#openstack-tc: tc
Meeting started by dhellmann at 14:04:10 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/002231.html
agenda for this meeting (dhellmann,
- roll call (dhellmann, 14:04:16)
- TC election results (dhellmann, 14:06:07)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/641171/
- new chair for train (dhellmann, 14:09:08)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/641405/1
- project team evaluations based on technical vision (dhellmann, 14:19:26)
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/001417.html
- feb thread on that http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002524.html
(cdent, 14:21:13)
- ACTION: mnaser follow
up with asettle and jroll on reminder and placement of links for
vision alignment docs (dhellmann,
- defining the role of the TC (dhellmann, 14:31:27)
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Technical_Committee_Tracker#Next_steps_in_TC_Vision_.2F_defining_role_of_the_TC
- giant thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/001711.html
- https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/role-of-the-tc.html
- ACTION: ttx and zaneb
close the role defining task and create a "driving technical change"
task and forum session (dhellmann,
- keeping up with python 3 releases (dhellmann, 14:41:11)
- gmann raise the topic of porting legacy jobs to
bionic on the mailing list (dhellmann,
- fungi to propose flag day for proposing moving
centrally managed jobs to bionic (dhellmann,
- fungi propose a default node flag day to switch
to ubuntu bionic (dhellmann,
- TheJulia investigate PTI updates for
Train (dhellmann,
- ACTION: mnaser to set
up a meeting to discuss the python 3 transition plans for stein and
train (dhellmann,
- Train cycle goals selection update (dhellmann, 14:47:10)
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-March/003549.html
- ACTION: tc-members
review candidate goals and provide feedback (dhellmann,
- project deletion goal proposal https://review.openstack.org/639010
- openstack client goal proposal https://review.openstack.org/639376
- ACTION: lbragstad and
evrardjp to remind champions for proposed goals of the approval
deadlines (dhellmann,
- ACTION: mnaser
follow-up with progress of goal merging in 2 weeks (mnaser,
- forum planning (dhellmann, 14:53:25)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DEN-Train-TC-brainstorming
- board meeting schedule https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation#OpenStack_Board_of_Director_Meetings
- ACTION: tc-members
review forum proposals today/tomorrow in time to meet the selection
deadline (dhellmann,
- OIP review process (dhellmann, 15:00:13)
- ACTION: tc-members
think about a process for handling consultations on OIP
applications (dhellmann,
- next meeting (dhellmann, 15:01:11)
- the next TC meeting will be 4 April 2019 1400
UTC in #openstack-tc (dhellmann,
Meeting ended at 15:03:17 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mnaser follow up with asettle and jroll on reminder and placement of links for vision alignment docs
- ttx and zaneb close the role defining task and create a "driving technical change" task and forum session
- mnaser to set up a meeting to discuss the python 3 transition plans for stein and train
- tc-members review candidate goals and provide feedback
- lbragstad and evrardjp to remind champions for proposed goals of the approval deadlines
- mnaser follow-up with progress of goal merging in 2 weeks
- tc-members review forum proposals today/tomorrow in time to meet the selection deadline
- tc-members think about a process for handling consultations on OIP applications
Action items, by person
- asettle
- mnaser follow up with asettle and jroll on reminder and placement of links for vision alignment docs
- evrardjp
- lbragstad and evrardjp to remind champions for proposed goals of the approval deadlines
- jroll
- mnaser follow up with asettle and jroll on reminder and placement of links for vision alignment docs
- lbragstad
- lbragstad and evrardjp to remind champions for proposed goals of the approval deadlines
- mnaser
- mnaser follow up with asettle and jroll on reminder and placement of links for vision alignment docs
- mnaser to set up a meeting to discuss the python 3 transition plans for stein and train
- mnaser follow-up with progress of goal merging in 2 weeks
- ttx
- ttx and zaneb close the role defining task and create a "driving technical change" task and forum session
- zaneb
- ttx and zaneb close the role defining task and create a "driving technical change" task and forum session
- tc-members review candidate goals and provide feedback
- tc-members review forum proposals today/tomorrow in time to meet the selection deadline
- tc-members think about a process for handling consultations on OIP applications
People present (lines said)
- dhellmann (142)
- mnaser (33)
- evrardjp (32)
- ttx (28)
- TheJulia (22)
- asettle (21)
- fungi (20)
- lbragstad (19)
- zaneb (19)
- mugsie (18)
- jroll (16)
- gmann (15)
- cdent (9)
- ricolin (9)
- bauzas (5)
- openstack (5)
- smcginnis (3)
- dims (2)
- openstackgerrit (1)
- cmurphy (1)
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