Thursday, 2016-03-24

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder: Cinder functional testing
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cloudnullif anyone is around to review itd be much appreciated.00:44
cloudnullthe test is now building an indepth set of packages which was taken from one of my multi-node builds using mitaka00:45
cloudnull-cc automagically, jmccrory00:45
jmccrorycloudnull nice...12 minutes on ovh!00:51
jmccroryabout 10 minutes there too00:51
cloudnullyea should be good all around.00:52
cloudnullim hoping for a ~10 min saving in the integrated gate too00:52
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jmccroryneed to go back and find logan's averages, but repo_build took 23 minutes on the an ovh log i have saved00:54
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openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder: OpenStack services should reach Glance via the internal LB VIP
cloudnulljmccrory: -- these were fairly common timeframes in my testing old vs new00:58
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openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build: Updated repo_build process to be faster
cloudnulljmccrory:  updated for your comments in the scripts01:28
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openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Add ability to set up Swift container-sync realms
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_aodh: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
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* neillc heads out to be a taxi02:40
neillcIn case In don't get back in time, have a great Easter everyone.02:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
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jwitkohey neillc, have you ever seen a case where the neutron dhcp agents weren't pingable and were not responding to DHCPDISCOVER requests?04:04
jwitkoin my new cluster I just spun up (Kilo) I'm having this issue.04:04
jwitkothe dnsmasq logs on the neutron agent container show the DHCPDISCOVER request coming through and its greeted with an error04:05
jwitkoMar 23 23:39:53 dnsmasq-dhcp[9113]: DHCPDISCOVER(ns-c4af496d-ab) fa:16:3e:b1:f7:6a no address available04:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Remove old MariaDB apt sources
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jwitkoSo the VM can't see the DHCPOFFER coming from dnsmas on the neutron agent container05:31
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winggundamthgot this error on 12.0.8 while running openstack-ansible repo-install.yml
winggundamthMaybe repo container missing something? ImportError: No module named M2Crypto08:13
winggundamthoh maybe related to this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1559380 in openstack-ansible trunk "repo build broken due to pywbem 0.8.1" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Kevin Carter (kevin-carter)08:15
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winggundamthwill try to remove pywbem from cinder and swift and run playbook again08:20
winggundamthconfirm that after remove pywbem as PR fixes the problem08:28
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odyssey4mejwitko are you sure you're looking at the right log, and is that mac matching the instance mac? dnsmasq is basically saying that there are no addresses available to that mac - so either your virtual net is out of addresses (check the dhcp range), or that mac is not known to openstack and is therefore being ignored09:09
odyssey4mewinggundamth well found :)09:09
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on Mitaka RC's
matttodyssey4me: so what are we tackling today?09:25
mattti kind of want to wait for to merge to see the fallout from that change09:25
odyssey4memattt so it looks like is failing on telemetry and then some basic ops too:
matttodyssey4me: shouldn't the roles be bumped first or has that been done already ?09:27
odyssey4medone last night09:28
odyssey4mejmccrory did a slight tqweak to your cinder api checks and it worked perfectly - apparently it's no longer a 200 response, it could be 200 (OK) or 300 (options)09:28
odyssey4meso the cinder checks are in09:29
matttyeah i noticed, that's cool09:29
matttok let me see if i can replicate that telemetry stuff locally09:29
matttunless you're already on it09:29
odyssey4menot on it atm09:29
odyssey4meI've promised to spend a bit more time on getting Ironic to a point of working, so I'm going to have to focus there.09:30
odyssey4meThere is a strong drive to include it in the Mitaka release.09:30
mattti actually have to switch gears for a sec today too, to look at that pbr wheels issue that we reported upstream a few months ago09:31
matttbecause in mitaka keystone bundles wsgi scripts which we should be building, but at present our wheels don't include them09:31
odyssey4meah yes - to try and have a more dynamic inclusion for the wsgi stuff09:31
matttso sigmavirus24_awa actually fixed the issue, i just need to see if we can get that version of pbr into openstack/osa and then make the relevant changes to os_keystone09:32
odyssey4mewell, the roles all build from stable/mitaka now instead of a SHA09:32
odyssey4meonce requirements creates a stable/mitaka branch then we'll build from that too09:32
odyssey4meI expect that if we want that version of pbr used in openstack, then pbr will just have to tag09:33
odyssey4mewe'll then inherit it from upper-constraints09:33
matttyeah, i'll have a poke and see09:33
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admin0good morning09:45
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matttadmin0: still waiting to see your docs PR :)09:55
admin0today will start on it09:56
admin0yesterday worked on something :)09:56
admin0do curl :)09:56
admin0from console09:56
admin0the best is to do a file transfer . curl -T   file gw.am09:56
admin0and you can wget it back09:56
admin0i was having a hassle doing rdp, console, vpn, console where copy/paste does not work09:57
admin0hopefully people can find it useful as quick way to transfer files between machines09:57
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Ensure that wheel version used matches upper-constraints
odyssey4memattt ^ please review when you have a moment - it's pretty crucial that we get that fix into this tag11:30
odyssey4meI'm going to have to figure out how to grab the upper-constraints version of wheel and use it in the specs.11:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build: Always rebuild venvs when rebuilding wheels
matttodyssey4me: how did that version of wheel slip into liberty?11:39
matttthought the process of bumping was to manually check upper constraints file?11:39
odyssey4mewe didn't validate as we should have11:40
matttk, +2d11:41
odyssey4methanks mattt11:42
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mhaydenmorning, folks11:57
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add release note for pywbem issue
odyssey4meo/ mhayden how're your load balancers doing? are they actually running some sort of load or are they just present?12:00
odyssey4memhayden I noticed that the Mitaka updated for Ceilometer include some meters for LBaaSv212:00
mhaydenodyssey4me: i'm about to check -- just sat down with my coffee12:01
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mhaydeni wasn't running them under load overnight12:01
odyssey4memattt is another crucial one for this tag12:01
