Thursday, 2014-10-23

clarkbfungi: jogo: that logging should be a noop00:00
lifelessfungi: print is dropped in 300:00
fungiclarkb: the legacy function should be a no-op yes00:00
lifelessfungi:  % is more complex, but print with nothing else is a clear syntax error on 300:01
fungiclarkb: i think that the reason jogo is adding that is to confirm it doesn't actually get run on icehouse, but that whole section should be able to come out now that havana is gone00:01
fungilifeless: oh, you're right, no idea why i didn't spot the missing ()00:02
fungii cannot for the life of me figure out why is consistently failing the apply-precise job. i've even gone so far as to manually test the vhost config on static.o.o temporarily so apache shouldn't be barfing...
clarkbfungi: jogo: imo we should just run the script to check that00:03
clarkbno need to go through an entire image build00:03
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fungiclarkb: good point, it's basically atomic00:03
clarkbI will give it a go on my test vm00:04
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jogofungi: yes the legacy print is a sanity check00:04
jogoclarkb: run which script?00:04
clarkbjogo: that script you are editing00:04
clarkbwe don't need a change to debug this. ou can just run the script00:05
clarkbI am going to do this now00:05
jogoclarkb: cool00:05
jogoclarkb: wasn't sure what env to run it in etc00:05
fungiyeah, the prep scripts just run that and it dances on a devstack checkout to download things00:05
clarkbjogo: you should just need the two dirs that are listed in that script00:06
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clarkbjogo: it may need root but I am not sure yet00:06
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fungiworst case you can change them in the script to something you can write in00:07
fungiand replace the whet calls with print statements00:07
fungii give up on typing00:07
fungi really looks to me like it's just failed to install apache2 at all00:08
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clarkbjogo: what is the name of the image we are looking for?00:09
fungiclarkb: Fedora-i386-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow200:09
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fungithat's the one it uses in the stable/icehouse branch00:10
clarkbhrm do we use the trove mysql image00:12
clarkbSlickNik: ^00:12
clarkb(it seems to be big)00:12
clarkband i am not sure if we are actually able to boot a nested vm capable or running mysql00:12
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clarkbI am also working on upgrading 05 and 04 concurrently00:13
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clarkbRunning: ['wget', '-nv', '-c', '', '-O', '/home/ubuntu/cache/files/Fedora-i386-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow2']00:15
fungioh, hah. found my issue. the puppetlabs-apache module demands a docroot even if you don't plan to use one in your custom vhost template00:15
clarkbso I think it is working00:15
clarkbgoing to let it finish before I declare success (maybe it manages to delete that image somehow?)00:15
clarkbFedora-i386-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow2: QEMU QCOW Image (v2), 2147483648 bytes00:15
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clarkbso I dunno should be working00:16
jogothat isn't what the nodepool logs show00:16
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Host a redirect on static
clarkbya I have to go look there next and probably look on a node too00:16
clarkbnote this was a trusty test vm not precise which is wactually where this needs to be iirc00:17
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SlickNikclarkb: Yup, we use the trove mysql image and can spin the guest vm using it.00:17
jogoohh good point00:17
jogoI was doing the wrong test locally too00:17
SlickNikclarkb: Sorry, just jumped on so don't have much context. Reading scrollback....00:17
clarkbSlickNik: on the gate slaves?00:18
SlickNikclarkb: We're not using it in the gate (yet).00:19
SlickNikspecifically in the d-g tests00:19
clarkbok so maybe w eshouldn't be caching that everywhere now00:19
clarkbfungi: jeblair doing 05 and 04 right now00:19
clarkbshould be up in a minute or two00:19
jogoclarkb: the theory I am working under is image_list doesn't work under  precise for some reason00:21
fungiclarkb: excellent00:22
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jogoclarkb: yup00:23
jogodouble checking00:23
jogo[ERROR] /home/devstack/functions-common:329 Support for -. is incomplete: no support for finding if a package is installed00:23
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jogofrom a 12.04.5 LTS docker container00:24
clarkbcool its a devstack bug :)00:24
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jogohmm hold on00:24
jogofalse alarm00:24
jogoI think00:24
jogoas that was on master branch00:25
clarkb04 and 05 are both back up and idle because zuul really has nothing to do?00:25
jogoclarkb: yeah, something is funny because that was master branch of devstack00:25
jogoand it looks like those images are working00:25
clarkbjogo: it would still bail out cache_devstack early00:25
clarkbI don't think its anything funny00:25
clarkbdevstack provides a public interface that is broken00:25
clarkbwow zuul really is just happily doing a small amount of work00:26
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jogoclarkb: then how come we are able to cache some images?00:26
ianwfungi: i hit that docroot thing in the puppet apache too00:27
fungiianw: heh00:27
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ianwfungi: which is why i ended up at
clarkbjogo: are we caching some images?00:28
fungiianw: do you happen to know what's up with epel on the hpcloud centos6 images? error i posted about an hour ago00:28
fungi2014-10-22 22:53:57,369 INFO Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again00:28
ianwfungi: sorry, my /tmp filled up and everything went to heck, i've just finished rebooting ... what was wrong?00:28
jogogrep image.log.2014-10-21 | grep "\-nv" | pastebinit00:29
fungiianw: we've been unable to update nodepool images for bare-centos6 in hpcloud for about a week and they're dying with that error00:29
ianwfungi: hmm, that looks like what happens when there's a new epel release00:29
clarkbjogo: /home/jenkins/cache/files is empty00:29
clarkbdo we mv files out of there when running? that may explain it being empty00:29
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* clarkb spins up a precise VM00:30
fungiwhere was the change that started installing zuul on all the workers?00:31
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fungii'm struggling to figure out where we added it00:31
clarkbfungi: it would be in nodepool/scripts00:31
jogoclarkb: I didn't see anything00:31
clarkbfungi: now living under project-config00:31
ianwfungi / clarkb : ok downloading the logs to see what's up with bare-centos6 ... or would help :)00:31
clarkbjogo: didn't see anything where?00:31
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jogoclarkb: any 'mv' from cache/jenkins00:32
fungiclarkb: aha, found. i had a stale git checkout00:32
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clarkbjogo: I think line 8 of your paste captures the problem00:34
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clarkbjogo: or is a side effect of what is going on00:35
jogoclarkb: that line is because there is a blank line at the end of what devstack returns00:36
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clarkbhrm I get that on trusty too and it works ok. odd00:36
clarkbwe should guard against that in cache_devstack I guess00:36
openstackgerritBenjamin Staffin proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for the S3 Publisher plugin
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clarkbits a good thing comcast doesn't have quotas00:37
clarkboh wait00:37
jogoclarkb: so clarkb on most runs the images are cached00:39
jogonote no wgets for images00:39
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Use Python 2.7 when installing zuul on workers
fungithat ^ should fix the py3k-precise nodepool image updates00:39
clarkbjogo: that is a trusty box00:39
clarkbjogo: I am 99.99% sure it works fine on trusty00:39
jogoclarkb: yeah, that shows its working on trusty00:40
clarkbfungi: that will break on centos600:40
fungioh crappity00:40
fungiyou're right00:40
clarkbfungi: you may be able to do python200:40
clarkbat least on ubuntu that is valid00:40
fungiclarkb: yep! works on py3k-precise and bare-centos6 so should be fine. amending now00:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Use Python 2 when installing zuul on workers
fungiclarkb: thanks!00:43
patrickeasthey everyone, i figure I’ll ask in here since you guys probably know… is there an irc channel or something specific to devstack? I’m hoping to collect some reviews for a blocking issue for my third party ci but am not sure where/who to ask00:43
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fungipatrickeast: #openstack-qa is what you want00:43
patrickeastfungi: sweet, thx00:43
clarkbif at first you don't succeed: sudo00:45
clarkbyay for VMs00:45
fungiyay for being able to delete your horrible security mistakes as soon as you are done ;)00:45
clarkbI am practicing this art00:46
clarkbsince jenkins/zuul are so quiet and I am going to put 01 02 and 03 all in shutdown mode now00:46
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clarkb(note the jenkins plugin updates are not related to my inappropriate use of sudo)00:48
fungigreat idea00:48
fungion both fronts ;)00:48
ianwfungi: ok, centos6 issue comes down to not being able to make a ssl connection00:49
ianwanyone here able to get a bug report to people in hpcloud not via support robots?00:49
clarkbmordred: ^00:50
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ianwupdating the image is one solution, we can do a work-around of updating certificates00:50
fungithat's kind of sad if it ends up being necessary00:50
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fungimaybe they've "fixed" it by uploading an even newer centos 6 image in their catalog and we just need to configure nodepool to start using it?00:51
ianwfungi: no, it still happens with their latest image, just tried it00:51
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jogoclarkb: heh was missing lsb-release00:53
clarkbvirsh hates me00:53
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jogoclarkb: well no luck, now that I instaleld lsb-release, tools/ works on stable/icehouse00:54
clarkbjogo: so it downloads the missing image?00:54
clarkbjogo: try running precise00:54
tchaypoanteaya: i always interpret "virsh" as being a version of vi that runs in rsh00:54
tchaypoI'm not sure why that was addressed to anteaya00:56
clarkbof course there is no file or directly virsh that storage pool was delted00:56
jogoclarkb: checking now00:56
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clarkbapparently virsh will let you kill a storage pool that belongs to a domain then complain about it later00:59
clarkbseriously if this was going to be a problem why didn't you tell me before?00:59
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clarkbI might need to rage quit on virhs right now. no wonder docker is so popular01:00
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update ca-certificates for HP Cloud centos6 images
ianwfungi: ^01:02
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fungiianw: looks safe to me--thanks!01:03
fungibetween that one and my py3k fix, we should have most of our regularly-used images successfully updating again01:04
jogofungi clarkb: have you thought about making run_local fail on non 0 exit status?01:04
jogobecause that seems to be hiding things01:04
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jogoclarkb: got things running01:05
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jogothe apt-get part is going a bit slow01:06
clarkbjogo: not really. we want to use dib instead01:06
fungijogo: i'm generally a fan of aborting on any error unless we can identify and whitelist the specific error condition. perhaps run_local needs to be passed an allowed list of exit codes which defaults to just 001:06
fungibut yeah, dib it the future01:06
fungiand the future is now01:06
fungior tomorrow. sometimes it's yesterday... but mostly nowish01:06
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jogoclarkb: output from my test01:09
clarkbjogo: ls ~/cache/files?01:10
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jogodirectory doesn't exist01:11
clarkbyou should create it. that is where everything is cached to01:11
jogorunning again01:12
jogobut what I saw is different then what the nodepool logs had01:12
jogowhich is strange by itself01:12
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fungiit is that time of the evening when i finally get to hopefully unwind most of the not-yet-completed browser tabs i accumulated over the course of the day01:14
jogoheh we install docker01:14
clarkbjogo: some jobs use it01:15
clarkbjogo: and it should only download it with the cache script01:15
clarkbthen devstack intsalls it01:15
jogoclarkb: right01:15
jogoits just sorta funny but makes sense01:15
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clarkbI am running in docker now too01:16
clarkbwhile simultaneously trying to rebuild my virsh stuff01:16
clarkbwhen the new NUCs arrive I am just going to do what sdad does with the NUC01:17
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clarkbI had to install lsb-release, git, wget, and sudo01:18
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jogoclarkb: that sounds right01:19
clarkbok back shortly. getting beer01:20
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clarkbianw: any chance you can review I am positive it will work on ubuntu releases and fungi checked centos6. What about 7 and f20?01:21
clarkbfungi: if ianw sas it should work I will approve your change01:21
fungiclarkb: cool. i suspect it _should_ be fine as those are both newer than centos 6 and the python2 link is supposedly the disambiguation way forward in pythonland, decided for a while now01:22
clarkbjogo: cool so it worked there01:22
ianwclarkb: checking...01:23
jogoclarkb: locally01:23
clarkbjogo: ya01:23
jogoclarkb:  but not on the nodepool thinggy01:23
clarkbjogo: right so it could be an issue of the base image we start with01:23
clarkbor the underlying VM eg maybe we run out of disk?01:23
