#openstack-meeting: training-guides
Meeting started by matjazp at 17:04:10 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- two new core reviewers: Kato Tomoyuki and Tim
Freund (matjazp,
- We added a new policy for cores: current lead
of Upstream training session (held before each Summit) is now part
of the core team by function. (matjazp,
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/240739/
- https://translate.openstack.org/project/list
- ACTION: matjazp looks
into adding training guides into translate.openstack.org
Meeting ended at 17:47:50 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- matjazp looks into adding training guides into translate.openstack.org
Action items, by person
- matjazp
- matjazp looks into adding training guides into translate.openstack.org
- openstack
- matjazp looks into adding training guides into translate.openstack.org
People present (lines said)
- matjazp (53)
- ianychoi (44)
- openstack (5)
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