mhaydeni forgot to run the script :|12:01
mhaydensome meters would be nice, but there are some basic stats pulled into the database about the LB's12:01
mhaydenlike bytes in/out and requests12:01
mhaydeni'm not sure if those can be queried via API, though12:01
odyssey4meand hey, mattt has merged!12:02
odyssey4meI don't know if it takes a period of time to actually happen on the images though.12:02
odyssey4melemme ask12:02
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create: Remove dependency on python2_lxc git source
mhaydenwhoa, made my first legit non-backport kilo commit12:09
* mhayden thinks he should be proud of that, but he isn't sure12:09
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server: Remove dependency on python2_lxc git source
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server: Remove dependency on python2_lxc git source
odyssey4mecongrats mhayden :)12:14
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odyssey4memhayden spotz_zzz please santise my terribad english in the release notes and
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Remove dependency on python2_lxc git source
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder: [WIP] Do not merge
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
odyssey4memattt it seems like it doesn't just work - I may need to pus some of that magic into the roles to make the python2_lxc git source removal work12:24
odyssey4mesee how you go12:24
matttwith this change we should be able to drop use of ansible_python_interpreter and drop any cruft we were installing like lxc-python212:25
matttso far my test review is still running, which is slightly concerning12:26
odyssey4memattt give the gremlins a little time to do their thing :p12:27
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Update source-branch-updater to work with IRR's
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on Mitaka RC's
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on Mitaka RC's
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on Mitaka RC's
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on Mitaka RC's
odyssey4mesorry for the spam12:35
odyssey4me<---- being a bit stupid today12:35
odyssey4memattt so passed, which is good - the question is whether it'll pass after removing all the cruft12:36
odyssey4meI have the sneaky suspicion that the change to sudoers may only take effect once the current nodepool's prepped nodes are used up - so we may have to wait for this all to take effect until later, or tomorrow.12:37
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pjm_Hi there12:38
odyssey4meandymccr mattt we need to get approved in order to unblock the swift role's builds12:39
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matttshould that not be changed also ?12:42
pjm_can I make a suggestion ?12:44
matttpjm_: go for it :)12:45
matttmorning automagically12:45
pjm_in the file
pjm_it wouldn't be more generic if was configure-network-services.rst12:45
pjm_and chaning the title for12:45
pjm_“Configuring the Network Firewall Service (Optional)” -> “Configuring the Network Services (Optional)”12:46
matttpjm_: sensible sounding suggestion12:46
matttpjm_: is that a change you yourself can propose on gerrit ?12:46
pjm_because if I understand well, this readme tells how configure the network services related12:46
pjm_sure =) if its not absurd12:47
matttit's very easy!  the part i forget is how to sign the openstack contributors agreement :)12:49
pjm_matt: thanks :)12:49
pjm_another thing, the file mentioned in the readme12:50
pjm_don't have the options12:50
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matttpjm_: yeah, the file in the README is basically the place where you add all the overrides for your environment12:50
matttso unless you have a specific need to override something the default will be applied12:51
pjm_I tried that steps enabling all the services and neutron stops working, commented that line and works again. I will try find it =)12:51
matttpjm_: openstack-ansible is composed of a bunch of 'modules', each with their own set of defaults12:51
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pjm_right, and that file will overwrite any defaults existing in the playbooks, right?12:52
pjm_ok, that makes sense =) thanks12:53
matttpjm_: np, happy to help you get that review in when you've done all the necessary bits12:54
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odyssey4memattt - swift doesn't have a stable/mitaka branch yet - so master is fine12:59
odyssey4mewe'll switch that once they cut thr branch12:59
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odyssey4mepjm_ note that if you wish to change the title of then you may have to merge it with too which makes it a little unwieldy - have a go at it though, we'd like to see your proposed change13:01
pjm_Thanks odyssey4me I didn't see that file13:02
pjm_i'm reading the website that mattt give to me to complete the proposed change =)13:02
odyssey4meawesome :)13:03
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odyssey4meo/ automagically how're you doing?13:09
automagicallyJust great, thanks13:09
matttdoes the US break for easter ?13:09
automagicallySome folks have good friday off, but its rare13:10
openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Include security role in setup-hosts.yml
odyssey4mecloudnull with regards to - there may be some more optimisations we can use - see / (maybe max-procs works with wheel?)13:11
cloudnullsadly pip wheel does not have the --install-options flag13:13
odyssey4mecloudnull typey typer make-the-fix :)13:13
* cloudnull working on it13:13
odyssey4methere are two issues that would help us a lot to be solved - one is improving the use of parallel processing (for downloads, and wheel building), the other is being able to actually resolve a full tree of dependencies13:14
odyssey4meif we could resolve deps properly, we could drop carrying arbitrary wheels and simply have the resolving work from our requirements and from the services being deployed... instead of building wheels for every single thing in global-requirements13:15
odyssey4meit's obviously not crucial for now, but would be highly beneficial - we can always target tackling that in the next cycle13:17
cloudnullI agree13:18
cloudnullI'd love to work on that and maybe sigmavirus24_awa could help us out with some of that too .13:19
openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-security: Improved search for unlocked system accounts
odyssey4mecloudnull ++13:19
odyssey4meboth would be great additions to pip which so many projects depend on, I'm sure the project would appreciate the submission13:19
odyssey4meit looks like dstufft was working on something at one time and did some improvements - see
cloudnullas an aside adding install-options to the build/install process causes "UserWarning: Disabling all use of wheels due to the use of --build-options / --global-options / --install-options.cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options)"13:21
odyssey4meit may be worth approaching him in #pypa-dev to see where help is needed13:21
odyssey4meyuk :(13:21
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cloudnullbummer. its the same thing if i use build-options in the wheel command.13:28
cloudnullpip becomes very unhappy13:28
odyssey4me:/ it was worth a try13:30
cloudnullim trying the xarg bits now13:33
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odyssey4mewould you mind making this go?