jogoclarkb: also docker logs01:23
jogoto dump your logs01:23
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anteayatchaypo: me either, i have no opinion on virsh01:25
clarkbok really going to rest eyes for a few minutes01:25
clarkbback when stuff is done churning01:25
clarkbfungi: I take it no opposition from your for me finishing up jenkins plugin upgrades tonight?01:25
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fungiclarkb: no opposition at all01:26
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jogoclarkb: when forcing _legacy_find_images to run, it still finds Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow201:27
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clarkbjogo: ok it just ended here I have reproduced successful run on precise docker container01:29
jogoclarkb: same result as me?01:30
clarkbya it appears to have worked fine01:30
jogoI am confused01:30
clarkbme too01:30
clarkbI am going to poke around on devstack-precise nodes a bit more01:31
jogoclarkb: checking older logs to see if this was just a bad build01:31
clarkbok I just confirmed its not in ~/cache/files on a node that hasn't really gotten into d-g yet01:32
clarkbso I don't think its disappearing post boot01:32
fungiclarkb: any guess what dream mordred meant "stdout" to represent in ? there's no local stdout var and i seriously dount it was sys.stdout01:32
clarkbwhcih lines up with your log greps01:32
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clarkbfungi: I think that must be expected to be a parameter to that function01:33
fungiaha, i bet he meant to pass output in from the caller01:33
clarkbso you run puppet and get a tuple of return code and output01:34
clarkbthen pass that tuple to function01:34
jogoclarkb: how odd01:34
jogoclarkb: and cache/files isn't empty01:34
clarkbno there are other images there01:34
clarkband then it goes empt when we we move them into devstack01:34
clarkbbut prior to that that image isn't there01:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add detailed-exitcodes to launch_node
tchaypoanteaya: remember me asking about the check-tripleo-jobs template yesterday?01:35
fungisometimes there's more puzzle to fixing those reviews than i can handle this late at night01:35
tchaypoI was getting really confused becaues it wasn't in the file anwhere.. but then I rebased and it appeared :)01:35
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clarkbok I am really stumped as to why this thing isn't working01:38
clarkbjogo: fungi: any chance we know if it is a rax vs hpcloud thing?01:38
fungiclarkb: seems to be an everywhere thing01:39
fungiclarkb: jogo grepped the nodepool image log and none of the image updates seem to have pulled that file01:39
clarkboh right01:39
clarkbthough I wonder how far back that log went? I will dig in logs more01:40
fungilooked like it was just from today01:40
jogoI checked as far back as 9-2201:40
fungioh, you pulled older logs too?01:40
jogopulled a few logs01:40
clarkboh nice01:40
jogospot checked some01:40
fungithat helps01:40
clarkbok so its been broken for a month ish?01:40
jogowas hoping it was a one time thing01:40
jogoat least01:40
clarkb(at least)01:40
fungiokay, i think i'm going to call it a night. later everyone01:41
anteayatchaypo: good work01:42
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add the prep-source-repos project
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tchaypoSpamapS: ^^^01:44
anteayatchaypo: for upstream url you have:
anteayatchaypo: we need git:// or http:// or https://01:44
anteayaand thanks for adding the .git extention01:44
jogoclarkb: I am going to call it a day very soon too, getting close to dinner time01:45
anteayalook at the examples fore and aft of your addition in the file01:45
clarkbjogo: no problem we can pick this up tomorrow01:45
clarkbit is a very odd one01:45
tchaypoany preference between git:// and https:// ?01:45
anteayanot from me01:46
anteayanight jogo01:46
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add the prep-source-repos project
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anteayatchaypo: sorry doing this a line at a time01:50
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anteayayou supply an acl file with the patch as well as point to acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/os-apply-config.config in the patch01:50
anteayaso I'm confused01:50
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anteayawhich acl file do you want to use with this repo01:51
tchayponot as confused as me.01:51
anteayaif you want to us os-apply-config.config you don't need the new .config file in the patch01:51
anteayait is one or the other01:51
tchaypoI think I want to use the one I added, I probably forgot to change ther ference when I coped configs from o-a-c01:52
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tchaypother ference == the configs01:52
tchaypobut that reminds me01:53
anteayaokay so let me finish my review01:53
clarkbjenkins01 has just beenrestarted to upgrade gearman plugin01:53
anteayabut if you want to use the config you provided the acl-config: line will have to go01:53
anteayaclarkb: cool01:54
clarkb2 and 3 will happen shortly01:54
clarkbI will leave jenkins.o.o for tomorrow I think01:54
clarkbsince it is the singular jenkins better to do that one when other rooters are around01:54
anteayagood idea01:56
anteayaneed more rooters01:56
anteayaand you should be resting your eyes I think01:56
anteayashould you not?01:56
clarkbanteaya: I did for a short bit. And will be having dinner as soonas this is done01:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Use Python 2 when installing zuul on workers
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anteayaclarkb: good02:01
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anteayaeyes heal fast but they need to rest02:01
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clarkbI am running the cache devstack script in a proper precise virsh domain now02:04
clarkbwhich should be more like our hpcloud nodes than a docker container02:04
clarkblet us see if that makes a difference02:04
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clarkband 01 02 and 03 are upgraded02:05
clarkbnwo time for dinner02:05
tchaypothat acls file references groups like pre-source-repose-core02:05
tchaypoI think that's probably wrong, I think I just want to re-use the acls from tripleo-incubator02:05
anteayaclarkb: enjoy dinner02:08
anteayatchaypo: your choice02:08
anteayatripleo has a number of acl choices02:08
anteayawould make sense to use one of them02:09
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tchaypoI think to do that I ca remove the acl file and jjust  point at whatever file the tripleo-incubator project uses?02:12
anteayaif you like the permissions the -incubator config uses02:13
anteayagood idea02:13
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mordredclarkb: hasn't worked for a month???03:28
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clarkbnot on precise nodes03:37
clarkbits not getting a fedora image for icehouse for some reason03:38
clarkbbut running locally it works03:38
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mordredclarkb: FANTASTIC03:40
mordredclarkb: that'll be eversomuch to track down03:40
mordredclarkb: also, cody-somerville just showed me this:
mordredclarkb: I haven't touched it at all, but I think it's my new favorite thing03:44
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viglesiasanybody have experience creating zuul configs?04:09
viglesiasim new and trying to get my first hook to kick but not sure if my layout.yml is structured properly04:09
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clarkbthat looks about right04:13
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clarkb is ours04:14
viglesiasthanks clarkb so i would need a job in jenkins called eutester-test right?04:17
viglesiasthats where my understanding breaks down a bit04:17
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* viglesias goes back to read more docs04:18
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mordredviglesias: yes. you would need a jenkins job called eutester-test04:21
viglesiasack thanks mordred!04:22
viglesiasso far i think i have everybody talking to each other, just not seeing the jobs kick yet04:23
viglesiasi got this far:04:23
viglesiasah it has no workers maybe04:23
mordredviglesias: yah - was just about to say - it looks like jenkins may not have registered with zuul04:24
mordredviglesias: have you clicked the enable button on the gearman plugin config?04:24
viglesiasand did the connection test04:24
viglesiasany way to check worker status in gearman/zuul?04:24
mordredyes - but I do not remember how - I normally let jeblair and clarkb tae care of things liek that :)04:25
mordredclarkb: jeblair and I just spent the day sitting with viglesias and talking the wonders of zuul - so he may have questions and stuff :)04:25
viglesiasscary thought :)04:26
viglesiasthat was great though mordred really learned a lot04:26
mordredviglesias: btw - that test case management thing you use - is taht open source?04:26
viglesiasfor sure, testlink04:26
* mordred goes to look04:26
clarkbviglesias: connect to gearman on port 4730 with telnet or nc04:29
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viglesiasclarkb: ack, and zuul starts its own gearman right?04:29
clarkbthen enter 'status' to get job listings the three numbers per job are queued, running and workers that can run job04:30
viglesiasthanks clarkb i had my own gearman running which im guessing makes some sadness start to occur04:30
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mordredsad gearman04:31
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viglesiasah found the way to check for workers04:38
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viglesiasso i have workers, ie i see 1 worker per executor in jenkins04:40
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harlowja_at_homehmmm, when u guys gonna replace gearmean with taskflow ;)04:45
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viglesiasno luck getting the job to kick, i wonder if its related to trying to use the master vs an actual slave04:59
viglesiasi would doubt it though since the workers are simply assigned to executors in jenkins04:59
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zaroviglesias: you still running your own gearman or using the python gear implementation?05:12
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viglesiaspython gear05:15
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viglesiasso right now i can see my workers in gearman (via telnet) and can see that zuul has jobs queued05:15
viglesiasbut they arent kicking jenkins05:16
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viglesiasjenkins is definitely talking to gearman:
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Add experimental functional tests
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silehtHi infra teams, I have a issue with a missing tarball in our pypi mirror, if someone can take a look, it blocks the gate for gnocchi:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384553 in openstack-ci "SQLAlchemy-Utils 0.27.3 tarball is missing from many mirror" [Undecided,New]06:21
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Adds homepage for API WG project
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Update ca-certificates for HP Cloud centos6 images
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fungidougwig: the meetbot and statusbot are connected again. due to a ssl_ipv6 incompatibility in twisted we have to pin them to a specific irc server and the one we were using was apparently taken out of the rotation this morning. i've pinned them to a different freenode server now14:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Adds ironic grenade forward testing
dougwigfungi: ty14:19
isviridovfungi : great news. Thank yout14:19
BobBallAh - actually it seems that we just inherited use of with the config fork we're using?14:20
mtreinishfungi: heh, I feel like you end up spending a lot of time tracking down irc bots... :)14:21
fungiBobBall: possibly14:21
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fungimtreinish: yes, only slightly less time than it would take to rewrite them though14:21
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fungibo_sh: to keep 4 months of compressed job logs on disk we use upwards of 12tb space, which is the maximum amount of cinder block storage rackspace supports attaching to a server instance14:22
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fungibo_sh: by comparison, elasticsearch indexing of the same logs is many orders of magnitude larger than their compressed versions14:23
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fungibo_sh: we're working on new features in zuul and our log decorator frontend which will allow us to stick logs in a swift object store instead, which we intend to use to be able to retain at least 6 months (one development cycle's worth) of test logs14:25
marunlifeless: ping14:26
marunlifeless: we have our stacktrace for the subunit bug:
fungibo_sh: instead of using block storage for the browsable logs i mean, not instead of logstash/elasticsearch14:26
bo_shfungi: i probably didn't explain myself well. why not compressing the entire log directories after data sent in
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fungibo_sh: it is compressed on logs.openstack.org14:30
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jeblairfungi: i'm here for a few mins, then away again for most of today; anything you need from me?14:30
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fungijeblair: nothing exciting has come up yet14:30
fungijeblair: just working through minor breaks of the usual stuff14:30
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bo_shfungi: not all of them.14:31
fungijeblair: though the discussion at might interest you14:31
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fungibo_sh: most of the larger logs we compress prior to transferring them to logs.openstack.org14:31
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fungibo_sh: the rest we catch with that maintenance script running from cron. it compresses anything which needs compressing and then deletes anything older than our defined retention period14:32
bo_shfungi: ok. :). thanks for making that clear.14:33
