#openstack-meeting: Product Working Group
Meeting started by barrett1 at 19:01:00 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Tokyo Session Proposals (barrett1, 19:02:38)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fwAKjAFEw3jVW8NcDxkfzh0TMmMcftyoQEx5bjFJTxc/edit#gid=0
- ACTION: : Carol to
draft submission for Session #1 (barrett1,
- ACTION: Shamail to
draft submission for session #2 (barrett1,
- User Story Repo Update (barrett1, 19:18:18)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187767/1/reference/user-committee-repos.yaml
- http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/telcowg-usecases/tree/template.rst
- https://github.com/stackforge
- ACTION: Rockgy to
send out an update on Repo after TC meeting on the 7th (barrett1,
- Taxonomy & User Story Template (barrett1, 19:37:46)
- http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/telcowg-usecases/tree/template.rst
- ACTION: Shamail
Create an updated proposal for Repo & User Stories and send out
to ML (barrett1,
- ACTION: RockyG work
with Shamail to send out an updated Repo plan that addresses cross
WG and cross Project needs (barrett1,
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WXGImWTvjaT6BzAtbakKUazRr6hcZBtv90P7ke8qYrw/edit?usp=sharing
- ACTION: Shamail to
document Theme/Epic/ User Story approach as starting point for M
design summit pilot (barrett1,
Meeting ended at 20:01:05 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- : Carol to draft submission for Session #1
- Shamail to draft submission for session #2
- Rockgy to send out an update on Repo after TC meeting on the 7th
- Shamail Create an updated proposal for Repo & User Stories and send out to ML
- RockyG work with Shamail to send out an updated Repo plan that addresses cross WG and cross Project needs
- Shamail to document Theme/Epic/ User Story approach as starting point for M design summit pilot
Action items, by person
- Rockyg
- RockyG work with Shamail to send out an updated Repo plan that addresses cross WG and cross Project needs
- Shamail
- Shamail to draft submission for session #2
- Shamail Create an updated proposal for Repo & User Stories and send out to ML
- RockyG work with Shamail to send out an updated Repo plan that addresses cross WG and cross Project needs
- Shamail to document Theme/Epic/ User Story approach as starting point for M design summit pilot
- : Carol to draft submission for Session #1
- Rockgy to send out an update on Repo after TC meeting on the 7th
People present (lines said)
- Shamail (127)
- barrett1 (62)
- Rockyg (46)
- Arkady_Kanevsky (29)
- sgordon (29)
- geoffarnold (29)
- jimhaselmaier (7)
- MeganR (6)
- openstack (3)
- cloudrancher (2)
- mscohen (2)
- janonymous (2)
- DericHorn-HP (1)
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