odyssey4mealso /
cloudnullxargs is a fail w/ wheel too.13:38
cloudnullif 2 packages attempt to build at the same time, due to dependencies because we dont have them listed twice in the requirements file, it causes a collision and the process dies.13:39
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matttodyssey4me: do we want to explore this any further or shall i kill it?
odyssey4memattt I think we should kill it13:42
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build: Updated repo_build process to be faster
mhaydenhughsaunders: i'm not opposed to your suggestion here, but i cannot find the right incantation to make it work:
mhaydeni can't get it to work via shell or raw13:51
cloudnullodyssey4me automagically jmccrory ^ updated because it was in merge conflict13:51
mhaydeneither the YAML parser and/or bash complains13:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Update role for stable/mitaka testing
hughsaundersmhayden: ahh, I tried it in terminal, but didn't try embedding in yaml, the result is the same as your current tasks, its just a bit shorter, so if it doesn't embed well we can got with the current istuation13:52
mhaydenhughsaunders: i might do that13:52
cloudnullodyssey4me:  idk if we're going to get the build process to be much faster at this point (given the limitations with parallel building).13:53
cloudnullfairly good improvement overall IMO, before: ~25 min, after: ~10 min13:53
cloudnullmaybe we can make it better with some upstream pip work13:54
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Add ability to set up Swift container-sync realms
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift: Remove dependency on python2_lxc git source
odyssey4meyup, sounds good - happy to have some optimisation and I think working on improving this upstream (with pip and Ansible) would be good13:55
odyssey4mecloudnull with regards to - why don't we switch to using a pip install for installing ansible? it would allow us to set it as a pin in requirements.txt and the source branch updater can update the pins appropriately13:56
cloudnullidk if that works . it hadnt in the past13:57
cloudnullpip install was not bringing in the core / extra modules.13:57
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cloudnullif it is fixed we should do that13:58
odyssey4methe reason for using the git source in the first place was to ensure that we pull the extras in - those are now included in the 'ansible' pip package13:58
odyssey4methey have been for quite some time13:58
cloudnullwell, it would seem im stuck in the past.14:01
* cloudnull yells at some kids to get off his lawn14:01
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matttgoing to start on the nova functional tests14:03
matttwish me luck14:03
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cloudnullgodspeed mattt14:06
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sigmavirus24cloudnull: I had ideas for parallel processing of dependencies14:12
sigmavirus24it's plausible but we could run into some non-unique versions possibly14:12
cloudnullsigmavirus24: assuming the project requirements are setup properly, i'd imagine that should be ok.14:13
sigmavirus24cloudnull: right. We are using upper-constraints now too, right?14:14
cloudnullwe are14:14
jwitkoHey guys,  I'm having some trouble with DHCP in my enivronment.  I can not ping the DHCP servers that openstack sets up when I create a new subnet and with further analysis of the dnsmasq logs I see that the VMs within my openstack cluster can not see DHCP packets coming from the DHCP agents14:14
cloudnulljwitko: liberty ?14:15
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jwitkocloudnull, sorry, Kilo14:15
jwitkoOSA release 11.2.914:15
odyssey4mejwitko check out your backscroll -did you see my feedback from earlier?14:16
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jwitkosorry just woke up, let me check  (that was late last night)14:16
openstackgerritPedro Magalhães proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Joining documentation of network services in one file
mattt^^^ pjm_ nice :)14:17
jwitkoso odyssey4me, thanks for that feedback.  i  investigated more after I posted that last night and basically you were correct.  DNSMasq did not know about the MAC address in its host file.  However restarting neutron-dhcp-agent made it recognize the MAC.  and Yes I confirmed the MAC matches the interface on my VM (Although to note this is a brand new installation and therefore only14:17
jwitkohas this 1 test VM i created)14:17
pjm_thanks for the help matt and odyssey4me =)14:18
pjm_hope its help14:18
jwitkoso what I did to get to this point, where I knew the MAC existed, was create the VM and then restart the DHCP agent on neutron.  The MAC and IP mapping now exists in the dnsmasq host file14:18
jwitkoThat is when I actually got dnsmasq to respond to the DHCPDISCOVER with a DHCPOFFER, however a tcpdump on the VM shows that only outgoing DHCP packets are even being seen14:18
jwitkothe VM sees absolutely no incoming traffic on port 67 or 68 UDP14:19
jwitkoI do see the DHCPDISCOVER packets leaving the VM,  and I see dnsmasq picking up the discover packet and returning an OFFER14:19
jwitkobut thats it14:19
odyssey4meautomagically as far as I recall, either you or jmccrory work behind a proxy - can you validate that works properly behind a proxy?14:19
automagicallyodyssey4me: Yeah, I saw your note on that. I will attempt to validate later today14:20
odyssey4mejwitko hrm, I'd love to help but I need to get some other stuff working on a deadline - hopefully someone else can assist14:20
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openstackgerritPedro Magalhães proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Joining documentation of network services in one file
odyssey4memattt I've checking out a build using the updated SHA's - plenty of nova brokenness - are you going to figure those out?14:24
matttodyssey4me: yeah, my initial full build failed because of cloud networking i think, got another build which is just about done14:25
odyssey4meok, I'll leave nova to you14:25
odyssey4meother brokenness is in glance and ceilometer - lemme take a crack at glance quickly14:26
matttalright, looking at nova then ceilometer14:27
spotzcloudnull the comment in says it's abandon and the review is now in the same review FYI14:27
matttodyssey4me: presumably nova is busted because glance is busted14:27
