#openstack-performance: Performance Team
Meeting started by DinaBelova at 16:00:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Action Items (DinaBelova, 16:02:07)
- http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2016/performance_team.2016-03-01-16.00.html
- ACTION: DinaBelova
propose to have to times for this meeting to openstack-dev - US and
Europe/China friendly and switch them on weekly basis (DinaBelova,
- https://review.openstack.org/291657
- https://review.openstack.org/291657
- ACTION: ilyashakhat
move Performa to openstack space (final steps) (DinaBelova,
- ACTION: kun_huang
update https://review.openstack.org/#/c/280843 once lab HW details
will be available (DinaBelova,
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/1555007
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/1555007
- work on
https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/1555007 most probably
should be finished ~March 18th (DinaBelova,
- ACTION: rohanion
ozamiatin__ collect data about possible performance degradation of
light weighted proxies for 0MQ (DinaBelova,
- Test plans statuses (DinaBelova, 16:17:50)
- OSProfiler weekly update (DinaBelova, 16:22:26)
- ACTION: rohanion
prepare list of possible drivers for osprofiler with pros/cons of
each one (DinaBelova,
- Open Discussion (DinaBelova, 16:30:48)
Meeting ended at 16:32:10 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- DinaBelova propose to have to times for this meeting to openstack-dev - US and Europe/China friendly and switch them on weekly basis
- ilyashakhat move Performa to openstack space (final steps)
- kun_huang update https://review.openstack.org/#/c/280843 once lab HW details will be available
- rohanion ozamiatin__ collect data about possible performance degradation of light weighted proxies for 0MQ
- rohanion prepare list of possible drivers for osprofiler with pros/cons of each one
Action items, by person
- DinaBelova
- DinaBelova propose to have to times for this meeting to openstack-dev - US and Europe/China friendly and switch them on weekly basis
- ilyashakhat
- ilyashakhat move Performa to openstack space (final steps)
- openstack
- DinaBelova propose to have to times for this meeting to openstack-dev - US and Europe/China friendly and switch them on weekly basis
- ilyashakhat move Performa to openstack space (final steps)
- kun_huang update https://review.openstack.org/#/c/280843 once lab HW details will be available
- ozamiatin__
- rohanion ozamiatin__ collect data about possible performance degradation of light weighted proxies for 0MQ
- rohanion
- rohanion ozamiatin__ collect data about possible performance degradation of light weighted proxies for 0MQ
- rohanion prepare list of possible drivers for osprofiler with pros/cons of each one
People present (lines said)
- DinaBelova (85)
- rohanion (20)
- ilyashakhat (9)
- ozamiatin__ (8)
- openstack (5)
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