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fungibo_sh: from the perspective of the logstash workers it seems like they're not compressed because apache serves them up in text/plain (with a filtering cgi we use there to strip out lines for loglevels below our interest threshold)14:34
jeblairfungi: gah! that's insane.  maybe someone could ask github to just do it.14:35
mtreinishfungi: looking at that github link you posted could you do something like a user->you transfer, then add it to the openstack organization?14:36
fungijeblair: yeah, i think it's pretty intractable without an intermediary14:36
jeblairmtreinish: oh good idea!14:36
fungimtreinish: that's one option i considered, though i suspect github winds up creating two sets of redirects14:36
fungicurious whether they optimize that out, or whether the second transfer breaks the original entirely14:37
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jeblairfungi: could test it (at least the breakage part)14:37
fungior if it just ends up being chained through two redirects before getting to the target14:37
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jeblairfungi: make 200 redirects and see if it takes 200x as long and also whether github sends you a nice email.  <jk> ;)14:38
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fungimaybe clarkb and i can ping-pong a repo between us and into stackforge temporarily later today14:38
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fungiin good news, this means that if we want to use that feature to transfer projects from stackforge to openstack or openstack to openstack-attic or whatever, should be easy since it's the same admin teams in each org14:44
jeblairthough i'd like us to just get out of that business; i'm thinking the big-tent discussion may provide an opportunity to do so14:45
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bo_shhoo fungi, another question that i would be grateful if you answer on it. why not sending to logstash the logs in real-time?14:48
bo_sh* answer it14:49
fungijeblair: i'm all for big tent discussion telling githubbers to manage their own forks if they want our code on there14:49
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fungi(or bitbucket or whatever)14:49
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tdasilvaclarkb, fungi: hello, was wondering if you could help me setup openstackstatus on #swiftonfile14:51
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fungibo_sh: we need the logs in two places and were putting them on the browseable logs site already, so logstash integration was hooking into that. also we store a lot more log data than we want indexed into logstash, so we need somewhere to filter it down first (which admittedly could probably be done inline with the workers). further, job artifacts/logs are handled by jenkins plugins, so trying to14:51
fungisplit them to logstash and a webserver from there would be rough14:51
notmynametdasilva: Ii'm not sure if it's the status bot or not. but you just want the channel logs :-)14:52
clarkbbo_sh: fungi also authenticating slaves with logstash is hard and we dont want job results tied to indexing14:52
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fungitdasilva: yeah, if you just want the channel logged, that's
tdasilvafungi: thanks!14:54
tdasilvafungi: i'll check it out14:54
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clarkbfungi tdasilva but we wont log without the openstackinfra bot too14:55
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clarkbso two pieces. one does chanserv management the other logging14:56
fungiclarkb: it's already set up14:56
clarkbthats easy then14:56
bo_shclarkb: fungi: thanks!14:56
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fungi has "  - name: swiftonfile"14:57
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fungii was helping them with chanops setup yesterday and my access levels had already been set by the accessbot14:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Increase build-timeout for rally-cli job
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tdasilvafungi, clarkb: thanks for all the help and info...15:11
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fungitdasilva: you're welcome15:11
mriedemfungi: was there a planned date for when py26 jobs would be dropped?15:12
fungimriedem: as soon as we can get the corresponding changes merged15:12
fungimriedem: i think maybe clarkb was going to send a follow-up announcement indicating it happened15:12
mriedemfungi: ok, saw the thread on removing it after juno was released, wasn't sure if there were changes up yet15:13
clarkbfungi: I need to send that email today since ajaegers changes are readuly15:14
AJaegerclarkb, you have not send the py26 email out yet...15:14
clarkbNo I havent15:14
AJaegerclarkb: you beat me by one second ;)15:14
clarkbthen give stackforge the weekend to keep jobs and merge mondayish?15:15
AJaegermriedem: see for the stack15:15
fungii'm +2 on the updated state of now15:15
AJaegerclarkb: I'm fine with whatever you propose.15:16
fungii'm still unconvinced by 12943415:16
AJaegerclarkb, fungi: I'll have a long weekend off (friday to monday) with little internet, so if changes need to be done to the patches, somebody else needs to update...15:16
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fungithe assumption that all stackforge projects accidentally added python 2.6 testing and have to hit a dead-man switch to get them back doesn't sit right with me15:17
AJaegerfungi: many added py26 testing with adding the python-jobs template15:17
clarkbfungi ok. my conceen is if we hit them on the head in a year when we have no slaves that is worse15:17
clarkbif we do it now everyone knows and acknowledges this is happening and can prepare15:18
fungifor some reason i missed that suggestion when it was brought up in the infra meeting or i would have objected then15:18
AJaegerfungi: we can give them a longer "grace period" - and wait a week15:18
clarkbya I dont mind waiting longer for that change15:19
clarkbbut it should happen well in advance of juno eol15:19
AJaegerif I should reorder the stack somehow, please suggest it as well...15:19
AJaegerclarkb: Let's give a fixed date and with Paris summit starting in 10 days, I suggest we do it before.15:20
AJaegerSo, that's next week Thursday.15:20
fungiif we do approve 129434 it should probably be the last one in sequence. the others in that series are not contentious15:20
AJaegerOr we do it well after it - in three weeks earliest15:20
AJaegerfungi: so, there's agreement on as well?15:21
clarkbfungi the problem we have is we will turn it off for everyone in ~12-18 months15:21
AJaegerI'm fine to put 129434 after the olso patch and can do so later today15:21
fungiwell, and jeblair still needs to weigh in on 129435 since that means we stop testing zuul, nodepool, et cetera against 2.615:22
AJaegerfungi: yeah15:22
clarkband we can either do it will fallback or really drop it on everyone15:22
clarkbimo doing it early with options is a far better solution15:23
mtreinishfungi, clarkb: can you add me to the qa-specs-core gerrit group which was newly created (I missed when that patch landed)15:23
fungimtreinish: sure thing15:24
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AJaegertime to prepare dinner, I'll be back later...15:24
mtreinishfungi: thanks15:24
fungimtreinish: done15:24
clarkbfungi did you want to leave notes in the etherpad too?15:25
fungiclarkb: which etherpad was that?15:26
clarkb(I didnt realize this was objected to as it has been brought up in multiple places)15:26
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anteayaI have a problem, according to these two patches there should be a file technical-committee-repos.yaml in the reference dir in the governance repo:
anteayaI can't see it on git.o.o/openstack/governance15:26
clarkbI have to find it15:27
clarkbfungi: there it is15:27
clarkbanteaya: oh sorry I was responding to fungi15:27
anteayaah sorry you weren't replying to me15:27
anteayaI kinda jumped into the middle there15:27
fungianteaya: i see so maybe one of the mirrors is behind15:27
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fungichecking now15:28
anteayaI can see it by specifically feeding in the url15:28
fungino hung processes in the gerrit queue15:28
fungioh, well that's odd15:28
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fungianteaya: you don't see it listed at then?15:29
anteayaI do now15:29
anteayaI didn't before15:29
fungimaybe your browser needed to refresh, but i'll double check that commit is on all the mirrors anyway just in case15:29
clarkbcgit does do a 5 minute cache too15:30
clarkbso git may update while you get rednered data that is up to 5 minutes old15:30
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anteayabut a brand new chrome instance can't find it:
anteayawell the file was created on tuesday15:31
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anteayaI think my firefox knows about it now since I gave it the specific url for the file15:32
anteayabut chrome doesn't15:32
clarkbthe cache may not be clearing properly too15:32
anteayarefreshed chrome still doesn't15:32
clarkbI want to say I saw that once before and killing the cache made it happy15:32
fungiall 5 git mirrors have that bdce59b ref in their /var/lib/git/openstack/governance.git so i don't think the issue is infra-side15:33
anteayathat happened before last week, was it not?15:33
anteayaclarkb: that is what happened yes, I couldn't see the project-config dir15:33
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fungijust to be sure it's not cgit's server-side cache i tested and its four siblings. it lists that file on every one of them15:35
clarkbclient side cache then?15:36
anteayameaning me?15:36
clarkbwould be odd if chrom* decided to cahe a file longer for than what cgit says the ttl would be but I Havne't looked at what cgit says15:36
clarkbanteaya: ya15:36
anteayahow much cache would need to be cleared on my chrome that I just fired up and never use to navigate to git.o.o15:37
anteayaand I shut off my laptop last night15:37
clarkbwell it persists to disk15:37
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clarkba simpler test may be to just wget the file15:37
anteayawill closing my chrome and opening it again clear the cache?15:37
clarkband look at what you get via wget as it won't do anything smart15:37
clarkbanteaya: typically no15:37
fungialso modern browsers pre-load pages from urls linked to pages you visit so they'll be cached in case you decide to go to them15:38
clarkbif you run in incognito mode it will otherwise no15:38
anteayawhat am I wgetting?15:38
clarkbanteaya: the url to the index page without the file listed15:38
anteayathe git.o.o/governance repo15:38
clarkbthen you can open that file and see if it is listed15:38
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fungianother possibility is that your isp has some sort of caching proxy between you and the internet and that's misbehaving for some reason15:38
fungifor it to affect one browser and not the other would certainly be odd, though not impossible15:39
anteayait isn't there15:41
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clarkbanteaya: cool so that at least means that chrome is likely not at fault15:42
clarkbpin the tail on the ISP?15:42
anteayaI can call my isp15:42
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clarkbthey likely won't do anything but maybe canadian isps are nicer15:43
anteayamy isp is awesome15:43
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anteayaI know about 6 of them on a first name basis15:43
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clarkbok I need to finish morning things15:44
clarkbwhen I get back I will finish jenkins.o.o then I guess debug precise image caching weirdness?15:44
clarkbfungi: did you want to do the github hot potato asap?15:44
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fungiclarkb: nah, i think that's not really a solution we're going to want to support (transferring ownership of imported github repos) and dhellmann has proposed a pull request against the github repo in question to just replace it with a very small readme15:46
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fungioften the simplest solutions are the best solutions15:46
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anteayaisp can see the missing file15:52
anteayahe is going to try another computer15:52
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mordredwhat's the github issue? (I couldn't figure out from the backscroll because ENOCOFFEE15:55
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fungimordred: some user of pylockfile was urging us to get redirects in place on github to point from the original owner to our copy of the repo15:56
jedimiketimezone appropriate greetings :)15:56
anteayamy isp can see it and doesn't know why I can't, so they have filed a ticket15:56
anteayahey jedimike15:57
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DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, it looks like openstack bot is dead in the #openstack-meeting channel15:58
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jd__who fired the bot?15:58
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DinaBelovainfra team, help!15:58
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DinaBelovaunlogged meeting is the hell..15:58
* fungi shakes his fist at freenode15:59
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DinaBelovafungi, please make it alive :D15:59
fungiping timeout at 15:07:36 utc15:59
mordredfungi: ah15:59
DinaBelovafungi, 7 minutes of meeting is nice, heh,16:00
mordredfungi: does github _do_ redirects?16:00
mordredoh! they do. how interesting16:00
SpamapSjedimike: I tend to use "greetings earthlings" if the timezone is mixed. :)16:00
jedimikehaha :)16:00
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fungiDinaBelova: nevermind, it was the gerritbot i was noticing had exited (openstackgerrit) not the meetbot (openstack)16:02
clarkbexcept that you have to be admin of both orgs16:02
clarkband thats where github breaks16:03
mordredoh. wow16:03
mordredclarkb: both orgs or would being admin of the repo to be moved be good enough?16:03
* mordred is now mostly just curious16:03
clarkbboth orgs16:04
clarkbmy reading of bug is we would need to be admin of that persons personal guthub or they would have to be admin of openstack org16:05
