#openstack-tc: tc
Meeting started by slaweq at 15:00:15 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call (slaweq, 15:00:22)
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee
- Follow up on past action items (slaweq, 15:03:37)
- ACTION: gmann to fill
PTG survey and team signup for TC discussions (slaweq,
- ACTION: spotz to
check with operators about what format they want in virtual PTG.
options: 1. join ops hours in the project PTG room and meet/discuss
with developer 2. book ops slot in same room/day and ask developer
to come to that room and discuss the things (slaweq,
- Gate health check (slaweq, 15:09:30)
- 2023.1 cycle PTG Planning (slaweq, 15:16:09)
- ACTION: knikolla to
make doodle for ops to pick their availability slots during the
PTG (slaweq,
- Open Reviews (slaweq, 15:36:11)
- https://review.opendev.org/q/projects:openstack/governance+is:open
- https://openinfra-ptg.eventbrite.com/
Meeting ended at 15:41:22 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- gmann to fill PTG survey and team signup for TC discussions
- spotz to check with operators about what format they want in virtual PTG. options: 1. join ops hours in the project PTG room and meet/discuss with developer 2. book ops slot in same room/day and ask developer to come to that room and discuss the things
- knikolla to make doodle for ops to pick their availability slots during the PTG
Action items, by person
- knikolla
- knikolla to make doodle for ops to pick their availability slots during the PTG
- gmann to fill PTG survey and team signup for TC discussions
- spotz to check with operators about what format they want in virtual PTG. options: 1. join ops hours in the project PTG room and meet/discuss with developer 2. book ops slot in same room/day and ask developer to come to that room and discuss the things
People present (lines said)
- slaweq (65)
- diablo_rojo (35)
- knikolla (15)
- jungleboyj (14)
- dansmith (8)
- rosmaita (8)
- spotz[m] (7)
- opendevmeet (3)
- arne_wiebalck (2)
- clarkb (2)
- opendevstatus (2)
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