mattthaving a peek at glance also14:28
jwitkoodyssey4me, no problem.  maybe later if you're free14:28
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cloudnullspotz: ah. yea cp error14:31
cloudnullthats the new review14:31
odyssey4memattt BackendException: Cannot find swift service endpoint : Expecting to find domain in project - the server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400)14:31
NepocGreetings! I have some "issues" with overriding the galera my.cnf. I have to add in skip-name-resolve and skip-host-cache but these are not in the format of variable = setting. How can I correctly format the override to just have the text skip-name-resolve entered into the mysqld section of the config (with out an = on the line)14:31
spotzThanks cloudnull in my pile from channel and email notices14:32
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cloudnullif any cores are around to review and potentially make this go It'd be much appreciated.14:33
odyssey4mecloudnull yep, waiting for a behind-the-proxy test by automagically14:34
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NepocI'm guessing the overrides can't do what I need.... or I just don't know the format14:41
NepocI either end up with and = in the line or I get a new [DEFAULT] section at the top14:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Ensure that wheel version used matches upper-constraints
Nepoc  mysqld:14:46
Nepoc    skip-host-cache:  <- anytime there is a : in this line you get an = in the line. If you don't then you end up with the [DEFAULT] section and a mysqld = [skip-host-cache,skip-name-resolve]14:46
cloudnullNepoc: this will work for that14:47
cloudnullwhille most docs say to just set the name, the run time config with just the name is NAME=114:47
cloudnullso if you set that using the config template the galera setup will do the right thing14:48
Nepoccloudnull: trying it out :)14:48
cloudnulllet me know how it goes14:48
Nepoc[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: option '--skip-host-cache' cannot take an argument14:49
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cloudnullskip-name-resolve is working right ?14:50
spotzmhayden LBaas v2 is Octavia and not Neutron correct?14:50
cloudnullim looking at skip-host-cache14:50
NepocYes looks like skip-name-resolve is working14:51
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automagicallycloudnull: Starting the behind the proxy test now14:51
NepocI'll try running without skip-host-cache and see if I have success14:52
cloudnullNepoc: -- it doesnt seem that an option in galera14:52
cloudnullrather mariadb14:52
cloudnullmaybe it reads it in as a cli arg  ?14:52
cloudnulli did a look up using:   show variables like "%skip%";14:53
NepocInteresting, well I'll just go without. I assumed it was "working" since it didn't complain with it set manually in the file :)14:54
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Nepoccloudnull: thank you for the help again14:55
cloudnullNepoc: are you testing kilo ?14:56
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cloudnullok, so that option was there is 5.5 but it seems it was removed in 5.6 (mariadb 10)14:57
cloudnullit seems skip-name-resolve is all you need going forward.14:58
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NepocExcellent :)15:07
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openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-security: Improved search for unlocked system accounts
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mhaydenspotz: LBaaSv2 only is a specification for the *API*15:12
mhaydenthe implementation can be haproxy via agent or octavia15:12
mhaydenthat confused me for a while, too15:12
spotzmhayden Ok just wanted to be sure for a doc review we've got15:12
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NepocIs this a known error? sysctl: separators should not be repeated: ..rp_filter sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf//rp_filter: No such file or directory15:14
NepocLooks like it's missing the interface15:14
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openstackgerritPedro Magalhães proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Joining documentation of network services in one file
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jwitkocloudnull, hey can I ask for your help on a DHCP issue within the neutron dhcp agent?  I just spun up a new stack on Kilo 11.2.9 release and my VMs can't get DHCP packets from neutron-dhcp-agent.15:31
cloudnulldo you see the request leaving the neutron-agent container ?15:32
jwitkoYes, dnsmasq logs and tcpdump show DHCPOFFER being sent15:32
cloudnullon the compute host do you see it as well ?15:32
jwitkoyou know i actually didn't check that, let me go find out now15:32
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cloudnullalso is the vm being built using a provider network or tenant network?15:33
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jwitkocloudnull, the VM is using provider network.  the compute host sees both DHCP coming in and going Out15:38
jwitko11:37:47.303369   B fa:16:3e:b1:f7:6a ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 348: > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from fa:16:3e:b1:f7:6a, length 30415:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Add release note for pywbem issue
jwitko11:37:47.303466 Out fa:16:3e:b1:f7:6a ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 348: > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from fa:16:3e:b1:f7:6a, length 30415:38
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cloudnullso the request leaves the compute host, hits dnsmasq within the neutron container, returns to compute node?15:40
odyssey4memattt I ended up in a meeting. Have you made progress with the failing master integrated build?15:40
cloudnulldoes the neutron linuxbridge agent show anything in the logs indicating there is an issue ?15:41
matttodyssey4me: negative15:45
odyssey4memattt okieodokey15:45
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matttodyssey4me: all i know is it's related to using keystone v3 for the swift glance_storage, and whatever the issue is was introduced between 0.11.0 and 0.12.0 (feb 12 -> marc 1)15:45
odyssey4memattt I thought we had this one licked. A regression?15:46
matttthe issues are all starting to merge into 1 for me :)15:47
