14:00:53 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team (mihalis68, 14:01:15)

  1. actions from last week (mihalis68, 14:01:39)
    1. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-ops-midcycle-tokyo-tickets-39089912982 (shintaro, 14:02:59)
    2. ACTION: Shintaro to check the eventbrite, get it public and let the mailing list know (mihalis68, 14:04:26)
    3. new TC formed, some members of which are operations friendly (medberry, 14:07:12)
    4. http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-tc-pike-elections/ (medberry, 14:11:37)
    5. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ops_Meetups_Team (mihalis68, 14:16:02)
    6. ACTION: mihalis68 to start an ether pad for the ops guide session in Sydnet (mihalis68, 14:20:15)

  2. Tokyo (mihalis68, 14:22:17)
    1. the Eventbrite is up and the venue is locked in (mihalis68, 14:22:28)
    2. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-ops-meetup-2018 (mihalis68, 14:26:11)
    3. ACTION: shintaro to look into breakfast (mihalis68, 14:31:45)
    4. ACTION: mihalis68 to get the word out about tokyo to redhat and canonical (mihalis68, 14:36:03)
    5. ACTION: med_ to mention tokyo mid-cycle to SUSE (mihalis68, 14:36:40)
    6. http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-at-bloomberg/ (mihalis68, 14:44:52)

  3. future events (mihalis68, 14:47:34)
  4. team business (mihalis68, 14:56:26)

Meeting ended at 15:00:00 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Shintaro to check the eventbrite, get it public and let the mailing list know
  2. mihalis68 to start an ether pad for the ops guide session in Sydnet
  3. shintaro to look into breakfast
  4. mihalis68 to get the word out about tokyo to redhat and canonical
  5. med_ to mention tokyo mid-cycle to SUSE

Action items, by person

  1. med_
    1. med_ to mention tokyo mid-cycle to SUSE
  2. mihalis68
    1. mihalis68 to start an ether pad for the ops guide session in Sydnet
    2. mihalis68 to get the word out about tokyo to redhat and canonical
  3. shintaro
    1. Shintaro to check the eventbrite, get it public and let the mailing list know
    2. shintaro to look into breakfast

People present (lines said)

  1. mihalis68 (131)
  2. emccormickva (44)
  3. shintaro (32)
  4. medberry (8)
  5. VW (8)
  6. med_ (5)
  7. openstack (3)
  8. cnf (2)
  9. aprice___ (2)
  10. medberry2 (1)

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