clarkbso that an account overlapped both16:05
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mordredthat's fantastic16:06
mordredwell, that's clearly not going to happen16:06
mordredalso - it doesn't look like there is an api call for it anyway16:06
jpichII could use some help to debug this: . A package with that name *should* be available for Trusty: , also for some reason the other devstack logs don't seem available either16:07
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fungijpich: interesting. it does look like maybe the package index cached on that machine was incomplete/corrupt16:11
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fungii'll sample another booted from the same image and see if there are issues with it16:11
jpichfungi: Thanks! Should I attempt another recheck, or better figure out a proper diagnostic first?16:12
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fungijpich: it doesn't look to me like anything caused by your change... i was able to 'sudo apt-get install -y xvfb' from another machine of that type booted in the same provider/network16:16
fungijpich: diagnostic in this case is "no idea at all"16:16
jpichfungi: :-)16:16
fungican't seem to reproduce it16:16
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clarkbdoes it update before installing?16:17
clarkbif you dont then you can really confuse apt16:17
fungithat's a very good point16:17
fungidoesn't look like it did, so perhaps that explains it16:17
fungithough generally in those situations it would try to retrieve the package and then 40416:18
fungi(if the rev in the package list did not match the rev on the apt repo)16:18
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fungisince there's no link to the change in that log it's hard to tell16:19
jpichI'm going to cautiously attempt a recheck for now16:22
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fungijpich: what's the link to your change?16:24
jpichIt seems to fail the same way already
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fungiit doesn't seem to be introducing xvfb. i'll have a look at what the functional test job tries to do16:25
clarkbI am going to manually build a devstack-precise image now so that I can see it cache things without noise from a bunch of otherbuilds (hoping that this semi interactiveness might help debug)16:25
mtreinishjogo: it happened again:
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jpichfungi: That's the latest patch that merged in infra related to this job, for reference
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anteayafungi: should the builder for that job have sudo apt-get update before installing the lib?16:29
fungijpich: yep, as clarkb predicted, the xvfb-install job macro is not updating the package list first16:29
fungithe npm-install macro looks similarly broken16:30
jpichfungi: Fair enough. I'd modelled it on the npm macro above16:30
fungichef-bundler-prep looks like it does the right thing though16:30
anteayayes I see it there16:30
fungiof the two in there using apt-get install, you got unlucky and copied from the broken one ;)16:31
anteayabut the job just above the xvfb job does'nt either16:31
anteayajpich: mix up a patch and I'll +216:31
anteayasorry, I didn't know you needed to update first16:31
jpichfungi: Ah well. I could have sworn the jshint horizon job uses the npm macro for running the tests though, and it works16:32
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jpichanteaya: No worries! Getting that job definition to a good state has been and continues to be a learning experience :-)16:32
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anteayafor both of us16:32
jpichanteaya: And thanks, I'll prepare a patch to see if apt-get update helps here16:32
fungijpich: yep... it could be something different about the xvfb package vs the nodejs and npm packages in the package repository16:33
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jpichFair enough! I won't fix what's not broken for now then, only the horizon job16:34
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mordredjpich, clarkb: even if you do update first, you can still get broken links because apt repo updates are not atomic16:34
fungijpich: ahh, yep. those are time bombs. xvfb has a version in trusty and a newer one in trusty-updates, while for the moment npm and nodejs only have versions in trusty16:34
mordredat least, until we roll out vos release based apt mirros ...16:34
* mordred shuts up now16:35
clarkbmordred: ya but not updating when you can have images 3 weeks old is really a bad situation16:35
mordredyes. 100%16:35
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fungiwhen a new version of npm and/or nodejs find their way into trusty-updates or trusty-security then the jobs using the install-npm macro will likely break similarly16:36
clarkbwaiting for your key to be put on an image build server by puppet is really boring16:36
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clarkbI am putting jenkins.o.o in shutdown mode now16:37
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clarkbmordred: you see this UNC stuff?16:37
clarkband its idle so I am upgrading the plugin now16:38
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fungiclarkb: academic fraud? in north carolina? no way...16:38
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mordredclarkb: I did not! should I go read espn?16:39
clarkbmordred: it is apparently really bad16:39
clarkband jenkins.o.o is coming back now16:39
fungimordred: it's just unc, so nothing to care about unless you just want to gloat16:39
clarkbfungi: that is what I figured he might want to do16:40
clarkbthere is talk of vacating championships16:40
* fungi attended unc-asheville instead, where the sports teams were so bad (except womens' soccer) that there was no question they all took classes like everyone else16:40
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mordredclarkb: I mean, I'm a die-hard duke fan ... so if UNC has been cheating, it makes my world good16:41
jogomtreinish: clarkb fungi and I dug into that bug yesterday but came up short16:41
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clarkbjogo: mtreinish I have a shell on an image build host now trying to see if anything looks off16:42
clarkbso far it doesn't16:42
mordredclarkb: so, basically, that guy from a few months ago who came out and said he was taking fake classes was not lying?16:42
clarkbmordred: apparently not. there were entire shadow curriculms16:42
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clarkbat this point all our jenkins gearman plugins should be happy16:44
clarkbzaro: ^16:44
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clarkbmordred: fungi: I do see no ~jenkins/cache/files dir16:47
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jpichanteaya, fungi: Here we go ->
clarkbdoes wget mkdir for us?16:47
fungii guess openstackgerrit abandoned us16:47
fungiclarkb: not afaik, no16:47
clarkbhrm I wonder if this is related16:47
clarkbmaybe puppet failed to puppet something like that for some reason16:48
fungipretty sure wget assumes the destination directory already exists16:48
clarkbya that is what I thought too16:48
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clarkbI will keep an eye on this to see what happens16:48
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove python26 jobs from all stackforge projects
fungiokay, i brought the openstackgerrit gerritbot back online16:51
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove python26 jobs from various projects
clarkboh I see install_devstack_dependencies mkdirs16:52
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AJaegerI'm rebasing all the python26 patches now - they are independ of each other, no need to stack them...16:52
clarkbAJaeger: oh good point16:52
clarkb++ to that16:52
anteayajpich: +A, let's see what this does16:53
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AJaegerwhen I created them first, they were dependent on krotscheck's large change but since that one is merged, I can unstack16:53
jpichanteaya: Cheers!16:53
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust python 2.6 jobs for oslo libraries
fungiAJaeger: sounds great16:54
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AJaegerI also gave them all a topic "python26" - clarkb something you might want to suggest in your email16:55
anteayafungi: you are spending today babysitting bots16:55
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AJaegerclarkb: Add,n,z as reference and ask to submit patches with that topic for any changes16:55
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anteayaamong the normal fixing all the things16:55
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mtreinishclarkb: hmm, I've seen it on a couple of runs this morning16:56
AJaegerdhellmann: could you review , please?16:57
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clarkbfungi: is a reasonable compromise on the python26 stackforge thing to sit on that particular change for a while? or do you think it is also problematic that we are asking for changes to explicitly say "we want python26"16:57
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clarkbmtreinish: this is like the slowest image download ever16:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Xvfb install: Update repo before installing the package
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anteayataking a poll on the name puppet-openstackci_apache16:57
clarkbits not wonder the jobs fail when its not cached16:57
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anteayaI'm not a fan of hyphens and underscores in a repo name16:57
anteayaam I alone?16:57
mtreinishclarkb: heh, yeah I know it's hysterically slow.16:58
AJaegeranteaya: yeah, either or but not both16:58
jogoclarkb: the image cache logic is very fast and loose with error codes etc16:58
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anteayaokay thanks16:58
clarkbjogo: yes I know16:58
clarkbjogo: I think the idea is its a cache16:58
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clarkbif you fail to cache something ohwell16:58
anteayaianw: can we get either puppet-openstackci-apache or puppet_openstackci_apache, please?16:58
jogoclarkb: sure, we can be fast and loose on some things but not everything in that script16:59
clarkbjogo: that is apaprently the wrong attitude16:59
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clarkbjogo: no really everything in that script should be able to be fast and loose16:59
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anteayaI'm leaning towards hyphens personally but can live with the underscores if I have to16:59
clarkbreality is computers are bad16:59
clarkband we need to be more careful16:59
fungiclarkb: given that there was some tacit approval of the plan in the meeting and i was somehow so engrossed in working out the oslo details that i missed the stackforge comments, i'm fine with it. but a slightly longer warning before we remove those might go a long way to avoiding a clash on the ml (at least we'll have more ammunition to show we were being considerate)16:59
clarkbya I have no problem with leaving the stackforge removal up for a while17:00
clarkbmaybe give them a couple weeks post summit just so everyone has a chance to look17:00
openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Pass stress arguments from job yaml to allow customization
jogoclarkb: at the very least we should log when something goes wrong17:01
AJaegerclarkb, so, let's say 30th of November?17:01
clarkbAJaeger: ya that works17:01
AJaegerThat's a Sunday... but still good.17:02
clarkbjogo: keep in mind we don't actually try downloading that image at all17:02
clarkbjogo: so the error code stuff is likely not related in any way17:02
AJaegerWe can still approve on Monday, 1st of December but 30th of November is easier to remember...17:02
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clarkbthe download speed for this first fedora image is so slow I am seriously considering pushing a patch to devstack that rips it and the other one out17:05
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rainyagood regional time of day, infra17:07
jogoclarkb: good point, I do have a set of patches up  to make icehouse use the master version of the fedora image17:08
jogowhich would side step this17:08
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clarkbjogo: no the master image is super slow too17:08
clarkbor do you mean the other thing I said about errors?17:08
clarkbin any case I think we need to find better hosted images17:08
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jogoclarkb: the master image may be slow but its cached right?17:09
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clarkbjogo: its cached for the jobs but not for you and me running devstack locally17:09
clarkband its not cached for my image build17:09
clarkbwe are up to 61MB after about 15 minutes \o/17:10
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clarkb(17really but who is counting)17:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust python 2.6 jobs for oslo libraries
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jogoclarkb: true enough17:11
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AJaegerclarkb: sneakernet would be faster ;)17:11
jogodo we know anyone who runs that site?17:11
jogoit is redhat after all17:12
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jogoeglynn-office: why is so slow17:12
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jogodansmith: ^ maybe you know who we can ask ^17:18
jogorussellb: ^17:19
dansmithheh, I dunno, no17:19
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adding Horizon repos
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anteayawell it was me then, my browser cache apparently is to blame17:21
anteayanot sure how it confounded wget though17:21
russellbi dunno either ...17:21
anteayamy isp doesn't cache17:21
russellbfedora is on irc ... not sure what channel is best17:21
russellberr, freenode i mean17:21
russellb#fedora-admin perhaps17:22
russellbjogo: ^17:22
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mtreinishjogo: I'm inclined to just stop running that job, I think it only has 1 test run as part of it... (although it's been a while since I've seen passing results)17:23
jogorussellb: oh thanks17:23
fungiyeah, seems they have a wiki page of irc channels... quite a popular pattern!