jwitkocloudnull, so i think the path is currently:   VM --> Compute node --> Controller node --> neutron agent container --> Controller node --> Compute node --Death--15:48
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jwitkocloudnull, the linuxbridge-agent logs show nothing at all unhappy15:49
jwitkojust gave em' a restart for good measure though15:49
cloudnulldo you see the same issue if you use a tenant network instead of a provider network ?15:49
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jwitkoI havent tried, never done that before.15:52
matttodyssey4me: ok i /think/ this is the one that broke it
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 ^ potential keystone v3 API regression for glance_store15:53
matttmay not be a regression, still looking at it :)15:54
odyssey4meit looks, at a glance, like it has all the right things to pass into the ksclient - are we setting all the needful things?15:54
sigmavirus24has no one ever learned how to not use the versioned portions of libraries like that?15:55
sigmavirus24those libraries go to so much trouble to provide abstractions15:55
sigmavirus24and no one ever bothers using them15:55
cloudnulljwitko: are you running with l2population ?15:56
odyssey4meat first blush, it seems we're doing the right things:
jwitkocloudnull, I'm not sure how can I tell?15:57
jwitkocloudnull, I ran dhcpdump on the tap interface for the VM on the compute node.  that interface only ever sees DHCPDISCOVER, never anything in return15:57
cloudnullin kilo its on by default
cloudnulland you see the discover in the agents contianer ?15:58
jwitkoso, at this point i'm using a dhcpdiscover at the compute node vlan bridge15:59
odyssey4memattt sigmavirus24 it does seem like we're supplying 'swift_store_user', for example, and the library is looking for 'username'15:59
jwitkoand I don't see any DHCPOFFER reply15:59
jwitkoso I need to go see exactly where the offer stops15:59
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sigmavirus24odyssey4me: that should be the correct thing to specify16:00
odyssey4meI'm not sure if there's some sort of key munging that happens between glance and glance_store16:00
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cloudnulljwitko: would you mind also doing an ``lxc-stop -n $NEUTRON_AGENT_CONTAINER; lxc-start -n $NEUTRON_AGENT_CONTAINER;`` just to rule out namespace and tap device tom foolery16:00
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cloudnullrather: ``lxc-stop -n $NEUTRON_AGENT_CONTAINER; lxc-start -dn $NEUTRON_AGENT_CONTAINER;``16:01
matttare we using single or multi-tenant store ?16:01
sigmavirus24mattt: single-tenant iirc16:01
sigmavirus24we're storing everything as the glance service user iirc which would be single-tenant16:01
matttyeah that's it16:01
automagicallyodyssey4me: Meeting?16:01
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sigmavirus24I think multi-tenant store would require the swift driver to get a trust per-user and would then use the user's tenant to store the image data in swift16:01
odyssey4meah yes - time crept up on me16:01
odyssey4memeeting in #openstack-meeting-4 cloudnull, mattt, andymccr, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, Sam-I-Am, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, mhayden, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, automagically, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, KLevenstein, admin0, michaelgugino,16:02
odyssey4me ametts, v1k0d3n, severion, bgmccollum16:02
matttsigmavirus24: i may pop into #openstack-glance to see if someone wants to have a peep16:05
sigmavirus24mattt: can you give me more details16:05
sigmavirus24I only got pinged regarding a possible regression in glance_store16:05
sigmavirus24Idk what we're talking about otherwise16:06
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jwitkocloudnull, so it looks like the cut-off is between the controller and the compute16:08
matttsigmavirus24: so we have a review to bump shas to stable/mitaka16:08
matttsigmavirus24: that broke glance, i'm seeing this in the logs
matttsigmavirus24: i tried going through minor versions of the glance store, and issue arises between 0.11.0 and 0.12.016:09
matttsigmavirus24: believe it's
jwitkocloudnull, the path is currently:   VM --> Compute node --> Controller node --> neutron agent container --> Controller node -->  --Death--16:09
matttsigmavirus24: that's all i know at the moment16:09
jwitkoi will try to restart the container now like you asked16:09
sigmavirus24mattt: I'm reading some codes for you16:09
matttsigmavirus24: u da bayst16:10
matttsigmavirus24: also flipping to keystone v2 in glance store also makes it work16:10
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sigmavirus24mattt: I think it's related to and
sigmavirus24but I haven't figured out exactly how yet ;)16:16
prometheanfireis OSA following the mitaka branch of projects that have that yet?16:17
cloudnullprometheanfire: in the projects yes, the intgrated gate is still pending16:17
cloudnulli believe16:17
sigmavirus24Found it
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odyssey4meprometheanfire yes, in the roles - there are some kinks being worked out in the integrated build16:19
prometheanfirecloudnull: k, was just curious, as not doing that could make it hard to cut a proper mitaka release16:19
matttsigmavirus24: what is it, the fact that the default project is being set to None ?16:19
prometheanfireodyssey4me: thanks16:19
matttoh return {} also16:20
jwitkocloudnull, so 2/3 restarted without issue.  the third one is not stopping16:21
jwitkoi tried --kill but no luck16:21
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cloudnulllxc-stop -kn NAME16:21
cloudnullno go ?16:22
sigmavirus24mattt: yeah, I'm puzzling through this minefield16:22
sigmavirus24don't have a full explanation yet16:22
sigmavirus24but I'm documenting what I find for others playing along at home16:22
mattthehe ok thanks sigmavirus2416:22
matttshall i put any of my findings into a glance bug or just leave it for now ?16:22
jwitkocloudnull, no that does not work.  BUT!  you were right, restarting the containers fixed it :)16:24
jwitkothe other two came up and are serving dhcp16:24
jwitkoVM now got IP16:25
cloudnullI wonder if the issue was a tap device in the container or if the container had a broken veth16:25
sigmavirus24mattt: leave it for now16:30
sigmavirus24mattt: can confirm that is the code to the SingleTenant store16:31
matttcool, shame there's no way to turn off this connection manager16:31
matttodyssey4me: shall i update the sha bump to use the last good SHA ?16:31
matttactually derp, glance_store is pulled in implicitly16:31
odyssey4memattt yep, glance_store comes in from the requirements16:32
matttwell that's a problem, it's glance_store>=0.13.016:33
matttbusted version is 0.12.016:33
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stevelleautomagically: were you going to look at
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automagicallyI can, its been on my backburner for a bit16:39
palendaeHas anyone else experience this? I can reproduce the behavior, but I have not been able to track down the cause
openstackLaunchpad bug 1540531 in openstack-ansible trunk "Upgrade issues with 'Create log aggregation links'" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Nolan Brubaker (nolan-brubaker)16:41
palendaeAdditional eyes might help; I *think* an rsyslog variable value is being remembered somewhere, but I can't prove it16:42
stevellepalendae: what I experience is that is always marked as changed, and that bugs me16:42
palendaestevelle: That task?16:42
stevellehaven't looked for that issue though16:42
stevelleyes, the task16:42
palendaeThis seems to happen specifically when you teardown16:42
palendaeAt least, dumping the haproxy stuff16:43
stevellehmm, so don't teardown? :)16:43
palendaeWell, yes :)16:43
palendaeTeardown does take that file with it though16:43
stevellea good clue at least16:43
palendaeWhich confused me a lot the last I looked at this16:43
palendaeOh, it likely always says changed cause (in liberty, at least) it's set to force: "yes"16:44
stevelleautomagically: we can figure out what to do with 290834 a bit later16:45
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openstackgerritAndy McCrae proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add group_vars for swift_remote_all hosts
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spotzgerrit be slow....16:58
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spotzandymccr: odyssey4me: I thought we were trying to eliminate calls to rpc-repo?17:16
andymccrspotz: happy to change it to anything really, those vars just need to be defined so i copied whatever was in the hosts.yml group_vars17:17
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spotzandymccr: The code looks good just want to make sure it's still good to refer to it. It had been removed from the docs already17:18
odyssey4mespotz trying to eliminate it as a *requirement* for now - we can do more clean up next cycle17:18
odyssey4meand yes, ideally no references in the docs17:19
andymccrspotz: honestly, i think it should be fixed in upstream ansible - you shouldn't need to specify vars that aren't required by a role just because they are expanded through filters, and you want to reference another hosts hostvars17:19
andymccrbut that is the quickest fix for now, and since we'd need to move to ansible 2.1 and are unlikely to get it fixed in 1.9.4, it seems like the quickest path to success17:19
spotzandymccr: Has anyone bugged it there?17:19
andymccrspotz: im going to be testing it on 2.1 next week :)17:20
spotzOk sweet, I'll go ahead and +1 the review in the meantime:)17:20
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odyssey4meandymccr hmm, those vars are already defined /
andymccrodyssey4me: yeah but swift_remote_all are not in the hosts group, because they shouldn't have tasks targetted at hosts run against them17:28
odyssey4meah, I see
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andymccrthey shouldn't need those vars either, except that ansible expands the local hosts (which do have those vars) vars that are passed through filters (netloc/netorigin) and then bombs because the var doesnt exist.17:30
odyssey4meok, technically repo_pip_default_index is not the right name anyway - so that's pretty weird17:36
odyssey4meit's supposed to be repo_build_pip_default_index17:36
odyssey4mebut yeah, if it's causing a fail then I'll revisit that when I circle back to
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andymccrits really not a used var, its just any var that gets filtered through netloc or netorigin. (
andymccrit just happens to be those 2 vars only17:38
odyssey4meyep, that'll no longer be needed when merges17:39
andymccrok there is one other occurence17:39
andymccrbut if thats going in thats awesome - but can that be backported?17:39
odyssey4meyes, I'm intending to as solves an important issue when working behind proxies17:40
andymccrok cool17:40
odyssey4meand yeah, I'm intending to fix that last ref in as that's not right17:40
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andymccrok sweet, as long as they aren't filtered through then we shouldn't need to do anything for the sync roles17:41
andymccralthough somewhat interestingly, it may be best to avoid using var expansion inside group_vars, because if you reference a different host's hostvars it will take it's local expansion of the var and not the other host's.17:42
odyssey4meI think my brain exploded. :p17:42
andymccrwhich im not sure would be expected behaviour, for e.g. if a group_var was : "container_name2: "{{ container_name }}2" and you referenced hostvars[notmyhost]['container_name2'] you would get "your own container_name"2 back and not "other hosts container_name"217:43
andymccrat least in 1.9.417:43
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andymccrbecause it only performs the expansion based on your local vars.17:44
andymccror so this seems.17:44
andymccrwhile you piece your brain back together - im heading out :) have fun everybody!17:45
odyssey4mehave a great weekend andymccr !17:45
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openstackgerritRohan Parulekar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron: Nuage neutron plugin ansible changes
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odyssey4memattt sigmavirus24 any progress on confirming whether we've hit a bug?18:10
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sigmavirus24odyssey4me: chatting in #openstack-glance with jokke about it18:11
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 great, thanks - I'll lurk there18:12
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prometheanfireodyssey4me: you have a link for the neutron fix in osa liberty?18:26
prometheanfirethe sha bump18:26
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logan-this one?