jogomtreinish: that is one way to fix that17:23
anteayafungi: should I wait for check jobs to return before approving 130603 david-lyle's patch?17:24
jogomtreinish: strange when I run wget -c locally I get great speeds17:25
jogoclarkb: ^17:25
jogowhat do you get17:25
jogo3.4 MB/s17:25
mtreinishjogo: 9.55 MB/s17:26
anteayaand jenkins is happy17:27
jogoI get 70K on my RAX VM17:27
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jogoclarkb: ^ maybe they are rate limiting downloads to RAX17:29
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clarkbmaybe because the test slaves dosed them17:29
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clarkbthe build I started is still downloading that first image17:30
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clarkbI really vote we kill these images17:30
jogoclarkb: I think they are used by ceilometer or something17:31
jogobut I am with you on this17:31
clarkbits heat17:31
clarkbbut we are basically incapable ofbuilding images with them right now17:31
fungimy home broadband seems to be able to sustain no better than 30-40KB/s pulling that17:31
clarkbregardless of any other issues17:31
fungijogo: used by heat17:32
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fungijogo: apparently their tests need something more full-fledged than a cirros vm17:32
jogofungi: you should get mtreinish's internet17:32
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jogofungi: ahh right17:32
jogogot a bite on fedora-admin17:32
fungithey run an agent on it or some such17:32
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mtreinishfungi: yeah it's the heat agent17:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Adding Horizon repos
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mtreinishjogo: it was bouncing up against the max down that I pay for to be fair17:33
fungiat home: 3% downloaded, 87min eta17:33
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fungiin rax-iad 4% downloaded, 61min eta17:34
jogofungi: want to join #fedora-admin17:34
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fungiyeah, this is _not_ a developer friendly choice. an hour to download an image used by a handful of tests which take at most minutes to run17:34
jogotaking to nirik17:34
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funginah, i'm more thinking in terms of our choice to add this as a requirement to devstack/tempest17:35
fungiif can't get fast mirrors, that's nothing i'm going to pester them over17:35
mtreinishfungi: I actually think because of some issues it's only like 1 test on that job17:35
anteayain case anyone cares this was the opening of Canadian Parlament today:
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kashyapjogo, Jumping in randomly, previously these kind of speed issues were tracked down to the cloud provider17:40
kashyape.g. --
jogokashyap: I don't really care where teh problem is, as long as it gets fixed17:41
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amitgandhinzhi, can someone help me with stackalytics weirdness around launchpad id's used and company affiliation?17:43
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kashyapjogo, Sure. Pinging the said cloud providers (HP/Rackspace/whoever) with this data might be useful too. But I see you're also talking to the Fedora admin folks to see if they can help. . .17:44
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anteayaamitgandhinz: there is a stackalytics channel17:44
anteayaI think it is #openstack-stackalytics17:44
anteayayou might try there17:44
amitgandhinzanteaya: thanks, i;ll check there =)17:44
jogokashyap: I don't want to be hunting down providers, ISPs etc. it should just work17:45
jogoif it doesn't we shouldn't use it17:45
kashyapWell, if they are the ones who can fix it, e.g. see here, an HP support person who could reproduce the intermittent network failures --
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jogoclarkb: try using download.fedora* instead of dl.*17:47
jogothat gets the mirror system17:47
fungiin this case i can reproduce it in hpcloud east, three regions in rackspace north america, and from my cable broadband provider in the usa17:47
jogoworked way better for me17:47
jogofungi: ^17:47
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fungijogo: agreed, orders of magnitude faster17:48
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clarkbso we should probably update devstack with that different hostname17:49
jogoclarkb: doing that now17:49
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jogolooks like moved us off of that domain17:49
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AJaeger34 K from SUSE ;(17:49
AJaegerand 18K at home ;(17:50
jogoAJaeger: with download.fedora or dl.fedora?17:50
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fungijogo: clarkb: 96s to download at home, several minutes (still underway) in rax-iad, but considerably faster than an hour or more17:50
AJaegerwith dl.fedora - download is fast (up to 4 MB/s from SUSE)17:51
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AJaegerbut going down to 100K and then up again..17:51
jogoAJaeger: can you try download.fedora17:51
fungisdad's commit message there doesn't mention why the hostname changed17:52
AJaegerjogo: I tried - "download is fast"17:52
jogoAJaeger: good17:52
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AJaegeranother 14s17:52
AJaegersince 10s ;)17:52
fungidl.f.o seems to all be in one network, while download.f.o is aliased to wildcard.f.o which is a round-robin across mirrors in multiple locations17:53
fungiincluding some ipv617:53
AJaegerfinished " 210,894,848 1.71MB/s   in 2m 51s"17:53
AJaegervia download.f.o17:53
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fungiand when i say in the same network, dl.f.o is in fact a round robin across 5 immediately adjacent ipv4 addresses17:54
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jogomtreinish: what is the bug number for this again?17:56
mtreinishjogo:  bug 138392817:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1383928 in openstack-ci "Heat fedora image download times out job" [Undecided,New]
fungisomething in as previously mentioned via a peer in phoenix az regardless of where i trace from, so likely they are not simultaneously multi-homed there17:56
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fungithough i'm now bored with this exercise, so not bothering to analyze bgp announcements from various providers17:57
clarkbI need to run off to meet with hogepodge to show how to spin up CI things17:59
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clarkbso I may be effectively afk for the middle of the day17:59
fungii'll be here if anything breaks17:59
clarkbgood news is grenade and jenkins are all done now17:59
clarkbwhich makes me happy because I wanted that done on monday :)18:00
fungiproductive week18:00
fungiit's still monday for some definitions of monday18:00
* mtreinish is considering poking clarkb again about subunit2sql now that grenade and jenkins are done18:02
AJaegermtreinish: next monday ;)18:02
jogo for all devstack branches18:03
jogomtreinish: ^18:03
mtreinishjogo: I thought I remember seeing a change which switched it from download -> dl18:04
jogomtreinish: yeah sean did that he didn't say why18:04
jogo I assume it was a mistake18:04
mtreinishtypical, I wouldn't assume that. It could have been something like the round robin pointing us to down mirrors and he just didn't put it in the commit msg18:05
jogomtreinish: asking fedora-admins what happens in that case18:06
mtreinishjogo: hmm, ok it looks like it was a unrelated break the world18:07
mtreinishnot a network related one18:07
mtreinishI'll +2 all 318:07
jogomtreinish: thanks18:07
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jogomtreinish: mtreinish
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Update RH1 to use net-label instead of net-id
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ihrachyshkahey, it seems we get pylint job running for neutron in stable branches. obviously, it doesn't work...18:16
ihrachyshkasince the tox env is new in kilo18:16
fungiihrachyshka: in that case the job should be pinned in layout.yaml to not run on stable/icehouse or stable/juno18:17
AJaegerihrachyshka: do you want to send a patch or shall I cook one quickly for you?18:17
ihrachyshkaAJaeger: I'm about to go to sleep, so if you'll cook it till my morning tomorrow, that would be great ;)18:18
ihrachyshkaAJaeger: thanks18:18
AJaegerihrachyshka: good night ;)18:18
AJaegerihrachyshka: will do18:18
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add documentation and example on the usage of yaml anchors and aliases.