prometheanfireya, so we can include that18:37
prometheanfiredon't know when the fast tags/sha bumps are suposed to happen18:37
prometheanfirejust know that we agreed that they would :D18:37
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odyssey4meprometheanfire you're asking about the tags for OSA?18:49
odyssey4meFYI - the release for Kilo is in the queue:
odyssey4meI'll submit SHA bumps shortly.18:49
prometheanfireah, cool18:51
admin0any reason why this comes : SSL exception connecting to [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:590)19:03
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stevellecloudnull: on is there a diff between host / port and api_servers such that we can't just specify a default value for api_servers to get rid of the deprecated configs?19:11
stevellethe comment makes it seem like there is something I don't understand there19:12
automagicallyLeaving the case statement in place seems to resolve the issue19:13
cloudnullno difference other than there can be more than one.19:13
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on 12.0.10
automagicallyI do like cloudnull ’s suggestion of adopting a nova_glance_api_servers var to properly namespace, but that can be a follow-on change19:14
odyssey4meadmin0 more than likely trying to SSL to a non SSL service, or trying to HTTP to an SSL service19:14
openstackgerritHector I Gonzalez Mendoza proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance: Updated role using Multi-Distro framework
odyssey4med34dh0r53 prometheanfire Please verify that includes the SHA's you need.19:16
prometheanfireyep, already showed him :P19:17
stevelleagreed automagically, best to add a follow-on for it though I think that should happen too19:18
stevelleI'll try to refresh that review today19:19
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on 11.2.13
prometheanfireodyssey4me: thanks19:24
admin0odyssey4me:  the UR~L is in the rc file ..19:27
admin0its https:19:27
admin0trying to use the openstack api19:27
logan-can you curl https://url19:28
admin0curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to19:29
logan-what about curl http://url19:29
admin0http works fine19:29
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odyssey4melol, you can't serve two protocols from the same port19:31
odyssey4meso clearly you've misconfigured something19:32
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odyssey4meopenrc normally has the internal endpoint URL, but somehow you appear to have what I assume is your public URL in openrc?19:33
jthorneit'll have the publicURL if you downloaded the openrc from Horizon19:33
odyssey4meor you changed up the config, but didn't run all the plays?19:33
admin0that is what I have so far ..19:38
admin0what playbook might i have missed19:38
admin0horizon is working fine .. same ssl19:38
admin0internal stuff works19:38
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admin0just public is not19:38
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admin0does haproxy also read : openstack_service_publicuri_proto: https ?19:42
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jwitkohey guys is it possible to define multiple subnets for use in "br-mgmt"19:45
odyssey4mehorizon doesn't, by default, use the public endpoint19:45
odyssey4meadmin0 it seems likely that whatever you're using to do ssl offloading isn't correctly configured19:46
admin0its default haproxy that ansible installs19:46
admin0or let me rephrase19:46
odyssey4meadmin0 note that if you're expecting haproxy to do it, I think it needs more config than just saying you want https on your endpoint19:46
odyssey4meI think you need to set haproxy to do it.19:47
odyssey4meThe option caters for other LB's to handle it.19:47
admin0so how to tell haproxy .. “hey .. keystone is set for https:” ?19:47
mhaydencloudnull: i might have to hug you for
odyssey4meadmin0 add 'haproxy_ssl: true' to user_variables.yml19:48
admin0doing that :)19:48
cloudnullmhayden: so should i abandon it?19:48
spotzheheh. Bugs cloudnull he has stickers at his desk19:49
odyssey4meadmin0 and keystone_service_publicuri_proto: "https"19:49
spotzBugs=But, not sure about that typo:)19:49
odyssey4methat should be all19:49
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build: Updated repo_build process to be faster
cloudnullautomagically: ^ updated per your feedback19:50
cloudnullautomagically: did the the shell module work behind the proxy?19:51
cloudnulljust to confirm19:51
cloudnulli updated the script executions to all use shell based on my understand of that.19:51
cloudnullmhayden: hahahaha19:51
odyssey4med34dh0r53 prometheanfire FYI the tags will likely only get processed tomorrow in the US daytime19:52
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: tys19:52
odyssey4meI've submitted the requests, so they're just waiting for formalised processing.19:53
automagicallycloudnull: Yes, because of
prometheanfireodyssey4me: are we tagging after the sha bump?19:53
odyssey4memeanwhile the SHA bumps can go ahead as soon as they gate - the tags will be at the current SHA's19:53
cloudnullautomagically: cool19:53
admin0ran haprpxy playbook .. running openstack playbook again19:53
prometheanfireor before (for both kilo and liberty)19:53
openstackgerritHector I Gonzalez Mendoza proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance: Updated role using Multi-Distro framework
odyssey4meprometheanfire tag before the OpenStack SHA bump - but the tags will be done at the requested OSA SHA's19:54
odyssey4meprometheanfire but the SHA bump patches I've submitted can proceed regardless19:55
prometheanfiredon't think we care about the kilo sha, just the tag19:55
prometheanfireand we don't use liberty tags, just the shas19:55
prometheanfirefun distiction19:55
admin0odyssey4me:  so seeing https:// on all public and being happy that “hey its https” is not true :)20:02
odyssey4meadmin0 yep, it only actually works if something is handling https20:03
prometheanfireput nginx in front of it20:05
prometheanfiremade a couple of blog posts about it, but it's a one-off setup type thing (for home)20:05
admin0odyssey4me:   is in the public endpint . when I do that url, it throws me back to links": [{"href": "",20:06
admin0so why add the endpoints as https:// in the first place and have then return http instead of http20:06
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automagicallyadmin0: That’s due to a missing X-Forwarded-Proto header20:06
automagicallyThe app isn’t seeing SSL traffic, its seeing HTTP since the SSL is terminated at HAProxy20:07
automagicallyTherefore it thinks it should produce links to the HTTP version of itself20:07
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admin0 — this page needs a lot of work :D20:07
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admin0i can do that if i can make this work now20:07
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admin0can X-Forwarded-Proto header be also added/overwritten on the user_variables ?20:08
automagicallyadmin0: This should show you the pattern:
admin0i cannot +1 vote right :D20:09
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admin0hmm.. so now for me to fix this, i need to check somehow to add    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https   ?20:14
admin0isnt there smoething that can be instered into “              haproxy_ssl: "{% if haproxy_ssl | bool and keystone_service_internaluri_proto == 'https' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}””  ?20:16