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run pylint on old neutron branches
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Email & Subscription Plugin
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add documentation and example on the usage of yaml anchors and aliases.
mmedvedenibalizer / jesusaurus: I am ready to submit a patch for puppet module split I am working on. What a logistics of freezing the changes to the module while the split is in progress?18:28
mmedvede*what are logistics18:28
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nibalizermmedvede: right now there aren't really any logistics in place18:29
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nibalizeri think we're shy to add process if we don't think we really need it18:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added description for node attribute in documentation.
fungiugh... we really don't make the client lib sphinx docs discoverable at all18:30
mmedvedenibalizer, should I ask not to propose new changes to the module in a mailing list?18:31
nibalizeri would ask jeblair for direction on that18:31
nibalizeri've been doing low-turnover modules (not jenkins) so it hasn't really been a problem18:32
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clarkbno need just propose the split in gerrit and we can discuss logistics there18:32
mmedvedenibalizer, the first I am doing seems to be low traffic too, so I could just submit the patch to project-config18:32
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nibalizermmedvede: ya do it18:33
mmedvedeclarkb, ok, thx18:33
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anteayammedvede: which module are you splitting?18:34
mmedvedeanteaya, kibana first, elasticsearch second18:34
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adding puppet-kibana as split out module
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anteayammedvede: yeah I don't think kibana is undergoing a lot of patches proposed right now18:43
anteayawe might not need a formal freeze18:44
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mmedvedeanteaya, sounds good. So if something still gets merged while the split is in process, I should be able to update the new module upstream with the change, if I understand it.18:45
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anteayayeah that is bascially how it would work18:46
anteayabut let's get your patch up to project-config and go from there18:46
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anteayaah ha, you did 13061918:47
mmedvedeanteaya: yes :)18:47
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mmedvedeanteaya, I have based it off of
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anteayammedvede: you did well18:51
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anteayaso that patch looks good to me18:51
anteayathe next step is to offer a patch to system-config with the split out part removed18:51
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anteayaand then co-ordinate with someone who can evaluate puppet and kibana (I nominate clarkb) to co-ordinate the merges happen in the right order18:52
anteayaand stand by to rebase the patches and your seed repo18:52
mmedvedeanteaya: should I mark them as WIP then?18:52
anteayaI don't think so18:52
anteayayou need reviews18:53
anteayaI have added a comment to the project-config one18:53
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anteayawhich hopefully will prevent it getting approved prematurely18:53
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anteayamention the url of the project-config patch in the commit message to system-config18:53
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mmedvedeanteaya: thank you. It is all very useful information, saving it for later :)18:54
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix broken links to the renamed openstack-infra/config project
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add documentation and example on the usage of yaml anchors and aliases.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: Improve network support in
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mwhudsonmtreinish: thanks for fixing up the message on my merge proposal19:34
mwhudsonmtreinish: ... is it usually this hard to get things to pass in jenkins?19:34
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fungimwhudson: bugs in openstack determine the number of false negative results you get in devstack/tempest jobs. the more of them you run, the more likely some will fail. tempest master has... 2419:38
fungimost projects have 2-319:38
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mwhudsonfungi: ah19:39
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fungiso on any given day tempest is an order of magnitude harder to land changes in than most integrated openstack server projects19:39
mwhudson>>> 0.98**2419:39
fungibecause you spin up two dozen clouds in very constrained environments (on other clouds!), beat on them mercilessly, and then hope none fall over19:40
fungii'm amazed it works at all ;)19:40
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mwhudsonone of my failures seemed to be isci blowing up19:41
fungiat least you're not an operator running openstack at a large public cloud provider with iscsi blowing up on you... chances are there's a bug which caused your test failure and us simultaneously keeping some poor sysadmin up all night trying to put the broken pieces of his cloud back together again19:43
fungiwhich is why we do try to take those sorts of failures seriously. they're a sign our software needs to improve19:44
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fungiso in good news... we're down to just four bugs blocking mass transition of python 3.3 tests to 3.4. all other outstanding unblocked changes have been merged19:50
funginow it's just a race between ubuntu's utopic freeze and the glanceclient and heatclient devs working on fixing their mock apis19:51
anteayago go utopic19:53
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fungiyeah, pending trusty sru requests are waiting to be backports from utopic, which is approaching release19:54
mtreinishmwhudson: on that particular patch it's bounced off an image cache issue at least once19:55
fungii guess utopic released today19:55
fungiso any time now19:55
mwhudsonutopic released about an hour ago i think19:55
mtreinishmwhudson: the failures on the stable icehouse heat job are caused by an image download being slow19:56
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mtreinishit never even gets to the test run19:56
fungi(very, very slow)19:56
mwhudsonmtreinish: ugh19:56
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fungithough your most recent failure on that patch was a grenade job ending on a test_snapshot_pattern failure19:57
mwhudsonmtreinish: i'm glad i'm particularly unlucky i guess, it would be a bit discouraging if this happened to everyone's first patch19:57
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mtreinishgive me a sec I'm going to psuh the change pull the job it arguably doesn't have any value19:57
ianwanteaya: re -- you don't want "-" in puppet module names, and everything else is already puppet-*, so i think it's about the only reasonable choice19:57
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fungimwhudson: oh, congrats on your first patch and welcome to our pain factory ;)19:58
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anteayaianw: expand on why I don't want hyphens in puppet module names19:58
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove icehouse heat slow job from tempest check
mtreinishfungi: ^^^20:04
* mtreinish thinks it's pretty indicative that a longer stable maint window won't work20:05
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AJaegermtreinish: the same job is run for tempest and tempest-lib. Shouldn't you remove it for both?20:06
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fungiAJaeger: makes an excellent point20:06
anteayaI just approved20:07
AJaegeranteaya: remove your votes again ;)20:07
mtreinishAJaeger: oops yeah20:07
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove icehouse heat slow job from tempest check
mtreinishAJaeger: ^^^20:08
AJaegeranteaya: another chance for you to approve - let me review quickly ;)20:08
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* AJaeger is happy ;)20:08
anteayareview review20:08
anteayamtreinish: the commit message doesn't say the job is removed from tempest-lib20:10
* fungi considers tempest-lib part of tempest20:10
fungicommit messages are better when they say why they do, less what they do20:10
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mtreinishalso, honestly in the past month I think we've seen maybe 5 tempest-lib patches which >50% were mine20:10
anteayaI will go ahead20:10
mtreinishoh, what fungi said20:11
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anteayaapproved again20:12
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mtreinishanteaya: thanks20:12
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Split out kibana module
* AJaeger wishes everybody a great weekend, I'll be back Monday or Tuesday!20:13
anteayaAJaeger: have a good weeekend20:13
anteayaAJaeger: I'll be around monday and gone the rest of the week20:14
AJaegerenjoy your vacation, anteaya !20:14
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fungiianw: you're aware devstack-centos7 nodepool images aren't building successfully in hpcloud, right?20:17
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ianwfungi: no20:18
ianwfungi: i'll look into it20:18
fungilooks like they built successfully in rax a couple days ago at least20:18
fungibut hpcloud has been spinning indefinitely trying to build any20:18
ianwfungi: i know i keep asking, but it would be great if we could get the size of the logs down20:18
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ianwanteaya: hyphens aren't allowed in class names20:19
mmedvedeclarkb: Are you ok to coordinate/evaluate the kibana module split merges, as anteaya proposed? I would add you to these if so:,n,z20:20
mtreinishoh I just realized that I probably should have put related bug in that commit, oh well20:20
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anteayaianw: puppet-openstackciapache20:21
anteayawhy do we need openstackci as part of the name?20:21
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fungiianw: i have a feeling the runaway image update loops are what has actually exploded the image logs20:22
ianwanteaya: to not conflict with puppet-apache, the upstream version.  openstackci is called out to avoid confusion that it might be the module you use to deploy apache for keystone, etc (did mention that in the comment, iirc)20:22
ianw(i.e. not calling it openstack_apache)20:23
anteayaI'm suggesting puppet-openstackciapache20:24
anteayalose the underscore entirely20:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove icehouse heat slow job from tempest check
anteayammedvede: that on job in the system-config patch is failing20:24
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anteayammedvede: and I'm not entirely sure why20:25
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mmedvedeanteaya: I thought it is normal, because it can not pull in the new module, it is not there yet?20:25
mtreinishanteaya: it probably needs the project-config patch to land and create the repo before it'll pass20:25
anteayammedvede: good point20:25
anteayamtreinish: seems to be the cause20:25
anteayammedvede: can you make that comment on the patch?20:26
mmedvedeanteaya: yes20:26
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clarkbzaro: can you tag new gearman plugin release? 0.1.1 maybe20:27
ianwanteaya: i dunno, i think that's harder to parse than with a _ ... i guess leave it up to the votes20:28
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ianwfungi: yeah, this is true.  it seems we do need a better notification method.  maybe a dashboard type thing with red/green and the last time it was built20:29
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dougwighi infra.  over in neutron, we have a feature branch (feature/lbaasv2), and jenkins now always fails because it needs a change from master.  so far, i have attempted to 'git review' a vanilla merge commit (rejected), and attempted to 'git rebase master', then 'git commit --allow-empty', and then 'git review', also rejected.  how do i update the feature20:29
dougwigbranch from master, or is there something else that is should be doing?20:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: Deploy vhost template for nodepool.o.o logs
dougwigfungi or jeblair or anyone else: ^^  :)20:30
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fungidougwig: the neutron release managers (possibly just mestery) have the ability to propose a merge of the master branch onto the feature branch, which can then be reviewed and approved as usual20:32
mesteryfungi: Looking20:32
dougwigperfect, ty20:32
mesteryfungi: Thanks, dougwig, reading now and will see what I can get you folks ASAP.20:33
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fungidougwig: mestery: it looks like when the feature branch was created, acl permissions for neutron were never updated to accommodate it20:33
mesteryfungi: So no one can do this now (not even me)?20:33
fungidigging into details now and will get a patch up to fix it in moments20:34
fungii only just noticed myself20:34
dougwigmestery: thanks, that first example block looks very close to what i did; i'll wager it was rejected because i'm not you.20:34
dougwigfungi: many thanks20:34
mesterydougwig: :)20:34
ashpI just presented the most redundent set of slides on how CI testing of openstack works at my job ever20:37
ashp"well, here's a bunch of things you know about"20:37
anteayaashp: did the managers and marketing folks applaude?20:37
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Give neutron-milestone access to push merge refs
ashpit's tech people :D20:37
fungidougwig: mestery: ^20:37
ashp"here is a screenshot of jenkins, think of this as a padding slide"20:37
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dougwigslide 1: it integrates.  slide 2: continuously.  slide 3: goto slide 1.20:38
mesteryfungi: Thanks!20:38
fungidougwig: mestery: that's duplicating how keystone and swift did their access for merge refs20:38
ashpslide 4: sometimes things catch on fire20:38
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fungithere's no cult like a cargo cul20:38
anteayaha ha ha20:38
dougwigfungi: thanks!20:39
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fungiashp: slide presentations, released under a free license...
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ashpnext time i'll just use those shamelessly ;)20:39
fungiashp: that is why we publish them!20:39
fungialso, so that it makes them easy to reuse when we need to present at conferences on short notice, and so it's easy to refer attendees back to20:40
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fungiashp: particularly, when you want to present an overview of our ci... is an excellent one to start from20:41
ashpsadly i was presenting our cut down version of upstream, (until I figure out how to leapfrog you, muahah)20:42
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ashpand then release it all as a giant ball of horror20:43
dhellmannfungi, mordred, lifeless : here's a fun one:
fungiashp: beat you to it i think20:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384919 in pbr "installing pbr during doc build breaks markupsafe module under some conditions" [Undecided,New]20:43
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ashpfungi: oh neat20:44
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fungiashp: those are your coworkers20:44
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ashpfungi: mostly I'm working on the "reinvent the wheel but in chef or ansible" because we don't use puppet piece, first20:44
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ashpsadly first I'm working on the "play catchup from a few years old prod env" first20:45
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fungigozer, and your group... hp has a lot of clones of our upstream infrastructure which seem not to know about one another at all ;)20:46
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ashpwell, I'm not at hp so I'm not guilty on that front :)20:46
fungihah! whoops. for some reason i had it in my head you were also working at hp. might have been your nick... sorry!20:47
ashpi joined a tiny openstack startup because my previous job had too many people, at 300 people20:47
ashpand then on day eight cisco swooped in and bought us20:48
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fungii understand that. not a fan of working at big companies myself either20:48
ashpi was at puppetlabs before, writing some of the modules you rely on :D20:48
ashplike when the mysql fuss happened and everyone was made it was rewritten - i did that :/20:48
ashp*was mad20:49
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fungiindeed, you're one of the puppetlabs refugees. thanks for your work! no doubt we benefitted from quite a lot of it20:49
ashpI hope so! otherwise I had a wasted year :)20:49
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fungigrrr... this is hung
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fungipretty sure it's going to fail. i'm temptex to abuse my access to the abort button so i can dislodge the change behind it20:51
fungitemptex. word of the day20:51
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anteayaI do'nt want a definition20:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Give neutron-milestone access to push merge refs
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funginor do i. it's one of those typos best left to its own devices21:02
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fungimestery: dougwig: the acl is updated now so neutron-milestone members should be able to propose a merge of master into that feature branch21:08
fungie.g. these people,members21:08
mesteryfungi: Thank you!21:08
fungiof course!21:09
jogogot a fun python question: how do I check how much free space is in in disk partition that holds a specific directory21:10
jogoos.statvfs does the filesystem not partition21:10
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fungijogo: i don't think free space in a partition is something you can expect to query in general. the kernel can figure out in many cases the offset between the end of the filesystem and the end of the partition (for fixed-length filesystems) but that's not always going to be the case21:12
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fungijogo: do you have a more specific use case/scenario you're trying to explore?21:13
fungidepending on your layering a filesystem can span multiple partitions of a block device, or of multiple block devices21:14
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fungithrough use of block device management subsystems like lvm21:15
fungisome newer filesystems even take care of spanning/aggregation on their own21:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384546 in nova "Disk filter is not worked correct when the instance directory are shared" [Undecided,New]21:16
jogofungi: I want what df says basically21:16
fungioh, df21:16
fungidf is showing you the filesystem, not the partition21:16
jogofungi: hmm21:17
jogowell because  os.statvfs('home/jogo') doesn't allign with what df says21:17
jogobut I have an encrypted root directory21:17
fungithere is not necessarily a direct mapping between filesystems and block device partitions (nor even a guarantee that you have a partition table on the underlying block device at all)21:17
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jogoand the bug above may be saying it doesn't work with NFS either21:18
fungigimme a sec and i'll see what os.statvfs() is doing21:18
jogobut not sure21:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: Rotate out nodepool logs every 8-hours
fungijogo: f_bsize is the block size in bytes looks like, f_blocks is the number of blocks the filesystem is in total, f_bavail is the number of available block out of that21:22
fungijogo: it matches what df reports for me, as long as you multiply by f_bsize21:22
jogofungi: do you have access to a nfs partition?21:23
jogofungi: it doesn't align for my root partition21:23
jogoerr home21:24
jogobut my home is encrypted21:24
fungioh, hrm. no not at the moment. i finally tore down all my nfs-based infrastructure at home21:24
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jogofungi: thanks anyway. I updated the bug and am waiting for more info21:25
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lifelessdhellmann: nice21:27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Login with 'centos' user for node launch
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ianwfungi / clarkb : ^ should hopefully fix centos7 hpcloud nodepool images21:28
dhellmannlifeless: adding pbr to test-requirements.txt lets me work around it for now, because I have no idea at all what's going on there or why cliff is special21:28
fungiianw: lgtm--thanks!21:29
lifelessdhellmann: try fixing the stevedore requirements.txt to include pbr21:30
dhellmannlifeless: stevedore doesn't depend on pbr, though21:30
lifelessbut it uses it21:30
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dhellmannno, it uses setuptools21:31
lifeless./    setup_requires=['pbr'],21:31
lifeless./    pbr=True)21:31
lifelessfrom the stevedore setup.py21:31
dhellmannyes, for installation, like everything else21:31
dhellmanndo you mean stevedore, or cliff?21:31
lifelessof cliffs dependencies21:31
lifelessstevedore is the only use using pbr21:32
dhellmannyou're going to have to walk me through the thought process21:32
dhellmanndo things that use pbr in their also need it in their dependency list?21:33
lifelessso I have no idea whats messing around within markupsafe21:33
lifelessdhellmann: they do yes, otherwise when pip installing non-wheels pbr will be installed via easy_install which is evil21:33
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dhellmannsigh, ok, we should probably have pbr throw an error or something because I don't think I knew that was the case21:34
lifelessdhellmann: and I don't put *anything* past side effects of easy_install21:34
lifelessdhellmann: that said, you might try python -v to get import logging21:34
lifelessdhellmann: or replacing the markupsafe module with a smart object to track attribute assignments21:34
lifelessdhellmann: as a way to figureout whats up. I'm not aware of anything in pbr that should have the side effect you're reporting21:35
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mesteryfungi: When following the instructions here ( to update our master branch, when I get to "git review" it looks like it's going to submit about 100 commits.21:36
* mestery is worried because that seems like a lot.21:36
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mesteryWill it submit each one indivirually, or as one large "merge from master into feature branch" commit?21:37
mesterydougwig: ^^^^21:37
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anteayathe words just keep arriving today21:37
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mesteryanteaya: lol21:37
dhellmannlifeless: ok, I'll experiment more tomorrow and see what I can find; thanks for the suggestions!21:38
dougwigi was expecting to just see the merge commit in gerrit, with the rest of the chain as a ff-merge.  but i couldn't experiment.21:38
lifelessdhellmann: added some related thoughts to the bug21:38
mesterydougwig: Me too21:38
dhellmannlifeless: thanks21:39
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tchaypoI know how to register prep-source-repos with pypi21:41
tchaypobut how do I do it such that whatever does the publishing has the rights to push it up?21:41
lifelessyou add the infra service account bot account21:42
ashpdid zuul's appearance change at this week?21:42
ashpi swear it looked different on tuesday21:42
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lifelesstchaypo: 'openstackci'21:42
tchaypomayhap i hsould be reading
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tchayponope, no mention of pypi. asking here was a good choice.21:44
tchaypothanks lifeless21:44
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viglesiasjeblair: im able to get jenkins executors registered in gearman, i see gerrit triggers adding actions to zuul but i dont see gearman actually kicking off the jenkins job21:46
viglesiasjeblair: fyi the telnet interface is quite helpful for debugging :)21:46
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ashpviglesias: I was having that problem yesterday, but it wasn't registering in jenkins, I had to enable/disable the checkbox in global jenkins settings for "use gearman" and then suddenly it remembered how to work21:50
ashpviglesias: it's probably not that for you but... it helped me...21:50
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tchaypoI keep misreading "gearman" as "german" and wondering why we want a multi-lingual jenkins21:53
armaxjogo: ping21:53
fungimestery: sorry, had stepped away... merge commits look weird and scary in gerrit because they show the merge conflicts being resolved... do you have a link to the review url?21:54
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add the prep-source-repos project
mesteryfungi: I panice and backed out :)21:54
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mesteryfungi: But it had a LOT of commits it was claiming it was going to submit.21:54
fungimestery: also, it sounded like you wanted to update the feature branch from master, not the other way around21:54
mesteryCorrect: master into feature21:54
jogoarmax: pong21:56
mesteryfungi: Now I'm going to step out, I'll find you later before I proceed with this push, I just don't want it to create 100+ gerrit reviews as it appared like it wa going to do.21:56
mesteryfungi: Back later.21:56
armaxjogo: I spent some more time looking into
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1381617 in neutron "Check for FIP status in scenario tests cause instability in neutron gate jobs" [Critical,In progress]21:56
fungithe idea being that the feature branch gets updated with a single merge commit bringing in all the commits which have accumulated so far on master since it diverged21:57
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armaxjogo: I tried a couple of things, both promising…but carl_baldwin and I reached the conclusion if it would be sensible to relax the Tempest test a bit21:57
armaxjogo: and make it wait for the state transition to occur.21:57
armaxjogo: I just wanted to let you know that we’re actively looking at this21:58
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jogoarmax: awesome21:59
armaxjogo: there’s more details on the bug report, so take your time to digest it :)21:59
jogoarmax: do you have a tempest patch up to relax the test?22:00
armaxjogo: we can put it up reasonably fast22:00
fungisorry, just caught up on scrollback22:00
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armaxjogo: do you think that the Tempest patch is a viable fix?22:00
jogoarmax: if you guys think relaxing the tempest test to wait for a state transition is reasonable then its worth a shot22:01
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armaxjogo: that’s how the backend implementation works22:03
armaxjogo: between the time the FIP becomes unreachable and the states goes from ACTIVE to DOWN can take some time22:03
armaxjogo: the agent may even go down and the state can be stuck in ACTIVE22:03
armaxjogo: not pretty; )22:03
jkthmmm, when pip installing zuul, that pip piece of *** installs apscheduler 3.0.0rc1 despite the fact that zuul's requiremens are correct22:05
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armaxjogo: we’ll put a patch for review to tempest soon, we can take the discussion there if needed22:06
mtreinisharmax: ping me when you push it up for review22:08
jogoarmax: thanks22:08
armaxmtreinish: will do22:08
carl_baldwinjogo: armax: It boils down to the fact that the agent has to bring the fip down and report status somewhat independently.  They can’t be done atomically.  I tend to think it is better for it to ensure the fip is actually down before reporting that status which is the current implementation.22:09
carl_baldwinarmax: jogo: mtreinish:  I’ll put up a patch and let you know.22:09
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armaxcarl_baldwin: both strategies have flaws22:10
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armaxcarl_baldwin: so it’s really hard to say22:11
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carl_baldwinarmax: Yes, both have flaws.22:12
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clarkbok mostly semi back22:13
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clarkband look at that scrollback22:13