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odyssey4mehmm, I thought we did have a header insertion there20:19
odyssey4mehang on20:19
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odyssey4meit is already:
odyssey4meand admin0 you can vote +120:22
odyssey4meanyone can vote +1/-120:22
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odyssey4meand that gets activated based on the public proto:
jwitkohey guys is it possible to define multiple subnets for use in the container/management ip range?  like multiple cidr's  in openstack_user_config.yaml ?20:25
odyssey4meadmin0 are your internal_lb_address and external_lb_address the same address?20:25
odyssey4mejwitko it's a bit of a hack, but essentially you define a CIDR that covers them both, then set the ranges you don't want containers to have to get 'used'20:26
jwitkoodyssey4me, thanks.20:27
jwitkoodyssey4me, wouldn't that mean they all had to share the same gateway then?20:27
jwitkoand netmask ?20:27
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odyssey4mejwitko hmm, I never thought that far personally - I immediately found a bucket to get ill into20:28
odyssey4methat's something we need to resolve in Newton in a far better way20:29
odyssey4memaybe cloudnull has a better hack?20:29
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cloudnulli've got nothing20:33
admin0odyssey4me: they are different20:34
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admin0lb_internal  is     lb_external is cloud101.domain.com20:39
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odyssey4meadmin0 and on the haproxy nodes, in the keystone_service config, do you see the X-Forwarded-Proto config there?20:46
odyssey4mejwitko we don't do the network config on the hosts, so there is that - and you can inject routes into the containers, so there's that20:46
odyssey4mebut generally speaking having multiple CIDRs for your management network as a story sucks right now20:47
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admin0i see for keystone_service:    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https20:48
admin0its there20:48
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odyssey4meadmin0 ok, so when you curl to the endpoint the info it gives back is the http location, right?20:52
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odyssey4meadmin0 as I recall, you'll also have to set
odyssey4methat's the one that shows up in the API response20:54
odyssey4mealthough logan- yourself and cloudnull did some digging and recently added I think?20:55
odyssey4meheh, no - that was me20:56
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odyssey4methat might work instead, actually - set
odyssey4meand set 'keystone_ssl: true'20:59
odyssey4methat combo should achieve the goal too21:00
admin0trying :)21:00
odyssey4meI think  that keystone_public_endpoint is specifically to advertise something like a name instead of an IP, and a different protocol - often used when a proxy or something is in front of keystone and you want to obscure it21:01
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odyssey4mewhereas the configuration of the expected header for traffic coming from an LB doing SSL offloading will provide the same name, but acknowledge the protocol difference21:02
admin0so i enabled keystone_secure_proxy_ssl_header: X-Forwarded-For .. i just need to run the keystone playbook right ?21:02
openstackgerritPedro Magalhães proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Joining documentation of network services in one file
odyssey4meadmin0 and 'keystone_ssl: true'21:02
admin0that i already have21:02
odyssey4meok, then keystone playbook - yeah21:03
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admin0do i also need to do setup-openstack ?21:09
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admin0hmm.. still returns http .. what i have so far is enabled keystone_secure_proxy_ssl_header: X-Forwarded-For and slo set keystone_ssl: true on the main.yml inside keystone,  keystone playbook re-run .  openstack_service_publicuri_proto: https is set ..  i also see keystone_service:    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https21:13
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automagicallySee you all tomorrow21:15
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odyssey4meadmin0 you shouldn't be changing things in the code - everything must be set in user_variables21:18
odyssey4meotherwise other things will override them21:18
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odyssey4mecheers automagically21:19
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openstackgerritRobb Romans proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Fix doc build warnings
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matttodyssey4me: was it identified as a bug then ?21:28
cloudnullanyone want to punch this through ?21:31
rromanspunch it!21:32
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admin0well odyssey4me .. i am kind of lost :)21:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build: Updated repo_build process to be faster
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
cloudnullawesome jmccrory22:19
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Add rootwraps, implement config_template
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Updates all repo SHAs to open up work on 12.0.10
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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jmccroryodyssey4me would it be possible to rename the repo to os_ironic to be in line with the other IRRs?23:28
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odyssey4mejmccrory apparently it's an expensive exercise - they have to take gerrit down to do it23:28
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jmccroryah wow23:29
odyssey4meso it'll take somewhere around amonth to do it23:29
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odyssey4meunfortunately it seems like the change to sudoers has done nothing to resolve the issues we were hoping for it to solve23:30
jmccroryocd's been gnawing at me seeing it come through in chat the last week or two, can probably hold out a month though23:31
odyssey4mewe'll have to revisit that next week23:31
odyssey4meyeah, I'd like to go through with it before we integrate it - I'll re-discuss it next week23:31
odyssey4meas it is, our repo-build process assumes that it only builds venvs for roles starting with os_23:32
odyssey4mehaha! it works!23:40
odyssey4mejmccrory if you have a gap, and the inclination, please take a look through that patch23:41
jmccrorysure, taking a look23:41
odyssey4mejmccrory automagically cloudnull d34dh0r53 stevelle mattt hughsaunders andymccr is passing a convergence test - it'd be great to get some reviews so that the Aus crew (mcarden, neillc, mrda) can get on with implementing some functional tests and work on making it more functional23:42
odyssey4meaha, the requirements repo has cut a stable branch23:47
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ironic: Implement initial test inventory/plays
odyssey4mejmccrory just added the switch to using stable/mitaka in defaults and tests23:56
jmccroryodyssey4me probably wouldn't matter since this is just convergence test, but should ironic_standalone_auth_strategy be overriden to keystone?23:58
jmccrorydefaults to noauth23:59

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