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1384949
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384949 in nova "Boto 2.34.0 causing stacktraces" [Undecided,New]
armaxcarl_baldwin: I would be inclined to think that being upfront and say, I am gonna mess with your FIP (i.e. consider it down for what I am about do) is more conservative and hence preferred from a client perspective22:15
armaxcarl_baldwin: that said, both strategies will require state recovery in face of failures, which we don’t currently have22:15
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carl_baldwinarmax: agree re: state recovery22:21
clarkbjkt: update your pip22:22
armaxcarl_baldwin: perhaps that’s something we’ll add to the summit agenda, so that we don’t forget22:22
clarkbjkt: if you update your pip it should not install prereleases unless you ask for the22:22
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jktclarkb: this is pip 1.3.1 from el722:23
clarkbjkt: ancient22:23
clarkbyou want >1.4.1 iirc22:23
clarkb1.3 doesn't even check ssl certs22:23
clarkbjogo: fungi: any update on the fedora image thing?22:23
jktclarkb: and FYI, it even refused to install a correct version when I fed it with a ==2.1.2 because I had some file already downloaded below /tmp/...22:24
fungiclarkb: i believe the decision was to drop the icehouse heat slow job22:24
clarkbjkt: new pip is much much better22:24
fungiclarkb: though separately we ought to do the url change to the mirror pool maybe22:25
clarkbfungi: ++ we really should22:25
clarkbit iwll make image builds much faster22:25
mtreinishclarkb: jogo pushed patches out to all the devstack branches which switched the image url to the round robin one22:26
fungiahh, great--i wasn't sure whether that had happened yet22:26
jktthe fact that the pypi website doesn't show older versions (see for yourself at and
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mtreinishfungi: yeah, it looks like the 2 stable patches have already landed. Master bounced off the gate22:28
fungijkt: a hackaround is to switch /pypi/ to /simple/ in the url22:28
lifelessjkt: can always look at as a workaround22:28
fungijkt: ugly but usable22:28
jktwhat? :)22:28
jktthis is almost as bad as gerrit's build system which changes itself based on what plugin it's building (each project can require a specific git commit as a version...)22:29
viglesiasashp: thanks for the pointer i tried that already22:29
jktanyway, thanks, I'll stop wasting your time with pointless rants now22:29
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clarkbfungi: I added a paragraph to the py26-deprecation etherpad22:30
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clarkbfungi: to talk about timeline for these changes. does it look good to you?22:30
fungiclarkb: what's a "Novement"?22:31
clarkbthis is why I get other people to read my things22:31
fungii didn' since it didn't quite know what it should have been22:31
mtreinishclarkb: is that november or no movement?22:31
fungii assumed it was the nova elevating moment22:31
clarkbno vembers22:31
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fungiyes we have no vembers22:32
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fungiclarkb: lgtm, though it loses a little flavor without the novement22:33
clarkbif there is no opposition to that I can go ahead and bottle it up and ship it22:33
clarkbwill give it a bit more time22:33
fungicool. pack and ship at your leisure22:34
fungii'm relaxing by trying to figure out how to hack a new pipeline trigger into zuul22:35
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fungifor what i want to do, i think i can actually consume change-merged events22:36
clarkbfungi: oh I was going to ask if you are working on the github trigger ;)22:36
fungisince unlike for the post pipeline, i don't need the ref, just the refname22:36
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fungiclarkb: what's a Gi-Thub?22:37
clarkbfungi: its a bit like a no vember22:37
fungiyeah, no, i'm hacking on free software ;)22:37
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wenlockhi, wondering what i need to do for to merge22:41
clarkbwenlock: I think you need to line up someone to babysit it22:42
zaroclarkb: GP it's already been tagged and released, ver 0.1.1 ->
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register cron workers.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added application cache
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fungiashp: if you want to upgrade your preview tarball of gearman-plugin to the official point release, sounds like you can now22:43
clarkbzaro: when did that happen?22:43
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clarkbzaro: I completely missed it. Any chacne you want ot update the version in puppet or should I/22:44
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ashpfungi: awesome, I spent the day reintegrating my changes into our cookbooks as I have to redeploy the whole thing in another region22:44
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ashpso it'll probably just pick up the latest when I do that22:44
zaroclarkb: it was done yesterday.  You should do, i'm not going to be available anytime soon.22:45
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: multi-node dg setup
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fungiwenlock: that change looks okay to me... i can merge and watch it on the puppetmaster if you want to keep an eye on but first it looks like we have some cleanup i should take a look at (judging from the state of the board)22:46
fungiin particular, nodepool is teh unhappiness22:47
wenlockfungi, that would be awesome22:47
wenlocki'll keep an eye on the board if you want22:47
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support multiple image formats in a diskimage
fungiianw: we fail at reviewing22:48
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clarkbfungi: uh oh what broke?22:48
fungiclarkb: thankfully a not-often-used apache site22:48
wenlockfungi: on jenkins this error: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/openstack_project/nodepool/scripts22:49
clarkbfungi: looking at zuul status we don't seem to be addressing demand22:49
fungiSyntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ DocumentRoot takes one argument, Root directory of the document tree22:49
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clarkbany chance that is related?22:50
clarkbseems the world broke just under an hour ago22:50
fungiclarkb: doesn't look related, but there's a '/bin/sh /etc/init.d/nodepool restart' in the process table since 21:50 utc22:50
clarkbthat wasn't me22:51
fungiso something wanted to gracefully restart nodepool and it hung... does puppet try to do that?22:51
fungichecking logs now22:51
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clarkbI don't think puppet does that22:51
clarkbmordred: jeblair: SergeyLukjanov ^22:52
wenlockclarkb nodepool/scripts folder move?22:52
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fungiOct 23 21:50:24 nodepool puppet-agent[23728]: (/Stage[main]/Nodepool/File[/etc/nodepool/logging.conf]) Scheduling refresh of Service[nodepool]22:53
fungii think it must22:53
clarkbfungi: wow22:53
clarkbI thought we didn't do that anywhere22:53
fungianyway, i'll get that cleaned up real quick and then see what's broken with ianw's vhost improvements22:54
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wenlockfungi clarkb
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wenlockthanks fungi22:58
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clarkbthere is indeed a single notify of nodepool on the logging conf22:59
clarkbI am going to remove that22:59
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anteayanovement indivirtually and temptex23:01
anteayaquite the day for coined words23:01
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Correct nodepool log document root reference
fungibrown bag ^23:01
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Validate top level of the layout configuration, too
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Stop notifying nodepool on log config changes
clarkbfungi: ^ trade you23:06
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Host a redirect on static
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ianwfungi: sorry :(23:07
fungiianw: no worries. the :: make me go boss-eyed when reviewing puppet, so easy to miss23:08
ianwfungi: that's kind of why i'd like to get in; i think the small .htaccess for this case is fine, rather than keeping the whole template full of unneeded boilerplate23:10
ianwfungi: we could also clean up a bunch of MEANINGLESS_ARGUMENTS :)23:11
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Update gearman-plugin to version 0.1.1.
clarkbzaro: ^23:12
zaroviglesias: you still running your own gearman or using the python gear implementation?`23:13
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clarkbianw: so you have heard my argument right?23:13
clarkbianw: I don't think I would -2 any conversions but I would leave -1s on them for sure23:13
clarkbianw: shipping mostly complete vhosts is super valuable23:13
clarkbianw: and converting them to more puppet native types is a major problem imo23:14
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Update gearman-plugin to version 0.1.1.
clarkb(I really dislike that puppet feels the need to treat files as not files, it makes your code less portable)23:14
clarkbunix is cool because file all the things23:14
fungiclarkb: ^ corrected a potentially confusing typo in the commit message23:14
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ianwclarkb: yes, i do kind of agree; heaven knows i don't want to sit there and try to essentially translate apache syntax into puppet-module argument syntax23:14
clarkbfungi: thanks23:15
clarkbfungi: for a second I was worried I pulled a tchaypo and spelled gearman as german23:15
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ianwclarkb: but, it would be nice if we could add a two line patch to it so we could set overrides without having to write out a whole template, when that template is otherwise not required23:15
clarkbtchaypo: :)23:15
zaroclarkb: i'm @ jenkins conf. lots of interest in JJB this year.23:16
ianwclarkb: and also get rid of the silly MEANINGLESS_ARGUMENT docroot that's carried everywhere23:16
clarkbzaro: neat23:16
clarkbianw: so my understanding is that to do that we have to convert the vhosts to puppet types23:16
clarkbianw: bcause new apache module does not allow raw vhosts23:16
* zaro takes the rest of the week off (it's a date weekend)23:17
ianwclarkb: not if we fork 0.0.4 a-la and then just add a few small, sensible things to it23:17
clarkboh you want to fork fork it23:17
clarkbI think I am -1 on that too but need to think about it more23:17
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clarkbI was thinking just rename it to avoid name collisions and have considered properly forking it23:17
clarkbzaro: have fun23:17
ianwclarkb: well as it is, we can't go forward, we can't fix anything, so ...23:17
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anteayatchaypo: so I forgot to mention, but has 7 branches23:18
clarkboh I meant to point tchaypo at the zuul cloner23:18
anteayatchaypo: once a repo is pulled into gerrit, you need an infra core to delete branches23:18
clarkbdo zuul cloner and prep source repos collide?23:18
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anteayatchaypo: how many of those do you want to keep to pull in?23:18
anteaya*hint* the fewer the better23:19
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anteayaoh my I love this eclipse so far23:20
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clarkbjesusaurus: about? I amre reviewing that nodepool chnage23:24
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clarkbjesusaurus: I am not sure how the test would work. BAD_CLIENT always throws an exception. Don't you need a client that throws first time then doesn't throw on second attempt?23:24
clarkbjesusaurus: I don't understand how the test passes23:26
jesusaurusclarkb: well, i want to make sure that i am creating a new client object when the exception is caught23:26
jesusaurusclarkb: so when resetClient() runs it goes through the normal code path and sets the self.client to be FAKE_CLIENT23:26
clarkbjesusaurus: but we aren't asserting that. intsead we are just checking that we can list extensions23:26
clarkbjesusaurus: oh23:27
clarkbI think that is the bit I am missing. I am going to ask you to comment that in the test :)23:27
jesusaurusclarkb: is that being too clever?23:27
clarkbjesusaurus: I think its too clever from the perspective of the test23:28
clarkbjesusaurus: the code itself is fine23:28
clarkbso we can just document what should happen in the test23:28
jesusaurusokay, I'll add a comment23:28
clarkbjesusaurus: I left comments on the change. a couple other things too23:28
jesusaurusclarkb: thanks23:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: Correct nodepool log document root reference
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: Stop notifying nodepool on log config changes
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viglesiaszaro: still doing gear23:38
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viglesiaszaro: i can switch back to my own gearman trivially, so will try that again later tonight23:43
fungiviglesias: i think there was at least one feature implemented in gear which isn't in the official gearmand (yet anyway). the zuul docs mention it...23:44
viglesiasah ack i remember jeblair mentioning that23:45
fungiviglesias: yep, see
viglesiascool thanks for the pointer23:46
fungiviglesias: i think there may be patches or work in progress to get those in gearmand as well but not sure what the status is23:46
fungiShrews might know if he's lame enough to still be online at this time of night23:46
fungibut hopefully he is not and has a life instead23:47
clarkbtime of night! bah23:49
clarkbyou NCers23:49
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fungii'm speaking to you from _THE_FUTURE_23:49
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fungi(echo, echo, echo)23:49
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* viglesias runs from the channel!!!!!!23:51

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